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The Upper Limb ee ee ee Directions: Each of the incomplete statements or questions below is followed by four or five suggested completions or answers. Select the ‘one which is BEST in each case. 1. Which of the following bones develops by intramembranous ossification? A. Scapula B. Clavicle C. Humerus D. Ulna E. None of the above 2. Rhomboid fossa is present on A. the inferior surface of the calvicle B. the root of the spine of the scapula C. the anterior aspect of the lower end of humerus D. the posterior aspect of the lower end of humerus 3. In relation to scapula A. the spine is subcutaneous B. inferior angle lies at the level of sixth thoracic vertebra C. lateral border is the thinnest border D. scapular notch transmits suprascapular vessels E. coracoid process can be felt in supraclavicular fossa 4. The humerus presents medial epicondyle which js smaller than the lateral epicondyle coronoid fossa on the posterior aspect of its lower end trochlea with a larger lateral flange intertubercular sulcus on the medial side anatomical neck which is completely intracapsular moOp> SS = Aus .B 22h 3-4 4.E 5. In relation to ulna . ee A. itis shorter than the radius : ; B. itis the main bone which transmits forces from the hang 1 C. its head articulates with the capitulum of humerus D. posterior border is subcutaneous E. In A. gives insertion to pronator quadratus relation to radius head articulates with the lateral epicondyle of humerus ang the radial notch of ulna B. its styloid process lies ata higher level than the styloid process ofulna C. shaft is convex laterally D. does not give attachment to any of the superficial flexor muscles of forearm E. has none of the above properties 7. The clavicle A. isseldom fractured B. is the first bone to ossify in the body C. contains a large medullary cavity D. laterally articulates with the coracoid process. E. has conoid tubercle on the sternal end 8. The following carpal bones lie in the proximal row except A. scaphoid B. lunate C. capitate D. triquetral E. pisiform 9. The first metacarpal bone A. articulates proximally with trapezoid B. has a secondary ossification centre for its base C._ lies in the plane of other metacarpal bones D. gives attachment to abductor pollicis longus and brevis E. forms a saddle joint distally with proximal phalanx 10. Which metacarpal articulates with three carpal bones? B. I Aol c. Il Dd. EV Sees 10.B ai GD. -.6..C. 37. B SiCn 4 90: 14. 15, 16. D. posterior intercostal arte"es i 1 Ans. Upper Limb 45 infraglenoid tubercle lies about 3 cm. below the glenoid cavity a eae eo to the long head of biceps brachii £ Di a = achment to the lateral head of triceps brachii capsular E. has none of the above properties Whi ‘ hich of the following bones has two primary centres of ossification? eg A. Rib B. Clavicle C. Fibula D. Femur Which of the followi suprareait aes structures passes through the A. Subscapular artery B. Circumflex scapular artery C. Suprascapular nerve D. Dorsal scapular nerve The mammary gland A. consists of 5-10 lobes B. lies entirely deep to deep fascia C._ has an axillary tail D. ligaments of Cooper conneét it to pectoral fascia. All the following statements are true for\axillary tail of mammary gland except A. lies in superficial fascia B. lies close to axillary vessels C. pierces the deep fascia D. itarises from supero-lateral quadrant of mammary gland, All the following arteries supPly the mammary Jang h except : A. anterior intercostal arteries Ae < B. lateral thoracic artery C. superior epigastric artery Ice. 12.B 46 MCQs in Anatomy 17. The posterior wall ofasittarconsists of all the Following musg, except ee ‘A. subscapularis apter 2 B, subclavius a Whee C, latissimus dors! noe A. Trapezius D. teres major at runs over the medial wall of axilla is B. Trapezius 18, The nerve th: ae ‘A. medial pectoral 5 et B. long thoracic meds C.. thoracodorsal 24, Which of tk rotator of 3 ee gee 19. The axillary lymph nodes drain all the following except B. Latissin ‘A. upper limb C. Posteri B. mammary gland D. Anteric E. Steno. C. body wall above the level of umbilicus D, side ofneck 25, Abduction 90, The musculotendinous cuff is formed by all the following Poetlcans Bes except 4 ee Aas Sa . teres minor BE. allth Cc. ead of triceps D. ular 26. Which o triceps? A. Scap following muscles has a double nerve supply? B.., Hug C. Cla D. Uln = 27, Whieh of axill A, Se ; B. Pe g muscles is a flexor and medial rotator C_ Su A. Teres major a 3 B. Pectoralis major C. Latissimus dorsi 28 a D. Coraeobrachialis ei E. Subscapularis S ; Chapter 2 ry 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. Ans. a Upper Limb 47 Yhich of the following pai iv arecs RRR Of muscles is the most effective A. Trapezius and serratus anterior B. Trapezius and deltoid C. Serratus anterior and deltoid y D. Deltoid and supraspinatus 2 Which of the following muscles is an extensor and lateral rotator of arm? ae . Teres major iy . Latissimus dorsi . Posterior fibres of deltoid ai . Anterior fibres of deltoid Sternocostal fibres of pectoralis major a bduction on shoulder joint involves aT . glenohumeral joint sternoclavicular joint 3 . acromioclavicular joint . rotation of scapula all the above mMOOW>> MUOW> Which of the following bones does not give attachment to triceps? A. Scapula B. Humerus C. Clavicle D. Ulna Which of the followin; of axilla? : A. Serratus anterior B. Pectoralis major C. Subclavius D. Subscapularis E. Deltoid Quarangula' except the ; A. ae head of triceps teres minor C 25.E 26.€ 27.E g muscles does not form any boundary r space is bounded by all the following structures 23.A 24. 48 MCQs in Anatomy pte C.. subscapularis ope D. infraspinatus 34. E. surgical neck of humerus 29. Which of the following muscles is not a flexor on elboy joint? A. Biceps brachii B.. Coracobrachialis C. Brachialis 5, D. Brachioradialis c E. Pronator teres 30. Which of the following muscles can extend the forearm? A. Extensor carpi radialis longus B. Extensor carpi radialis brevis C. Brachioradialis 36. D. Anconeus E. All the above 31. Which of the following museles is a Protractor of seapula? A. Trapezius . Rhomboideus major . Pectoralis major . Pectoralis minor 37. . Deltoid 32. Which of the following muscles does NOt belong to the superficial flexor group of forearm? A. Pronator teres B.. Flexor carpi radialis C. Flexor pollicis longus Bs D. Flexor digitorum superficialis . E. Flexor carpi ulnaris ® 33. Which of the following structure does nor PASS superficia) to flexor retinaculum? i a A. Ulnar nerve ¥ Ulnar artery . Bs . Palmaris longus B. ie ial artery a " : . bee cutaneous branch of median nerve moon 3s Cc 33. ~ 29.8 30.D 31.D 32 Ce fe ic es « Chapter 2 34. True sta Upper Limb 49 K atement about ¢ capsule js thick anderen soit that radial collateral lisa eS amttionly and posteriorly synovial ee 'S attached to the head of radius extension is pulled up by articularis cubiti during D. itisa complex joint E. ithasnone of the above properties B. & 35. Which of the foll lowing i d A. Tendon of Biceps te ute content of cubital fossa? B. Median nerve C. Radial artery D. Ulnar artery E. Ulnarnerve 36. Which of the following structures does not pass deep to extensor retinaculum? . Cephalic vein Posterior interosseous nerve Anterior interosseous artery . Extensor digiti minimi Extensor carpi ulnaris : poOw> 37. Which of the following combination of muscles is best for flexion of wrist? ee A. Flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi radialis B._ Flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum profundus C. Flexor carpi radialis and flexor digitorum superficialis D. Flexor digitorum profundus and flexor pollicis longus 38. Which of the following is a prime flexor of meta- ere rpophalangeal joint? x re cor digitorum superficialls 8 Flexor digitorum profundus Cc Flexor carpi radialis * Lumbricals 2 None of the above whieh of the aor nalangeal joint? ie A. Flexor digitorum SUP i is a prime flexor of distal inter- 37.A 38.D is 30.8 37. Bae . > 50 MCQs in Anatomy B. Flexor digitorum profundus C. Lumbrical Is D. Palmar interossei E. None of the above 40. The fifth metacary A. isa hinge joint Pophalangeal joint B. hasa thick dorsal ligament C. is abducted by fourth ¢ D. is extended by extenso; 41. Which of the fo carpophalangeal joint of thumb? A. Extensor Pollic lorsal interosseous r digitorum lowing is a Prime extensor Of mets, is longus B. Extensor pollicis brevis C. Abductor pollicis longus D. First lumbrical ES First dorsal 42. The Second | B. superficial b; CG. deep branch D. both median 43. All the muscle: supplied by A. median nerve ulnar nerve . radial nerve = 00m 44. lumbrical muscle is A. digital branch of median nery, interosseous supplied by e ranch of ulnar nerve of ulnar nerve and ulnar nerve Son the back of free Upper limb are . radial and ulnar nerves radial and median nerves duction of thumb occurs on A. proximal interphalangeal joint B. metacarpophal: langeal joint C. carpometacarpal joint D. intercarpal join it 45. Adductor pollicis is supplied by A. median nerve Ans. 39.B 40.D 41.B 42.A 43.C 44.C ns. i Chapter 2 OPP; m ope DOMra me at 48. S ” Si. a. al . Woe SNS hia * Chapter 2 Upper Limb 51 deep branch of ulnar herve Superficial branch of ulnar ne D. radial nerve une 46. Which of the followi, A in, is / Hing ticen B statements is roy true for adduction of 4 ing finger Moves laterally in adduction ~_ a 'nvolves movement on Metacarpophalangeal joint - ~ Itis done by palmar interosseous muscle D. Median Nerve is Tesponsible for it 47. Hypothenar muscles are supplied by A. ulnar nerve only B. median nerve only C. median and ulnar nerves D. radial nerve only E, radial and ulnar nerves aay 48. The medial Pectoral nerve fa) A. arises from medial cord B. pierces the clavipectoral fascia _# C. topographically situated medial to lateral pectoral nerve D. supplies pectoralis minor muscle only a 49. The thoracodorsal nerve is of lateral cord ° ei eeeonnened by a branch of posterior circumflex artery G supplies latissimus dorsi muscle _ D. crosses superficial to axillary vein illary nerve supplies all the following structures except The axil A. deltoid _ B. teres major C. shoulder joint D. skin over lower ite long thoracic nerve supplies a yralis minor pectol B. teresmajor Jaris 5 tem 46.D 47.A 48.A 49.C 50.B 5I.D pas. 2 50. half of deltoid 52 MCQs in Anatomy 52, 53. 54, 55. 56. 56 The root value of ulnar nerve is A. C5 C6 B. C6C7 C..C7C8 D. C8 TI Posterior interosseous nerve Passes through Whig, osteofascial compartment under extensor Tetinaculum) A. Second B. Third C. Fourth D. Fifth Which of the following muscles of back is notsupplied by dorsal rami of spinal nerves? A. Rhomboideus major B. Erector Spinae C. Semispinalis capitis D. Splenius capitis A. Median nerve B. Radial nerve C. Ulnar nerve D. Brachial artery Which of the fottow; coracobrachialis musete? MEMS Is true abou, A. Itarises in common with long head of biceps B. Itis pierced by musculocutaneous nerve C. tis inserted into corondid process of ulna D. It is medial rotator of arm All the following features occur at th z coracobrachialis muscle except level of insertion of A. ulnar nerve goes to Posterior compartment B. radial nerve enters the anterior compartment C. median nerve crosses brachial artery D. basilic vein becomes axillary vein Beep core S4A 55°C. 568 STD Char wy Oo n Chapter 2 58. 60. 61. 62. Which of the fotloy in, “per Limb’ §3 digitorum superticiatign MMM fs 107 true ah rere s? about Its synovial sheath is ee profundus 2 B._ In front of wri mn i MON With that of flexor digitorum iC D. Each of its ten Which of the carpi ulnaris? Itis supplied by ulnar nerve It is inserted into pisiform bone It flexes the little finger . Pisohamate and ofits tendon. followi INE statements is nor true about Flexor onp> Plsometacarpal ligaments are continuations Which of the following muscles does not help in abduction on wrist joint? A. Abductor pollicis longus B. Extensor pollicis brevis C. Extensor carpi radialis longus D. Brachioradialis. Which of the following is nora thenar muscle? A. Flexor pollicis longus B. Opponens pollicis C. Abductor pollicis brevis D. Flexor pollicis brevis All the following factors add to instability of shoulder joint except ie a ‘A. shallow glenoid cavity B. large head of humerus rel C. laxity of capsule : D. intracapsular origin glenoidale is felastic cartilage i Jar in cross section ee ee red by synovial membrane a oes not add to stability of joint Jative to glenoid cavity of long head of biceps The labrum A, made up © fag oY 22 BB 58. . 54 MCQs in Anatomy 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. Ans. Which of the following muscles initiates apg shoulder joint? A. Supraspinatus B. Deltoid C. Long head of biceps D. Serratus anterior Uetiog ® Which of the following muscles is a flexor of forearm iy midprone position? A. Biceps brachii B. Brachialis C. Bractiioradialis D. Pronator teres Which of the following statements regarding carrying angle is true? A. Extended forearm is deviated medially in relation to arm. B. Itis due to long lateral flange of trochlea C. Itdisappears in prone Position D. Deviation is less in case of females Which of the following joints is xot.a hinge joint? A. Elbow B. Metacarpophalangeal C. Distal Interphalangeal D. Proximal Interphalangeal Which of the following joints has articular dise? A. Metacarpophalangeal B. Sternoclavicular C. Wrist joint D. Superior radioulnar joint Al the following statements are true regarding middle phatany except A. dorsally related to extensor apparatus B. palmar aspects of its base gives attachment toa slip of palmar aponeurosis wipe ‘ Cc ie digitorum superficialis is inserted on its base. D. flexor digitorum profundus is related to its palmar surfacg 64.A 65.C 66.C 67.B 68.B 69.B i tte» Chapter 7 70. W mM. J 72. q3- 74 eee eS Upper Limb 55 70. Which of the following arteries arises from second part of lary artery? A. Superior thoracic B. Lateral thoracic os Subscapular D. Circumflex scapular 71. Brachial artery lies on the anterior aspect of all the following Structures except A. teres major B. triceps C. coracobrachialis D. brachialis 72. Allthe following are branches of brachial artery except A. profunda brachii B. nutrient artery to humerus C. ulnar collateral D. common interosseous 73. Superficial palmar arch A. lies superficial to palmar aponeurosis B. is accompanied by superficial branch of ulnar nerve C. gives three common digital arteries D. is completed by princeps pollicis artery In relation to axillary vein, which of the following statements is correct? A. It is the continuation of basilic vein B. It pierces the clavipectoral fascia C. It terminates into brachiocephalic vein D. It lies lateral to the axillary artery Which of the following arteries accompanies the axillary nerve through the quadrangular space? A. Anterior circumflex humeral artery Posterior circumflex humeral artery Circumflex scapular artery Profunda brachii artery Suprascapular artery 0S SSS Ans. 70.B 710A? 72)D)* 73.10% 740A" 75.18 Poop 56 MCQs in Anatomy 76. Which of the following is nor a branch of deep A. Recurrent branches B. Perforating arteries C. Palmar digital arteries D. Palmar'metacarpal arteries 77. Which of the following arteries does not scapular anastomosis? A. Suprascapular B. Transverse cervical C. Lateral thoracic D. Circumflex scapular Cephalic vein A, arises from the medial end of dorsal venous arch B. terminates by joining basilic vein C. continues as axillary vein at the lower bor 78. sos S 2 ‘der of teres major D. joins axillary vein in axilla E. has none of the above properties Which of the followin, wecurrent branch of median nerve j - Abductor pollicis longus Extensor pollicis longus - Extensor pollicis brevis” . Abductor pollicis brevis E. None of the above tos vamp 80. contributi A. lateral cord “bution from the B. medial cord C. posterior cord D. lateral and medial cords E. medial and posterior cords » Intercostobrachial nerve fs usually a bra fe A. lower trunk of brachial plexus nch of the B. medial cord C. first intercostal nerve D. second intercostal nerve E. third intercostal nerve 76.C 77.C 78D, 79)D 80.D 81.D —— Ans. Palmar Ate Participate in Chapter 82. T C I 33. 1 r y 1 { 84. 85. 86. 87. Chapter 2 cho 82, ” 83. 84. 1 85. 86. 87. |S Upper Limb 57 The nail bed of middle finger is usually supplied by A. palmar digital branch of ulnar nerve» 4 B. dorsal branch of ulnar nerve C. palmar digital branch of median nerve D. radial nerve The nerve most likely to be injured in fractures of the shaft of the humerus is the A. median B. musculocutaneous C. radial D. axillary E. ulnar The subacromial bursa A. communicates with the synovial cavity of shoulder j B._ lies under the tendon of supraspinatus C. does not communicate with subdeltoid bursa D. lies under the coracoacromial ligament E. has all the above properties The scapula and upper limb are suspended from the clavicle by A. coracoacromial ligament B. coracohumeral ligament C. coracoclavicular ligament D. costoclavicular ligament Injury to which part of brachial plexus results in “Policeman receiving a tip position” of the upper limb? A. Lateral cord B. Upper trunk C. Lowertrunk D. Middle trunk ‘Saturday night paralysis’ results from injury to A. radial nerve B. ulnarnerve C. median nerve D. musculocutaneous nerve 82.C 83.C 84D 85.C 86.B 87.4 E pi~— 1 58 MCQs in Anatomy 88. 89, 90. ba by 92. Oa, In injury of radial nerve, which of the following movements will not be possible? ea A. Abduction at metacarpophalangeal Joints B, Adduction at metacarpophalangeal joints C. Extension at metacarpophalangeal joints D. Extension at interphalangeal joints. Student’s elbow is due to inflammation of A. subcutaneous olecrenon bursa B. medial epicondyle C. lateral epicondyle D. skin over olecrenon Tennis elbow can result from all ihe foilowing conditions except A. sprain of ulnar collateral ligament B. tearing of fibres of extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle C. inflammation of lateral epicondyle D. inflammation of bursa underneath extensor aly tadialis brevis All the followin, scaphoid except A. most frequently fractured carpal bone B. high incidence of avascular necrosis C. low incidence of non-union D. clinically diagnosed by tenderness in anat i Statements are true regarding fracture of omic snufibox, All of the following statements are true about lunate bone except A. halfmoon shaped bone B. articulates distally with head of capitate C. usually dislocates dorsally D. median nerve assessment is im Portant in managing ; dislocation ging its Alll the following statements regardin, true except A. transverse crease in the distal palm corre carpophalangeal joints B. proximal crease of fingers is located at ba phalanx # Palmar creases are ‘Sponds to Meta- Se of proximal Ans. 88.C 89.4 90.A 91.C 92.C > fie | che 94 96. 97. 98. 99. cus_s chapter 2 C. middle crease of fingers is at Upper Limb 59 D. distal crease of fingers lies op Proximal interphalangeal joint Posite distal interphalangeal joi : phalangeal joint ; fi 3 1 Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome pertain to involve ment er tubercle) __ flexor digitorum superfictalis | | flexor digitorum profundus C. ulnar nerve D. median nerve “Ape” hand deformity results from injury to A. ulnarnerve B. radial nerve C. median nerve D. first carpometacarpal joint 96. Sensory loss over lateral half of the anterior surface of forearm is due to involvement of which of the following nerves? A. Median B. Ulnar C. Radial D. Musculocutaneous 97, Umnar bursa communicates distally with digital synovial sheath of which digit? / A. Little finger B. Ring finger C. Middle finger D. Index finger 98. Fanning of digits is not possible in injury to A. radial nerve B, deep branch of ulnar nerve ts . pipers branch of ulnar nerve . median nerve. ; ane re 99, All the following statements are (r® about midpalmar spa ed is eta J} lies under medial part of palmar Rei lial : B. ircomunicates with medial FES OT ing mal Heommunicat vith dtl syn0Vi1 Fy medial alrat is separated from hypothens muscles bY septum Aw. 93.3 94, 95.6 96:2 77 80 MCQs in Anatomy 100, The clavicle As articulates with the sternum forming cart 1. forms a fibrous joint With the aeromion ©. isnot united to the Clavicle Of the opposite vide D. isconvex anteriorly in its medial two third part BION Joly Direetions: Por each of the incomplete statements or MUONHONS bolovs, ony ‘OF More Completions or Answers given is correct, Select A. ifonly 1,2 and 3 Are correct B ifonly 1 and 3 are correct; C. ifonty 2 and 4 are corre D. if only 4 is corr ifall are o 101. The coracoid process 1. is subcutaneous 2. has a bursa Underheath it 3 gives attachment to deltoid 4+ transmits forces trom Upper nb to the o' 102, The fracture of the Surgical neck of the {0 be associated with |+- paralysis of deltoid muscle 2. tearing of brachialis muscle tearing of the capsule Of shoulder joint 4. injury to brachial artery 103. The head of uina 1. articulates With Ulnar notch oF radius 2._ is separated from the Wrist joint by ~ |S separated from the styloid proces : the reins extensor earl en an Ne IN Which ties 4. Is palpable below the styloid pro havicle humerus iy likely 88 of ulna 104. The shoulder joint 1. has a tight capsute 2. is protected all around by deltoid 3. commun fH) subacromial burs. 4, allows only about 120° of abduction a Se Ans, 100. D 101.) 102.8 103. 4. 104, D 8 106, 4, alle 4, Ine 107, The wr 1, in fe ab 3, inf digit 4. has 108. True sti 1 itart 2. itpa 3 itive 4 itart 10% The met 1 isah 2. is fe) 3. isext 4. is abd NO. The inte 1 has fi 2 gives \§ pier transn Mt, The anitty has a Musek has ax Medial 103, 8 4 Chapter 2 105. The elbow joint slate 1. isahinge Variety of sy; communicates with th is extended primarily by triceps ea 'S protected by strong collateral ligaments 106, The superior radioulnar joint 1. isa pivot type of joint 2. is separated from the elbow joint by annular fi ament 3. allows movements of supination and pronation” i 4. is commonly dislocated in adults 107. The wrist joint Novial joint e Superior r, Rw 1. is formed between ulna, radius, sca is ellipsoid type of synovial joint is flexed primarily by flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus 4. has greater range of adduction than abduction 108. True statements concering the lunate include 1. itarticulates with the articular di 2. it participates in the midcarpal joint 3. itis usually dislocated anteriorly 4. itarticulates with the second metacarpal bone pPhoid, [unate and triquetral en 109. ‘The metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger 1. isa hinge type of synovial joint 2._ is flexed by first lumbrical muscle 3. is extended primarily by first dorsal interosseous 4. isabducted by first dorsal interosseous 110. The interosseous membrane : 1. has fibres directed upwards oe ly ives origin to deep muscles of forear! 3. i pees by posterior interosseous aN oe a 4. transmits to ulna force directed upwards from ML. The axilla 1. has a posteri muscle : 2. has axillary lymph nodes which = medial part of mammary gland 110. Ans.” 105, E 106,B 107.C 108 A 109.C ‘or wall constituted by scapula and subscapularis also diain lymph from the oe MUMS In Anatomy 112. 3. communicates with neck behind the middle third of c} avicle 4. has an anterior wall along which the long thoracic ner Ve lies The pectoralis major 1. takes origin from the second to sixth ribs 2. is inserted into the lateral lip of bicipital groove 3. isthe main adductor and lateral rotator of arm at the shoulder joint 4. is supplied by lateral and medial pectoral nerves 113. The pectoralis minor 1. takes origin from third to fifth ribs 2. is inserted on the tip of acromion process 3._ is supplied by medial pectoral nerve 4. protracts the Scapula and adducts the arm 114. The serratus anterior |. is inserted mainly on the superior angle of scapula 2. protracts the Scapula and rotates it laterally to produce overhead abduction 3. is supplied by cervical 6,7 and 8 segments of the spinal cord 4. paralysis results in winging of scapula 115. The deltoid muscle 1. takes origin from the Posterior border of the lateral third o clavicle isa multipennate muscle 3. 1s supplied by a branch from lateral cord of brachial plexus H2 4. produces abduction, flexion and extension on the shoulder joint 116. The biceps brachii 1. hasa long head arising from the coracoid Process and a short head arising from supraglenoid tubercle of scapula 122 2 _ is supplied by median nerve 3. is attached to radius through bicipital aponeurosis 4. isa strong supinator hialis Be eae set on radial tuberosity 2 2. has a double nerve supply 3. Ans. 111A 112.C 113.B 114.C 113.¢ 116. D ( tii ice leg der ord dof chapter 2 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. Upper Limb Sy flexes the arm on shoulder joint Limb 63 4. flexes the forearm on elbow joint The triceps muscle 1. hasa long h g head arising from supraglenoid tubercle of scapula 2. has a deeper part call i led articularis cubiti, which is omen an icularis cubiti, which is inserted on receives all its nerve A supply from radial nerve in the radial 4, isthe main extensor of forea:m =i The supinator 1. takes origin from the supinator crest of ulna - is pierced by the posterior intersseous nerve 3. isa strong supinator when elbow is kept extended 4. forms the floor of cubital fossa In relations to cubital fossa 1. the median cubital vein runs obliquely across it 9. is bounded laterally by the medial border of pronator teres 3. median nerve leaves the fossa by passing between the two heads of pronator teres 4. pulsations of brachial artery can be feltjustlateral to the ‘tendon. of biceps brachii . The extensor carpi ulnaris 1. is supplied by the ulnar nerve 2. isinserted into the pisiform bone 3. passes superficial to the extensor: seieeal 4, produces extension and adduction of han Li i radialis ; i ca a eae the bases of second and third metacarpals 2. is supplied by rail oo 3. has its own synovial § ; 4, produces flexion vatsecond and third fingers 123, ‘The brachioradialis MUSIC one thind of the acca 1. takes origin from the I supracondylar ridge of 2. is supplied by the radial nerve 20. 64 MCQs in Anatomy 3. flexes the hand on the wrist joint 4. brings the forearm in midprone position and flexes it 124, The flexor digitorum profundus A 1. is supplied by both ulnar and median nerves : 2. tendons are arranged in two layers in front of the wris 3. has a synovial sheath in common with the flexor dj Superficialis 4. is the prime flexor of, proximal interphalangeal joint St join igitorun 125. Allthe Superficial flexor muscles of the forearm 1 + arise by a common tendon from the medial epicondyle of humerus 2. are supplied by the median nerve 3. ate flexors of the elbow joint 4. enter the hand deep to flexor retinaculum 126. The lumbrical muscles 1. arise from the tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis Is 2. are supplied by digital b 3. pass along the ulnar sid le of each digit to reach dorsal digital expansion 4. flex the metacarpophalangeal joints and extend the interphalangeal joints 127. The dorsal interossej 13 1. are bipennate muscles 2. are supplied by the radial nerve 3. are abductors of digits 4. are extensors of metacarpop hal 128. The thenar space 1. contains thenar muscles € 2. is separated from midpatmar space by septum 3. communicates with the radial burea 4. is bounded posteriorly angeal joints . The palmar aponeurosis y es di. vides into five slips distally 2. gives insertion to palmaris longus a Ans. 123. C 124.B 125.B 126. D 127.B 128.¢ tut chapter 2 Upper Limb 65 3. undergoes contraction in Volkmann’: aoe ek ae ischemic c fated to superficial palmar arch on its He cies, s spec 130. The digital synovial sheath 1. encloses only the tendon i of flexor digitorum superficiali 2. extends upto the tip of the termina! phalanx Beth 3. sheath of index finger is continuous with the ulnar bursa 4. forms vincula longa and bri Ty v ie eva to ¢ arty blood vessels to the 131, The extensor expansion 1. ismainly formed by the tendon of extensor digitorum longus 2. js formed dorsal to the proximal interphalangeal joint 3. gives insertion to lumbricals and interossei 4, divides into three parts; a ‘median part attached to the base of the terminal phalanx and two collateral parts attached to the pase of the middle phalanx 132. The flexor retinaculum 1. isattached medially to the pisiform and hook of hamate 2. forms carpal tunnel through which the median and ulnar nerves pass 3, prevents buckling of tendons : : 4. js related superficially to the ulnar and radial arteries 133, The lateral cord of brachial plexus : 1. contains fibres from the fifth, sixth and seventh cervical nerves 2. Ties lateral to the axillary artery throughout 3. gives contribution 10 Jateral pectoral, musculocutaneous and median nerves 4. is formed from the dot i brachial plexus 134, The pasterior cor of Jivisions ofall the trunks - the posterior i i. stormed aia eee rind second parts of axillary artery mt x lies Perna ly the tiscles on the posterior aspect of upper SUP] limb 4, supplies te sal divisions of upper and middle trunks res major through thoracodorsal nerve nar nerve 135. Tee ‘from the lateral cord Tae we 10.0 peat B13. 4134-5 . a 66 MCQs in Anatomy 2. passes posterior to medial epicondyle of humerus 3. supplies most of the muscles of front of forearm 4. supplies all the interossei muscles. 136. The median nerve 1. supplies cutaneous branches to lateral three 2. supplies all short muscles acting on thumb 3. injury leads to ape-hand deformity 4. injury results in loss of adduction and abduction Of extendeg fingers 137. The median nerve 1. arises from the poster 2 and a haf digg ior and lateral cords of brachial plexus Supplies muscles of, front of arm lies just medial to the tendon of flexor digitorum Superficialis 4. passes through the carpal tunne! 138. The ulnar nerve |. lies medial to the u 2. is accompanied by of arm 3. enters the forearm between the two heads of flexor carpi ulnaris 4. supplies shoulder joint 139. The radial nerve Le is the largest branch of the posterior cord of brachial plexus 2. gives no branch in the axille 3. Tuns inthe radial groove between lateral and medial heads of triceps 4. injury results in Klumpke's Paralysis 140. The radial nerve supplies 1. triceps 2. anconeus 3. brachialis 4. skin over lower half of dettoid muset« 141. The ulnar nerve supplies 1. flexor carpi ulnaris 2. extensor carpi ulnaris 3. first dorsal interosseous 4. first lumbrical ipper part of brachial artery inferior ulnar collateral artery in the back ips ail2 Ss MOODS > moop = Which of the following is nor the growing end? a ‘A. Lowerend of femur = B. Upper end of tibia —* C. Lower end of fibula D. Proximal end of first metatarsal a a The bones transmitting body weight include all the following, talus . calcaneum Which of the follow A, Pectineus . Tliopsoas 2 Adductor longus " bre D. Adductor Pie ees ee peda! ing muscles is attached (0 lesser trochanter? 76 MCQs in Anatomy chart 17. Which of the following structures is nor “A to ti aspera? neg A. Gluteus maximus B. Adductor longus. Be C. Vastus lateralis D. Vastus medialis 18. All the following Statements are true Fegarding ty al eng of femur except A. itis the growing end 25. B. ossification centre appears just before birth Ic Presence of ossification center has medicolegal DBI once D. articulates with tibia and fibula 19. All the following muscles are attached to anterior of fibula except 26. A. tibialis anterior B. extensor digitorum longus C. extensor hallucis longus D. peroneus tertius 20. Which of the following muscles is attached to head of {i * A. Lateral head of gastrocnemius 27. B. Plantaris C. Biceps femoris D. Tensor fasciae latae 21. Which of the following musetes ig not attached to calcaneus? A. Soleus 28, B. Plantaris C. Flexor digitorum longus D. Flexor digitorum accessorius is transmitted to the ground by calcaneus? 22. How much wei; A. 10% B. 25% 29, C. 50% D. 75% i 23. Which of the following ligaments limits adduction on hip joint? A. _Ischiofemoral Paw, 192A 120; C 2].C. 22.¢ Ans. 17.4 4 — hi ADS neus? us? Chapter 3 Lower Limb 77 B. Transverse acetabular C. Ligamentum teres D. Labrum acetabulare 24, Anterior dislocation 25. 26. 225 28. 29. Ans: of tibia on femur is prey " ‘evented by - ligamentum Patellae " ay B. anterior cruciate ligament Cy Posterior cruciate ligament D. oblique popliteal ligament Rotatory movement on knee joint occurs A. between femur and menisci B. between tibia and menisci C._ in both upper and lower compartments D. at patello-femoral joint Which of the following muscles acts on knee as well as ankle joint? A. Tibialis anterior B. Gastrocnemius C. Soleus D. Popliteus a vera ae x he neck-shaft angle of femur is increased F B. the neck-shaft angle of femur is decrease C. the neek-shaft ange is unchanged D. the outer angle between thigh and leg is I telepes-equinovarus deformity, the foot is in A. plantar flexed adducted Be these features 2 none of these features a t is on the ground, the terminal phase o! be Sees aciated with Cae rotation of femur eek rotation of femur ‘dial rotation of tibia B. C. D. E. 26.B 27.B.28.D 29.A 24.B 25.B . 23.€ le 22 78 MCQs in Anatomy 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35, Ans. . a 30°C 31. D 32.E° 33.B 34-B 35. ao In the erect posture the line of gravity falls A. in front of the hip joint B, behind the knee joint C. in front of the ankle joint D. in front of the hip, knee and ankle E. behind the hip, knee and ankle The attachments of the tibial collateral ligament do not include . medial epicondyle of femur . medial condyle of tibia + Medial surface of the shaft of tibia medial intercondylar tubercle of tibia medial meniscus he medial meniscus is attached to the femur by meniscofemoral ligament tendon of popliteus . anterior cruciate ligament . posterior cruciate ligament none of the above he suprapatellar bursa - communicates with the knee joint occasionally } lies between the quadriceps femoris muscle and anterior surface of femur . is often inflammed in housemaids }_ is pulled up by articularis genu during flexion of leg on the knee joint } The superior tibio-fibular joint A. isa fibrous joint B. is a synovial joint C. communicates with the knee joint D. allows no movement at all Which of the following is intracapsular intrasynoyial? ‘A. Ligamentus teres of femur B. Cruciate ligaments C. Lateral and medial menisci 3 | D. Interosseous talocalcanean ligament t F. Transverse acetabular ligament DOW>a mUOWD> D>am oa T! 7 2 A. B. chapter airs 45 Low: | 36. The inferior tibio-fibular joint ec 5 oe with the ankle joi i e joint 3 is etween the lateral and medial C. isa fibrous joint ae D. allows no moyementat all | © roy 37. The ankle joint is most stable ii A. plantar flexion - | B. dorsi flexion ©. Inversion D. Eversion 38. The quadriceps femoris is A. extensor of thigh B. extensor of leg (C. inserted into the apex of patella 1D. the unlocking muscle on the knee joint E. supplied by sciatic nerve 39. The gluteus medius muscle A. is supplied by the inferior gluteal nerve B. is inserted on the anterior aspect of greater trochanter C. is extensor of the thigh face | D. raises the pelvis of opposite side while walking E. iscompletely undercover of gluteus maximus 40. The biceps femoris muscle the ‘A. arises from hip bone only B. is jnserted on the neck of fibula f ‘ C. is closely related to the common peroneal nerve in popliteal fossa eal flexes the thigh an eg, ss 2 is supplied only by tibial part of sciatic nerve 41. Whieh of the following, muscles is extensor of both the hip and knee joints? A. Hamstrings ‘i B. Quadriceps femoris Cc. ‘Tensor fascia latae D. Gluteus medius E. None of the above B38. 8..39-P 40.C 41.E | Meese, 87 80 MCQs in Anatomy 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Which of the following muscles is flexor of both the hip ay Knee joints? Biceps femoris Rectus femoris . Sartorius Gracilis None of the above mMOOW> Which of the following muscles produces only latera) rotation of thigh? A. Psoas major B. Adductor longus C. Quadratus femoris D. Gluteus maximus The boundaries of the femoral triangle are A. inguinal ligament, sartorius and pectineus B. inguinal ligament, psoas major and adductor longus C. adductor longus, sartorius and inguinal ligament D. iliacus, sartorius and inguinal ligament The structures in the femoral sheath are arranged from lateral to medial side as A. femoral nerve, femoral artery, femoral vein B. femoral artery, femoral vein, femoral canal C. femoral vein, femoral artery, femoral canal D. femoral vein, femoral artery, femoral nerve Medial boundary of femoral ring is formed by A. inguinal ligament B. lacunar ligament C. pectineal ligament D. femoral vein All the following features pertain t — -+cijig muscle expe A. it is attached to pubic bone B. it is supplied by obturator nerve C. it is adductor of thigh D. it extends the knee joint eS Ans. tepagc 44 Cc 45.8 46.B 47D = 48. 49, 50. 52. 53. Bp 50.D 51.A-52.D 53.B Ans. Tensor f Lower Limb g4 fasciae |, t \ latae A, arise A. arise from anterior superioy iliag ¢,_{nsetted into ilitibial es D. eibblied by inferior siutea nerve ~ S@uses flexion on knee joint Adductor magnus muscle A. is supplied by obturator and B. arises from pubic bone C. is inserted into lateral D. causes flexion and ad femoral nerves and ischial tuberosity lip of linea aspera duction of thigh Obturator externus muscle has all the following features except A. arises from obturator membrane B. inserted into trochanteric fossa C. supplied by obturator nerve D. produces medial rotation of thigh All the following structures Pass under the flexor retinaculum except A. tibialis anterior B. flexor hallucis longus C. flexor digotorum longus D. tibial nerve Which of the following muscles does no lie in tRe anterior compartment of leg? A. Extensor hallucis longus B. Extensor digitorum longus C.. Tibialis anterior . Peroneus brevis : fh of the following muscles crosses the The tendon of whic! dial side? from lateral to me a ae digitorum longus B. Peroneus longus C.. Tibialis posterior : D. Flexor hallucis long 48.B 49 . 82 MCQs in Anatomy 54. At the apex of femoral triangle the structures are Aran, from anterior to posterior side as Bed 59. A. femoral vein, femoral artery, profunda femoris artery 4 profunda femoris vein : : B. femoral artery, femoral vein, profunda femoris artery ang profunda femoris vein i C. femoral vein, femoral artery, profunda femoris Vein ang profunda femoris artery 60. D. femoral artery, femoral vein, profunda femoris Vein ang Profunda femoris artery 55. The articularis genu is supplied by A. nerve to vastus lateralis B. nerve to vastus medialis C. nerve to vastus intermedius D. saphenous nerve E. obturator nerve 61. 36. Which of the following structures Passes through the stem of the inferior extensor retinaculum? A. Tibialis anterior B. Extensor digitorum longus C. Extensor hallucis longus D. Deep peroneal nerve E. Dorsalis paedis artery 62. 37. The extensor hallucis brevis A. takes origin from talus B. is inserted into the base of the distal Phalanx of big toe C. is supplied by superficial Peroneal nerve D. extends the interphalangeal joint Of big tbe E. has none of the above properties 63. 58. When the dorsal interosseous muscle between the fourth and fifth toes contracts, it results in A. extension of the metatarsophalangeal Joint of the fourth toe 64. B. abduction of the fifth toe C. adduction of the fifth toe tion of the fourth toe z= te of the interphalangeal joint of the fourth toe Ans. 54.D 55.C 56.B 5 58.D = ey y ay ang ang and chapter 3 59. 60. 61. 62. l The movement of inversion ower Limb 83 Sion an etic ta id eversion occurs on the B._ ankle and tarsometatarsal oii C. subtalar joint Nol D. subtalar and caleaneo-cuboid joints subtalar and transverse tarsal joints Which of the followi Ei lowing evertors is i i cuneiform and first metatarsal renee inserted into medial A. Peroneus longus B. Peroneus brevis C. Peroneus tertius D. Tibialis anterior Which of the following invertors is inserted on almost all the tarsal bones except talus? A. Tibialis anterior B. Tibialis posterior C. Flexor hallucis longus D. Flexor digitorum longus The main plantar flexor on the ankle joint is A. tibialis posterior B. flexor digitorum longus C. gastrocnemius D. peroneus longus E. plantaris The femoral nerve (or its branches) A. supplies skin on the medial side of leg and foot B. supplies skin on the lateral side of thigh _ C. supplies quadratus femoris D. arises from the 13-L5 nerves E. lies within the femoral sheath The obturator nerve A. arises from the sacral plexus i ly to. pectineus B. isthe sole nerve suppP! C. enters the thigh through obturator canal injury will mainly interfere with flexion on the hip joint urely a motor nerve ee. Ans. Beeec 63.A 64.C BRE 60. A 5) 84 MCQs in Anatomy 65. Which of the following cutaneous nerves is not femoral nerve? A. Medial cutaneous nerve of thigh B. Intermediate cutaneous nerve of thigh C. Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh D. Saphenous nerve 4 bran 66. Area of skin over upper part of femoral triangle is SUpplieg by A. ilioinguinal nerve B. femoral branch of genitofemoral C. intermediate cutaneous branch of femoral D. obturator nerve 67. Accessory obturator nerve A. runs along lateral Pelvic wall B. emerges from obturator foramen C. supplies pectineus D. arises from L1 and L2 nerves 68. Inferior gluteal nerve su plies A. gluteus minimus B. gluteus medius (o) gluteus maximus D. skin over lower part of gluteal region 69. Muscles of anterior compart 5 A. superficial peroneal nerve. °" 198 Ae supplied by B. deep peroneal nerve C. common peroneal nerve D. saphenous nerve 70. Superior gluteal nerve A. has root value L4, L5, $1 B. enters gluteal region through lesser Sciatic fo, C. runs between gluteus maximus an id gluteus medius D. supplies all three gluteal muscles 71. Muscles of posterior compartment of | A. common peroneal nerve B, tibial nerve io, c 66,067. C-68-C—69-B- -70.-0 An. “8 8 supplied by cha 72 3 74 cnapter 3 C. sural nerve Lower Limb gs D. allthe above 72. L4 segment of spinal co; rd is i A. antero-lateral aspect “heen et B. medial aspect of leg : C. lateral part of dorsuy Im of D. back of thigh oa 73. Tibial nerve & courses vertically down the popliteal fossa i is covered throughout by skin and fascia only (eB is accompanied by peroneal artery D. divides into plantar nerves behind the lateral malleolus 74, The deep peroneal nerve A. arises at the level of head of the fibula By enters the anterior compartment of leg by piercing the interosseous membrane C. is purely a motor nerve D. has a terminal lateral branch ending ina pseudoganglion E. lies along the medial border of biceps femoris in popliteal fossa 75, Flexion on the knee joint, after injury to the tibial part of the sciatic nerve, is done by ‘A. gastrocnemius B. popliteus ) C. long head of biceps femoris D. sartorius E. none of the above 76. Foot drop is due t injury to the & superficial peroneal nerve deep peroneal Res is aaa nA Jateral plantar tendocaleaneus dorsum > | nerve nerves noow 77. Theskinon the erve ‘A. saphenous superficial peroneal nerve ee eng 75.D 76.B 71.B 72 B of the foot is supplied by _ 86 MCQs in Anatomy 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. Ans. MoOOD>sS moo D. leaves the femoral tr mUQ o> C. deep peroneal nerve D. medial and lateral plantar nerves E. all the above Intramuscular injection in the gluteal region shouig be give - Upper medial quadrant lower medial quadrant Upper lateral quadrant . lower lateral quadrant its centre The medial plantar nerve supplies A. flexor digitorum brevis flexor digitorum accessorius - second lumbrical . adductor hallucis all the above The femoral artery A. is the continuation of internal iliac artery B. lies lateral to the femoral nerve c gives profunda femoris artery Tangle by passing behind the adductor longus muscle E. supplies only the lower limb The profunda femoris artery . arises from femoral artery in adductor canal is the main artery for medial and Posterior compartments of leaves the adductor canal through hiatus Magnus ._ gives descending genicular artery . terminates by dividing into lateral and medial circumflex arteries The posterior tibial artery : A. begins atthe upper border of popliteus muscle B, gives peroneal artery which pierces the interosseous membrane C. divides into medial and lateral plantar anries underihe naan’ retinaculum 77.E 78.C 79.A 80.C 81.B chapter 3 , Low D. gives nutrient artery to fibula cite E. lies deep to the tibialis Posterior musel; . Thi ions 83. ‘ e pulsations of dorsalis paedis artery . over the medial malleolus eat el B. over the lateral malleolus C. at the distal end of first intermetatarsal space D. onthe dorsum of foo t | ; longus lateral to the tendon of extensor hallucis le 84. ieee artery most commonly arises from B. anterior tibial artery C. posterior tibial artery D. medial plantar artery E. lateral plantar artery 85, The branches of anterior tibial artery do not include the A. posterior tibial recurrent B. anterior tibial recurrent C. peroneal D. lateral malleolar = E. medial malleolar 86. The great saphenous vein begins on the lateral side of foot ; _ ascends behind the medial malleolus _ ’ e itt the cribriform fascia just medial to pubic tubercle D. js connected with deep veins through perforating veins E. drains ‘only the lower limb e merit peat us vein with the short saphenous vein scl Acasa porficialaeinaswiih bese Ye 4S B, connect the SUPA ge of blood in both directions » Iy allow pas i eS ee Dia ee oro one. superficial a veins e ‘ ’ E. are mainly present in the foot 3 site for yenesection of the great saphenous 88 MCQs in Anatomy 89, 90. 91 92, 93, 94. Ans. B. anterior to the medial malleolus C. posterior to the lateral malleolus D. posteromedial to the knee joint Toof of popliteal fossa All the following are bra: A. superficial epigastric B. deep circumflex iliac C. profunda femoris D, descending genicular The obturator artery is the branch of A. femoral artery B. external iliac artery C. internal iliac artery D. profunda femoris artery The popliteal artery Pulse is pal A. leg and thi igh are extended leg is semiflexed C. thigh is medially rotated D. thigh is laterally rotated Which of the followi Pressure in lower lim A. Femoral B. Profunda femoris C. Popliteal D. Posterior tibial When the back of knee joint is suddenly ta, Person, he tends to fall down, Which of the is responsible for this phenomenon? A. Quardriceps femoris B. Biceps femoris C. Sartorius D. Popliteus Patella has inherent tendency to dislocate lateral mechanism to prevent this is inches of femoral artery excep pated easily when ng Vessels is used for measuring blood ib? 'PPed ina Standing folloy wing muscles Hy. The natural long axis of femur is directed downward and medianty A. long 92.C 88.B 89.B 90.C 91.B D che 95 96 97 98 $9 chapter 3 Lower Limb 89 B. forward projection of medial condyle of femur C. attachment of vastus medialis on patella extends more distally D. larger articul ar area for patella on medial condyle of femur. Dt 95, All the following statements regarding fracture of tibia are true except ‘A. common site is the junction o! being the narrowest part B. fractures are usually open type as most of the medial surface is subcutaneous C. delayed union is common because of less periosteal blood supply D.. splint-like action of intact fibula prevents proximal and distal fragments of tibia to come in opposition. f middle and lower thirds of tibia, 96. Which nerve is likely to be injured in posterior dislocation of hip joint? A. Superior gluteal B. Perforating cutaneous C.. Pudendal D. Sciatic 97. Housemaid’s knee is the inflammation of ne ‘A. suprapatellar burs B__ prepatellar bursa C. infrapatellar bursa i D. synovial membrane of Knee joint 98. Weaver's bottom is the inflammation of bursa between A. gluteus ‘maximus and ischial tuberosity nding B. gluteus maximus and greater trochanter iscles C. gluteus maximus and vastus lateralis Dp. adductor magnus and ischial tuberosity ich muscle is termed peripheral heart because of valve- as ae Veins present in that muscle? ** Gastrocnemius " goleus CC, Gluteus maximus oa | :p. Gluteus medius eee nor oo ace | a 94.C 95-4 96.D 97.B 98.A 99.B % | ow 90. MCQs in Anatomy 100. 101. 102. 104. 105. Ans. Inability to extend the knee may be due A. tibial nerve B. sciatic nerve C. femoral nerve D. obturator nerve £0 injury 4 Enlarging the femor: of femoral hernias 5 due to rupture of A. femoral vein B. femoral artery Cy accessory obturator artery D. obturator artery All the followin these veins are A. tortuous B. thickened C. narrowed D. visible All the following features point to injury to tibial nerve excet A. foot is held dorsiflexed and everted B._ inability to stand on toes C. loss of sensation on sole of foot D. loss of sensation in back of knee Complete injury of sciatic nerve results in loss of all cutaneous sensibility below the knee except along medial side of leg and foot up to ball of big toe. This is due to intacs A. sural nerve B. saphenous nerve C.. superficial peroneal nerve D. obturator nerve ich of the following muscles will escape aa aleis ireciatic ea injured at middle level of thigh? A. Hamstrings B. Popliteus Cc. Gastrocnemius D. Soleus 0. € 101. © 102. 103. D 104.B 105.4 100. : al ring medially to relieve Stranguiiy ometimes met with serious haemoriy ig features pertain to Varicose veins except ta i pirecti or oe a E c i E 106. 7 1 o 3 4 107. 7 1 2 3 4 108. 7 1 2 3 4 109. 7 1 2 am 4 10. 7 Z 2 3 4 Un 7 1 IS €Xcept thy erve except sutaneous of leg and 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. HL. Ans. Lower Limb 91 For cach of the incomplete statements or questions below, one ns Or answers given is correct, Select A. if only and 3 are correct; B. ifonly i and 3 correct; C. if only 2 and 4 are correct; D. if only 4 is correct; E._ if all are correct. ‘The muscles attached to the greater trochanter include 1. obturator externus 2. gluteus minmus 3. gluteus medius 4, gluteus maximus The head of femur 1. iscompletely intracapsular 2. forms half the sphere 3. gives attachment to ligamentum teres of femur 4. is pierced by numerous vascular foramina The neck of fibula 1. iseasily palpable 2. is laterally related to anterior tibial artery 3... gives insertion to biceps femoris 4. when fractured, is often associated with foot drop The lateral longitudinal arch is maintained by Sar 1. peroneus longus 2. peroneus brevis 3. long and short plantar ligaments a 4. small muscles of litile toe ‘The medial longitudinal arch 1, is higher than the lateral arch 2. is less resilient than the lateral arch 3. ismaintained by tibialis posterior 4. is flattened in pes cavus The transverse tarsal joints a 1. include talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints 2. are fibrous joints aera err gs he . Rh 106. A 107.B 108. D 109. E 110.B 92 MCQs in Anatomy i f chart 3. allow movements of inversion and eversion 4. allow movements of dorsi flexion and plantar flexion ) 112. The fibular collateral ligament of knee joint 1. is band shaped 2. splits the tendon of biceps femoris into two parts f1% 3. isattached to the lateral meniscus 4. is taut in extension 113. Which of the following statements is/are true for the hip join |. Itisa very stable, ball and socket type of synovial joint 2. Its main flexor is the iliopsoas muscle 3. Extension is limited by the iliofemoral ligament 119. 4. Itdislocates mainly anteriorly 114. In relation to the knee joint J. itis a pure hinge type of synovial joint 2. its proximal and distal articular surfaces are congruent 3. ithas no communications 4. the capsule is replaced anteriorly by the patellar retinacula, 120. the patella and the ligamentum patellae : 115. In relation to the knee joint |. The joint cavity is divided into upper and lower compartments by the menisci 2. The movement of rotation occurs in the lower compartment 121. 3. The collateral ligaments become taut in extension and so prevent adduction and abduction 4. The anterior: ee ligament is attached to the lateral condyle ; of femur 116. In relation to the ankle joint 122, 1. itis formed by tibia, fibula, talus and calcaneus 2. itis an ellipsoid type of synovial joint 3. {tibialis posterior is the main plantar flexor 4. the main dorsiflexors are tibialis anterior and extensors of the toes 117. The deltoid ligament 123 is attached to the late IS ied to the lateral malteo! 2. forms part of the articular surface for ankle joint 116. D H1.B 112.C 113.4 114. D 115. "i (i 7 — nanler 3 Lower Limb 93 3a) crossed superficially by tibialis anterior 4, issostronga ligament that sprains of the ankle joint are very rare ys. The spring ligament j. connects the dorsal aspects of the calcaneus and the navicular bones 2. forms part of the articular surface for head of talus in Oint? talocalcaneonavicular joint 3. supports transverse arch of foot 4. is supported by the tendon of tibialis posterior 119. The blood supply to the head of femur, before fusion of its epiphysis with the diaphysis, comes from 1. lateral and medial circumflex femoral arteries 2. acetabular branch of obturator artery 3. inferior gluteal artery 4, accetabular branch of medial circumflex femoral artery ula, 120. The quadriceps femoris is 1. supplied by the femoral nerve 2. inserted into tibial tuberosity only nts 3. the main extensor on the knee joint 4. kept contracted in erect posture t 121. The sartorius 50 1. takes origin from the anterior inferior iliac spine 2. lateral border forms the lateral boundary of femoral triangle le 3. is inserted into the medial border of tibia 4. flexes the thigh as well as the leg 122. The adductor canal 1. lies in the middle third of the thigh 2. is bounded anteromedially by adductor longus and adductor magnus : 3. transmits femoral vessels 4, transmits great saphenous vein and saphenous nerve 123. The adductor longus muscle 1. hasadouble nerve supply 2. isa hamstring muscle = Ans. 117.D 118.C 119.C 120.B 121. D 122.B 94 MCQs in Anatomy Sons inserted mainly into adductor tubercle Separates femoral vessels from Profunda femoris Vesa 124. The gluteus maximus ‘ 1. is Supplied by the inferior gluteal nerve is the main extensor on the hip joint 3. isalso an extensor on, the knee joint 4: is partly inserted into the gluteal! tuberosity i 125. The tibialis anterior Ie is inserted into all the tarsal bones except talus 2. is invertor of foot is supplied by the Superficial peroneal nerve is an important muscle for maintenance of the medial 2 longitudinal arch 126. The popliteus muscle has intracapsular origin trom the medial Surface of jateral condyle of femur is supplied by tibial nerve 3. unlocks the knee at the end of flexion movement 4. helps in preventing injury to the lateral meniscus 127. The flexor digitorum accessorius 1. arises from the calcaneus by two heads 2. is supplied by the medial Plantar nerve 7 3. straightens the pull of tendon of flexor digitorum longus 4. lies directly under the plantar poneurosis 128. Trendelenberg test is Positive in 1. paralysis of gluteus maximus 2. paralysis of gluteus medius . paralysis of psoas major ; nae of the head of femur 129. The second lumbrical muscle le Faerie side of metatarsophatangeal joint of middte 2. cross lied by the digital branch of medial plantar nerve i i i dipalied by the lateral plantar nerve ceil An 23. 4. 127, B 128. C129.D D 124. £ 125, C 126,C 127.B S. 9 edial teral 3 chapte! Lower Limb 95 The interossei muscles of the foot 0. L 1. consist of three dorsal interossei 2. consist of four plantar interossei ee . es deep branch ofthe lateral plantar neve . = ang ‘0 dorsal interossei are attached to the second toe 131. The plantar aponeurosis 1. resembles exactly the palmar aponeurosis 2. isattached proximally to the calcaneus 3. isadegenerated tendon of popliteus 4, helps in maintaining longitudinal arches 432. The first layer of muscles in the sole includes 1. adductor hallucis 2. * abductor digiti minimi 3. flexor digitorum accessorius 4, flexor digitorum brevis 133. The femoral sheath 1, is formed by fascia iliaca anteriorly 2. extends for about 4 cm in the thigh 3. contains superficial inguinal lymph nodes 4. has a medial compartment which contains connective tissue and a lymph node 134. In relation to the femoral hernia 1. itis more common in males 2. the neck of the hernial sac lies medial to the pubic tubercle 3. coverings from within outward are femoral septum, cribriform fascia and femoral sheath +4. the femoral ring should not be enlarged laterally to relieve strangulation 135. The femoral artery 1. isnot covered by any muscles in the femoral triangle 2. continues as popliteal artery 3. pierces the adductor magnus muscle at the junction of middle and lower thirds of the thigh 4. can be felt pulsating at the mid-inguinal point Ans. 130, D 131. C 132. € 133.€ 134. D 1B 96 MCQs in Anatomy 136. The Popliteal artery IS ze 138. 139, 140. 141. 142, Ans. I terminates at the Upper border of the Poplit is crossed from medial to lateral side by the Po) the common peroneal nerve anastomois The lateral plantar artery isa branch of the Peronea! artery eus Tuns down across the anterior surface of; the hee Us ny Plitayg, c gives off several branches which Participate in poy iy 2. enters the sole under cover of the abductor hallucis 3. runs deep to the flexor digitorum accessori lus 4. forms plantar arch lower half of the anterior abdominal wall lower part of vagina and vulva 3. lower Part of the anal canal 4. glans Penis and scrotum The lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh is a branch of sacral plexus 2. enters the thigh deep to the inguinal ligament 3. supplies the gluteal region 4. is related to a condition called meralgia paraesthetica njury to the sciatic nerve in the Sluteal region would involve I 1. hamstring muscles 2. all the muscles of the leg Be all the muscles of the foot 4. cutaneous supply. along the lateral side of leg Section of the tibial nerve may result in Sensory loss along the i 2 aa 4, lateral side of leg . plantar surface of heel medial border of foot on the dorsal aspect entire sole The tibial nerve ins obliquely downwards and medially across the ru fossa 136. D 137. 8. A 139, C 140. E 141. 137. C 138. A 139. E 36. The superficial inguinal lymphnodes drain lymph from iy if popliteal cap’ 143. 144 145 involve long al hapter 3 chap Lower Limb 97 crosses deep to the popliteal artery supplies all the muscles of the post except plantaris 4. gives branches to the knee joint en posterior compartment of leg 443. The common peroneal nerve 1, hasa root value of Ly-S, 2. runs downwards and laterally along the lateral border of the biceps femoris muscle 3. supplies branches to the knee joint 4. injury would not result in any sensory loss 144. The lateral plantar nerve (or its branches) 1. supplies greater part of the skin of the sole 2. supplies most of the muscles of the sole 3. supplies all the nail beds 4. is accompanied by the lateral plantar artery which lies lateral to it 145. Loss of sensation along on the lateral border of sole may indicate injury to 1. first sacral nerve 2. second sacral nerve 3. lateral plantar nerve 4. sural nerve Directions: Bach question consists of an assertion and a reason. Responses should be choosen as follows: A. ifthe assertion and reason are true statements and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion; B. ifthe assertion and reason are true statements but the reason is not a correct explanation of the assertion; C. ifthe assertion is true but the reason is a false statement; D. ifthe assertion is false but the reason is a true statement; E. if both assertion and reason are false statements. 146. ‘The range of flexion of thigh on the hip joint decreases if the knee joint is kept extended Because ool the hamstring muscles cannot be stretched beyond a certain limit EEE Ans. 142. D 143.B 144. C 145.B 146. A 98 MCQs in Anatomy 147, 148. 149, 150. 151. 152: 153. 154. Ans. Diseases of hip joint may result in pain in the kn, Because there are some muscles which act on both the joints Fracture at the upper end of femur is always intracg,, Because a the head of the femur is intracapsular In congenital dislocation of hip joint, the dis usually takes places on to the gluteal surface Because there is an Opening in the posterior Part of the capsule Of the hip joint re Placem,, There is a tendency for patella to dislocate medially Because the anterior projection of the lateral condyle of femur is more than that of the medial condyle Penetrating injury at the level of the apex of the femoral triangle may result in Paralysis of the quadriceps femoris muscle Because the femoral nerve, which is very superficial, is | ikely to be injured. lower limb Because femoral artery is the main artery to supply the lower limb The adductor magnus has a double nerve supply Because it isa massive muscle Injury to one inferior gluteal nerve results in lurching gait Because : gluteus medius muscle is paralysed In the erect posture there is minimum activity in the extensor muscles of the hip joint Fee ine hip is prevented by the sttong iliofemoral ligament flexion 7.B 148.D 149.C 150.D 151.E 152.D 153.B 154.E 155.0 147. : z cart® 157- 158. 159. 160 SI they, wt ally More thay e femora) $ femoris e injured. ‘igin of a of the 1g gait Lower Limb 99 cnapter 3 q long head of biceps f¢ ris 156. The long PS femoris a aa is flexor on the knee joint nd the semitendinosus are r Because 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. Ans, they have a common origin from the ischial tuberosity The medial meniscus is less iat r S Prone to ii Because mee it is attached to the tibial collateral ligament Rotation on the knee joint is not at all possible Because Strong collateral ligaments are present on either side of the joint Injury to the common peroneal nerve is common Because it winds round the neck of fibula Injury to the tibial nerve leads to foot drop Because its plantar branches supply all the muscles of sole Injury to the common peroneal! nerve results in loss of dorsi flexion and eversion movements Because it supplies skin on the lateral aspect of leg and dorsum of the foot Ankle joint is less stable in complete dorsiflexion Because the collateral ligaments are relaxed in dorsiflexion The human foot shows longitudinal and transverse arches Because arched nature of the foot provides more resilience to the foot Rupture of tendo-Achilles results in a complete loss of plantar flexion Because gastrocnemius and soleus are the only plantar flexors 162.E 163.A164.E 156.B_157.D. 158.D 159-A 160.D 16! 100 MCQs in Anatomy 165. The Fange of inversion and eversion is more in Planta, Because ey, the narrower Posterior part of the trochlear Surface ati with the tibia in this position allowing slight Mobility oft Nala Ty Vein: Because Contraction of calf m; uscles pushes the blood into these Veins 166. The Perforating yeing carry blood from deep to Super iS 167. Venesection and cannulation of the great Saphenoys Veh Sometimes leads to tingling sensations along the media} border of foot Because the saphenous nerve is accidentally include in the ligature 168, Fracture of the neck of femur is likely to result in avascular necrosis of the head of the femur Because the head of the femur is supplied only by the retinacular arteries 169, Intramuscular injection into the inferomedial Quadrant of the gluteal region may result in foot drop Because it may injure the Sciatic nerve 170. Long periods of Standing predisposes to Varicosities of Superficial veins of lower limb Because venous stasis leads to dilation of Veins which reduces competency of valves A 168.C 169. 170. 166,E 167.4 mn Ans. 165.A

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