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Psychology Self-

Assessment Report
Submitted to: Ms. Raheela Tariq

Submitted by: Muhammad Ahmad Mansoor


Manifest Anxiety Test
The test allows measurement of an individual’s level of anxiety. This is done by
answering 50 True/False close ended questions and scoring them. The score an
individual gets on the test shows his level of anxiety

Scores can be interpreted as following:

1. Score of 0-15 means very low anxiety

2. Score of 16-25 means moderately high+ level of anxiety
3. Score of above 26 means extremely high level of Anxiety

My score of 27 out of a possible 50 highlights the fact that personality has high
level of anxiety. Because of high level of anxiety score, it can be said that I take
high pressure of my tasks and work.
Big Five Inventory (BFI)
The ‘Big Five’ are five major traits that are a part of human personality. These

1. Openness: Appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual

ideas, curiosity, and variety of experience.
2. Conscientiousness: A tendency to be organized and dependable, show self-
discipline, act dutifully, aim for achievement, and prefer planned rather than
spontaneous behavior.
3. Agreeableness: A tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather
than suspicious and antagonistic towards others.
4. Neuroticism: The tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such
as anger, anxiety, depression, and vulnerability. 
5. Extraversion: Energy, positive emotions, surgency, assertiveness,
sociability and the tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others,
and talkativeness.

The total score for each trait measures the significance of the role each trait plays
as part of our personality

My scores were:

1. Openness: 38
2. Conscientiousness: 36
3. Agreeableness: 35
4. Neuroticism: 31
5. Extraversion: 18

As seen by my scores, I scored highest in the Conscientiousness (36) and Openness

(38) traits which mean I am open minded so that I am more understanding and
compassionate about others and conscientiousness is also high which that I’m well
organized. My lowest score is in Extraversion (18), which highlights the fact that I
am not prone to negative emotions such as anxiety and stress.
Emotional Intelligence Self-Evaluation
This test allows the tendencies and abilities of an individual in various areas of
emotional intelligence. More specifically it measures five main areas:

1. Self-Awareness
2. Self-Management
3. Self-Motivation
4. Social Skills/ Empathy
5. Relationship Management

Total score for each area measures how emotionally competent we are in regard to
that particular area.

My scores were:

1. Self-Awareness: 26
2. Self-Management 19
3. Self-Motivation: 22
4. Social Skills/ Empathy: 21
5. Relationship Management: 23

My scores reveal that my awareness is high so I know about myself well.

Furthermore they also show that my relationship management and my self-
motivation is in need of slight development and improvement. However my self-
management and my social skills are in a definite need of improvement as I the
least in these two areas.
Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)
This test asks about an individual’s feelings and thoughts in past month. Each
question has 5 options and for each the scores go from 0-4. The score in this test
helps measure the amount if stress an individual may have gone under in the past

Scores of 0-24 show low levels of stress

Scores of 25-40 show moderate levels of stress

Scores of 41-56 show high levels of stress

My score was 34 which shows that in the past month I underwent many problems
and got anxiety issues.
As seen by low scores in both the Manifest Anxiety Test and the Perceived Stress
Scale, it can be easily deduced that I am not very likely to stress and anxiety in
everyday life. This further highlighted by my low score of neuroticism from the
Big Five Inventory. The BIF also revealed that I am mostly open-minded and
agreeable which also contributes to my low levels of stress. From the Emotional
Intelligence Self-Evaluation, it was that I am self-aware about my own self which
means I would less prone to anxiety or stress caused by low self-esteem. It also
shows that self-motivation and relationship management are in need of a slight
improvement. However the most important fact it reveals is that my social skills
and self-management are in need of definite improvement as I lack significantly in
that regard

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