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Hypertension and COVID-19

Ernesto L. Schiffrin,1, John M. Flack,2 Sadayoshi Ito,3 Paul Muntner,4 and R. Clinton Webb5

The world is currently suffering from COVID-19 patients are hypertensive is formation of angiotensin II in the case
the outbreak of a pandemic caused by not entirely surprising nor does it nec- of ACE inhibitors, or by antagonizing

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the severe acute respiratory syndrome essarily imply a causal relationship be- the action of angiotensin II by blocking
coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that causes tween hypertension and COVID-19 or angiotensin AT1 receptors in the case
the disease called COVID-19, first re- its severity, since hypertension is ex- of ARBs,11,12 these agents could ac-
ported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, ceedingly frequent in the elderly, and tually contribute to reduce inflam-
China on 31 December 2019.1 As of 29 older people appear to be at particular mation systemically and particularly
March 2020, there have been 732,153 risk of being infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the lung, heart, and kidney. Thus,
confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported virus and of experiencing severe forms ACE inhibitors and ARBs could di-
worldwide, with 34,686 deaths.2 The and complications of COVID-19. minish the potential for development
clinical and epidemiological features It is unclear whether uncontrolled of either acute respiratory distress syn-
of COVID-19 have been repeat- blood pressure is a risk factor for drome, myocarditis or acute kidney
edly published in the last few weeks. acquiring COVID-19, or whether injury, which can occur in COVID-
Interestingly, specific comorbidities controlled blood pressure among 19 patients. In fact, ARBs have been
associated with increased risk of infec- patients with hypertension is or is not suggested as a treatment for COVID-
tion and worse outcomes with develop- less of a risk factor. However, several 19 and its complications.13 Increased
ment of increased severity of lung injury organizations have already stressed soluble ACE2 in the circulation could
and mortality have been reported. The the fact that blood pressure control re- bind SARS-CoV-2, reducing its ability
most common comorbidities in one mains an important consideration in to injure the lungs and other ACE2
report were hypertension (30%), di- order to reduce disease burden, even bearing organs.14 Using recombinant
abetes (19%), and coronary heart di- if it has no effect on susceptibility ACE2 could be a therapeutic approach
sease (8%).3 Another report showed to the SARS-CoV-2 viral infection.5 in COVID-19 to reducing viral load by
that the most frequent comorbidities Nevertheless, the fact that hyperten- binding circulating SARS-CoV-2 viral
in patients with COVID-19 who de- sion, and other forms of cardiovas- particles and reducing their potential
veloped the acute respiratory distress cular disease also found frequently attachment to tissue ACE2. None of
syndrome were hypertension (27%), in COVID-19 patients, are often these possibilities have however been
diabetes (19%), and cardiovascular di- treated with angiotensin-converting demonstrated in patients yet.
sease (6%).4 The frequency with which enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angio- In conclusion, there is as yet no ev-
tensin receptor blockers (ARBs), and idence that hypertension is related to
that SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing outcomes of COVID-19, or that ACE in-
Correspondence: Ernesto L. Schiffrin (ernesto.,
COVID-19, binds to ACE2 in the lung hibitor or ARB use is harmful, or for that
ernestoschiffrin). to enter cells,6,7 has raised questions matter beneficial, during the COVID-19
1Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, and
regarding the possibility that these pandemic. Use of these agents should
agents could either be beneficial or ac- be maintained for the control of blood
Department of Medicine, Sir Mortimer B. Davis-
Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, tually nefarious in patients treated with pressure, and they should not be discon-
Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 2Department of them with respect to susceptibility to tinued, at least on the basis of current
Internal Medicine, Southern Illinois University acquire COVID-19 or in relation to its evidence at this time.
School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois, USA; outcome. It has been shown that ACE
3Division of Nephrology, Endocrinology and

Hypertension, Tohoku University, Sendai,

inhibitors and ARBs increase ACE2,8,9
Japan; 4Department of Epidemiology, which could theoretically increase the
University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama, binding of SARS-Cov-2 to the lung and REFERENCES
USA; 5Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, its pathophysiological effects leading
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2020. All rights reserved. For Permissions,
please email:
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