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     The Educational Technology course is designed to prepare teachers with skills,

concepts and understanding to integrate technology in their lessons to enhance the
learning experience and make learning more effective.

     As stated in the course outline, the main focus of this course is on the educational
uses of Information and Communication Technology; allowing for the balancing of
learning theories and educational technology applications. The course focuses on the
fundamentals of curriculum integration. There are opportunities for students to practice
and use educational media and equipment in a cooperative learning environment and in
various micro-teaching situations. This course deems it imperative that teachers provide
opportunities for students to engage in authentic learning experiences regardless of
     As an educator learning new tools in technology, I have mastered the efficient use of
technology in the classroom and also to developed my own activities that balance
educational information and enjoyable methods of presentation.

     Technology will be a great asset in my classroom, as a motivational aid and a

teaching tool to help students succeed. Technology in the classroom has expanded far
beyond the conventional uses and applications and is now an integral asset in
motivating students. Students can become more engaged in instruction and achieve a
more substantive learning experience in the complete appreciation of topics.
     It was initially very challenging given the fact that I was learning of new tools in
technology, but with determination and perseverance I was successful at gaining the
capacity to yield great results in delivery of my lessons. I must commend my lecturer
Mrs. Michele Mcfarlane for providing me with the experience and knowledge needed to
complete this course. This course has exposed me to a vast array of tools I was
previously unaware of. Such as website/blog creation, online quizzes, podcasts and
interactive presentations among others. This course has also taught me how to plan
effective lessons that cater for all my students despite their different learning styles.

     Despite the shortcomings, technology has a tremendous impact upon education

today. We are now in an age where information is at out finger tips. Technology helps
provide students with easy access to information via the Internet. In addition, this
access to information can be free to students, by utilizing resources such as Wikipedia
in a responsible fashion. Technology can also be an outlet of creativity for students
enabling participation in activities once deemed remotely possible. Such as creating
their own websites/blogs from scratch. While it is important for teachers to understand
that complete dependency on technology to enhance their teaching strategies is not
encouraged, when technology is effectively integrated into a teacher’s instructional
calendar it brings tremendous benefit to students.

     I have come to the realization that the advantages of using technology are many,
both inside and outside the literal classroom. The use of technology provides a teaching
platform where communication between the student and the instructor is instant and
quite simple yet robust. Since communication is the primary goal, instant messaging,
emails, news forums and virtual bulletins are very useful to maintain contact with the
students mean while developing their communication skills.

My personal observation has showed me that technology is a positive tool in the

classroom. It brings advantages to the teaching process both for educators and for
learners. Motivation and changes of attitude arise when efficiently employed. However,
to reach a good understanding on the use of technology, it is necessary to receive
instruction. Furthermore, it is necessary to rethink its use, apply accurate methods, and
design new applications that better reach the goal of the class. 

I believe technology can be used to enhance the learning experience if used as additional
reinforcement rather than a replacement for teaching. We all can agree that technology can and
will enhance the learning experience; but there needs to be guidance; someone who will facilitate
and monitor learning in order to clear up misconceptions and keep students focused. As a future
teacher of science I find it very essential to keep up-to-date on new information. I will always try
to incorporate new innovations into my classroom and modify my approach to find the best ways
to relate the material to my students.
Technology can provide practical, interactive, ready-to-use lessons and activities which will help
them to develop a positive attitude towards learning. Most students seem to learn better and are
more interested in the lesson when technology is incorporated in their learning experience.
Today’s generation are always interacting with technology in some way, whether it be
messaging, social networking, blogging, listening music, doing assignments or even shopping;
technology is an essential part of their lives. Therefore it would be more beneficial to teach
students using technology which most are more comfortable with; instead of the clichéd methods
being used for years. I might be biased because I am digital native but I  believe that students
should be taught using Web Quests, Wikis, social networking sites, podcasts, creative computer
programs, PowerPoint, movies, discussion boards, videos, etc.

Technology provides students with opportunities to relate to the content and from what they
construct they now develop on this new information evaluating the content and seeking out ways
in which this new information is beneficial to them; as well as trying to find out if there are other
perspectives in which this new information can be looked at and explained. My responsibility
would be to guide and stimulate curiosity and interest in students and push them towards
problem solving and scientific inquiry with the help of necessary technology.

My philosophy of education is that all children are unique and must have a
stimulating educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally,
emotionally, and socially. It is my desire to create this type of atmosphere where
students can meet their full potential. I will provide a safe environment where
students are invited to share their ideas and take risks.
"I believe that there are five essential elements that are conducive to learning. (1)
The teacher's role is to act as a guide. (2) Students must have access to hands-on
activities. (3) Students should be able to have choices and let their curiosity direct
their learning. (4) Students need the opportunity to practice skills in a safe
environment. (5) Technology must be incorporated into the school day."

"I believe that all children are unique and have something special that they can
bring to their own education. I will assist my students to express themselves and
accept themselves for who they are, as well embrace the differences of others.
"Every classroom has its own unique community; my role as the teacher will be to
assist each child in developing their own potential and learning styles. I will
present a curriculum that will incorporate each different learning style, as well as
make the content relevant to the students' lives. I will incorporate hands-on
learning, cooperative learning, projects, themes, and individual work that engage
and activate students learning."

I believe that a teacher is morally obligated to enter the classroom with only the
highest of expectations for each and every one of her students. Thus, the teacher
maximizes the positive benefits that naturally come along with any self-fulfilling
prophecy. With dedication, perseverance, and hard work, her students will rise to
the occasion."
"I aim to bring an open mind, a positive attitude, and high expectations to the
classroom each day. I believe that I owe it to my students, as well as the
community, to bring consistency, diligence, and warmth to my job in the hope
that I can ultimately inspire and encourage such traits in the children as well."

I believe that a classroom should be a safe, caring community where children are

free to speak their mind and blossom and grow. I will use strategies to ensure our
classroom community will flourish, like the morning meeting, positive vs.
negative discipline, classroom jobs, and problem-solving skills.
"Teaching is a process of learning from your students, colleagues, parents, and
the community. This is a lifelong process where you learn new strategies, new
ideas, and new philosophies. Over time, my educational philosophy may change,
and that's okay. That just means that I have grown and learned new things."

As a technology specialist, it is my goal to prepare students for the future. New advances in

technology are constantly changing the way we work, play, interact, teach, and learn. It is my job to
make sure that students have the knowledge, interest, and ability to function in a technology
dominated world. Students need to be creative problem solvers, innovative thinkers, and able to
adapt to change.  We need to prepare students for a technology dominated future- a future where
without this knowledge they may not be prepared to compete for future jobs.

Technology has become a part of the human experience.  Technology is integrated into every part of
our lives.  It plays a prominent role in our homes, our shopping experiences, our health care
systems, our transportation, and the only place it seems to be lacking is in our classrooms.  We
cannot continue to teach children in the same antiquated ways and expect children to be engaged
with pencil and paper and lecture when they are bombarded with exciting programming and gaming
in their personal lives.  It is my goal to inform, enlighten, teach, and demystify the use of technology
in the classroom so that teachers can make learning interesting and engaging for today's learners.

I believe that technology is tool that will allow the student to create and learn.  I don't believe that
teachers should limit the use of technology tools or require students to use a technology tool for a
single purpose.  Teachers need to put the tool in the students' hands and let them create!  A tool
such as a iPad is an instrument.  When put in the hands of a student it can be used to create a
masterpiece- if you let them.

I use online, professional collaboration to compliment my own teaching through a Professional

Learning Network (PLN).  I also take the opportunity to share my knowledge of educational
technology with other instructors so that they can learn to integrate technology into their teaching, as
well.  I must keep up with a changing technological society so that I can continue to teach
technology in a manner that is relevant and important to my students and to continue to develop my
role as an effective educator.

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