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UNIT Photosynthesis and

3 Cellular Respiration

General Outcomes
In this unit, you will
• relate photosynthesis to the storage
of energy in organic compounds

• explain the role of cellular respiration

in releasing potential energy from
organic compounds

Unit 3 Contents
Chapter 5
• Photosynthesis and
Cellular Respiration . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

Focussing Questions
1 How does light energy from the
Sun enter living systems?

2 How is the energy from light used his is a common view of the Great Plains—herds
to synthesize organic matter? of animals grazing on a seemingly endless ocean
3 How is the energy from organic of grasses. The interaction between producers
matter released for use by living and consumers is the way in which the Sun’s
energy enters, is transformed by, and exits living systems.
At the same time, vital chemicals such as water, carbon,
nitrogen, and sulfur cycle continuously, linking organisms
with one another and with their environment.
Today, the Prairie landscape is punctuated by the
products and practices of technology. The petroleum
industry “taps into” long-buried stores of energy, in
the form of crude oil and natural gas. These resources
developed with the passage of time as natural chemical
processes slowly changed the bodies of ancient producers
and consumers into the compounds that fuel modern
society and serve as building blocks for plastics and other
synthetic materials.
In Unit 1, you explored the interactions between living
and non-living systems at a macroscopic level. In this unit,
you will consider the same interactions at a microscopic
level. You will examine the cellular processes of
photosynthesis and cellular respiration that provide
Unit PreQuiz ? the energy and matter all organisms need to survive.

3 Preparation
Prerequisite Concepts Plant and Animal Cells a cell wall, while animal cells lack this
This unit builds on Plants and animals (as well as fungi and feature.
your knowledge of
protists) are organisms that are made up Plant and animal cells also share
photosynthesis and cellular several basic structural and functional
respiration, as well as the of eurkaryotic cells. These are cells that
have a nucleus. similarities. For example, both types
investigations you have
conducted to explore Cells are the microscopic components of cell contain organelles, which are
them (Chapters 1 and 2). that make up all organisms. Cells exhibit structures that have a specific function in
the characteristics of life, but they can the cell. Many organelles are surrounded
also be specialized for specific tasks. by a membrane. The various organelles
The cells that make up plants and work together as part of a cellular system
the cells that make up animals have some that effectively carries out the essential
structures that distinguish one type from life-related tasks of the cell. Figure P3.1
the other. For example, plant cells are and P3.2 summarize and review the basic
Figure P3.1 In general, structures and functions of plant and
plant cells are larger than
surrounded by a rigid structure called
animal cells.
animal cells. The most
distinctive features that
distinguish plant cells from
animal cells are their cell
wall and chloroplasts.




154 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Figure P3.2 Structures that are typical
of an animal cell. How do these structures
CHROMATIN NUCLEUS compare to those of a plant cell?







• cell membrane a structure that separates the cell interior • Golgi apparatus a stack of flattened membrane-bound
from the outside world and controls the movement of sacs that receive vesicles from the ER, contain enzymes for
materials into and out of the cell modifying proteins and lipids, package finished products
into vesicles for transport to the cell membrane (for
• cytoplasm a gel-like material consisting mostly of water
secretion out of the cell) and within the cell as lysosomes
that contains dissolved materials and creates the chemical
environment in which the other cell structures work • mitochondrion the powerhouse of the cell where organic
molecules, usually carbohydrates, are broken down inside
• nucleus the command centre of the cell that contains the
a double membrane to release and transfer energy
DNA blueprints for making proteins and is surrounded by
a double membrane to protect the DNA from potentially • lysosome a membrane-bound vesicle filled with digestive
damaging byproducts of biochemical reactions enzymes that can break down worn-out cell components
or materials brought into the cell
• nuclear pores pores in the nuclear membrane large
enough to allow macromolecules to enter and ribosomes • peroxisome a membrane-bound vesicle containing
to leave the nucleus enzymes that break down lipids and toxic waste products,
such as alcohol
• chromatin uncoiled chromosomes (DNA)
• centrosome an organelle located near the nucleus that
• nucleolus a specialized area of chromatin inside
organizes the cell’s microtubules, contains a pair of
the nucleus responsible for producing ribosomes
centrioles (made up of microtubules), and helps to organize
• ribosome tiny two-part structures found throughout the even distribution of cell components when cells divide
the cytoplasm that help put together proteins • vesicle a small membrane-bound transport sac
• endoplasmic reticulum (ER) a system of flattened • vacuole a large membrane-bound, fluid-filled sac for the
membrane-bound sacs and tubes continuous with the
temporary storage of food, water, or waste products
outer membrane of the nuclear envelope that has two
types of membrane: rough ER, which is studded with • cytoskeleton a network of three kinds of interconnected
ribosomes and synthesizes proteins, and smooth ER, which fibres that maintain cell shape and allow for movement
synthesizes phospholipids and packages macromolecules of cell parts: actin filaments, intermediate filaments, and
in vesicles for transport to other parts of the cell microtubules

Unit 3 Preparation • MHR 155

The Cell Membrane are on the outside layers, where they are
The cell membrane is a boundary that exposed to the watery fluid outside and
separates the internal environment of a inside the cell. The tail ends face each
cell from its external environment. Cell other on the inside of the structure,
membranes are composed mainly of a away from water.
double layer of phospholipid molecules, As shown in Figure P3.3, cell
which are a type of lipid. (Lipids are membranes are composed of these
organic compounds that do not dissolve double-layer phospholipids as well as
in water, such as fats, oils, and steroids various proteins and other molecules
like cholesterol.) Each phospholipid that are embedded within them and that
molecule has a shape with a distinctive extend from them. Some of the embedded
head region at one end and a tail region at proteins create passageways through
the other. These two ends have different which water-soluble molecules and ions
Figure P3.3 A model of chemical compositions that cause them can pass. Other proteins help transport
cell membrane structure. to interact differently with water. The substances across the membrane.
Note the two layers of
phospholipids (called a
head end dissolves easily in water, while
the tail end is insoluble in water. Passive Transport:
phospholipids bilayer),
with the distinctive head- Because of these different responses Diffusion and Osmosis
and-tail shape of the to water, phospholipid molecules The cell membrane is selectively
phospholipid molecules. permeable (or semi-permeable), which
arrange themselves spontaneously in
Inside the cell, parts of the
cell’s “skeleton” (called the water into a two-layered, sandwich-like means that it allows some molecules to
cytoskeleton) support the structure. In this structure, the head ends pass through it while preventing others






156 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Figure P3.4 Diffusion is
a spontaneous process in
which molecules move
down their concentration
gradient—that is, from an
area of higher concentration
to an area of lower
concentration. In this
photograph, for example,
the ink particles will
become dispersed evenly
as time passes due to

from doing so. One method by which osmosis depends on the relative
small molecules and ions move through concentration of water molecules
the cell membrane is diffusion. Diffusion on either side of the cell membrane.
is the natural movement of molecules or • If the water concentration inside the

ions from a region where they are more cell equals the water concentration
concentrated to one where they are less outside the cell, equal amounts of water
concentrated (Figure P3.4). move in and out of the cell at the same
Many molecules—especially small, rate. (The cell is isotonic to the fluid
uncharged ones such as oxygen—can surrounding it.)
move easily through the cell membrane • If the water concentration outside the

by diffusion. The cell membrane cannot cell is greater than that inside the cell,
prevent this movement of certain water moves into the cell. (The cell is
molecules and ions, because it is hypotonic to the fluid surrounding it.)
permeable to them. Thus, diffusion is • If the water concentration inside the

a passive process that does not require cell is greater than that outside the cell,
energy from the cell. water moves out of the cell. (The cell is
The natural tendency of a substance hypertonic to the fluid surrounding it.)
to move from an area of high The cell membrane cannot prevent
concentration to an area of lower the movement of water, because it is
concentration is often described as permeable to water molecules. Thus,
“moving down” or “following” its osmosis is a passive process that does
concentration gradient. A gradient is a not require energy from the cell.
general term that refers to a difference
in some quality between two adjacent Facilitated Diffusion
regions. Differences in concentration, Substances such as water, oxygen, and
in pressure, in electrical energy, and in carbon dioxide can pass through the cell
pH all establish gradients. membrane without assistance. However,
Water inside the cell (intracellular other substances cannot do so without
fluid) and outside the cell (extracellular help. For example, a glucose molecule is
fluid) also diffuses freely through the cell too large to diffuse between the structural
membrane. The diffusion of a solvent (in molecules of the cell membrane.
this case, water) across a semi-permeable Specialized transport proteins in the
membrane that separates two solutions cell membrane help different kinds of
is called osmosis. The direction of substances move in and out of the cell.

Unit 3 Preparation • MHR 157

The structure of these transport proteins In diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated
makes them very selective. A particular diffusion, any substances crossing the cell
transport protein will recognize and help membrane follow their concentration
to move only one type of dissolved gradient. No energy from the cell is
molecule or ion based on its shape, required, regardless of whether the
size, and electrical charge. substance moves into or out of the cell.
A type of membrane protein called
a carrier protein facilitates (helps) the Active Transport
movement of glucose molecules from Active transport uses energy to enable a
where they are more concentrated to cell to take in a substance that is more
where they are less concentrated. A concentrated inside the cell than outside
carrier protein will accept only a non- the cell. Energy for active transport often
charged molecule with a specific shape comes from a molecule called adenosine
(Figure 3.5A). However, carrier proteins triphosphate (ATP). (You will learn
allow molecules to move both in and out about this molecule and its importance
of the cell. to plants, animals, and other organisms
A different type of membrane protein in Chapter 5.)
called a channel protein transports When one of the three phosphates
charged particles across the membrane is split from ATP in a chemical reaction,
(Figure 3.5B). Channel proteins have a energy is released that is harnessed to
tunnel-like shape. To pass through, an power a cellular function. Often, this
ion in solution must be small enough to function is to move a molecule through
fit through the “tunnel.” It must also have a membrane against its concentration
the right charge. In much the same way gradient.
that like poles of two magnets repel each
other, a positively charged channel Endocytosis and Exocytosis
protein repels positively charged ions, Some of the substances that a cell must
and a negatively charged channel protein take in or expel are too large to cross
repels negatively charged ions.




Figure P3.5A Carrier proteins change shape to allow

certain molecules to cross the cell membrane.

Figure P.3.5B Channel proteins
provide water-filled passages through
which small dissolved ions can diffuse.

158 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

gZYWaddY XZaa djih^YZXZaa
bZbWgVcZ hZXgZiZYeVgi^XaZh


A Phagocytosis B Pinocytosis C Exocytosis

Figure P3.6 Examples of

the cell membrane. Cholesterol is one only one specific molecule. Cholesterol is endocytosis and exocytosis
example. The cell uses a specialized transported into cells using this process.
method to move such substances. It can Exocytosis is the process for
fold in on itself to create a membrane- removing substances from the cell. In
enclosed, bubble-like sac called a vesicle. exocytosis, a vesicle from the inside the
The cell uses vesicles to “swallow” or cell moves to the cell surface. There, the
expel various substances (Figure P3.6). vesicle membrane fuses with the cell
When the cell membrane folds membrane. The contents of the outward-
inward, trapping and enclosing a small bound vesicle are secreted into the
amount of matter from outside the cell, extracellular fluid. Exocytosis is important
the process is called endocytosis. in cells that specialize in the secretion of
There are three forms of this process: cell products such as hormones.
pinocytosis, phagocytosis, and receptor-
Mechanisms for the Movement of Substances across the Cell Membrane
assisted endocytosis.
Pinocytosis involves the intake of a Membrane Transport
Mechanism Characteristics
small droplet of extracellular fluid along
diffusion follows concentration gradient; no energy
with any dissolved substances or tiny
from the cell is required
particles that it may contain. This
process occurs in almost all cell types osmosis follows concentration gradient; no energy
from the cell is required
nearly all of the time.
Phagocytosis involves the intake of a facilitated diffusion follows concentration gradient, assisted by
channel proteins or carrier proteins; no
large droplet of extracellular fluid, often
energy from the cell is required
including bacteria or bits of organic
matter. This process occurs only in active transport moves against concentration gradient, assisted
by channel or carrier proteins and with the
specialized cells such as certain white input of energy (usually from ATP molecules)
blood cells of our immune system.
endocytosis (may be membrane engulfs a substance and draws it
Receptor-assisted endocytosis pinocytosis, phagocytosis, and into the cell in membrane-bounded vesicle
involves the intake of specific molecules receptor-assisted endocytosis)
that attach to special proteins in the cell
exocytosis membrane-bounded vesicle fuses with cell
membrane. These membrane receptor membrane, releasing the cell’s contents
proteins possess a uniquely shaped outside of the cell
projection or cavity that fits the shape of

Unit 3 Preparation • MHR 159

Photosynthesis and
Cellular Respiration
Chapter Concepts
5.1 Matter and Energy Pathways
in Living Systems
• Photosynthesis, the process in which
certain organisms trap solar energy,
occurs in chloroplasts.
• Cellular respiration, the process in which
energy-rich compounds are broken
down to generate ATP, occurs in
• ATP is the source of energy for many
of the chemical reactions that occur
in cells.

5.2 Photosynthesis Stores Energy

in Organic Compounds
• In light-dependent reactions,
chloroplasts trap solar energy and
transform the energy to the reducing
power of NADPH and the chemical
energy of ATP.
• Chemiosmosis is the mechanism by
which energy stored in a concentration
gradient is used to generate ATP.
• In light-independent reactions, the
energy of ATP and NADPH is used to
reduce carbon dioxide to synthesize

5.3 Cellular Respiration Releases

Energy from Organic Compounds
• Aerobic cellular respiration involves
three metabolic pathways: glycolysis,
the Krebs cycle, and an electron

transport system.
Aerobic cellular respiration is the
complete oxidation of glucose to
M ore than half of all oxygen generated on Earth is produced by
phytoplankton—photosynthetic producers—in the oceans.
When conditions of water temperature and nutrients are just right, the
release energy. phytoplankton grow rapidly, or “bloom,” producing large amounts of
• Fermentation is the incomplete chlorophyll, which are visible to orbiting satellites (light blue in this
oxidation of glucose to release energy. photograph). Scientists have discovered that these “blooms” might do
more than provide oxygen. They might also serve as an early warning
of earthquakes along coastal regions. Prior to an earthquake, the ocean
floor begins to shift. This causes an upwelling of nutrient-rich water
from the ocean bottom. As the nutrients near the surface, they
contribute to conditions that stimulate a bloom. When unexpected
blooms appear near regions where tectonic plates meet, they may
indicate that an earthquake and possibly a tsunami are imminent.

160 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Launch Lab
Seeing Green
In a functioning green plant, light energy is trapped by
light-absorbing molecules called pigments and used to
synthesize carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water.
The main photosynthetic
pigment is chlorophyll. What
effect does light have on
chlorophyll if it is removed
from a living plant?

• beaker of prepared
chlorophyll solution
(provided by your teacher)
• strong light source (such
as a slide projector)

1. In a darkened room, shine a strong beam of light
at a sample of chlorophyll solution.
2. Observe the colour of the chlorophyll by viewing
the sample at a slight angle.
3. Observe the colour of the chlorophyll by viewing
the sample at a right angle to the beam of light.
4. Describe the colour you see in steps 2 and 3.

1. Recall, from previous studies, that visible light is a
mixture of different colours (wavelengths). Which
colours of light do you think chlorophyll absorbs?
Explain your reasoning.
2. Chlorophyll has a property called fluorescence.
When a pigment molecule absorbs a specific
colour (wavelength) of light, its electrons become
“excited”—that is, they move to a higher energy
state. Almost immediately, the excited electrons
return to their original, lower-energy state as they
emit (give off) the energy they absorbed. The
emitted energy is visible as light of a longer, lower-
energy wavelength. In which step did you observe
fluorescence? Suggest a possible explanation for
Only plants, algae, and some species of bacteria can what you observed.
convert the Sun’s light energy into chemical energy.
Is the way that plants use energy different from the
way that your body uses energy?

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 161

Matter and Energy
5.1 Pathways in Living Systems

In this section, you will

• compare and summarize HEAT CARBOHYDRATE
the essential features
of chloroplasts and /
mitochondria in
relation to the role of
photosynthesis in storing
energy and the role of CHLOROPLAST MITOCHONDRION
cellular respiration in
releasing energy HEAT
• summarize and explain #/ (/ !40FORSYNTHETIC
the role of ATP in cellular REACTION ACTIVE
Key Terms Figure 5.1 Chloroplasts trap the Sun’s energy and use it to synthesize energy-rich compounds.
Animals either eat the plants or other plant-eating animals. These consumers then use the
stored, energy-rich compounds to generate ATP to fuel all life functions.
cellular respiration
thylakoids In Unit 1, you examined the processes of In the process of photosynthesis,
mitochondria photosynthesis and cellular respiration chloroplasts in autotrophs convert solar
metabolism as they relate to the connections between energy into chemical energy and store
reducing power
organisms and the biosphere. In this this in sugars and other carbohydrates.
chapter you will look more closely at The by-products of photosynthesis are
these energy-capturing and energy- oxygen, molecules of ATP (which you
releasing processes as they relate to will learn about shortly), and some heat.
the needs of individual organisms. Some of the energy-rich compounds
that result from photosynthesis are used
Photosynthesis: immediately, and some are stored (as
Capturing and Converting starch or converted to fat) for future use.
Light Energy from the Sun
Life on Earth is possible only because the Cellular Respiration:
Sun provides a constant input of energy Releasing Stored Energy
in the form of light. Living organisms The chemical energy of compounds such
trap, store, and use energy to maintain as glucose is stored in their chemical
and sustain cells. An overview of these bonds. All organisms must break down
BiologyFile general life processes is shown in Figure the energy-rich compounds—break
FYI 5.1. All organisms need some form of down the chemical bonds—to release
Some species of bacteria energy to survive. Green plants and most and use the energy.
can perform photosynthesis. other photosynthesizing organisms In the process of cellular
They do not have any respiration, mitochondria in the cells of
(autotrophs) have chloroplasts that
contain the molecules that trap the plants, animals, and other multicellular
organelles such as
chloroplasts. However, Sun’s energy and convert it to chemical organisms break down carbohydrates
the folds of membranes energy. Non-photosynthesizing (and other energy-rich products derived
connected to their plasma organisms (heterotrophs) must consume from them such as fats) to generate
membrane contain
photosynthetic organisms or other molecules of ATP. ATP is short for
molecules that capture
the Sun’s energy for heterotrophs to obtain the chemical adenosine triphosphate, and it is the
photosynthesis. energy they need. source of energy that all organisms use

162 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration






Magnification: 3500 ×
Magnification: 2850 ×
Figure 5.2 ATP is the source of energy for activities such as muscle contraction (A), cell division
(B), flagella movement (C), and cilia movement (D). The adenosine part of ATP is composed of a
molecule called adenine, which is bonded to a five-carbon sugar called ribose. Our bodies use
about 40 kg of ATP daily. The amount of ATP available at any moment is enough to meet only
immediate cellular needs. Thus, ATP must be synthesized constantly.

for nearly all cellular activities (Figure phosphate group P to ADP—a process BiologyFile
5.2). This molecule is sometimes referred that requires an input of energy.
Web Link
to as “the energy currency” of cells Molecules of ATP are broken down and What if heart pacemakers,
because when cells need energy they regenerated thousands of times each day. which are powered by
“spend” ATP. The chemical energy that is released batteries that require
when the bond to the third phosphate replacement every five to
ATP and Cellular Activity ten years, could be fueled
group is broken enables most life-
by ATP? This is one of the
ATP supplies the energy for cellular sustaining cellular activities to take place. questions guiding the
activities that include those listed below. investigation of ATP as a
••• possible source of energy
Although ATP is always being used,
sometimes quite rapidly, cells maintain 2 What
 is accomplished by the
process of photosynthesis?
for implanted devices. What
is the current state of this
an amazingly constant supply of ATP. research?
• active transport of ions and molecules
2 What
 is the function of cellular
across cell membranes
• moving chromosomes during cell


2 What is ATP?


• causing cilia and flagella to move

• causing muscles to contract
2 Inandterms
 of energy consumed
energy released, how is ATP
• synthesizing compounds such as related to ADP?
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and •••
nucleic acids
How does ATP supply energy for ADENOSINE 0 0 0
cellular activity? As you can see in Figure ADENOSINETRIPHOSPHATE!40
5.3, when the bond to the third phosphate
group in ATP breaks, the energy from Figure 5.3 The release
ATP is released. The reaction produces ENERGY 0 ENERGY of a phosphate group
ADP or adenosine diphosphate— FROMCELLULAR RELEASED from ATP and the
RESPIRATION FORBODY subsequent regeneration
adenosine plus two phosphate groups— ADENOSINE 0 0
PROCESSES of ATP from ADP creates
and a free phosphate group P . ATP is ADENOSINEDIPHOSPHATE!$0 a continuous cycle.
then regenerated by the addition of a free

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 163

BiologyFile Chloroplasts: contain mitochondria. These are the
Site of Photosynthesis organelles that enable cells to efficiently
extract energy from their food (Figure
In June 2005, a team of Parts of plants and many species of algae
researchers, led by J. Thomas 5.5). Mitochondria are smaller than
are green in colour because they contain
Beatty from the University chloroplasts, ranging from 0.5 µm–
chlorophyll, the green-coloured molecules
of British Columbia, 1.0 µm in diameter and 2 µm–5 µm in
discovered evidence of that trap solar energy. Chlorophyll is the
length. Like chloroplasts, mitochondria
green sulfur bacteria—a pigment you used in the Launch Lab on
type of bacteria that lives are bounded by two membranes. The
page 161 and is contained within cell
in anoxic (non-oxygen) fluid-filled space of the inner membrane
organelles called chloroplasts. Most
environments—living is called the matrix. It contains proteins
photosynthetically more photosynthetic cells contain anywhere
and other chemicals needed to break
than 2000 m deeper than from 40 to 200 chloroplasts. A typical
down carbohydrates and other high-
sunlight can penetrate. The leaf may have 500 000 chloroplasts per
researchers hypothesize energy molecules. The inner membrane
square millimeter!
that the bacteria are has numerous folds, called cristae, which
adapted to capture energy
Chloroplasts are about 4 µm–6 µm
provide a large surface area for the
from the extremely low- in diameter and 1 µm–5 µm thick. They
production of ATP.
level radiation emitted from are bound by two membranes: an outer
deep sea thermal vents. membrane and an inner one. The fluid •••
in the inner space of a chloroplast, called
the stroma, contains a concentrated
2 What is chlorophyll?

mixture of proteins and other chemicals 2 Where,

 in a typical plant cell, are
the green parts located? Name
that are used in the synthesis (making) of
carbohydrates. A third membrane system the organelle, where it is often
within the stroma is organized into located in the cell, and the part
interconnected flattened sacs called of the organelle to which the
thylakoids. In some regions of the stroma, green material is attached.
thylakoids are stacked up in structures
called grana. Chlorophyll molecules are
2 What
 is the function of
located in the thylakoid membranes of
the chloroplast (Figure 5.4). 2 Name
 the life forms that contain
mitochondria in their cells.
Mitochondria: •••
Site of Cellular Respiration
Figure 5.4 The flattened The cells of eurkaryotic organisms
thylakoids in the (plants, animals, fungi, and protists)
chloroplasts of plant cells
are stacked into columns
called grana (singular:
granum). Surrounding the
thylakoids and filling the
interior of the chloroplast is 8]adgdeaVhi
the fluid stroma, in which
the chemical reactions that
synthesize carbohydrates STROMA
take place.


Magnification: 37 000 ×

164 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Magnification: 45 000 ×



Figure 5.5 Glucose is broken down MATRIX

during cellular respiration, a process that B^idX]dcYg^dc
is completed within the mitochondria of
plant cells and animal cells. In cells that use large
amounts of energy, such as muscle and liver cells,
there may be as many as 1000 mitochondria.

Metabolic Pathways and needed to start and maintain the burning

Energy for Cellular Reactions of wood. The cells in living systems could
not survive the high temperatures and
As you have seen in Unit 1, the chemical
large energy output of a combustion
reaction for photosynthesis can be
reaction. Instead, the reactions that
summarized as:
occur in living cells take place in a very
6CO2(g) + 6H2O() + energy →
large number of controlled reactions.
C6H12O6(s) + O2(g)
They occur in step-by-step sequences
The chemical reaction of cellular
called metabolic pathways. In a metabolic
respiration can be summarized as:
pathway, the product of one reaction
C6H12O6(s) + O2(g) →
becomes the starting reactant for another.
6CO2(g) + 6H2O() + energy
Photosynthesis in chloroplasts and
Enzymes Catalyze Cellular
cellular respiration in mitochondria are Metabolism and Energy Production
intimately related. Photosynthesis uses
The term metabolism refers to all the
the products of respiration as its starting
chemical reactions that occur within
reactants, and cellular respiration uses
a cell to support and sustain its life
the products of photosynthesis as its
functions. Two broad categories of
starting reactants.
reactions make up metabolism. Anabolic
The reactions appear to be exact
metabolic pathways synthesize larger
opposites of each other. However, these
molecules from smaller ones and require
are overall reactions. They represent a
energy. Catabolic metabolic pathways
summary of a series of reactions that, in
break down larger molecules into smaller
combination, result in the reactions shown
ones and release energy.
here. By analyzing the cellular respiration
These chemical reactions do not
reaction, you will see why the summary
occur unless they are activated in some
equation represents a series of reactions.
way. Often, the energy for activating a
The reaction that releases energy Figure 5.6 An initial input
reaction comes from heating the reactants.
during cellular respiration is essentially of energy is necessary to
(Think of using a match to start those start logs burning. The
the same as the combustion reaction that
logs burning.) However, heating would burning of each bit of
releases energy during the burning of
destroy living cells, so another method is wood almost immediately
wood, as shown in Figure 5.6. The starts the combustion
needed to activate metabolic reactions.
cellulose in wood that burns in air is reaction in adjacent bits
All metabolic reactions are catalyzed of wood. A very high
made of thousands of units of glucose
by enzymes—specialized proteins that temperature is necessary
(C6H12O6(s)). A very high temperature is
lower the energy needed to activate to keep the logs burning.

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 165

Collecting and interpreting
experimental data to identify the gases
released as a result of metabolic processes
Gases Released During Photosynthesis
and Cellular Respiration
stem of the funnel as shown. Be sure there is no air
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are chemical in the test tube.
reactions that produce by-products in the form of gases. 5. Place the apparatus in bright light and leave it until
How can you detect and identify the gas that plants release? the next class period.
How can you determine what gases you are exhaling?
6. After about 24 h, carefully remove the test tube,
Question keeping it inverted, put your thumb over the mouth
How can you identify the gases released by plants and of the test tube, and stopper it. Follow the directions
animals? below to test for the type of gas in the tube. Record
your results.

Testing for Gases

Safety Precautions
Note: For safety purposes, your teacher may conduct
• NaOH(aq) is caustic and will burn skin. If contact
some or all of these steps.
occurs, inform your teacher immediately and wash
your skin under cold running cold water for 10 min. 1. Wear goggles.
• When you blow into any solution, do not inhale at 2. Keep the stoppered test tube containing a collected
any time. gas inverted and clamp it to a ring stand.

Materials 3. Ensure that there are no flammable materials, other

• 600 mL beaker • wooden splint than those with which you are working, in the room.
• NaHCO3(s) • matches 4. Light the wooden splint. Let it burn briefly then
• Cabomba (or other • 0.1 mol/L NaOH(aq) blow out the flame. The splint should still be glowing.
aquatic plant) in dropping bottle 5. Gradually insert the glowing splint up into the
• bright lamp (or • 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask inverted test tube. Observe the reaction.
grow light) and stopper • If the gas is hydrogen, you will hear a loud pop
• test tube and stopper • bromothymol blue when the splint reaches the gas.
• short stemmed funnel • straw • If the gas is carbon dioxide, the splint will go out.
• If the gas is oxygen, the splint will burn faster and
you will see a flame.
Part 1: Gas Released by Plants
The first 5 steps must be completed the day before the
remainder of the investigation is completed.
1. Fill a 600 mL beaker with aquarium water or tap
water. Add 2 g of sodium hydrogen carbonate to
the water.
2. Hold the small branches of Cabomba (or other
aquatic plant) under water and clip off the ends of
the stems so that air bubbles do not block the vessels.
3. Place a short-stemmed funnel over the branches.
4. Fill a test tube with water and cover the top while you
invert it. Hold it under water and position it over the

166 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Part 2: Gas Exhaled by Animals 2. Bromothymol blue is called a pH indicator because
1. Add about 35 mL of water to a 50 mL Erlenmeyer it changes colour with changes in pH (acidity) of a
flask. Add a few drops of bromothymol blue to the solution. It is a dark greenish-blue colour in a basic
water and swirl. (Place the flask on a piece of white solution and a pale yellow colour in an acidic solution.
paper to see the colour more clearly.) What happened when you blew into the flask?

2. Add sodium hydroxide one drop at a time and gently 3. Read the following points then identify the gas in
swirl the flask. Stop adding the sodium hydroxide your exhaled breath.
when the water turns a deep greenish-blue colour. • Oxygen gas has very low solubility in water and
does not react chemically with water.
3. Obtain a straw and blow gently into the flask. Do not
suck on the straw. Continue to blow into the solution • Hydrogen gas is nearly insoluble in water and
until you can no longer see any colour change. does not react with water.
• Carbon dioxide is relatively soluble in water and
4. Add a piece of Cabomba to the water and stopper the
reacts with water to produce carbonic acid.
flask. Place it in a brightly lighted place. Leave it in
place until you see a change. Record any changes over Conclusion
the next 24 h. 4. Explain the source of the gas that you collected in
Analysis the test tube over the Cabomba plant.
1. What happened when you inserted the glowing splint 5. Explain the source of the gas that you exhaled.
into the test tube that had been collecting gas from
6. Explain any changes in the appearance of the solution
the Cabomba plant? What is the identity of the gas?
after Step 4 of Part 2.

biological reactions. Each of the another compound must be reduced

thousands of reactions that occur in (gain electrons). This link between
living cells has a specific enzyme that oxidation and reduction reactions is
enables the reaction to proceed rapidly. shown in Figure 5.7.
All compounds or atoms contain
more energy in their reduced form than
2 Which
 releases energy: metabolic
pathways that synthesize larger
they do in their oxidized form. Energy-
rich compounds (such as glucose) are
molecules from smaller ones or
in their reduced form. Molecules that,
metabolic pathways that break
in their reduced form, contain a large
down larger molecules into
amount of available energy are said
smaller ones?
to have reducing power.
••• ĕ
Linking Reactions through COMPOUND! COMPOUND"
Oxidation and Reduction
When an atom or molecule loses an !ISOXIDIZED "ISREDUCED
electron, it is said to be oxidized, and the
process by which this occurs is called Eĕ REDUCED
oxidation. Conversely, when an atom or COMPOUND! COMPOUND"
molecule gains an electron, it is said to be
Figure 5.7 Oxidation and reduction reactions
reduced, and the process is called reduction. take place at the same time. If one compound
The electrons that are lost by one is oxidized, another compound must be
atom or molecule cannot exist on their reduced. (That is, when one compound loses
own. They must combine with another electrons, another compound gains those
electrons.) Oxidation-reduction reactions
atom or molecule. Thus, when one
are often called redox reactions for short.
compound is oxidized (loses electrons),

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 167

BiologyFile ••• • Chlorophyll molecules, the molecules
A simple way to help you
2 that
What happens to the electrons
are lost by a compound that
that trap solar energy, are bound to the
thylakoid membranes in chloroplasts.
remember what happens is undergoing an oxidation • Chlorophyll gives plants their green
to electrons in an oxidation reaction? colour.
reaction and a reduction • Mitochondria have outer and inner
reaction is to remember the
phrase,“LEO the lion says
2 Which contains more energy:
a compound in its oxidized
membranes that surround a fluid-filled
GER.” LEO stands for “Loss of region called the matrix. The inner
Electrons is Oxidation” and
form or a compound in its membrane has many deep infoldings
GER stands for “Gain of reduced form? called cristae.
Electrons is Reduction.” ••• • The chemical reactions of
In Alberta, it might be more
appropriate to use the photosynthesis and cellular respiration
acronym, OIL RIG. Oxidation Section 5.1 Summary take place in a series of many step-by-
Is Loss. Reduction Is Gain. • Photosynthesis is the process by which step reactions called metabolic pathways.
plants and other photosynthetic • Enzymes are biological catalysts that
organisms trap the Sun’s energy and reduce the amount of startup energy
transform it into energy-rich chemical needed for the reactions in the
compounds. metabolic pathways. In the absence
• Cellular respiration is the process by of enzymes, the reactions could not
which cells break down high-energy occur at temperatures at which living
compounds and generate ATP. organisms thrive.
• ATP is the direct source of energy for • When a compound is oxidized in a
nearly all types of energy-requiring chemical reaction, it loses electrons.
activities of living organisms. • When a compound is reduced in a
• Chloroplasts have two outer membranes, chemical reaction, it gains electrons.
an inner solution called the stroma, • Compounds contain more chemical
and a membrane system consisting of energy in their reduced form than they
flattened sacs called thylakoids. Stacks do in their oxidized form.
of thylakoids are called grana.

Section 5.1 Review

1. Trace, in general terms, the path of energy from the sun 7. Identify the regions of the chloroplast indicated on this
to the contraction of a muscle in a predator such as a diagram. Describe what happens in B and C.
mountain lion (Puma concolor). !
2. An autotroph is defined as an organism that makes
its own food. Explain how this term describes
photosynthetic organisms.
3. Use word processing or spreadsheet software to create
# $
a chart that compares and contrasts the process of "
photosynthesis and cellular respiration. ICT
8. Identify the part of a mitochondrion that performs
4. Explain why it is appropriate to call ATP the “energy
a function related to the processes that occur in the
currency” of cells.
stroma of chloroplasts. Explain your reasoning.
5. Use graphics software to draw a sketch or model of a
9. Define the term “metabolism,” and explain the meaning
molecule of ATP. Label the different groups that make
of the term “metabolic pathway.”
up this molecule. ICT
10. Explain the meaning of the term “reducing power.”
6. Use graphics or word processing software to sketch the
ATP energy cycle. Use the sketch to explain how this
cycle enables life-sustaining cellular activities. ICT

168 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Photosynthesis Stores
5.2 Energy in Organic Compounds
Section Outcomes Photosynthesis transforms the energy are needed to make proteins. In fact, the
of sunlight into the chemical energy of products of photosynthesis account for
In this section, you will
• describe how pigments
glucose. As you know from Chapter 1, nearly 95 percent of the dry weight of
absorb light energy and only a small portion of the Sun’s total green plants. Other organisms—
transfer it as reducing energy output reaches Earth’s surface. An including humans—depend on the
power in NADPH even smaller portion of this is used for molecules, tissues, and substances that
• explain how absorbed
photosynthesis. Even so, photosynthesizing plants synthesize for their own use
light energy is transferred
to the chemical potential organisms use that tiny fraction of (Figure 5.8).
energy of ATP by the Sun’s energy to synthesize about
chemiosmosis 1.4 × 1015 kg of energy-storing glucose The Process of Photosynthesis
• describe where the
and other sugars each year. That’s enough 6CO2(g) + 6H2O() + energy →
energy transfer processes
take place in chloroplasts
sugar to fill a chain of railway boxcars C6H12O6(s) + O2(g)
• explain how scientific reaching to the Moon and back 50 times. The summary equation for
knowledge may lead to Much of the glucose produced by photosynthesis tells you that the starting
the development of new plants is converted to cellulose (fibre) reactants are carbon dioxide and water,
• collect and interpret data
and other structural tissues. Glucose may and the end products are glucose and
and calculate Rf values also be converted to other sugars as well oxygen. There is, however, much that
from chromatography as storage forms of carbohydrates such takes place between what appears on the
experiments as starch. In addition, sugars produced left side of the equation and the result
• conduct investigations
by photosynthesis are involved in the on the right side of the equation.
in print and electronic
resources on C3 and C4 synthesis of other essential cellular The arrow in the photosynthesis
photosynthetic substances such as amino acids, which equation represents over 100 distinct


Key Terms
light-dependent reactions EGDIGITALIS
light-independent reactions
electron transport system PERFUMESAND
carbon dioxide fixation





Figure 5.8 Plants produce CARBOHYDRATESTHROUGH
structural and metabolic VASCULARTISSUE
substances for their own
developed numerous OFFOODENERGY
technologies to take
plant substances.

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 169

BiologyFile chemical reactions that lead to the end As you can see in Figure 5.9A, a
products. The term photosynthesis chlorophyll solution absorbs red and
In the past, the light-
suggests that the process involves two blue light while it transmits or reflects
independent reactions were sets of reactions. Photo, meaning light, green light. Therefore, the light that
called the “dark reactions” refers to the reactions that capture light reaches your eyes is green.
because these reactions energy; synthesis refers to the reactions An absorbance spectrum is a graph
do not require light. They
that produce a carbohydrate. The two sets that shows the relative amounts of light
can, however, take place
in the dark or in the light. of reactions that make up photosynthesis of different colours that a compound
Therefore, they are now are called the light-dependent reactions absorbs. Figure 5.9B shows the
more commonly referred and the light-independent reactions. absorbance spectra of two chlorophylls—
to as light-independent In the light-dependent reactions, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. Figure
solar energy is trapped and used to 5.9B also includes the absorbance
generate two high-energy compounds: spectrum of another pigment called
ATP and NADPH (reduced nicotinamide beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a member
adenine dinucleotide phosphate), which of a very large class of pigments called
has a large amount of reducing power. carotenoids. The carotenoids absorb
In the light-independent reactions, the blue and green light, so they are yellow,
energy of ATP and the reducing power orange, and red in colour (see Figure
of NADPH are used to reduce carbon 5.9C). Beta-carotene is responsible for
dioxide to make glucose. Glucose can the orange colour of carrots. It can be
then be converted into starch for storage. converted into vitamin A, which can
then be converted into retinal, which
is the visual pigment in your eyes.
2 What
 are the two sets of
reactions that are involved
Each photosynthetic pigment
absorbs light of different colours. Having
in photosynthesis?
a variety of pigments enables a plant to
••• use a greater percentage of the Sun’s light.
Figure 5.9D shows another type
The Light-Dependent of spectrum, called an action spectrum.
Reactions of Photosynthesis An action spectrum shows the relative
During the light-dependent reactions, effectiveness of different wavelengths of
the pigments within the thylakoid light for promoting photosynthesis. This
membranes absorb light energy. A is reflected by a response in the rate at
BiologyFile pigment is a compound that absorbs which oxygen is released. Observe that
FYI certain wavelengths of visible light, while the action spectrum parallels the
In addition to absorbing reflecting others that give the pigment absorbance spectra of the three pigments
light energy, the carotenoids
its specific colour. A photosynthetic together. This observation links the
have another important
function: they protect pigment is a compound that traps production of oxygen in photosynthesis
chlorophyll molecules from light energy and passes it on to other with selected wavelengths of light, as well
chemical damage. During chemicals, which use the energy to as with the specific pigments that absorb
the formation of the oxygen synthesize high-energy compounds. these wavelengths.
molecules that are released
Photosynthetic organisms have a variety
by plants, some very •••
reactive chemicals are of photosynthetic pigments, although
produced. Without chlorophyll, which is green, is the main 2 What is a pigment?

carotenoids, these chemicals

would destroy the
type of photosynthetic pigments in plants.
Chlorophyll does not absorb green
2 Inlight,reference
 to the properties of
what makes chlorophyll
chlorophyll. Biologists used
this fact to develop a type of light. To understand why chlorophyll is green?
herbicide that inhibits the green, examine Figure 5.9A.
synthesis of the caroteniods.
Without the carotenoids,
When you shine white light through 2 What
 is the advantage to a plant
of having more than one pigment?
a prism, the prism separates the colours
the chlorophyll is destroyed •••
and the plants die. (wavelengths) of light into a spectrum.

170 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration



A When you look at an object, you see the colours that were not B This absorbance spectrum for three photosynthetic
absorbed by the object. Leaves appear green because chlorophyll pigments shows that each pigment absorbs a different
molecules in leaf cells reflect green and yellow wavelengths combination of colours of light.
of light and absorb the other wavelengths (red and blue).




C During spring and summer months, chlorophyll masks the D This action spectrum for photosynthesis shows the rate
presence of carotenoids and other plant pigments in leaves. at which oxygen is produced during photosynthesis.
Cooler temperatures in autumn cause leaves to stop making Notice that the shape of the graph line generally mirrors
chlorophyll. With the green pigment no longer present to the shape of the graph lines in Figure 5.9B.
reflect green light to our eyes, the colours reflected by Figure 5.9 Light-reflecting
carotenoids and other plant pigments become visible. and light absorbing
characteristics of pigments.
The Path of Electrons in the present in the photosystem is a molecule
Light-Dependent Reactions that accepts electrons. All the pigment
In Section 5.1, you read that chlorophyll is molecules in each photosystem can absorb
bound to the membranes of the thylakoids light energy of various wavelengths.
inside the chloroplast. Chlorophyll and However, they always pass the energy
other pigments are arranged in the along to one specialized, electron-
thylakoid membranes in clusters called accepting chlorophyll a molecule called BiologyFile
photosystems. The chloroplasts of the reaction centre. (Some biologists refer
to pigment molecules in a photosystem FYI
plants and algae have two photosystems,
When chlorophyll is free in
called photosystem I (abbreviated to PSI) as antennas because they collect light a solution and it absorbs
and photosystem II (abbreviated to energy just as radio and television light, it fluoresces. When
PSII). The photosystems are named for antennas collect electromagnetic energy.) a molecule fluoresces, it
the order in which scientists discovered re-emits the energy it
••• absorbed in the form of
them, not for their sequence in the
process of photosynthesis. 2 What is a photosystem?
 light that has a longer
wavelength than the
Each photosystem is made up of
pigment molecules that include one
2 Identify
 the types of molecules
that are present in a photosystem.
absorbed light. You
observed fluorescence
when you performed the
dozen or more chlorophyll molecules, as ••• Launch Lab at the start of
well as a few carotenoid molecules. Also this chapter.

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 171

Collecting and interpreting data from
a chromatography experiment
Calculating reference flow values from
Using Chromatography to data
Separate Plant Pigments
paper. Use the watch glass to squeeze out the pigment
Chromatography is a technique that is used to separate mixture. Repeat this at least 10 times in the same spot
and analyze complex mixtures, such as plant pigments. to ensure that enough pigment mixture has been
You will use this technique to examine the pigments in deposited onto the paper.
a green leaf.
5. Place 5 mL to 10 mL of solvent in the test tube.
6. Hang the chromatography paper from the stopper
Which pigments can you identify in a green leaf? in the test tube so that the tip of the paper is in the
Prediction solvent but the pigment mixture is not.
Predict at least three pigments that you will observe. 7. Wait until the solvent has travelled up to about 2 cm
from the top of the paper.
8. Remove the paper from the test tube. Immediately,
Safety Precautions before the solvent evaporates, mark the location of
The solvent is volatile. Ensure that there are no flames the solvent front with a pencil. Also mark the edges
in the classroom, and avoid breathing the vapours from of each pigment, as shown in this diagram.
the solvent. The classroom must be well-ventilated.

• coleus or spinach leaves
supplied by your teacher) PAPERCLIP ! " # FRONT
• isopropanol (solvent)
• chromatography paper 9. Measure and record the distance that each pigment
PAPER travelled, starting from where you applied the
• paper clip
pigment mixture to where each pigment stopped
• retort stand moving up the paper strip.
• test-tube clamp
10. Measure and record the distance that the solvent
• cork stopper front travelled.
• watch glass
PIGMENT 11. Prepare a data table with the following headings, and
• large test tube SPOT record your observations and measurements in the
first three columns.
CM Observations and Data for Chromatography of Plant Pigments
1. Attach the large test
tube to a retort stand. SOLVENT
travelled Distance Rf
2. Set up the cork stopper and the paper clip as shown. by travelled (reference
Pigment pigment by solvent flow) Name of
3. Measure a piece of chromatography paper so that it colour (cm) (cm) value pigment
is long enough to hang from the paper clip but not so
long that it touches the bottom of the test tube. (Refer
to the diagram.) Cut the paper to a point at one end. 12. Calculate the Rf (reference flow) value of each
4. Place a coleus or spinach leaf over the pointed end of pigment, using the following formula:
the chromatography paper. Run the edge of a watch distance travelled by pigment (solute)
Rf value = ————
glass over the leaf, about 2 cm up from the tip of the distance travelled by solvent

172 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Analysis Examples of Plant Pigments and Their Colours
1. Sketch your paper strip, using different colours to Pigment or pigment group Colour
show the different pigments and their positions. chlorophyll a bluish-green
Your sketch is called a chromatogram.
chlorophyll b yellowish-green
2. Which pigment is (a) most soluble and (b) least
carotenoids orange
soluble in the solvent you used? Explain how you
decided. pheophytin olive-green
xanthophylls yellow
3. Compare your observations and Rf values with those
of your classmates. Identify sources of error in this phycocyanin blue
investigation that might account for any differences. phycoerythrin red
4. Use the following chart as a guide to help you
complete the last column in your data table. (You Conclusion
may not have observed all the pigments in this chart, 5. a) Which pigments did you identify in your leaf?
or you may have observed other pigments.) b) Do you think additional pigments could still be
present? Hypothesize how you could find out.

When a reaction centre has received the amount of energy (Figure 5.11). This
energy passed on to it, an electron in the released energy is used to push hydrogen
reaction centre is “excited.” This means ions from the stroma, across the thylakoid
that the electron is raised to a higher membrane, and into the thylakoid
energy level. The electron is then passed space—the area inside the thylakoid.
to an electron-accepting molecule. Since
this electron-acceptor has received an
.!$0 (
electron, it becomes reduced so it is at a E n n
high energy level. Figure 5.10 outlines .!$0(
four steps that occur after the energized ELECTRON
electron reaches the electron-acceptor. TRANSPORT
Step 1 When the electron leaves the TRANSPORT LIGHT INDEPENDENT
E n 
reaction centre in photosystem II and SYSTEM REACTIONS
goes to the electron-acceptor, the reaction En
centre is missing an electron. This electron En

must be replaced before photosystem II En
can absorb more light energy to excite an LIGHT INDEPENDENT
electron. The source of the new electron REACTIONS
is a water molecule. A water molecule is En
split in a series of reactions that release
electrons, hydrogen ions, and oxygen REACTIONCENTRE LIGHTENERGY
atoms. The oxygen that is released by plants
comes from these water-splitting reactions.
Step 2 From the electron-acceptor, the
energized electron is transferred along LIGHTENERGY
a series of electron-carrying molecules. E
Together, these molecules are referred to WATERSPLITS ( / ( Figure 5.10 A summary of the light-
as an electron transport system. With
dependent reactions of photosynthesis,
each transfer along the electron transport which take place in the thylakoid

system, the electron releases a small ˆ

membranes of the chloroplast

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 173

2 Describe
 or sketch what happens
to electrons in the electron
transport system.

2 How
 does NADP become
converted to NADPH?

2 How
 are electrons replaced in
photosystem I, and what is the
source of the replacement
2 What
 is the effect of having
a greater concentration of
hydrogen ions in the thylakoid
space than in the stroma?
Figure 5.11 In an electron
transport system, high-
energy electrons give off
Making ATP: Chemiosmosis
a small amount of energy The energy that is released as an
with each step as they pass When the hydrogen ions are forced
electron is passed through the electron
from one electron-carrying from the stroma to the thylakoid space,
molecule to another. transport system is stored temporarily in
they cannot diffuse back across the
(These molecules, called a hydrogen ion concentration gradient
membrane because the membrane is
cytochromes, are a class across the thylakoid membrane. There are
of proteins specialized for impermeable to these charged particles.
many more hydrogen ions in the thylakoid
transferring electrons.) The A special structure called ATP synthase,
energy given off from these
space than there are in the stroma. You
embedded in the thylakoid membrane,
energy transfers is used to can compare this concentration gradient
provides the only pathway for the
synthesize ATP. to water behind a dam. Energy is stored
hydrogen ions to move down their
in the potential energy of the water. In a
concentration gradient (Figure 5.12).
dam, the energy is used by allowing the
This pathway is linked to a mechanism
water to flow down and turn turbines
that bonds a free phosphate group to
that will generate electric energy. In the
an ADP molecule to form ATP. As the
hydrogen ion gradient, the energy will be
hydrogen ions move down their
used to generate ATP from ADP and free
concentration gradient through the ATP
phosphate groups.
synthase, the energy of the gradient is
Step 3 When the events of steps 1 and 2 are used to generate ATP molecules. This
taking place, light energy is absorbed by linking of the movement of hydrogen
photosystem I. This energy is transferred ions to the production of ATP is called
to a reaction centre, where an electron chemiosmosis. You will encounter this
becomes excited. Once again, the excited process again in Section 5.3 when you
electron is passed to a high-energy consider the making of ATP in the
electron-acceptor. In photosystem I, the mitochondria during cellular respiration.
lost electron is replaced by an electron
that has reached the end of the electron •••
transport system from photosystem II. 2 Explain
 why hydrogen ions cannot
diffuse out of the thylakoid space.
Step 4 The electron that was received by
the electron-acceptor from photosystem I
is used to reduce NADP+ to form NADPH.
2 What
 is ATP synthase, and what
is its significance?
The reducing power of NADPH will be
used in the light-independent reactions. 2 What
 two events are linked in

174 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Mimicking Nature INNERSPACE ( ( (
Scientists and engineers are fascinated by OFTHYLAKOID
( (
the ability of plants to use chlorophyll to
trap solar energy and convert it into ( MEMBRANE
chemical energy. Engineers have been
able to design and construct technology
that traps solar energy and converts it
into electrical energy (see Figure 5.13 on
page 176). The technology is practical
for the space station with its large solar
receptors and small devices such as your
calculator. However, the amount of (
!$0 0
electrical energy that can be produced by
solar cells at Earth’s surface is not enough
to supply much of the energy that society
needs. As a result, a large percentage of Figure 5.12 You can think of the hydrogen ions passing through
the energy that is used every day comes the ATP synthase as being like water passing through a dam.
from the burning of fossil fuels, which The water turns a turbine that generates electrical energy. The
add large amounts of carbon dioxide to movement of hydrogen ions through ATP synthase “turns a
molecular turbine” that generates ATP.
the atmosphere. Since carbon dioxide
is a greenhouse gas, it contributes to product is pure, clean water. So why not
global warming. use hydrogen as a fuel? There is very little
In the search for an alternative hydrogen found free, as a gas, in nature.
source of energy, many scientists have To split water into hydrogen and oxygen
been looking closely at hydrogen. gases requires the input of more energy
Hydrogen is a totally clean fuel. When than can be produced when the hydrogen
hydrogen burns in oxygen, the only is burned. Obtaining hydrogen from

Target Skills
Thought Lab 5.1 Modelling the Source of Oxygen
in the Light-Dependent Reactions Using a model to predict and trace the
source of oxygen atoms in photosynthesis
In the 1930s, a graduate student at Stanford University in
California, C.B. van Niel, demonstrated that the source of the 4. Using materials provided by your teacher, model what
oxygen given off during photosynthesis was water molecules, you predict the appearance of the results would be.
not carbon dioxide as was commonly hypothesized. When Your model must include a “tag” to indicate the oxygen
radioactive isotopes came into widespread use in biology isotope on the left side of the arrow as well as where it
laboratories in the early 1950s, it became possible to test and ends up on the right side of the arrow.
verify van Niel’s findings. (Isotopes are atoms of an element 5. Use labels or different colours in your model to indicate
that are chemically similar but differ in the number of what happens to the carbon and hydrogen in this
neutrons in their nucleus.) A radioactive isotope of oxygen reaction.
was used as a tracer. Tracers are used to follow a particular
molecule through a chemical reaction. Analysis
1. Explain how an isotope can be used as a tracer.
1. Examine the following general equation that resulted 2. Using your model, predict what happens to:
from the van Niel experiment: a) all oxygen molecules that originated from carbon
CO2(g) + 2H2O*() → CH2O(s) + H2O() + O2*(g) dioxide

2. Radioactive water tagged with an isotope of oxygen as a b) all carbon molecules that originated from carbon
tracer (shown by the *) was used. Note where the tagged dioxide
oxygen ends up on the right side of the equation. c) all hydrogen molecules that originated from water

3. Assume that the experiment was repeated, but this time

a radioactive tag was put on the oxygen in CO2.

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 175

can be used to synthesize glucose in the
presence or absence of light. The series
of reactions by which carbohydrates are
synthesized is called the Calvin-Benson
cycle in honour of Melvin Calvin and
Andrew Benson, the researchers most
responsible for the discovery of the
process. They used a radioactive isotope of
carbon as a tracer to discover the reactions
that make up the cycle. Although many
chemical reactions are involved, the
reactions of the Calvin-Benson cycle can
be summarized as shown in Figure 5.14
Figure 5.13 Like chloroplasts, solar collectors can absorb light energy from
the Sun and convert this energy to other forms. In plants, solar energy is
and as described below.
converted to chemical energy. In solar collectors, the solar energy is usually 1. Fixing Carbon Dioxide: The first
converted to heat or to electrical energy. The electrical energy may be stored stage in the synthesis of
for later use by using it to charge storage batteries. (A car battery is an carbohydrates is carbon dioxide
example of a storage battery.)
fixation, which means that the
other compounds usually results in the carbon atom in carbon dioxide is
release of carbon dioxide. chemically bonded to a pre-existing
As you know, photosystem II uses molecule in the stroma. This
the energy of light to split water. Plants molecule is a five-carbon compound
release oxygen gas but not hydrogen gas. called ribulose bisphosphate, or
The hydrogen from the water becomes RuBP for short. The resulting six-
part of the concentration gradient or is carbon compound is unstable and
added to NADP+ to reduce it to NADPH. immediately breaks down into two
Teams of scientists are now looking for a identical three-carbon compounds.
way to produce an artificial system similar Because these three-carbon
to photosystem II that will use solar energy compounds are the first stable
to split water but convert the released products of the process, plants that
ions and electrons into hydrogen gas demonstrate this process are called
instead of using them for reducing power. C3 plants. You could summarize the
Should the scientists succeed with their reaction that leads to these three-
research, hydrogen, a completely clean carbon compounds as:
BiologyFile fuel, will become available in the future. CO2 + RuBP → unstable C6 → 2 C3
2. Reduction: In this stage, the newly
FYI •••
Certain types of partial formed three-carbon compounds
blindness occur when cells 2 isState
 two reasons why hydrogen
not easily used as a fuel.
are in a low-energy state. To convert
in the retina lose the ability them into a higher energy state, they
to trap light and send
signals to the brain. Some 2 investigating
Explain why scientists are

ways to produce
are first activated by ATP and then
reduced by NADPH. The result of
research scientists are
studying a protein from hydrogen using an artificial these reactions is two molecules
photosystem I as a potential system similar to photosystem II. of PGAL. (PGAL is short for
replacement for these glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.) In
missing functions in the •••
retina. The scientists are
their reduced (higher-energy) state,
looking for a way to attach The Light-Independent some of the PGAL molecules leave
these proteins to the retina
Reactions of Photosynthesis the cycle and may be used to make
and replace cells that have glucose. The remaining PGAL
stopped functioning. Much When there is a sufficient amount of
molecules move on to the third
more research is needed NADPH and ATP in the stroma of the
before the system will stage of the cycle.
chloroplasts, the energy of these molecules
be feasible.

176 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

#/ Figure 5.14 For every
12 PGAL molecules that are
SIX CARBON synthesized in the Calvin-
COMPOUNDSUNSTABLE Benson cycle, two leave the
chloroplasts and go into
2U"0#FIVE THREE CARBON the cytoplasm. There, they
and other high-energy




3. Replacing RuBP: Most of the reduced • Light energy trapped by a pigment

PGAL molecules are used to make molecule energizes (excites) electrons.
more RuBP. Energy, supplied by ATP, • When an electron in photosystem II
is required to break and reform the is excited, it is transferred to and then
chemical bonds to make the five- passed along an electron transport
carbon RuBP from PGAL. As system.
described in Figure 5.14, the Calvin- • Energy released during electron
Benson cycle must be completed six transport is used to force hydrogen
times in order to synthesize one ions across the thylakoid membrane
molecule of glucose. Of the 12 PGAL and create a concentration gradient.
molecules that are produced in six • Energy from the concentration gradient
cycles, 10 are used to regenerate is used to generate ATP from ADP and
RuBP, and 2 are used to make glucose. phosphate by means of chemiosmosis.
As hydrogen ions move down their
concentration gradient, they drive
2 Briefl
 y outline the function
and significance of the Calvin-
the reaction that generates ATP.
• An electron from water replaces
Benson cycle. BiologyFile
the electron that was lost from
2 What
 does the term “carbon
dioxide fixation” mean?
photosystem II. The oxygen from
the water molecule is converted
The enzyme that catalyzes
the reaction between
••• to molecular oxygen. carbon dioxide and RuBP
• When an electron from photosystem I at the start of the Calvin-
is excited, it is eventually used to reduce Benson cycle is known
Section 5.2 Summary as rubisco (ribulose
• Photosynthesis consists of two NADP+ to NADPH.
bisphosphate carboxylase).
separate sets of chemical reactions:
• The series of reactions that synthesize All enzymes are proteins,
light-dependent reactions and carbohydrates is the Calvin-Benson and rubisco is probably the
cycle, which occurs in the stroma. most abundant protein on
light-independent reactions.
• In this cycle, carbon dioxide combines Earth. Biologists estimate
• Chlorophylls a and b and the that photosynthetic
carotenoids are photosynthetic with RuBP to form a six-carbon organisms synthesize 1000 kg
pigments that absorb light. of rubisco every second.

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 177

Target Skills
Thought Lab 5.2 Adaptations and Applications
of Photosynthesis Investigating and integrating
information from print and electronic
sources to learn about photosynthesis
Rubisco is essential for the fixing of carbon, and yet it is also and possible applications of our
the reason for the inefficiency of photosynthesis. Biologists knowledge
estimate that the maximum efficiency of photosynthesis—
Working cooperatively to investigate,
assuming that each photosystem absorbs the maximum
synthesize, and present information
possible amount of light—is 30 percent. Some laboratory-
about photosynthesis and its possible
grown plants, raised under tightly controlled conditions, technological applications
have yielded efficiencies of up to 25 percent. In “the field,”
however, photosynthetic efficiency is actually much lower,
2. Illustrate, using pathway diagrams, the essential
ranging from as little as 0.1 percent to 3 percent. Sugar cane,
similarities and differences in the light-independent
one of the most efficient photosynthesizers in nature, has an
stage of C3, C4, and CAM photosynthesis.
efficiency of about 7 percent.
The Calvin-Benson cycle takes place in all plants, but 3. In what ways can our understanding of photosynthesis
different species of plants are adapted to use it in different enhance practices in the following areas:
ways, largely due to temperature conditions in different • growing desired crops
environments. At the heart of these adaptations, and the
photosynthetic efficiency of plants, is a process called
• protecting desired crops from disease and disease-
photorespiration. Photorespiration works against causing organisms
photosynthesis because rubisco can catalyze reactions
involving oxygen as easily as it does reactions involving
carbon dioxide. Thus, rubisco can remove carbon from 4. Biologists and plant technologists have long viewed
carbon-related reactions. This means that plants can fix photorespiration as a wasteful leftover from the
carbon and release carbon dioxide at nearly equal rates, evolutionary past of photosynthetic organisms. Thus,
which basically counteracts the fixation process. biotechnology research into improving efficiency of
photosynthesis in crop plants has tended to work
Procedure from the assumption that photorespiration must be
1. Working in a small group, use print and electronic engineered out of the genetic makeup of the plants.
resources to investigate the following topics and their However, researchers at the University of California-Davis
relationship to one another. Use the Analysis questions published a study, in 2004, that suggests the desire
to help you focus your research. to minimize or remove photorespiration may be
wrong-headed. Plants, they discovered, may need
• photorespiration • CAM photosynthesis photorespiration to absorb and process inorganic
• C4 photosynthesis nitrogen (as nitrate) from the soil. This discovery, if
satisfactorily confirmed, has implications for global
2. Decide how group members can share the tasks of
warming and our assumptions about how plants will,
researching information and presenting your findings,
and won’t, respond to elevated temperatures and
ideas, and decisions.
rising concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Analysis Investigate the findings of the UC-Davis researchers as
well as the implications of these findings for global
1. a) Identify at least three examples each of the following
warming scenarios. Write a paragraph outlining your
groups of plants: C3, C4, and CAM.
opinion of the following statement:“Despite our good
b) Select one plant from each group. Explain the intentions, where biotechnology is concerned, our
environmental limiting factors affecting the plant, ignorance may lead to unhealthy, harmful consequences
and describe the adaptations that enable the plant to the biosphere and, thus, to ourselves.”
to survive in its typical environment.


Wheat (A) is a C3 plant. Sugar cane (B) is a C4 plant. A pineapple (C) is a CAM plant.
Why do these three types of plants have different adaptations for synthesizing sugars?

178 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

compound that immediately splits into from the newly formed three-carbon
two three-carbon compounds. compounds.
• ATP and NADPH from the light- • Six cycles produce 12 PGAL molecules,
dependent reactions provide energy 10 of which regenerate RuBP and 2 of
and reducing power to form PGAL which are used to make glucose.

Section 5.2 Review

1. List four ways that a plant uses the glucose it produces. 11. Explain, in general terms, the process of chemiosmosis.
2. Compare, in general terms, the light-dependent 12. Identify the source of ATP and NADPH required to
and light-independent reactions that make up synthesize glucose.
13. Use graphics or word processing software to summarize
3. Use graphics or spreadsheet software to sketch the the main events in the Calvin-Benson cycle. ICT
absorbance spectrum for chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b,
Use the following information to answer the next question.
and beta-carotene. ICT
In 1882, a British biologist named T.W. Englemann used
4. Compare the absorbance spectrum to the action
the rate of oxygen production to measure the rate of
spectrum in a green plant.
photosynthesis in a green alga. He chose aerobic bacteria
5. Predict why most green plants contain more than one as an indicator for oxygen production. To produce the
photosynthetic pigment. view shown below, Englemann projected a visible
spectrum onto a slide under a light microscope. Then he
6. Describe or define the term “photosystem.”
arranged a filament of algal cells parallel to the spectrum.
7. Summarize, in point form, the events that take place The dark spots represent the bacteria.
in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.
14. a) Interpret the pattern of bacteria and the graph line in
8. Describe or define the term, electron transport system.
figure below.
Explain what happens to electrons in this system.
b) Englemann’s purpose in designing this experiment
9. Is NADPH an oxidized or a reduced molecule? Explain. was to describe the action spectrum of
10. Explain how the electrons “lost” from chlorophyll photosynthesis. State a hypothesis he might have
molecules when light is absorbed at the beginning used for the experiment. Explain how the results
of photosynthesis are replaced. he obtained supported or refuted this hypothesis.



Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 179

Identifying a testable variable that
would affect the rate of photosynthesis
Hypothesizing and predicting the
The Rate of Photosynthesis effect of this variable on the rate of
Oxygen is one of the products of the light-dependent Explaining how data supports or
reactions of photosynthesis. The volume of oxygen that is refutes the hypothesis
produced by the plant can therefore be used to measure
the rate of photosynthesis taking place. However, it is Procedure
often difficult to accurately measure the volume of gas
1. Obtain 100 mL of the 0.25% sodium bicarbonate
produced. In this activity, you will use small disks cut
solution and place it in the beaker.
from the leaf of a plant to perform a basic floating leaf
disk assay. (An assay is a procedure that is used to analyze 2. Use the medicine dropper to add 5 drops of liquid
or determine the amount of substance in a sample.) dish soap to the bicarbonate solution.
Once you have mastered this technique, you will use the 3. Use the single-hole punch to cut 10 uniform leaf
floating leaf disk assay to design your own investigation disks. Avoid cutting through major leaf veins.
of variables that affect the rate of photosynthesis. In Remove the plunger and place the leaf disks in the
preparation for the investigation, review the structure barrel of a plastic syringe. Tap the syringe gently until
of leaves and the chambers through which gases move the leaf disks are near the bottom of the barrel.
as shown in the diagram.
4. Replace the plunger in the syringe. Push the plunger
Question down until only a small volume of air remains in the
What variables affect the rate of photosynthesis? barrel. Be careful, however, not to crush any of the
Part 1: Floating Leaf Disk Assay leaf disks.
5. You are going to infiltrate the leaf disks with sodium
bicarbonate solution by removing most of the air
from the leaf tissue and replacing it with the sodium
• plant leaf • medicine dropper
bicarbonate solution. To do this:
• single-hole punch • 200 mL beaker • Use the plunger to draw 5 mL of solution into the
• 10 mL plastic syringe • lamp with a reflector barrel of the syringe.
(without the needle) and 150 W bulb • Tap on the syringe to suspend the leaf disks in the
• liquid dish soap • timer solution.
• 0.25% sodium bicarbonate

A cross-section CUTICLE A Palisade tissue cells: long, narrow cells packed

of a leaf, showing UPPER with chloroplasts. These cells lie under the
specialized cells EPIDERMIS upper surface of the leaf and are the sites
PALISADE where most photosynthesis occurs in the leaf.

VASCULAR B Vascular tissue cells: cells that form bundled

BUNDLE arrangements of tubes that transport fluids
XYLEM throughout the plant. Xylem tubes carry water
and minerals from the roots to the leaves. Phloem
tubes carry sugars to various parts of the plant.
C Spongy tissue cells: round and more loosely packed
D Stomata: small openings in the outer than palisade cells, with many air spaces between
(epidermal) layer that allow carbon dioxide them. These cells have chloroplasts, so they perform
into the leaf and oxygen out of the leaf. Water some photosynthesis. Their structure helps the cells
also diffuses out of the leaf through stomata. to exchange gases and water with the environment.

180 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

• Hold a finger over the open end of the syringe and point at which 50 percent of the leaf disks are floating
draw back on the plunger. This creates a vacuum will be your point of reference for future investigations.
inside the syringe.
3. Normally the extracellular spaces within the
• Hold this vacuum for 10 to 15 seconds and then mesophyll layer of a plant leaf are filled with air for
remove your finger from the open end of the syringe. purposes of gas exchange. As a result, leaf disks float
The sodium bicarbonate solution will gradually on the water. Explain how you removed most of the
infiltrate the air spaces inside the leaf disks. air from these extracellular spaces. What was the
• Hold the open end of the syringe over the beaker result of the removal of most of the air from the air
of solution and slowly push the plunger back down, spaces in the leaf disks?
again taking care not to crush the leaf disks.
• Repeat the infiltration procedure at least 5 times;
4. What variable were you testing in this experiment?
otherwise your leaf disks may not sink to the
bottom of the solution in the beaker. 5. Based on your current understanding of
photosynthesis, explain why the leaf disks started
6. Pour the disks and solution from the syringe back
to float after being exposed to white light.
into the beaker of sodium bicarbonate and dish soap.
Part 2: Design your Own Investigation
7. If your leaf disks are still floating, carefully add more
dish soap—1 drop at a time. You may have to remove There are a number of variables that affect the rate of
the leaf disks and repeat the infiltration procedure if photosynthesis in a plant leaf. The variables include
you can’t get the disks to sink to the bottom of the the amount of carbon dioxide in the water, different
beaker. wavelengths of light, and the intensity of light, to name
only a few. Your challenge is to design an investigation
8. Once all of the leaf disks are resting on the bottom, to test the effects of one of these variables on the rate
direct white light onto the beaker. Start the timer. of photosynthesis. Be sure to:
9. At the end of each minute, record the number of • state your own question
disks that have floated to the surface of the solution. • make a hypothesis based on this question
Swirl the beaker gently if some disks get stuck to the
• identify the materials that you will require
side, but keep the beaker in the light.
• write out the experimental procedure you will use
10. Record your results in a suitable data table.
• conduct your investigation
Analysis • collect and graph your data
1. Use a computer and spreadsheet software to • determine if your results support or disprove your
construct a graph of your data. ICT hypothesis
2. Using the graph, estimate the time at which 50 percent • communicate the results of your investigation in the
of the leaf disks were floating on the surface. The form of a formal lab report.

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 181

Cellular Respiration Releases
5.3 Energy from Organic Compounds
Section Outcomes
In this section, you will
• distinguish, in general
terms, among aerobic
respiration, anaerobic
respiration, and
• explain how
carbohydrates are
oxidized by glycolysis and
the Krebs cycle to produce
reducing power in NADH
and FADH2 and chemical
potential in ATP
• explain how
chemiosmosis converts
the reducing power of
NADH and FADH2 to the Figure 5.15 Running and other forms of strenuous activity require large amounts of energy.
chemical potential of ATP Even when you are still and resting, however, the cells of your body still need energy to continue
• design an experiment to functioning.
demonstrate that oxygen
is consumed during
aerobic cellular respiration The runner in Figure 5.15 is clearly glucose, releasing energy and producing
and that heat is produced exhausted. Have you ever been playing a carbon dioxide and water. You can see
• explain that science and sport or running so hard that you thought the reduction-oxidation relationship in
technology are developed you could not take another step? Even photosynthesis and cellular respiration
to meet societal needs
such as the production after you stopped, you probably kept more clearly in Figure 5.16.
of foods and fuels breathing deeply and felt the heat within
• investigating and your body. What caused your muscles HYDROGENANDELECTRONS
integrating, from print to heat up so much? Why does your
and electronic sources,
breathing rate stay high for a long time #/ (/Ɛ#(/ /
information on the action
of metabolic toxins such after you stop exerting yourself? The
as hydrogen sulfide and answers to these questions are related OXIDATIONLOSSOF
cyanide to the process that provides energy in HYDROGENANDELECTRONS
individual cells: cellular respiration. OXIDATION

Key Terms The Process of #(/ /Ɛ#/ (/

Cellular Respiration
aerobic cellular respiration
anaerobic cellular respiration You know that photosynthesis reduces REDUCTION
glycolysis carbon dioxide to glucose. That is, Figure 5.16 The summary equations for
Krebs cycle electrons (and hydrogen ions) are photosynthesis and cellular respiration are
electron transport system sometimes written as shown here. Notice
chemically added to carbon dioxide to
chemiosmosis that if you multiply all the chemical formulas
fermentation produce high-energy glucose molecules.
on both sides of the equation by six, you get
The summary equation for cellular the summary equations for these processes.
respiration is shown below:
C6H12O6(s) + O2(g) → Three Pathways for Energy Release
6CO2(g) + 6H2O() + energy (ATP) Different species of organisms are
Cellular respiration releases the energy adapted to release energy from their food
of these molecules by oxidizing glucose sources in different ways. Organisms
to carbon dioxide. That is, electrons that live in oxic (oxygen-containing)
(and hydrogen ions) are removed from conditions carry out aerobic cellular

182 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

respiration. The term “aerobic” means form of ATP, in plants, animals, and most
that the process requires oxygen to other eukaryotic cells.
produce ATP. Animals, plants, and many Figure 5.17 on page 186 outlines the
types of fungi, protists, and bacteria use key events in cellular respiration. You
aerobic cellular respiration for energy. will learn about each of these events in
Organisms that live in anoxic (no- the pages that follow. Note that cellular
oxygen) conditions carry out anaerobic respiration begins with glycolysis, which
cellular respiration. The term “anaerobic” occurs in the cytoplasm of all cells.
means that the process does not require Glycolysis is an anaerobic process, which
oxygen to produce ATP. In fact, for some means that it can proceed without
organisms, oxygen may be lethal. oxygen. Glycolysis generates a small
Some types of bacteria carry out amount of ATP. However, the product
anaerobic cellular respiration, as do of glycolysis, a molecule called pyruvate,
members of archaea. The deep-ocean still contains a large amount of chemical
producers (chemosynthetic organisms) energy. If oxygen is not available to
that you read about on page 12 are eukaryotic cells, pyruvate proceeds to
examples of organisms that depend on the process of fermentation.
anaerobic cellular respiration. Some When sufficient oxygen is present,
nitrogen-fixing bacteria and some other pyruvate is transported from the
types of soil bacteria (see page 49) are cytoplasm into the mitochondrion. In
also examples of organisms that carry the mitochondrion, pyruvate undergoes
out anaerobic cellular respiration. a reaction that prepares it for entry into
A third pathway for releasing energy the Krebs cycle. The major function of the
from food sources is fermentation. Krebs cycle is to transform the energy of
Fermentation is an anaerobic process, glucose into reducing power of molecules
but it is not technically classified as called NADH and FADH2. These
anaerobic cellular respiration. Yeasts molecules supply high-energy electrons
and the bacteria that cause milk to sour to an electron transport system that
(Lactobacillus bulgaricus) are examples of produces a large amount of ATP. Water
organisms that carry out fermentation. is the final end-product of this process.
Fermentation also occurs in the muscle
cells of mammals. Outside the Mitochondria:
••• Glycolysis
Glycolysis occurs in all living cells. For
2 Explain
 the difference between
oxic conditions and anoxic
some types of cells, it is the only source
of energy because it can proceed
anaerobically. For example, yeast can live
2 Describe
 how aerobic cellular
respiration is different from
indefinitely without oxygen. However,
yeast also can use oxygen when it is
anaerobic respiration. available. Your muscles can function
••• anaerobically for awhile but must obtain
oxygen eventually.
Examining Aerobic As shown in Figure 5.18, the role of
Cellular Respiration glycolysis is to split glucose (a six-carbon
Aerobic cellular respiration is an oxidation molecule) into two molecules of pyruvate
reaction in which a series of enzyme- (a three-carbon molecule). You might be
catalyzed reactions transfer electrons surprised to see that ATP molecules are
from high-energy molecules—mainly used at the start of glycolysis. Although
glucose—to oxygen. This process is the glucose is a high-energy molecule, more
main means for releasing energy, in the energy must be added to start the series
of reactions. After energy has been added

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 183

2 3296_Chapter_05.indd 183 7/24/07 2:33:52 PM

Demonstrating quantitatively the
consumption of oxygen by germinating seeds
Designing an experiment to demonstrate
Oxygen Consumption and Heat quantitatively that cellular respiration
produces heat
Production in Germinating Seeds* Measuring temperature changes over a
period of time in germinating and non-
When seeds germinate (begin to grow and develop), they germinating seeds
cannot trap energy from the Sun because they have not yet
developed any chlorophyll. As well, they often germinate
under a layer of soil. Therefore, seeds must have enough
stored energy to germinate—developing roots and shoots
• large test tube • marker
as well as the chloroplasts and chlorophyll they will need • ruler • liquid detergent
as they mature and are exposed to sunlight. • 1 g of seeds of any kind • balance
To germinate, seeds need suitable temperatures, • one-hole stopper • paper towels
water, and oxygen. Oxygen initiates cellular respiration.
• limewater • spatula
The amount of oxygen consumed by the seeds is
approximately equal to the amount of carbon dioxide • pipette • scotch tape
produced as the seeds respire. In Part 1 of this investigation, • wad of cotton • support stand and clamp
you will use an apparatus called a respirometer to measure • rigid plastic tubing, 20 cm long and bent at right angle
the consumption of oxygen. The respirometer contains
limewater and germinating seeds. As the seeds consume Procedure
oxygen, they give off carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide 1. Obtain some small plant seeds. If possible, have
is then absorbed by the limewater, creating a slight a different type of seeds from those used by your
vacuum in the respirometer. This vacuum will draw classmates. Germinate the seeds by spreading them
a drop of liquid detergent in the tubing inward. This on wet paper towel a day or two before the lab.
movement will be measured using a ruler taped to the
2. Start to make a respirometer by inserting the short
tubing. Note: If suitable probeware and interfaces are
end of the tube into the hole of the stopper. The long
available, your teacher will explain how to modify the
end of the tube should be sticking out at a right angle
procedure for Part 1 with this equipment.
as shown in the photograph.
In Part 2, you will design your own investigation
to demonstrate and measure the heat produced as 3. Draw a line 0.5 cm above the bottom of the test tube
germinating seeds respire. with the marker. Add limewater to the tube up to this
Part 1: Oxygen Consumption in Cellular Respiration
How can you demonstrate quantitatively that
germinating seeds consume oxygen?

Based on the experimental set-up, predict what will
happen to indicate that oxygen is being consumed as
the seeds respire.

Safety Precautions
If glass tubing is used instead of plastic tubing, handle
the tubes very carefully to avoid breakage.

184 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

4. Moisten a small wad of cotton and place it on top of or shatter. Provide a means for venting gases out of any
the limewater. Now place one gram of germinating system you use.
seeds on top of the moistened cotton.
5. Tape the ruler to the tubing as shown in the • germinating seeds (e.g., chickpeas)
photograph. Use a pipette to add a drop of detergent
• other materials your group decides are needed
to the tubing near the end.
Note: Consider using probeware or similar data-logging
6. Carefully insert the stopper and tubing into the test equipment if it is available.
tube to form an airtight seal. Use a support stand
and clamps to keep the respirometer apparatus in Experimental Plan
an upright position. 1. With your group, develop a written plan that outlines
the procedure you will follow to test your hypothesis.
7. Wait five minutes to allow for the absorption of any
Be sure to consider the following in your procedure:
carbon dioxide that was in the respirometer when it
was assembled. Take an initial reading wherever the • safety
drop of detergent is with respect to the ruler. Always • controlled variables
take the measurement from the same part of the • data collection and recording
detergent drop. Record the initial reading in a
suitable data table. 2. In the course of your planning, you may wish to
consult other investigations you have performed
8. Take readings every minute for 15 minutes and earlier this year (for example, Investigation 2.B in
record them in the data table. Graph your data. Chapter 2) or in previous science courses. These
Analysis investigations may provide ideas or procedures
that you can adopt or modify.
1. How did the rate of oxygen consumption in different
types of plant seeds compare? 3. Review your hypothesis and procedure with your
teacher before you perform it.
2. Describe what you observed that indicated cellular Data and Observations
respiration was occurring in the germinating seeds. 4. Decide how you will measure the heat given off by
germinating seeds.
3. Name at least two sources of error that could have
affected your observations and data. Explain how 5. Decide how you will record and display your data
significant these sources of error are to the outcome to assist you in analyzing and drawing conclusions
of your investigation. about your results.

Part 2: Heat Production in Cellular Respiration Analysis

Question 1. What variables did you manipulate and control?
How can you demonstrate that heat is a product of 2. Compare your results with those obtained by others
germinating (respiring) seeds? in the class. Use the differences, if any, to identify
Hypothesis possible sources of error in your procedure and/or
data collection.
State a hypothesis that enables you to obtain quantitative
data about the heat given off by germinating seeds. Conclusions
Prediction 3. Explain why your results either supported or refuted
your hypothesis.
Make a prediction about the outcome of your
investigation. 4. Predict the results of your investigation if you let it
run for a longer period of time, such as several days
or a week. Justify your prediction by explaining your
Safety Precautions reasoning.
The buildup of gases in an enclosed container such as *Part 1 adapted from Agri-science Resources for High School Sciences, P.E.I.
Agriculture Sector Council
a test tube or flask could cause the container to rupture

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 185

2 3296_Chapter_05.indd 185 7/24/07 2:33:52 PM

Figure 5.17 Aerobic GLUCOSE • glucose is split into two three-carbon
cellular respiration includes #
GLYCOLYSIS compounds called pyruvate cytoplasm
four main stages: glycolysis, • a small amount of ATP is produced
Krebs cycle preparation, • proceeds without oxygen
Krebs cycle, and an PYRUVATE
electron transport system. #

WITHOUTOXYGEN WITH #/ • occurs in the matrix of the

OXYGEN +REBSCYCLE mitochondrion
PREPARATION • pyruvate is used to make a molecule
called acetyl CoA
ACETYL#O! • carbon dioxide is released

• processes acetyl CoA through a

series of reactions that extract
electrons and hydrogen ions
+REBS #/ +REBS • a small amount of ATP is produced inside the
CYCLE CYCLE • electrons and hydrogen ions are mitochondrion
carried to an electron transport
• carbon dioxide is released

• electrons are transferred through a

ELECTRON series of molecules that accept and
TRANSPORT then pass on the electrons
SYSTEM • a large amount of ATP is produced
E (/ • oxygen is the final acceptor of
electrons and combines with
hydrogen ions to form water

to glucose, it splits and two intermediate (2 molecules). Thus, there is a net gain
three-carbon molecules are formed. of two molecules of ATP in the cell.
Several more reactions occur in which When glycolysis is complete, there are
some ATP is synthesized and a molecule two identical three-carbon molecules
called NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine of pyruvate.
dinucleotide) is reduced to NADH. The When oxygen is not available, or
amount of ATP that is synthesized for species that cannot utilize oxygen,
(4 molecules) is greater than the amount glycolysis is the only pathway by which
of ATP that was used to start the process the cell can extract energy from glucose.
However, the products of glycolysis,
pyruvate, must be processed further
GLUCOSE through fermentation, as you will see
SIX CARBONMOLECULE later. When sufficient oxygen is present
in the cell, pyruvate is transported into
the matrix of the mitochondria in
preparation for the Krebs cycle.
2 State
 where glycolysis occurs in a
cell and whether or not oxygen is
Figure 5.18 Glycolysis
breaks down glucose to
form two molecules of
pyruvate. This process also PYRUVATE PYRUVATE 2 Name
 three products that result
from glycolysis.
generates a small amount THREE CARBON THREE CARBON

186 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Inside the Mitochondria: ;dgb^c\6XZina"8d6

Krebs Cycle Preparation .!$ .!$(

Pyruvate must undergo one reaction #(/
 #O! #(/ ĕ#O! #/
before a portion of it can enter the Krebs
cycle. As shown at right, pyruvate loses PYRUVATE #O! ACETYL#O! CARBONDIOXIDE
a carbon atom in the form of carbon
dioxide, and the other two carbon atoms Electron Transport BiologyFile
are bonded to a molecule called Coenzyme The vast majority of the ATP molecules in FYI
A (often shortened to CoA). During this aerobic cellular respiration are produced Glucose in not the only
reaction, another NAD+ is reduced to during electron transport. The electron simple sugar that you
NADH. You could think of CoA as being consume in your diet.
transport system in mitochondria is very
Common table sugar is
like a tow truck. It attaches to the two- similar to the electron transport system sucrose. Milk contains the
carbon compound (called an acetyl in chloroplasts. High-energy electrons sugar lactose. Many foods
group) and “tows” it to the Krebs cycle are passed to a chain of electron-carrying contain starch. Your body
where the CoA releases the acetyl group. molecules that are attached to the inner can break down any of
these sugars and convert
membrane of the mitochondrion. As them into glucose so they
The Krebs Cycle electrons are passed from one carrier can enter glycolysis.
The Krebs cycle is outlined in Figure to another, energy is released in small,
5.19. It is called a cycle because the last controlled amounts. The energy is used
compound—a four-carbon compound to pump hydrogen ions across the
that picks up a group of two carbons membrane from the matrix to the
from acetyl-CoA—must be regenerated intermembrane space (the space between
so it can pick up more two-carbon the inner and outer membranes of the Figure 5.19 The role of the
groups. During one complete cycle, a Krebs cycle is to transfer
the energy that was
two-carbon group is added to the Krebs The build-up of ions in the originally stored in glucose
cycle and two carbon atoms are fully intermembrane space creates a hydrogen- to the reducing power of
oxidized to carbon dioxide. (The carbon NADH and FADH2.
dioxide is a waste product—the gas that
# #
you exhale when you breathe.)
Most of the energy released when the FOUR CARBON SIX CARBON
carbon atoms are oxidized is transformed STARTINGMOLECULE # MOLECULE
into reducing power in the form of # # # #
# # # # #
reduced NADH and another molecule .!$(
called FADH2 (flavin adenine
dinucleotide). FADH2 is very similar to
NADH and to NADPH. Also during the
Krebs cycle, an ATP molecule is generated.
2 State
 where the reactions of the
Krebs cycle occur in a cell.
#/ .!$(

2 What
 compound that is derived
from glucose actually enters the # # #
# #
Krebs cycle?

&!$( #/
2 The carbon atoms that are
derived from glucose are fully &!$ # # # #
oxidized in the Krebs cycle. What FOUR CARBON .!$(
becomes reduced during the MOLECULE
Krebs cycle?
••• !40 !$0

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 187

BiologyFile ion concentration gradient. The ions can release its electron. This means that the
diffuse back across the membrane but previous carrier would not be able to
Some biologists and
only through channels created by the pass its electron, and so on up the line
biochemists call the Krebs enzyme ATP synthase. This enzyme uses of electron transport. Soon, all of the
cycle the citric acid cycle the energy of the concentration gradient carriers would have electrons and the
because the cycle begins to bind a phosphate group to ADP, forming reduced NADH and FADH2 would be
with citric acid (which
ATP. This process is chemiosmosis. As unable to lose their electrons. All of
contains the two carbon
atoms from acetyl-CoA). in the chloroplast, chemiosmosis in the the compounds would remain in their
Many biochemists call the mitochondrion couples the movement of reduced, energized state. There would
Krebs cycle the TCA cycle hydrogen ions down their concentration be no oxidized NAD+ or FAD to pick
because citric acid is a gradient to the synthesis of ATP from up electrons from the Krebs cycle. All
tricarboxylic acid. If you
encounter either of those ADP and phosphate. reactions would cease.
terms when you are doing Oxygen is the final electron-accepting The only part of aerobic cellular
research, keep in mind that molecule in the electron transport system. respiration that would be able to proceed
they are exactly the same The oxygen accepts electrons and hydrogen without oxygen is glycolysis. However,
as the Krebs cycle.
ions. The resulting molecule is water. glycolysis does not produce enough
energy to sustain the needs of most
The Role of Oxygen in eukaryotic cells.
Aerobic Cellular Respiration Compare the amount of ATP
You learned earlier that glycolysis does produced by glycolysis with the yield of
not require oxygen. Oxygen is not part ATP harvested from glucose during all
of the Krebs cycle, either. In fact, oxygen the stages of aerobic cellular respiration
does not play any role in aerobic cellular in a typical cell (Figure 5.20). Notice that
respiration until the very last set of the majority of the ATP in aerobic
reactions in electron transport. So why cellular respiration is generated by
is this type of cellular respiration called chemiosmosis, using the energy of a
aerobic? hydrogen ion concentration gradient
The reason becomes clear if you that is formed by the electron transport
trace the route of the reactions backwards system. All the energy, in the form of
from the end of the process. If oxygen ATP, that your body uses to carry out
were not present to receive electrons, the every task is produced by the chemical
whole process would ultimately fail. The reactions summarized here.
last electron carrier would not be able to


PYRUVATE .!$(  !40

.!$(  !40

Figure 5.20 In aerobic  !40

cellular respiration, only

a small amount of ATP is

generated by glycolysis,  !40
+REBS .!$(
and only a small amount
of ATP is generated by the
Krebs cycle. The majority  !40
of the ATP is generated
by chemiosmosis using
energy generated via the  !40
electron transport system.

188 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Anaerobic Cellular Respiration As is the case with aerobic respiration, BiologyFile
Uses a Different Final anaerobic cellular respiration usually
Web Link
Electron-Acceptor includes an electron transport system Pyruvate dehydrogenase
and a concentration gradient to generate complex deficiency is a rare
In anoxic (no oxygen) environments such
molecules of ATP. Anaerobic cellular genetic disorder in which
as swampy sediments and your colon the enzyme that converts
respiration is not as efficient as aerobic
(large intestine), some organisms use pyruvate to acetyl-CoA is
respiration, however, providing less
anaerobic cellular respiration for their missing or functions poorly.
energy (fewer ATPs). What are the symptoms
energy needs. These organisms are
Since oxygen is not available as the of this disorder, what
prokaryotes—that is, various species treatments are available, and
final electron-accepting molecule, a
belonging to the domains Bacteria and how successful are they?
different chemical must serve as the final
electron acceptor. For most anaerobic

Target Skills
Thought Lab 5.3 The Effects of Metabolic
Toxins on Cellular Respiration Investigating and integrating, from
print and electronic sources, the action
of metabolic toxins on cellular respiration
In the 1930s, a chemical called dinitrophenol (DNP) was used
in diet pills. DNP affects chemiosmosis by disrupting the Evaluating the reliability, accuracy, and
hydrogen ion concentration gradient, thus interfering validity of information sources consulted
with the production of ATP. This leads to rapid oxidation Working cooperatively to investigate
of compounds in the Krebs cycle, and encourages the metabolic toxins
metabolizing of carbohydrates and fats. Since the production
of ATP is severely impaired, energy production in the body is 3. Create a “Metabolic Toxin Profile” for the toxin you
instead given off as significant amounts of heat. People lost investigate. Your profile should include an introductory
a lot of weight quickly, but many people lost a lot more— paragraph that summarizes the results of your research
their health and, in some cases, their lives. DNP was quickly findings. Use appropriate headings to organize the
banned from public consumption, but it is still used in information in your profile. Also include the sources of
industry to make products such as dyes, preservatives for information you have used to construct your profile.
wood, and pesticides. It is, unfortunately, also popular with
bodybuilders who use it at great risk to their personal safety. 4. Share your profile with your classmates. As a class, decide
DNP is an example of a metabolic toxin—a chemical that on a suitable format in which to collect and present
impairs or disrupts metabolic pathways. In this activity, you profiles of all the metabolic toxins investigated. (For
will investigate and report on metabolic toxins that affect the example, you could construct a comparison chart or
function of mitochondria. an electronic database.)

Procedure Analysis
1. Choose one of the following metabolic toxins to 1. Classify the metabolic toxins you investigated on the
investigate: basis of the metabolic pathway they affect.
• antimycin • malonate • rotenone 2. Consider each of the information resources you used to
• cyanide • oligomycin • arsenic construct your profile.
• hydrogen sulfide a) How did you assess the accuracy of its information?
b) How did you assess the validity (truth) of its
2. Find four different sources of information about your
chosen metabolic toxin. Include information from two
print sources and two electronic sources. Search for and c) Examine the profiles and information sources from
collect the following information: other students who investigated the same metabolic
toxin. Re-examine and assess the reliability of the
• What are its physical properties?
information sources that you used to construct your
• When and why was it first developed and used? profile.
• How does it work? (That is, what is its effect on d) Which do you think provided information in which
metabolism?) you have greater confidence: print sources or electronic
• How dangerous is it? sources? Give reasons to support your opinion.
• What, if any, evidence is there to link it to human e) Are four sources of information sufficient for
disorders? providing accurate and reliable information?
Justify your answer.
• What, if any, antidotes or treatments for exposure
are there?

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 189

BiologyFile cells, this is an inorganic chemical such They use NADH to convert pyruvate to a
as sulfate, nitrate, or carbon dioxide. molecule called lactate (also called lactic
Web Link
The environment of your
Depending on the inorganic chemical, acid) in a single step (Figure 5.21). The
mouth supports a variety common by-products are elemental sulfur, resulting NAD+ is recycled to continue
of aerobic and anaerobic nitrite, elemental nitrogen, or methane. the process. This process occurs in your
bacteria. The numbers muscle cells when they are working
and diversity of these •••
strenuously. During such times, the
populations change over
time, notably between birth 2 Where,
 in the mitochondria, are
the electron carriers located?
demand for energy exceeds what can be
and puberty. Around what produced aerobically. Glycolysis, then, is
time do anaerobic bacteria
begin populating the 2 What
 is the source of the high-
energy electrons for electron
increased to a point where it exceeds the
oxygen supply, creating a condition of
mouth? Which diseases of
the teeth and gums are transport in mitochondria? “oxygen debt.” In this condition, pyruvate
starts to accumulate, since it cannot be
associated with these
bacteria? 2 Describe
 the function of oxygen
in cellular respiration.
broken down fast enough in the Krebs

cycle and the electron transport system.
To sustain glycolysis, the muscle must
remove excess pyruvate by converting it
Fermentation to lactate, which is temporarily stored in
Anaerobic organisms do not use oxygen, the muscle cells. If enough lactate builds
and some cells in aerobic organisms are up, the muscle fatigues and cramps.
sometimes without oxygen. These cells When oxygen is present again (through
and organisms use metabolic pathways heavy breathing after exercise), the
that do not require oxygen or an electron lactate is converted back to pyruvate. The
transport system to produce ATP from pyruvate may then be processed as usual
energy sources. These pathways, called through aerobic pathways.
fermentation, typically occur in the
cytoplasm of the cell. Fermentation is a Ethanol Fermentation
metabolic pathway that includes glycolysis Some organisms are able to function
and one or two reactions in which NADH aerobically as well as anaerobically. When
is oxidized to NAD+ by reducing pyruvate they function anaerobically, they carry
to other compounds. Fermentation is out ethanol fermentation. Yeasts and
much less efficient at supplying energy some kinds of bacteria convert pyruvate
than aerobic cellular respiration, because to ethanol and carbon dioxide through
fermentation only produces the amount ethanol fermentation. The process
of ATP that is generated in glycolysis. involves two steps, as shown in Figure 5.22.
Many single-celled organisms such Fermentation by brewer’s yeast
as yeasts and some bacteria, carry out (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is used in
fermentation. Fermentation also occurs industry to manufacture baked goods
in parts of an organism that are in an and alcoholic beverages (Figure 5.23).
anaerobic environment such as in a plant Depending on the substance being
that is partly submerged in a pond or in fermented, the variety of yeast used, and
cells that are deep within a multicellular
organism without direct access to oxygen. GLUCOSE
There are many types of fermentation
pathways. Two common types are lactate !40 GLYCOLYSIS
fermentation and ethanol fermentation. .!$

Lactate Fermentation .!$(

Some single-celled organisms and some
Figure 5.21 In lactate fermentation,
animal cells that are temporarily without
pyruvate is converted to lactate in a single
oxygen carry out lactate fermentation. step that oxidizes NADH to NAD+.

190 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

whether carbon dioxide is allowed to GLUCOSE
escape during the process, yeast
fermentation may be used to produce !40 GLYCOLYSIS
wine or champagne from grapes, the .!$
syrupy drink called mead from honey,
and cider from apples. Beer is brewed by
fermenting sugars in grain such as barley, TWO CARBON
rice, or corn. COMPOUND
Depending on the organism, #/ Figure 5.22 In ethanol
fermentation can yield other substances fermentation, pyruvate is
besides lactate and ethanol. Table 5.2 lists ••• converted to a two-carbon
several examples. Two other examples,
acetone and butanol, were essential
2  What does it mean to say that
glycolysis is an anaerobic process?
molecule and then to
ethanol. In the process,
NADH oxidizes to NAD+.
during World War I. The British needed
butanol to make artificial rubber for tires 2 Under
 what conditions does
fermentation occur?
and machinery and acetone to make a
smokeless gunpowder called cordite.
Prior to the war, acetone was made by
2 Describe
 how lactate fermentation
is similar to and different from
heating wood in the absence of oxygen ethanol fermentation.
(a technique called pyrolysis). Up to •••
100 tonnes of lumber were needed to
produce 1 tonne of acetone. When war Ethanol Fermentation
broke out in 1917, the demand for and Fuel Production
acetone was intense. A swift and efficient Glucose is the main fuel for many
means for producing the chemical was organisms. However, much of the
needed. Two years earlier, Chaim chemical energy of glucose remains in
Weizmann, a chemist working in the compounds that form after glycolysis
Manchester, England, had developed a Table 5.2 Selected Fermentation Products and their Uses
fermentation process using the anaerobic
Product of
bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum. Fermentation Possible Sources Uses
Through this process, Weizmann
acetic acid Bacteria: sours beer; produces vinegar
converted 100 tonnes of molasses or Leuconostoc sp.
grain into 12 tonnes of acetone and Acetobacter xylenam
24 tonnes of butanol. For the war effort, diacetyl Bacteria: provides fragrance and
Weizmann modified the technique for Streptococcus diacetilactis flavour to buttermilk
large-scale production. (Today, both
lactic acid Bacteria: aids in changing milk
acetone and butanol are produced more (lactate) Lactobacillus bulgaricus to yogurt
economically from petrochemicals.)
propionic acid Bacteria: produces the “eyes” (holes)
+ CO2 Proprionibacterium shermani and flavour of Swiss cheese

Figure 5.23 In (A), bread

dough with yeast is being
left in a warm place so that
A B yeast has time to ferment.
After a few hours, the bread
dough in (B) has doubled
in size (risen) due to the
carbon dioxide produced
by fermentation. When the
dough is baked, the carbon
dioxide gas will be driven
off, leaving small holes that
help give the bread a light,
chewy texture.

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 191

Connections Science and Technology

Energy from Manure

Alberta raises about 3.5 million pigs each year—about 15 percent of the Canadian
total. Pork is a valuable resource. Canada exports over $2 billion worth of pork per
year, making us one of the world’s top exporters. But is what’s good for the economy
harming the environment? According to figures from Statistics Canada, pig manure
is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from the hog-production system.
Pig manure is also, however, a source of biogas (methane from animal wastes), which
can be used as an alternative to traditional fuels. Around the world, especially in
developing countries, biogas is used to heat homes, cook food, and power generators.

How Biogas Is Made 2. Yuanhui Zhang, an agricultural engineering

The process of anaerobic digestion is used to treat sewage, professor at the University of Illinois, has been able
animal wastes, and municipal solid wastes. An anaerobic to convert small amounts of hog manure into crude
digester is an airtight tank with heating coils and oil. Subsequent experiments have yielded a refined
sometimes a mechanical mixer. Oxygen is poisonous product with the approximate heating value of
to anaerobic bacteria, so an oxygen-free environment diesel fuel. Investigate the current status of this
is important. ongoing work.
Anaerobic digestion is a two-part process that works
best at a temperature of 35 °C or higher. First, acid-
forming bacteria break down the manure into simple
organic compounds. Then a second group of anaerobic
micro-organisms break down the acids into methane
and carbon dioxide. Biogas consists of 60 to 80 percent
methane gas, 20 to 40 percent carbon dioxide, and trace
amounts of other compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide,
ammonia, and water vapour. The set-up cost varies
greatly, since there are different types and sizes of
anaerobic digesters.

The Value of Biogas

Research and small-scale case studies indicate that about
1 kg of hog manure produces between 0.5 m3 and 1 m3 of
biogas (with 60 to 65 percent methane). 1 m3 of biogas is
enough to cook three meals daily for a family of four to
six people, replacing approximately 11 kg (one tank) of
propane. To produce 1 m3 of biogas, a family needs at
least 5 L of pig manure per day, requiring about five
mature pigs. Many variables, such as the pigs’ diet, the
type of digester used, and the digester temperature,
influence these figures.
1. Manure digestion for the production of electricity is
currently in use in Vegreville, Alberta, at Highmark
Renewables. Find out more about this and other
integrated manure utilization systems (IMUS).

192 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

is complete. The process of fermentation yeast is added to the mash. The yeast BiologyFile
does not remove much of this chemical grows on the glucose under anaerobic
energy. Therefore, the products of conditions and releases the end products, Red Deer, Alberta has one
fermentation can still be used for fuel. ethanol, and carbon dioxide. When the of only seven ethanol
In organisms that carry out ethanol fermentation is complete, the resulting production plants in
fermentation, the ethanol they produce product, called “beer,” is approximately Canada. Seven more plants
are in the planning stages.
is released as a waste product. In fact, the 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent water.
ethanol waste is toxic to yeast. As ethanol Distilling the beer to eliminate as
concentrations approach 12 percent, the much of the water as possible yields
yeast cells begin to die. However, humans nearly pure ethanol. A small amount of
learned long ago that this “waste” burns. gasoline is added to make the ethanol
Ethanol was a common lamp fuel during unfit for human consumption (called
the 1800s, and it was used for early denaturing). The solid residues from the
internal combustion engines and cars, grain and yeast are dried to produce a
also starting in the 1800s. vitamin- and protein-rich product called
Historically, because gasoline costs Distiller’s Dried Grains and Solubles
less to produce than ethanol, its use was (DDGS). DDGS is used as feed for
limited to small-scale, specialized poultry and cattle.
applications. This situation changed in The combustion of ethanol
the late 1970s. At that time, rising oil produces carbon dioxide, which is one
prices, dwindling petroleum reserves, and of the greenhouse gases that contributes
environmental concerns caused some to global warming. However, unlike
governments to invest in alternative gasoline, the source of ethanol (grain) is
energy resources such as ethanol fuels. a renewable resource. Ethanol is made by
Whenever gas prices rise, some of these the fermentation of corn, grain, sugar
alternative resources become commercially cane, and many other crops that can be
viable sources of fuel. In cars, the use of regrown quickly. In addition, these same
gasohol (a mixture of 10 percent ethanol crops also absorb carbon dioxide in
and 90 percent gasoline) is becoming order to produce more sugars and,
more common. Cars manufactured after through processing, more ethanol. Even
1980 can use gasohol without any engine so, the burning of ethanol is not “carbon-
modification. As well, auto companies neutral.” In other words, the production
are designing engines that can use fuels and burning of ethanol release more CO2
with ethanol percentages that are much into the atmosphere than is absorbed by
higher than 10. Brazil is currently leading growing plants. So why use it? As an
the world in the production of ethanol additive to gasoline, ethanol increases the
and its use as a fuel. Most cars designed octane rating of the fuel; that is, it burns
and built is Brazil today can burn pure more slowly and prevents engine “ping.”
ethanol (Figure 5.24) or several As well, ethanol-gasoline mixtures
combinations of gasoline and ethanol. reduce the amount of carbon monoxide
in the exhaust. Burning pure ethanol on
Ethanol Production its own also eliminates the release of
In Canada, the most common source of partially burned hydrocarbons and
ethanol is the fermentation of corn and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
wheat. First the grain is ground into a that contribute to smog.
meal. Then it is mixed with water to
form a slurry called “mash.” Enzymes Section 5.3 Summary
added to the mash convert the starches • Three metabolic pathways make up Figure 5.24 Many modern
into glucose. The mash is heated to aerobic cellular respiration. Brazilian cars are called
destroy any bacteria, then cooled and flex-cars because they can
• The first set of reactions in aerobic
operate on gasoline or
placed in fermenters. In the fermenters, cellular respiration is called glycolysis. ethanol.

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 193

BiologyFile It is an anaerobic process that takes • As electrons are passed from one
place in the cytoplasm of the cell. carrier to the next, the energy that is
Web Link
The First Nation Ethanol
• During glycolysis, a small amount of released is used to pump hydrogen
Development Corporation ATP is generated, and NAD+ is reduced ions across the mitochondrial inner
was established in 2004 to NADH. membrane into the intermembrane
with an initial focus on • The fate of pyruvate, the final product space, creating a concentration gradient.
establishing an ethanol
of glycolysis, depends on the availability • The energy stored in the gradient is
plant in southwestern
Ontario. What other of oxygen and on the type of organism. used to generate ATP by chemiosmosis.
products are planned for • When oxygen is available, pyruvate • Organisms that carry out anaerobic
this plant? And why is the enters the matrix of the mitochondrion. cellular respiration use inorganic
use of corn, as the main A series of reactions yield carbon chemicals other than oxygen as the
fermentation feedstock,
an appropriate choice for dioxide and acetyl-CoA. NAD+ is final electron-acceptor. This produces
this venture? reduced to NADH. ATP for the cell, but not as much as in
• Acetyl-CoA enters the Krebs cycle aerobic respiration.
www by combining with a four-carbon
• In muscle that is functioning
anaerobically, pyruvate is converted
• During the Krebs cycle, two carbon to lactate and the reduced NADH is
atoms are fully oxidized to carbon reoxidized so that glycolysis can continue.
dioxide, NAD+ and FAD are reduced • In yeast growing anaerobically,
to NADH and FADH2, and a small pyruvate is converted to carbon dioxide
amount of ATP is produced. and ethanol.
• The reduced NADH and FADH2 that • Fermentation is used on an industrial
are formed during the Krebs cycle scale to produce ethanol.
donate their electrons to the electron • Ethanol is used as an additive to
carriers in electron transport. gasoline to reduce some environmental

Section 5.3 Review

1. Summarize photosynthesis and cellular respiration 6. Use graphics or word processing software to summarize
in terms of reduction and oxidation of carbon-based the electron transport system, the third stage of aerobic
molecules. cellular respiration. Include where this process takes
place, whether or not oxygen is required for these
2. Compare, in general terms, aerobic cellular respiration,
reactions, the products that are formed as a result of
anaerobic cellular respiration, and fermentation.
the electron transport system, and where these products
3. Identify the three energy-releasing metabolic pathways go next. ICT
associated with aerobic cellular respiration.
7. Explain the term “chemiosmosis.”
4. Use graphics or word processing software to summarize
8. Identify the final electron acceptor in aerobic cellular
glycolysis, the first stage of aerobic cellular respiration.
respiration, and explain what happens if this molecule
Include where this process takes place, whether or not
is not present in the cell.
oxygen is required for these reactions, the products that
are formed as a result of glycolysis, and where these 9. Explain why aerobic cellular respiration produces
products go next. ICT so much more ATP than does anaerobic cellular
5. Use graphics or word processing software to summarize
the Krebs cycle, the second stage of aerobic cellular 10. Describe the term “fermentation,” and explain why this
respiration. Include where this process takes place, process is considered to be anaerobic.
whether or not oxygen is required for these reactions,
11. Compare lactate fermentation to ethanol fermentation
the products that are formed as a result of the Krebs
in terms of starting and ending material and ATP
cycle, and where these products go next. ICT

194 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Chapter 5

The summary equations for photosynthesis and cellular The glucose synthesized by plants and other
respiration represent dozens of different reactions. The photosynthesizing organisms (autotrophs) is the source
central function of photosynthesis and cellular respiration of energy for virtually all living organisms. The glucose is
is to produce energy-rich compounds and break them down processed to extract the energy in a series of three major
to release their stored energy. The useful form of energy is sets of chemical reactions: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and
ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The energy is contained in electron transport. Glycolysis is an anaerobic process that
the bonds between the phosphate groups, leaving ADP occurs in the cytoplasm and breaks down glucose to form
(adenosine diphosphate) and a free phosphate group. When pyruvate. In most organisms, the pyruvate passes into the
the bond to the last phosphate group is broken, the energy mitochondria where it is broken down into carbon dioxide
released is available to do cellular work. Energy stored in and acetyl CoA in preparation for the Krebs cycle, which
energy-rich compounds is used to add a phosphate group occurs in the matrix. Energy released from the breakdown
back to ADP to regenerate ATP. of compounds in the Krebs cycle is used to reduce NAD+
In photosynthesis, the carbon dioxide and water are and FAD to NADH and FADH2. These reduced compounds
involved in two separate sets of reactions. Water is split into contribute their electrons to electron carriers embedded in
hydrogen ions, electrons, and oxygen in the light-dependent the inner mitochondrial membranes. As the electrons are
reactions; carbon dioxide is incorporated into carbohydrates passed from one carrier to the next in electron transport, the
in the light-independent reactions. energy that is released in a stepwise manner is used to pump
In the light-dependent reactions, which take place in hydrogen ions across the inner mitochondrial membrane,
the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplasts, pigments forming a concentration gradient that generates ATP
capture light energy and use it to excite electrons that are through chemiosmosis.
channelled away to produce ATP and NADPH. During In some organisms, glycolysis is their only source of
the light-independent reactions in the stroma of the energy. In these organisms, the pyruvate is broken down
chloroplasts, the chemical potential energy of ATP and into carbon dioxide and alcohol (ethanol fermentation) or
the reducing power of NADPH are used to reduce carbon lactate (lactate fermentation). Humans have long been using
dioxide and form glucose and other carbohydrates via the fermentation process to obtain ethanol, which is
the Calvin-Benson cycle. becoming popular as a fuel for transportation.

Chapter 5 Graphic Organizer

.!$0 #ALVIN

(/ %.%2'9
/ #!0452%
!40 2%,%!3% GLYCOLYSIS



Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 195

Career Focus: Ask a Research Scientist
Dr. Salim Abboud has always been interested in science as a way to
solve problems. Today, he is a research scientist at the Alberta Research
Council and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta, where he
applies scientific knowledge to solve some of the most urgent issues
facing our society today. Dr. Abboud’s current research focusses
on improving waste management techniques and developing
environmentally friendly and waste-free methods of composting organic
materials and other wastes. This research is on the cutting edge of
science, particularly as our society begins to move to a more sustainable
way of life. Dr. Abboud’s goal, like the goals of most research scientists,
is to find ways of solving current problems and to develop technologies
and solutions for issues that will be facing us in the future.
Q What are the main areas of your research? every day. All household solid waste in Edmonton
goes to the composter, where it is treated. About 65
I am working on finding the optimal conditions and
to 70 percent of the waste ends up as compost or
technologies to maximize the process of composting
recyclable commodities, and about 30 percent is
and make it as clean and complete as possible. Using
a residual that is sent to the landfill.
compost as a soil amendment gives us an alternative to
using chemicals (such as fertilizers and pesticides) on Q So no household garbage in Edmonton goes directly
land, thereby saving energy and natural resources. As to the landfill?
well, I am interested in the biofiltration of gaseous No, it doesn’t. In fact, we are still working to reduce
emissions from municipal and industrial sites. the 30 percent. We are aiming to keep about 95 percent
Q What is biofiltration? of waste from landfills by gasification techniques
(burning), which will extract energy that can be
If you take a material, such as a volatile organic
used to create electricity.
compound (VOC), that causes air pollution, you may
be able to oxidize it into non-harmful compounds, Q Why do you think these issues are so important?
such as CO2 and water. This also works on other At the moment, as a society, we produce an enormous
noxious emissions, such as reduced sulfur compounds amount of garbage and other pollutants. I believe that
that have such a strong smell. They can be oxidized it is possible to use resources in environmentally and
into SO2 and water, which eliminates the negative socially friendly ways. It is no longer appropriate to take
effects of the sulfur compound. a natural resource, use part of it, and then throw the
Q Do you spend all your time in a laboratory, or do you rest away. My focus is industrial ecology, organizing
get to go out and do field work? industries in ways that are similar to nature. In nature,
there is no waste—one process feeds into the next.
I spend a significant amount of time out in the field.
My question is why throw out garbage? Compost it,
I set up pilot experiments and test new conditions in
and return it to where it came from. Close the loop,
different locations, such as industrial sites. In addition,
and eventually we won’t have a pollution problem.
I am involved in work at the Edmonton Waste
Management Centre of Excellence, which houses Q Can you give me an example of what you mean?
a leading edge composting facility. Sure. Let’s talk about organic waste. It comes from
Q What makes the Edmonton composter so special? food and fibre produced from plants. After we use
plants, we can compost them and add the compost
The Edmonton composter is the largest composter in
to the soil, which will produce more plants and
North America, handling almost 1200 t of compost
complete the cycle.

196 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Other Careers Related to Science
Conservation Biologist Researchers who focus on Agronomist Agronomists study food, food production,
conservation biology have many opportunities to work and the earth material, soil, that both anchors plants and
on relevant and meaningful projects at local as well as supplies them with nutrients that are made available
global levels. Some areas of conservation biology include through biogeochemical cycles. Drawing upon their
protecting endangered or threatened species and knowledge of chemistry as well as plant biology, agronomists
increasing their numbers, reclaiming polluted sites, investigate methods to enhance existing agricultural
developing barriers to protect ecosystems from the impact techniques as well as to supplement or replace them with
of nearby developments, and developing policies to ensure alternative technologies. Some agronomists work with
long-term protection of the natural environment. “high-tech” technologies such as genetic manipulation (for
example, so that plants may be grown without pesticides
Biophysicist As the name suggests, biophysicists combine or synthetic fertlizers). Other agronomists prefer to work
knowledge and techniques from the disciplines of biology from a more “natural” foundation by concentrating on
and physics in order to investigate the mechanisms by organic farming techniques.
which organisms function at an environmental as well as
a cellular level. Applications of biophysical research affect Environmental Microbiologist Researchers in this
fields as diverse as biotechnology, agriculture, ecology, field combine interests in chemistry, ecology, molecular
and medicine. genetics, and the biology of microscopic life in order to
examine the activity of cellular processes in soil, water,
and the atmosphere. Practical applications of such
research include wastewater treatment, bioremediation,
environmental risk assessessment, and control techniques
for water- and air-borne pathogens.

Go Further…
1. Research the methods of waste disposal
that are used in your community. How
much of your community waste goes
to a landfill? How much is recycled or
2. Why is waste disposal such an important
issue? What can you do in your daily life
to improve the situation?
3. Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, are
a significant pollution problem. Research
and list some common sources of VOCs
and what is being done to solve the

Chapter 5 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • MHR 197

Understanding Concepts 15. Explain what happens when you shine white light
1. Describe, in general terms, the role of autotrophic through a glass prism. Describe how you can use this
organisms in an ecosystem. phenomenon to study the properties of photosynthetic
2. Describe, in general terms, how both autotrophs and
heterotrophs release the energy stored in glucose. 16. Explain how an action spectrum differs from an
absorbance spectrum.
3. List four cellular activities that rely on ATP as a source
of energy. 17. Describe, in general terms, the function of the
photosystems and identify where you would find
4. Explain how the release of a phosphate group from ATP these systems in a chloroplast.
and the subsequent regeneration of ATP from ADP
creates a continuous cycle. 18. When electrons travel down the electron transport
system between photosystem II and photosystem I,
5. Describe the function of the chloroplast. a small amount of energy is released at each step.
6. Use graphics software to draw a sketch of a chloroplast Describe how this energy is temporarily stored in
and label the following structures. ICT the chloroplast.
a) outer membrane 19. When an electron is emitted from photosystem II, it
b) inner membrane does not return. The photosystem cannot trap any more
c) stroma light energy until the “hole” in the photosystem is filled
d) thylakoids with another electron. Identify the source of the
e) grana electron that fills the “hole” in photosystem II.
7. Explain the relationship between thylakoids and grana 20. Identify the source of oxygen that is released from the
in a chloroplast. chloroplast during photosynthesis. Explain the main
8. Explain the significance of NADPH in photosynthesis function of the reaction in which oxygen is released.
and NADH in aerobic cellular respiration. 21. Identify the source of the electrons that reduce NADP+
9. Use graphics software to draw a sketch of a during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.
mitochondrion and label the following features. ICT
22. NADPH is said to have reducing power. Explain the
a) cristae meaning of reducing power in this context.
b) inner membrane
c) outer membrane 23. The membranes of the thylakoids are impermeable to
d) matrix hydrogen ions (H+), meaning that these ions cannot
diffuse across the membranes from the inner space of
10. Identify simple tests that you can do in a lab to detect the thylakoid to the stroma.
the presence of the following. a) Identify the only path by which the hydrogen ions
a) oxygen gas can move down their concentration gradient across
b) carbon dioxide dissolved in water the membrane to the stroma.
11. Compare a metabolic pathway that synthesizes larger b) Identify the process that is associated with the
molecules from smaller ones to a metabolic pathway movement of hydrogen ions through this pathway
that breaks down larger molecules to smaller ones. and identify the end product of this process.

12. Explain why many of the chemical reactions that 24. Identify the location in the chloroplast where the
occur in living organisms are linked to oxidation reactions that form glucose take place.
and reduction reactions. 25. Outline the Calvin-Benson cycle in terms of carbon
13. Describe how matter and energy are linked through dioxide fixation, reduction, and regeneration.
the reactions that take place in the chloroplasts and 26. Identify where the reactions of glycolysis take place.
in the mitochondria.
27. Identify the products of glycolysis that contain useful
14. Describe the major function of photosynthetic energy.

198 MHR • Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

28. Explain the cause of the burning sensation in muscles Making Connections
when they have been working anaerobically for awhile. 41. Explain the following statement in terms of what green
29. Identify the products of fermentation in yeast. plants make.
“As the rainforest species disappear, so do many possible
30. Explain what happens to lactate (lactic acid) in muscle cures for life-threatening diseases.”
cells when oxygen becomes available while resting after
a strenuous workout. 42. An analogy is a type of comparison in which you
compare two similar systems or ideas by using
31. List the end products of the following. something that is familiar to help describe or explain
a) glycolysis something that is less familiar.
b) Kreb’s cycle a) Use the idea of a rechargeable battery as an analogy
c) electron transport for the cycle that “recharges” ATP from ADP and a
32. Identify the stage of aerobic cellular respiration during free phosphate group.
which the greatest number of ATP molecules is produced. b) Outline, in the form of a paragraph or a diagram, an
analogy to compare the structure and function of
Applying Concepts chloroplasts with an active solar system. (An active
33. Outline, in the form of a paragraph, a drawing, or both, solar system uses a mechanical, chemical, or
the meaning and significance of chemiosmosis in the electrical device to transfer light energy from the
mitochondrion. ICT Sun to another part of the system for the purpose
34. The function of the Calvin-Benson cycle is to use six of doing useful work.)
carbon dioxide molecules to produce one glucose 43. Pyruvate is available as a dietary supplement. Its
molecule. Describe why this set of reactions is called reported benefits are controversial but include
a cycle. enhanced weight loss and increased endurance levels
35. Explain what is meant by the following statement: during physical exercise. Infer how taking pyruvate
“The reactions of glycolysis occur anaerobically.” could lead to these effects.

36. Four molecules of ATP are formed when one glucose 44. Research scientists are investigating methods for getting
molecule goes through the reactions of glycolysis. Is it photosynthesis to proceed outside a chloroplast. Identify
correct to say that glycolysis yields two molecules of three practical uses and societal benefits that would
ATP? Explain your answer. come from the successful achievement of this goal.

37. Describe what happens to the pyruvate produced 45. Dinitrophenol (DNP) is a chemical that interferes
during glycolysis in muscle cells when there is very with the production of ATP in both chloroplasts and
little oxygen available. mitochondria. In an attempt to identify the minimal
concentration of DNP required to inhibit ATP
38. Explain how a lack of oxygen stops the process of production, DNP was applied to separate suspensions
electron transport and the reactions of the Kreb’s cycle. of both organelles. Data are shown in the table below.
39. What is “oxygen debt,” and how is it “repaid?” a) Which data represent the chloroplast?
b) Which organelle would be considered the most
40. Identify the structure in a chloroplast that is analagous active? Explain your answer.
(has a similar structure and performs a similar c) Which organelle is more at risk to changing
function) to each of the following structures in a concentrations of DNP? Explain.
mitochondrion. How do the functions of these
DNP Concentration and ATP Production
structures differ?
a) matrix Concentration of DNP
b) outer membrane Organelle 5% 15% 25% 35%
c) inner membrane volume of CO2(g) 0.50 0.11 0.05 0.01
d) cristae released (mL)
volume of O2(g) 0.88 0.04 0.01 n/a
released (mL)

Unit 3 Review • MHR 199

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