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The Transition from Gathering and Hunting To the

Domestication of Plants and Animals



November, 9th 2010


Hunters and gatherers is a society which exists between 12000 – 10000 BC. They use one
primary subsistence method which is experimenting with tools, hunting and travelling in
search for edible animals and plants. Some of their characteristics are:
- They are able to adapt to changes occur in environment, resources, and climate.
- They hunt, gather, and use many resources in a small amount rather than exploit
few resources in a huge amount.
- They travel or move seasonally to find more available resources or food.

Agriculture is a practice to gain benefits from the environment, employing more effective and
efficient manner of cultivation by using some tools or technology invented by human. It
domesticates both the animals and plants. In the end, it forms the basis of new life which is
called civilization.

Horticultural society Agricultural society

Simple Cultivate plants but no plows Cultivate plants and use plows
Use only wood and stone tools Use only copper and bronze

Advanc Use metal tools and weapons Use iron tools and weapons.

There are some arguments between archaeologists for the reason behind the transition from
hunters and gatherers to horti-agricultural.  Some say that the development of agriculture may
have been triggered by the climate change which is also followed by the retreating of glaciers.
Some others argue that it is because of population growth and changes in exploitation of local
resources. Plant domestication is brought because human are constantly in contact and
consume plant or even specific plant. Agriculture provides a stable and large quantity of
produce, therefore human population is growing even more.

a. Horti-agricultural economics took root in the Near Eastern (Fertile Crescent)
b. Goat domestication in Zagros Mountains
c. Sheep cluster
d. Cattle and pig as domesticated animals in Abu Hureyra

The first agricultural sites were found in the Near East. It is in the Nile Valley and Western
Asia, in Anatolia (modern Turkey, shown above), in northern Syria, in valleys of the
Zagros Mountains in Iran, and along the Jordan River Valley [2].

North China mainly plants Foxtail Millet and Rice. In 6000BCE there was a fowl as
domesticated animal. It is believed that it is derived from the red jungle fowl of Southeast
Asia [1].The other evidence of agricultural era is founded in Mesoamerica. They planted
beans, chilies, and maize. The yielded carbonized specimen is founded in Tehuacan Valley
between 5500 – 4500 BCE. It is appeared to be the earliest maize’s cobs [1].


Advantages Disadvantages
Permanent society and environment is It has great dependency to weather condition
created because there is more reason to which influences the growth of the particular
devote a considerable amount of effort to crops planted.
develop the residences.

The condition of having a permanent society The agriculturalist has high dependency on
and environment encourage the expansion of harvest time. Therefore they have to gather the
technology such as making clothes, working food for two or three consecutive harvest time
with the wood, etc. They have more
capability and availability to invest their time
in exploring such skill and knowledge.

Agriculture requires intense and sustained

physical effort

There are also some challenges in agricultural age they have to face and solve.
1. They need to develop elaborate cultural practices for disposing of wastes and
maintaining a hygienic environment such as their corpse, their food wastes of their
livestock. Otherwise, it will cause a problem such as polluting one’s living place.
Compare with the foragers, they can stay clean and healthy just by moving seasonally
or constantly.
2. The increase of population growth. There is a tendency to have more children in
agriculturalist family to help them in processing the farm. It is contrary with the
forager’s mindset; they have to limit the number of children to be taken care of in
order to make their life simpler.
3. The emergence of infectious disease. It is mainly related to difficulty of maintaining
hygienic living space and population growth.

The transition from domestication of plants and animals does not mean that it transform to
fully completed agricultural societies. It introduces the whole new block of considerations,
where each consideration might trigger new consequences. Below are the consequences
that occurred in agricultural societies.
1. The rise of social elite or social hierarchies which lead to different means of decision
making and governmental organization.
2. The emergence of wealth’s hierarchy, status, and power which is caused by the
developing of specialization in social and economy
3. The emergence of “private” and “public” life influences the way people perceived
their existence.
4. Lower life expectancy due to diseases.
5. The high possibility of increasing number of erosion. Agriculture has a tendency to
degrade the soil. There is a tendency to grow a certain plant on the same area of land
for certain of time due to the demand. It can deplete even very rich soil.


Agricultural societies require the human to take initiatives, consideration, and action to
overcome those challenges, consequences, and the negative values of having the
agricultural system. It made them to organize or build up such a system that can
accommodate all of those issues which is in the end creating the hierarchically
differentiated society. Therefore, we can say that the existence of agriculture triggers the
emergence of social, economic, and political complexity. In the other word, it builds up a
complex society. Let’s explore in detail the Mesoamerica and Mesopotamia using the table

Mesoamerica Mesopotamia

Social and The emergence of hierarchy of Irrigation system through a system of

economic site. dikes, dam, and canals which requires
foundations Irrigation system through the city high level of organization, and effort.
to supply water for crop Wool production was large and being
production. (Olmec) used as a textile fabrics.
Agriculture is dominated by the
cultivation of barley which is used as
means of payment.

Settlement The houses were made out of The houses were made from mud
archaeology wooden walls with clay and palm brick
roof tops (Olmec)

Mortuary Rich tombs, isolated ceremonial Nature grave goods for lower strata
archaeology sites

Art Elite architectures Pottery and jewelry

Carving History and poetry was recorded and
Painting upon paper, building set down to music.
plaster, wood, stone, clay, stucco Lyres, pipes, harps and drums is used
molds and terra cotta figurines. to accompany song and dances.

Written Sophisticated system of writing Pictographic, later it was used to

documents (maya), found in inscriptions on represent Sumerian phonetic and
stone and wood. words.
Believe strongly featured animals and The emergence of god and goddess
animal symbolism (shamanism)

Base on the definition given in the table above, we are able to conclude that the society
structure does exist in both Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica. It includes also the emergence
of social organization, leadership, managing organism, specialization division, and other
things that need extra consideration, knowledge, and specialization.


[1] Bogucki, Peter (1999): The Origins of Human Society, Oxford UK: Blackwell Publisher




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