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4, OCTOBER 2012 2029

Calculation of a Health Index for Oil-Immersed

Transformers Rated Under 69 kV Using Fuzzy Logic
Ahmed E. B. Abu-Elanien, Member, IEEE, M. M. A. Salama, Fellow, IEEE, and M. Ibrahim

Abstract—This paper presents a new method for calculating a health and giving the transformer an index that represents its
health index for transformers (for operating voltage 69 kV or less) overall health is different from the classical condition moni-
based on diagnostic tests. The method relies on the use of furan toring. The interaction between the attributes is not considered
analysis, dissolved gas analysis, and other oil analysis results as a
means of calculating the health index using fuzzy set theory. Real in the classical condition monitoring techniques. The overall
field data for 90 working transformers were used to test the pro- health of the transformer is presented by the health index by con-
posed method. The results were compared with the results calcu- sidering the interaction between different condition monitoring
lated for the same set of transformers by an experienced asset man- tests. More details about transformer condition monitoring can
agement and health assessment consulting company. The compar- be found in [6].
ison shows that the results are highly reliable.
The health index can thus provide an indication of a trans-
Index Terms—Asset management, condition monitoring, fuzzy former’s proximity to end of life, which includes identifying
logic, health index, transformer end of life, transformer health. both assets that have reached their end of life and assets that
are at high risk of generalized failure [4], [5], [7], [8]. With
this information, utilities and industry can determine which
transformers need immediate major capital expenditures, such
as refurbishment or replacement, which will need refurbish-

I N TODAY’S competitive market, a major goal of a power ment or replacement in the near future but not immediately,
utility is the reliable operation of all assets at a minimum and which are in good condition and do not need any action.
cost over their life span. Major assets that represent a significant The health index can also be useful for planning routine main-
investment in any power delivery system are the transformers. tenance strategies for transformers showing signs of rapid
Failure of these assets can often be disasterous and result in di- deterioration that do not correspond to the rate of the natural
rect and indirect costs for the industrial, commercial, and resi- aging process. Scaling the health index from zero for a brand
dential sectors [1], [2], as well as having a negative effect on the new transformer to unity for a transformer at the end of its life
social life of electricity users. Careful management of this type enables the transformer operator to obtain a clear idea of how
of asset is therefore critical. close a transformer is to the end of life.
An important factor that allows power utilities to enhance Research in the field of transformer health indexing is fairly
the performance of their transformers is knowledge about the new, and few related papers have been published. More research
health condition of a transformer, which is important for im- is therefore needed so that the industry can experience the full
proving reliability and assisting in the determination of appro- benefits of this type of index. An attempt is made in [9] to diag-
priate asset-management decisions, such as the identification of nose faults inside a transformers using different condition mon-
transformers that could benefit from life extension measures and itoring tests. However, in this paper, the authors did not pro-
those that need immediate replacement [3]. vide a single health index that represents the overall health of
A health index is a useful tool for combining all of the cur- a transformer. In [4] and [5], a variety of measures of trans-
rent information about a transformer in order to provide a single former aging, such as furans content and winding resistance,
quantitative index that represents its overall health. While the was used to calculate a quantitative health index. A linear rela-
resulting health index does not reflect the status of any partic- tionship was assumed between the transformer health index and
ular part of a transformer with respect to repair, it does represent the measurements used. Each element of this linear relationship
the level of long-term degradation, a condition not easily deter- was given a weight according to its importance in the evaluation
mined by routine inspection [4], [5]. Monitoring a transformer of transformer health. However, for the calculation of the health
index, the methods presented in [4] and [5] give less weight to
the measurements based on furans than to other less important
Manuscript received October 03, 2011; revised January 20, 2012, February
16, 2012, April 19, 2012, and June 11, 2012; accepted June 12, 2012. Date of factors, such as the winding resistance and dissipation factor.
publication July 31, 2012; date of current version September 19, 2012. Paper The amount of furans is an important indication of the degree of
no. TPWRD-00846-2011.
polymerization (DP) of the solid insulation in a transformer [1],
A. E. B. Abu-Elanien and M. Ibrahim are with the Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 [10]–[12]. DP is one of the main indicators of the health of the
Canada (e-mail: solid insulation, which, in turn, is the primary reason for a trans-
M. M. A. Salama is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Depart-
former to reach the end of its life [13]–[16]. The work reported
ment, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 Canada. He is also with
King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia (e-mail: in [17] includes most of the parameters affecting the health of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2012.2205165 a transformer; however, this paper does not reveal the method

0885-8977/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


used in the calculation of the health index. The furan content in the overall condition of the oil and the internal components.
the transformer oil is ignored in the methods presented in [18] The quality of the oil is a useful indicator of the health of a
and [19], and no other tests are used to indicate the condition transformer because it is critical in preventing the premature
of the solid insulation for the purposes of calculating the health aging of the transformer and in extending its service life. 2-Fur-
index. furaldehyde analysis provides a highly accurate measurement
The main procedures used in all of the research related to of the condition of the paper insulation because the furans con-
finding a transformer health index have been based on scoring tent is correlated to the degree of polymerization of the paper.
the available transformer tests in grade ranges from one to four 2-Furfuraldehyde levels reaching specified values mean that the
or five grades, according to their condition and allocating a insulation has effectively broken down, and the probability of
weight to each test according to its importance. All weighted failure is therefore very high. Analyzing the levels of a variety
tests have then been used to calculate the health index based of dissolved combustible gases (DCG) in the oil also identifies
on their interconnected linear relationships. However, this tech- electrical discharges, arcing, and thermal activity within the
nique gives rise to two disadvantages. The first is that the al- transformer, which are other strong indicators of aging.
location of weights to the tests is based on the experience of The method used by AMHA to calculate the heath indices
transformer experts, which differs from one expert to another. was not revealed in their final report. The values of the AMHA
The deviation of these weights from accurate values causes the health indices ranged between zero and unity. A health index of
calculated health index also to deviate from an accurate value. zero represented a brand new transformer, and a health index of
The second disadvantage is that the numerical thresholds be- unity indicated that the transformer should be replaced immedi-
tween the different scores (grades) for many of the diagnostic ately. According to AMHA, values between zero and unity cor-
tests cannot be found precisely: an overlap, or fuzzy region, relate to good, moderate, or bad levels of transformer health:
still exists. A solution for both of these problems is to use a zero to 0.4 is good, 0.4 to 0.7 is moderate, and 0.7 to unity is
fuzzy-logic technique. The fuzzy-logic output is based on ex- bad. AMHA based their selection of these thresholds on a large
pert rules based on non-numeric (linguistic) expressions for all number of transformers tests. The health indices calculated by
input values. In this case, the exact weight for each diagnostic AMHA were compared with the results presented in this paper.
test is not needed because all that is needed in order to design The remainder of this paper consists of five sections:
the rules is knowledge of the importance of each test relative Section II explains the details of the proposed replacement
to the others. Fuzzy logic is also based on fuzzification of the method, Section III includes the results obtained using the pro-
input, which uses linguistic membership functions to convert posed approach, Section IV discusses these results, Section V
the crisp values of all of the tests into linguistic expressions presents a comparison of the health indices calculated using the
for each test. Any membership function of any test may inter- proposed method and those provided by AMHA, and Section VI
sect with neighboring membership functions, which means that contains the conclusions resulting from this research.
no sharp thresholds are needed between grades. This feature of
fuzzy logic overcomes the problem of finding crisp thresholds II. PROPOSED METHOD OF CALCULATING A
between the different scores (grades) for each test. Detailed in- TRANSFORMER HEALTH INDEX
formation about fuzzy-logic systems can be found in [20] and The test data available were divided into six sets: water con-
[21]. tent, acidity, BDV, DF, DCG, and 2-Furfuraldehyde. DCG rep-
The main aim of the research presented in this paper was to resents the summation of the levels of H , CH , C H , C H ,
use fuzzy logic to evaluate the health index of a transformer and C H . Individual gases are perfectly suited for diagnosing
using real measurements. The health index was determined the type of fault inside a transformer for the purposes of deter-
based on data from actual field diagnostic tests. The data were mining specific repairs, but because the health index represents
taken from the distribution systems of industrial facilities, instead the overall health of the transformer, the levels of the
which had commissioned a specialized asset-management and key gases in the dissolved gas analysis (DGA) can be totaled
health assessment consulting company to derive and populate a into one value.
health index for each of the distribution transformers located at Six membership functions were used for the fuzzification
one of the company’s operating sites. In the remainder of this process for all data sets. The output from the fuzzification
paper, the asset-management and health assessment consulting process is therefore six linguistic variables for all data sets.
company is called AMHA. To facilitate the process of deriving Thirty-three expert rules were used to map the six linguistic
and populating a health index for each transformer, AMHA input values to one linguistic output that represents the health
undertook oil sampling and a test program for 90 oil-filled index. Specifically designed membership functions were used
transformers. The test data provided were the water content, to represent the transformer health index (output). These mem-
acidity, oil breakdown voltage (BDV), hydrogen content (H ), bership functions perform the defuzzification process in order
methane content (CH ), ethylene content (C H ), acetylene to determine a crisp value for the transformer health index.
content (C H ), ethane (C H ), furans content, dissipation
factor (DF), and total solids for each transformer: a total of 990 A. Design of the Membership Functions
tests for 11 data categories. The health indices for all of the The design of the membership functions was based mainly
transformers, as calculated by AMHA, were also provided. on IEEE standards, the literature, and the experience of trans-
Measuring the moisture content, acidity, and breakdown former field operators. The operating voltages for all test trans-
strength of the transformer oil provides a good indication of formers are 69 kV or less; the membership functions generated

Fig. 1. Membership functions for water content. Fig. 2. Membership functions for acidity content.

in this paper are designed for these voltage levels. More details
about creation of fuzzy membership functions can be found in
1) Membership Functions for Water Content: A large portion
of the population of aging transformers is contaminated with
water to some degree. The water content in transformer oil has
well-known effects on the health of a transformer, such as accel-
eration of the rate of aging [16], [23]; reduction in the dielectric
strength at high percentages of saturation in the oil [24], [25];
and problems caused by bubbling at high temperatures [26]. The
water content in transformer oil is a good indicator of the con- Fig. 3. Membership functions for oil BDV.
dition of the oil, and because the aging of the paper insulation
contributes to some of the water content, water content also re-
flects to some extent the condition of the paper insulation.
The membership functions of water content in transformer
oil were based on dividing the level of the water content into
three linguistic terms: good, moderate, and bad. Three member-
ship functions were therefore used to model the levels of water
content, as shown in Fig. 1. The limits of the three water con-
tent conditions were taken mainly from IEEE Standard C57.106
2006 [24] for 69 kV and below. For higher voltages, the allowed
water content level for continued use of insulating oil is lower
than the levels shown in Fig. 1.
2) Membership Functions for Acidity: The total acidity of Fig. 4. Membership functions for the dissipation factor.
the transformer oil, measured in mgKOH/g, is another indica-
tion of the deterioration of the transformer’s overall insulation
system. The total acidity increases continuously with extended The membership functions for these three conditions are shown
service periods of the transformer oil and can therefore be used in Fig. 3 [24].
to indicate the health of the oil [27]. The deterioration of the 4) Membership Functions for the Dissipation Factor: The
paper insulation also increases the acidity of the transformer oil dissipation factor is a measure of the power lost in the trans-
[23]. former oil during the operation of the transformer and is used
As with the water content, three membership functions were to evaluate the electric properties and contamination of the
used to model the level of acidity (good, moderate, and bad), as insulating oil. The dissipation factor increases with deterio-
shown in Fig. 2. The limits of the three conditions were taken ration of the oil. The dissipated power is transferred to the
mainly from [5] and [24]. transformer oil in the form of heat energy, which increases the
3) Membership Functions for Oil BDV: The BDV of the overall temperature of the transformer and accelerates its aging
insulating oil is a measure of its ability to withstand voltage process. The membership functions describing the condition
stresses [24]. The BDV tests for the data under study were con- (good, moderate, or bad) of the transformer according to the
ducted according to the ASTM D18l6, 1-mm gap test proce- dissipation factor are shown in Fig. 4. The membership func-
dures [24]. The BDV test is one of the most reliable measures tions were designed according to [4] and [24].
of oil quality. Low-strength oil may cause increased partial dis- 5) Membership Functions for DCG: At normal operating
charges and partial sparks that accelerate the aging of trans- temperatures, all transformers generate a variety of gases,
formers. The condition of the transformer oil with respect to known as dissolved combustible gases (DCG). However, the
BDV was divided into three types: good, moderate, and bad. concentration of these gases increases in two cases: 1) the

Fig. 5. Membership functions for dissolved combustible gases. Fig. 6. Membership functions for the 2-Furfuraldehyde content.

presence of an abnormality (fault) inside the transformer, and

2) the aging of the transformer [2], [28]. Predefined critical
levels of key gases or one of the ratio methodologies, such
as the Rogers or Dornenberg ratios [28], [29], can be used
to identify the fault inside the transformer. However, in this
research, the purpose of using DGA is to assess the overall
health of the transformer, not to determine the types of faults
inside the transformer. The overall condition of the transformer
is therefore monitored using the summation of the total DCG
levels available: H , CH , C H , C H , and C H . The mem- Fig. 7. Membership functions for the health index.
bership functions showing the condition (good, moderate, or
bad) of the transformer with respect to the levels of combustible
gases available are shown in Fig. 5 [29]. to 1. The membership functions for the health index are shown
6) Membership Functions for 2-Furfuraldehyde Content: in Fig. 7.
The 2-Furfuraldehyde content is considered the most impor-
tant factor in assessing transformer health because it directly B. Expert Rules
assesses the health of the solid insulation, a decline in which is Thirty-three expert rules are used in the fuzzy-logic model
the main reason for the end of life of a transformer [13]–[16]. for the calculation of the transformer health index. The 2-Fur-
Moisture content in solid insulation and internal winding tem- furaldehyde content is given the highest priority due to its reli-
perature are the main reasons for growth of 2-Furfuraldehyde able results for assessing the health of the solid insulation. The
content in transformer oil. Because of the importance of this DCG results are given second priority, while loss factor, acidity,
measurement, the health condition of the transformer with water content, and breakdown voltage are allocated lower pri-
respect to 2-Furfuraldehyde content was evaluated according ority. The expert rules are listed in Table I.
to five conditions (good, low moderate, high moderate, bad,
or very bad). The membership functions for 2-Furfuraldehyde
for nonthermally upgraded paper are shown in Fig. 6. The
solid insulation of the transformer is considered to be in good Fuzzy inference is the process of formulating the mapping
condition if the DP is greater than 700 units (corresponding from the six inputs values to the health index value using fuzzy
to a 2-Furfuraldehyde level of about 0.13 ppm [2]). The solid logic. For the purposes of this research, the Mamdani max-
insulation of the transformer is considered to be in a very bad imum-minimum fuzzy interfacing method was used [30]. The
condition if the DP is below 200 units (corresponding to a first step in the Mamdani maximum-minimum method is to con-
2-Furfuraldehyde level of about 7.3 ppm [2]). Three conditions vert the numerical values for water content, acidity, BDV, DCG,
are assumed between very bad and good: low moderate (0.13 2-Furfuraldehyde content, and DF into linguistic expressions
ppm to 1.2 ppm which corresponds to DP of 700 ppm to 425 using the corresponding sets of membership functions. By sub-
ppm [2]), high moderate (0.8 ppm to 3.55 ppm which corre- stituting these linguistic expressions in the expert fuzzy rules,
sponds to DP of 560 ppm to 290 ppm [2]), and bad (2.8 ppm to a subset of rules is fired. The Mamdani maximum-minimum
7.3 ppm which corresponds to DP of 320 ppm to 200 ppm). method involves truncating the resulting membership function
7) Membership Functions for the Output Health Index: of the output (health index) for each rule fired at the minimum
The transformer health index was divided into five conditions: membership value of all the antecedents. A final aggregated
very good, good, moderate, bad, and very bad. The very good membership function is achieved by taking the union of all trun-
condition membership function covers health indices from zero cated output membership functions of the fired rules. Defuzzi-
to 0.25, good covers health indices from 0.2 to 0.4, moderate fication using the centroid method is performed on this aggre-
covers health indices from 0.35 to 0.7, bad covers health indices gated membership function in order to find a crisp value for the
from 0.65 to 0.9, and very bad covers health indices from 0.85 output (health index).


Table II shows the input data, the health indices given by rules. The truth values (degrees of membership) for water con-
AMHA, and the health indices calculated for a sample of 30 tent, acidity, BDV, DF, DCG, and 2-Furfuraldehyde content for
transformers from the 90 working transformers. Transformer transformer 25 are 18.4, 0.152, 37.2, 0.299, 81, and 1.14, re-
25 is an example that illustrates the method of calculating the spectively. Based on Figs. 1 to 6, the corresponding conditions
health index using the given membership functions and expert for the six input values are good with a degree of membership


Fig. 8. Output membership function for the health index of transformer number 25 according to rule 7.

of 1, moderate with a degree of membership of 1, good with a shown in Fig. 10. The health index of transformer 25 is calcu-
degree of membership of 1, moderate with a degree of member- lated by defuzzifying the final aggregated membership function
ship of 1, good with a degree of membership of 1, low moderate using the centroid method. The health index of transformer 25
with a degree of membership of 0.15, or high moderate with a is thus found to be 0.51.
degree of membership of 0.85, respectively. These conditions
fire rules 7–12, 25, and 27. IV. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS
Rules 7–12 state that the health index is moderate; whereas A total of 81 of the 90 transformers were installed between
rules 25 and 27 state that the health index is good. The Mam- 1980 and 1981. The samples were taken in 2006, which means
dani maximum-minimum fuzzy interfacing method is used to that the ages of the majority of the transformers range between
find the area under the moderate membership function of the 25 and 26 years; eight are in bad or very bad condition, and
health index according to rule 7 (truncated membership func- the remainder are in acceptable condition. The differences in
tion), as shown in Fig. 8. Rules 8–12 give the same shape as the health condition of the transformers installed between 1980
rule 7. The same approach is used to find the area under the good and 1981 may be the result of the loading pattern, the harmonic
membership function of the health index according to rule 25, content of the load, differences in maintenance plans, a varying
as shown in Fig. 9. The area under the good membership func- number of through faults, partial-discharge activities, or prob-
tion of the health index according to rule 25 is the same as that lems in the forced cooling system. Six transformers were in-
for rule 27. The two shapes are aggregated to provide the final stalled between 1986 and 2000, which means that the oldest
membership function for the health index of transformer 25, as among them was 20 years old at the time of the test. The health

Fig. 9. Output membership function for the health index of transformer number 25 according to rule 25.


Fig. 10. Final membership function for the health index of transformer no. 25.

condition of all of them ranges from very good to good, which To facilitate the comparison, the very good and good health
was to be expected because these transformers are fairly new. index conditions produced by the fuzzy-logic decisions were
The health condition of one transformer that was installed in compared with the good category from AMHA. The bad and
1970 is very bad because it is fairly old. The installation dates very bad conditions produced by the fuzzy-logic decisions were
of the remaining two transformers are unknown. compared with the bad category from AMHA. The rationale for
Transformers that are in very bad condition are likely to fail matching the very good and good categories from the fuzzy-
before very long because the DP is below 200 units. These logic-based health index with the good category in the AMHA
transformers should be replaced immediately. Transformers health index is based on the fact that the follow-up decisions
in bad condition have a high probability of failure but not as for handling a transformer whose health index falls into those
soon as those in very bad condition. The replacement of these categories are the same, and the same reasoning applies to very
transformers should be planned in the near future. Transformers bad and bad. Table III summarizes this comparison. According
in moderate condition do not need to be replaced in the short to Table III, only three cases from the results of the fuzzy-logic
term; however, their condition does not allow them to be left method are not identical to those provided by AMHA, which
without any treatment. Testing of these transformers should means that the results of the method presented and the results
be repeated within the next few years. New transformers in provided by the expert consulting company are a 96.7% match.
moderate condition should be investigated in order to discover
any unusual internal faults that could accelerate the aging.
Since the probability of failure is very low, transformers in very VI. CONCLUSION
good or good condition do not require any special care beyond
regular maintenance. A procedure for calculating a health index for oil-immersed
transformers using fuzzy set theory is introduced in this paper.
Acidity, water content, the dissipation factor, and the BDV of the
transformer oil, in addition to furan analysis and DGA were used
The results were compared with those provided by AMHA; as inputs for a fuzzy-logic model for calculating a transformer
however, the comparison had to be conducted carefully in order health index. Six-membership functions and 33 expert rules are
to take into consideration the fact that the AMHA index was used to map the six input values into output decisions for pro-
based on a crisp number whereas the health index calculated in ducing the transformer health index. The method presented was
this research was based on a fuzzy-logic technique (linguistic tested using field data for 90 working transformers. The results
manipulation). This discrepancy is apparent in Table II, which were then compared with the results obtained by a specialized
shows that the crisp numbers of health indices (AMHA and the AMHA. The comparison shows that 96.7% of the results are
one based on fuzzy logic) are not perfectly matched. Nonethe- similar.
less, the interpreted linguistic expressions of both indices are The AMHA method was based on thresholds while the
very similar. It is important to note here that the implementa- method presented is based on memberships and is therefore
tion of the fuzzy-logic technique for the calculation of the health more general, and the rules used in the calculation are trans-
index required the creation of a different number of health con- parent to the user. Unlike the AMHA method, the presented
dition categories: very good, good moderate, bad, and very bad. method can be used directly by utilities and industries in order
In the AMHA method, the health index categories are good, to determine the health indices of their fleets of transformers,
moderate, and bad. which is a significant advantage.

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