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Plate Tectonics: Finding Epicenters

Ground Breaking Questions: Name:

Seismograph Arrival time of Arrival time of Difference in Distance to

Station P Wave S wave Arrival times Epicenter
(S-P wave) (km)



1. What difference between P-waves and S-waves was used to find the
earthquake's epicenter?

2. What was the approximate location of the epicenter of this earthquake?

(Nearest town)

3. Why are three seismic stations necessary to locate an epicenter?

4. Why does the time between the arrival time of the P-wave and S-wave
become greater and greater as you get farther away from the epicenter?

5. How can we use earthquakes to locate tectonic plate boundaries?

Feedback for Ms. Thilenius

This lesson was:

1 = Boring 2 3 4 5 = Interesting

I understood the information being presented:

1= Not a clue 2 3 4 5 =Very clear

The PowerPoint and Worksheet were:

1 = Confusing 2 3 4 5 = Amazing

Things Ms. Thilenius could improve on?

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