FY11 Goals For Web Communications: B. Q2 Accomplishments

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FY11 Goals for Web Communications

Q1 Accomplishments

1. Revise the university’s top-level Web pages to enable more effective recruitment, fund-raising and
reputation building and to fully represent UC’s core principles: transformation of lives, education
and knowledge. Site should also function in a mobile environment.
a. Q1 Accomplishments
i. Added social media icons to UC home page.
ii. Revised “Visitors” page (http://www.uc.edu/visitors.html) to better reflect the
university and present visitor resources in a more usable format.
iii. Revised “About UC” page to highlight unique and interesting information about the
university as well as provide easy access to recruitment-related information
(admission, fees).
iv. Moved both Visitors and About UC pages/sites into CQ, which creates a more ADA-
accessible and mobile-friendly format.
v. Conducted initial meeting with major “top-level pages content providers” (Dama
Kimmon, Jill Hafner, Melissa Norris, MB Reilly, Karen Lisook) to begin discussions
about redesign/reorganization of these pages.
b. Q2 Accomplishments

2. Convert 90% of the remaining Collage Web content management system websites to CQ
(approximately 120 sites).
a. Q1 Accomplishments
i. Converted 30 sites from Collage to CQ, including:
1. Nineteen units within Student Affairs & Services
2. President’s site
3. Five Campus Services units (Licensing & Trademarks, MainStreet, Bearcat
Campus Card, Conferencing & Events, Kingsgate)
4. Community-Engaged Learning (Provost area)
5. UC Foundation (on 9/28)
7. Two “top-level” pages (About UC and Visitors)
ii. Added 14 non-Collage sites, including:
1. CCM. This is a major accomplishment that hasn’t successfully been done in
my eight-year tenure at the university – nearly the entire site meets
Branding Standards (remaining areas to be brought into the new design
over this academic year), and we’ve managed to logically organize an area
that hadn’t ever been unified as one college unit.
2. College of Nursing
3. Investiture, Faculty Assembly, Bicentennial, Scholars
b. Q2 Accomplishments
i. Launches
1. Admissions1 12/27/2010
2. Academics (SLP) 12/21/2010
3. Summer (combined into Magazine site) 12/14/2010
4. UC Video (combined into Magazine site) 12/7/2010
5. Virtual Tour (combined into Magazine site) 12/7/2010
6. UC Magazine 12/7/2010
7. Faculty Awards 11/30/2010
8. Food 11/16/2010
9. Resident Education 11/16/2010
10. Housing 11/16/2010
11. UCHosuing 11/16/2010
12. Grad & Family Housing 11/16/2010
13. Contact Us (SLP) 11/16/2010
14. Athletics & Recreation (SLP) 11/16/2010
15. Branding (part of Ucomm site) 10/26/2010
16. Photo Gallery (SLP) 10/26/2010
17. University Communications (GRUC, UCOMM) 10/26/2010
18. Honorary Degree (awards) 10/26/2010
19. News Home (SLP) 10/26/2010
20. Board of Trustees 10/26/2010
21. Gallery - Slideshow (SLP) 10/26/2010
22. Early Learning Center, ELC 10/26/2010
23. AERO, CEAS 10/26/2010
24. 1819, Campaign site 10/5/2010
ii. Website Retirements
1. UC21 (SLP)
2. UCMobile
3. Showcase
4. Darwin
iii. Software Releases
1. 1.1.25 12/21/2010
2. 1.1.24 12/7/2010
3. 1.1.23 11/24/2010
4. 1.1.22 11/9/2010
5. 1.1.21 10/26/2010

3. Develop and publish a new division website that shares resources and sells the services we provide
to the university and beyond.
a. Q1 Accomplishments
i. Finalized website design and navigation.
ii. Built CQ template.
iii. Content conversion is underway with fall 2010 launch date.
b. Q2 Accomplishments

4. Develop and create processes and services that will enable increased collaboration among university
Web content providers and Web developers, including, but not limited to, content sharing with the
WCM; search collections and keywords; social media coordination, etc.
a. Q1 Accomplishments
i. Directed appropriate sharing of Web content via CQ to improve accuracy of
information and a smaller “footprint” of Web space/pages.
1. Major success with getting UC fees centralized with the Bursar’s Office as
owner – all others are using their content.
2. Scholarship information is now in CQ, and we’ll be directing people there to
reference information rather than recreate.
3. Mission Statement, Fact Sheet and campus maps are now all in CQ, and
we’re directing others to reference rather than recreate the information.
ii. Developed system with Help Desk for routing broken link inquiries to appropriate
Web contacts across the university.
iii. Mentored units on Web statistics, information architecture, Web design and
content conversion as it pertained to their redesign efforts.
iv. Encouraged a single repository of directory info by using of E-Professional in
conjunction with CQ5.
v. Continue to add social media contacts as discovered and sent to our group. Listing
available at www.uc.edu/socialmedia/.
vi. Individualized search collections are created with each new CQ site launch. Owners
of the sites have access to create their own keyword lists, run reports, etc., although
very few do so.
vii. Search list is updated each week when new sites enter CQ and Web addresses
change. Quarterly, we review the entire list for broken links, most-searched-upon
terms, searches with no results. Appropriate changes are then made.
b. Q2 Accomplishments
i. fdgfdsg

5. Fully integrate the university’s event information into one system that will be used to feed Web
pages, electronic signs and other distribution methods (requires assistance from UCit and
Conferencing and Events).
a. Q1 Accomplishments
i. Working with College of Business, CCM, CEAS and Nursing to streamline their event
entry processes and make it easier to bring their event information into their Web
sites and the University Calendar.
ii. Requested upgraded access for CCM’s scheduling contact, so he can mark items to
appear on UC’s home page.
iii. Worked with UCIT and athletics to fix the flow of information for collegiate sports
events into our system.
iv. Met with Conferencing & Events staff regarding processes and responsibilities. Need
to meet again, since many items are not appearing on the University Calendar.
b. Q2 Accomplishments

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