Arabic Grammar - Level 03 - English Answers

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Quranic Arabic

Level 3: Intermediate Arabic
Answers Book
Muhammad Mubashir Nazir

At the end of this level, you’ll be able to understand 75-

80% of Islamic literature in Arabic by using a
dictionary, Insha Allah.
This book is the beta version of this program. Quality review is in progress. Certain spelling, grammar or
language mistakes are possible in this book.
Table of Contents

Description Page
Introduction 4
Lesson 1A: The Source & the Weight     7

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran 8

Lesson 2A: The Verb, its Types and the Derived Nouns  ! "# $ "%&'  ( )*   24

Lesson 2B: A Collection of Hadith 26

Lesson 3A: The Past Tense: Active Voice + ,-   33
Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1 38
Lesson 4A: The Past Tense: Passive Voice 23 ,-   55
Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purity 1 4  61
Lesson 5A: The Present & Future Tense: Active Voice + 51 6  76

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language 81

Lesson 6A: The Present & Future Tense: Passive Voice 2 3 51 6  93

Lesson 6B: Quranic Socio-Economic Teachings 99

Lesson 7A: The Groups of 7 ,898 and the Source Noun 1: 110

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary 112

Lesson 8A: Special Forms of Past Tense 127

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers 131

Lesson 9A: Special Forms of Present & Future Tense 145
Lesson 9B: The Law of Prayer  
Lesson 10A: Instructing and Forbidding Verbs     163

Lesson 10B: Arabic Idioms 168

Quranic Arabic Program 2 Level 03

Table of Contents

Description Page
Lesson 11A: The Derived Nouns  ! "# $= "&% ' 174

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth 178

Lesson 12A: Further Derived Nouns  ! "# $= "&% ' 192

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis 196

Lesson 13A: Minor and Major Tables %>?  %>@A BA N/A

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great 211

Lesson 14A: Ghair Munsarif, Huroof Similar to Verbs, Badl & Noun
Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1 228
Lesson 15A: Mansubaat ; <. 242

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting 252

What’s Next? 268

Bibliography 269

Quranic Arabic Program 3 Level 03


Dear Reader:
Assalam o alaikum!
Thanks for selecting “Quranic Arabic Program” to learn the Arabic Language. We will take you through a
series of lessons. At the end, you will be able to understand the Arabic Language Insha Allah. This program
contains an easy approach to learn the Arabic Language. This program covers the language of Islamic
Literature but it is name the “Quranic Arabic Program” because the Quran resides at the central position in
this program.
People learn Arabic Language due to two reasons: To understand the Quran, the Hadith and classic Arabic
Literature; or to speak and write in the modern Arabic to communicate with Arabs. This course is targeted
towards the former objective. Although people with the second objectives can also get benefit of this
Due to its systematic nature, Arabic is one of the easiest languages of the world. It has well-defined rules
and a developed language structure. If you are familiar with these rules, you can learn this language in a few
To understand the Quran and the Hadith, it is essential to learn the Arabic Language used in the Quran, the
Hadith and the Islamic literature. We will focus on its linguistics, philology and figurative speech.

Study Methodology
Study Methodology is very simple. Study one lesson daily. Solve all the exercises provided under “Test
Yourself”. Do not read the answers before attempting the questions. Once you solve the exercises, compare
your answers with the answers provided to you. In a few weeks, you will find that your Arabic Language
skills are improving.

The Boxes
Following boxes are provided to you for your ready reference. They contain very important information for

Rule of the Day

Build Your Personality Grammar and language rules will be
Objective of our course is not only provided in this box.
teaching the Quranic Arabic. We are
also concerned about transforming our Do you know?
personalities according to Quranic Facts about the Arabs, their Language,
teachings. This box will provide you the Islamic literature and history will be
tips for Personality Development. provided in this box.

Face the Challenge! Worth Reading

This box will challenge you which will help Links to good articles will be provided in
you in developing your language skills this box.

Quranic Arabic Program 4 Level 03


The Program is organized as follows:

• Level 0: The objective of this level is to enable you to read the Arabic script.
• Level 1: The objective of this level is to enable you to understand the religious Arabic used in the
routine life.
• Level 2: This level is designed to improve your language skills. You learn basic grammar and enhance
your vocabulary. After completing this level, you become able to understand 30-40% of the Islamic
literature in Arabic by using a dictionary.
• Level 3: This level enhances your skills further. You read advanced concepts of grammar. Your
vocabulary becomes vast. After completing this level, you become able to understand 75-80% of the
Islamic literature in Arabic by using a dictionary.
• Level 4: You complete your studies of Arabic Grammar at this level. At completion of this level, you
become able to read 100% of the Islamic literature in Arabic by using a dictionary.
• Level 5: This is the last level of this program. You study the advanced concepts of “Arabic Eloquence”
at this level. At the end of this level, you become able to appreciate the fine rhetorical concepts in the
Arabic language. It enables you to understand the Islamic literature in Arabic without consulting a
dictionary frequently.

Level 1 – 5 are also divided into two streams. “A” series deal with the rules of Arabic Grammar &
Eloquence. Enough exercises are provided to you to learn the Grammar & Eloquence rules.
The objective of “B” Series is to build your vocabulary. Passages from the Quran, the Hadith and selected
writings of Arab scholars are provided to you. You have to learn the words and styles and then translate the
passages into English. You need not to cram these words. The lessons and the exercises are designed in a
way that you will automatically learn the grammar rules, words and Arabic styles. At this level, we shall not
provide you the answers for the B Series.
This program is not designed to teach you day-to-day conversation in the Arabic language. This program is
also not designed to teach you how to write in Arabic language. But this program will help you in achieving
these two objectives. You need an Arabic speaking environment as well as a teacher to achieve these two
objectives. Nevertheless, the program is basically designed to teach you comprehension in the Arabic

Ask Your Questions

If you are facing difficulty in any lesson, feel free to ask your questions. Send an email at Feel free to share your views and valuable comments. Scholars of Arabic
language are strongly requested to please identify any mistakes in this book. Any constructive criticism will
be highly welcomed.

Important Note
This book is the beta version of this program. Quality review is in progress.
Certain spelling, grammar or language mistakes are possible in this book.

Quranic Arabic Program 5 Level 03


Set-up Your Resources

Enable the Arabic Language in your computer. Follow these steps:
For Windows Vista Users
• Open "Regional and Language Options" from Control Panel
• Press “Keyboards and Languages” tab.
• Press “Change keyboards…” button
• Press “Add” button
• Select “Input Language: “Arabic“
For Windows XP Users
• Open "Regional and Language Options" from Control Panel
• Choose Language tab.
• Check the "Install files for Complex Script and right-to-left languages (Including Thai)".
• Press Apply to proceed
• Press Details button.
• Press Add button.
• Select the “Arabic (Saudi Arabia)” in Input Language drop down list.
• Select the default “Arabic (102)” keyboard.
• Press “OK” and then “Apply”.
The system may ask you to provide Windows CD during this process.
Warning: If you are using an unlicensed version of Windows, it may corrupt.
Download the following resources from this link to continue this program:
• The Holy Quran
• Arabic Font
• A Dictionary: Download the Sakhr Arabic-English Dictionary and install it in your computer. After
that, do the following steps:
• Open "Regional and Language Options" from Control Panel
• In Regional Options change the standard format to Arabic (Saudi Arabia), and the location to be
Saudi Arabia
• Press the 'Advanced' card (The third card up) and then change the language to Arabic (Saudi
Arabia), then ok and restart your computer.
• Check that Sakhr Dictionary is working.
• Go back to the Regional Settings and change the settings to your normal settings.

Quranic Arabic Program 6 Level 03

Lesson 1A: The Source & the Weight    
The Result
Now compare the source identified by you with the following. Each word carried four marks. If your
score is below 80%, repeat the test. “N/A” is written if the word which does not exist is Arabic. The B
" is in red color, the " 5 is blue and the " 2 is green. All other letters which are not from the
source are depicted in black color.

Derived Words Meaning  

the 2J  F#  J /  R  F# E    Doing 25B
done task Doer He does He did

G  F
G H  G F# E
  Opening C;B
Opened item Opener He opens He opened

the $T  #  P
G 1 * $=  # E $U  * Reading $1Y
read book Reader He reads He read

The 5
G R %  KG  1 K  % E K  1 Raising 5B1
thing raised Raiser He raises He raised

The O
N Q# E O
N/A going person He goes He went

J  ? M
J / < J  ?% E
  < Sending S5
The sent item Sender He sends He sent

The 5
G FR . KG   K F .% E K F  Benefiting 5B
benefit itself Benefited He benefits He benefited

The C
G < Q D
G < L D
<Q# E D
Slaughtered C L
Slaughterer He slaughters slaughtered

KG  1 K  % E K  1 5W1
N/A Bower He bows He bowed
Bowing down

J / I R  3
% E   I 25V
N/A Maker He makes He made

Quranic Arabic Program 7 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is
understood. It will help you in understanding the coherence of the Arabic text.
Z >% [ # \ " [%   0
 Z )
% < V ?  1& – 85
.....a  ! %   :a N b .....  /% " # + % >#  .....V   ? # ;  L $ ") 
.....G  b f  . g% " # <  R F# E  / Z% N  .....G  *R >%  / Z% N L# e ..... R* # ;  L 1 . .....  :c% '= dA %   *R
.....:G >b $a ,% b jR / (   k  1% 'U  ; " ) l #  (  PQ .....: >"d  # h Eh  # (  <  . g% E #  ie Z%  .%   "  
Z%   ;
 d  R" /   . n \ EQ e .....m E d  #
Q/ Z%   Z . I
Q/ Z%     < E Z%  Z8R ;  . g% " #  f  . g% " #  . \ EQ e
.....o ?p #  % F # l
 L 1 %'U d % H \%  P%3H ; G .I
.....: EE " 2J  .....: >3" # t
 %  # RL .....   # 1 RF@ #  N  .....: >E  s
: ?% E  N ( e .....:G E:!
 q<1 r
 4# < e
This Heaven with its forts [whose observation posts are ever watching over you], and the promised day [which is an
evidence upon itself], and every one who sees [this world with an observant eye], and whatever he is seeing -- all of
these bear witness [that the Day of Judgment is bound to come.
So doomed are the companions of the fuel-filled ditch of fire when they sat on it [in Hell] such that they are [now]
seeing [with their very eyes the consequences of] what they had been doing with the believers [in this world].
And [the fact is that] they [-- the disbelievers –] became their enemies merely because they believed in Allah, the
Mighty, the Praiseworthy, to whom belongs the kingdom of the Heavens and the earth, and [they should well know
and so should the believers that] Allah is watching every thing.
These people who persecuted these believing men and women and never repented, for them is the punishment of
Hell, and the torment of burning. [On the other hand], these people who remained steadfast to their faith and did
righteous deeds, for them are the gardens of Paradise in which rivers flow. This, in fact, is supreme success.
Severe indeed is the grip of your Lord. [So O Prophet! They must not have any misconception.] He alone begins and
[when this is a fact then] He alone will bring back. He is all-Forgiving [if they repent]. All-Loving, Lord of the
throne, the Exalted, the [absolute] Doer of what He intends.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Grip r
 4# < Sitting G  *R I vow, I present it as an

He begins s
: ?% E Observers G  b One having something ;

He brings back : >E They became enemies  "  Observation posts,

plural of V <
  ? #

Loving, Affectionate    # They persecuted  . Promised   /% " #

Glorious, Exalted : >3" # They did not repent  < E Z%  Observed a  !
Doer 2J  Burning m Ed
 # Ditch (full of fire)   :c% '=
What He decides : EE " Success  % F # Fuel  R* #

Quranic Arabic Program 8 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

.....:G >3 J n%*R  N # < .....

J >d Z%  } 1 \%  (   .....O
a EQp# H ,  F  \ EQ # < .....  "8  % / %  .....  .3
# M
R E:[ W H # N

a RFd
%  C
a %  ,
Has the story of the forces reached you [who were overcome with similar arrogance]? Of the forces of Pharaoh and
the Thamud. [Then, is this something to be denied. No! Certainly not!] In fact, these disbelievers have decided that
they will continue to deny. And the fact is that Allah is surrounding them from all sides. [This is not something to be
denied]. In fact, this is the Glorious Quran [secure from the tampering of the devils]. It is [inscribed] in a preserved
Z >% [ # \ " [%   0
 Z )
% < Y1 4 1& v86
.....m  c Z R ){ % |R .>#  .....x
J  [ >%  / " ya F#  z R # e .....O * w Z 3
% . .....Y 1 4  W 1%   .....Y 1 4  $ ") 
i a *R \%  (  " ..... } ) ?% H + % E .....1G    (  I% 1 / ( e .....O  }   O
 # ~ \ >% < \%  V
  % E   $a  \%  m  c
.....a A 
..... €:%> : > ..... €:%>   :>pE Z%  e ....2 h%  # <  N  .....J 
%  2J %   ( e .....5
 :%  ;
 L k
 1% 'U  .....K I%  ;  L $ ") 
. €:%E 1 Z%  #  %  \ E p# # q" 
This Heaven [which encompasses you from all sides], and those also which come in the night [which are persistently
watching over you] -- And what do you understand what those who come in the night are? shinning stars -- they bear
witness that every soul has a guardian over it. [Still they say that their Allah will not raise them up one day]. Then let
man reflect from what he has been created. From a spurting fluid that comes out from between the bones of the back
and the chest. [He should behold that if His Lord can create him in such a manner, then] surely, He is capable of
creating him again. On the day, when secrets of the hearts are scrutinized. Then, neither will be have any power nor
will be have any helper.
And this sky, when rain bursts forth from it and [as a consequence of which] this earth splits asunder [at the
sprouting of the vegetation], bear witness that this is [Our] decisive word [about the Day of Judgment]. It is no jest.
[About this day O Prophet!] they are scheming a plot [by making fools out of the people] and I am also scheming a
plan [that I catch them when they are left with no excuse]. So leave these disbelievers [O Prophet!], leave them a

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Secrets, plural of ƒ&
  } ) Star Z 3
% . Armies   .3
Splitting 5
 :%  Shining O
* w An ancient nation of Arab   "8
Decisive J 
%  Guard x
J  [ Denying O
a EQp# H
Jest, joke 2 h%  # He should see % |R .># Their back Z%  } 1
The scheme   :>pE It was created m  c Surrounding 
J >d
A plot (to deceive) €:%> Spurting, gushing out ma   Tablet, Slab C
a % 
Give time! # q Back bones O
 # ~ Protected ‚
a RFd
Give them time! Z%  #  %  Chest O
 }  One coming at night Y
 1 4
A while €:%E 1 It is / will be tested ?% H You perceived W 1% 

Quranic Arabic Program 9 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < /' 1& v87
.....…[%  $† w‡R (   3
  ...../% " # V
  c%  PQ  .....…:  1 :* PQ  .....…)
  m  c PQ ...../% 'U l
 q<1 Z &% D
% q?&
.....…# jQ ˆ
%  F  # e % jQ  .....…)
% > #  W  q)>  .....F
% E   % 3
 # Z  % E ( e ....(  $U b  ie .....).H 9 l
 }R # . &
..... >d
% E i > ;
 "E i Z8R .....…?% pR # 1 . 
% E PQ ..... b% 'U ? .3
 E .....!
% E \%   Q>&
~ ,F QN e ..... <% G >% c R  c ‰  ..... >%~:  >d
 #   8g% H # < .....
  ( q<1 Z &%   L  .....h H \%  D
  #  :% *
.&  Z >N <%e Š
A .....='
Glorify the name of your Lord, most high [O Prophet], Who created [all things], then perfected [them], and Who set
their destinies [for them], then [accordingly] showed them the way [to follow], and Who brought forth vegetation,
then made it dark-colored husk.
[In a similar manner, this divine revelation will also gradually reach its end, then] soon We shall [finally] recite it to
you, then you will not forget it except what Allah pleases. Indeed, He knows what is manifest [before you] at this
time and also what is hidden [from you]. And [in a similar way], We shall lead you [from these difficulties] towards
ease. So, remind them, if reminding be profitable.
Those who fear [Allah] will take heed soon, and these wretched [people], they will avoid it. They who will enter the
Great Hellfire. They will neither die nor remain alive at that time].
However, successful shall be he who purified [himself, and for this] he remembered his Lord’s name, then prayed.
No, [you do not have any argument against it O People!] but give preference to this worldly life [in spite of the fact]
that the life to come is better and more lasting, [and then this is not something new]: It is written in the earlier
scriptures as well – the scriptures of Abraham and Moses.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He will burn 
% E He hides, he conceals F
% E Glorify! D
% q?&
Great …?% pR # We will make easy for
W  q)> He perfected …&

He will not die ;

 "E i Easy …)
% > # He planned 1 :*
He will not remain
% E i Remember (Allah) % jL Pasture, vegetation /% " #
He became
  #  It benefits ˆ
%  F  Husk $† w‡R

He purifies himself h H Remembering …# jQ Having dark color …[% 

You prefer   8g% H Soon he will heed the

 Q>& We shall soon make
you recite
 }R # . &

The most lasting  <% He avoids it ? .3

 E You will forget ).H
Earlier scriptures =' Š
~ Wretched, miserable  b% 'U Open, clear  % 3

Quranic Arabic Program 10 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < >b @ 1& v88
+G ΠZ%   y
 >%  .....a >n \a >% / \%   ) % H .....€ > [ €1   % H .....J ?A   J   / .....J  b c Qa ‹ % E XG  I ..... >b @# M
R E:[ W H # N
> K " )
% H i .....a > / a .I , .....J >-  1 >% )
  .....J " /  Qa ‹ % E XG  I .....5 a  I \%  ,.@% E i \ " ) % E i .....Ka E-  \%  ie
.....J 8Rw?%  ~,< 1  .....J  RF
%  Y 1 " .....J /  -%  G #  .....J / R%  1G  & > .....J E1 I \G >% / > .....€ >‡ i
 >%  k
 1% 'U e .....ˆ
% ?
 >%  2 ?3
 # e .....ˆ
%   1 Š
 >%  $ ") e .....ˆ
%   c Š
 >%   <{ e   |R .% E 9
.....ˆ % d  4 &
e Z8R .....Z%  < Ee .>% e e ..... ?# 'U
 Q # (  ( < jQ >  ..... F    H \%  ie .....a 4 >% )
 " < Z%  >%  / ˆ
%  .....G jQ  ˆ
 % "e % jQ 
.Z%  < )[ .>%  /
Has the news of the great calamity reached you [O Prophet!] which will over spread [the whole world]? Many a face
on that day will be downcast, worn out, exhausted. They will enter the blazing fire. They will be given to drink from
a seething spring. Their only food will be thorny dry grass, which will neither nourish them nor satisfy their hunger.
[On the other hand], many a face on that day will be radiant, pleased with their endeavors in a lofty garden. They
will hear no absurd talk there. In it will be a running spring. In it there will be high thrones, and goblets set forth, and
carpets arranged, and cushions spread all over.
[If they do not believe] , then do they not see the camels, How they have been made? And do they not behold the
sky, How it has been raised high? And do they not look at the mountains, How they have been set firm? And do they
not see the earth, How it has been spread out.
[If they do not believe in spite of this], then just go on reminding them [O Prophet!]. Your duty is only to remind
them; you are not to force them. [Those who take heed will definitely believe in it]. As for those who turn away and
reject [it], Allah will inflict on them that great punishment [the punishment of Hell]. Indeed, then to Us will they
return. Then it is upon Us to call them to account.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Spread over carpets J 8Rw?%  ~,< 1 Hunger 5

a  I Over-shadowing,
 >b @#
She-camels  <{ Radiant J " /  Fearing J  b c
It is raised ˆ
%   1 Their effort >% & Worn out J   /
Mountains 2 ?3
 # Pleased, happy J >-
 1 Exhausted J ?A
It is set firmed ˆ
% ?
  High a > / Blazing € > [
It is spread out ˆ
% d
 4 & Absurd, useless € >‡ i They will be given to
% H
One who reminds G jQ  Running J E1 I Boiling spring a >n \a >% /
One who forces to do
a 4 >% )
  Raised couches J / R%  1G  & Thorny bitter food Ka E-

He turns away  H Drinking glass placed J /  -% 

G #  It will not give
\ " )
% E i
Their returning place Z%  < Ee Arranged cushions J  RF
%  Y
1 " It will not satisfy ,.@% E i

Quranic Arabic Program 11 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < 3F 1& v89
 ~<1    Š >%  …H Z%   .....a 3
% [ PQ ZG )  * l
 L , # N ..... ) % E Le  >%   ..... H% #  K F# !  .....a !% / 2a > ..... 3% F # 
..... H% 'U PL  % / %   .....P # <  
%   < I \ EQ   "8 ..... 9?# , R w#  m%   % E Z%  , ..... " # ;
 L + 1 e .....a <
..... a Q/   % & l  ~<1 Z%  >%  / O
  ..... )F # >  w# Ž ..... 9?# , %@ Œ \ EQ
,q<1 2R R > ( * % 1 ( >%  / 1 :   X 9<%  Le  .....\   #  ,q<1 2R R > ( "  (   # Ž ( ~<1 X 9<%  Le R ){ Ž ..... A% " # ? l
 <1 e
€?[ 2 "#  ~?d  H  ..... €" 9 € #  S  ~  RR Ž# H .....f  p )% " # + Œ /  ~- dH i .....Z >>#    p# H i < 9 .....\  N
..... €"I
.....…# jQ (   R )%{  Q E Qa ‹ % E Z . 3
 < Qa ‹ %E $U ,I ..... €‘FA
 " #  l
 ~<1 $U I ..... €‘ €‘ k 1% 'U ˆ%  Le 9
.....,H >d   ˆ
% :* ,.>%  E 2R R E
The dawn bears witness, and [every] ten nights [of the moon], and the even and odd [month in which it completes its
course], and the night [also] when it departs [that the dawn of the Day of Judgment is certain to come and this world
of yours is, gradually, reaching its end]. Is there in this an evidence for the sensible? Did you not see how your Lord
dealt with [the people of] Aad - The Iram of the pillars who had no parallel in the world. And with the Thamud who
carved huge rocks in the valley? And with the Pharaoh, he of the tent-pegs [to crucify.] All of these people were
rebellious to Allah in their lands and spread evil therein. So your Lord let loose on them the scourge of His
punishment. [For these rebellious people], verily, your Lord is waiting in ambush.
But as for man, when his Lord tests him by honoring him and bestowing favors on him, he says puffed up `My Lord
has exalted me'. But when He tests him restricting his subsistence for him, he says `My Lord has humiliated me'.
[No this is not so] certainly not! in fact, [this is to test you and] you do not honor the orphans and do not urge each
other to feed the poor and greedily lay hands on the inheritance [of the weak] and become mad with the love of
[Man thinks that he will not be held accountable for this attitude]. Certainly not! He should remember when the
earth shall be pounded even, and your Lord shall manifest Himself such that the angels will stand in rows [before
Him] and Hell shall be brought near. On that Day, man shall come to understand. But then what will this
understanding avail him? He will say `Ah! Would that I had done something for this life!
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He humiliated me \  N One having nails, the one who used to

 H% 'U PL Nights, plural of > 2a >

You don’t respect    p# H i They transgress %@ Œ Even & odd numbers  H% #  K F# !

You urge  ~- dH Disorder  )F # It departs  )

% E
Inheritance S
 ~ He let loose OA
 Oath, evidence ZG )
Much €"I Scourge, whip 
 % & One having wisdom a 3
% [ PL

It was pounded ˆ
%  Waiting in ambush  A% " # You’ve not seen …H Z% 
To pound even €‘ €‘ He tested him X 9<% An ancient nation of Arab + 1 e a /
Organized in rows €‘FA
 He blessed him ( "  Pillars, plural of :G " /  " #
Ah! Alas! ,.>%  E He gave me respect \   #  They carved  < I
I have sent ˆ
% :* He restricts his sustenance ( >%  / 1 : * Rock  

Quranic Arabic Program 12 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

,c %  ....P ?/ , ,c %  ....€ >-

 %  € >-
 1 l
 q<1 e ,I 1% .....R .‹" 4# " # y
F# .  E E .....:G [  ( * 8 m 8 E i .....:G [  ( < Q/
jQ E i Qa ‹ % >
On that Day, none shall punish as He [ --- thy Lord --- ] punishes and none shall bind as He binds. [To the others He
shall say]: O you whose heart remained content [with his Lord in times of comfort and distress] return unto your
Lord, such that He is pleased with you and you are pleased with Him. [Return] and enter among My servants and
enter My Paradise.

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < :? 1& v90
i€  ˆ p#  N%  2R R E .....:G [  ( >%  / 1 : # E \%  #  O
d % E .....:a ? ,  ){ .#  c :%   .....:   :a   .....:  ?# Q < ’ [ ˆ  % .....:  ?# Q < Z )  *# R i
.....:G [  X  E Z%  #  O
)d % E ..... €:?R
.....\ E%: 3
% . X .E%: N  .....\ >% F b  € ) .....\ >% .>% / (  #  3
%  Z%  
.....a < %  L €.>p) %  %  .....a < #  L €">E .....a ?@ )
%  PL +a % E , +G Œ# e %  .....a ?* 1 ~l .....R ?  #  W 1%   ..... ?  # Z d  *# 9
1G  Z%  >%  / .....  Ž!
% " #
dA %  Z% N .H E“<  F  \EQ  ..... ." >% " # dA%  l  ‹% R ..... " [ % " # < %A H  ?%  < %A  H  . n \ EQ \%    Z8R
.J : A

I call to witness just this city --- [and this city is not unknown to you], you are its inhabitant --- and [I call to witness]
the father [Abraham] and his progeny [who settled in this city] that We created man [in this valley] into a [life of]
toil and struggle. [Now when he is leading a life of affluence] does he think that no one has power over him? [When
he is asked to spend] he says I have thrown away a lot of money. Does he think that no one has seen him?
Have We not given him two eyes [that he could see the deprived] and a tongue and two lips [that he could urge
others to do good]? and not shown him the two ways [that he could understand the good and the evil?
But he did not benefit from these] nor did he attempt the steep path. And what do you understand what this steep
path is? [It is] the freeing of a slave or feeding, in days of famine, of an orphan near of kin or an indigent [down] in
the dust.
Then he be of those who accept faith and who counsel one another to remain steadfast [on it] and who counsel one
another to be sympathetic [to others]. These are the fortunate. And those who deny our revelations, it is they who are
the unfortunate. The Fire shall close in on them.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Freeing slaves a ?* 1 ~l He considers, he perceives O

d% E He binds m 8 E
Feeding +G Œ# e I have lost ˆ
p#  N%  His binding ( * 8
Having famine, shortage
of food
a ?@ )
%  PL A lot of €:?R Satisfied heart R .‹" 4# " #

Relative a < #  L He has not seen X  E Z%  Return ,I 1%

Having poverty a < %  L Two eyes, (>.wH of f/ \ >% .>% / He is pleased with you € >-
Sympathy, being
 " [ % " # Two lips, (>.wH of J F b
 \ >% F b You are pleased with Him € >-

Right side  ." >% " # Two high ways, (>.wH of :

G3  \ E%: 3
% . I swear, I present as an
Z )
 *# R i

Left side   Ž!

% " # He passed through Z d
 *# Allowed, citizen ’ [

Closed, encircled J : A
 g%  The steep valley, something difficult
to do
 ?  # A condition of binding &
:a ?

Quranic Arabic Program 13 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < y"! 1& v91
a F#  ..... N dΠ k
 1% 'U  ..... N .<  $ ")  ..... N !@% E Le  >%   ..... N9I Le 1 .  ..... N9H Le  "  #  ..... N d-  y  "% ! 
..... N & \%   c :% *  ..... N  \%  D  #  :% * ..... N # H N1  3R "  #Ž ..... N &
i ..... N )
  Z%  ?%Q < Z%  ~<1 Z%  >%  / + : % :  N    X  <Qp  ..... N ># &  (   *  (  2R  &1 Z%   2   ..... N  b%  M
  ?% L# e ..... N @% 4 <   "8 ˆ% <Q
. N ?# / B E
The sun bears witness and its ascent and the moon when it follows it, and the day when it [the sun] illuminates it,
and the night when it enshrouds it, and the sky and its [wondrous] make, and the earth and its [wide] expanse [that if
this world exists, the next world also does.] And the soul bears witness and the perfection given to it. Then inspired
it with its evil and its good that he succeeded who purified it and he failed who corrupted it.
The Thamud denied [their Prophet] in their rebellious pride when their most wretched person rose against him. The
Prophet of Allah then warned them of the she-camel of Allah and her turn [to drink]. But they rejected him and cut
its legs; so because of this crime, their Lord let lose His scourge upon them and razed their city to the ground. And
He had no fear of its consequences.
Z >% [ # \ " [%   0
 Z )
% < > 1& v92
X  q)>. )
# < Y
  ..... H  4/%  \%  Ž .....!
  Z% pR >% & e .....w%'=    Q m  c  .....3
 H Le 1 .  .....!@% E Le  >%  
.....…) % > # 
The night when it darkens bears witness and the day when it brightens and the creation of the male and the female
species also [that if this world exists, the next world also does and] whatever you do [in this world] shall necessarily
have different results in the next. So, he who gave in the way of Allah and was God-fearing and believed in the good
outcome [in the Hereafter], We shall, indeed, take him to [a fate] of delight.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He smashed + : %  He purified it N  Its brightness N d-

Its consequences, its N ?# / He failed
 c It follows it N9H
It brightens, it 3
 H He corrupted it N & Day 1 .

Your efforts Z% pR >% & She (they) denied ˆ

% <Q It (the sun) illuminates it N9I

Various, different b Transgression, rebellious N @% ΠIt (darkness) covers it N !@% E

He gave (for Allah’s 4/%  He rose, he came forward M
  ?% Its construction, its make N .<

He testified Y
 Their most wretched N  b%  Its expanse, its wide spread N dŒ
person area
Good (outcome of .)
% d
# Allah’s she-camel (   *  He perfected it, He leveled N &
Hereafter) it to ground
We shall soon make it X  q)>. & Its turn to drink N ># & He inspired it "  #

They cut its legs N  / Its evil N1  3R

Quranic Arabic Program 14 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

. e .....…: #  .>%  / e .....… H Le ( R  ( .% / ,.@% E  .....…)
%  #  X  q)>. )
# <  Q  ......@% &%     < \%  
.....| H €1  Z% pR H 1% Q %Ž .....='    c —
..... H%'U ? .3
 > &  ..... H
 Q PQ ..... b% 'U ie N9%E i
.-% E B
 % )
  ...../% 'U ( q<1 ( I%  $U @<% ie .....…h3
% H a " %  \%  X : .% / :a [ 'U  .....h E (   ,Hg% E PQ
And he who was a miser and was indifferent and belied the good outcome [in the Hereafter], We shall, indeed, take
him to [a fate] of affliction. What will his wealth avail him when he plunges into the Pit? It is for Us to give
guidance and verily, this world and the next are under Our control. So, [O People of Mecca!] I have warned you of
the raging Fire.
Only this most wretched leader [of yours] shall enter it; who denied and turned away. And [Our Prophet] --- the
most god-fearing shall be kept away from it, who spends his wealth to purify his soul, and does not confer favors on
anyone for recompense but only to seek the countenance of his Lord, Most High. Soon [O People!] he shall prosper
[from the favors of his Lord].

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < d6 1& v93
.....-%  l  ~<1 l >4% E B
 % )   .....=' \%  l   G >% c R  c — .....*  l  ~<1 l
 /   .....3& Le  >%   .....d~6 
 .....%  .% H 9  } )  .....%  # H 9 Z >># Ž ......‡# Ž 9 € } / W : I   .....…:  ˜i - W : I   .....…“ €">E W :% 3
 E Z%  
.S # q:d   l
 q<1  " % .<
The day bears witness when it brightens and the night when it spreads its darkness [that sorrow and joy are also
needed to train and discipline a person. So O Prophet!] your Lord has neither abandoned you nor is he displeased
with you and the days to come shall be a lot better for you than these initial ones. Very soon shall your Lord give
you [so much that] you shall be pleased.
Did He not find you an orphan and gave you shelter ? And found you wandering and guided you ? and found you in
need and [gave you the contentment of heart and thus] enriched you ? So, treat not the orphan with harshness and
scold not the one who asks and proclaim this favor [of Guidance] the Lord has given you.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

You will become happy -% H He gives / will give ,Hg% E He became miser  
He has not found you W :% 3
 E Z%  He purifies h E He became indifferent .@% &%
A place to lodge, shelter …n It will be rewarded …h3
% H Affliction, hard time …)
%  #
Wandering ˜i - Seeking $U @<% He doomed, he falls into a hole … H
Needy 9
€ } / He becomes happy -% E I warn you Z% pR H 1% Q %
Don’t treat with
%  # H i It spreads its darkness 3& It blazed | H

Don’t scold %  .% H i He abandoned you l

 /  He will not reach it N9%E i
Proclaim! S
# q:[ He became displeased * He will be kept away from it ? .3
He will give you l
 >4% E More or the most God-fearing  H%'U

Quranic Arabic Program 15 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < C
 % ! 1& v94
.....W  # L l
  .%  1  .....W  % œ 
   PQ .....W 1 %  l
 ./ .% -
   .....W 1 :% A
%  !
%  Z%  
..... €%)E  )
%  # K  e ..... €%)E  )
%  # K  ž
% ‡ 1%  l
 q<1 e .....O
 ‡#   Lž
Have We not opened up your heart for you? and relieved you of the burden which weighed your back? and for your
sake exalted your fame?
Therefore, with this difficulty [which you are now facing O Prophet!] there is a great ease [which awaits you]. With
this difficulty, there is a great ease [which awaits you].
So, when you are free [from this task], labor hard [in worship] and seek your Lord with all fervor.

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < \%>q 1& v95
  'U :  ?# QN  .....f
 .>& 1 RΠ.....  E%h  f
   &  F &%  X %  1 Z8R .....ša  # H \ )
 [%  ,  ){ .#  c :%  
 "  d# Z p [% Ž< (  y
 >%  .....\ Eq: < : % < l
 < jQp E " .....a  ."%   >% ‡ G I%  Z%    ;
 d  R" /   . n \ EQ ie
The mount of Figs and the mount of Olives bear witness and [so does] the mount of Sinai and this secure city of
[yours] that We have created man in the best of moulds [as regards his purpose]. Then, We reverted him to the
lowest [state] when/as he himself wanted to become low. Save those who accepted faith and did righteous deeds.
For them shall be a reward unending.
Now [O Prophet!] what is it that denies you about the Day of Judgment? [Ask them] is not Allah the best of Judges?

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Mount Sinai, the starting
point of Judaism
 .>& 1 RΠDifficulty  )
%  # He has not opened C
%  !
%  Z% 
Form, mould ša  # H You became free ˆ
 ‡#   He relieved you l
 ./ .% -
We reverted him X %  1 Work hard O
  Your weight W 1 % 
The lowest of the low f
   &  F &%  Turn your attention O
% ‡ 1% It weighed 
a  ."%  Fig & olive, it indicates W  % œ
f q
Unending Your back
“the land of figs &
Z p [%  olives” i.e. Jerusalem,
The Best Judge of all
judges f
 "  d#
the starting point of We raised, We
.%  1

Quranic Arabic Program 16 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < m   # R 1  & v96
.....Z%  % E Z%    ){ Z / .....Z   # < Z / PQ .....+  # 'U l
 ~<1  # *#  / \%   ){ m  c .....m  c PQ l
 q<1 Z &% < # *#
  # e ˆ
 E%1  .....A  Le €:%?/ ......% E PQ ˆ  E%1  .....I% ~ l  q<1 e e ......@% &% X n1 #  .....@4# >  ){ e 9
..... >A
 . < K F )
% . ( .% E Z%  \% ‹ 9 .....…E (  Ž< Z%  % E Z%  ..... H
 Q # e ˆ
 E%1  .....…#  <    %  .....…: # /
%  *#  :% 3
&%  ( % 4 H i 9 ..... > <h 5
:% .& .....(E  5 :% >#  .....a ‹Œ c a <L  a >A
Read out to them [O Prophet!] in the name of your Lord who created --- created man from a clot of congealed blood.
Read out to them and the fact is that your Lord is the most Bounteous who taught [this Qur’ān] by the pen [in which]
He gave man that knowledge which he knew not.
[Whatever vain talk they indulge in against it is baseless O Prophet!] Certainly not: Verily man is rebellious as he
considers himself self-sufficient [in wealth]. [Let him think so] for verily to His Lord will he [one day] return. Have
you seen him who forbids a servant [of Allah] when he prays. Just consider if this [servant] of [Ours] is on the right
path or urges [others] to piety then ... ! Just see if this [wretched] person denied and turned away then ... ! Does he
not know that Allah is observing [him]? [This is nothing], Certainly not! [O Prophet!] if he desists not We shall drag
him by the forelock, a lying sinful forelock. Then let him call his help-mates. We shall summon Our guards.
Certainly not! heed him not and bow down in prostration and draw near [Me].

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < 1 :%  # 1& v97
\%  Z%  q<1  L# ž< > C
~  R p }9"# 2R h.H.....a % b Š
 # \%  G >% c 1 :%  # R  >%  .....1 :%  # R  >%   W 1%   .....1 :%  #   >%  , X .#h  e
..... 3 % F # K  4#  [ , N +G 9& .....a %  jR
Indeed, We revealed this [Qur’ān] in the night in which fates are decided . And what do you know what this night of
decisions is? Better is the night of decisions than a thousand months. Therein descend the angels and the Spirit by
the permission of their Lord [with commands] in all affairs. Peace it is till the rising of the dawn.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
Don’t follow him ( % 4 H i If \% ‹ Read # *#
Become close
%  *# He does not abstain ( .% E Z%  Clot of congealed
ma  /
We revealed it, We sent it
X .#h  We shall drag K F )
% . The Most Bounteous +  # 'U
The night of planning 1 :%  #   >%  Forehead a >A
  He taught with the
Z   # < Z /
She / They come down 2R h.H Mistaken a ‹Œ c Definitely he rebels @4# >
The Holy Spirit C
~ He should call 5
:% ># He became
.@% &%
Permission  L# e Helpmates (E  He forbids .% E
Peace +G 9& We shall soon call / summon 5
:% .& He sees …E
Rising (of dawn or sun) K  4#  Angels of punishment  > <h

Quranic Arabic Program 17 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < .q>? 1& v98
G  R > .....€  4  €F dA R% E (  \%  2J  &1 .....R .q>?# Z%  >HŽ# H [ f  jpF .  f   !% " #   p #  N%  \%   F  \ EQ \% pR E Z% 
 "> E  $U F.[ \ Eq: (  f   
%  (   :? % > ie  R  .....R .q>?# Z%  H%$U I  : % < \%  ie  p #  HR \ EQ Y  FH  .....J " q>*
~b Z% N l  ‹% R > \ E: c Z . I 1  , f    !% " #   p #  N%  \%   F  \ EQ e ..... " q> # \ E l  L   h  Hg% E   9
1 %'U d
% H \%  P3 % H a :% / ; .I Z%  q<1 : .% / Z% N   hI ..... E ?#  >% c Z% N l  ‹% R ;
 d  R" /   . n \ EQ e .....  E ?#
.( <1 , !
 c \% "  l L ( .% /  -1  Z%  .% / (  , -
 1 €:< > \ E: c
Those among the People of the Book and the Idolaters [of the Quraysh] who have denied [the Qur’ān] shall not
desist from their stubbornness until [according to their wish] there comes to them a clear sign -- that is a messenger
from Allah [descending from the heavens] reciting purified pages in which [are written] clear directives [for them].
The truth is that [those among them] who were given the Book [before] became divided only after such a clear sign
had come to them. And [in this Book also] they had been directed to worship Allah, obeying Him exclusively with
sincere devotion and to establish prayers and to pay zakat [and the truth is that] this is the religion of the Upright
Those among the People of the Book and the Idolaters [of the Quraysh] who [in this way] have denied [the Qur’ān]
shall, indeed, forever dwell in the fire of Hell [because of this attitude]. They are the worst of creatures. [On the
other hand], those who embraced faith and did righteous deeds, they, indeed, are the best of creatures. Their reward
with Allah is the Gardens of Eden beneath which rivers flow. They will abide there forever. Allah is well pleased
with them and they with Him. This is the reward for him who feared the Lord [without seeing Him].

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < hh 1& v99
[%  l
 <1 Ž< ..... N1 ?c%  S R q:d  H Qa ‹ % E .....   R ){ 2 * .....   8# k 1% 'U ˆ % I  c%  .....  h# k 1% 'U ˆ % h # Le
.XE €b a 1L 2  w#  # " % E \%   .....XE €%>c a 1L 2  w#  # " % E \% "  .....Z%   "/%  % >  €H b%  Ÿ
. 1 : 
% E Qa ‹ % E..... 
[They should remember the Day] when the earth is shaken the way it should be shaken, and it casts forth its burdens.
And man shall cry out: `what is the matter with her?' On that Day, she will narrate all her story at the intimation of
your Lord. On that Day, men will issue forth alone so that their deeds can be shown to them Then whoever has done
the smallest bit of good he also shall see it, and whoever has done the smallest bit of evil, he also shall see it.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Its weights   8# Devoted, plural of Š>.[ $U F.[ He was not \% pR E Z% 
What happened to it?   The worst of the creatures  E ?# ~b One who desist f
 jpF . 
It will describe its
N1 ?c%  S
R q:d
 H The best of the creatures  E ?#  >% c It comes to them Z%  >HŽ# H

He revealed [%  Their reward Z% N   hI A clear evidence R .q>?#

It will be brought out 1 : 
% E Eden a :% / They recite R% E
Scattered €H b%  For ever €:< Purified €  4 
So that they see their deeds Z%   "/%  % >  They are happy with Him ( .% /  -1 Established directives J " q>*
Equal to the weight of a
a 1L 2  w#  It was shaken ˆ
% h # They divided into sects Y
 F H

He will see XE Its shaking  h# Sincere f


Quranic Arabic Program 18 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < ; E  1& v100
.....G  .p  ( q<   ){ e ..... €%"I ( < \ 4# &   ..... €#  ( <  % 8Ž ..... €d%?A
 o@ " #  ..... €[%:* ; E1  "#  ..... €d%?-  ;  E # 
.....:G E:!
 # qOd
 ( e .....:G >!
 L / ( e
G ?
  Qa ‹ % E Z%  < Z%  <1 e .....1  :~ ,   q[  .....1  ?R # ,   w% < Le Z  % E 9
Gasping galloping horses, then striking fire with their hooves, then raiding at dawn, then blazing a trail of dust in it
and penetrating with it into a throng -- they bear witness that [this] man [living in the peaceful surroundings of the
Baytullah] is very ungrateful to his Lord. And to this attitude, he himself is a witness. And mad is he in the love of
Is he not aware of the time when graves are laid open and whatever is in the hearts is taken out. Indeed, on that Day,
your Lord shall be well aware [of all their deeds].

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < /1  1& v101
 RF."# \ %  #  2R ?3
 # R RpH .....S
 Rw?% " # t
 F #  Ÿ
. R RpE + % E .....R / 1  #  W 1%   .....R / 1  #  .....R / 1  #
.....a >-
 1 a !
 >/ ,    .....( . E  ˆ
%  R 8 \%  Ž
.J > [ 1G  .....(% >N  W 1%   .....J E N ( ~ŽR .....( . E  ˆ
% Fc \%  
That Pounding One! What is that Pounding One?! What do you imagine what the Pounding One is? On that Day,
people shall be like moths scattered about and mountains like carded wool. Then whose scales are heavy shall dwell
in bliss and whose scales are light, the abyss shall be his abode. and what do you understand that is!? Blazing Fire.

Face the Challenge! Identify the verbs with past, present and future tense in this lesson.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Scattered moths S
 Rw?% " # t
 F # They reach at the
( < \ 4# &  Fast moving horses ;
 E #
Carded colorful wool t
 RF."# \ %  # Collectively €%"I Snorting, gasping €d%?-

His scale was heavy ( . E  ˆ
%  R 8 Ungrateful, thankless G  . Striking fire ;
 E1  "#
A life with happiness a >-
 1 a !
 >/ It will be opened,
 w% < From their hooves €[%:*
His scale was light ( . E  ˆ
% Fc Graves, plural of ¡* 1  ?R # Raiding ;
 o@ " #
His dwelling place ( ~R It will be collected  q[ At morning (dawn) €d%?A

A deep place J E N Chests, plural of 1:A 1  :~ They leave ( <  % 8
Blazing J > [ The Big Explosion R / 1  # A trail of dust €# 

Quranic Arabic Program 19 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < 8 p 1& v102
 %   .....f
  ># Z # /   " % H %  9 .....   " % H B
 % & 9 Z8R .....   " % H B  % & 9 ..... <  " # Z% H 1%  [ .....  8R p Z% R #
.Z >. \% / Qa ‹ % E \RŽ)
%   Z8R ..... f
  ># \ >% / %   Z8R ..... Z >d3
The greed for abundance has distracted you until you reached the graves. [O people! this is nothing] Nothing indeed!
You shall soon come to know! Again [listen! this is nothing] Nothing indeed! You shall soon come to know!
[No! never would you have been distracted by it] Never indeed! if you knew definitely that you would surely see the
fire of Hell, then [knew that] you would observe it by your very eyes, then [knew that] you would be questioned
about all these favours on that Day.

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% <  1& v103
. ?%  < %A
 H qmd
 # < %A
 H ;
 d  R" /   . n \ EQ ie .....a )
% c ,F  ){ e ..... 
%  # 
Time bears witness that these people shall definitely be in a state of loss. Yes! except those who accepted faith and
did righteous deeds and exhorted one another to the truth and exhorted one another to remain steadfast on it.

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < h"¢ 1& v104
 W 1%   ..... " 4 d
# , Q ?.% >  9 .....X :  c%  (    O )d % E .....X  :/  i€  K " I PQ .....a h " R a h " N jpR  J E%
.a  :"  :a " / , .....J : A
   Z%  >%  / e ..... : ‹# 'U / K  4H , .....R : *  "# (  1  .....R " 4 d
Woe to every person [among them] who gestures [at you O Prophet!] and slanders [you]. He who amassed wealth
and counted it over. He thinks that his wealth has rendered him immortal. By no means! he shall be flung into that
which crushes into pieces. And what do you imagine what that which crushes is? A fire kindled by Allah which will
rise up to the hearts. Verily, these [rebellious people] will be enshrouded in it, fastened to columns very high.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
It renders him immortal X :  c%  Blessings Z >. It has killed you Z% R #
He will be thrown Q ?.% >  Time  
%  # Desire for abundance of
 8R p
The tool of crushing  " 4 d
# Loss a )
% c You met Z% H 1% 
Kindled, blazed R : *  "# They advice each other %A
 H Graves, plural of ?#   <  " #
It will reach K  4H Woe J E% Firm belief f
  ># Z # /
Hearts  : ‹# 'U Slanderer a h " N You will definitely see  %  
Closed J : A
   Defamer a h " R The Hell Z >d3
Pillar, column :a " / He gathered K " I Firm believe based on
  ># \ >% /

Long a  :"  He counted it X  :/ You will be definitely

make accountable

Quranic Arabic Program 20 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < >F 1& v105
\%  a 1 3d
 < Z%  >% H ..... >< < €%>Œ Z%  >%  /  & 1%  .....a >6
% H , Z% N : >%  #  3
% E Z%  ..... >F#  dA % Ž< l
 ~<1    Š  >%  …H Z% 
.2a RŽ#  Ša  %   Z%    3
  .....a >q3&
Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the people of the elephant? Did He not foil their treacherous scheme?
And sent down against them swarms of birds? [Such that] they pelted them with stones of baked clay, and He
rendered them as straw eaten away

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < rE* 1& v106
a % c \%  Z%  . n 5
a  I \%  Z%  "  Œ#  PQ .....ˆ
 >% ?# QN  1  :? % >#  .....Š
 >%   $ q!   [% 1 Z%   9Ee .....r
a E% *R B
On account of the association the Quraysh have -- the association [in the peaceful atmosphere of the Baytullah] they
have with the winter and summer travels they should worship the Lord of this House who [in these barren
mountains] fed them in hunger and rendered them secure from fear.

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < / £ 1& v107
\% / Z% N \ EQ .....f
 " #  J E%  .....f
 p )
% " # + Œ / ~d
E i .....Z >># ~5: E PQ l  Q  .....\ Eq: < jQp E PQ ˆ E%1 
.  / "#   ."% E ..... =$ E Z% N \ EQ .....  N & Z%  H9A
Seest thou one who denies reward and punishment [O Prophet!]. He it is who shoves the orphan and urges not the
feeding of the poor. So woe be to these [priests of the Baitullaah] who pray being unmindful [to the essence] of their
prayers; who put up a pretentious display [of worship], and are not even prepared to lend ordinary items of common
use to others.

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < 8p 1& v108
. <%'U  N l
 ‹ b e .....% d
 %  l
 q<  j
  ..... 8% p # W .>% 4 /%  e
Upon thee [O Prophet!] have We bestowed this abundance of good [this House of Ours]. So pray ye only for your
Almighty and offer ye sacrifice. Indeed, this enemy of yours will be rootless: none of his followers will remain.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

They show (for ostentation)  =$ E Traveling   [% 1 Fellow

They forbid   ."% E Winter $ q! Elephant  >F#
Ordinary items   / "# Summer Š
 >%  Their treacherous scheme Z% N : >% 
We provide you W .>% 4 /%  They should worship  :? % ># Flop a >6
% H
Abundance of good  8% p # He secured them Z%  . n Flocks of birds  >< < €%>Œ
Perform prayer! jA
 He shoves harshly ~5: E They threw on them Z%  >% H
Sacrifice! % d
 % He does not urge ~d
E i Baked clay a >q3&
Your enemy l
 ‹ b People performing prayers f
 " # Eaten straw 2a RŽ#  Š
% /

Rootless One not having progeny or followers  <%'U Unmindful   N & Association, love B

Quranic Arabic Program 21 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% <  p 1& v109
.....: ? /%     :< / Z%  % i .....Z% ~H:?/  :G < /  i .....: ? /%     :< / Z%  % i .....  :? % H  : ? /%  i .....   p# ~E E # *R
.\ E ,  Z% pR . E Z% pR 
Declare ye [O Prophet!]: O Unbelievers! I shall worship not that which ye worship. Nor will ye ever worship [alone]
that which I worship. Nor ever before this was I prepared to worship that which ye worshipped. Nor were you ever
prepared to worship that which I have been worshipping. [So, now] to you your religion and to me mine.

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < . 1& v110
. €< H   ( e X % F @% &%  l
 q<1 : "% d
 < D
% q?)
  ..... €I #  (  \ E ,  Rc :% E Ÿ
 . ˆ
 %E1  .....D
% F #  (   
%  $U I Le
When comes the help of God and that victory [which We have promised you O Prophet!] and you see men embrace
the religion of God in multitudes, extol His glory while being thankful to Him and seek His forgiveness. For, indeed,
He is ever disposed to mercy.

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < O
a   ,< R 1& v111
J ?% [ N: >I , .....O
 4 d
 #   "[ ( H  %  .....O
a   ;
 L €1  
% >& .....O
   ( R  ( .% / .‡#   .....OH O
a   ,< :E ˆ
% ?H
.:a )
The hands of Abu Lahab have been broken and he himself has perished. Neither did his wealth benefit him nor the
[good] he earned. Soon shall this man [of glowing countenance] be put in a glowing Fire and [with him] his wife
also such that [in Hell] she will be carrying firewood on her back [for her own self]; [like a slave woman], there will
be a twisted rope round her neck.

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < ¤9c{ 1& v112
.:G [  €RFR (  \% pR E Z%  .....:%  E Z%  :%  E Z%  .....: "  (  .....:G [  (   N # *R
Declare ye [O Prophet!]: that Allah is One and Alone; Allah is with everyone; He is neither father nor son; and there
is none like Him.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Glowing fire, flames O

a   Armies, groups of people, plural
of V
€I #  Unbelievers    p#
Carrier   "[ One Who accepts repentance €< H I don’t worship : ? /%  i
Firewood O
 4 d
 # It was destroyed ˆ
% ?H You worship   :? % H
Her neck N: >I Abu Lahab, the main leader of
Prophet’s opponents
a   ,< Worshippers   :< /
Rope J ?% [ He destroyed OH You worshipped Z% ~H:?/
Twisted :a )
  He earned O
  He (it) came $U I
Associate, equivalent €RFR He will soon reach 
% >& Victory D
% F #

Quranic Arabic Program 22 Level 03

Lesson 1B: The Last Part of the Quran

Z >% [ # \ " [%   0

 Z )
% < mF 1& v113
.: )
 [ Le :a & [ qb \%   .....:   # , ;
 8 F. qb \%   .....O
 *  Le ma & ‡ qb \%   .....m  c  qb \%  .....m  F # q  < LR  / # *R
Pray ye [O Prophet!]: I seek refuge with the Lord who breaks apart and brings forth everything; from the evil of all
that He has created and [especially] from the evil of darkness when it overspreads, and from the evil of those who
blow upon knots and from the evil of every envious creature when it envies.
Z >% [ # \ " [%   0
 Z )
% < Ÿ . 1& v114
 # \%  .....Ÿ
 . 1  :A
, Ÿ
 &%  E PQ .....Ÿ
 # Ÿ
 &%  # qb \%  .....Ÿ
 . ( e .....Ÿ
 . l
 . q  < LR  / # *R

Pray ye [O Prophet!]: I seek refuge with the Cherisher of mankind, the King of mankind, the God of mankind from
the evil of the Prompter [of vice] who withdraws [after his prompting], who prompts evil suggestions in the hearts of
men, [and is] from among the jinn and mankind.

This translation is derived from that of Shehzad Saleem.

Rule of the Day Face the Challenge!

In Arabic, most of the words have three root Think about 20 Arabic words in your
letters. Additional letters are vowels are added to vocabulary and identify their root
them in order to make hundreds of words. letters.

Do you know? Rule of the Day

The Quran is the book whose thousands of commentaries There is a built-in pronoun
have been written. The Quranic Exegetes look at each word in each verb. For each
and sentence of the Quran from different angles e.g. verb, there are 14 words to
grammar, eloquence, vocabulary, text organization, legal represent the 14 pronouns
directives, philosophical issues and link with Hadith. mentioned in Level 1.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Secret enemy, the Satan Ÿ
 # Knots :   # Breaking apart and
bringing forth
m  F #
He prompts Ÿ
 &%  E An envious person :a & [ Darkness ma & ‡
Chest, plural of 1:A 1  :A
He envies : )
 [ It spreads O
Jinn, a hidden creature  .3
 # Prompter Ÿ
 &%  # Those women who blow
upon, witches
 8 F.

Quranic Arabic Program 23 Level 03

Lesson 2A: The Verb, its Types and the Derived Nouns  ! "# $ "%&'  ( )*  
The Result
Compare the result. Each word carried three marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

Category Meaning ,</ Category Meaning ,</

2F Z%& One who is

+G R|#  + ,-   He said 2 *
>6FH Z%& The most
Z  œ#  + ,-   He sealed Z c
+ ,-   He wanted $U b + 51 6  He goes / will
 N Q# E
+ 51 6  He is R RpE 23 51 6  He is left W  % E
J /  Z%& Happy ,G -
 1 23 ,-   He was
m  c
J /  Z%& Sinner ,G A
 / + 51 6  He makes R  3
% E
2F Z%& One that is
G  !
%  + ,-   He instructed   
>6FH Z%& The most
Z  /%  +   Prostrate! :% 3
&% R
ˆFA Z%& Observer :G >b 27 51 6  He was said 2R  E
ˆFA Z%& Warner G EQ J /  Z%& Follower KG < H
+ ¥  Don’t leave W%  % H i + ,-   He denied  F 
+   Worship! :% ? /% R + ,-   He remained M
+   Make #  I% e J /  Z%& Denier G  
2F Z%& One who is
J  Ž 2F Z%& One who is
G  ?
+ ¥  Don’t say # R H i 27 51 6  He is
: ?% E
>6FH Z%& The greatest Z | /%  + ¥  Don’t
:% ? % H i
ˆFA Z%& Great ZG >|/ J /  Z%& One who says J } *

Quranic Arabic Program 24 Level 03

Lesson 2A: The Verb, its Types and the Derived Nouns  ! "# $ "%&'  ( )*  

Category Meaning ,</ Category Meaning ,</

2F Z%& One who is

1G  Ž +   Say! # *R
>6FH Z%& The most
Z  &%  Bœ Z%& Place of
G | .% 
>6FH Z%& The most
+  #  Bœ Z%& Observatory :G  !
+   Be! \% R /  Z%& One who leaves WG 1 H
+ ,¥  Don’t be! \% pR H i 2F Z%& Creature Y
+ 51 6  He commits a sin ,E /  Z%& Maker J / I
2F Z%& One that is
%  /  Z%& Instructor,
G  n
ˆFA Z%& Knowledgeable ZG >/ ˆFA Z%& Ruler G >%  
ˆFA Z%& Honest \G >%   (n Z%& Tool to draw
G 4 )
+ 51 6  He observes :  !
% E 2F Z%& One who is
G  ?% 
23 51 6  He helps  
 .% E Bœ Z%& Place of
:G ?% 
+   Help! % 
%R >6FH Z%& The most
R " I% 
23 ,-   It was written O
 R /  Z%& Observer :G N b
2F Z%& One that is

G  p#  23 ,-   He was
: ?/
/  Z%& Writer O
G H  + ,-   He gave peace \  
/  Z%& One who is just 2J  / (n Z%& Key C
2F Z%& Great C
G  F#  Bœ Z%& Place of war J # 
23 51 6  It was written O
p# E /  Z%& One who
remains chaste

Quranic Arabic Program 25 Level 03

Lesson 2B: A Collection of Hadith

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.
ª:  !
%  & € I 1 ( >/   >  + E 6 E Ÿ . 2 ‘e" :2 E Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1 ˆ¨ :2 * (./ (‘ ,-1 EN ¦ \/
:2 E # 'U ˆ # H * l  .p  ªˆ<%Q ” :2 * “.; :%  !
% & [ l
 > ˆ
# H *” :2 * “¬ > ˆ  # " / " ” :2 * ª   ( " %  (    (< , HŽR
.1 . , ,  R [ (  I / O  d )
 (<  R Z8R “. >* :  .$T PI
l>® ;
*  ª ( "% ‘/ Z #   ˆ
"‘H” :2 * “¬ > ˆ"/ "” :2 * ª  ( " %  (    (< , HŽR ªnR   *  ª (" /  Z #   Z H J I 1 
(I / O  d)  (<   R Z8R “. >* :  .s
G 1 *  N :2 >  n  ;
 * ªGZ / :2R >  Z  ˆ "‘H l.p ªˆ<Q” :2 * “. n 
.1 . , ,  R [
 Od  H a >?& \  ˆ
#  H ” :2 * “¬ > ˆ"/ "” ª  (" ( (< ,HŽ ª( zR 2 "# B
 .%A \  X 4/%  ª(>/ 0= K & J I1
, ,   Z8R ª(I / Od ) (<   R Z8R “.>* :  ªG I N :2R > ˆ  #   l.p ªˆ<Q” :2 * ¬l > ˆ # F  ie > m F . E
Z) X 1 “.1 .
Narrated by Abu Huraira (./ (‘ ,-1, he said: I listened Allah’s Prophet while he was saying: “Surely the matter of a person who
was martyred will be decided at first in people. So he will be brought and [Allah] will inform him His blessings and he will
recognize them. He [Allah] will say, “What good acts you did with these [blessings]?” He will say, “I fought in Your way until
I got martyred.” He [Allah] will say, “You are false, but you fought [with an objective] to be said, ‘he was brave’. So it is
already said.” Then instructions will be issued about him and he will be dragged by his face until he will be thrown into the
And a man who used to learn knowledge and then teach it and he used to recite the Quran. So he will be brought and [Allah]
will inform him about His blessings so he will recognize them. He will ask, “What good acts you did with these [blessings]?”
He will say, “I learned knowledge and taught it and recited the Quran.” He will say, “You told a lie, but you learn the
knowledge [in order to get remarks and] it is said, ‘He is a scholar’ and you recited the Quran so that it is said, ‘He is a reciter’,
so it is said. Then instructions will be issued about him and he will be dragged by his face until he will be thrown into the
And a man whose Allah has extended His blessings and He has provided him with all kinds of wealth, he will be brought and
[Allah] will inform him about His blessings and he will recognize them. “So what you did with these?” He will say, “I have not
left any way where You like to spend money.” He will say, “You have told a lie, but you did so that it is called, ‘He is
generous’, so it is said.” Then instructions will be issued about him, he will be dragged on his face then put into the Hellfire.
Muslim reported it.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Reciter s
G 1 * He was dragged O
 & His matter is decided 6 E
He extended, He made it easy K & He was thrown ,  R He got martyred :! &
He gave 4/%  I learned ˆ
"‘H He knew B
Various kinds B
 .%A I recited ;
* I fought ˆ
# H *
I left ˆ
#  H I taught ˆ
"% ‘/ I was martyred ;
:%  !
% &
I spent ˆ
# F  You learned ˆ
 "‘H You fought ˆ
 # H *
Generous G I You recited ;
 * Brave, courageous $T PI

Quranic Arabic Program 26 Level 03

Lesson 2B: A Collection of Hadith

v( xF  v?>b ¦ \<  <1' (Ic) “.(  >%  z d

 # ª X   1  4  N ” : d? , Z& (>/ 0 A (‘ 2R  &1 2 * :2 * ( .% / (‘ , -
 1   E% N ,< \% /
(PQ   " E%h c \ < ( d  dA 
Narrated by Abu Hurairah, he said the Allah’s Apostle said about sea / river: “Its water is purified and its dead animals are
lawful [to eat].” (Authors of four books [i.e. Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja & Nisai] and Ibn Abi Sheeba selected it [this
Hadith to include in their books]. The words are for him [Ibn Abi Sheeba]. Ibn Khuzaimah and Tirmidhi declared it authentic.)

“. z < \N i ; a  K ?% & (  )

 @% E #  O
# p  (> ´  Le Z% R : [  $ e 1  Œ ” : Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R  &1 2 * :2 * ( .% / (‘ , -  1   E% N ,< \% /
“.\N i  \N %c” :PQ  “( *# o
 ” :( xF ³ªZ) (Ic)
2R dj4   :  .;  d#   3  #   >% "# Ž .    >%  . ˆ
% [ R” : Z& (>/ 0 A (‘ 2R  &1 2 * :2 * " .% / (‘ , -
 1  " / \ <% \/
(I  \<  :µ (Ic “.: ?p  
Narrated by Abu Hurairah, he said the Allah’s Apostle said: “The utensils of anyone of you can be purified in a way, if a dog
licks in it, that he washes it seven times and first time with soil.” (Muslim selected it [to include in his book] and in his words, it
is included that “He should pour water over it”. The words mentioned by Tirmidhi include: “Last of them or first of them
[should be washed with soil].”
Narrated by Ibn U’mar, said that Allah’s Apostle said, “Two died animals and two bloods are lawful for you to eat. The two
died animals include locust and fish and two bloods include spleen and liver [of a slaughtered animal].” Ahmed and Ibn Maja
selected it [this Hadith to include in their books].

((>/ mF) “.( jR ( Ž# b ³ X1 ŒR  (  ~IH (  ~.H ³ \ ~"> ( ? 3
 % E Z& (>/ 0 A ¯.  ” :ˆ * %./ 0 , -
 1  !} / \/
Narrated by Ayesha, she said: “The Prophet liked to start from the right side while wearing his shoes, combing his hair,
washing [his body] and in all similar matters.” [Bukhari & Muslim] agreed on it [that the Hadith is authentic].

) "  “.f
% HN Œ "  # c %  j°ž " /%  ” :2  ( >% Fc 5
 h %' ˆ
E% N% Ž ªŽ- Z& (>/ 0 A ¯. K ˆ
.% R :2 * (%./ (‘ , -
 1 ? b \< o@£R \/
((>/ mF) . ">/
Narrated by Mughira Ibn Shu’ba, he said: We were with the Prophet. He performed ablution. I stretched my hand to remove his
socks, he said: “Leave both of them, I wore them while I was pure [i.e. already performed ablution].” So he wiped over both of
them. [Bukhari & Muslim] agreed on it [that the Hadith is authentic]
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
Wearing shoes  ~.H He should pour water on it ( *# o
 Purity, cleanliness 1  4
Combing  ~IH Last of them \N %c Water $T 
I stretched my hand
E% N%  It is made lawful ˆ
% [ R Allowed, lawful z d

So that I remove 5
 h %' Two bloods   Dead body J >% 

His leather socks (%>Fc Locusts, migratory  3

 # Utensils $ e

Leave both of them " N 5

%  Fish ;
 d# It licks, it laps ´ 
I entered into, I wore them ˆ
# c %  Spleen 2R dj4 Dog O
# p 
Two clean f
% HN ΠLiver : ?p  Times ;

He wiped D
  He liked, He became
 % E First of all of them \N i

Starting from the right side \ ~"> Soil


Quranic Arabic Program 27 Level 03

Lesson 2B: A Collection of Hadith

%  Ÿ
 . m EŒ ³ E PQ ” :2 * “¬0 2 &1 E     ” :  * “.f
%   R H ” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2  &1  ( .% / (‘ , -
 1   E% N ,< \% /
(Z) X 1) “.Z%  jœ ³
Narrated by Abu Hurairah, he said the Allah’s Apostle said: “Beware of two condemnations.” They said, “What are these two
condemnations, O Allah’s Apostle!” He replied, “That someone discharges [urine or shit] on the way of people or in their
shelter [i.e. under a tree etc.]” Muslim reported it.

((>/ mF) “f
%  # 1 , j
 ~E [ y
%  3
% E 9 : 3)"# Z R : [   c Le” : Z& (>/ 0 A (‘ 2  &1 2 * :2 * ( .% / 0 , -
 1   * ,< \% /
Narrated by Abu Qatadah, he said the Allah’s Apostle said: “When anyone of you enters into a mosque, he should not sit until
he performs two Rak’at prayer.” [Bukhari & Muslim] agreed on it [that the Hadith is authentic].

((>/ mF) “.I1  \E!/ Ka ?% )

 < jQF   9
A \ R 6
 #   / "3
 # R 9A” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A (‘ 2  &1  " .% / 0 , -
 1  " / \%< (‘ : ?/ \% /
Narrated by Abdullah Ibn U’mar, that the Allah’s Apostle said: “Praying collectively is 27 ranks better than praying alone.”
[Bukhari & Muslim] agreed on it [that the Hadith is authentic].

(>/  " )

% E #  ie  :3
 E Z%  Z8R ª2' Š
   $ :q. ³  Ÿ . Z  % E % ” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2  &1  :( .% / 0 , -  1   E% N ,< \% /
((>/ mF) “ ?[ %  "N % H' D
 ?% ~   "  ³  "E %  .(>e R ?&% i o
3 %  ³    " % E %  .  " &% i
Narrated by Abu Hurairah, that the Allah’s Apostle said: “If people knew what [reward] is in the call of prayer and the first row
[of collective prayer], they would have only able to find them by a lucky draw. If they knew what is [the reward for] the final
call of prayer, they would have competed for it. If they knew what is [the reward for] the Night and Morning prayers, they
would have coming for it although they had to come by crawling.” [Bukhari & Muslim] agreed on it [that Hadith is authentic].

“.( < b  (  Œ 5

 : E #  , J I [ (‘ y
 >%    % 3
 #  ( <  "    1 % h  2 % * 5
% : E Z \%  ” : Z& (>/ 0 A 2R  &1 2 * :2 * ( .% / 0 , -
 1   E% N ,< \% /
(( xF    < P1 ? X 1)
Narrated by Abu Hurairah, he said the Allah’s Apostle said: “Whoever cannot leave vulgar talk and bad deeds [during fasting],
Allah does not need him to leave his food and drink.” Bukhari and Abu Dawood reported it and the words belong to him

mF) “.X  &  (‘ ( "  Œ#  "ž ª ( % A

 Z> # 
  b    Ž ZG } A N , )
  \%  ” : Z& (>/ 0 A (‘ 2R  &1 2 * :2 * ( .% / (‘ , -
 1   E% N ,< \% /
Narrated by Abu Hurairah, he said the Allah’s Apostle said: “Whoever forgets that he is fasting and he eats or drink something,
he should complete his fasting. Surely Allah has provided him food and drink.” [Bukhari & Muslim] agreed on it [that the
Hadith is authentic].

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Lack of patience, intolerance  % 3
 # Row, line Š
  Be careful R H 
Need J I [ They arrange a lucky draw  " )
% E Two condemnations f

He forgot , )
  Final call (for prayer) o
3 %  He discharges his body E

The person who is fasting ZG } A They compete with each other R ?&% i Their shelter, shade Z%  jœ
So he should complete Z> #  The night prayer  "  Alone jQF 
Fast + % A
 They crawl ?[ Rank I1 
He provided food & drinks &  Z  Œ#  Falsehood, vulgar talk 1 % h  Call (for prayer) $ :q.

Quranic Arabic Program 28 Level 03

Lesson 2B: A Collection of Hadith

((>/ mF) “.R .» ie $T hI ( y

 >%  1 ?% £ ~¸¹  ª " .>% < " J 1 ‘F   "%   ºe R "%   ” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A 2  &1  :( .% / 0 , -
 1   E% N ,< \% /

Narrated by Abu Hurairah, that the Allah’s Apostle said: “The U’mrah till the next U’mrah is the atonement for whatever
[minor sins] between both of them. And there is no reward for an accepted Pilgrimage except the Paradise.” [Bukhari &
Muslim] agreed on it [that the Hadith is authentic].

X : 3
 H ( ‘ x
# F [%  .l
 |R F d
% E ( ‘ x
# F [%  ªa; "  l
 " j/ R ,qe !+9‡ E” :2  Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. Š  # c ˆ .R :2 * "./ (‘ ,-1 Ÿ ?/ \< X 1
# e l ( ‘ ( ? :* $a ,!< ie WF.E Z $a ,!< W  F .E #  / ˆ %  " I    ='  Z/  ª(‘ < \%  &  ˆ .%  &% Le ( ‘ 2 Ž&  ˆ #Ž& Le .l
 N 3H
.PQ X 1 " “.Š  d ~ ˆ
 FI  + 9*' ˆ    1 .l>/ (‘ (? :* $,!< ie W6E Z $,!< W ~6  E  /  "I
Narrated by Ibn A’bbas, he said: I was behind the Allah’s Apostle while he said: “O boy! I am teaching you some words.
Memorize them, Allah will protect you, memorize them you will find Allah in front of you. When you ask, only ask Allah and
when you seek help, only seek the help of Allah. Know that if a group of people agree to benefit you for anything, they will
definitely not be able to benefit you except what Allah has ordained for you. And if they agree to harm you for anything, they
will not be able to harm you except what Allah has ordained for you. The pens (which were used to write the destiny of benefits
& harm) have been raised and the books (of destiny) have become dry.” Tirmidhi reported it.

~Z!E N !0 2&1 E”  * “.( E:  R I  Z b  } ?p \” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1  "./ 0 ,-1 ¤  \< "/ \< 0 :?/ \/
PQ    < Z) P1 ? X 1 “.(  O)> (  O)E X < O )>  I  < ~O)
E Z” 2 * “.( E:  R I 
Narrated by A’bdullah Ibn A’mr Ibn A’as, that the Allah’s Apostle said: “It is from the biggest sins that a person abuses his
parents.” They said, “O Allah’s Prophet! How can a person abuse his parents?” He said, “Yes! If he abuses the father of
another man and in return he abuses the father [of this person] or he abuses the mother of [other person] and he abuses the
mother [of the first person].” Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood & Tirmidhi reported it.

 >#   c‰ +>  0
 < \  g E   \ ( F >- +%  p >#   c‰ +>  0
 < \  g E   \” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1  (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ \/
Z) P1 ? X 1 “.ˆ % " 
% >  ¶>% c # R > c‰ +>  0 < \gE   \ ( " [ 1
Narrated by Abu Hurairah, that the Allah’s Apostle said: Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day [of Judgment], he should
respect his guest. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, he should join the relationships [by treating his relatives in
a good manner]. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should talk good or remain silent [i.e. not talk bad]. Bukhari
and Muslim reported it.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He curse, he insults ~Z!E They / she gather ˆ
%  " I Memorize! Protect! x
# F [% 
He curse, he insults ~O)
E They will benefit you W  F .E He will protect x
R F d
% E
So he should respect +%  p >#  They will harm you W ~6
 E You find it X : 3
Guest Š
 >- He has written it O
  In front of you l
 N 3H
So he should join # 
 >#  It is raised ˆ
   1 Ask! 2 Ž&
Relationship, mothers womb Z [ 1 Pens, plural of Z
G  * + 9*' You sought help ˆ
 .%  &%
So he should say # R > It had become dry ˆ
 FI So seek help! \%  & 
He should remain silent ˆ
% " 
% > Books, plural of J F >dA Š
~ Entire group of people  '=

Quranic Arabic Program 29 Level 03

Lesson 2B: A Collection of Hadith

Z) P1 ? X 1 .( " [ 1 R 

 >#  X  8 , ( ŽR)
 .E ( * 1 , ( 
?E #  O[  \” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1  (./ 0 ,-1 y \/

Narrated by Anas, that the Allah’s Apostle said: Whoever likes that is his sustenance is extended, and his age is prolonged, he
should join the relationships [by treating his relatives in a good manner.] Bukhari & Muslim reported this Hadith.

X 1 . " .>< V
   4&    < ?) < 1 b “. Qp N  .3
 # , Z >> R   ” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1 2 * 2 * (./ 0 ,-1 :& \< & \/
PQ    < P1 ?
Narrated by Sahl Ibn Sa’ad, he said that the Allah’s Apostle said: “I and a caretaker of an orphan will be in the Paradise in this
way.” He pointed by his index and middle fingers and kept a small space in both of them.” Bukhari, Abu Dawood & Tirmidhi
report it.

 c :%   !0 2&1 E” :>* “.\gE i 0  \gE i 0  \  g E i 0
 ” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1 2 * 2 * (./ 0 ,-1 ¯p DEb ,< \/
P1 ? X 1 “.X b ” 2 * “¬( } <  ” : R * “.(  } < X 1 I \  ŽE i \” :2 * “. QN \  )
Narrated by Abu Shuraih Al-Ka’abi, he said that the Allah’s Apostle said: By Allah, he does not believe; By Allah, he does not
believe; By Allah, he does not believe.” It was said, “O Allah’s Prophet! Surely he failed and incurred a great loss. Who is he?”
He said, “The one whose neighbor is not safe from his ‘waiq’?” They asked, “What is his waiq?” He said, “His ill-treatment.”
Bukhari reported it.

      ie ªJ" ><  ªJ )e  ªG>% Œ (. R R Ž> ¶/1 5

1 hE  ¶&‡ Ÿ
 @% E Za  )  \%  ” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1 2 * 2 * (./ 0 ,-1 < I \/
P1 ?# X 1 “.J * :% A
 (  ( .

Narrated by Jabir, he said that the Allah’s Apostle said: “Any Muslim who plants some trees or grows crops and birds, human
beings and animals eat out of it, is nothing except a charity from his side.” Bukhari reported it.

 N (ž Z z|  Z Ee rd  F " # r

 [ F ~Od
 E i 0
U ž r
F   r
 FR   ZR Ee” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1 2 * 2 * (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ \/
“.Z%  H  [ zd
 &  Zp?*   \ / Z  [1  4   Zp?*   \ /  Z% N $U  RpF )
  ZRp ?*   \ / ( ž D
 ~!  Z Ee   >  + E ;
 "R |z 
 .&{ D>dA 2 * ( xF  Z ¹  (d>dA ³  ?[ \< X 1
Narrated by Abu Hurairah, he said that the Allah’s Apostle said: “Beware of vulgarity and vulgar talk. Surely Allah does not
like the one who engage in vulgarity or vulgar talk. Beware of offence [against others], surely it will cause darkness on the Day
of Judgment. Beware of misery, surely it inspired those before you to shed the blood [by killing people]. It inspired the people
before you, they cut their relationships. It inspired the people before you and they made the women forbidden for marriage
lawful for themselves.” Ibn Habban reported it in his Saheeh & Hakim also reported it. The words are for Hakim and he said
that the chain of narrators of this Hadith is authentic.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
A vulgar person r
 [ F He is not protected \  ŽE i He stretches 
One who uses vulgar language rd
 F " # Neighbor 1 I It extends ŽR)
Miser D
 ~! Wrong behavior m }  His age X  8
They shed RpF & He plants Ÿ
 @% E One who take care of R  
They cut  4 * Plantation ¶&‡ He signaled 1 b
Their relations Z  [1 Animals J " >< The index finger  < ?) 
They made lawful zd
 & Vulgarity r
 FR  He kept some space empty V
Forbidden women for marriage ;
  [ Using obscene language r
F  He failed

Quranic Arabic Program 30 Level 03

Lesson 2B: A Collection of Hadith

.:a q>I a .&ž< (I  \< X 1 .ZRp>/ 0

  Z%  ? H ZR8 $U ") ´ R ?H [ Z% HŽ4c ” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1  (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ \/

Narrated by ِAbu Hurairah, that the Allah’s Apostle said: “If you commit a mistake and it reaches till the sky, then you repent,
surely Allah will accept your repentance.” Ibn Maja reported it with authentic chain of narrators.

.   A
  F @&  5
 H ‘ž ( ?* , $= & J p  ˆ  ¶?%L O
 L#  Le \  g "# ‘e” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1 2 * 2 * (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ \/
“.Z<* /  1 < 9 :(<  , 0 =   L PQ   l
 Q  ( ? * < Š
@ E [ ;
%     # e
Za )   b / D G >dA "N : [  ³ 2 * f   EŒ \ (  xR F#   Z ¹  ( d  >dA ³  ?[ \<  (I  \<  ,} ).  ( d  dA   PQ X 1
Narrated by ِAbu Hurairah, he said that the Allah’s Apostle said: “Surely when a believer commits a sin, a black dot appears on
his heart. If he repents, leaves [that sin] and seek forgiveness [from Allah], it [the black spot] is removed from it. If he increases
[the sin], [the black spot] increases until it covers his heart. This is the corrosion [of the personality] which Allah has mentioned
in His book: “Beware, there is corrosion on their hearts.” Tirmidhi reported it and declared it authentic. Nisai, Ibn Maja, Hakim
and Ibn Habban in his Sahih reported it. The words belong to him [Hakim]. He reported it in two ways and about one he said
that it is authentic on the criteria of Muslim.

+ 4 ZRp6
 E   "dH " ( ~?d
 E N >~: \g"# X : ?/ ,"d
% > I  h/ 0 e” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ¯.  (./ 0 ,-1 P1: # : >& ,< \/
 .&{ D
>dA 2 * Z  d# X 1 “.
Narrated by Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri, that the Allah’s Apostle said: “Surely Allah, the Exalted the Great, keeps the world away
from His believer slave while He stills loves him like you keep food and drinks away from a patient.” Hakim reported it and he
said that its chain of narrators is authentic.

, 1 ?‡R K " 3E i 5

 6 , \ ?   E [ 0
  >!c \ p< € I 1 1 . ¸
 E i” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1 2 * 2 * (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ \/
 .&{ D>dA 2 * Z ¹  ,} ).  D>dA \)[ ME:[ 2 * PQ X 1 “.Z. I R c  0  >?&
Narrated by ِAbu Hurairah, he said that the Allah’s Apostle said: “The Hellfire will not enter to the person who wept due to
Allah’s fear until milk is returned back to milking organ [of a cow]. The dust in Allah’s way and the smoke of the Hell cannot
combine.” Tirmidhi reported it and said that the Hadith is moderately authentic. Nisai and Hakim also reported it and he said
that its chain of narrators is authentic.

Worth Reading! How to get rid of poverty? Is there any shortcut available?

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

You all keep it away   "dH It polishes, it becomes neat   A
 You commit a mistake Z% H Ž4c
He wept p< It increases   It / she / you reach ´ R ?H
He / it returned   E It is wrapped Š
@ E You repent Z%  ? H
Milk, liquid yogurt \ ? Corrosion   Chain of narrators a .&e
Milking organ or a cow etc. 5
 6 He declared it authentic ( d
 Good, reliable :a q>I
Dust 1 ?‡R Two ways, two channels f
  EΠHe commits a sin O
Smoke, fume R c Condition, criteria 
 b Dot, point J p 
He keeps away ,"d
% > Black $= &

Quranic Arabic Program 31 Level 03

Lesson 2B: A Collection of Hadith

c ,e !0  2 &1 E 0 U  I1” :2 * “¬W: 3  H Š>” :2  ;  "# , N a b /  c  Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ‘ (./ 0 ,-1 6E y \/
“.B E " ( .  IE  0
= X 4/ ie \ Œ "# QN  w , :a ?/ O  * ,  " 3E i” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1 2  “.,< LR
ž \G )
 [ X  .&e x R  d# 2 * .y a  \/ ˆ< 8 \/ ,?6  ">& \ <  F I E 1 \ Z >: ¦ \<  (I  \<  O G E‡ ME:[ 2 * PQ X 1
.X  >% ‡  ~,.4R*1 : (> Z p H ~,} )
 . (  8  ZG  )  ( < ¸[% D
G  A Y
G  :A
¶F I
Narrated by Anas, that the Allah’s Apostle entered [into the home of] a young main who was dying and said: “What are you
feeling?” He said, “O Allah’s Prophet! I keep a good hope with Allah and I’m fearful about my sins.” The Allah’s Prophet said,
“In the heart of a slave like this [heart], both of them will not collect except that Allah gives him what he is hoping and protect
him from what he is fearing.” Tirmidhi reported it and said, it is a unique Hadith. Ibn Maja and Ibn Abi Dunya all of them
reported it from Ja’afar Ibn Sulaiman Al-Dab’I [and he reported it] from Anas. Hafiz said that its chain of narrators is
moderate. Surely Ja’afar was a pious man and Muslim used to report [Ahadith] on his authority and Nisai testified him.
Although Dar Qutni and others have talked about [some weaknesses] in his [traditions].

  ?/ , Ž!

G b 2R   + { :( œ ie J œ i + E ( jœ , 0 = Z  z| E J  ?& :2 E Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1 ˆ "& 2 * (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ \/
 I1 0 U B c ,e 2  2a "I  O a   . ;
 L J ( % /   I1 (>/ *F H lL / " I 0  , < dH 9 I1 : I )"# < mG   ( ? * J I1 I h/ 0 
. "N o‡ ZG ) ~P1 ? X 1 “.X .>/ ˆ % -  F ¶>a c 0
U   L
Narrated by ِAbu Hurairah, he said that he listened Allah’s Apostle while he was saying: “Allah will shelter seven [type of
people] on the Day when there will not be any shelter except His shelter: (1) The just ruler; (2) The young person who grew up
in Allah’s worship; (3) The man whose heart is hanging in the mosques; (4 & 5) Two men who love for the sake of Allah, they
gather for it [sake of Allah] and go away from each other for it [sake of Allah]; (6) The man whom a beautiful and highly-
ranked woman called [for fornication] and he said “I fear Allah”; (7) The person who remembered Allah in loneliness and tears
came out of his both eyes.” Bukhari, Muslim and others reported it.

Worth Reading
The Report of Transparency International and a Hadith. This article is
an eye-opening writing on the condition of Muslim Ummah.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

She called ˆ
% /  He testifies him (  8 A young man
a b
Position, rank O
 . They have talked
(negatively) about him
(> Z p H I hope  I1
Beauty 2a "I He provides shelter z | E I fear B
Privacy ¶>a c He spent his young age Ž! A dwelling place \ Œ "#
It (tears) came out of ˆ
% -
  Hanging mG   He gave 4/
His both eyes X .>/ Both of them love each other < dH He secured \ 
Both of them separate *F H He accepts his authority ( < ¸[%

Quranic Arabic Program 32 Level 03

Lesson 3A: The Past Tense: Active Voice + ,-  
The Result (1)
Compare the result. Each word carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.


Verb Verb Person

He listened. K " & He raised K  1 O} ‡ Q :[ 

Both of them listened
"& Both of them raised
1 O} ‡ Q >.wH

They listened (male)  " & They raised (male)   1 O} ‡ Q K¼

She listened ˆ
%  " & She raised ˆ
%   1 O} ‡ Mg :[ 
Both of them listened
 " & Both of them raised
  1 O} ‡ Mg >.wH

They listened (female) \ % " & They raised (female) \ %  1 O} ‡ Mg K¼

You listened (male) ˆ

 % " & You raised (male) ˆ
 %  1 - [ Q :[ 

Both of you listened " % " & Both of you raised " %  1 - [ Q >.wH

You all listened (male) Z%  % " & You all raised (male) Z%  %  1 - [ Q K¼

You listened (female) ˆ

 % " & You raised (female) ˆ
 %  1 - [ Mg :[ 

Both of you listened " % " & Both of you raised " %  1 - [ Mg >.wH
You all listened
\ % " & You all raised (female) \ %  1 - [ Mg K¼

I listened ˆ
% " & I raised ˆ
%  1 Zp :[ 

We listened .% " & We raised .%  1 Zp K¼

Worth Reading
What is backbiting? What is its impact on a society? Read in detail:

Quranic Arabic Program 33 Level 03

Lesson 3A: The Past Tense: Active Voice + ,-  


Verb Verb Person

He became happy. C
   He came near.
  * O} ‡ Q :[ 
Both of them became
happy (male)
[  Both of them came near
< * O} ‡ Q >.wH
They became happy
 [  They came near (male)  < * O} ‡ Q K¼

She became happy ˆ

% [   She came near ˆ
% < * O} ‡ Mg :[ 
Both of them became
happy (female)
[   Both of them came near
< * O} ‡ Mg >.wH
They became happy
\ [%   They came near
\ <% * O} ‡ Mg K¼
You became happy
 [%   You came near (male) ˆ
 <% * - [ Q :[ 
Both of you became
" [%   Both of you came near " <% * - [ Q >.wH
You all became happy
Z%  [%   You all came near
Z%  <% * - [ Q K¼
You became happy
 [%   You came near
 <% * - [ Mg :[ 
Both of you became
" [%   Both of you came near " <% * - [ Mg >.wH
You all became happy
\ [%   You all came near
\ <% * - [ Mg K¼

I became happy ˆ
[%   I came near ˆ
<% * Zp :[ 

We became happy .[%   We came near .<% * Zp K¼

Arabic language is as systematic as mathematics. I have generated all these tables by using
formulae in Microsoft Excel.

Quranic Arabic Program 34 Level 03

Lesson 3A: The Past Tense: Active Voice + ,-  
The Result (2)
Compare the result. Each word carried two marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

English ,</
Allah has sealed off their hearts.
(O} ‡ Q :[ )
Z%  <R*R / (  Z c
They said, “Surely we are the reformers.”
(O} ‡ Q K¼)
%  \ d
%  "e R *
Allah took their light.
(O} ‡ Q :[ )
Z% N 1  .< (  O
 N L
He left them in darkness. They do no see.
(O} ‡ Q :[ )
 ?% E i ;
a "R œR , Z%    H
That Who created you.
(O} ‡ Q :[ )
Z% pR   c PQ
That Who made the earth a bed for you.
(O} ‡ Q :[ )
€b  k
 1% 'U Z% pR    I PQ
Allah ordered to connect.
(O} ‡ Q :[ )
  E #  ( < (    
So they prostrated except the Iblees.
(O} ‡ Q K¼)
 ><%e ie  :3
So He accepted their repentance.
(O} ‡ Q :[ )
( >%  /
So whoever followed the guidance.
(O} ‡ Q :[ )
 :N K ?H \% " 
Those who denied our verses.
(O} ‡ Q K¼)
.H E“<  F  \ EQ
Remember when We separated the sea for you.
(Zp K¼)
% ?# Z% pR < .*#   L# e
Then We forgave you.
(Zp K¼)
Z% pR .% / % F / Z8R

Quranic Arabic Program 35 Level 03

Lesson 3A: The Past Tense: Active Voice + ,-  

English ,</
Eat from the pure thing what We provided you.
(Zp K¼)
Z% R .*#  1  ;
 ?q>Π\%  RR
And they did not did an unjust act to Us.
(O} ‡ Q K¼)
 " œ 
Did you make the providing water to the pilgrims
(equivalent to faith.) qV d#  E  & Z%  #  I 
(- [ Q K¼)
It (the thunder) did not leave anything on which it came
on except that it made that thing rotten.
( %   I ie ( >%  / ˆ
% H $a ,% b \%  1 Q H 
(O} ‡ Mg :[ ) ª(O} ‡ Mg :[ ) Z > 
I made for him abundant wealth.
(Zp :[ )
€ :"%  i€  (  ˆ
#  I
When the wife of I’mran said, O Lord! I make an oath.
(Zp :[ ) ª(O} ‡ Mg :[ )
1% Q  ,qe q 1  "% / R  % ˆ
%  * L# e
Remember when I protected you from the Israelites.
(Zp :[ )
 .% /  >} &% e ,.< ˆ
F# F  L# e
And eat from it comfortably from where both of you
desire. " ‹# b M
R >% [ €:‡1 .%  9R
(- [ Q >.wH)

If you became the desiring one for the worldly life.

(- [ Mg K¼)
>%~:  >d
 #  %  H \ .% R # e
Remember when We gave Moses the book.
(Zp K¼)

 p # &  .>% Hn L# e

Rule of the Day

The second source letter (" 5) may carry either a fathah, or a kasrah or a dhamma. It
all depends on how the native people speak. D   will always be with a fathah, K " & will
always be with a kasrah and   * will always be with a dhamma. Same is the case with
other words. It is mentioned in the dictionary that the " 5 will carry which vowel.

Quranic Arabic Program 36 Level 03

Lesson 3A: The Past Tense: Active Voice + ,-  

English ,</
If they became believing in Allah and the day of judgment.
(O} ‡ Mg K¼)
 c ‰ + % >#  (  < \ g% E \R # e
He said, I stayed for a day.
(Zp :[ )
€%E ˆ
w# ? 2 *
Alas! I would be with them.
(Zp :[ )
Z%    ˆ
.R ,.>%  E
I am happy with Islam as the religion for you.
(Zp :[ )
€.E + 9%&{ Z% pR  ˆ
I do not say you anything except what You ordered me to say.
(- [ Q :[ ) ª (Zp :[ )
( < ,.H%    ie Z%   ˆ
# *R 
Both of them said , “O Our Lord! We were unjust to ourselves.
(Zp K¼) ,(O} ‡ Q >.wH)
 FR  ."%  œ .<1 i *
If I disobey my Lord, the punishment of that day is very big.
(Zp :[ )
Za >|/ +a % E
 Q/ ,q<1 ˆ
 / # e
Remember when Moses said to his nation.
(O} ‡ Q :[ )
(  %   &  2 * L# e
Then We gave life to you after your death.
(Zp K¼)
Z% pR H%  : % < \%  Z% R .w#  < Z8R

Do you know? Hadith of the Prophet Z& (>/ 0 A is not described without its reference.
That’s why you are finding the reference after each Hadith. Bukhari & Muslim were the
compilers of two books of Hadith which contain the most authentic Ahadith. Other
compilers include Nisai, Ibn Maja, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Ibn Habban, Hakim, Ahmed
Ibn Hanbal etc. Dar Qutni was an expert in identifying the weaknesses in the chain of
narrators in order to check the authenticity of a Hadith.ٓ Authenticity of a Hadith is
determined on the basis of reliability of its narrators.

Face the Challenge!

Prepare a list of 30 words of past tense from your own vocabulary. For
each list, prepare the complete tables as mentioned in the next pages.

Quranic Arabic Program 37 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

(./ 0 ,-1 m Eq:q  p<  <

Abu Bakr, the Truthful, May Allah be pleased with him
X :  ( ? )
(>/ ( Ÿ
  ) ~:3
 # N “a  ” ³ Z&  (>/ 0 A 2 & K  , E .a  \ < Z>H \ < : % & \< O   \ <% %  "% / \ <   / \<  "w / \ <% (‘ : ?/ N
0 A ,?. < P&% R :./  R ! "# ( <‘Q f
 [ ( * :A
 L# e V
 "#  $ &{ R 8 [ O
 # / m qE:q < Z&  (>/ 0 A 2R & ( F A   .+9)  9
N” :   (./ (‘ ,-1 a p< ,< ºe lQ<  &  X R*:A   (<  . n   \% " Ÿ . :H1  ªlQ< Ÿ . S
R :d
 E D
 ?A %  ª*# ' :3)"# ºe Z&  (>/
“.Y  : A
 :  lL 2 * \‹” :2 * “.Z” :  * “¬lL 2 * ” :2 * “¬Ÿ: " # ˆ  >< ºe R  > (< P&%  ( Z / hE l
 ?[ A ºe l  

His Family Chain & Place of Birth

He is A’bdullah Ibn U’thman Ibn A’amir Ibn A’mr Ibn Ka’ab Ibn Sa’ad Ibn Teem Ibn Murrah. It (his family chain) meets with
that of the Prophet at “Murrah”. He is the sixth grandfather of him.
The Prophet ‫  ا 
و‬described him as “The Truthful” after the incident of the miraculous travel (of the Prophet). At that
time, he (Abu Bakr) testified him (the Prophet) while the pagans were denying him that he was taken to the Mosque of
Jerusalem. At morning, when he described it to the people, they returned to those who used to believe him. They testified him
and ran to Abu Bakr and said: “What is your opinion about your friend who thinks that he is taken in one night to Jerusalem?”
He said, “Has he said that?” They replied, “Yes.”. He said, “If he has said that then he has spoken the truth.”

Worth Reading
How to conduct work for Islamic Da’wah? How a Da’wah
strategy should be developed? The article is in Urdu

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He did at morning time D
%  The miraculous travel
$ &{ Family chain O
of the Prophet from
He described S
R :d
 E Makkah to Jerusalem V
 "# Time / place of birth : 
and then to the heavens
He returned, he left the
:H1 He testified Y
 It meets, it joins , E
He considers Z / hE He was sent on travel P%&R He described attribute Š
He told the truth Y
 : A
 Event, incident R 8 [ Behind, after O
 # /

Quranic Arabic Program 38 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

 a  :% ‡ ³ $ ")  ?% 
 < (*:A ªlL \ :  <% N "> ( * : A
%  ,e ªZ” :2 * “¬D?E  R ?* $ I Ÿ
 : "# ˆ>< ºe  > O
 N L ( ( * :
 H ” :  *
1.mE: p< < ,q"& lQ “.a [ % 1
. > Ž!   b%  f
 < Z& (>/ 0 A 2  & :  : <  p" < – (./ (‘ ,-1 – : 

They said, “Will you testify him [on the point] that he went in one night to Jerusalem and came [back] before morning?” He
said, “Yes, I testify him even if [he claims that he has gone and returned] from a farther place. I testify him for the information
about [his travel to] the heavens in a day or night.” Due to that, he was named “Abu Bakr, the Truthful” 1.

X : N ! 
% < ( 9&e
0 A ,?.  ?c :* .22 I \  \  n \ 2  mE: p< < :/ :  .Z& (>/ 0 A 2 &   /% :   < 3&i K E& (./ (‘ ,-1 p< <  
, &  Y
 : A
 p< < 2 * ªˆ<%‘Q :Z R  ªZp>e ,.w < ( ‘ ‘e” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. 2 * .a p< < ( * :A Ÿ . ( <‘Q M
  < " ( Z& (>/
3.(fH) “¬,?[  A , R1 H Z  #   (  ( )
 F# .<

His Conversion to Islam and Some of His Views

Abu Bakr used to respond the call of the Prophet quickly. Abu Bakr is considered the first person in men2 who converted [to
Islam]. They told that when he was sent [as a prophet], people denied him but Abu Bakr testified him. The Prophet said,
“Surely Allah has sent me to you [as a prophet].” You said, “You are telling a lie.” But Abu Bakr testified and comforted me
with in person and with his wealth. So are you going to leave my friend?” (He said it twice).3

.18/7 P1 ? D (3) .170/7 P1 ? D (2) .63 ,62/3 W1:)£ ³ Z ¹ (Ic ª306 Z*1 2' :3"# ° ?¾ d>d ME [' )& (1)

(1) The Chain of Authentic Ahadith by Albani, Volume 1, Hadith No. 306. Hakim reported it in Mustadrak, Volume 3, Page
62, 63. (2) Fath-ul Bari, Volume 7, Page 170. (3) Fath-ul Bari, Volume 7, Page 18.

Worth Reading
What is ostentation and what is its impact on the personality of a person? What will be the impact of
ostentation on the Deeds Account of a person in the real life i.e. Hereafter? Read in English.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He was sent M
  < He born :  You testify Y
He sent M
U  < Months   b%  I testify Y
À: A
He comforted me , &  Scenes, views : N ! Morning a  :% ‡
You leave R1 H Fast K E& Evening a [ % 1
My friend ,?[ A Responding  < 3&i He was named ,q"&

Quranic Arabic Program 39 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

, "N L# e \ >% .8# ,  8  F  \ EQ  ( I  c%  L# e (  X  

  :%   X   .H ie” R " E%p R E‰ ˆ  h .  .E:"# ºe ( H 3N ³ Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. O  dA  :*
hG Eh/ (   >#  # , N (  R "    F# ~)  F  \ EQ  "     I  N% H Z%  a  .3
< X : E ( >%  / ( .>p& (  2 h Ž .  (  e # h d
% H i ( ?[  2R R E L# e 1 @#
  /: D    /  F  Z N 1%  Š a  \ >%  <1 Z  & f[ (   Ÿ 1 ´  <  >jw <  I E   ªZ&  (>/ 0 A , ?. K zR : N !" # :  b  4“.ZG >p[
2  , R I  ,6 E " a p< ,< 2  ³ ,6 E Z&  (>/ 0 A ,?.   .f  ") "# \  5 $ *1' \ >% F  6)"#  *1 m / , € A  c >9&{
2 9c  9 ³ Ÿ  . +g E Ž< X     < d  q> <    : 3  )"# / € / !   X 1  7  c  c W  H  .3  # < Z&  (>/ 0 A 2R & X  !< :* 6.( )  F
8. ./ (‘ ,-1  !} / (  .< +9)  9 (>/ V  hH # Ž< X  N A  :* Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  1  ! K -     ( -   

He accompanied the Prophet during his migration to Madinah then the Holy Verse was revealed. “If you do not help the
Prophet, [it does not matter:] Allah did help him when the unbelievers drove him out of his town, when he was only the second
in two persons, while the two were in the cave and [the enemy came to the opening of the cave] he said to his companion [Abu
Bakr], ‘Do not worry, Allah is with us.’ So Allah sent down his serenity on him and strengthened him with forces which you can
not see, thus, He made the word of the unbelievers lowest, while words of Allah remain supreme. Allah is All-Mighty, All-
Wise.” 4
He was present at all events with the Prophet. He used to trade cloths and when he converted to Islam, his capital reached to
40,000 Dirham (silver coins). He spent [this amount] for the interests of Islamic Call and especially in freeing weak Muslim
slaves 5 [by buying such slaves and manumitting them]. The Prophet used to decide about the wealth of Abu Bakr in a way a
man decides about his personal wealth. The Prophet gave him good news for the Paradise and unlike other companions, he
allowed [him] to leave a small door in his house [directly] opening in the Mosque. He ordered him [Abu Bakr] to lead people in
prayer during his [the Prophet’s] sickness. He was at the rank of the consultant to the Prophet. He [the Prophet] made him his
relative [in-law] by marrying his daughter Ayesha. 8
+ /1: ª:b  9Á / (8) .:3)£ ºe (. QR F.E o
G @ A

< :cÁ (7) .D>dA  .&ž< 65/1 < d } 6 ª:µ (6) m>*1 K¼ (5) .40 En < 1& (4)
63 ¤ P" $ >-

(4) Surah Tauba, Verse 40. (5) Plural of “Raqeeq” (6) Ahmed [Ibn Hanbal], The Virtues of Companions, Volume 1, Page 65,
with authentic chain of narrators. (7) Al-Khokha: A small door made within [a big door] towards the Mosque (8) The Period of
the Righly Guided Caliphate, Dr. Akram Zia Al-U’mri, Page 63

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Weak people \ >% F  6)"# Higher >#  # He accompanied O

Slaves, plural of
m>*1 $ *1' He traded  I E You helped him X  
He decided ,6 E Cloths, plural of
G 8
 >jw Don’t worry # h d
% H i
To lead +g E  Capital (in business) 2  Ÿ
1 Peace .>p&
Allowed € / !
  He converted to Islam Z  & He supported X : E
At the time of 2 9c Interest, plural of d D
   Armies, plural of :
G . I a  .I
Advise  1  ! Freeing (slaves) m / You did not see N%  H Z% 
He made him
relative by law
 N A Slaves, plural of J ?* 1
 *1 Lower F# ~)

Quranic Arabic Program 40 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

( R 6
%   ( H FA

: \ >% " )* ºe ">) H \ p " > – (./ (‘ ,-1 – (H FA \/ 
R > # 
 # ;
Fq v
.R  ?3# ÂH  f
 .> 11  } ‡ ( I Z d
%  R >* 10 Ž.I 9 \ >% -
 1  Š
>Fc €F>d 
><% 9
€ I 1  ” :ˆ
%    ./ (‘ ,-1  !} / (  .< ( % F A
R > R 
# ;
F v2
+ .A'   ?/ (./ 8g E Z .( * 9c ( N 3< €>.‡   (     (  b x
R F dE a " [% 1 K € [ 5
 1 o
w $ >d# : E:b 13 N  v(./ (‘ ,-1 v  
.R ?q>4 Y
9c' (./  8R

His Personal Attributes & Virtues

Regarding his personal attributes, may Allah be pleased with him, it is possible to divided them into two categories:
1. Physical Attributes
His daughter Ayesha described his attributes, she said: “He was a white man with weak body and light cheeks 9. His shoulders
were bent 10 and there was less flesh on his face. His eyes were deep 11 and forehead was jutting out.
2. Attributes related to His Character
He was a soft-hearted, very modest and pious person 12. He was a firm person with mercy. He used to protect his respect and
rank. He was generous with self-respect and good character. Idol-worship is never reported about him while good character is
reported about him.
  c  X .>/ P .f.> } ‡ (11) .1 : / \ >% F p  f<  $ .d
 % / m  4 E l
: [% ' :Ž.I%  (10) .q:  #  b Š
>Fc   "#  q:
 # R d
 FA k
1  :f-1  Š>Fc (9)
.(  >*1  O
   Z >[1 lQ $ /~: o w X ' : €N  (13) .15DA  6  \%> ª :b  $= F  # (12) .( & 1 ³

(9) Khafeef-ul-A’aridain: Al-A’arid is the sheet of cheek. It means that there were less hair on his cheeks. (10) Ajna’: Bent, it
means that the shoulders are bent in a round shape around the chest. (11) Ghair-ul-A’ainain: It means that his both eyes were
deep in his head. (12) The Rightly Guided Caliphs by Amin Al-Qudhah, Page 15. (13) Awwaha: It means a person who prays
a lot and possess a soft and merciful heart.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Deep  } ‡ Curving shouldres Ž.I Attributes, plural of

FA ;

Forehead was
jutting out
R  ?3# ÂH  Sheet R d
 FA Grace, good
attributes, virtue
R 6
Soft-hearted N  Cheek q:
 # It is possible \ p " E
Piety 5
 1 Curving
: [% ' Related to physical
R > # 
Firm € [ Curve, bent $ .d
 % Related to ethics and
way of dealing
R > R 
Esteem, high rank X I Two shoulders, (>.wH of Š \ >% F p  Weak €F>d
It is not reported 8g E Z Chest 1: Two cheeks \ >% -

Quranic Arabic Program 41 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

 E   ( >
 b ;
%   œ " Z& (>/ 0 A q,?.   <  '=     I  , ( b ŽI J Œ <1  (  " p[ ;
%   œ :  €">p[ v ( ./ ( ‘ , -  1 v 
. F > ) 5
 "I ,  >& >q) ( p .[ 
) ZRp>/ ˆ >% j :* ,q” : > $U I "   >? : < Ÿ . , ?4 c , ( ?4 c , lL  14 D  qb1 f[   9# , :a N  ÄZI K - H \/ G?/ :*
:  ( } 1n / O @ H R " [%  ˆ
    < d  1 !&i  >% w   :  (  p[ 5  ! : A
  "  ( "   .~)   n  < (" / K (?4# ) “.Z% R o
15   <
16 .1a :< …& R \   F" # 2  ?R < 1 b

He, may Allah be pleased with him, was wise. His wisdom and calmness to deal with the problems appeared at the time of
troubles faced by the Muslim nation at the time of the death of the Prophet. In that way, his personality appeared as very strong
and wise to deal with the politics in the gathering of “Saqifah”
There is a lesson in his humbleness and piety during his rule when he was selected for it 14. During his first speech what he
delivered after the oath of allegiance, it [the words] came in it, “I have been appointed over you but I am not better than you.”
15 With his knowledge about the Quran and the Sunnah, he had a great understanding of the objectives of the Shari’ah (Holy

Law) and its instructions. He was consulting the companions a lot. His mercy used to dominate his opinions as he signaled to
accept ransom from the war-captives of Badr [instead of killing them]. 16

.P" $ >- + /1: ª: b   9#  / (16) .0 $ b e Î>& "  >? :< ( ?4 c (15) .  9 X  ‹>N X1 >c P :Db1 (14)

(14) Rusheha: It means his selection and appointment for the Caliphate. (15) The Speech after the Oath of Allegiance as it will
soon come, if Allah wills. (16) The Period of the Rightly-Guided Caliphate, Dr. Akram Zia Al-U’mri.

Worth Reading! Form of religious rituals is very important but

their real spirit is more important. Read the details in:

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Oath of allegiance   >? Humbleness K -
 H Wise €">p[
Soon it will come Î>& Too much ÄZI Steadfastness while
facing problems
( b ŽI J Œ <1

I am appointed ˆ
>% j Piety :a N  Facing   I 
Objectives, plural
of : 
: A
   Caliphate, government
of companions
  9# Affliction
Consultation  1 !&i He was appointed D
 qb1 It appeared ;
%   œ
He signaled 1 b Speech ?4 c Strong  E  
Acceptance 2  ?*R He delivered a speech O
 4 c Wisdom ( p .[
Ransoms, benefits   F" # His election X1 >c Political  >& >q)
War-captives of the
battle of Badr
1a :< …& R His nomination X  ‹>N Lesson G ?/

Quranic Arabic Program 42 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

  9# < (./ (‘ ,-1 a p< ¦' R >?

 " /  ª mEq:q a p< < Z . \ EI  "# \  G F  Z >e  6
  Z%  . a F >c 1 >ci  : / & ,.<  F > & , 1 ' K " I ªZ&  (>/ 0 A ,?.   : <
:2 * 1 ' R 6 \ ><  p< < Z p  .Z./ (‘ ,-1 C 3
 # \ <   /  : >?/  < ª 4
 # \ <
!1 '  !  %  E” : 4# \ <  "/ 2  .C 3# \ <  :>? / ,< : >< ª 4# \ <  " / :>< Q c Ž “.Z%  ‹b "  ~E  E ? \ >%  I  \ EQN : [ ZRp ˆ
>-1 : ”
< + :  #  ( ‘ < LR  ” :1 ' 2  “.a p< < + : E #  ( )
 F O
q>4 H ZRp~EŽ Ÿ
 . +g E #  a p< <    :% * Z& (>/ 0 A ( ‘ 2 &1 ‘   " H Z%  )
a p<
(./ (‘ ,-1 p< < Ÿ
 . +g E  Z&  (>/ 0 A 2 &  Ž< Z NL #  : <   9# < a p< ,<  > [% Ž< (./ (‘ ,-1  4# \<  "/ 2 :&% :%  
.1 '    I " #   "/ (  E ? X : E 
 ? (  E ?>  X : E 
?E #  a p< ,< \  "/ O

After the death of the Prophet, Ansaar gathered under the shelter of Banu Sa’ada to elect a caliph from them. A group of the
Migrators visited there. Abu Bakr the Truthful, Umar Ibn Khattab and Abu U’baidah A’amir Ibn Al-Jarrah were among them.
Abu Bakr spoke to them, explained the virtues of Ansaar and said:
“I am happy with these two men, so give oath of allegiance to anyone of them whoever you like.” He caught the hand of U’mar
Ibn Al-Khattab and that of Abu U’baida Ibn Al-Jarrah. U’mar said: “O Group of Ansaar! Do you not know that the Allah’s
Prophet ordered Abu Bakr to lead people [in prayer] so who can like himself to lead Abu Bakr?” Ansaar said, “We seek refuge
of Allah that we lead Abu Bakr.” 17
U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab provided reasons for the priority of Abu Bakr by mentioning the instructions of the Prophet for Abu
Bakr to lead people. So U’mar demanded Abu Bakr to extend his hand for the oath of allegiance. He extending his hand and
U’mar gave the oath of allegiance, then the Migrators and then Ansaar did so.

133/2 : " [%  : .)  (17)

(17) Musnad Ahmad, Volume 2, Page 133

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He provided reasons 2 :&% I became happy ˆ
>-1 Shelter  F > &
Priority, preference  > [%  Give oath of allegiance  E < A family of Madina  : / & ,.<
He reminded  L You like Z%  ‹b He became present  6
He asked for, he
  ΠO people!  !
 %  E Group G F 
So that he gives oath of
K E ?>  You prefer O
q>4 H He spoke Z p H
He gave oath of
K E < He leads + : E He clarified \ ><
You lead + :  Grace, favors R 6

Quranic Arabic Program 43 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

 < d  } & / (./ (‘ ,-1 a p< ¦ R > 6  #  , N  i R  > d  # l
 H ºe  "/ Z%   ? #  : <   >? \ / RF
 E #  Z>/ (‘  -1 1 ¾   
a p< ,<' R  >? ˆ
 "H Ÿ
. (  E ?  ?."# (./ (‘ ,-1 a p<  < :  A
 ,  + > , .  >? / Z  "   ˆ %  F H  €>"I Z>/ (‘ R -1

(./ (‘ ,-1 Z p# d

# , ( < R&R
: " [ #  : < 2  Z& (>/ 0 A ( ‘ 2 &1 : 3
)%  , Ÿ
 . , ?4 c ,  o
   ( ?4 c 2 9c \ Z pd# ³ ( <& (./ (‘ ,-1 a p<  < \  /% 
:( >/ .8# ( ‘
[ P:./ ƒ… * ZRp> Š >6
   J  >c
Q# p   J   Y
:% q ., q  ; Ž& # e , .>/Ž ˆ
.% )
 [ # ž .ZRo 
 < ˆ
) ZRp>/ ˆ >j :* ,e !Ÿ . ~E E”
ie +a * , R !
 [ F K >!H i Z%  Q c ie ( ‘  >?& ,  3
 # +G * 5
: E i .(‘ $ b e ( . ~md
 # QR c n [ Š
G >-
 ZRp> ~P    ª(‘ $U b # e (  [ (>/ K I 1%
19 “.ZRp>/ , R /  Œ 9 (&1 ( ‘ ˆ >/ Lž ( &1 ( ‘ ˆ
% Œ   , >Œ .$ 9? < ( ‘ Z  "/

It was not possible for the Ansaar, may Allah be pleased with them, to keep them away from the oath of allegiance after Umar
warned them about the reality i.e. the virtue of Abu Bakr on all companions, may Allah be please will all of them. So they
agreed his words on the oath of allegiance. On the next day Abu Bakr stood on the pulpit and people gave him the oath of
allegiance and the [process of giving] oath for Abu Bakr finished. 18
His Style of Governance
Abu Bakr announced his governance style at the time of a short speech delivered to people in the Mosque of Allah’s Apostle.
He said after praising Allah and glorifying Him:
“O People! I have been appointed over you but I am not better than you. If I do good, help me and if I do bad, make me
straight. Truth is honesty and falsehood is dishonesty. A weak person among you is powerful in my opinion until I return him
his right, if Allah wills. And a powerful person is weak until I get the due right from him, if Allah wills. A nation who leave
striving in Allah’s way, He humiliates them. If vulgarity spreads in a nation, Allah spreads troubles in them. Follow me
whenever I follow Allah and His Prophet. If I disobey Allah and His Prophet, then following [me] is not your responsibility.”19
.305/6  E .  E :? ª661/4 + !N \< o& (19) .Æ 1 :"Ç hEh :?/ / 1: ª:b  9Á ³ ; Å | (18)

(18) Look [the book] Moments in the Rightly Guided Caliphate, Abdul Aziz Muhammad Noor Wali. (19) Biography by Ibn
Hisham, Volume 4, Page 661, Al-Bidayah wan Nihaya, Volume 6, Page 305.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

I do bad ;
Ž& It finished ˆ
 "H They remain behind RF
Make me straight , q* Way, style
& He warned them Z%   ?
I return K I 1% Governance Z pd# Reality R  > d
I take QR c n He announced \  /%  Superiority R > 6
It does not leave 5
: E i Short  o

   All  } &
He humiliates 2 Q c He glorified Him ( >/ .8# She / they agree ˆ
%  F H
It does not spread widely K >!H i I do good ˆ
.% )
 [ Next , 
He spreads in them Z  "/ Help me , .>/ He climbed :  A

Quranic Arabic Program 44 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

:,N (./ (‘ ,-1 ( & >)

  R )
 >} 
R R4
# R ?4 # X Q N ˆ
% ."6
 H :*
/ QR c% ' (4) .
 Q# p  R <1 d  Y
 :q 1 b K 1 (3) .qmd  # /    : ?  R  *e (2) .Z>/ P) E  Z p# d # \  (>/ P) E Ÿ  . < () F … & (1)
21 .( ‘ 
  :[ Z > E +   ( / 4<  % ' (7) .K " 3
% " # ,  !
 [ F 20 K "* (6) .( ‘  >?& ,  3
 #  E 1 K 1 (5) .+ R|"# B
e Z  |

This speech includes the major lines for his policy, they are:
(1) He equaled himself to the people. Whatever was made their responsibility was also made his responsility. (2) Establishment
of the principle of cooperation for the right. (3) Raising the words of truth and fighting against the falsehood. (4) Taking from
the offender and being just to the offended. (5) Raising the flag of striving in Allah’s way. (6) Suppression 20 of vulgarity in the
society. (7) Instructions for following him till he establishes Allah’s limits. 21

:(./ (‘ ,-1 a p< ,< 2R "/% 

\   a  b R 898 f.& ie +% : H Z  K   >% 
 # 2 "/Ž< J   [ (  E ˆ
%   J  >I  J  >% w ;
G  3%e € :N%  m  [ :  J ">|/ 2J "/ (  (./ (‘ ,-1 a p<  <
:,E  (  "/ qZN 

Works of Abu Bakr

Abu Bakr had great works, so his objectives realized and there were a lot of great achievements. His period was full of pious
works along with [the reality] that it remained only for two years and three months. His most important works are as follows:
.Æ 1 :"Ç hEh :?/ /1: ª:b  9Á ³ ; d" (21) ZL Z N  * P :KG "* (20)

(20) Qam’ means he condemned them and humiliated them. (21) Moments in the Rightly Guided Caliphate, Abdul Aziz
Muhammad Noor Wali.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Society K " 3
% " # Cooperation    It includes ˆ
% ."6
Until he remain +   Raising K 1 Lines, plural of c 
R R4
He establishes Z > E Slogan, words 1 b Major R )
Goals realized € :N%  m  [ Fighting R <1 d His policy ( & >&
Achievements ;
G  3%e Taking QR c% ' He made equal … &
Full of J   [ Flag  E 1 It is made
P) E
He did not remain +% : H Z Suppression K "* Establishment R  *e
Important qZN  He subdued and
L * Principle : ? 

Quranic Arabic Program 45 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

(./ (‘ ,-1 :a E% \ <   &R r

 >I LR Fe i€ 
,  p )
%   ª+ ! B
 1 ! ºe  >% )
 E    R :* R  &   . "./ (‘ ,-1 :% E \ <   &R ( >/   ( H   ?* €!>I Z& (>/ 0 A ( ‘ R2&1 h I
2   .Z& (>/ 0 A (‘ 2 &1 k  % "   .E:" # C
%  ?% E Z r
 >3# QN \p (./ (‘ ,-1  " / Z> ZN1 >c  Ÿ  . 1 ? ( !
 >I Z-
 :* .B
 % 3
.€  9# (./ (‘ ,-1 a p< <  H Z& (>/ 0 A ( ‘ 2R &1 , H [ ¶p ) %  
(<   R  ºe  >% )
 E  ‘ie (./ (‘ ,-1 a p< < <Ž Ÿ  . X  I (   ‘ a A
 < K -
%   , 3
 .% E [ M
 EE #  R  &R … 1  q 1  < 22 $= ?% ˆ
%  A
v " / ,   & a p< <  L Ž&  “.l
 L \%  ,e ~O[  >% 4 ,.F 4 
% H { Z& (>/ 0 A ( ‘ 2 &1  %  L Fe \  $a ,!< D F# &i ˆ .R ” :2 *
.(  I 6  (  L Ž v Z./ (‘ ,-1

First: Execution of the Military Expedition of Usama Ibn Zaid

Allah’s Apostle prepared a military expedition before his death and made Usama Ibn Zaid its leader. Usama was instructed to
travel towards the high lands of Syria. He camped at Al-Jurf. Elder people also joined his army. Umar was among them. But his
army did not leave Madina due to sickness of the Prophet of Allah. The army did not leave the camp until Allah’s Prophet died
and Abu Bakr took charge of Caliphate.
When the news 22 about pouring out of revolt reached, Usama opined to delay it until the situation becomes clear especially the
reasons [mentioned by] people were [available] with him. Abu Bakr denied [his opinion] and [asked him] to travel for what he
was instructed and said, “I am not going to begin with something other than execution of the instructions of Allah’s Apostle.
Even if birds snatch me, I like that [to implement the instructions].” Abu Bakr asked Usama to give permission [to leave]
U’mar. He permitted for him and went towards his direction.
.1 ?c P .$ ? (22)

(22) Anbaa’ means news

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It becomes clear ,3
 .% E He left C
%  ?% E Execution LR Fe
He denied < He did not leave 2   Military expedition r
I begin D
F# &i He died , H He prepared h I
They snatch ,.F 4 
% H He became the ruler  H He ordered, he made
Birds  >% 4 News $= ?% To travel  >% )
He got permission  L Ž& Pouring out 1   High lands B
 1 !
He allowed  L  Apostasy, revolt during
Abu Bakr’s reign
 q He camped  p )
% /
He went 6 He delayed M
 EE Steep slope B
 % 3

Quranic Arabic Program 46 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

… (Hg  ,[  \ <n / 231 ‡ [ R  & 1 & 2 : . 3#     e ~F   / 6*R  >?* \ :H1% \   H * + ! k  1 ºe (./ (‘ ,-1 R  & 6
24.a  > f
  <1 , €" ‡ ¶" &  / C
 3.< ( " 
\ Eq:H "# R <1 d : €> 8
:+a )*  898 /  ~:H "#   R E ?. R .E:" #  >9&{  :  " A
 / ºe  q $= ? ˆ
%  A
 8'   ?/ ºe  / :2R ' Z )  
 ? ~. $U >/  K ?H :, w Z)  
....25 Z& (>/ 0 A q,?. \  h < J A c Ž< NRŽH  h  :d
 I Z .p  + 9&{ / " & :M w Z)  

Usama traveled to the land of Syria and fought with those of the tribe Quda’ah who revolted. They fled to Doomat-ul-Jundal
and Usama followed 23 them until he raided at Wabil in the outskirts of Muta. He completed his expedition successfully and
returned safe and sound in forty nights 24 with war booties.
Second: Fight against the Rebellious
The news of revolt reached at the capital of the Islamic State (Madina of the Prophet) while the rebellious people were of three
Type I: Those who returned to worshipping idols.
Type II: The Followers of false claimers of prophethood
Type III: Who continued [to believe] in Islam but refused to pay Zakat. They interpreted that it was specific to the Prophet’s
time. 25

.276/12 P1 ? D (25) .8¤ Æ 1 :"Ç hEh :?/ /1: ª:b  9Á ³ ; d£ (24) .5
  &%  q:   ³ :b% P :1 ‡ (23)

(23) Aghara means ‘he aggressively followed the enemy with speed. (24) Moments in the Rightly Guided Caliphate, Abdul
Aziz Muhammad Noor Wali, Page 8. (25) Fathul-Bari Volume 12, Page 276.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Those who revolted  ~:H "# Outskirts ,[  He revolted :H1%
Capital (of a country)  " A
 / A town in Jordan (Hg  They escaped ~
Country  : He performed … A city in North
Saudi Arabia
2 : . 3#    
False claimers of
 ? ~. $U >/  His project ( "  He raided 1 ‡
He continued " & With success C
 3 He intensified :b%
They refused  :d
 I Safe & sound ¶" & Enemy q: /
They interpreted RŽH Bringing war booties €" ‡ He moved quickly 5

Quranic Arabic Program 47 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

FE [ Ÿ
 . / X %    > r
 >3#   : E 9
€ & 1
 p  Q <  & 1   Eh3  # $ d% , \E:H£ e (  I%  € / €<  (./ (‘ ,-1 a p< < 1 : A %  :*
.27$= q: 26Y  H
 d# K  H #   ?* ( ‘ +  ( L s
 ?% E [ Z N   <: E ,p  ?& ." #  A
 RF Z   D
>% E  qmd
 # e 5
< Z 
Z%  H*R  R
# XQN ³   ") "# 2 Q < \ Eq:H" #  f
 ‹q?." # \ \ Eq" " # $ igN f
 "  ) "# t
  >I f< ;G  :4 A ˆ %  *   l L  3
 > \  
 (>/ 0 A 2R  & ( @ < PQ Z.E ºe \E:H" #  :>E   .F  <   4 E  +a / 1    ?*   E q. ,  / 4&  a 1  A 5  1 , Z  "E%e 283

Abu Bakr sent a general letter towards the rebellious in all directions of the Peninsula. He also sent messengers along with this
letter who went before the armies to read it in front of people. [The objective was] to open the door of return towards the truth
and to allow an appropriate time for them so that they think in this matter. [The objective was] to become free from his
responsibility in front of Allah before occurrence of war and bloodshed. 26, 27
The result was that collisions started between the Muslim armies and these arrogant people belonging to the false claimers of
prophethood and the rebellious groups. The Muslims put their full effort in a liberal manner in these battles. Their faith became
enlightened 28 in this wonderful situation when they became able to finish it before passing of a year to cut the root of
lawlessness. The rebellious groups returned back to their religion that was preached by the Prophet.
.68 ¤  b "Ç ª,9&{ ÉE1  (28) .321v320 ¤ 5V ow \<i ªE .  E :? , p QN ~È R| (27) ~O
 .% H :$ : Y  H (26)

(26) Turaq ud Dimaa’ means bloodshed. (27) Look at the description of this letter in Al-Bidaya wan Nihaya by Ibn Katheer,
Volume 5, Page 320-321. (28) The Islamic History by Mahmood Shaker, Page 68

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

The most wonderful 5
 1 They think  <: E He sent 1 : A
They were able to  / 4& He discharges his
( L s
 ?% E A letter €< 
End  E q. To happen, to occur K  H #  Directions, plural
of Ê $ d%
 .F Bloodshed $= q: Y
 H Island i.e. Arabian
Passing of year +a / 1   Collisions ;
G  :4 A Messengers, plural
of 2&1
€ & 1
To cut, cutting  4 E  Armies, plural of r>I t
  >I They go before   : E
Root  <  Arrogant people,
\ Eq" " # So that they read %   >
They return  :>E False claimer of
 ‹q?." # Returning 5
He communicated ´ < He put full effort 2 Q < It allows D
>%  E
It enlightened 3
 H Appropriate  ?& ." #

Quranic Arabic Program 48 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

Z E% p   nR  K "I : €w 8

: < m E:  p<  < ,e  & 1” :2 * (./ (‘ ,-1 ˆ
a < 8 \ < : E \/ ( d
 , P1 ?  V
  c .(./ (‘ ,-1 4# \<  " / \ R  pF X Q N ˆ
%   : 
 4# \<  "/ Lž   ">  N%   # 
%>w O
N Q# > 30\ Œ " # < $ R  <  %  " &  e !c ,e  n  $ R <   "> + E 29d
 &% :*    e 2  , H  "/ e” :(./ (‘ ,-1 p<  < 2 *
“. "/ … 1 PQ l  L , ˆ E1 lQ P1:% A  ( ‘ C   b [ ,. I E  "/ 2# h E Z …  n  K "3<   ŽH #  …1 ,e  n  \ 
 Iq 1  :A
%   \   n  K " 3
a < 8 \ < : E   

Third: Collection of the Holy Quran

This was the idea of U’mar Ibn Khattab. Bukhari reported in his Saheeh on the authority of Zaid Ibn Thabit. He said: “Abu
Bakr, the Truthful, sent [a messenger] to me after the war with the ‘People of Yamamah’. At that time, U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab
was with him.”
Abu Bakr said: “U’mar has brougth [the matter] to me again and again and said that ‘killing of the Reciters [and the
Memorizers] of the Quran was very intense 29 on the day of Yamamah. I fear that killing of the Reciters will continue in battle
fields 30 and a big part of the Quran will go [i.e. destroy]. I think that you instruct to collect the Quran.’ U’mar kept reminding
me until Allah has opened my heart for that and my opinion has become the same as the opinion of U’mar.”
He instructed Zaid Ibn Thabit so he compiled the Quran from [various sources that included] the flat parts of date-palm trees 31,
white flat stones 32 and memories of people 33.
K "I :B
 (32) . * 1  
R !
 p E Z > ) "#  . R : E[ , N  O
 >)  K "% I :O
) (31) .   d
# : N ! \ :  !"# ,N \G Π K "I :\Π" # (30) :b :d  & (29)
.30 ¤  6  f 1: .:b  $ F# (33) .mG >*1  G E/ 
>< G 3
 [ , N   F 

(29) Istaharra means it became intensified. (30) Al-Muwatin is the plural of Mautin which means a place of war. (31) Al-
A’asab is the plural of Al-U’saib. It is a a flat part of a date-palm tree whose leaves are removed. (32) Al-Lakhaf is the plural of
Lakhafah. It is a white, wide and thin stone. (33) The Rightly Guided Caliphs. Dr. Amin Al-Qudhah, Page 30

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Flat stones B
  It continued " & Collecting K "I
Place, scene :  !"# Places of war \ Π" # Thinking, idea R  pF
A flat part of date-palm
R : E[ I see, My opinion is …1 Time or place of war  # 
It is removed 
R! p E To instruct you   ŽH #  A town in Arab, place
of great war
Leaves Y
 1  He takes matter to me ,. I E He brought to me , H
Wide 
G E/ He opened C
  b It intensified d
Thin mG >*1 Flat part of date-palm
tree used for writing
%   Reciter of Quran,
plural of P1 *
$ *R
I fear !c

Quranic Arabic Program 49 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

,-1 m E: ( 3
 H ª <  e 1  ' ; #  & #  : < :R > 9&{ ;
  / \ Eq:H "# R. K " *  (./ (‘ ,-1 mE: p< ,<' Z p# d [ FR  : €< 1
% .  '  n :   Q 1 ~. e ;
 "R |z  \ < Ÿ
 . V
ce ( ‘ 2R  &1 : "d
  ( ‘ ‘ie ( e i  "   $= 9/e , N  + 9&{ , R > )  E @ ºe (./ (‘
:\ >%  ?I , X : / , ; [ F  ˆ
  p  ><   Eh3
 # V
 1 c   /% : 
.+ 9&{ R  /  6 1 \EQ Ÿ % FR #  <1 d"  Y
   e r
a >3< p< < (  & 1 ª\E:H "# 2 * \ : >  \ < :  c Ì    " :Y
 ! , Ÿ  % FR  R  ?I :='
[ W 1   :/ , f
 ")"# ;
1  ˆ %  H ZR8 € %>w Z } .‡   " ) "# Z .‡  ª%ZN : } * *R  Ÿ
 FR  + h  %  € " œ  , \ >%   4 \ >% < a    2R  ;
34 % 1 
.Z  ¶h   >% d
 # RQ  H  ¶d# A  ¶<[ Z" p [ ˆ  dH ; FR  % ‡   *  m Œ ." #  w ˆ
%  c 

Fourth: The Islamic Conquests: After the government of Abu Bakr, the Truthful became stable, the lawlessness of the
rebellious groups was overcome and the matters returned to their normal conditions, the Siddique drew his attention to a
superior mission about Islam. It is exaltation of the words that “There is no god except Allah and Muhammad is the Prophet of
Allah”. [It is the] bringing people out of the darkness and [bring them] towards the light. This was due to lack of time for
spreading the [Islamic] call outside the Arabian Peninsula. [Since the governments outside the Arabian Peninsula used to
persecute any person leaving his / her faith, therefore] the conquests during his period were in two directions:
The first direction was towards the Iranians in East. When Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed [the most expert Muslim Military General]
became free from fighting the rebellious groups, Abu Bakr sent him with an army towards Iraq to fight against the Iranians who
rejected the call of Islam. The first battle happened between the two sides at Kazima 34. The Iranians were defeated and their
leader was killed. The Muslims found huge quantities of war booties. Then the conquests of the Muslims continued in a number
of battles until the areas situated on the West [bank] of the [River] Euphrates entered under their government by war or by
reconciliation. They made “Al-Heera” as their center.

(34) Look “Al-Khareeta” Page 19 .19 ¤ 4E# | (34)

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Spreading  !
%  Conquests ;
[ FR 
War booties, plural
of ">.‡ Z } .‡
Two directions, (>.wH of ?I \ >%  ?I It became stable  &
It continued ˆ
%  H Persian Ÿ
 % FR  It returned ;
Victories ;
1  He became free Ì
   Its normal < 
Number of battles W 1   :/ Fighting 2 * He drew his attention ( 3
Areas m Π." # They rejected  6 1 Objective, mission  E @
River Euphrates in
 FR  It happened ;
% 1  Superior, high R > )
Reconciliation ¶d# A
Both sides \ >%   4 Exaltation $= 9/e
A town in Iraq   >% d
 # A town in Iraq € " œ  Because it lacked :   Q
Center, capital ¶h They were defeated + h  % At this time  '  n

Quranic Arabic Program 50 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

#     ª+~ / W .N f

 " ) "#  : / )"  + ! e r
 # \ Za )
% * K  ( I E #  : > \ <% : c a p< <     €  !
 /  w w  .) \  a FA  % b ,
. 81 [ \ <% .w" # Y
35    / Š   
% E
$ "><  p )
% /  + ! Y
 1 ! ºe f
 H F  /~: \  r
a >I Ÿ
 1 / ¤   \ <% : >& \ <% :  c ( ./ (‘ ,-1 a p<  < ( I :2 "q! , + ~ R  ?I :R > w
a  >I   <1 (./ (‘ ,-1 p< < h 3       : " # ( ?  4E a p< ,< ºe O
  ZR8 + ~   

During the month of Safar 13H [the second month of the lunar calendar], Abu Bakr instructed Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed to move
towards Syria with a division of army to help the Muslims there [who were fighting] against the Rome. He instructed him to
leave Muthanna Ibn Al-Haaritha 35 at Iraq [as the chief commander].
Second direction was towards the Syria in the North. Abu Bakr sent Khalid Ibn Sa’eed Ibn Al-A’as towards the top of an army
of the missionary conquerors towards the Eastern Syria. He camped at Teema and faced the Roman army. He wrote a letter to
Abu Bakr in that he demanded for help and support. So Abu Bakr prepared four armies.

 First: Its leader was A’mr Ibn Al’Aas

ºe ( %  qI  ¤
  \ <  "/ X : } * :2' 

and it was sent to Palestine. .\ >% 4 )

 Second: Its leader was Shurhabeel Ibn ºe (I € .)
 [ \ < R >?[  b X : } * :° w 
Hasanah and it was sent to Jordan. .  1='
 Third: Its leader was Yazeed Ibn Abi
(I  >F& ¦ \< :EhE X:} * :M w 
Sufyan and it was sent to Balaqa.
.$=   ?
 Fourth: Its leader was Abu U’baidah
A’amir Ibn Al-Jarrah and it was sent to C
 3# \ <   / :>?/ < X:} * :K<  
Hims. 36 36.È
a " [ (I
30 ¤  6  f 1: ª:b  $ FÁ (36) .81 ¤ f">w Í  0 :?/ ª\E:b  $ FÁ ÉE1 H E?. o) (35)

(35) The Biography of the Prophet and the History of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, A’bdullah Al-Saleh Al-U’thaimeen, Page 81.
(36) The Rightly-Guided Caliphs, Dr. Amin Al-Qudhaw, Page 30

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It was sent to ( %  qI Eastern sides Y
 1 ! Division Za )
% *
Palestine \ >% 4 ) He demanded O
 4E Help  : / )
Jordan   1=' Help  : " # There W .N
An area in South Syria $=   ? Help, support   To leave Š
% E # 
A town in Central Syria È
a " [ Leader : } * Inviters to Islam,
plural of ,/ 

Quranic Arabic Program 51 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

J  >% ? WG 1   %  H ;

a  ?b% J :/ + ~ t
 >I \>% < .>< ;
% 1    3 €  !
 /  w w  .)  }  , f
 4) + ! B
 1 ! ºe f
 ")"# t >I %ˆ A   
: . J " >|/ ;
G [R
 ") "# : 3
 .% &  .f
 "  ) "#   H  "  ¶o? ¶!>I  * % N + ~ l
  :/  + ~  f
 ") "# f  b ." # : < :X13 .& :\
 < ' 37 ;  E .I R    v
.Z H%: 3
 . r
 >3# \ Za ) < Y
  \ ( I E #  :> \< :  c p< <    (./ (‘ ,-1 p< ,<Ž<
PQ ¤
  \ < "/ K  B
 R*  K >"3
 # m  4   . ¶ "  ¶?>HH Z ?H1  Z%  H  >*   .+ ! , f
 ") "# < m d
  [ a  N Q  a /  )< $U dq :G  c Y
.Z>/      € o? € " E%hN +   ")"# + h N  4   " f
38  4) ,- 1 \ \ E .I , ¶o? ¶> 1 ¶!>I ( I  E  

The Muslim armies reached at the high plains of Syria and Palestine in initial months of 13H. A number of small battles
happened between them and the Roman armies which were followed by great wars and big conquests. [Following are] from
A. The Battle of Ajnadeen 13H: After initial fights37 between the Muslims and the Rome, the king of Rome, Hercules
prepared a great military to fight against the Muslims. The Muslims asked from help from Abu Bakr and he instructed Khalid
Ibn Al-Waleed to move from Iraq with a division of army to relieve them.
Khalid passed the desert with an amazing speed and joined the Muslims at Syria. He changed their leadership and arranged
them in a superior organization. All of them rushed to stay with A’mr Ibn Al-A’as who was facing towards a great Roman
army at Ajnadeen in the land of Palestine. When both sides met [in the battlefield], the Muslims defeated the Romans greatly38
and became victorious against them.

86 ¤ f">w Í  0 :?/ ª\E:b  $ FÁ ÉE1 H E?. o) (38) .r>» :   c P b . K¼ :;
% b .£ (37)

(37) Al-Munawashat is the plural of Munawashah which means the initial fight of the front part of an army. (38) The
Biography of the Prophet and the History of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, A’bdullah Al-Saleh Al-U’thaimeen, Page 86.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Superior ¶ "  It relieved them Z H%: 3
  It reached ˆ
%  A
They rushed m  4  He passed through Y
  c% High lands B
 1 !
To stay B
 R*  Speed a /  & Initial months  } 
Land ,- 1 Amazing a  N Q  It happened ;
% 1 
Two sides  4 He joined m d
  Fights, battles ;
a  ?b%
They defeated + h N He turned  H It followed by %  H
Defeat € " E%hN Their leadership Z%  H  >* Fights, battles ;
 b ." #
They become victorious  
  He organized them Z ?H1 To fight   H  
Organization ¶?>HH He called for help : 3
 .% &

Quranic Arabic Program 52 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

\  f
 "  ) "#  <   Š
  2 "q! , È
a "[ \ ;
% $U I , + ~ ;
*R K  ma !
%   \
  .3  :[ :13 .&  F# ~ V
# e $  j QN S    v
, m !   > [ M
 >@>  :q!   R   N \    . * N ( w < PQ + ~ r
 >I  d Z%  < 1 & .B  RF~ $U 1  : >?/  < (    :G  c Š *  ...   .3 #
: > \< :  c Z>e  |   F  V    ,  " I B
a in   !  / \  w +   : / ´  < ª N d o )  E  e  ")"# 4 -   ") "# N A  dE  
40 39 .Z%  R ;%  :?H ¶ow Z . R*  Z% N p )
% /  ") "#  A + ~ + h  %    "# X Q N , \ E .I + E a ‹? ( !
 >I ÂR q? E 5
  & ZR8

( H   (./ (‘ ,-1 p< ,< k

\<  "/   ŽE    9 ºe > V   E i ¶E  !  /  )
 "c "d
# < O
 >AŽR a 1 < + E ,  )
 ‡ (  (./ (‘ ,-1 mE: p< ,< k   O ?&  
.( -
   , ( Z  h  (./ (‘ ,-1 R "w /   ˆ  >? ,  N (  1h E ( >e  Rc :E Ÿ
.   Ÿ
 . < ,j

B. The Battle of Maraj-us-Sufr 13H: This encounter occurred in the South of Damascus with the Roman armies coming from
Hims in the North. They seized Muslims from the South …. Khalid was behind the rows and Abu U’baida was with him. A
Roman army similar to that of the Roman army sent by the Hercules passed by them. They were very powerful and violent to
help their garrison at Damascus to seize the Muslims. So the Muslims were forced to move in the similar way. The number of
Romans reached above 10,000. They gathered at Maraj-us-Sufr. Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed looked at them and moved quickly. He
was mobilizing his army like the mobility of the day of Ajnadeen. In this battle, the Romans were defeated, the Muslims
reached at their camp, killed them a lot and dispersed their troops. 39 40
The Sickness of Abu Bakr & His Death
The reason of sickness of Abu Bakr, the truthful was that he took a bath on a cold day and was caught by a viral infection for
15 days. He did not use to come out for the prayer and instructed U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab to lead people for prayer. People used
to enter into his [house] and visit him while he was staying at home and Uthman was arranging them during his sickness.
.293 ¤ 2 " 2 / :µ ªm! ºe mE4 (40) .Z. K4 .£ ,* ? P :Z¢ (39)

(39) Fululahum means the remaining troops separated from their army. (40) The Road to Damascus, Ahmed A’adil Kamal,
Page 293.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Military troops 2 R He moved 1 & Joining point V
Reason O
?& To help M
 >@> It happened S
Sickness k
  Garrison, army € > [ Meeting, encounter $  j
He washed, took a bath  )
 ‡ They were forced 4 - Armed Forces ;
He was attached by O
 >AR It blocked from various
 dE They blocked from
various sides
A viral infection "d
# He mobilized ÂR q? E To fight  <  H
They meet   1 hE Mobilizing a ‹?H He stayed Š
He made it their duty Z  h  They dispersed ;
%  :?H Rows of an army B

Quranic Arabic Program 53 Level 03

Lesson 3B: The Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique (./ 0 ,-1

\ >% .& (   9c ˆ

%  p   3 €  !
 / S
R 98 € .&   c ‰ … "I \ f
  < 2a > , "w $ 89w   > $= )
  (./ (‘ ,-1 p<  < , H [ (< k "# 2  
.2a >  !
 /    b R 898
.a 89w<  >* \ >% <w< \ jFR  ./ (‘ ,-1 y
 >"/ ˆ
.% < $= "&%  (  I  (  )
 @H  v (./ (‘ ,-1 v A :*
(>/ 0 A ( ‘ 2 &1 ,F 41 L d"
< ( & 1   I  +9)  9 (>/ ( ?[ A O   I ºe 9 € > \    (./ (‘ ,-1  4# \<  "/ (>/ A  
.$ h3 # o
 c f
 "  ) "#  + 9&{ \ / X hI  ( ./ , -
 1  ( ‘ ( " [ 1 .Z&

( 1 ." #  .E:" # < >9&{  3# ª“>< @ Z>H” \ L#  cŽ)
His sickness continue until Abu Bakr died at the 23rd night while eight nights were remaining from Jamadi-al-Ukhra
13H [the 6th month of the lunar calendar]. So his Caliphate remained for two years, three months and 10 nights.
In his will, he asked that his wife Asma Bint A’mees to give him [his dead body] a bath. He was wrapped in two
cloths and it is also said that [he was wrapped] in three cloths.
U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab [led the] funeral prayer for him and buried him on the side of his friend [the Holy Prophet,
peace and blessings be upon him]. His head was kept parallel41 to the shoulder of Allah’s Prophet42. May Allah be
merciful for him and may be pleased with him. May Allah reward him the best reward for [his contribution to] Islam
and Muslims.
.33  6  f 1: ª:b  $ FÁ (42) .X   P : L dÎ (41)

(41) Muhazat means parallel to. (42) The Rightly Guided Caliphs, Dr. Amin Al-Qudhah, Page 33

Rule of the Day

Past Tense in its simple form means that “Someone did something once in past.”
You can add different words to it to change its sense. It is described in detail in
later chapters. Just note the following:

 is added before the past tense in order to make the sentence negative. # e ª
are added before the past tense to make the sentence conditional.  ªN are
added before the past tense to make the sentence interrogative.
Face the Challenge!
What is the difference between O
  and O
 R ?

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Parallel X   He was wrapped (in

cloths after death)
\ jFR Evening $= )
Two shoulders ,F He buried \   Remaining f
He rewarded him X hI Parallel  L d He asked in his will A

Quranic Arabic Program 54 Level 03

Lesson 4A: The Past Tense: Passive Voice 23 ,-  
The Result (1)
Compare the result. Each line carried two marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

27 ,-   + ,-   @>A

Past Tense: Passive Voice Past Tense: Active Voice Person

He was killed  *= He killed  *U O} ‡ Q :[ 

Both of them were
killed (male)
9*= Both of them killed
9*U O} ‡ Q >.wH
They were killed
R*= They killed (male) R*U O} ‡ Q K¼

She was killed ˆ

%  *= She killed ˆ
%  *U O} ‡ Mg :[ 
Both of them were
killed (female)
 *= Both of them killed
 *U O} ‡ Mg >.wH
They were killed
\ # *= They killed (female) \ # *U O} ‡ Mg K¼

You were killed (male) ˆ

 # *= You killed (male) ˆ
 # *U - [ Q :[ 
Both of you were killed
" # *= Both of you killed (male) " # *U - [ Q >.wH
You all were killed
Z%  # *= You all killed (male) Z%  # *U - [ Q K¼
You were killed
 # *= You killed (female) ˆ
 # *U - [ Mg :[ 
Both of you were killed
" # *= Both of you killed
" # *U - [ Mg >.wH
You all were killed
\ # *= You all killed (female) \ # *U - [ Mg K¼

I was killed ˆ
# *= I killed ˆ
# *U Zp :[ 

We were killed .# *= We killed .# *U Zp K¼

Quranic Arabic Program 55 Level 03

Lesson 4A: The Past Tense: Passive Voice 23 ,-  

27 ,-   + ,-   @>A

Past Tense: Passive Voice Past Tense: Active Voice Person

He was raised K  1 He raised K  1 O} ‡ Q :[ 

Both of them were
raised (male)
1 Both of them raised
1 O} ‡ Q >.wH
They were raised
  1 They raised (male)   1 O} ‡ Q K¼

She was raised ˆ

%   1 She raised ˆ
%   1 O} ‡ Mg :[ 
Both of them were
raised (female)
  1 Both of them raised
  1 O} ‡ Mg >.wH
They were raised
\ %  1 They raised (female) \ %  1 O} ‡ Mg K¼

You were raised (male) ˆ

 %  1 You raised (male) ˆ
 %  1 - [ Q :[ 
Both of you were
raised (male)
" %  1 Both of you raised
" %  1 - [ Q >.wH
You all were raised
Z%  %  1 You all raised (male) Z%  %  1 - [ Q K¼
You were raised
 %  1 You raised (female) ˆ
 %  1 - [ Mg :[ 
Both of you were
raised (female)
" %  1 Both of you raised
" %  1 - [ Mg >.wH
You all were raised
\ %  1 You all raised (female) \ %  1 - [ Mg K¼

I was raised ˆ
%  1 I raised ˆ
%  1 Zp :[ 

We were raised .%  1 We raised .%  1 Zp K¼

Quranic Arabic Program 56 Level 03

Lesson 4A: The Past Tense: Passive Voice 23 ,-  

27 ,-   + ,-   @>A

Past Tense: Passive Voice Past Tense: Active Voice Person

He was brought closer

  *= He came closer
  *U O} ‡ Q :[ 
Both of them were
brought closer (male)
<*= Both of them came closer
< *U O} ‡ Q >.wH
They were brought
closer (male)
 < *= They came closer (male)  < *U O} ‡ Q K¼

She was brought closer ˆ

% < *= She came closer ˆ
% < *U O} ‡ Mg :[ 
Both of them were
brought closer (female)
< *= Both of them came closer
< *U O} ‡ Mg >.wH
They were brought
closer (female)
\ <% *= They came closer
\ <% *U O} ‡ Mg K¼
You were brought
closer (male)
 <% *= You came closer (male) ˆ
 <% *U - [ Q :[ 
Both of you were
brought closer (male)
" <% *= Both of you came closer
" <% *U - [ Q >.wH
You all were brought
closer (male)
Z%  <% *= You all came closer
Z%  <% *U - [ Q K¼
You were brought
closer (female)
 <% *= You came closer
 <% *U - [ Mg :[ 
Both of you were
brought closer (female)
" <% *= Both of you came closer
" <% *U - [ Mg >.wH
You all were brought
closer (female)
\ <% *= You all came closer
\ <% *U - [ Mg K¼

I was brought closer ˆ

<% *= I came closer ˆ
<% *U Zp :[ 
We were brought
.<% *= We came closer .<% *U Zp K¼

Worth Reading
What is the difference between an extremist and a moderate person? Which
approach is better: Extremism or Moderatism?

Quranic Arabic Program 57 Level 03

Lesson 4A: The Past Tense: Passive Voice 23 ,-  

27 ,-   + ,-   @>A

Past Tense: Passive Voice Past Tense: Active Voice Person

He was listened K " & He listened K " & O} ‡ Q :[ 

Both of them were
listened (male)
"& Both of them listened
"& O} ‡ Q >.wH
They were listened
 " & They listened (male)  " & O} ‡ Q K¼

She was listened ˆ

%  " & She listened ˆ
%  " & O} ‡ Mg :[ 
Both of them were
listened (female)
 " & Both of them listened
 " & O} ‡ Mg >.wH
They were listened
\ % " & They listened (female) \ % " & O} ‡ Mg K¼
You were listened
 % " & You listened (male) ˆ
 % " & - [ Q :[ 
Both of you were
listened (male)
" % " & Both of you listened
" % " & - [ Q >.wH
You all were listened
Z%  % " & You all listened (male) Z%  % " & - [ Q K¼
You was listened
 % " & You listened (female) ˆ
 % " & - [ Mg :[ 
Both of you were
listened (female)
" % " & Both of you listened
" % " & - [ Mg >.wH
You all were listened
\ % " & You all listened
\ % " & - [ Mg K¼

I was listened ˆ
% " & I listened ˆ
% " & Zp :[ 

We were listened .% " & We listened .% " & Zp K¼

Face the Challenge!

Identify 10 words from your vocabulary related to
the passive voice of Past Tense.

Quranic Arabic Program 58 Level 03

Lesson 4A: The Past Tense: Passive Voice 23 ,-  
The Result (2)
Compare the result. Each word carried two marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

English ,</
Humiliation and misery was stamped upon them. R .p )
% " #  R jQ Z%  >%  / ˆ
% < -

And when the son of Marry was put as an example. 9
€ w Z E%  \ <%
If he died or was killed, will you turn on your heels. Z% pR <  /%  / Z%  ?%   %  *= %  ;
If they were with us, they did not die and were not
R*=   H   : .% /    % 
O people! An example was put. So listen to it.  " &%  J w
. ~E E
And the person who was killed wrongfully, so We
have made his heirs powerful (by giving them the € 4# & ( q>  .#  I :%   €R|#   *= \%  
right to plead against him in the court.)
And when it is said to them, do not make mischief
in the earth.
 1% 'U ,  :)
 F# H i Z%    >* Le
And when the girl that was buried alive was asked,
for what sin she was killed.
%  *R O %  ‹& R  =$% " # Le
a %L qPŽ< .ˆ
And when the wild beasts were herded together. (In
Arabic, past tense is used to describe a confirm ;
%  !
 [ t
 [ # Le
event of future.)
If we had anything to do in this matter, we were not
killed here.
.N N .# *=  $T ,% b  % 'U \%  .   % 
And when the reports (of good and bad deeds of a
person) were unfoled.
%  !
~ Le
And when the sky was torn. ˆ
% 4 !
 R $= ") Le
And when it was said to him, “Be fearful to Allah.”
Arrogance took him to sin.
Z 8#{ < R h # ( H%Q c  (  m H (   >* Le
Rule of the Day
A sentence has three components: the verb, the subject (one who performs a task) and the object (on
whom the task was performed). First two are essential part of a sentence while the object is not always
essential. For example €  &1 :
  (Zaid wrote a letter). Here O
  is the verb, :G E is the subject and
€  &1 is the object.

Quranic Arabic Program 59 Level 03

Lesson 4A: The Past Tense: Passive Voice 23 ,-  

English ,</
Do you intend to ask your prophet as Moses was  ‹& " Z% pR  &1 RŽ)
% H #    :EH +% 
asked before. R ?% * \%  & 
Do they not see the camels how they were created?
(In Arabic, a group as a whole is considered
‘feminine’. Therefore, the feminine pronoun is used
%   c Š
 >%   <{ e   |R .% E 9
for it.)

And towards the sky, how it was raised ? ˆ

%   1 Š
 >%  $ ") e
And towards the earth, how it was leveled? ˆ
% d
 4 & Š
 >%  k
 1% 'U e
And towards the mountains, how they were fixed ? ˆ
% ?
 >%  2 ?3
 # e
Human being was created of haste. a 3
 / \%  R ){ m  c
Human being was created weak. €F>-
 R ){ m  c
Were they created of nothing or We are their Creator? ¬R  # Z% N +%  $a ,% b  >% ‡ \%  R  c +% 
The man should think from what he was created . He $a  \%  m  c .m  c Z R ){ % |R .># 
was created from a gushing fluid. ma  
Fasting was made mandatory for you as it was made \ EQ / O
 R " + >q Z% pR >%  / O R
mandatory for those who were before you. Z% pR  ?% * \% 
Have they created the heavens and the earth. (The
voice is active here, not the passive one.)
 1% 'U  ;
 " ) R  c +% 
Retaliation was made mandatory for you in case of a
%  # , ¤
 # Z% pR >%  / O
And We carried him on (an ark) made of wooden P3
% H .a &   C a # ;
 L / X .# " [ 
 F R   \% "  $† hI ..> /% Ž<
planks and nails. It flows in our sight (on the water),
as a reward for that who was rejected.

Quranic Arabic Program 60 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

The Law of Physical Purification  1 4

 N%  y
 I% q Z pR .% / O
 N Q# >  (‘ :EE "e :º H 0
 2 * ³ " .,A " #  W q! \ /  <i  ª1 Q*# ' \/  N h. <  E  R 1 4 m  4 H :R 1 4 Š
 94A , R 1 4  . >q)d  #  1 4  >% ‡ J E . J 1 Œ X Q .2 < Z%  >jh H  Z% N  q4 H € *:A Z%   % \%  Q# c :º H (* .1 €o4# H ZR q4 E  ˆ  >% ?
.Z ~"> ,
 R <  1 4  R >" p# [  ª$ "# <  1 4  R > > [ R RpH ªM a ?c  S a : [ \%  N d  9 \  K ."E  K # 1 :$  FR 
:a ")*  N  "N d B
 4   9 \  ){ K ."E  : ? < + R E Š
%  S
R : d
 # :¬RS: d

The Definition of Purity: The [word] purity applies on and it is meant [by the word purity] to be free of filth and
moving away of paganism and sins. As in Allah’s words: “Allah intends to take away the filth from you, O family
[of Prophet] and purify you with [a perfect] purification.”1 And in His words, “Take charity [as a mandatory tax]
from their wealth and purify them and purify [their souls] by it.” 2 So this is moral purity not the physical
cleanliness. The purity in the terminology of [Islamic] jurists is: Taking away whatever forbids prayer and similar to
that from abstract or physical filth. It [the purity] may be real like purification with water, and it may also be
assumed, like purification with soil in case of Tayammum.
What is Impurity? The impurity is a characteristic attached to the body of a human being that forbids him to
perform prayer or Circumambulate [around the Holy Ka’aba] and other rituals like that. It has two types:

(1) Al-Ahzaab 33:33, (2) Al-Taubah 9:103 9:103 < (2) .33:33 h[' (1)

Worth Reading! What is the difference between Monotheism and Polytheism? Why the
Polytheism not acceptable in front of God? How to avoid polytheism in our prayers?

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Raising, taking away K # 1 Filth, moral filth y
 I% q Definition Š
He / It forbids K ."E He purifies you ZR q4 E Purity R 1 4
Abstract filth, impurity S
a : [ Purification €o4# H It is applied on m  4 H
Physical filth M
a ?c You purify them Z% N  q4 H It is meant <  E
Real R > > [ You purify them Z%  >jh H Being free of  N h.
Declared R >" p# [ Abstract, moral J E . Filth 1 Q*# '
Attribute, characteristic Š
%  Physical  >q)d
 # Moving away  <i
It attaches to the body  : ? < + R E Terminology C
 94A Sins, wrongdoings ,A " #

Quranic Arabic Program 61 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

, R & 3.  N M

R ?
 # ¬M?
 #  . < .3
 #  :9
€ )R‡ OI  N Ï  ? S
J :[ .2 .+ .  ª} @  ª2?  †$-  O I   N ª @ A S
J : [ .1
. N >% ‡  k
 1'   w   :? O

1. Minor Impurity: It is that [impurity which] makes Ablution mandatory. For example delivering urine, stool or
2. Major Impurity: It is that [impurity which] makes a bath mandatory. For example, abstract impurity due to sexual
What is Physical Filth: The physical filth is the impurity that attaches to a body, a cloth, land or other things.

Impurity & Its Types /  R & 3.

, + : H " ~P .% "# . ~,q)d  # . R & 3.  .2 ?  1Q    . ( < A  R )  @E ./ X h.E #  Z  ) "# / O
 E , R 1 Q  :,N R & 3.
.J >)
 [ ˆ
% ) > J E. J & 3 f
 !"#  & 3   N |  (< ) “( y
G 3  R !
% " # "e” :º H (* ,  1   qP.%" # \ "  . 1 4
(>/ 0 A 0 2&1  (./ 0 ,-1  EN ,< M R E:d   
R } @  :(R< ~,  ‰  R } ‡ v1 :,HŽE  5  ' X QN qZN  \ ª 5 G  R >)d# ; & 3. 
Z& (>/ 0 A ¯.  (./ 0 ,-1 :>& ,< ME:[ (, >?  Z ¹    < X 1) “.1G  Œ (    ž …L' (  % .< Z% R : [ ,Œ  Le” :2 * Z&
.( ?[ \<  Z ¹    < :µ (Ic) “. "  > #
 > ZR8 k
 1' < ( d %) "% >  €w?c …1 ž "> % |R .% > (%> %  O
%  # ># : 3
)% "# Z% R : [  $U I Le” :2 *

The impurity is: “The filth [when attaches to the body], it makes it obligatory for a Muslim to get rid of it and wash
whatever [filth] is attached to [his / her body] like blood or urine. Impurity may be physical or abstract as passed
under the head “Purification”. The abstract filth is what came in [Allah’s] words, “Surely the [views of] polytheists
are impure.” So it is apparent that the filth of the polytheists was virtual not physical. Physical filth has different
types. The most important of these types are following:
1. Urine or Stool of a Person: Regarding the stool, in the Hadith of Abu Hurairah that Allah’s Apostle said, “When
some filth [like urine or stool] is attached to the shoe of anyone of you, then the soil makes it pure.” (Abu Dawood,
Hakim & Baihiqi reported it.) The Hadith of Abu Saeed that the Prophet said, “When anyone of you come to the
mosque, he should turn his shoes to see [its sole]. If he finds some filth, he should rub it with the land then wear it.”

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Shoe  %  Types, plural of 5 5
 It makes obligatory O
Harmful, filth …L' Filth R 1 Q  Urine 2 ?
Purity 1G  Œ To become pure, to get rid of X h.E #  Stool 
 } @
He should turn O
%  # ># Blood coming out of vagina 1Q   Sleep + .
He should wipe / rub D
%) "% > It is brought  1  The state of impurity
after sexual intercourse
 < .3
He should reach / wear # 
 > He presses to level ,ΠIt hits O

Quranic Arabic Program 62 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

....\ >% d
 >d , N .$  \
G  L ,< /' 2 < / Y
  E #     Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  "./ (‘ ,-1 y EN ¦ ME:d 2R ? 
$ e ³ Op b Le” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A (‘ 2&1  (./ (‘ ,-1 EN ¦ ME:[ \ " No ‡ f
 d>d , ˆ?8 " :O # p 
R v2
 z < \N i ;  K ?% & (  )
 @% E  O
p (> ´  Le ZR: [ $ e 1  ŒR ” ::"%[ Z) X 1  “. €%?& ()@% >#  Z:[
 >d# q+ \ <8 O
>E  :[e” :ˆ  Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. e J   ;
% $U I :ˆ * "./ (‘ ,-1 p< ,< ˆ  .< $ ¨ M  E:d : >d# ~+ v3
((>/ mF) “.(> ,j  H ZR8 ( d
3 6
 .% H Ð $ "# < ( A # H ZR8 ( d
2 1 H” :2  “¬ K.H Š >
:+ ' ) “.y
G I% 1 ( ž a Eh.% c Z d
%  %  €[RF)   ,e , [ R  , : I i # *R ” :º H (   : Eh.% 
%  € %  € >%   RpE #  ie ( "  4# E Za / Œ / €d  # Z d v4
3  . : y I% q  (145

Regarding the urine, the Hadith of Abu Huraira & Anas that the Prophet ordered to pour water on the urine of the
villager [who delivered urine in the Mosque in Prophet’s presence]. It is reported in the two Saheeh [authentic books
written by Bukhari & Muslim].
2. The Saliva of a Dog: As proved in the two Saheehs and other books from the Hadith of Abu Huraira that Allah’s
Prophet said, “When a dog drinks in a utensil of anyone of you, he should wash it seven times.” According to the
report of Muslim & Ahmed, “When a dog licks in utensils of anyone of you, the purification [should be achieved] by
washing it seven times, first time with soil.”
3. The Blood of Menstruation: As mentioned in the Hadith of Asma Bint Abu Bakr, she described that a woman
came to the Prophet and said, “The blood of menstruation attaches to cloth worn by anyone of us, so what is
opinion?” He replied, “Rub it with your fingers and nails by pouring water, then rub it again and then perform prayer
in the same cloth.” (Bukhari & Muslim agreed to report this Hadith)
4. Flesh of a Pig: As in His [Allah’s] words, “Say, I do not find anything edible thing forbidden except that it is
dead, or blood spilling over, or flesh of a pig, surely it is filthy.” The word “Rijs” means impure or filthy.
(1) Tahuttau means subbing it with a stone or a stick having good fumes. (2) :( A
 # H (2) .9 € w a  /  a 3
 [ B
 4< ( pd
H P :( d
H (1)
Taqrusahu means rubbing it with fingers and nails. (3) Tandahahu means pouring ( b H :( d
6 .H (3) .1 Fœ'  K < A' B  ŒŽ< ( pR :H P
water over it. .$ "# <

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Meat Z d She rubs ( pd
H To spill over Y
  E # 
Pig  Eh.% 
 # Stick a  / Half full bucket of

G  L
I do not find : I  i She rubs ¤
 # H Saliva
Forbidden d
  She rubs ( pR :H Blood ~+
Eater, one who eats Za / Œ Fingers K < A' Menstruation 
Dead body € >%  Nails 1 Fœ' One of us  :[e
Shed, spilled over €[RF)
%  She spills over D
6 .% H She does K .H
Filthy y
G I% 1 She spills over (b H She rubs ˆd

Quranic Arabic Program 63 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

; :% I   ªa1 3[%   89w< ( >Hn  ,  

 } @ Z& (>/ 0 A ~,?. H :2 * (./ (‘ ,-1 a ) \ < M  E:d :( " d %  R  g E i  S J 1  2J < v5
  "E%h c \ <  (I  \ <  P1  ? X 1 “.y G I1 QN” :2 *  8%    \ E3
d # Q c Ž ª < ( >HŽ € 8% 1 ;
Q# c Ž ª X: I  Z%   M
  w ˆ
) % "   ª\E%3[
“.1a "[ R 8% 1 e ªGy# 1 e” :a E 1 ,

5. Urine & Dung of [Animals] whose Meat is not Eaten: As mentioned in the Hadith of Ibn Mas’ud, he said: The
Prophet went for discharging stool and asked me to bring him three stones. I found only two stones. I looked for the
third one but did not find. I took a [dried piece of] dung and brought them to him. He took the two stones and threw
the dung and said, “This is impure.” Bukhari, Ibn Maja and Ibn Khuzaimah reported it and added in the narration,
“Surely, this is pure.” It was the dung of a donkey.

The Chapter on Laws about Water X >" # + p[% 

:€ > [ (  # c / q,* ? $ "# 2R w"  . €"p [  €  > [ (  c / ~,* ? $= "# N :1 4 $= "# :i .( ~ E ZG p [ . jpR  +a )* :/ e $= "# Z )   .E
:( " p [ . 3  ! Y
 1 O
  d4  (./ $ "# ; A ~m! E "<  >@ " # $= "# : €"p [ ( c / ,* ? $ "# 2 w .¸   w  1 4'  ª$ ") \ 2R  . $= "#
“. ¶1 Œ $†  $ ") \  .h ” :º H 0 2 * .+ 4 , % Œ   !  ;    ,  )
% @   $  -   ;
  ? , R " ) E X  >% @  G q4  ( )
 F , GN Π( 
1“.(  >%  
zd  # X    1 4 N” : d? \/  ‹& : ./ Z& (>/ 0 A 2 * (25:48  *F )

Water can be divided into a number of types. For each of them, there are specific laws:
1. Purifying Water: It is the water which remains at its original form by reality or by legal decree. Example of the
water at its original form is the water coming down from the sky e.g. rain or snow. Example of the water remaining
at its original form by legal decree is the water whose properties are changed and the word “water” is not applicable
to it e.g. water having moss or leaves of a tree. The law about it is that this type of water is pure in itself and can
purify other things. It can be used for performing ablution or taking a bath religious worships. [It can also be used] in
normal matters like drinking or cooking food. Allah, the Exalted said, “We brought pure water from the sky.” When
[the Prophet] was asked about the sea, he said: “It’s water is pure and its dead animals are lawful [to eat].”
1. Five [compilers of Hadith i.e. Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja, Nisai, Abu Dawood & Ahmed Ibn QN :P Q   2 * R )
 "# X 1 (1)
Hanbal] reported it and Tirmidhi said, “This Hadith is authentic and I asked Muhammad Ibn \ < : "d  ˆ Ž& D G >dA M R E:d#
Ismael Al-Bukhari [the biggest expert to check authenticity of Hadith] about it and he D>dA MJ E:[ 2  ( ./ P 1 ? >/ "%&e
declared it authentic.” T

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Snow ¸
  w Water X >" # Animal dung S
J 1
Changed  >@ " # It is divided Z )
  .E It is eaten R  g E
It comes out ~m!
E It is specific to it ( ~
E Stones, plural of 3[ 1a 3[% 
Moss, water vegetation O
  d4 Remaining ~,* ? I looked for, I asked for ˆ
% " 
One that purifies
G q4  Its original form (  c He threw  
It is used R " ) E By decree €"p [ Filth y
G I1
Cooking , % ΠComing down 2R  . Filth y
G # 1
Water 1 4' Donkey 1a "[

Quranic Arabic Program 64 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

€| [ +   1G Œ ( :("p[ . 6

 <  jR (  A \  >@  N >% ‡ m >*:  \ ?    <  R w G N Œ $T ,b ( 4  c PQ $= "#  N  :N 4 $ "# : > 8
PQ $= "# N :y3. $ "# : w 8 .X  >% @  a q4   >% ‡ ( )
a F , ¶N Œ   m  4 "# $ "# Z & (  .E i M
R >d< ( * 9Œe \/ V   c # ž ª(>/ $ "# Z& Y  9Œ{
.Z  / 0=  ª;   , i ;   ? , i ( R "&   3E i ( :( "p[ .R d  }   ª Z% 4  ªR : 89w (  A : [  ;% >‡ ( >/ ˆ % ? @  J & 3 ( % 4  c

2. Pure Water: It is the water in which some pure thing is mixed like soap, milk, flour etc. and its properties change
wholly or partly. The laws about it are: It is purifying until the name “water” can be applied over it. If it came out of
such application that the name “water” cannot be applied on it absolutely [e.g. it is called juice, milk etc.]. It is pure
in itself but it cannot purify something else. 3. Filthy Water: It is the water in which some filth mixed, then became
dominated and changed one of its three properties i.e. color, taste and smell. The law about it is that it is neither
allowed to use for [ablution etc for] worship or normal use. And Allah knows better.

Purifying the Attached Filth R & 3. ( % < A   >%  4H
( R  O
% E G 8  )@ : < ,  < # ž ªJ>} ˆ %   e . >/ 2  hH [ $ "# < R)R‡ O
 I  J & 3 ( <8   ){  :<  A Le :  w   : ?  >%  4H v1
 EN ,< M  E:d >/ $ "# qO  <  q4 H ¥ž J & 3 k
 1' ˆ % < A Le :k  1'  >% 4H v2 .  >d# +  , + : " # $U "&%  M
 E:d lL ª(./ ƒFR  
ik  1% ' ž (ZG ) % I P) +G % I    ž ª€ }  R & 3. ˆ %   e B  F3  # < lQ  4H “.$ "# \ €< L (>/ ~?A  ” :q, ‰ 2 < , + : "# y a 
. ./  & 3. f
 / 2 h< ie %  4# H

1. Purifying Body or Cloths: When filth is attached to the body or the cloth of a person, it is essential to wash it
with water till it removes visibly, if it is visible. If its mark remains after washing and it is difficult to remove [that
mark] then it is exempt. That is mentioned in the Hadith of Asma previously mentioned [in this text] about the blood
of menstruation. 2. Purifying Land: When filth is attached to land, it becomes pure by pouring water over it. As
mentioned in the Hadith of Abu Huraira & Anas [mentioned] above about urine of a person, “Pour a bucket half-full
of water.” It also becomes pure by drying, if the filth is liquid. If it is sold, then the land does not purify unless the
filth is physically removed from it.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Removal 2R  Color R  It mixes 

Exempt ƒFR  Taste Z % 4 Soap   < 
Previously mentioned + : " # Smell, odor R d
 }  Flour m >*:
To spill over qOA
 Purification  >%  4H It changed  >‡
Being dry B
 # It removes 2  hH Application Y
Liquid €  }  Visibly . >/ It reaches, it becomes
2  .E
Solid body +G % I Visible J >} It dominates ˆ
% ? ‡
Solid body ZG )
% I It is difficult O
% E It changed ;
% >‡

Quranic Arabic Program 65 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

R|.% ># (> O# >#  : 3)"# ZR: [  $U I Le” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  :>& ¦ ME:d ªk1' , l  #: < Š #   % .   4# E : % . o4H v3
ˆ  # ž J & 3 $U { ˆ  < A Le :$ { o4H v4 . ?[ \<  Z d#    < :"%[ (Ic “. " >%  j  >  Z8R k 1% ' < (%d)  "> €w?c …1 ž " >% 
/O  NQH [ )@% E $U { ž O  p  R  >% ‡ R & 3. ˆ  Le .O#p 
 R , + :  "# M
 ~ < \N :[e ;a  K ?% & R )  @ E ( qž O a # 
.  dE%1      & 3.

3. Purification of Shoes: Shoes and leather socks purify by rubbing on the land. As mentioned in the Hadith of Abu
Sa’eed that the Prophet said, “When anyone of you come to the mosque, he should turn his shoes to see [its sole]. If
he finds some filth, he should rub it with the land then wear it.” Ahmed, Abu Dawood, Hakim and Ibn Habban
reported it. 4. Purification of Utensils: When filth is attached to utensils, if it is the saliva of a dog, it is washed
seven times, once by soil as mentioned in the Hadith previously mentioned about the saliva of a dog. If the filth is
other than the saliva of a dog, then the utensil should be washed till the filth itself, or its color or its smell is
completely removed.

The Chapter of Ablution $  - 

d )  %  m  " # e Z% pR E: E% Z% pR N  I R)
 ‡#   9 e Z%  "% *R Le  . n \ EQ ~E E” :º H (* ,  1 RQ"# $ 6/' < m  H J >}  J 1 Œ :$=  - 
(‘ ,-1  EN ,< M R E:[ R  < ) R E‰ :   I  R > .B  4    9  1 \ / O G I  :("p[ .(5:6 :} "# ) “.\ >% ?% p # e Z% pR  I 1%  Z% pR & =$ <
:  ,< x R F .P1 ? xF  :"%[ PQ    <  >! X 1 “.Ž-E [ S  : [%  \%  R 9A R ? H i” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ‘ (./
. 1  6 < \ Eq: \ ¶ 1  .$ -  >/  ! / f")"# 5 "I% e :   % :* ." ...J 9A ~ZH i"

Ablution is purification by water that relates to the body organs mentioned in Allah’s words, “O believers! When
you stand for the prayer, wash your faces and your hands till elbows and wipe your heads [with wet hands] and
[wash] your feet till ankles.” The law about it is that it is essential for the person who wants to perform a prayer or to
circumambulate [the Holy Ka’ba]. The Argument for Obligation: The verse mentioned previously and the Hadith
of Abu Huraira that the Prophet said, “The prayer [of that person] is not acceptable who had a filth until he performs
ablution.” Two big scholars [Bukhari & Muslim], Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi and Ahmed reported it. The words belong
to Bukhari. In words of Abu Dawood, “The prayer is not finished until ….” The consensus of Muslims occurred on
the legitimacy of ablution. It became well-known necessity in the religion.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He performs ablution Ž-E Heads, plural of Ÿ
G 1 Ÿ
 =$1  Leather socks Š
Bukhari & Muslim  >! Feet, plural of 
J I% 1  I 1%  Rubbing l
It does not complete ~ZH i Ankles, plural of O
G  \ >% ?% p # Smell, odor, aroma D
E% 1
It occurred / happened :   % Essential, mandatory O
G I  Related to water J >} 
Consensus 5
"I% e He intends  1 It relates m  H
Religious legitimacy  >/  ! Reason, logic R > Body organs $ 6/'
It became 1 A It is not accepted R ? H i You stand Z%  "% *R
Essentiality, necessity  1  6 He became impure S
 : [%  Elbows, plural of m
G   m  " #

Quranic Arabic Program 66 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

:, N k
F X Q N  ª€ /%b (< ~:% E i ¶*  R pE $U - ‘ž k
G %  . È
   Le k
G  $ - :$  -  k
e  q! ˆ  < . \ ( I ~:[  .[O G d
 )  >* ] D  I  / J ?I  1 w.&i  Y !.&i  R " 6 "6" #  ª Š'  Z F ( I \ ª(I%   R )
% ‡ v1
ª L' ( . ªŸ# D ) v3 .2  )@"# ,  %" # R c:E :\%>  % " # ºe \ E:> R )‡ v2 . ¶-/  L' e  LR '= \/ ª€iRŒ \ >% >dj  F &

, R ?p c:E :\%>?p ºe \%> I R )‡ v4 .  < :"%[ X 1 “.Ÿ   \  LR '= ” :ME:d [O G d )  >* ] DI  / O G I  " d)"
a 6
% /  )% ‡  qcg E i  ,N : i " # v6 . E‰ , $U I " fI  R )@E ZR8 Ÿ
2   < D )"E ZR8 \E:> ZR8 ( I  )@E   N :O>H v5 .2 )@"#
.(?* PQ Š3  E [

Essential parts of Ablution: For Ablution, there are certain essential parts, if anyone of them is missing, the Ablution
will be incomplete. Trespassing it is not allowed in the Shari’ah [Islamic law]. These essential parts include:
1. Washing the face. The face includes mouth and nose. According to the preferred point of view, gargling and
taking water into the nose is essential. [Another view is that it is preferable but not essential]. The limit of the face in
length is from the root of hair [at forehead] to the lower part of beard1 [i.e. chin]. In width, it is from one ear to the
other ear. 2. Washing the Both Hands till Elbows: The elbows are included in washable organs. 3. Wiping over
the Head: It includes the ears. Wiping both of them is obligatory according to the preferred point of view. [Another
view is that it is preferable but not essential]. As in Hadith, “The ears are a part of head.” Ahmed and Abu Dawood
reported it. 4. Washing Feet till Ankles: The ankles are included in the washable organs. 5. The Sequence: It is
that the face should be washed first, then the hands, then the head should be wiped and then the feet should be
washed as mentioned in the verse. 2 6. Not Delaying the Washing: It means that the washing of an organ should not
be delayed that the previous organ becomes dry.

(1) Lower part of the both sides of beard means the bone of the lower part of face (2) . F &' qlF  Z |/ "<   "# R >d (1)
i.e. the chin. (2) On first four, there is consensus of scholars while No. 5 and 6  '  <1' k   / $ "   5 "I% e
are disputed. According to other view, they are preferred but not obligatory. O
G d
 )  Z N >* .5ª6 Z*1 / Z R 9c

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

At the length i€ RŒ Inhaling water in nose Y

!.&i Obligatory parts k
Ear  L' Inhaling water in nose 1 w.&i It decreased È
At the width ¶-/ Preferred D
 I  Incomplete ¶* 
Washed 2  )@"# Preferred but not
G d
 )  It is not trespassed ~:% E i
Not delaying washing
 i " # Root ˆ
 < . Mouth Z F
Bone Z |/ Lower  F & Nose Š
Part qlF  Two sides of beard \ >% >dj Gargling R " 6
 "6" #

Quranic Arabic Program 67 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

d ) %  m  " # e Z% pR E: E% Z% pR N  I R)  ‡#   9 e Z%  "% *R Le  . n \ EQ ~E E” ::} £ En ,N   q:  "# E‰  ªº' <1' k   FR  R > Ž
( € : [  €  i (./ ˆ % ?w E Z Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ‘ ZR8 .€ ?H  $U 6/' ;
1 %   L  E‰ ¾ ªO>H R>  “.\ >% ?% p # e Z% pR  I 1%  Z% pR & =$ <
0= : < "< :<%e” : Z& (>/ 0 A (* +  "  .O  I  ie > E Z L# e E‰ ,  1  O  I  J >< Z& (>/ 0 A ( R%   ªO>H QN Š G  c
A ,?. X    <Ž (  : * \ a FR œR K -   W   Ž- H 9 € I 1 ‘ (./ 0 ,-1  "/ …1 " : i  "# R >  .(./ 0 ,-1 a < I M  E:[ \ Z)  X 1 “.( <
(  I1 , ,‘ E 9 € I1 …1 Z& (>/ 0 A , ?. ” :x a F , ª(Z) X 1) .A  ZR8 Ž- K I   “.W $U  - \)[%  K% I 1% ” :2  Z& (>/ 0
.(  < X 1) “. 9  $U - : >E  Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. X Ž $= "# ?E Z Z N 1% q: 1 :% * €  "

Regarding the first four, the argument for that they are obligatory is the verse previously mentioned. It is the verse of
Surat ul Maida, “O believers! When you stand for the prayer, wash your faces and your hands till elbows and wipe
your heads [with wet hands] and [wash] your feet till ankles.” The argument for the sequence is that the organs are
described in the verse in a sequence. 1 Then that it is not proved about the Prophet even a single time that he violated
this sequence. His action describes that it is obligatory as mentioned in the verse because he did not use to violate
some rule that was obligatory. [It is also proved from his] general saying, “Start with what Allah has started.”
Muslim reported it on behalf of Jabir. The argument for not delaying washing of an organ is the Hadith reported by
U’mar that a man performed ablution and he left the place of nails in his foot. The Prophet saw and said, “Return
and perform your ablution in a nice way.” So he returned, performed ablution [again] and then prayed. (Reported by
Muslim) In [other] words, “The Prophet saw a man performing prayer and a place equivalent to a silver coin was not
washed by water, so the Prophet instructed to re-perform the ablution and the prayer. (Abu Dawood reported it).
 )""# ) ;
 < ."# f< 1 3"# 2R ce ,N O
 >H / 2z : H R .E* E‰ ³  ie ª ¶?>HH : >FH i Š  4  3
 "     +G R     < $ 6/' Š
4/ >  1  E‰ ˆ
   e (1)
.   ie X  >% | \/  >% |. R F E i >< @ ³ ($= 6/' R > < ,N ;  i )@"# f< Ÿ  N

(1) In this verse, the conjunction ‫ و‬is used and it is known that it only to describe different things together. It does not
necessarily describe the sequence. But in the verse, there is an indication that points towards the sequence. That is entering a
“Majroor” between “Mansubat” (i.e. wiped head which is described between the washable organs.) In Arabic language,
something similar to someone is not described at a distance except some reason. [Since, washable organs i.e. hands and feet are
described at a distance and wiping over head is between both of them, therefore, it indicates that the sequence is essential.]

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It did not reach ?E Z He performed ablution Ž- H With a sequence € ?H 
To perform again : >E  He left W  H It is not proved ˆ
% ?w E Z
Mere conjunction  3
G 4/ Place K -
  One doing against Š
G  c
It does not give benefit : >FH i Nails a FR œR Explanation J ><
Indicator that indicates 2z : H R .E* Foot + : * Coming  1 
Entering 2R ce He looked at  
 < He did not reject E Z
It is not placed at a
R F E i Do it in a good manner \)[%  Generally +  "/
Example  >% |. Dry space €  " Start :<%e
Reason  / Equivalent to 1 :% * He started : <

Quranic Arabic Program 68 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

v2 .J  ?/ $=  -   ª p R  ?/ ~D  H i Le :+9&{ v1 :,HŽE "> € .>? , N  . :< i  J b W .N €d>dA $= -  p> :$  -   dA   R  b
$= - D E 9 :1 4 $ "#   I v4 . No‡   ? \%>< Y qF E i h q>" " # %>‡ ž :h>>"%  v3 .( H ?/ DH i   ?  < ¶? 4  y
 > R  .3"#  :R  
mG F   “...…  $a …% ‘pR  "e ;  >q. < 2R "/' "e” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. 2   ª ?/ jR  d   b , :R >. v5 .+ : H " 1a Œ o  ‡ $a "<
Ï   !
 ? ºe $ "# 2 A K ."E  R  e v7 . "N d   a } ‡  2a < \ ªU$U - O I  E  5 4  v6 .(./ 0 ,-1 4# \<  "/ M  E:[ \ (>/

 } @   2 ? jd
  , & 3 (< \% " $= - D E 9 .1 "3&i   $= 3.&i v8 . N d +  d!   f 3   

The Conditions of Correctness of Ablution: There are certain conditions which are required for the ablution to be
correct. They are clarified as follows: (1) Islam [the person performing ablution is a Muslim]: Worship of an
unbeliever is not correct and ablution is a worship. (2) Sound Mind: Worship is not required from an insane person,
so his worship is not correct. (3) Differentiation: A person [like a minor child] cannot differentiate between worship
and other things. (4) Availability of Purifying Water: Ablution is not permissible with non-purifying water, as
described above. (5) Intention: It is a condition for every worship to be correct as the Prophet’s saying: “Surely the
deeds are dependent on intentions. Every person will be rewarded for what he intends ….” It is agreed upon [to
report by Bukhari & Muslim] reported by U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab. (6) Finishing whatever makes ablution essential
e.g. urine, stool etc. (7) Removing whatever hinders the water to reach at the skin e.g. paste, animal fat etc. (8)
Removing filth from the body by water or stones: The Ablution is not correct if filth is attached at penis or bowel.

Preferred Practices of Ablution $ -  \ .&

ªR/ "3
 # X 1 “.a 9A jR :%./ W q) < Z H %  ' ,~ / mb  # i” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ¯. \/ (./ (‘ ,-1 EN ¦ ME:d :W q) v1
“.$a - jR : ./ W ) < Z H '” : € >H P1 ? “.$a -  jR K  W ) < Z%  H %  '” :: "%[' E 1 ,
(1) Cleaning Teeth: As reported in the Hadith of Abu Hurairah from the Prophet that he said, “Had it not difficult for my
followers, I would have instructed them to clean teeth at the time of each prayer.” A group reported it. In the report of Ahmed,
[the words are] “I would have instructed them to clean teeth at the time of each Ablution.” [In the words of] Bukhari with a
broken chain of narrators, [it is also mentioned that] “I would have instructed them to clean teeth at the time of each Ablution.”

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Purifying organs with

stones after urine etc.
1 "3&i It followed + : H No escape, essential :< i
Place jd
  Cutting, finishing 5
4  Clear € .>?
Preferred practices, plural
of .&
\ .& It makes mandatory O
I  E Unbeliever, denier  p
Cleaning tooth usually by
a fresh stick of a tree
W q) Removal, R  e Insane, crazy R  .3"#
More or the most difficult mb  Skin   !
 ? From whom demand is
¶? 4 
My followers ,~ Paste f
   Differentiation h>>"% 
I instructed them Z H %   Fat, grease +  d!
 Differentiator h q>" " #
With broken chain of
€ >H Washing organs after
urine / shit
$= 3.&i He does not
qF E i

Quranic Arabic Program 69 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

(‘ Z& QE Z \" $- i ª( $U  - i \" 9A i” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ¯. \/ (./ (‘ ,-1 EN ¦ ME:d :(  , R >" ) v2
$ e \ Ž- E   # e $ { \ " Eq:/ $ "# Ì  ž< ; a  S R 98 ( >F R ) @E :\ >% Fp  R )‡ v3 .\)[ ME:[ N (I  \<    < :"%[ X 1 “.(>/
mF  “...$ { , X : E  c %  ZR8 ª "  )
 @  ;
a  S  98 ( >% F / Ì   #  $ "# < / ” :2  Z& (>/ 0 A ¯. $U - Š  A  (./ (‘ ,-1  "w / ‘'
0 A (   ªZ& (>/ 0 A ( } - Š a A , U$ I " . €"} A \pE Z%   " > R @  ?" #  ( I%   ) % ‡ : ./ Y
 !.% &% i   6  " 6 % " # < $= :? v4 .(>/
,?.  (./ (‘ ,-1  "w/ M  E:d : F >% wp   >d
% j R >
% H v5 .PQ ( d  dA   R )  "# X 1 “. ¶"} A  pH  ie Y  !.&i , ´#  < ” :Z& (>/
\ E:> K < A R > % H v6 . ? , ME:[ ~DA   QN :P1 ? 2 * .D>dA \)[ ME:[ QN :PQ 2 * .( >d R j  E  ” :Z& (>/ 0 A
\<  PQ  :"%[ X 1 “.l>%I1  l  E%: E K < A # j   ;  Ž# -H Le” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  "./ (‘ ,-1 Ÿ ?/ \< M  E:d :f   I 
v7 .:"%[ ie )"# X 1 “.X  .%   < ( >I1 K < A R j E Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2 &1 ˆ E1” :2 * (./ (‘ ,-1 a :b \<  1)"# M R E:[ ª(I 
(  ~.H ³ \ ~"> ( ?3
 % E Z& (>/ 0 A , ?.  ” : ./ (‘ ,-1  !} / ME:d lL ªfI  \E:> , …) % >   ?* ." > < $= :? P :\  >
.(>/ mG F  “.( jR (Ž# b , X 1 %  ŒR  (  ~I H

(2) Saying Bismillah at the Beginning: As in the Hadith of Abu Hurairah about the Prophet that he said, “There is
no prayer for the person who did not perform the Ablution, and there is no Ablution for the person who did not
mentioned Allah’s name on it.” Ahmed, Abu Dawood and Ibn Maja reported it and it is “Moderately Authentic”
(3) Washing Palms: [The person performing the Ablution] should wash his palms thrice by pouring water on both
of them from the utensil if he is performing the Ablution from a utensil [e.g. a bucket]. As Uthman described the
state of the Ablution of the Prophet and said, “He called for water and poured in over his palms thrice and washed
both of them. Then he entered his hand inside the utensil.” Agreed upon [Hadith].
(4) Gargling & Inhaling Water in Nose at start of Washing Face: It should be done excessively if the person is
fasting. As mentioned in the way of the Ablution of the Prophet and as he said, “Inhale water in nose up to the
maximum point if you are not fasting.” Five experts reported it and Tirmidhi declared it authentic.
(5) Putting Wet Fingers into a heavy beard: As mentioned in the Hadith of Uthman that the Prophet used to put
his wet fingers into his beard. Tirmidhi said, “This Hadith of moderately authentic.” Bukhari said that this is the
most authentic Hadith on this topic. (6) Putting Wet Fingers into the Fingers of Both Hands & Feet: As
mentioned in the Hadith of Ibn A’bbas that the Prophet said, “When you perform the Ablution, put wet fingers
inside the fingers of your hands and feet [in order to make sure that these portions do not remain dry.]” Ahmed,
Tirmidhi & Ibn Maja reported it. In the Hadith of Mastaurad Ibn Shaddad, [it is mentioned that] he said: “I saw that
Allah’s Apostle was putting his smallest finger inside the other fingers.” Five experts reported it except Ahmed.
(7) Starting from the Right Side: Starting from the right side before the left while washing the hands and the feet.
As mentioned in the Hadith of Ayesha that, “The Prophet liked to start from the right side while wearing or
removing shoes, and while purifying and in all of his matters.” Agreed upon.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
Put your fingers into! # jc Fasting €"} A Saying Z>[ \µ 0 Z)< R >" )
The smallest finger of hand  %.c Put fingers in something R >
% H Two palms \ >% Fp 
Starting from the right side \  > Heavy  F >% wp  Empting Ì
Right ." > He puts his fingers into R j
 E Starting $= :?
Left …)
% >  The most authentic ~DA
  Exaggeration, doing
R @  ?" #

Quranic Arabic Program 70 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

\/ (>< \/ O>b \< "/ ME:d lL ª ?d&9   S  9w  \ >% )@ ,  1   k
F N $ - , €  R )
% @  :R w w  R > w  )@ v8
$U & :  QN /   \% "  $= - QN” :2 * ª€ 898 €898 X 1Ž ª$- \/ ( RŽ)E Z& (>/ 0 A (‘ 2&1 ºe ~,< / $U I :2 * Z./ 0 ,-1 X:I
.:"%[ Z) X 1 “. €898 €898 Ž- H Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ‘” :(./ (‘ ,-1  "w/ ME:[ª (I  \<  ,} ).  :"%[ X 1 “.Z  œ  …: H
i  :  b :2 E ZR8 $U  - ´R ?)
% >  Ž- E :a [ \ Zp. ” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1 2 * :2 * (./ 0 ,-1  "/ ME:d :$ - : <  # jQ v9
. <  :"%[ Z) X 1 “.$U b  ~E \ R c :E ªR> "w  .3
< ( %ˆd
 R ie (R&1 X : ?/ €:"d   :b ª( lEb i X:[ (‘ ie (e
” :2  “¬ B ) QN ” :2  Ž-E N :a )<  Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1  "./ 0 ,-1 "/ \< 0 :?/ ME:d :$ "# ,  *i v10
$U & :  QN /   \" $= - QN” : Z& (>/ 0 A (* ( :  !E ª(I  \< X 1 “.1a I a %  / ˆ
. e ª%Z ” :2 * “¬GB &e $  -  ,
. €?E* X  L + : H :* ª“.Z  œ  …: H

(8) Washing Second & Third Time: Washing [the organs] once in the Ablution is obligatory. Regarding washing
them twice and thrice is preferred but not obligatory. As mentioned in the Hadith of A’mr Ibn Shu’aib from his
father and he reported on behalf of his grandfather that he said: A villager came to the Prophet and asked him about
the Ablution. He showed him [washing] thrice and said, “This is the Ablution. Whoever did more than that, he did
bad, crossed the limits and committed an offence.” Ahmed, Nisai, and Ibn Maja reported it. In the Hadiht of
U’thman, “The Prophet used to perform the Ablution thrice.” Muslim & Ahmed reported it.
(9) Mentioning Allah’s Name after the Ablution: As in the Hadith of U’mar, he said that the Prophet said, “When
anyone of you performs the Ablution and completes it and says, ‘I witness that there is no deity except Allah, the
One, there is no associate to Him. I witness that Muhammad is His slave and His prophet.’ The eight gates of the
Paradise are opened from him. He can enter from whatever gate he want.” Muslim, Ahmed and Abu Dawood
reported it.
(10) Being Moderate in Spending Water: As mentioned in the Hadith of A’bdullah Ibn A’mr that the Prophet
passed by Sa’ad while he was performing the Ablution and said, “What is this overspending?” He asked, “Is there
any overspending in the Ablution as well?” He said, “Yes, even if you are at a flowing river.” Ibn Maja reported it
and adding another witness to his [the Prophet’s] saying: “This is the Ablution. Whoever did more than that, he did
bad, crossed the limits and committed an offence.” It is described above nearly.

Do you know? Islam is the Religion of Ease. If a person has worn socks, it may
become a hassle for him to remove his / her shoes and socks several times to
perform the Ablution. Therefore, the Prophet Z& (n (>/ 0 A allowed to perform
the full Ablution before wearing the socks and then wipe over them subsequently.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Over-spending B
G &e He completes ´R ?)
% E Preferred
Canal, river a %  Being moderate in
 *i He did bad $U &
Flowing 1a I He passed  He trespassed his limits …: H
Over-spending B
 ) He offended Z  œ

Quranic Arabic Program 71 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

Wiping Over the Socks \ >% F

# / D
:* QN  F H” : >  ª(>Fc / D
)   Ž-H ZR8 (‘ : ?/ \ <  EI 2 <” :2 * (./ (‘ ,-1 ,. + "N \/ Z ) P1  ? X 1  :( >/  ! R >U – 1
   EI + 9&e ‘' M  E:d# QN Z%  ? 3
  E  p ” :1 Z >N <e 2 * “.( >Fc / D
)   Ž-H ZR8 2 < Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 ˆ E1 ªZ” :2 * “¬ˆ <
“. :} "# 2  h : <
\< $= ?  a ) \ <  O
a  Π,< \ < ~,/ \ >% <1 3# / D
)   ” :  < 2 * . < d \  a >% w \/ P
  1 :% * :\ >% <13# / D
 )"# R >/  ! – 2
:& "/ \< (‘ :?/ \/ 6E P1 Ÿ a ?/ \<  4# \<  "/ \/ lL P1 ªME[ \<  "/ ª :a & \< R &    < l a   \< y  ª a  /
.ZN%>‡ P1:? ) ¦ ¤ * ¦ \<
,?. K  ˆ .” :2 * (./ (‘ ,-1  ?% b \ <  >@ " # M
a E:d a 1 Œ / )?# E  D  )"#  3  R  ! E : " N . ,  f  F # / D  )"# R b – 3
"  c ,ž " /%  ” :2  ( >Fc 5
 h ' ˆ
 EN ZR8 ª(& < D
) ( >/ 1L  (  I%   )
 @    { \ (>/ ˆ ‡#  #  o
a)  , €  > ;
 L Z& (>/ 0 A
.:"%[ Z) P1 ? X 1 . " >/ D ) "  “.\ >% HN Œ

(1) The Argument of Its Legitimacy: As reported by Bukhari and Muslim from Hammam Al-Nakh’ii and he said,
Jarir Ibn A’bdullah delivered urine, then he performed the Ablution and wiped over his socks. It was said, “You did
it although you delivered urine!” He said, “Yes, I saw that Allah’s Apostle delivered urine, then he performed the
Ablution and wiped over his socks.” Abraham said: “This Hadith amazed them because Jarir converted to Islam
after the revelation of Surat ul Maida [in which the instructions about washing feet were revealed].
(2) Legitimacy of Wiping over the Socks made by Cloth: It is reported by a lot of Companions. Abu Dawood
said, “Ali Ibn Abu Talib, Ibn Mas’ud, Bara Ibn A’azib, Anas Ibn Malik, Abu Umamah, Sahl Ibn Sa’ad, A’mr Ibn
Huraith used to wipe over the socks made by cloth. It is reported also about U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab and Ibn A’bbas.
It is also reported about A’bdullah Ibn U’mar, Sa’ad Ibn Abu Waqas, Abu Mas’ud Al-Badri and others.
(3) Conditions for Wiping over Socks and what is its meaning: A condition is attached for the legitimacy of
wiping over the socks that they are worn while [the person] is in pure form. As in the Hadith of Mughira Ibn Su’ba,
he said: I was with the Prophet at night time in a travel. I removed the luggage from his body [because he was going
to perform the Ablution]. He washed his face and hands and wiped over his head. Then I bent down to remove his
socks, he said, “Leave both of them because I entered into both of them while I was purified.” So he wiped over
them. Bukhari, Muslim & Ahmed reported it.
(1) Abraham: He is Ibn Yazeed Al-Nakh’ii, [a great jurist] among the religious leaders \%><  "} \ ,. :EhE \< N :Z>N <e (1)
of the generation who got the religion directly from the Companions of the Prophet.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

I bent down ˆ
 EN Conditions are
R  ! E He delivered urine 2 <
I remove 5
 h  To wear both of
)?# E  You delivered urine ˆ
Leave both of them " /%  Travel, walk o
a)  It amazes O
Leaders, plural of + e "} Utensil of water   { A pair of socks (other
than those of leather)
\ >% <13#
Followers, the generation who
learnt from Prophet’s companions
\%><  His both arms ( >/ 1L A pair of leather socks \ >% F

Quranic Arabic Program 72 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

$ - * 

%>‡ + €E% + €EQ#  + Ó>. + €d%E1 + €4} ‡ +%  i€ <    $T & :\ >%  >?) \  Vc  ’ R – 1 : N (.    " #   e \ / ( I   H ( R 4 ? H  G *  $-
,-1  EN ,< ME:d .(5:6 :} £ ) “...  } @ \ q ZRp.%  :G [  $U I % ” :º H (  .C  3#  \ >% >?) %>‡ \%   R } @  2R ? V  c Le l
 Q   .lL
“¬E N < E S R : d  # ” :;%  6 % [ \%  J I1 2  “.Ž- E [ S  : [%  Le ZR : [  9A 0 = R ? E i Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2R &1 2 *” :2 * (./ 0
 ” :2 * (./ 0 ,-1 2a )/ \ <  FA M  E:d :a$   a  .I  +a   $a "‡# e  a p# ) < (  >4 @% H     2R  – 2 .(>/ mF “. J  -  $T )R” :2 *
,} ).  :"%[ X 1 “.+a  2a <  a } ‡ \  \p  ª a < .I \%  ie \ > > +a E  898 . Fc 5  h .%  i €#F& . Le   ŽE Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1
:2 * (./ (‘ ,-1 y   M a E:d l  L ª X  -   .E i (ž . 9  | .% E k  1' \ ( H:  #  €.jp"     ¶>% )  E +.   ž .( d  dA PQ 
xF ª  < PQ  Z) X 1 “.g- E i z  E ZR8 Z%  &   1 m FR d
% H [  c‰ $U !    | .E Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2 &1 dA  ”
“.  g- E i  R  >   R E ZR8 ª€ 4>4‡ ZN: [ ' K " &% ' ,e [  9 R|* % E Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2 &1 dA ˆE1 : ” :PQ
There are certain things which cancel the Ablution and takes a person out of the desired benefit [of performing the Ablution i.e.
performing prayer]. The are:
(1) Whatever coming out of two ways [i.e. penis or vagina / bowel]: It does no make any difference that it is urine, or stool, or
air, or semen, or other juices coming out of these organs [the Ablution will become void in all of these cases]. Similarly, if
urine or stool come out of a place other than these two ways like in case of a wound, [the Ablution will become void]. As
Allah’s saying, “If anyone of you has come after discharging urine / stool….” As mentioned in the Hadith of Abu Hurairah, he
said that Allah’s Prophet said, “Allah does not accept the prayer of anyone of you, if he has been suffered by an impurity unless
he performs the Ablution.” A man from Hadarmut [a town in Yemen] asked, “What is impurity? O Abu Hurairah!” He said,
“Air coming out of bowel with sound or without sound.” It is agreed upon.
(2) Permanent Loss of Sanity or its Temporary Suspension due to Intoxication, Unconsciousness, Sleep, Madness, or Use of
Medicine: As mentioned in the Hadith of Safwan Ibn Assal, he said: “Allah’s Apostle used to instruct us not to remove our
socks three days and nights during the travel except in case of sexual intercourse. But in case of delivering stool, urine or sleep
[it is allowed to wipe over socks].” Ahmed, Nisai, Tirmidhi reported it and declared it authentic. If the sleep is light [i.e. a
slumber] and the ass is firmly positioned over the land while waiting for prayer, then the Ablution does not become void. As
mentioned in the Hadith of Anas, he said: “The Companions of Allah’s Apostle used to delay the Early Night Prayer till the
time when their heads used to bow down [due to sleep]. Then they used to perform prayer without a new Ablution.” Muslim,
Tirmidhi & Abu Dawood reported it and in words reported by Tirmidhi: “I saw that the Companions of Allah’s Prophet were
awaken for prayer while I used to hear one of them snoring [i.e. but their sleep was light]. Then they used to stand for prayer
without a new Ablution.”

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Light, easy ¶>% )

 E Air coming out of
bowel without sound
J  - The things that cancels 
G * 
Firmly positions €.jp"  Temporary suspension >4 @% H It cancels R 4 ? H
Ass : #  Intoxication a p# & Desired benefit    " #   e

It cancels, it becomes void 

 .E Unconsciousness $a "‡# e Two holes i.e. penis
and bowel
\ >%  >?)
It came down m FR d
% H Medicine $  Juices secreted from a
€E% €E#Q Ó>.

They were awaken R|* % E Our leather socks . Fc Wound C
Snoring €4>4‡ Their nights \ > > Air coming out of
bowel with sound
$T )R

Quranic Arabic Program 73 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

X 1 “.Ž-E Ô[ j  E 9 X L y \%  ” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  ./ (‘ ,-1 a FA ˆ
 .<  ) < M
 E:d :a } [   :< V F ~y – 3
\%  ” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  (./ (‘ ,-1 EN ¦ ME:[ ª ? QN , $,! ~DA ( :qP1 ? \/     ~PQ (ddA )"#
.,  >? ( I  c ¡ :?/ \<  Z ¹ (ddA (d>dA ³  ?[ \<  ª:"%[ X 1 “.$ -  O  I  :  G & ( y> X   L ºe X:>< 6# 
9 ˆ
 ‹b # e ªŽ-  ˆ
 ‹# b # e” :2 * “¬Z.@  +  dR \ Ž- H ” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 2 Ž& 9 € I1    " & \ <  < I M
 E:d : <{ Z d# R #  – 4
“¬<{ W 1 ?  , ,jA  ” :2 * “.Z” :2 * “¬Z.@    <  , ,jA
 R ” :2 * “. <{ + dR \ Ž-H Z” :2 * “¬<{ +  dR \ Ž- H ” :2 * “.Ž- H
.:"%[ Z) X 1 “.i” :2 *

(3) Touching the Sexual Organs without any Barrier: As mentioned in the Hadith of Busrah Bint Safwan that the
Prophet said: “Whoever touches his penis, he should not pray without a new Ablution.” Five experts reported it and
Tirmidhi declared it authentic and copied it from Bukhari that “It is the most authentic thing on this topic.” And in
Hadith of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said: “Whoever touches his penis with his hand without any barrier [i.e.
cloth], the Ablution became mandatory.” Ahmed reported it and Ibn Habban also reported in his “Saheeh”. Hakim
and Ibn A’bdul Birr declared it authentic. Baihiqi also described it.
(4) Eating Meat of Camel: As in the Hadith of Jabir Ibn Sumrah that a man asked Allah’s Apostle: “Is the Ablution
required after eating meat of sheep?” He replied: “If you want, perform the Ablution, and if you want, don’t perform
the Ablution.” He said, “Is the Ablution required after eating meat of a camel?” He replied: “Yes, perform the
Ablution after eating meat of a camel.” He asked, “Can I pray near the place of sheep?” He replied, “Yes.” He
asked, “Can I pray near the place of camel?” He replied, “No.” [Because the camel can harm a person while
praying]. Muslim & Ahmed reported it.

Rule of the Day

The subject (one who performs a task) will always be in its subjective case K1 while
the object (on whom the task was performed) will always be in its objective case O.
For example, in the sentence €  &1
:G E O
  (Zaid wrote a letter). :E is the subject, so
it is in K1 case while  &1 is the object, so it is in O case.

Face the Challenge!

Identify 10 words from your vocabulary related to
the passive voice of Past Tense.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Camel  <{ Penis   L Touching ~y
Sheep, goats Z .@  He took 6#  Sexual organs V
Place where sheep & goats
are kept
 <  A barrier usually cloth
between something
G & A barrier between
a } [
Place where camels are kept W 1 ?  It became mandatory O

Quranic Arabic Program 74 Level 03

Lesson 4B: The Law of Physical Purification

Doubt about Purification  1 4  , ~l!

, lb S  : d
 # \  >H \ .\a >%  >< ie ./ R  .% E i R . >" # , N  1 4 ' ql! <   ?% / iª1 4 / ( } ?< Z p [ S  : d
 # , lb   1 4 \ U >H \
.\a >%  >< ie ( .% /  .% E i \  >" # N S
 : d
 # ' ql! <   ?% / i ªS: d
 # N f  > / .<  1 4
K " )
% E [ B  
 .% E i” :2  “. 9 , $U ,! : 3  E ( (>e R q>  E R I ” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ºe ,pb :2 * (q"/ \/ Za >"H \<  ?/ M  E:d l  L
.PQ ie R / "3  # X 1 “. ¶dE%1 : 3 E %  ¶H% A

: 3
) % "# \ V
% E 9 ªi +%  ,b (%. V   c  (>/  p b% Ž Âa >b (.#4< , Z :[ : I  Le” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. \/ (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ M  E:[
.PQ   < Z) X 1 “. ¶dE%1 : 3  E  ¶H% A
 K " )
% E [
If a person was sure about purification and a doubt developed about impurity, the purification will remain valid.
There is no significance of the doubt because the purity was confirmed and it will not move away without
confirmation. If a person was sure about impurity and doubtful about the purification, then it is impurity. There is no
significance of the doubt because the impurity was confirmed and it will not move away without confirmation.
That is in the Hadith of A’bbad Ibn Tameem reported on behalf of his uncle, he said: A doubt was brought to the
Prophet: “A man thinks during the prayer that some impurity is found [e.g. air came out of his bowel].” He said:
“Don’t leave [the prayer to re-perform the Ablution] unless you listen the sound or smell the fume.” The group [of
Hadith experts] reported it except Tirmidhi.
Another Hadith is reported by Abu Hurairah from the Prophet: “When anyone of you finds something [air] in his
stomach and he is doubtful about it whether it came out or not, he should not go out of the Mosque [to re-perform
the Ablution] unless he listens the sound or smells the fume.” Muslim, Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi reported it.

Worth Reading
Why people have two faces? What is the impact of dual
personality on the reputation? Read the details in:

Face the Challenge!

Identify 20 words from your vocabulary related to
the active voice of 51 6 .

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He thinks, he imagines R q>
 E A sure thing R . >" # He is sure \ U >H
He will leave B
 .% E It will not be moved R  .% E i He is doubtful lb
Inside part of belly, stomach \#4< It will not be moved  .% E i Remaining, sustaining s
He became doubtful  p b%  A doubt was brought ,pb Significance, lesson   ?% /

Quranic Arabic Program 75 Level 03

Lesson 5A: The Present & Future Tense: Active Voice + 51 6 
The Result (1)
Compare the result. Each line carried two marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.


Verb Verb Person

He listens / He will listen K " )

% E He beats / He will beat
% E O} ‡ Q :[ 

 " )
% E  < 6
% E
Both of them listen /
Both of them will listen
Both of them beat / Both
of them will beat (male)
O} ‡ Q >.wH

They listen / They will

listen (male)
  " )
% E They beat / They will
beat (male)
  < 6
% E O} ‡ Q K¼
She listens / She will
K " )
% H She beats / She will beat
% H O} ‡ Mg :[ 

 " )
% H  < 6
% H
Both of them listen /
Both of them will listen
Both of them beat / Both
of them will beat (female)
O} ‡ Mg >.wH

They listen / They will

listen (female)
\ % " )
% E They beat / They will
beat (female)
\ <% 6
% E O} ‡ Mg K¼
You listen / You will
listen (male)
K " )
% H You beat / You will beat

% H - [ Q :[ 
Both of you listen / Both
of you will listen (male)
 " )
% H Both of you beat / Both
of you will beat (male)
 < 6
% H - [ Q >.wH
You all listen / You all
will listen (male)
  " )
% H You all beat / You all will
beat (male)
  < 6
% H - [ Q K¼
You listen / You will
listen (female)
  " )
% H You beat / You will beat
 < 6
% H - [ Mg :[ 

 " )
% H  < 6
% H
Both of you listen / Both
of you will listen
Both of you beat / Both
of you will beat (female)
- [ Mg >.wH

You all listen / You all

will listen (female)
\ % " )
% H You all beat / You all will
beat (female)
\ <% 6
% H - [ Mg K¼
I listen / I shall listen K " &%  I beat / I shall beat
%  Zp :[ 
We listen / We shall
K " )
%  We beat / We shall beat
%  Zp K¼

Quranic Arabic Program 76 Level 03

Lesson 5A: The Present & Future Tense: Active Voice + 51 6 


Verb Verb Person
He becomes happy / He will
become happy
 F# E He comes near / He will come

 # E O} ‡ Q :[ 

 [ F# E  < # E
Both of them become happy /
Both of them will become
Both of them come near / Both
of them will come near (male)
O} ‡ Q >.wH
happy (male)

They become happy / They

will become happy (male)
  [ F# E They come near / They will
come near (male)
  < # E O} ‡ Q K¼
She becomes happy / She will
become happy
 F# H She comes nears / She will
come near

 # H O} ‡ Mg :[ 

 [ F# H  < # H
Both of them become happy / Both of them come near / Both
Both of them will become of them will come near O} ‡ Mg >.wH
happy (female) (female)

They become happy / They

will become happy (female)
\ [%  F# E They come near / They will
come near (female)
\ <% # E O} ‡ Mg K¼
You become happy / You will
become happy (male)
 F# H You come near / You will
come near (male)

 # H - [ Q :[ 

 [ F# H  < # H
Both of you become happy /
Both of you will become
Both of you come near / Both
of you will come near (male)
- [ Q >.wH
happy (male)

You all become happy / You

all will become happy (male)
  [ F# H You all come near / You all
will come near (male)
  < # H - [ Q K¼
You become happy / You will
become happy (female)
 [  F# H You come near / You will
come near (female)
 < # H - [ Mg :[ 

 [ F# H  < # H
Both of you become happy /
Both of you will become
Both of you come near / Both
of you will come near (female)
- [ Mg >.wH
happy (female)

\ [%  F# H \ <% # H
You all become happy / You
all will become happy
You all come near / You all
will come near (female)
- [ Mg K¼

I become happy / I shall

become happy
 #  I come near / I shall come near
 *#  Zp :[ 
We become happy / We shall
become happy
 F#  We come near / We shall
come near

 #  Zp K¼

Quranic Arabic Program 77 Level 03

Lesson 5A: The Present & Future Tense: Active Voice + 51 6 
The Result (2)
Compare the result. Each line carried two marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

English ,</
Those who believe in the unseen (truth) and "  9   "> E  O
 >% @ # <   . g% E \ EQ
 R F . E Z% N .*#  1
establish the prayer and spend out of what We
provided to them.

There must be a group amongst you who call  # e   /:% E J R Z% pR .%  \% pR #
   Ž# E  >% 
 p .% " # \% /  %  .% E B
  % " # <
towards the piety and they advise for good deeds
and forbid from bad deeds.

He leaves them in their trespass, so they wander

  " % E Z%   >@% ŒR , Z% N ~:" E
And remember when We said to the angels, ie  :3
)  +  ‰  :3
&%  p }9"#  .# *R L# e
“Prostrate before Adam.” So they prostrated
except Ibless.

And remember when We delivered you from the $U  & Z% pR   )E  % / %  2 n \%  Z% R .>% 3 L# e

 Q #
people of Pharaoh, they imposed on you to the
worst torture.

Then We forgave you after that, so that you

become thankful.
  pR !
% H Z% pR   l
 L : % < \%  Z% pR .% / % F / Z8R
And Allah intends to accept your repentance. Z% pR >%  /
  E #  : EE (  
Do they wait for Allah to come down to them in \%  a  œR , (  Z%  >HŽ# E #  ie   |R .E # N
the shadow of clouds? + "@ #
They ask you, “What they should spend?”  R F . E L  l
% E
And whatever you spend in charity from your (  ž 1a Q#  \%  Z% H 1% Q  %  a  F  \%  Z%  # F  
( "  % E
wealth or whatever you make a vow, Allah knows

And nobody knows its meaning except Allah. (  ie (  EŽ# H Z  % E 
Worth Reading! In the Land of the Quran & the Bible. At travel story to the
sites related to God’s prophets. The writing is in Urdu.

Quranic Arabic Program 78 Level 03

Lesson 5A: The Present & Future Tense: Active Voice + 51 6 

English ,</
This is for that person from you who fear about
that trouble.
Z% pR .%  ˆ
 . # , !
 c \% "  l
Those who say, “O our Lord! Surely we believe,
so forgive our sins.”
.< LR . % F ‡#  . n .e .<1  RR E \ EQ
Say, “O Allah! You are the Master of all the
kingship, You give the kingdom to whom You $= !H \%  l
 # " # ,Hg% H l # " # l
   Z  # *R
want and You take away the kingdom from whom
You want.
$= !H \% " l # " # 5
h .% H
And You bring out the living from the dead and $= !H \%  Y
 % H q,d
 # \%  ˆ
 q>" # V
% H 

a )[  >% @ <
You provide to whom You want without any

Surely, Allah knows what you do.  R F# H  Z  % E (  e

Do you believe in some part of the Holy Book and " 
a % ?<   FR p# H
 p # 
 % ?<   . g%   
you reject some part of it. So what is the reward
for that person from you who does that except
 # , PG h% c ie Z% pR .%  l
 L R  F# E \%  $= hI
disgrace in this world? >%~:
And remember when you said, “O Moses! We will
definitely never believe you unless we see Allah (  … [ l   \  g%  \%  &  E Z%  # *R L# e
with our own eyes.” So a thunderbolt caught you   |R .H Z%  % R  /  Z% pR H%Q c Ž €  % I
while you were observing.

Allah does what He wants. $= !E  (  R  F# E

And remember when you said, “O Moses! We will
definitely not endure on one type of food.
:a [  +a Π/  ?
%  \%  &  E Z%  # *R L# e

Rule of the Day

The second source letter (" 5) may carry either a fathah, or a kasrah or a
dhamma. It all depends on how the native people speak. D  F# E will always be
with a fathah,
% E will always be with a kasrah and  
.% E will always be with
a dhamma. Same is the case with other words. It is mentioned in the dictionary
that the " 5 will carry which movement.

Quranic Arabic Program 79 Level 03

Lesson 5A: The Present & Future Tense: Active Voice + 51 6 

English ,</
They said, “O Shuaib! Does your prayer instructs  W  %  #  W   Ž# H l
 H 9A O >%  b E R *
$= !  . %  ,   F#  #  %    <n : ? % E
you that we leave what our ancestors worship or
what we do with our wealth as we want?”

Verily, Allah will raise those in graves. 1  ?R # , \%  M

R  ?% E (  
Those who reject Allah’s verses and kill the f
 q>?.  R # E (  ;  E“<   FR p# E \ EQ e
prophets without any justification and kill those
persons from people who advise justice, so give
\%  ) %  # <    Ž# E \ EQ  R # E Äm[  >% @ <
them the warning of a painful punishment. Za >
a Q < Z% N % q!? Ÿ
You are the best group raised for the humanity,    Ž# H Ÿ . ˆ % I  c% R a R  >% c Z%  .% R
(  <   . g% H   p . "# \% /  %  .% H B
  % " # <
advise towards the right and forbid evil and you
believe in Allah.

Verily Allah is watching what you do. o

 <  R" % H "< (  e
We worship You only and we seek help from your
%  W Ee : ? %  W Ee
O our Lord! Do not let our hearts deviated (from
the right path) after You guided us.
.E%: N L# e : % < .<R*R Ì
# h H i .<1
In the same way, Allah does what He wants. $= !E  R  F# E (  l
How Allah guides a group who rejected (the faith)
after believing (in it).
Z%   Õe : % <  F  €%* (  P:% E Š
And poverty was imposed on them. That
(punishment) was due to (the fact) that they used
   Z%  Ž< l  L R .p )
% " # Z%  >%  / ˆ
% < -

to reject Allah’s verses and kill prophets unjustly. Äm[  >% @ < $U >?U'  R # E (  ;  E“<   FR p# E
That (punishment) was due to (the fact) that
disobeyed and they were the trespassers.   :% E    %  / "< l  L

Worth Reading
The Report of Transparency International and a Hadith. This article is an eye-
opening writing on the condition of Muslim Ummah.

Quranic Arabic Program 80 Level 03

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

The Arabic Language >< R @ R 

2 * .Z& (>/ 0 A ( q>?  .&  º H 0 
 p< R E ./ < R E .   ª\>%  & "# Z H c m 4  < ªZE%p  n  R @ ,N R >< R @
i  ª><  @ Z F< ie  " FE i ªGk  .)   p Z  ‘ž ªGOI  k G     %   ª\Eq: \  R >< R @ ” :1  >" >H \ <
2 “.O G I   (< ie O I  ~ZE
.+9)  9 (>/ ( >?  . & Z  ( q<1
   9H \ \ p" E ªE: ~?  X  } !
 < + R E , ¬aZ)  pR  J 1  -
  ><  @ Z z  Le
The Arabic language is the language of the Venerable Quran. The Seal of prophets (Prophet Muhammad
 ‫ ا‬
‫ )و‬communicated in it. Therefore, keeping [this language] is preserving Allah’s Book and the Practical Example
[Sunnah] of His Prophet. Ibn Taimiyyah1 said, “The Arabic Language is [a part] of religion. Its knowledge is
obligatory and essential. Surely, understanding the Book and the Sunnah is obligatory. Both of them cannot be
understood without understanding the Arabic language. Anything, without which an obligatory deed cannot be
performed, is also obligatory. 2
If this is the case, then learning Arabic language is a necessity for every Muslim, so that he can perform the rituals
related to worship and reciting the Book of his Lord and understanding the Sunnah of his Prophet becomes possible
for him.
 q $= 6* (2) .ÖN 728 € .& m !
%   , , H ÖN 661 .&  [ , :  ª, !q: , d
# >">H \ < Z >d# : ?/ \ < :"d  \E: ,  H (1)
.470 /1 Z > ) "#

(1) Taqi-ud-Din Muhammad Ibn A’bdul Haleem Ibn Taimiyah Al-Hurrani Al-Dimashqi. He was born at Hurran [a city of
Syria] in the year 661H and died at Damascus in the year 728H.
(2) Seeking the Straight Path, Volume 1, Page 470

Face the Challenge!

Think about five examples each for P:  +i .

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Rituals, plural of J >b  } b Keeping, arranging R E ./ Language R @ R 
Worship  E: ~?  Knowledge  %  He spoke m 4 
Its becomes possible \ p" E It completes ~ZE Seal Z H c
Recitation  9H Learning Z z H Prophets \ >%  & "#
Demand, seeking $= 6* Necessity J 1  -

Quranic Arabic Program 81 Level 03

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language

( '  ><  @ + )* ~ZN   ? E  N ., " #  1 p' \  ( ) e  N : >% ? : >% ? R >" N% 
 F , "/ ( "  *  (  ) <  ){ C
  !E   ){ y
 F , "/ C
 { R >& ªX >% @ <  F 2R qH  ª+ { R  >& ( e .( >/  : / ) R } & X >% ‡  J E ‡ ( Ž<  "E
: " N  @ Z z H ,? I : [  N ª ? ) "#    -
 d# 2 >I¾ q, ){ S  ~  . R >& ª(<
.$   " # Z  (2) .5  ")"# Z  (1) : " N  H1  ( O
 # QN ª@ Z  / O
  4  1 :R* \/ J1 ?/  N  :Q c' O  I v
(2) .~, F!  >% ? (1) : " N  H1  ¶6E ( ()F , "/  >% ?  + # { / O   4  1:* \/ J 1 ?/ N :$ 4 O  I v
.~P Ed  >% ?
Significance of Expression: Expression is the articulation of a person with his tongue or pen [to describe] whatever
thoughts and meanings are in his mind. It is considered the most important in types of [the ways of learning] the
Arabic language due to its prominence. It is the objective of all other [types] which are the supporting ways to it.
Surely it is a tool of understanding and linking an individual to others. It is a tool for articulating whatever is in the
mind of a person and what he / she perceives. It is a tool for transferring the human heritage to present and future
generations. This is one side of learning the language. Both of them are:
A. Taking Side: It means the ability of a student to understand the language. Two skills are required for this side. (1)
Understanding the listened content and (2) Understanding the read content.
B. Giving Side: It means the ability of a student on understanding and expressing whatever in his mind. It also
requires two skills. (1) Oral expression and (2) Written expression.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Taking Q c' Way, mean, tool R  >& Significance R >" N% 
Statement, meaning J 1 ?/ Understanding + { Expression  >% ?
Capability  1 :R* Joining, connecting 2R qH Expression,
Student O
  4 Individual  F Tongue or pen Z  *   )
Two skills  H1  He considers   !E Thoughts 1 p'
Listened 5
  ")"# Transport, move   Meanings , " #
Read $   " # Heritage S
 ~ It is considered  ?E
Giving $ 4 JGenerations,
plural of
2 >I' It is distinguished  " E
Oral ~, F! Present   -
 d# Objective, purpose R E ‡
Written ~P Ed Future   ? ) "# Means, plural of >& R } &
Two sides ,? I Support  : / )

Quranic Arabic Program 82 Level 03

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language

: >% ? ;

/ -
ª$ *: A'   & "  (  " 3
%  
 >d  ,  ªa  k
  ( " >H 
 >d , O
  4 R >[ ( >6 H ¶-‡ Pqg E  N :~,F >œ   >% ?
 L  d .; 9/{  ª$  {  ª8 d" # 
  .   1 ? <  F   "# ;
 & )[i  " I H ªyF# . ;
 3c ªŠŒ   \/ C  {   / !" # 1 œe (< :   E  :,/ :<{  >% ?
. % q! Z | ªÈ   Š
>ŽH ª;i  " #  < p  m ).  : q>I ªxF
:,H‰ < l
 . W  >% ?H ,  : q>3
 # O % &% K >4)H ,p ¬ ¶:>I ¶>% ?H O
 > &' + :  pH Š
Topics of Expression
Functional Expression: It is expressed because the life of a student demands for it. [For example] during his
educational sphere [of life] e.g. presenting a book, or in his social sphere [of life] e.g. writing letters to friends, [day-
to-day] conversation, meetings, announcements etc.
Creative Expression: Its objective is to express inner feelings and articulate sympathies and personal emotions,
translating different feelings in form of selected words. [It includes] good organized [writings] like writing theses,
compiling stories or composing verses.
How to write a good expression? In order to employ good communication styles during your expression, we advise
you the following:

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Selection   .  Conversation  8 d" # Topics ;
/ -

Good  : q>I ªG:q>I Meeting $  { Functional, related to

~,F >œ 
Organization m ). Announcements ;
 9/{ He expresses Pqg E
Theses ;
 i  " # Creative ,/ :<{ Objective ¶-‡
Creating stories È
>ŽH Its objective is : 
 E It demands ,6 H
Composing verses  % q! Z | Expression 1 œe Sphere, surrounding 
You become able K >4)H Inner feelings  / !" # Education Z >H
Employing, using + :
% &% Sympathies, love, plural
of Š
G Œ / Š
 Π  Offer k
Language styles, plural
of &
 > &' Emotions, plural of J 3
  c ;
 3c Society K " 3
We suggest D
 . Translation  " I H Letter   & 
Following ,H‰ Feelings ; & )[i Friends, plural of m
 $ *: A'

Quranic Arabic Program 83 Level 03

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language

 "  p  M
R >[ \ W%>?H …) "< * H , ‚
 F'  , "# < W  p ¾%"E ªl  8   }  K &  E lL ‘ž ª$U    5
 9jŒi R  w 
 Q "#  &'   :>3#
  )    &i R  >& lL ‘ž ªaKF H  ;
a <  Rp!"# ¤
  ~. R $U * 

ª ¶w ¶b  >< 'U ¤

 . ZR8 Š
 E! qP?. M
 E:d#  Z E%p  n  < $† :% <  Rp!"#  >< ¤
  ~. \ ˆ
 % 4 &  x
J F[ 
.i€ "I  € 1 N: Eh> l
 H /- , <  !&i / l . >E lL ‘ž
 Π b' 5
 "&  ªE q! ;
 '  ;
 : .  ;
 - d" # 1 6
[ m EŒ \/ lL ª,< + 9p ºe 5  "&i \ 1 w{ 
.D >F ,< + 9p 5 "& l  LR   q H  ªl  8  >".H / : / ) E lL ' ª  .
 Abundance of knowledge and reading. It will widen the sphere of your education. It will fill you thinking with
meanings and words that will improve the level of your expression in terms of good words and polished styles.
 Reading written material with loud voice. It is a tool of establishing your language.
 Memorizing Arabic written material according to your capacity starting from the Holy Quran, the Hadith of the
Prophet, then Arabic literature [in form of] poetry or prose. It will help you in presenting them as a support [for
describing meaning of something] in your topics. It will increase the grace & beauty .
 Increasing the listening of Arabic communication. Its way is attending lectures, conferences, and poetic
evenings and listening useful cassettes. It will help in developing your education and will accustom your ears to
listen fluent Arabic communication.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
Attending 1  6[ Loud voice Ka F H  ;
a A Knowledge 5
Lectures ;
 - d" # Establishing    & Reading  $U  
Seminars, conferences ;
 : . Memorizing x
J F[ It will widen K &  E
Poetic evenings i.e.
 >)  ' You are capable of ˆ
 % 4 & Circle   } 
where poets recite their
verses in front of each  E q! Starting †$:% < Culture, education   8

Listening 5
 "& Poetry and prose ¶w ¶b It will fill ¾%"E
Cassettes, plural of Eb  Œ  b' It will help f
 E Thinking  p
Beneficial, useful    . Presenting as an
 !&i It advanced * H
It will help : / ) E It will increase : EhE Level …) 
Development  >".H Beauty, grace € 1 Cultured, polished
 Q "#
It will accustom  q H Increasing 1 w{ Texts, plural of È ¤
Eloquent, fluent D
 >F Listening 5
 "&i Written  Rp!"#

Quranic Arabic Program 84 Level 03

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language

ºe ˆ
 % 4&  ( > H \   K l
 HQ H & l
 }9  K   ><  @ < S
  + h < lL ª )
 j  : / z d
 H ,  >9p Š
 * " # \ 1R w{ 
€ >?& l
:,H‰ < 5
  -"# $  e  a <  : ./ + hi 

. ">  3E%{ R 1- ª+ 

 # \ ) [ ª$:? \ ) [ 

.R* .H i
 4 -
%  >% ‡ \ ªq, 4 ."# 
 <  + h  ª5 -"# ;
 R4c : E:dH 

.j" " #
 &{ i j
 " #  3E%{ < ,N 9 ." ¶?& . $U / R " 3
#  pH #  

ªE?. M
 E ['  ª>n  ;
 E‰ <  !&i  1- K   < ) l  <1 3H ª  l
   8 \ ª>I 1 # 1  " # \ R F&i 
., " # < >.‡ ¶< QI ¶q"  5
-"#  p> ª2 w'  ªZp d #  ªE q! ; ><%' 

 Increasing [your attendance at] the scholastic events that will resolve the knot of language. This can be done by
committing to talk in the Arabic language with your colleagues, teachers and whoever you meet up to the extent
of your capacity in this way.
 Commitment to the following while writing or casting a topic:
 A good start, a good end, and essential conciseness in both of them.
 Writing the steps [points] of the topic. Keeping logical coherence and [avoiding] confusion or contradiction.
 The sentences should have an appropriate size according to the meaning. Disturbing conciseness and boring
wordiness should be avoided.
 Utilizing external sources from your general education and previous experience along with putting essential
evidence from the Quranic verses, Prophetic Ahadith, poetic verses, words of wisdom and idioms so that the
topic becomes interesting, attractive and rich of meanings.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
Boring j" " # Conciseness  3E%{ Occasions, places Š
 * " #
Getting benefit of R  F&i Defining : E:dH Scholastic  >9p
Sources 1  " # Steps ;
 4R c It loosens z d
External  >I 1 # Linking, coherence 
 <  Knot  : /
 1 3H Logical q, 4 ."# Commitment + h
Verses ;
 ><%' Confusion
 4 -
% Talking S
Words of wisdom Z p d
 # Contradiction R* .H Peers, plural of > $9 
Idioms 2 w' Sentences, plural of J  " I R " 3
# Teachers, plural of L & QH &
Interesting ¶q"  Size, vessel $U / You meet , H
Attractive ¶< QI Defective, disturbing  
 " # Beautiful, good \ ) [
Rich >.‡ Wordiness
 &{ Ending + 

Quranic Arabic Program 85 Level 03

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language

. >" 3
 /'   >  ;
 "p  \ / :  ? z R :  ?  ª\p %    E @z   E d. $ 4c% ' O
 H e X ?i 

. ¶">|.H ¶">*H Ž€4c 5

  -"#  < p < R E . 

 Being attentive for grammatical and linguistic errors, up to the possible extent and keeping away from slang and
Non-Arabic words.
 While writing [about] the topic, considering mistakes, numbering and organization.

Public Speech R < Ö4

.Z " &%  Z>/  >% 8Ž  >% N "3
 #  ?Π \  ,N :R < 4#
 ?& ." # O
4c  ªR   ;
 "Hg "# O
4c ªJ>/ "I O
G 4c ªJE p )/ O
G 4c ªƒ>& >& O
G 4c ªJ>.E O
G 4R c : / 
.R " H # ª 5 -"# ªR q: " # : ?4 # $= hI% 
Public Speech: It is the art of speaking with masses in order to influence and persuade them.
Its Types: Religions speeches, political speeches, military speeches, social speeches, speeches at conferences and
delegations, speeches at family occasions.
Parts of Public Speech: Start, main topic and end.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Military J E p )/ By numbers ¶">*H Attention X ?i
Social J >/ "I By organization ¶">|.H Avoidance O
Conferences, conventions ;
 "Hg "# Delivering a public
R < 4# $ 4c
Mistakes, plural of
$ 4c% '
Delegations, plural of :  R  Art \  Grammatical  E d.
Family ceremonies ;
 ?& ." # Addressing  ?Π Linguistic, related to
 E @z
Parts $= hI%  Masses, public  >% N "3
 # It is possible \ p % 
Initial part R  q: " # Influencing  >% 8Ž Remoteness, farness :  ?
Subject, main part 5
 -"# Persuasion  "&% Slang, colloquial  > 
Ending part R " H # Religious J >.E Non Arab  >" 3
Political ƒ>& >& By mistake Ž€4c

Quranic Arabic Program 86 Level 03

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language

:R >H‰ ;
 # ,   H #  ,@?.E :O

.(  * 9Π )j R [   .P4F  :&i 

.( H  I $ { \ )[  .O
 E1: < (  >" .H \ p " E 

.  .FR  b \ + R  <  ~h   . < 4
 #   h R w 

.R .)
 # R  :R   .R >
 ! R *R  R  3# 

.  E:? 1  6[ 

Guidelines for a Public Speaker: It is essential that a public speaker should have abundance of the following

 Natural capability  Eloquence in language and its fluency

 Development [of capability to deliver a public speech]  Beauty and quality of delivery
by training  A good stock of knowledge from various
 A lot of practice for delivering public speeches disciplines
 Boldness and personal power  [Availability of] good examples
 Presence of intuitive power

Rule of the Day! Some verbs require an object. For example €  &1 :G E O
  (Zaid wrote a letter).
This sentence is not complete without the object €  &1. Such verbs are called Pq:  . On the
other hand, there are certain verbs which do not require an object. For example : G E $U I(Zaid
came). This sentence is complete without an object. Such verbs are called +i .

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Quality  I Training O

 E1: Guidelines ;
Making provisions  ~h  Practice   h Speaker O
Areas of knowledge + R  Bravery, courage R  3# It is essential ,@?.E
Various b Presence 1  6[ To exist in large
  H # 
Arts, plural of \   .FR  Intuition   E:? Following R >H‰
Examples R  :R  Fluency, ease to speak *9ΠAbility  :&i
Delivery, throwing $=   Natural P4F

Quranic Arabic Program 87 Level 03

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language

The Last Speech of Allah’s Apostle Z& (>/ 0 A 10

 2 & 5
   R ?4 c
+G [ ZRpR  ZR$=  ‘e :Ÿ . E . QN ,F*  , ª QN , / : < ZR   i ,j  P1 i ,qž ªZRp \ q><R ,q.  " &% :Ÿ . ~E
.:%  b% Z ¬ ˆ@% < # N ‘i . QN ZR:  < , ª QN ZR b , ª QN ZRp E    d ªZRp<1 R H # ºe Zp>/
6* .  " | H i   " |H i ZpR   Ÿ   1 Zp \p 5 G  -  > N 3# <1 ‘e . >/ ( ." } \%  ºe Nqg >   J   X : ./ %ˆ  \"
 >% ‡ J /-  >N 3#  8“ e ....J / -  >N 3# $=  e .O   4" # : ?/ \ < Ÿ
 ? ,q"/ <1 ( < R: <% <1 2  ‘e ª <1 i #  0 =
. >N 3#  N \     \" ªa>%  < R }  (> ª3 d  #    <  *  : " ( ?b ªGR* : "    . E  q)    :)
.Zp "/ \    dH " lL …& "> 5
 4 E  , -
 1 :* ( .p ªXQN ZRp-
 1 , : ? E  y
 ‹E :*  4>! ‘e :Ÿ
. E
O people! Listen me, I make it clear for you. Surely I do not think that I will meet you after this year of my life at
this place. O people! If you fear your Lord, then your blood and your wealth is as sacred for you as this day [of
Pilgrimage], this month [of Pilgrimage] and this city [Makkah]. Have I communicated? O Allah! Bear witness.
So whoever has something payable, he should pay it to whom it belongs. Surely the usury of the period of ignorance
is void but you can claim your principal amount. Don’t offend and don’t be offended. Allah has declared that there
will not be any usury [payable]. Initially, I start with the interest [receivable by] my uncle A’bbas Ibn A’bdul
Muttalib [to cancel it]. Surely the blood [whose retaliation is outstanding] related to the period of ignorance is void.
Surely the ranks of the Pre-Islamic period are void except the House Keeping of the Ka’aba and providing water to
the Pilgrims. Retaliation [of killing a person intentionally] will be implemented. For killing similar to intentional
killing [i.e. killing by mistake] with the help of a stick or stone, 100 camels will be paid [to the heirs of the died
person]. Whoever will increase [these limits], he is from the people of ignorance.
O people! The Satan has lost his hope that he would be worshipped in this land but he is happy that he will be
followed in other matters. This is what you despise from your (good) deeds.

(1) The Principles of Public Speech & Writing, Page 54 .54 ¤ $ !{   < 4
 # 2R  AR (1)

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Housekeeping of the Ka’aba   :) He should pay it Nqg >  Last, ending 5
Arranging water for pilgrims  E  q) The trust is payable ( ." } I explain, I clarify \ q><R
Intentionally : "   Usury, interest <1 I hope that ,j 
Retaliation will be taken G R* Void 5
G  - I shall meet you ZR  
Similar, not intentional ( ?b Principal 2  Ÿ
  1 Sacredness, holiness    [
Camels a >%  < I start R: <% City :  <
He lost hope y
 ‹E My uncle ,q"/ I have conveyed ˆ
@% <
You despise    dH Glorious rank  8“ Be witness! :%  b%
Writing $ !{ The period of
ignorance before Islam
 > N 3# Trust, something kept
with other for care

Quranic Arabic Program 88 Level 03

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language

ie ZRpH >< (  N pH :[ \ c: E i ªZRo  ‡ ZRpb \ ‹ŒE i \>/ Zp ªGm[ \>/ Zp ª ˜ [ Zp>/ ZRp} ). ‘e :Ÿ . E
 ž ªaC? o‡ ¶<- \N  < 6H ªKI 6" # , \N  3
 H \N R6
 H  Zp  L :* 0 U ‘ž \ # ž a .q>? a !
 [ F< \ >% HŽE i ªZRpLž<
E .:% b Z ¬ ˆ@< N i . ¶oc \ < A&  ª$ ). , 0 U  H  ªB "# < \ H  ) \ *R 1 Zp> ZRp.Œ \ >%  
¶1 FR P:< \ IH 9 .:b Z ¬ ˆ@< N i .( . y a F O  >Œ \/ ‘ie ( >c 2R  s  i z d  E 9 ªJ c% e   . g "# "e :Ÿ .
E .:b Z ¬ˆ@< N i ¬,.&  0    ªX:< z6  H \%  (< Z HQc # e  Zp> ˆ H :* ,ž ªa< *1 ZRp6 <
ie J 6 q," 3  / / ,< y  > ªZR  H 0 : ./ ZRp  ªa H \ + n ª+‰ ZRpz R ªG:[  Z < ‘e ªG:[  Zp<1 ‘e :Ÿ .
.(H < 0 "%[1 Zp>/ +9)  ªO} @ : N ! ´# ? >  .:b Z ¬ˆ@< N i .…  <
O people! Surely your women have rights that are your responsibility and you have rights that are their
responsibility. Your rights obligated on them are that they do not perform sexual intercourse on your bed with
someone else and they do not allow to enter anyone you dislike in your homes and do not commit a clearly vulgar
act. If they do so, then Allah has already allowed you to admonish them, [if the issue is not settled], leave them in
the beds alone, [and the issue is still not settled] then beat them but not in an intense manner. If they leave and
follow you, then it is your responsibility to provide them sustenance and dress according to the established practice
of the society. Fear Allah in matters of women and be well-wisher to them. Have I communicated? O Allah! Bear
O people! Surely the believers are brothers. It is not allowed for a man to take the wealth of his brother except with
the pleasure of his heart. Have I communicated? O Allah! Bear witness. Don’t return back after me to disbelief and
to killing each other’s necks. What I have left in you, if you take it, you will never deviate i.e. Allah’s Book and My
Sunnah. Have I communicated? O Allah! Bear witness. O people! Your Lord is one, your father is one. All of you
are from Adam and Adam was made of soil. The most respected of you will be the most God-fearing among you.
An Arab has no superiority over a a Non-Arab except being God-fearing. Have I communicated? O Allah! Bear
witness. Those who are present should convey this to those who are absent. Peace, blessings and benedictions of
Allah be upon all of you.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
With pleasure of heart y
a F O
 >ΠLeave them \N  3
 H Right mG [
You return \ IH Beds, plural of K36 K I 6" # They perform sex \ ‹Œ E
*1 You beat them \N  < 6H Bed t
You will definitely not go
 H \%  Intense C
a ? They allow to enter \ c: E
The most respected of you ZRp   They terminate \ >%   You dislike   N pH
The most pious among you ZR  H Their dresses \ H  ) They bring \ >% HŽE
He should convey ´#  ? > Established practice /
law of the society
  "# Vulgar act a !
Present : N ! Be well wisher A& Open, clear a .q>?
Absent O
 } @ For a man s
  i You admonish them \N R6

Quranic Arabic Program 89 Level 03

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language

A Sample of Public Speech  ?4  V

G L  "
9 #  6 E \ (   6
%  9 0
= X : E \%  . . "/ ;
 ‹q>& \ .)
 FR  1  b \ 0
 < LR   ª X F @% ) ( . >) X : " d 0
 : "d# ‘e
1 .(R&1 X : ?/ ¶:"d  ‘ : b ( l  Eb i X : [ 0 ie (e i #  :  b ( P   N
.%  m  c  a : [  y
a F#  \%  Z% pR   c PQ Z% pR <1 R H Ÿ . ~E E .  " ) %  Z%  % ie \H  "H i ( H  H m[ (  R H  . n \ EQ ~E E
(  R H  . n \ EQ ~E E . €?>*1 Z% pR >%  /   (  e + [1% 'U  ( <  R$U )H PQ ( R H  $† ) €ow i€ I1 " .%  M< I % 
. €">|/ €%   :%   (  &1  (  K% 4 E \%   Z% pR < LR Z% pR  % F @% E Z% pR  "/%  Z% pR  D
% E . €:E:& i€ % * RR*
z R  J / :< a 8: d
%  z  H 8: d  1 ' ~b  Z& (>/ 0 A :a "d  …
:N …
 :%  # o
 c 0

 E:d#  >% c ‘ž” :: < 
2“.J 9- a /
 :% <
Surely, the praise is only for Allah. We glorify Him, seek help from Him, seek forgiveness from Him and seek
refuge from Allah about the evils of our personalities and about our bad deeds. Whomever Allah guides, he has no
superiority [from himself]. Whomever He leaves astray, there is no guide for him. I witness that there is no deity
except Allah, He is One and there is no associate with Him. I witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Prophet.1
O believers! Fear Allah as His fear should be. Don’t die except in state of being submitted [to Allah]. O people! Fear
your Lord who created you from a single person, He created his wife from himself and spread a large number of
men and women from both of them. Fear Allah in front of Whom you will be made responsible and be careful about
relationships. Surely Allah is monitoring you. O believers! Fear Allah and speak the right words. He will restore
your deeds for you and will forgive your sins. Whoever follows Allah and His Prophet, he achieved a big success.
After that, the best words is the Book of Allah and the best counsel is the guidance of Muhammad, and the worst of
all matters are new inventions to the religion. Each invention is a new thing and each new thing [invented in the
religion] is a deviation.” 2

(1) Musnad of Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, Volume 5, Page 57. 2 ÖI Z) D>dA (2) .57/ 5 ÖI ?.[ \< :µ + { :.) (1)
(2) Saheeh Muslim, Volume 2, Page 13, No. 867 867 Z*1 13 <

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He became successful, he
  He spread M< Sample, example V
G L  "
Success €% You will be asked  R$U )H Evils, plural of b 1  b
Guidance …
 :%  # Observer €?>*1 Our personalities,
plural of yF
New things introduced in
religion, plural of 8:Ç
8: d  Right €:E:& He guides : E

Self-created religion J / :< He will reform D

% E He leaven astray #  6 E
Deviation from the right path J 9- He follows K% 4 E One who guides P

Quranic Arabic Program 90 Level 03

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language

Sample of Second Speech  > w  ?4  V

G L  "
( E:< …:N \   ª\>%  " I%  ( ?dA ( n / :a "d
  .~>? \ >%  &  "#  $ >?' B
  b / + 9)  R 9  \ >% "   q 1 0  :"d#
.( . )< \& 
 H (  d? & 0
U ‘  .g "# R  c{ E  " /  …   h  >% c ‘ž 0  … < P  Ee ZRp>A !  . g "# R  c{ EŽ :: < 
1 . €">)% H  "j&  ( >%  / zA
  . n \ EQ ~E E q,?. /  z
 E ( p }9 (  e :I  h/ 2  ( q>? / + 9)   9 <   
2 “. ¶!/ (>/ 0 = A € : [  , / A  \” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. 2 *
$ F 
# \ / Z k
 1%  .:G >3 :G >"[ le Z >N <e 2n / Z >N <e / ˆ  >A " :a "d   2 n / :a "d  / jA  Z 
, !0 0 .,< dA , !0 0 ” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. 2 * .\ >%  <    < d  } & \/ Ä, /   "w/  "/ a p< ,< \ E:b 
3“.Z 6
 @ < ,6@ ?? Z 6
 @ < \ Z ?[  ,q?d
? Z ?[  \" ªP:< ¶-‡ Z NRQ H i .,< dA
The praise of for Allah, the Lord of all worlds. Blessings and peace be upon the most honorable from the prophets
and God-messengers i.e. our prophet Muhammad, and upon all of his progeny and companions, and upon those who
followed his guidance and adopted the path his Sunnah.
After that: O believer brothers! I advise you to keep fear of Allah. Surely the best wealth is the fear of God. O
believer brothers! You should know that Allah, the Exalted the High, instructed us to pray for blessings and peace
about His Prophet. He, the Great the Exalted, said: “Surely Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet. So
O believers! Pray for blessings upon him and for peace upon him.” 1 And the Prophet said, “Whoever prayed for
blessings upon me once, Allah will send blessings upon him 10 times.” 2
O Allah! Send blessings upon Muhammad, and on the progeny of Muhammad, as you sent blessings of Abraham
and the progeny of Abraham. Surely You are the Praiseworthy, the Glorious. O Allah! Be pleased with the rightly-
guided Caliphs i.e. Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali and all the companions [of the Prophet] and their followers. The
Prophet said, “Allah Allah [An exclamation to demonstrate the significance of matter]! Be careful about my
companions. Allah Allah [O people]! Be careful about my companions. Don’t make them a target [of blame] after
me. Whoever loves them, he loves them due to his love in me and whoever hates them, he hates them due to his
hatred with me. 3
(1) Al-Ahzaab, Verse 56. (2) Saheeh Muslim, Volume 1, Chapter 17, 17 <1 ÖI Z) D>dA (2) .56 En h[' (1)
[Hadith] No. 408. (3) Musnad of Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, Volume 5,
Page 57.
57 ¤ 5 ÖI ?.[ \< :µ + { :.) (3) 408 Z*1

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Target ¶-‡ Pray for peace  "j& The most honorable B
He loves them Z ?[  Peace €">)
% H He adopted the way \&
Due to his love for me ,q?d
< Be pleased k
 1% I advise ,A
He hates them Z 6
 @ < All  } & They send blessings  z
Due to his hatred for me ,6@ ?< You make them Z NRQ
 H Pray for blessings zA

Quranic Arabic Program 91 Level 03

Lesson 5B: Communication in the Arabic Language

. >~: O
 }  .>/ (< R q H  \ >%  > \   ªl.I (< .@ j? H  l / Œ \ l  >  \ >% < ..>< (< 2 d
 H  l
 c \ . Z% ) * Z 
i ª   / \ /    ª ."œ \ / 1 Ž8 #  I Z  . . S R 1  ( I  ª .>>[  .H *R  1 < ./ "&% Ž< .q Z 
. ."[E i l  R E i \ .< QR < .>/  # j)
 H i ." / ´R  ?  i ."N ? >~: #  3H i ª ..E , . ?> #  3H
“.  Q H Z% pR   Z% pR |R  E , @% ?#   p . "#  $ !d
% F # \% / .% E <% R # PL $ Ee  )[% {  2 :%  # <   Ž# E ( e” !+ p  R c{ E
... 9 Z *  ...  .H  Z  E 0 =   ? 0   Q ZRh E ( "   / X  pR b  ZRp O 3  )E X  /  Z% R  R QE 0 U  R L 
O Allah! Make a share for us in Your fear that becomes a barrier between us and Your disobedience. [Make a share
for us] from Your obedience that take us to Your Paradise. [Make a share for us from] the faith that make the
worldly troubles easy for us. O Allah! Provide us with ability to hear, ability to see and other powers as You keep us
alive. Make it [the faith] our heir. O Allah! Revenge from our side from those who offended on us and help us
against those who transgressed against us. Don’t make problems for us in our religious matters. Don’t make the
world a greater thing for our worries and [don’t make it] the limit of our knowledge. Due to our sins, don’t appoint a
master upon us who does not fear You and does not be merciful to us.
O respected brothers! “Surely, Allah instructs for justice, benevolence, and giving [charity to poor] relatives and
forbids from vulgarity, evil practices and arrogance. He advises you so that you become conscious.” So remember
Allah, He will remember you. Call him, He will respond to you. Be thankful to Him for His blessings. Surely,
remembering Allah’s is the greatest thing. Allah knows what you are doing….. Now stand for prayer.

Worth Reading! How to get rid of Frustration? The author has analyzed the
reasons of frustration and provided solutions to get rid of it. The writing is in

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Don’t appoint as a
# j)
 H i Our sight 1 < Divide, make shares Z% )
He fears B
E Our powers .H *R Your fear l
Giving $ Ee You keep us live .>>[ It changed, it deviate away
from, it becomes a barrier
2 d
, @% ?# Make I Disobedience, sins >
He advises x
R  E Inheritor S
R 1  It lead to us .@ j? H
He will respond O3)E Our revenge 1 Ž8 It makes easy R q H
He will increase h E He transgressed against us   / Troubles, plural of ?> O
You make, you do   .H Our worries ."N Give us as sustenance .q
Stand Z *  The reached limit ´?  Our sense of hearing ./ "&% 

Quranic Arabic Program 92 Level 03

Lesson 6A: The Present & Future Tense: Passive Voice 2 3 51 6 
The Result (1)
Compare the result. Each line carried two marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

27 51 6  + 51 6  @>A


He is helped / He will be helped  

 .% E He helps  
.% E O} ‡ Q :[ 
Both of them are helped / Both of
them will be helped (male)
 .% E Both of them help / Both of
them will help (male)
.% E O} ‡ Q >.wH
They are helped / They will be
helped (male)
 .% E They help / They will help
.% E O} ‡ Q K¼

She is helped / She will be helped  

 .% H She helps / She will help  
.% H O} ‡ Mg :[ 
Both of them are helped / Both of
them will be helped (female)
 .% H Both of them help / Both of
them will help (female)
.% H O} ‡ Mg >.wH
They are helped / They will be
helped (female)
 .% E They help / They will help
.% E O} ‡ Mg K¼
You are helped / You will be
helped (male)
 .% H You help / You will help
.% H - [ Q :[ 
Both of you are helped / Both of
you will be helped (male)
 .% H Both of you help / Both of
you will help (male)
.% H - [ Q >.wH
You all are helped / You all will
be helped (male)
 .% H You all help / You all will
help (male)
.% H - [ Q K¼
You are helped / You will be
helped (female)
\ E  
 .% H You help / You will help
\ E
.% H - [ Mg :[ 
Both of you are helped / Both of
you will be helped (female)
 .% H Both of you help / Both of
you will help (female)
.% H - [ Mg >.wH
You all are helped / You all will
be helped (female)
 .% H You all help / You all will
help (female)
.% H - [ Mg K¼
I am helped / I shall be helped  
 % R I help / I shall help  
% Zp :[ 
We are helped / We shall be
 .%  We help / We shall help  
.%  Zp K¼

Worth Reading
Secrets of success.

Quranic Arabic Program 93 Level 03

Lesson 6A: The Present & Future Tense: Passive Voice 2 3 51 6 

27 51 6  + 51 6  @>A


He is beaten / He will be beaten

% E He beats / He will beat
% E O} ‡ Q :[ 
Both of them are beaten / Both of
them will be beaten (male)
 < 6
% E Both of them beat / Both of
them will beat (male)
 < 6
% E O} ‡ Q >.wH
They are beaten / They will be
beaten (male)
  < 6
% E They beat / They will beat
  < 6
% E O} ‡ Q K¼
She is beaten / She will be beaten
% H She beats / She will beat
% H O} ‡ Mg :[ 
Both of them are beaten / Both of
them will be beaten (female)
 < 6
% H Both of them beat / Both of
them will beat (female)
 < 6
% H O} ‡ Mg >.wH
They are beaten / They will be
beaten (female)
\ <% 6
% E They beat / They will beat
\ <% 6
% E O} ‡ Mg K¼
You are beaten / You will be
beaten (male)

% H You beat / You will beat

% H - [ Q :[ 
Both of you are beaten / Both of
you will be beaten (male)
 < 6
% H Both of you beat / Both of
you will beat (male)
 < 6
% H - [ Q >.wH
You all are beaten / You all will
be beaten (male)
  < 6
% H You all beat / You all will
beat (male)
  < 6
% H - [ Q K¼
You are beaten / You will be
beaten (female)
\ > < 6
% H You beat / You will beat
 < 6
% H - [ Mg :[ 
Both of you are beaten / Both of
you will be beaten (female)
 < 6
% H Both of you beat / Both of
you will beat (female)
 < 6
% H - [ Mg >.wH
You all are beaten / You all will
be beaten (female)
\ <% 6
% H You all beat / You all will
beat (female)
\ <% 6
% H - [ Mg K¼
I am beaten / I shall be beaten
% R I beat / I shall beat
%  Zp :[ 
We are beaten / We shall be

%  We beat / We shall beat
%  Zp K¼

Rule of the Day

If the word 
  is added before a 51 6 , it gives the sense of past continuous tense. For
R R ŽE means “he eats or will eat” while R R ŽE   means “He used to eat.”

Quranic Arabic Program 94 Level 03

Lesson 6A: The Present & Future Tense: Passive Voice 2 3 51 6 

27 51 6  + 51 6  @>A

He is listened / He will be
K " )
% E He listens / He will listen K U " )
% E O} ‡ Q :[ 
Both of them are listened / Both
of them will be listened (male)
 " )
% E Both of them listen / Both
of them will listen (male)
 " )
% E O} ‡ Q >.wH
They are listened / They will be
listened (male)
  " )
% E They listen / They will
listen (male)
  " )
% E O} ‡ Q K¼
She is listened / She will be
K " )
% H She listens / She will
K " )
% H O} ‡ Mg :[ 

 " )
% H  " )
% H
Both of them listen / Both
Both of them are listened / Both
of them will be listened (female)
of them will listen O} ‡ Mg >.wH

They are listened / They will be

listened (female)
\ % " )
% E They listen / They will
listen (female)
\ % " )
% E O} ‡ Mg K¼
You are listened / You will be
listened (male)
K " )
% H You listen / You will
listen (male)
K " )
% H - [ Q :[ 
Both of you are listened / Both of
you will be listened (male)
 " )
% H Both of you listen / Both
of you will listen (male)
 " )
% H - [ Q >.wH
You all are listened / You all will
be listened (male)
  " )
% H You all listen / You all
will listen (male)
  " )
% H - [ Q K¼
You are listened / You will be
listened (female)
\ >  " )
% H You listen / You will
listen (female)
  " )
% H - [ Mg :[ 
Both of you are listened / Both of
you will be listened (female)
 " )
% H Both of you listen / Both
of you will listen (female)
 " )
% H - [ Mg >.wH
You all are listened / You all will
be listened (female)
\ % " )
% H You all listen / You all
will listen (female)
\ % " )
% H - [ Mg K¼

I am listened / I shall be listened K " &% R I listen / I shall listen K " &%  Zp :[ 
We are listened / We shall be
K " )
%  We listen / We shall listen K " )
%  Zp K¼

Face the Challenge!

Identify 10 verbs from your vocabulary in which
someone is asked to do something.

Quranic Arabic Program 95 Level 03

Lesson 6A: The Present & Future Tense: Passive Voice 2 3 51 6 
The Result (2)
Compare the result. Each line carried two marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

English ,</
Do not consider those who were killed in Allah’s way (   >?& , R*R \ EQ \?) d % H i
 R* % E Z%  q<1 : .% / $T >[%  # < €H % 
as dead. Nay, they are alive and ________ in the
presence of their Lord.

He (Joseph) said, “Food will not be brought to both of "pR H Ž# ? ie (  * % H +G Œ "pR >HŽ# E i 2 *
(  EŽ# <
you, by which you are provided sustenance before that
I will tell both of you the interpretation (of your dream).

Who could be more unjust than the one who invents

 Q p # (  / …# \% " Z  œ#  \%  
+ 9%&{ e /:% E  N 
falsehoods against Allah while he is called towards

And you will see every nation in its knees. Each nation e /:% H a R z R € >8 I a R R …H
 R" % H Z%  .R   % h 3
% H + % ># < 
will be called towards its book (of records). On that
day, you will be rewarded for what you do.

Stars and trees both of them prostrate.  :3% E  3

)  !  Z 3
% . 
They said, “We listened about a boy talking about
them, he is called Abraham.
Z >N <%e (  2R  E Z% N  R Q# E ¶ .% " & R *
Then it will be said, “This is what you used to deny.”   <jQp H ( < Z%  .R PQ QN 2R  E Z8R
They fear their Lord Who is above them. And they do   R F# E Z%  * %  \%  Z%  <1  R E
what they are ordered (to do).    g% E
So do what you are being ordered (to do).    g% H  R # 
Keep on going where you are ordered (to go).    g% H M
R >% [  6% 
So proclaim publicly what you are ordered (to
proclaim) and turn away from pagans.
% " # \% / k
%  /%    g% H "< 5
% : A

Face the Challenge!

Identify 10 words from your vocabulary related to
the passive voice of 51 6 .

Quranic Arabic Program 96 Level 03

Lesson 6A: The Present & Future Tense: Passive Voice 2 3 51 6 

English ,</
He said, “O father! Do what you are ordered (to do). $U b # e ,: 3
 &   g% H  #  # ˆ
 < E 2 *
\ E<  \%  ( 
Soon you will find me in the steadfast people, if Allah

(In case of a murder) so whoever is forgiven by his 5

G ?qH  $T ,% b ( >c \%  (  , F / \% " 
brother, he should follow the common law. B
  % " # <
Have We made other than Allah, any gods that are
  :?% E €  n \ " [%     \%  .#  I 
I do not worship what you worship.   :? % H  : ? /%  i
Then, towards Him they will be returned.   I % E ( >% e Z8R
All hidden (secrets) of the heavens and the earth are for K I % E ( >% e k
 1% 'U  ;
 " ) O
>% ‡ ( 
Allah, and towards Him, all matters are returned.  % 'U
The kingdom is for Him and towards Him you will be
  I % H ( >% e Z p# d
# ( 
I return towards the people so that they know.   " % E Z%    Ÿ
 . e K I 1% 
The punishment on them will not be reduced and they
will not be looked upon (taken care of).
  | . E Z% N i
Q # Z%  .% / Š
 E i
He said, “Soon we shall find out whether you have told
the truth or you are liar.”
 <L p# \%  ˆ
 .R +%  ˆ
 *# : A
   |R ..& 2 *

Do you know?
In Pre-Islamic Arabia, the tasks related to the administration of the Holy Ka’aba and Hajj were
considered a pride for the people performing them. They had divided such tasks in different families of
Makkah. Housekeeping of the Holy Ka’aba was called  :)
  , providing water to the Pilgrims was called
E  )
  , feeding the poor Pilgrims was called  1 . Special funds were maintained for each of these tasks.
In addition to that, they had many other high ranks for different families of Makkah, maintaining their
parliament house, holding flags during a war, arranging military camps, dealing with foreign affairs,
managing public finances, sending delegations to other states etc.
After conquest of Makkah, the Prophet rearranged all the institutions except those related to the

Quranic Arabic Program 97 Level 03

Lesson 6A: The Present & Future Tense: Passive Voice 2 3 51 6 

English ,</
Say, “You will not be asked about our crimes and we "/ 2R Ž)
%  i .%  I%  "/  RŽ)
% H i # *R
will not be asked about what you do.”  R" % H
And you will not be asked about the people of hell. Z >d3
 dA % H i
%  \% / 2R Ž)
They think that a backbreaking disaster will be done to
J  *  <   F# E #  ~\|R H
When you listen that Allah’s verses are rejected, <  F p# E (  ;
 En Z%  % " & Le
Soon their testimonies will be written and they will be
asked (about them).
 RŽ) p#  &
% E  Z%  H  b O
So I shall write that soon for those who care (about
 R E \ EQ ?  # Ž)
And intercession will not be accepted and a 2J :% / .%  QR c g% E i J / Fb .%  R ?# E i
 . E Z% N i
compensation will not be taken and they will not be

The criminals will be recognized by their faces, so they QR c g% >  Z% N ">)<    3 % " # B
 % E
will be caught by their foreheads and feet. + :*# 'U  ,A . <
It (Zakat) will be taken from their rich people and will
be returned to their poor people.
Z}  R Æ =  H  Z% N $U >.‡ \%  QR c g H
Does the man think that he will be left without any
…¶:& W  % E #  R ){ O
d% E
He (Satan) said, “Give me a chance till the day when
they will be raised up.”
 Rw ?% E + % E e ,% |  2 *
Then definitely you will be raised up on the day of
 Rw ?% H   > # + % E Z% pR e Z8R
Don’t say that who is killed in Allah’s way that they are
G %  (   >?& , R # E \% "  RR H i
So they kill and are killed.  R# E   R # >
Worth Reading! Positive attitude affirms the

Quranic Arabic Program 98 Level 03

Lesson 6B: Quranic Socio-Economic Teachings

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

The Chapter of Light 1 ~. R 1  &

(   (  " [% 1  Z% pR >%  / (  R 6
%  i% .  " % H i Z%  % Z  % E (     c ‰  >%~: , ZG >
G Q/ Z%    . n \ EQ , R !
 [ F# K >!H #   ~?d
 E \ EQ e
.ZG >[1 BG =$1
:a [  \%  Z% pR .%    (  " [% 1  Z% pR >%  / (  R 6
%  i%  p .% " #  $ !d
% F # <   Ž# E ( ž  4>% ! ; 4R c K% ?E \%    4 >% ! ;  4R c  ?H i  . n \ EQ ~E E
RF% ># (   >?& , \ EI " #  f   )" #  <% R # ,% R H g% E #    )  Z% pR .%   6 % F # R% R  HŽ# E i .ZG >/ KG >"& (   $= !E \%  ,jh E (  \p  €:<
.ZG >[1 1G RF‡ (   Z% pR  (   F @% E #   ~?d
 H i  dF 
% >#
. R" % E    "< Z%  R I 1%  Z%  E:E% Z%   .)
 # Z%  >%  / :  !
% H + % E .ZG >|/ G Q/ Z%     c ‰  >%~: ,  . R ;  . g% " # ;
 9 @# ;  .  d % " #   % E \ EQ e
 =$? l  ‹% R ª; ?q>4   ?q>4  f  ?q>4 ; ?q>4  ;  w>?  #   Rw>?
 #  f
 #  ; w>?  # .f
?" # ~md
 #  N (     " % E md # Z%  .E (  Z%  >j E Qa ‹ % E
.ZG E%  YG % 1  J  F @%  Z%   ªRR E "

Those who love to broadcast such vulgarity among the believers will have a painful punishment in this life and in
the Hereafter. Allah knows and you do not know. Were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah towards you, [this
scandal would have produced very bad results for you.] Allah is indeed very Kind, most Merciful.
O believers! Do not follow the footsteps of Satan: because anyone who follows the footsteps of Satan is seduced by
him to commit acts of indecency and wickedness. If there had not been the grace and mercy of Allah upon you, none
of you would have ever been purified [from that sin], for it is Allah Alone Who purifies whom He pleases, and Allah
is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. Let not those among you who are endowed with grace and amplitude of means swear
to withhold their help from their relatives, the indigent and those who left their homes for the cause of Allah - rather
let them forgive and overlook - do you not wish that Allah should forgive you? Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Those who accuse chaste but careless believing women are cursed in this life, and in the Hereafter they shall have a
grievous punishment. [Such people should not forget that] Day when their own tongues, their own hands and their
own feet will testify against their misdeeds. On that Day, Allah will give them the full reward they deserve, then
they will realize that Allah is the One Who manifests the Truth. Unclean women are for unclean men, and unclean
men are for unclean women; and pure women are for pure men, and pure men are for pure women. They are free
from the slanderer’s accusations; for them there shall be forgiveness and honorable provision from Allah.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
They are cursed  . R To give  Hg% E #  To spread, to broadcast K >!H # 
Tongues, plural of J ) .)
 # They should forgive RF% ># Merciful, Kind B
G =$1
He causes to die ,j E They should overlook  dF 
% ># He purifies [his

Malicious, corrupt men f
 # They accuse, they
make target
  % E He purifies ,jh E
Pure, clean   ?q>4 Chaste women ;
% " # He should not withhold  HŽ# E i
Free  =$? Careless women ;
 9 @# Abundance of wealth,

Quranic Arabic Program 99 Level 03

Lesson 6B: Quranic Socio-Economic Teachings

[ NRc :% H 9 €:[ >  :3  H Z%  # ž .  Q H Z% pR   Z% pR  G >% c Z% pR L  N%  /  "j)  H   )Ž# )% H [ Z% pR H> <  >% ‡ €H >< Rc :% H i  . n \ EQ ~E E
 Z  % E (   Z% pR  5
G  > a pR )
%   >% ‡ €H >< Rc :% H #  C G .I Z% pR >%  / y >%  .ZG >/  R" % H "< (   Z% pR  %   N  I 1%   I 1% Z% pR   >* # e %ZpR   L g% E
.  " p# H    :?% H
i \ I  R \ |# F d % E \N 1 <% \%  \ 6 % 6 @% E ;  . g% "#  # *R  .  .% E "< o G ?c (  e Z%   %  l  L Z%  I  R R|F d % E Z% N 1 <% \%  ~6@ E f  . %g" #  # *R
\  c% e %  \  < $ .<% %  \ } .<% %  \  < $ <n %  \ } <n %  \  ?  ie \ .E \ E:?% E i \ < >I / \N  "  < \ <% 6
% ># .%    œ  ie \ .E \ E:?% E
i $ )q. ;  1% / /   |# E Z%  \ EQ  F# j4 %  2 Iq \%   <1% { ,% R  >% ‡ f   <  %  \  "E% ˆ% p    %  \ } ) %  \ H c  ,.< %  \  c% e ,.< % 
.  d F# H Z% pR     . g% " # ~E €>"I (  e  < H \ .E \%  f F % E  Z  % >  \  I 1% Ž< \ <% 6
% E

O believers! Do not enter houses other than your own until you have sought permission and said greetings of peace
to the occupants; this is better for you, so that you may be mindful. If you do not find the person you wanted to see,
then do not enter until permission is given to you; and if you are asked to go back, then go back; this is more fitting
for you; and Allah is cognizant of what you do. There is no blame on you if you enter houses which are not used for
dwelling [e.g. a mosque, an office etc.] and in which you have something belonging to you; and Allah knows what
you reveal and what you conceal.
Enjoin the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that is more chaste for them. Surely Allah is
well aware of their actions. Likewise enjoin the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their modesty; not to
display their beauty and ornaments except what normally appears thereof; let them draw their veils over their
bosoms and not display their charms except to their husbands, their fathers, their fathers-in-law, their own sons, their
stepsons, their own brothers, their nephews on either brothers’ or sisters’ sides, their own womenfolk, their own
slaves, male attendants who lack sexual desires or small children who have no carnal knowledge of women. Also
enjoin them not to strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden trinkets. And O believers! Turn to Allah
in repentance, all of you, [about your past mistakes], so that you may become successful.

Do you know? The Quran took serious steps to eradicate slavery from the Islamic society gradually. These verses describe
some of these steps i.e. marrying slave-men & women and giving freedom to a slave for a payment in easy installments if he /
she wants to buy freedom and then helping them in financial terms. For more details, see my book: Abolition of Physical &
Intellectual Slavery in Islam.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Having sexual desire  <1% { You conceal, you hide   " p# H You get permission  )Ž# )
% H
Hidden parts of body ;
 1% / They lower ~6@ E You say greetings  "j)
They should not strike \ <%  6
% E i They protect R|F d
% E You do not find  :3
 H Z% 
They hide f
% E They do not show \ E:?% E i He is permitted  L g% E
Their feet, plural of 
J I1 \  I 1%  Their beauty \ .E The most purified % 

% p    Their husbands \  < Residential a Rp)
What their right hands
control i.e. slaves \  "E% You reveal, you
  :?% H

Quranic Arabic Program 100 Level 03

Lesson 6B: Quranic Socio-Economic Teachings

Z%  >.@% E [ €[ p   :3  E i \ EQ Š% F % )

% ># .ZG >/ KG &  (   (  6
%  \%  (  Z%  .@% E $U  R  RpE # e Z% pR } e Z% R  ?/ \%  f
d     Z% pR .%   E'U  dp 
# e $ @?# / Z% pR H >  N p# H i Z% R Hn PQ (  2  \%  Z% N  Hn €%>c Z%  > Z%  "%  / # e Z% N  ?H p Z% pR  "E% ˆ % p   "  p #   @?% E \ EQ  (  6
%  %\ ( 
.ZG >[1 1G FR ‡ \ N # e : % < \%  (  ž \~N p# E \%   >%~:  >d
 # k
  /  @?%  €.~d  H  % 1 
, C ?% " # C G ?
%  > a p!% "  X 1   R w k
 1% 'U  ;  " ) 1   (  .f   " #  € | / %   Z% pR  ?% * \%  % c \EQ \%  9 € w  ;
a .q>? ;
a En Z% pR >% e .#h  :%  
\%  X 1  . (  P:% E 1a   / 1G   1G  ( )
 "% H Z%  %  $= ,6E  E%  pE a ><% ‡ i a >* % b i a  E% a  1 ? a  3  b \%  : *  E ƒPq1 O G  %  Ž R I I~h a I I
.ZG >/ $a ,% b jpR < (   Ÿ
 . 2 w% 'U ( 
% E $= !E

Get the singles among you married as well as those who are fit for marriage among your male slaves and female
slaves. If they are poor, Allah will make them free from want out of His grace: for Allah has boundless resources
and is All-Knowing. And let those who do not find means to marry keep themselves chaste until Allah enriches them
out of His bounty. As for those of your slaves who wish to buy out their liberty, execute the deed of liberty with
them if you find them deserving, and give them some of the wealth which Allah has given you. Do not force your
slave-girls into prostitution for your own worldly gains, if they wish to preserve their chastity; and if anyone forces
them into it, then surely after such a compulsion Allah will be forgiving and merciful to them.
We have already sent down to you revelations giving you clear guidance and cited examples of those people who
passed away before you to serve as a warning and an admonition for the righteous people. Allah is the Light of the
heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche, in which there is a lamp, the lamp is
enclosed in crystal, the crystal is of a star-like brilliance, it is lit with the olive oil from a blessed olive tree which is
neither eastern nor western, its very oil would almost be luminous though no fire touched it [- as though all the
means of increasing] Light upon Light are provided - Allah guides to His Light whom He pleases. Allah cites such
parables [to make His message clear to] the people; and Allah has knowledge of everything.

Worth Reading! O God! Who is like you? An article for invoking God’s love.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Crystal a I I Your girls (especially

slave girls)
Z% pR H > Arrange marriage  dp 
Star O
G  %  Prostitution $ @?# Singles  E'U
Brilliance, glistening ƒPq1 They intend, they decide  % 1  Your slave women Z% pR } e
It is lit : *  E Preserving chastity €.~d
 H Poor people, plural of
o $U  R
Olive a  E% Gains, money k
  / He should keep himself
% F % )
% >#
Its oil  E% He forces them \~N p# E They want   @?% E
It illuminates $= ,6E Forcing X # e Legal document
 p #
It touches y
% )
 "% H Niche a p!
%  Write the deed of
Lamp, light C
G ?
%  Don’t force  N p# H i

Quranic Arabic Program 101 Level 03

Lesson 6B: Quranic Socio-Economic Teachings

 R E  h $ Ee  9 + *e (   # L \% / KG >% < i J 1 3H Z%  ># H i 2J I1 .2 A‰  q: @ # < > (  D q?)
 E ( " &% >   Q# E  K  % H #  (   L  ;
a  >< ,
. a )[  >% @ < $= !E \%  Y
 % E (   ( 6
%  \%  Z% N : EhE R" /  \ )
 [%  (  Z%  Eh 3
% > .1 <%'U  RR # ( > O  H €%E
, ;
a "R |R  %  .  )d  # K E& (   ( < )[ X   X : .% / (  : I   €‹%>b X :% 3 E Z%  X $U I Le [ $†  R “%"| ( ? )
d % E a  > <
a )   Z%  R "/%   F  \ EQ 
1. ) .1a   \%  (  " €1  (  (  #  3
% E Z%  \%   N E :% p E Z%  X : E V
  c%  Le 
a % < Y  %  6 % < ;
G "R œR G d& ( * %  \%  V G %  ( * %  \%  V
G %  X !@% E Ä,q3R a d
% <

His Light is found in those houses which Allah has sanctioned to be built for the remembrance of His name; where
His praise is sung, in the mornings and in the evenings again and again, by such people whom neither business nor
business profit can divert from the remembrance of Allah, nor from establishing the Prayer and nor from paying
Zakat, for they fear the Day of Judgment when hearts will be overturned and eyes will be petrified, who hope that
Allah will reward them according to the best of their deeds and add for them even more out of His grace: for
Allah gives without measure to whom He pleases.
As for the unbelievers, their deeds will disappear like a mirage in a sandy desert, which the thirsty traveler thinks to
be water, but when he comes near, he finds it to be nothing, instead he finds Allah to settle his account - Allah is
swift in settling accounts. Or another parable of unbelievers' efforts is that of a person trying to swim in a bottomless
ocean overwhelmed with billows, one over the other, overcast with dark clouds - layers of utter darkness one above
another - so much so that if he stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it. The one to whom Allah does not give
light, will have no light!

Do you know? The Quran took serious steps to eradicate slavery from the Islamic society gradually.
These verses describe some of these steps i.e. marrying slave-men & women and giving freedom to a
slave for a payment in easy installments if he / she wants to buy freedom and then helping them in
financial terms. For more details, see my book: Abolition of Physical & Intellectual Slavery in Islam.

Face the Challenge! Rule of the Day! If the word ˆ

 > is added before a 
Identify 10 Arabic words from ,- , it gives the sense of expressing a wish. For
example Z   means “he understood” while Z  FE ˆ
your vocabulary in which
someone is asked to ‘not do’
something. means “I wish he would have understood.”

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Bottomless, very deep Ä,q3R Accounting, measurement
a )[ At morning q: @ #
It dominates !@% E Mirage, illusion
a & At evening 2 A‰
Sea wave, billow V
G %  Desert a  >* It diverts them Z%  ># H
G d& Thirsty R “%"| It will be overturned O
He does not see :% p E Z%  He gives in full measure /
causes to die
 So that He rewards
Z%  Eh 3
% >

Quranic Arabic Program 102 Level 03

Lesson 6B: Quranic Socio-Economic Teachings

The Chapter of the Chambers ;

# R 1  &
.Z >[ \ " [%  0
 Z )<
(    3
% H i q,?. ;  % A  Y  %  Z% pR H A
%    % H i  . n \ EQ ~E E .ZG >/ KG >"& (  e (  R H  (  &1  (  P % : E \ >% <  q: H i  . n \ EQ ~E E
Z%   …#  Z%  <R*R (  \ d
 % \ EQ l  ‹% R (  2  &1 : .% / Z%  H A
%   ~6@ E \ EQ e .   ! % H i Z%  % Z% pR R "/%   ?d
% H #   a % ? Z% pR 6
 % <  % 3
  2 %  # <
.ZG >[1 1G RF‡ (   Z%   €>% c  p Z%  >% e V
% H [  ?A  Z%  %  . R % E i Z% N  w#  ;
d # $ 1 \%  l
   .E \EQ e .ZG >|/ G I%  J  F @% 
\%  o a w , Z% pR  >4E %  (  2  &1 Z% pR >   " /%  .f    Z%  #     /  d? %   a  3  < €%*  ?>H #   .>? ža?.< mG &  Z% R $U I # e  . n \ EQ ~E E
ZG >/ (   € " %  (  \%  9
€6%  .  :b  Z% N l
 ‹% R  >
%  #  Y   )FR #   F# pR # Z% pR >% e X   Z% pR <R*R , ( .E   "E%{ Z% pR >% e O
 ?[ (  \p  Z% ~.   % 'U
.ZG >p[

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

O believers! Do not put yourselves ahead of Allah and His Messenger. Fear Allah; surely Allah hears all and knows
all. O believers! Do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud when talking to him as
you speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds should come to nothing while you do not even perceive it. Those
who lower their voices and speak softly in the presence of Allah’s Messenger are the ones whose hearts Allah has
tested for piety; they shall have forgiveness and a great reward. Those who call out to you, [O Muhammad,] from
outside the private apartments, most of them lack common sense. If only they had patience until you could come out
to them, it would certainly be better for them. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
O believers, if an evildoer comes to you with some news, verify it [investigate to ascertain the truth], lest you should
harm others unwittingly and then regret what you have done. And know that Allah’s Messenger is among you. If he
were to follow you in most affairs, you would certainly be in trouble. Allah has endeared this faith to you and
beautified it in your hearts, making unbelief, wrongdoing, and disobedience abhorrent to you. It is they who are
rightly guided through Allah’s grace and blessing. Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.

Do you know?
In Pre-Islamic Arabia, slavery was present in its worst form. The most heinous form of slavery was
sex-slavery. Beautiful young girls were trained as prostitutes to earn money for their masters.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

You become  d?
% H They call    .E Chambers ;
Ashamed f
    Beyond $ 1 You advance  q: H
You will Z% ~./ Morally corrupt mG &  You raise   % H
He endeared O
 ?[ News ža? It spoils 
% H
He beautified it \ E O you all! Investigate  .>?H They lower  ~6@ E
He made it hateful /
X  You cause harm  ?>H He tested \ d

Quranic Arabic Program 103 Level 03

Lesson 6B: Quranic Socio-Economic Teachings

2 :%  # < " .>% <  d A

% Ž ;
% $U  # ž (   %  e $U ,FH [ ,@?% H , R H   …c% '= / "N :[% e ˆ % @ < # ž " .>% <  d A % Ž R*# f
 . g% " # \%   F } Π# e
.  "[ % H Z% pR   (  R H  Z% pR E% c  \ >% <  d A
% Ž J  c% e   . g% " # "e .f
 4 ) # " # ~Od  E (  e R4)  *# 
 ‹# <
  #'U <  h< .H i Z% pR )
 FR   h" # H i \ .%  €%>c \pR E #  )
 / $a ) \%  $T ) i Z%  .%  €%>c  RpE #  )
 / +a % * \%  +G * %  ) % E i  . n \ EQ ~E E
.  " | Z% N l
 ‹% ŽR O
%  E Z%  \%    Õ{ : % < Y
 )FR # Z &% i
R H  X  " N%  p  €%> ( >c  Z d
%   R Ž# E #  Z% R : [  ~Od
 E  ª€ 6%< Z% pR 6
% < O
% @% E i  ))3
 H i ZG 8#e q\| 
 % < e q\| \%  €ow  ?.I%  . n \ EQ ~E E
.ZG >[1 G H (  e ( 
(49:1-13 ; 3d# ) .o
G ?c ZG >/ (  e Z% R  H% (  : .% / Z% pR   #  e R1   } ?*  €< b Z% R .#  I  wR a  L \%  Z% R .#  c e Ÿ
. ~E E

If two parties among the believers fall into mutual fighting, make peace between them. Then if one of them
transgresses against the other, fight the one who has transgressed until he returns to the commands of Allah. Then, if
he returns, make peace between them with justice and be fair; for Allah loves those who are fair and just. The
believers are brothers to one another, therefore, make reconciliation between your brothers and fear Allah, so that
you may be shown mercy.
O believers! Let no men laugh at other men who may perhaps be better than themselves; and let no woman laugh at
another woman, who may perhaps be better than herself. Do not defame [through sarcastic remarks] about one
another, nor call one another by offensive nicknames. It is an evil thing to be called by a bad name after being a
believer, and those who do not repent are the ones who are the wrongdoers.
O believers! Avoid suspicion, for in some cases suspicion is a sin. Do not spy on one another, nor backbite one
another [to say something about another behind ones back that if one hears it, dislikes it]. Would any of you like to
eat the flesh of his dead brother? Surely you would abhor it. Fear Allah; for Allah is the Accepter of repentance,
O mankind! We created you from a single [pair of] a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that
you might get to know one another. Surely the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous.
Allah is All-Knowledgeable, All-Aware.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Avoid!  ?.I% Be just! R4)
 *#  Two groups  F } Œ
Suspicion q\| Just people f
 4 )
 # " # They Fight R*#
Sin ZG 8#e Don’t make a fun
(with disdain)
% E i (O you all!) Make
 d A
Don’t spy on  ))3
 H i It is possible that )/ She / they transgressed ˆ
% @ <
Don’t backbite O
% @% E i Don’t defame (by
sarcastic remarks)
 h" # H i Other …c% '=
You hate it X  " N%   Don’t call  h< .H i Fight! RH *
Nations €< b (Offensive) nicknames
  #'U They transgress ,@?% H
So that you get
R1  He does not repent O
%  E Z%  They return $U ,FH

Quranic Arabic Program 104 Level 03

Lesson 6B: Quranic Socio-Economic Teachings

The Chapter of Iron : E:d# R 1  &

Z%  .%  o
G w  Z%  < R*R ˆ
% )
   :  'U Z%  >%  / 2 4 R ?% * \% 
 p #  HR \ EQ   RpE i qmd  # \%  2 h   (   # Q  Z%  < R*R K !
% H #   . n \ EQ  Ž# E Z% 
. R % H Z% pR   ;
 E‰ Z% pR  .>< :% * H%  : % < k
 1% 'U , d% E (    " /% . R & 
Z%   Z%  q<1 : .% / $= : ~!   R Eq:q Z% N l
 ‹% R (  & 1  (  <  . n \ EQ  .ZG E%  G I%  Z%   Z%   Š
/ 6E €.)[ €-%* (   - *#  ;  *q:" #  f  * q:" # e
.Z >d3  #
dA %  l ‹% R .H E“<  <Q   F  \ EQ  Z% N 1   Z% N  I% 
ª€  4[ R RpE Z8R €F 
%  X  ¸
>E Z8R ( H ? 1 FpR # O
 /%  M a >% ‡  w"   i%'U  2 % 'U , G 8R pH Z% pR .>% < G c FH J .E G %  O
G   >%~: R >d  # "  " /%
% :/ R k
 1% 'U  $ ") k  %   - % / a .I  Z% pR q<1 \%  a  F @%  e R < & .1  @ # 5  ie >%~: R >d
 #  J - % 1  (  \%  J  F @%   :G E:b G Q/  c ‰ ,
.Z >| #  6
% F # RL (   $= !E \%  ( >Hg% E (  R 6%  l  L (  & 1  (  <  . n \ EQ

Has not the time arrived for the believers to submit with fervent hearts to Allah’s warning and to the truth He has
revealed, so that they may not become like those who were given the Book before this, even though their term was
prolonged for them but their hearts became hardened? Today most among them are transgressors. You should know
that Allah restores the earth to life after its death. We have spelled out Our revelations for you, so that you may
understand. Surely the charitable men and the charitable women, and those who give a goodly loan to Allah, shall be
repaid manifold, and also be given a liberal reward besides it. Those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, they
are the truthful and the true witnesses in the sight of their Lord; they shall have their reward and their light. But those
who disbelieve and reject Our revelations; they shall be the inmates of hellfire.
You should know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, a show and boasting among yourselves, a
quest for greater riches and more children. Its similitude is that of vegetation that flourish after rain: the growth of
which delights the tillers, then it withers and you see it turn yellow, soon it becomes dry and crumbles away. In the
hereafter there will be either severe punishment or forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure. The life of this
world is nothing but an illusion. Therefore, earnestly strive for the forgiveness of your Lord and for the paradise
which is as vast as the heaven and the earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. Such is
the grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom He pleases, and Allah is the Owner of mighty grace.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It makes happy O
 /%  Give loan!  - *#  Iron, steel : E:d#
It becomes ¸
>E It will be increased
multiple times
/ 6E It became long 2 Œ
Yellowish €F 
%  The Hell Z >d3
 # Period of time :  'U
Broken pieces € 4[ Play, leisure O
G   It became hard ˆ
% )
Delusion, illusion 1  @ # Amusement G %  We clarified .><
Run! R < & Boasting, show off G c FH Charitable men f
 * q:" #
It is prepared ;
% :/ R Vegetation, crops M
a >% ‡

Quranic Arabic Program 105 Level 03

Lesson 6B: Quranic Socio-Economic Teachings

(   Z% R Hn "<  [ F# H i Z% pR H   / %& #ŽH 9%>p  .o

G) E (  / l  L e N ?%  #   ?% * \%  a  , ie Z% pR )  FR % , i k  1% 'U , a ?> \% 
.: >"d
 # ~,.@ #  N (  ž 2 E \%     % ? # < Ÿ
 .    Ž# E  R ?% E \ EQ .1a   2a 
%  R ~Od E i
 >% @ # < (  & 1  X  
.% E \%  (  Z  % > Ÿ
 . K  .  :G E:b Ÿ
G Ž# < ( > : E:d
 # .#h % 
%  # < Ÿ
. + R >  h>"# 
 p # Z%    .#h % ;
 .q>?# < . & 1 .# & 1%  :%  
.hG Eh/ ƒP * (  e
X .>% Hn Z E%  \ <% )>< .>% F*  . &  < Z% N 1 8n / .%>F* Z8R . R &  Z%  .%  o G w  :a %  Z%  .% " 
 p #   ? ~. " Eq1LR , .#  I  Z >N <%e €[  .# & %1 :%  
Z%  .%   . n \ EQ .>% H“ E /1 m[ N% / 1 " (   - % 1 $U @<% ie Z%  >%  / N .?%   N /: <% € > ?N% 1  ª€" [% 1  €  #1 X  ?H \ EQ
 R*R , .#  I   >3%{
(57:16-27 :E:d# ) . R &  Z%  .%  o G w  Z% N  I% 

No affliction can happen on earth nor to your souls, which is not recorded in a Book, before We bring it into
existence; surely that is easy for Allah. This is done so that you may not grieve for the things that you miss, or be
overjoyed at what you gain; for Allah does not love any vainglorious boaster, nor those who, being stingy
themselves, enjoin others to be stingy also. He that gives no heed should know that Allah is free of all needs, worthy
of all praises.
Surely We sent Our Messengers with clear signs, and sent down with them the Book and the Scales of Justice, so
that men may conduct themselves with fairness. We also sent down Iron, with its mighty strength and diverse uses
for mankind, so that Allah may know those who will help Him, though unseen, and help His Messengers. Surely
Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty.
We sent Noah and Abraham, and bestowed among their descendants Prophethood and the Book. Some of them
adopted the right guidance, but most of them were transgressors. After them We sent other Messengers, one after the
other, and followed them with Jesus the son of Mary. We gave him The Gospel, and put compassion and mercy into
the hearts of his followers. As for monasticism, they instituted it themselves - for We did not enjoin it on them - in
order to seek the good pleasure of Allah, but they did not observe it as it should have been observed. Yet We
rewarded those among them who were true believers, but most of them are transgressors.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

We sent continuously .>% F* He pays no attention 2 E We bring it into
N ?%  # 
Their footsteps Z% N 1 8n Clear signs ;
 .q>?# Easy o
G) E
Compassion, love €  #1 Balance, the criteria for
right & wrong
 h>"# So that not, i , 2 9%>p 
Monasticism € > ?N% 1 Strength Ÿ
G Ž# < You become
%& Ž# H
They invented (from their
 /: <% Hard :G E:b It lacks ;
We made it mandatory .?%  Powerful ƒP * Don’t be happy  [ F# H i
Pleasure  -
% 1 Progeny, children Eq1LR Self-proud 2a 
They took care of it N% / 1 One who selects the right
:a %  Boaster 1a  
Its requirements to observe E /1 They become stingy  R
 ?% E

Quranic Arabic Program 106 Level 03

Lesson 6B: Quranic Socio-Economic Teachings

The Chapter of Banishment !d# R 1  &

(  &1 / (  $U   .G E:* $a ,% b jR / (   $= !E \%  / (  & 1  R j)
 E (  \p 
a 1 i a >% c \%  ( >%  / Z%  F# I %  " Z%  .%  (  &1 / (  U$  
( .% / Z% R   X RQ
 2R  & Z% R Hn  Z% pR .%  $ >.‡# 'U \ >% < €    RpE i ,%   >?) \ <%  f  )" #   >#  <% R # PQ 2  & (   …R #  N%  \% 
.    # : E:b (  e (  R H   % 
1 : =$?H \ EQ  . R*  Z% N l  ‹% R (  &1  (     .% E € - % 1  (  \%  9
€6%    @?% E Z%   %  Z% N 1 E \%   I c% R \ EQ \ EI " # $  FR # 
l ‹% ŽR ( )
 F#  Db Y   E \%   J A
 c Z%  <   %  Z%  )  FR % /   8g% E   HR " € I [ Z% N 1  :A
,   :3  E i Z%  >% e  I N \%   ~?d
 E Z%   ?% * \%   "E%{ 
.ZG >[1 B G =$1 l  e .<1  . n \ EQ ˜9‡ .<R*R , #  3 % H i  "E%{ < R ?& \ EQ . c% { . % F ‡# .<1  RR E Z% N : % < \%  =$ I \ EQ  .  d F# " # Z% N
(59:6-10 !d# )

As for those spoils of theirs which Allah has bestowed on His Messenger, you spurred neither cavalry nor camelry to
capture them: but Allah gives authority to His Messengers over whom He pleases, for Allah has power over all
things. Whatever spoils from the dwellers of the township Allah has bestowed on His Messenger, shall belong to
Allah, His Messenger, [Messenger's] relatives, and to the orphans, the needy and the travellers in need; so that it
may not become the property of the rich among you. Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it and from whatever
he forbids you, refrain from it. Fear Allah; for Allah is stern in retribution.
[A share of the spoils shall be given to] the indigent immigrants who were driven out of their homes and their
possessions, and are seeking Allah’s grace and His good pleasure and who want to help Allah and His Messenger:
such are indeed the true believers. [A share of the spoils shall also be given to] those who [made their abode in
Medina i.e. the Ansar] and believed even before the arrivals of the immigrants and love those who migrated to them
and entertain no desire in their hearts for things given to them, and prefer those immigrants over themselves, even
though they themselves are poor. [In fact] those who are saved from the greediness of hearts, are the ones who will
achieve true success. And [it is also for] those who came after them and say: "Our Lord! Forgive us and our brothers
who embraced the faith before us and do not leave any malice in our hearts towards the believers. Our Lord! Surely
You are the Kind, the Merciful."

Rule of the Day

If the word  is added before a 51 6 , it gives the sense of expressing a hope. For example Z  FE
means “he understands / will understand” while Z  FE   means “I hope that he will understand.”
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

They sacrifice   8g% E Township …R # Gathering (on the

Judgment day)
Poverty J A
 c Revolving €   He gave $U 
His is protected Y
  E Punishment
   # You expedited Z%  F# I
Greediness Db They made =$?H Horses, cavalry a >% c
They advanced us R ?& Home 1 : Animals used for
transportation e.g. camel

a 1
Malice ˜9‡ He migrated  I N He appoints as a master 
R j)

Quranic Arabic Program 107 Level 03

Lesson 6B: Quranic Socio-Economic Teachings

The Chapter of Divorce Y94 R 1  &

(Z>[ \"%[ 0 Z)<
  :[ l
 # H a .q>? a !
 [ F< f
 HŽ# E #  ie \ I%  
% E i \ H >< \%  \N  I  % H i Z% pR <1 (  R H   : #  [%  \ H:  \N R j4  $U )q. Z%  # ΠLe ~,?. E E
…L  : b%  B a  % " < \N R*1  %  B a  % " < \N Rp) % Ž \  I  \ @%  < Lž . €% l
 L : % < S
R : d
% E (    P1:% H i ( )  F#  Z  œ :%   (    :[ : E \%  ( 
.(    !  ">* Z% pR .%  2a :% /
X  %  ´R  < (  e ( ? )
% [    (  / #  E \%   O
% E i M
R >% [ \%  (*#  % E . €I
%  (  #  3
% E (  m E \%    c ‰ + % >#  (  < \  g% E   \%  ( < x
R /  E Z% pR L
. €1%:* $a ,% b jpR  (    I :% *
\%  (  #  3
% E (  m E \%   \  "% [ \ % 6
 E #  \ R I  2 "[% 'U ;i%R \ 6
% d
 E Z%  ,}9  a  b%  R 898 \ H :  Z%  ?% H1% # e Z% pR } ) \%    >d" # \%  \ ) % ‹E ,}9 
. €%I (  Z% | % E  ( H ‹q>& ( .% / % jFp E (  m E \%   Z% pR >% e ( h  (   %  l
 L . €%)E X  % 

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

O Prophet! If you and the believers divorce your wives, divorce them at the end of their prescribed periods, and
count their prescribed periods accurately. Fear Allah, your Lord. Do not expel them from their homes [during their
waiting period], nor they themselves should leave, unless they have committed an open lewdness. These are limits
set by Allah; he that transgresses the limits of Allah will wrong his own soul. You never know, Allah may,
thereafter, bring about some new situation [of reconciliation]. Then when their waiting period ends, either keep them
honorably or part with them in an honorable way. Call to witness two honest persons among you, and [O witnesses,]
bear witness equitably for the sake of Allah.
This advice is being given to all who believe in Allah and the last Day. He that fears Allah may be provided a way
out by Him, and given sustenance from the sources he could never imagine: for Allah is all sufficient for the person
who puts his trust in Him. Surely Allah brings about what He pleases, and Allah has set a measure for all things.
If you have any doubt concerning those of [your wives] who have ceased menstruating, then [you should know] that
their waiting period will be three months, and the same will apply to those who have no menstruation [due to young
age or a disease]. As for those who are pregnant, their waiting period will end with delivery. Allah will ease the
hardship of those who fear Him. This is the command of Allah which He has sent down to you. He that fears Allah,
will have his sins removed and his reward enlarged.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

They lost hope \ )
% ‹E He brings new situation S
R : d
% E Divorce Y94
You doubt Z%  ?% H1% Keep Rp)
 %  You divorce them \N R jŒ
They menstruate \ 6
% d
 E Leave R*1  Waiting period after
Pregnancy 2 "[% 'U It is advised x
R /  E Count!  [% 
He will make void, He will
% jFp E He imagines O
% E He crossed limits : E
He will enlarge Z% | % E Those who, plural of × ,}9 You don’t know P1:% H i

Quranic Arabic Program 108 Level 03

Lesson 6B: Quranic Socio-Economic Teachings

\N  H“ Z% pR  \ % -
 1%  # ž \  "% [ \ % 6
 E [ \ >%  / R F %Ž a "% [ ;  iR \R # e \ >%  / R q>6    \N ~1 6H i Z% R : I%  \%  Z%  .p& M R >% [ \%  \N  .p &% 
 ie €)#F (  Š jp E i (  X Hn " m% F . >#  ( *R % 1 ( >%  / 1 : *R \%   (  & \%  a  & RL m% F . > .…c% R (  K -
 %  )
  Z% H % & H # e B
a  % " < Z% pR .>% <  " H# \N 1  IR
. €%)E a )
% / : % < (  R  3% >& N Hn
€< Q/ Z%   (  :/  . €%)c N %  R ?* /   N %  2 < ˆ
% * Q . €p#  €< Q/ N .<%Q/  €:E:b €< )[ N .?% & d (  & 1  q<1  %  \% / ˆ % / a E% * \%  \% qEŽ 
. €#L Z% pR >% e (  2 h  :% *  . n \ EQ
 ?#'U ,R E (  R H  €:E:b
\%  P3 % H ;
a .I ( # c :% E €d A # " % E (  < \%  g% E \%   1~. e ;  "R |z  \%  ;
 d  R" /   . n \EQ V   % >  ;
a .q>? (  ; En Z% pR >%  / R% E i€  &1
G E:* $a ,% b jR / (    " %  \ .>% <  % 'U 2R h.E \  w#  k
 1% 'U \%   ;
a  "& K ?% & m  c PQ (  . €*%1 (  (  \ )
 [%  :% * €:< > \ E: c 1 %U' d % H
. €"#/ $a ,% b jpR <   [ :% * (  

Let those women, during their waiting period (‘Iddat), live where you yourselves live according to your means. You
shall not harass them so as to make life intolerable for them. If they are pregnant, maintain them until their delivery:
and if, after that, they suckle your offspring, compensate them and settle the matter of compensation with mutual
consultation and in all fairness. But if you cannot bear with each other then let another woman suckle the baby for
you. Let the rich man give according to his means, and the poor man give according to what Allah has given him.
Allah does not charge a man with more than He has given him; soon Allah may bring ease after hardship.
How many townships have rebelled against the commandments of their Lord and His Messengers! Stern was Our
reckoning with them and exemplary was Our punishment. So they tasted the fruit of their misdeeds, and the fruit of
their misdeeds was perdition. Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment. Therefore, fear Allah! O men of
understanding and faith. Allah has indeed sent down to you an admonition:
A Messenger reciting to you the revelations of Allah containing clear guidance, so that he may lead the believers
who do good deeds from the darkness to the light. He that believes in Allah and does good deeds, shall be admitted
to gardens beneath which rivers flow, to live therein forever; and Allah has prepared an excellent provision for them.
It is Allah Who has created seven heavens, and earths as many. His commandment descends through them, so that
you may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge.
(Adopted from the Translation of F. Malik)

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

We punished it N .<%Q/ You are in difficulty Z% H % & H Dwell! Provide

 .p &% 
Exemplary €#p She suckles the baby K -
 % H Your finding, your
Z% R : I% 
She / they tasted ˆ
% * L Rich, the person
financially relax
a  & RL Your harm ~1 6H
Curse 2 < Problem a )
% / To creative difficulties R q>6
Result R ?* / Ease €%)E They deliver (a child) \ % 6
Loss €%)c She / they rebelled ˆ
% / They suckle (the baby) \ % -
He encircles 
 [ We reckoned N .?% & [ Their remuneration \N 1  IR
Settle! Decide!  " H#

Quranic Arabic Program 109 Level 03

Lesson 7A: The Groups of 7 ,898 and the Source Noun 1:
The Result
Compare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

27 51 6 + 51 6 27 ,-  + ,-  Meaning 1:

  E Y
 E Y
  1 Y
  1 To provide as
() Y
G % 1
: 3
% E : 3
)% E : 3
 & : 3
 & To prostrate () T: 3
% &
2R E 2R R E  >* 2 * To say () 2J *
  g E   ŽE   R    To instruct /
request / advise
() G 
K I  E K I E K I 1 K I 1 To return G I 1
(B) 5
 p !
% E  pR !
% E  p b  p b To be thankful () G p b
: ? E : ? E : ?/ : ?/ To worship () T ?/
 | . E  |R .E  |   |  To see, to think,
to wait
() G |# 
Z  % E Z  % E Z  / Z  / To know (Ÿ) ZG # /
:  ! E :  !E :  b :  b To observe (Ÿ) T  b
 " E k
 "E k
   To be ill (Ÿ) k
G % 
 @ E O
 @E O
  ‡R O
  ‡ To dominate (k) T?# ‡
 3 E y
 3E y
  I y
  I To sit (k) T)
 # I
You may have noticed that certain words do not follow exactly the pattern and weight mentioned in
previous lessons. For example …E …1 ªK>?E 5 < ª2 E 2 * etc. There are special rules for their
transformation. We will discuss in the next level.

Rule of the Day! If the word Ÿ is added before a 51 6 , it gives the sense of ‘soon. For
example Z
 FE means “he understands / will understand” while Z  F>& means “Soon he will

Quranic Arabic Program 110 Level 03

Lesson 7A: The Groups of 7 ,898 and the Source Noun 1:

27 51 6 + 51 6 27 ,-  + ,-  Meaning 1:

p E O
 pE O
 R O
  To write () T< 
R  F E R  FE   R    To do (B) J % 
 FR p E  FR pE  F R  F  To disbelieve,
to reject
() G F# R
= Qcg E = Q c E Q c R Q c  To take, to
() TQ%c
R ? E R ? E  ?*=  ?* To accept (Ÿ) 2J ? *R
W   E W  E W  H W  H To leave () WG H
R  ? E M
R  ?E M
  < M
  < To send, to
raise up
() Tw<
R  E R  E  *=  * To kill () J *
R "  E R " E  " /  " / To perform, to
(B) J " /

 6 E

 To beat, to
G % -

 . E  
  To help () T 
+  p E +  pE +  R +   To be respected (W) T 
 d E O
 dE O
 [ O
 [ To think (C) O
G )
% [
 F E C
  R C
   To be happy (Ÿ) T[ 
:  ?% E :  ?% E :  < :  < To be away (W) :G  <

  * To be near (W) T<R*
Now prepare the complete tables of all of the words mentioned here.

Quranic Arabic Program 111 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

Give Everyone his Due Right (  [ Äm[ PL R 

+ … ª$ 1: < R "# & 1 h .$ 1% : ¦ q,&1 F  "# &¶ f< Z& (>/ 0 A ~,?. cn :2 * (./ (‘ ,-1 (‘ : ?/ \< O%N  F >% d  I ¦ \/
“. >: , J I [ ( y> $ 1: < W c” :ˆ * “¬l Žb ” :2  ª€jQ? $ 1:
“.Z% ” :( 2  ª+R E $ 1: < O  N L R >   " .  Ž “. ŽH [ € “<  ” :2 * “.ZG } A ,qž ª#R ” :( 2  ª€  Œ ( K .   ª$ 1: < $ 3
l>/ l  ) F# . e ª ˜ [ l>/ l
 q<  e” :R "& ( 2  . €>"I >
  “. ‰ ZR*” :R "& 2 *  >%   c n \%    " “.Z% ” :( 2  ª +R E O  N L ZR8 .+ .
“.(  [ Äm[ PL R 
 /% Ž . ˜ [ l>/ l   N% ' ª ˜ [
(+ ³ P1 ? X 1) “.R "# & Y
 : A
 ” :Z& (>/ 0 A ~,?. 2  ª( lL Q Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. HŽ

Narrated by Abu Juhaifa Wahb Ibn A’bdullah, he said: The Prophet made Salman Al-Farsi and Abu Darda brothers.
[Once] Salman visited Abu Darda. He saw Umm Darda wearing unattractive cloths. He asked, “What happened to
you?” She said, “Your brother Abu Darda does not have any worldly desire.”
Abu Darda came and prepared food for him and said to him: “Eat, [I will not eat because] I am fasting.” He
[Salman] said: “I will not eat unless you eat [with me].” So he started eating. At night time, Abu Darda stood [for
prayer] and [Salman] said to him, “Sleep.” When some night was passed, Abu Darda [again] stood for prayer. He
[Salman] said to him, “Sleep”. At the last of part of night, Salman said, “Now stand up.” Both of them performed the
prayer collected. Salman said to him, “Surely your Lord has rights upon you. Surely your body has rights upon you
and surely your family has rights upon you. Give everyone having right his due rights.
Then he came to the Prophet and described that to him. The Prophet said, “Salman spoke the truth.” (Bukhari
reported it in [the chapter of] Fasting)

Do you know?
Islamic texts like the Quran & the Hadith are analyzed from different angles: (1) Meaning of individual
words. (2) Grammatical issues. (3) Issues related to rhetoric. In Arabic, it is very important to consider
the rhetorical aspect of a statement because many words and phrases are metaphorical and figurative
meaning. (4) Background information & the context for that statement. (5) The message described in
the text.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Eater € n A woman wearing

unattractive cloths
€ jQ? Give! 
Sleep! Z%  He made K .A
 He made brothers cn
He slept +  Eat! # R He visited 1 

Quranic Arabic Program 112 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

A – Explanation of Individual Words ;

  F "# = Cb Ö 
N . "p
.J c g :1 : "# .,c gE :5
 1 6" # .\ E% c 'U  "   I ".>< cn

He made them ‘like brothers’. Its 51 6 is ,c gE. Its 1: is  c g [which means making brothers].

.\ ~Eh  W % H :2R Qz ?  . "     .% " # Ÿ

? ,N ªQ# ?
 >8 y
 ? 2 Q?H

He wore the uniform. It is the dress of professional and work. 2Q?H means leaving attractive dress.

He worked on it. Its 1: is K.A [making]. .KG .% A

:1:"#  .(" / $U ,! K.A

Condition and matter. Plural: gb. . gb :K"I . % 'U  2 d# R Ž# !

Z& (>/ 0 A (' . .)

  \ 1 *{  .(./ (‘ ,-1  "& 2 *  dA
 / 2  Z& (>/ 0 A , ?. \ 1 *e QN
R "& Y
 : A

.a Œ < / ¶:[ ~ E i

This is approval of the Prophet that indicates the correctness of Salman’s words. His acceptance is Sunnah because
He did not used to approve anyone’s false acts.

B – Grammatical Explanations J E d ;

G [ 6Ee Ö
.(12:31 Š & E) . €!< QN  : d
%  ª N ?% c O

 .% H " &% K   ª>" &% i   " 3# / R c :H “.y
 >” ;
 c  \ ,N .“R E 3d  # ” XQN :a  “<   (1)
.(2:74  ? ) .R" % H "/ a  @< ( ‘  : d
%  ª$ ? < N ?c R   E :% * 

(1) I am not going to eat: This is the  of Hijaaz. It is from the group of y>. When it is entered on a Nounish
Sentence, it gives K1 to its noun and O to its khabr. For example: “He is not a man.” (Joseph 12:31). Here QN is
:? while €!< is Khabr which has a O. Its khabr is also merged with . For example: “Allah is not ignorant
( @<) of what you do.” (Baqarah 2:74). Here it is 17 due to .

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Sisters, belonging to the
same group
 c  Acceptance, approval 1 *e Explanation C
It changes to K1 form K  H It indicates, it is an
2  Single words ;
  F "#
It changes to O form O

 .% H Correctness  dA
 He wore y
It comes with, it meets R   E He does not accept ~ E i Work costume  Q# ?
For example  d
%  Clarifications,
G [ 6Ee Profession  .% " #
Grammatical J E d Wearing attractive
dress / jewelry etc.
\ ~Eh 

Quranic Arabic Program 113 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

%   N  “# ” 1a "-ž< N: < 5
1 6"# R F O  . E  .“ºe” ."< .N “[” : R ŽH [ (2)

( ‘ $U b  () :\ E% cn \ >%  w l>e .9
€ /   /R R pE Qa ‹.>[ ª“K *  ª:I  ªS: [ ” ."< ˆ
%   Le €  H R RpH .J  H “ ” .N :...>   " (3)

E" # ;
  R >   " ( ) .\% pR E Z Ž# !
 E Z  ª 
“.i€ p .E: ‘e” :d ª " &% \ >% < .>< N ?c   I  a  " I ( ?b N ?c  €  p “‘e” Z &   Le .‘e Z & “ ˜ [” .N : € [ l
R ~& H O  >/ l q<  ‘e (4)
(88:25-26 :>b @ ) .Z %  < )[ .>/ ‘e ZR8 Z%  < Ee .>e ‘e : d ª?
 # 
R ~& H  I €    Z &i   Le (73:12 R qh" # )
ZR Ee ( ) .2 "! < R R ŽE  4>! ž 2 "q! < RR ŽH i () : >> $ F#  …cR R  w l  >e .“,q' ” “,ž” ." R > >%  $= F X Q N :ZG } A ,ž # R (5)
.ZG >L mG R c ( ž
 Q p   W Ee (ÖI) .O  4 d # 1 . R ŽH " ;  .)d  # R R ŽE : ) d  # ž : )
d # 

(2) Until you eat: Here “until” means “to”. The 51 6  will be given O due to hidden 
#  which is omitted [but
actually available between Ô[ and  H.]
(3) When the night occurred …: Here the word   is perfect. When it is perfect, it gives the meaning of “it
occurred, it was found, it happened”. In that case, its /  will be 5. Two other examples are [presented] for you:
(A) What Allah wills, it happens. What He does not will, does not happen. (B) When night occurred, the patient
died. (If is not in the meaning of ‘occurrence”, then it is called *   . See Lesson 5A of Level 2 for more details.)

(4) Surely your Lord has rights upon you: Here, the word [ is the noun of e. When the noun ( :?) of ‘e is a
common noun and its ¡c is like a sentence, it is essential to place the ¡c between ‘e and its noun. For example:
“Surely there are heavy shackles available with us.” (Muzzammil 73:12). If the noun is a proper noun, it is allowed
[but not mandatory] to place the ¡c between [ :?  ‘e]. For example: “Surely they have a returning place with Us
and then surely their accountability will be Our task.”
(5) Eat, I am fasting: This B is for describing the reason. So the meaning of °ž is “because I am”. There are other
examples of B of reasoning: (A) Don’t eat with your left hand because surely, the Satan eats with the left hand. (B)
Beware of jealousy because surely it eats the good deeds like the fire eats the wood. (C) Beware of falsehood
because surely it is a bad character.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Proper Noun €    He died ;

  A word hidden but
1a "-e
Their place of return Z%  < Ee Common noun €  p Omitted in words but
present in meaning
Complete,  H  
Related to ‘reason’ R > >%  Like a sentence a  " I ( ?b means “be, happened”
J  H
Examples, plural of 2 w R  w It becomes mandatory O
 I  It happened K * 
Wood used for burning O
 4 d
 # Putting between 
R ~& H The word having K1 5
Dispraised, bad ZG >L Heavy shackles i€ p A noun which does a
€ / 

Quranic Arabic Program 114 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

C – Rhetorical Sides  >‡ 9? O

 # \  Ö ÖI
. < (  "N% + :/  ª >~: \ / (  
 % \/ J E . R 1 ? X Q   “. >%~: , J I [ (  y
 > $ 1:  < W  c” $ 1: q+ 2 * , R E .p 

In the words of Umm Darda, there is a metonymy, “Your brother Abu Darda has no need in this world.” This
statement is a metonymy to describe his turning away from and not taking care of the worldly matters.

D – What can be derived from the Statement? qÈ. \   F) E  Ö 

(?> ).% E i ª c‰ 1 : ( ‘ X Hn "> ,@?% E   ){   .\ Eq: O   4  >~: O   4 \ >% < K " 3E PjQ \ E: ª2 :/% i    ~&  \ E + 9&{ (1)
( >@?% H  : )
3 # ( ? R 4E  \ >% <  H 0
   ?/ \ >% < l
 Q< K " 3> ªU$ ). V
h E ª + .E  > + R E ª 4 F# E  +  > .( >e ( ‘ \ )
 [ " \ ) d% E  >: \
 ?q>Π\ ( )
 F#   %[ , B
%  )
% E i ª ?  , X : )
 I l
%  .% ÓE 9 R  > d
 # X QN W 1 :% E  Z )"# / ª+9&{ ,  > ?N% 1 i ª\E: ,  ~:! H i (2)
. [ ?" # >:

(1) Islam is the religion of moderation and ease. It is the religion that combines the worldly and religious objectives.
It is the responsibility of a person to seek what Allah will give him in the Hereafter but he should not forget his share
in this world. He should do good as Allah does good with him. He should fast and also not fast. He should stand for
prayer at night but also sleep. He should marry with women. He should accumulate Allah’s worship and what the
body and the spirit demands.
(2) There is no extremism in the religion. There is no monasticism in Islam. It is essential for the Muslim to
understand this reality. He should not forbid his body’s [requirements] due to worship. He should not transgress by
forbidding the lawful pure worldly things for himself.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Body : )
 # Moderation 2 :/% i Sides O
It demands ,@?% H He gathers K " 3E Rhetoric  >‡ 9?
Spirit, soul C
~ Demands O
  4 Metonymy R E .p 
Extremism, strictness  ~:!
 H He forgets ).% E Statement R 1 ? 
He transgresses B)
% E Share O> Turning away,
Forbidding, deprivation  %[ He does good \ )
% E Taking care of + "N%
Allowed  [ ?" # He did good \ )
 [ Its benefit is got, its
meanings are derived
 F) E
He does not fast, he eats
& drinks
 4 F# E A clear statement qÈ.

Quranic Arabic Program 115 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

Are you intervening in a limit from Allah’s Limits? ¬0   :[ \ Ä:[ , K F !
% H 
% E \” :   .“¬Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 > Zjp E \” :   ª%ˆ*  & ,  >  h % " #  "# R Žb Zq"N  €!%E *R ‘ ./ (‘ ,-1  !} / \/
ZR8 “¬º H 0  :[ \ Ä:[ , K F ! % H” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1 2  ªR & ("p“¬Z& (>/ 0 A (‘ 2 &1 ~O[ :a E% \ <% R  &R ie (>/
 %  0
 Z E%  ª:d
 # (>/  * Š
>6 Z> Y
  & Le ª XR H Š
E! Z> Y
  & Le   Z Zp?% * \%  \EQ l   N%  "e” :2 * ZR8 ªO4 c%  ª+ *
((>/ mF) “. N:E ˆ % 4   ˆ % *  & :a "d
 .% <  "Π

Narrated by Ayesha that the most important matter for Quraish was the condition of the woman of Banu Makhzum
[a noble family of Makkah] that committed theft. They said, “Who will talk to Allah’s Prophet about her?” Then
they said, “Who can be courageous enough for that except Usama Ibn Zaid, the beloved of Allah’s Prophet?”
Therefore, Usama talked to him. Allah’s Apostle said, “Are you intervening in a limit from Allah’s limits?” Then he
stood up and delivered a sermon and said, “Surely those who were before you were ruined because when a noble
person from them used to steal something, they used to leave him. And when a weak person from them used to steal,
they use to implement the punishment on him. By Allah! If Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad, steal something,
definitely I will cut her hand [as well].” (Agreed upon)

A – Explanation of Individual Words ;

  F "# = Cb Ö 
N . "p
It worried him and caused grief to him. (h [%  (  *#  €9   ' ZN 
.: & 'U : ?% / \ <%   &% ' ˆ
.% < R "Π  " # XQN Z &  .+ h
%  ,.< ºe ?)
%  >h%" #

Al Makzumiyah: It is the relationship to Banu Makhzoom. The name of that woman was Fatima Bint Al Aswad Ibn
A’bdul Asad.
.J $ I  ªJ% I :1 : " #  .$T PI    ªaŠ*z H o
 ‡# \ (>/ + : *#  $ ,! /    I

He moves forward for it without any hesitation, so he is courageous. Its 1: is $ I ،I [which means courage].

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It caused grief  h [%  He delivered the sermon O
 4 c% You intervene K F !
% H
Relationship ?)
%  It destroyed l
  N%  Punishment Ä:[
Being courageous    I Honorable Š
E! Most concerned issue
for them
He stepped forward + : *#  By God 0
 Z E%  The woman belonging
to Banu Makhzum
 >  h
% " #

Taking a pause Š
a *z H I cut ˆ
% 4 * She theft ˆ
% *  &
Brave, courageous $T PI It worried m  *#  Who can get courage s
% E

Quranic Arabic Program 116 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

N . "p
0 A (‘ 2 &1 :./ J h .%   2i%e (  & \p ª Z& (>/ 0 A ( < "  :G [  (>/ sØ i ( : .N  "#  .K3! H
$,! /  I
.lL /  )
3% E  ª Z& (>/

He became bold. Here it means: There was nobody getting courage due to solemnity of the Prophet. But Usama had
the position and rank with Allah’s Prophet, so he dared to do that.

Beloved, plural  ?[  ?[ .J ?[  ª ?[%  V . ?%d" # ~Od


Here it means that he intervened. K F b .N (<  £ Z

:2 H . J / Fb :1:"#  .( 5
% " # OŒ ºe (?Œ ~Z6
E (' € b K  ! , q"&  KG  b GK>Fb  .(> (  E  (>e O
  Œ ³ a 9 ºe 9RF K F b
. p ºe PF & ,  E:" # ºe Æ K% F b%  Q

He demanded cooperation in that manner. He is intervener. He is given this name because demands for the person
for whom he intervenes. Its 1: is / Fb. For example, you say: Intervene for me to the manager during my travel
to Makkah.
G ¶:[ V ., 3# / ˆ
% ?I  J 1 :  J <R / :5
 % ! C94A ³ .(R Œ :$ ,! ~:[ ~:d

Limit of something i.e. its edge. In the terminology of Shariah, it is the determined punishment which is essential to
be given to the criminals. Plural: G ¶:[

He delivered the sermon. O
 4 c O
 4 c% 

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Manager  E:" # Plural, abbreviation of K¼ V Taking courage  I
Edge, border B
 ΠHe intervened K F b He got courage K3!
Terminology C94A To cooperate   E  Here it is meant .N  "#
Punishment J <R / Intervener KG >Fb Solemnity < 
Determined J 1 :  Intervener KG  b Putting arguments 2i%e
Criminal , 3# The person for whom
someone is intervening
% £ Rank, position J h .% 
Intervention J / Fb He dares  )
% E
Intervene! K% F b%  Beloved ?%d" #

Quranic Arabic Program 117 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

N . "p
G b%  $=  b V .B! O
[ A :ŠE!  . h .% £ ~R/  O
¹  : 3
% £ B

Honor, noble descent and high rank. ŠEb is the person having honor. Plural: B b  $ b
.ŠE! ~:-
 N K>-  .N Š>6 <  £ Š>6

Here Š>- (weak) means the people considered inferior [in the society]. It is opposite to ŠEb.

He implemented. Q F :d# + *

 % E (   I :( p  N%  . J p R % H ª WG 9N :1:£ .;

He died. Its 1: is pÚ  W9N (death, ruin). (pN means he made him died [i.e. he killed him].
. Q \  # ' ª( Z E%  :2R  E .a A R h "N H h "N .Za )
 * R " ( Z E% 

It is words for swearing. Its hamza is that of joining. It is said: By God, I’ll definitely do that.

B – Grammatical Explanations J E d ;

G [ 6Ee Ö
"e” :d ªX : / "/ ( > F#  ª1 R Q"  Z p d # ;
?8e  N  ª\ >% >%  " e” : >F H  . "   \ / %Fp  “R  p   ” > / ˆ%  c  “e” ,N "e :l
  N%  "e (1)
$ >?' ) “.: G [  (G e ZpR  e " Æe ,[ E "e # *R” : H (* , "   ªM  E: d  # , "  6 ¶ E  > F    "3
# / "e R c :H (9:62 < ) “.$  FR  ; * : 

(1) Surely it killed: Ùe is the word ‘e entered on the refraining  which make it refraining from an action. The Ùe
gives the meaning of specification. It affirms the described rule and negates whatever else [i.e. it gives meaning of
‘only for’]. For example: “Surely the charity is only for poor.” (Al Tauba 9:62) Ùe is entered on a Verb-Sentence as
mentioned in the Hadith and as mentioned in Allah’s words: “Say! It is only revealed to me that your God is a Single
God.” (Anbiya 21:108)

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Rule Z p d
# Ruin, destruction J p R % H Honor : 3
% " #
Written 1 RQ"# Swearing Za )
 * Noble descent O
Negation , F#  The silent “hamzah” at
start of a word
a A R h "N High ~R /
Except X :/ Refraining  R  p  Mean, inferior K>- 
Verb Sentence: The
  " 3# It refrains ˆ
% F Opposite :-
sentence starting from a
verb instead of noun. It is
opposite to >"%&i "» .
 > F Specification,
\ >% >%  He implemented Q F

It is revealed ,[ E Confirmation ;

?8e Ruin, destruction WG 9N

Quranic Arabic Program 118 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

/ :d
 #   "> E  Š
 E!  R E Z   ZRp ?* \ \EQ l
  N  :X  E H ªR2g " # 1 : "# ª“l
  N% ” R /  :   Z Zp?* \ \EQ lN "e (2)

l   “.ˆ  d %3  . ;
 :%  I ” : .* ." .  % ! 5
 .i  3
 # 5
 .% P” 5a .i 5a . B
 [ “” ")  H : N: E ˆ
% 4   ˆ
% *  & ... " Œ  ‘  (3)
J  " I e "" ,H .O  ?) 5
.  (ÖI) .,- "# \  h < R >Œ! : >># H ( ) .R >Œ ! () :1a   898 : >FH “” :# L e .D %3  .% H Z l
 Q  ª;:I 
, "  w + 9 < (  #* ˆ ?w# " # "" I  “. N: E ˆ % 4  ˆ
% * & :"d  ˆ  .< "Œ  ‘ ” :d ª % A   "" e “.l >% H' ,.>% H ” :d ªJ> 
 * + :   ~,F .% " #  < I  “... €> 8 (>e O[  O a N L \  — ¶E  , 4 /% R + n \ <  ” :Š  E! M  E:d# QN , " B Q dH :* .  < )   w'
$ .8# , k%  %  Z  ( ) .l  ?3  /% '  | .% " # W L ˆ
 E1  () ."" 2 …cR R  w l>e (137 :+ ' ) “.XR   (  $U b % ” :º H (* :d ª w + 9 <
%  &  +G  * l
#  /  (ÖI) .a "%  a E: < ˆ d %3  . 1 ?c% i

(2) Surely those who were before you were killed only because they were: The doer of lN is a hidden 1:. Its
explanation is: Those who were before you, their practice that they used to leave honorable people and punishing the
weak killed them.
(3) If Fatima …. Has stole something I’ll definitely cut her hand: The word ‫ ﻝ‬is named as “the word of forbidding”
because it forbids the effect if the condition is not real. “If you had worked, you would have been successful.” In our
words, the meaning is that since you have not worked, so you did not become successful. Then the word ‫ ﻝ‬gives
three type of meaning: (A) Condition (B) Specifying the condition in the past tense. (C) Forbidding the reason. A
Verb Sentence follows . For example: “If you have given me, I would give you.” ‘ can also join it. For example:
“If Fatima Bint Muhammad had stolen, I would have cut here hand.”
The result of ‫ ﻝ‬is a positive sentence with a ‫ ل‬as mentioned in previous examples. It can also be omitted as
mentioned in this venerable Hadith, “If Ibn Adam is given a valley full of gold, he will desire for another…”
If the result of ‫ ﻝ‬is a negative sentence, a ‫ ل‬is not mentioned with it mostly. For example, in Allah’s words, “If Allah
had willed, they would not have done that.” (Anaam 6:137) Other examples for you are: (A) If you had seen that
view, you would have been amazed. (B) If I had not been sick during exams, I would have been succeeded with a
distinctive marks. (C) If I had known that you are traveling, I would not have traveled.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It is given , 4 /% R Then # L e Interpreted, hidden 2R g " #
Two full of  — It gives benefit, it can be
derived from it
: >FH Explanation  E: H
Gold O
a N L Period \  h Be, being R 
Negative ~,F .% " # Reason O
 ?) Forbidding, restricting 5
a .
Examination 1 ?c% i Part of a conditional
sentence: if …, then ….

I Condition 
 % !
I traveled ;
%  & Positive, affirmative ˆ
?w# " # You exert effort ;
 :%  I
Estimation, marks a E: H Joining, meeting R #* You became successful ˆ
Arriving +G  * It is deleted, it is omitted B
Q dH You become successful D
%3 .% H

Quranic Arabic Program 119 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

C – Rhetorical Sides  >‡ 9? O

 # \  Ö ÖI
Z& (>/ 0 A 0
 2 &1  P ª2  ?  + : /  1 p.% &% i X . ƒP1 pe +G F& “¬0   :[ \ q:[ , K F !H ” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. 2 * ,
.0  : [ \ Ä:[ , K F !H #  R  & E l ~D  E i P ª/ F! X Q N   & /  p .% E
.(> K F !> (>/ s3E R  & ie : [ i P , F# . ."< ƒP1 p%e +G F& ” ¬ &R ie (>/ s
 3E \” :Z* , l

In the words of the Prophet, “Are you intervening in a limit from Allah’s limits?” This is a negative interrogation
which means condemnation and disapproval. It means that Allah’s Apostle condemned Usama for this intervention
i.e. It is not right for you, O Usama, that you intervene in a punishment from Allah’s limits.
Similarly, their words, ““Who can be courageous enough for that except Usama?” This is also a negative
interrogation which negates that nobody except Usama has courage to intervene in it.

D – What can be derived from the Statement? qÈ. \   F) E  Ö 

 . \ >% <   )" #  2 :%   : ?%  : >ŽH / Z& (>/ 0 A 0
 2&1 ¤
[ (1)
 )%' e  | .    ª Ób  ¶>% c ª( " / $U hI 2R .E a )e z R (2)
.…¶  Š
 H i ªa<   
R R)
% H 9 ªK>"3
 # / +  H 0   :[ (3)

(1) Allah’s Prophet’s desire for emphasizing the principle of justice and equality among the people.
(2) Every person should get the reward for his action, whether good or bad, without looking at his family and
(3) Allah’s punishments will be implemented on all. They cannot be eliminated due to relationship, and they cannot
be reduced due to personal desire.

Do you know? Face the Challenge!

In Arabic, rhetoric is used to beautify the language. Identify three words / phrases in this lesson
Metaphors and figurative meanings are widely used. that are used in figurative meanings instead
We shall discuss its concepts is more detail at Level 5. of their literal meanings.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It is dropped, it is eliminated 
R R)
% H Desire, wish ¤
[ Asking questions in a
+G F&
negative way to
Relationship a < * Emphasis : >ŽH motivate e.g. “Will you ƒP1 pe
not do this?”

It is reduced Š
 H Principle : ?%  Condemnation 1 p.% &% i

For personal desire …¶  Equality   )" # He condemns  p .% E

Quranic Arabic Program 120 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

Whom Allah will provide a Shelter on the Day of Judgment   >  + % E ( jœ ³= 0 Z  z| E %\
0  ?/ ³ Ž!
  ƒ b (2) .2J  / +G e (1) :( zœ ie œ i + E ( jœ ³ 0 Z  z| E J  %?& ” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. \/ (./ 0 ,-1  EN ¦ \/
.0 B c °e 2  2a "I  O
 .%  ;
L J # (%/  J I1 (5) .(>/ *F H (>/ " I% Ö 0 ³ < dH  9 I1  (4) ª:I )" # < mG   ( ?# * J I 1  (3) .º H
((>/ mF) .X .>% / ˆ % - F ª€ > c 0 L J I1 (7) ª( .>"E m F .% H  (R "b Z  % H i q[ N Fc% Ž ª a * : 
 < Y:H J I1 (6)

Narrated by Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said: “Allah will provide His shelter to seven [type of] people. On that
Day, there will not be any shelter except His one: (1) A just ruler. (2) A young man who is grown up in Allah’s
worship. (3) The man whose heart is hanging in the Mosques. (4) Two men who love with each other for the sake of
God – they gather for it and separate for it. (5) A man whom a beautiful and high-ranked woman called [to commit
adultery] but he said, “I fear God”. (6) A man who give charity and keeps it secret. His left hand does not know
what his right hand has spend. (7) A man who remember Allah in loneliness and his eyes overflow [with tears].
(Agreed upon)

A – Explanation of Individual Words ;

  F "# = Cb Ö 
N . "p
. jœ , c :3! < | &  .(jœ ³ (I : €9 J 9 Öœ . 2J 9œ V z Ö|

Plural 29œ. 9 9 œ X gave shelter to Y i.e. He put him under shelter. He seek the shelter of a tree i.e. he entered
into its shelter.
: I )"# K >"I  K 0
>< : ?p  >* " Xo‡ / j| QN  >   d
% > Ša E!H R  -e 0 ºe j| R  -e
(Öjœ ³
." ( b % / jœ , ..." : "& R E 1 (>/ 2z : H ª(b % / z œ   "# :>* .(Rp# 

The objective of relating the shelter with Allah is giving honor to it so that this shelter becomes distinctive from
others. As it is said about the Ka’aba: It is the House of Allah although all the mosques belong to Him. It is also said
that here the shelter of His Throne is considered. The narration of Salman also indicates it, “….. In the shelter of His

Here the Day of Resurrection is under discussion.  >  +E (<  "# (œ ‘ie œ i +E

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Attachment R  -e She called ˆ
% /  A young man ƒ b
Honor Š
a E!H He kept secret Fc%  He was grown up Ž!
To obtain  
% > It flew over ˆ
% -
  Both of them love each
< dH
Distinction  > He got shade of | & Both of them left each
*F H

Quranic Arabic Program 121 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

N . "p
J "} V .f")£ 1 \ € ,  \ z  (< m d
 # E  ªRF ># + {

The Caliph, it includes everyone who became responsible for the collective matters of the Muslims. Plural "}

2 : < Š

 " # :2R    .(>/  QR c%  (  $ "# $= 4/e N ª B { 2%: 

Justice. It means giving a man what is his right and taking from him what is his liability. 2 / is the person who has
the attribute of justice.

He grew up. 1: is Ž!  $! (growing up) J Ž!

%  $T  ! :1:"# . " Ob ~,? ŽÖ!

 ?! 1 % Œ W1 :P + 9@ Ob 1: ¶6E
?! )
G ?b  ª J ?b V .: <   I  q\& ºe R 
 E " Ì
 ? \& ´  < \ ƒ Öb

The person who reached at the adulthood age but not yet reached at the age of manhood. Plural ?b   ?b. Its 1:
is also ?b. +9@ Ob means that he has reached to the manners of adulthood.

!% " # <
 w ˆ
# ‘/ :2R R H .mG   $= ,!  .( Œ  $,! < $,! m‘/

He hanged it. A thing can be hanged. You can say, “I hanged the cloth on the hook.”
 < dH  dH R A ª / FH < \ N .~ dE :51 6£ .c‰ Ü :[ O[   9 I  dH

Each one of them loved the other. Its 51 6 is dE. It is from the Chapter of / FH. Originally Û is O< Û.

Each one of them went on his way. It is opposite to ‫ا‬. .K " I% ~:-
 N .ma EΠ, " . z R O
 N L 9I YFH

It means that she called him for a vulgar act. .![ F   ºe (/ P (%/ 
9  H :2 E .a " / \ $= % " # XiE  N . J  # 1  ƒR / P :O.%  9RF :2 E  .Za E% O.%  RL J 9 :2 E .O ) d #  R A
% '
O.% £
"N  Ê $ 6    1  O.% 

Origin and a noble descent. It is said, “X is honorable and high-ranked.” It is also said, “For X, there is a rank.” It
means his highness and loftiness [in the society]. When a person is given a rank, it is said: He is appointed on the
rank of ministry or judiciary or like that.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Hook O
!% " # He grew up Ob He is appointed , 
Highness ƒR / He grew up " Giving $= 4/e
Loftiness J  # 1 Age of adulthood Ì
 ? \& Man $ "#
Rank O.%  Manhood   I  The person who has attributes of Š

 " #
Ministry  1  Phase, stage 1 % ΠChild ~,?
Judiciary $ 6  It hanged 

Quranic Arabic Program 122 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

N . "p
Beauty, it is opposite to ugliness. .D%?R  X ~:-
# 2 "3

He gave him as a charity. . * :  X 4 / a 9R / Y


He hid and concealed it. Its 1: is $ Fce (hiding). $T Fc% e :1 :"#  .("  X& $U ,! Fc% 

\%   ZE:E% \ >% < \%  Z.>H‰ Z8R :y

 ><e  ) / Z E%p n  ,  J "E% \ >% "> K "I  .R } "b V .\ >% " > R <  
(7:17 B /' ) Z % } "b \/ ªZ "%E \% /  ªZF# c 2 "q!

It is opposite to the ‘right’. Plural } Ý. While the plural of fÕ is  Õ. In the Holy Quran, the words of Satan are:
“Then I’ll definitely come front their front, their back, their right and their left.” (A’raaf 7:17)

It increased so much that it flow. His eyes flow   %  2 & :( . >/ ˆ

% -
  .2 & [  wR $= "# k
means that its tears came out.

B – Grammatical Explanations J E d ;

G [ 6Ee Ö
R  ?% E + E ;
"E + E :  + E (>/ +G 9&” : c n i w l>e .“(zœ ie œ i”  >" &% i   "3
# ºe B
G 6
  + E .N :(zœ ie œ i + E (jœ , 0 = Zz| E
.a > %  a  "I ºe +G E Š   .N (19:15 š) “. Ó>[

Allah will provide them in His Shelter when there will not be any shelter except His One: Here the word +E is B 6
to the Noun Sentence (zœ ie œ i. There is another example for you: “Peace on him on the Day when he born, and
they day when he will die and the day when he will become alive again.” (Marry 19:15) There the word +E is
brought as B 6 of a Verb Sentence.

Rule of the Day

The word "e is used to limit something within the Face the Challenge!
Name the two parts of a ³ -e O
parameters defined after it.

The word  is used to describe a hypothetical condition. and those of a ,F>AH O.
Part of the sentence after it is called b (condition) while
the other part is called b
I (reply of the condition).

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

The noun in ³ -e O B
G 6 I will definitely come \>H‰ He hided  &
which is attached to other

It is attached Š
>- Tears, plural 5  K %  He kept secret Z

Quranic Arabic Program 123 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

C – Rhetorical Sides  >‡ 9? O

 # \  Ö ÖI
."< ª\>% * qF " #
 4z  /    3# R h } 3# ;
 * :9w 2 H y
?% d
 #  @ z ,    . G 
% * (> " (œ ie œ i +E” : Z& (>/ 0 A (R* (1)
.BA / a FA   % * ( ) . a FA / B a A   % * () : / ‡9? ,    .ZNo‡  < Zc
:G [ y> P ª :G "d  ie F QN ³ Y
 qF  i” : l
 R* , w 2R w  .y
 E1:  >% ‡ …cR J F A
 ( ˆ)> P .ŸG q1:  ie :G >&  : l* 2' 2 w
.:"Ç / €1   Y ~F  D?AŽ . :G "d  ie €*F
z j|  
   ª0  œ ie J œ   >  + E W .N y> P ªB A"# /  F q  * \ ( x
R [ 9  “.(œ ie œ i” Z& (>/ 0 A 2& 2 * ,
.º H ( d?& 0
 ˜œ /   >  + E ,   I"#
.  (   9  : I )"   I  QN qO[ \/ J E . (> “: I )" # <   ( ?# * J I 1 ” :Z& (>/ 0 A (R* (2)
. N % &   * :  $ Fce , J @  ? (>F “( .>Õ m F .% H  (R "b Z H i [” : Z& (>/ 0 A (R*  (3)

(1) There is a limitation in his saying, “The Day when there will not be any shelter except His shelter”. In the
language, limitation means, for example, “The prize of university is only limited to the high-performer students.” It
means that [the prize] is specifically for them, not others. Limitation in the rhetoric has two types. (A) Limiting the
attribute for a specific person. (B) Limiting the person for a specific attribute.
The example of first is as you say, “Saeed is nothing except a teacher.” It means that he has no other attribute except
teaching. Example of other is as you say, “There is no high-performer in this semester except Muhammad.” It means
that there is no high-performer except Muhammad. So the “High performance” is limited to Muhammad only.
In the Prophet’s saying, “There is no shelter except His shelter.” We see that it is limiting the attribute to the person.
It means that on the Day of Judgment, there will not be any shelter except that of Allah. So the shelter will only
available with Allah, the High the Exalted.
(2) His saying, “the man whose heart is hanging to the mosques.” There is a metonymy about the love of that man
for the mosques and his attendance there.
(3) His saying, “Until his left hand does not know what his right hand has spent”. There is an exaggeration in hiding
the charity.
Insha Allah, you’ll study the “Art of Eloquence” at Level 5. At that time, we’ll discuss in detail the concepts of ª > [
@ ? ªE . ªP1 pe + F&e ª 7 etc.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

We note x
R [ 9  Teaching, education y
 E1: Limiting something, a
% *
Metonymy, metaphorical
J E . Class, semester F Limiting something,
?% d
Attendance  9  Superiority, high
~F  It became specific to ˆc
Exaggeration J @  ? Being limited to €1   Superior, intelligent,
\ >% * qF " #

Quranic Arabic Program 124 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

ºe  F  .&e \ lL 

>FH , ,N 5
  ~:  K ª\>%   ºe 
>F : .&% R L# e ƒ, # / G 3 ( >F “X .>/ ˆ
% - F ” : Z& (>/ 0 A (*  (4)
.ˆ% -  , ,N Ž J @  ? \ >%  ºe   >F  .&e ª5 ~: R p f
  ‘' (  p

(4) In his saying, “So his both eyes overflow.” There is a logical metaphor in it. When flow is linked to the eyes,
while tears flow, so it is linking the action to the place because eye is the place of tears. Linking flow with the eyes
indicates an exaggeration that it flew.

D – What can be derived from the Statement? qÈ. \   F) E  Ö 

.  >  + E (     0
  " [%  < |d E [ i€  /  pE #  \ >% "  ) "# 1  R \ € ,E \ p M
’ [ ME:d# QN ³ (1)
.  ?    " / R ){ …# E
 ?! ,F ª?p  ˆ
 #* ( / Π\ 0 :./ R 6
 ?! ˆ
 *#  º H 0
  ){ R / Π(2)
. >/  ~      9  \ \ Ejwp " # ª  \ >% q?d
 " # R 6 lQ ªk1' , ( H >< ' ZG >|/ 0
 : ./ : I )"# R 6 (3)
. >~: k
 ‡ \ k
  @  y
 > 0
 , ~Od
# P \ Eq: Ÿ
 &  / ¶"} *  ){ (>c'  ){ ~O[  pE  ,@?.E (4)
. 4>! y
 I N  y
 F. ;
 /h \ \  g "# (< \ d
 E   6
  \ (  >!
% c  (  …# H (5)

(1) In this Hadith, the person who is appointed on the collective matters of Muslims, is motivated to be just in order
to achieve Allah’s mercy and His grace on the Day of Judgment.
(2) For a person, being obedient to Allah at the time of young age is superior to Allah than the old age. In young age,
a person is more able to do good deeds and perform worship.
(3) Mosques have a great place in Allah’s view because they are His houses on the earth. Similar is the rank of those
who love them, attend them frequently and stay there more.
(4) Love of a person for another person should be established on the religion i.e. love for Allah’s sake and not for
any worldly objective.
(5) Fear of Allah and His apprehension is the best way for a believer to fortify himself against the temptations of
mind and the obsessions of the Satan.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Those who do a lot \ Ejwp " # Tears 5

  ~: Figurative meaning,
G 3
Hesitation, staying long  ~  Urging M
’ [ Logical ƒ, # /
He becomes fortified \ d
 E He is appointed as ruler ,E It is linked : .&% R
Tendencies, appetites, plural
of 5h
 /h He is privileged |d E Overflowing 

Obsessions, plural of yI N y
 I N Old age  ?p 

Quranic Arabic Program 125 Level 03

Lesson 7B: Hadith Commentary

.º H (‘ ºe <
 q " # Y
 :A / 9
€ >  ªY Fq.  $ Eq \ / :  < R RpH Qa ‹.>[ ' ªa5~4 H R * :A ˆ
%   Le € A
 c  * :  $ Fce R 6 (6)
º H (* “.Z <* ˆ
%  I  (    LR Le \EQ  .g "# "e” º H (   €* : 0  L : ./ ( /  
>FH ( ?* K !
 E  Y
   \  g "# ;
 \ (7)
En Z>/ %H Le :
. Ó>p <  :3& ~c \ " [%  ;

(6) Charity should be kept secret especially if it is from personal inspiration because it is away from ostentation and
hypocrisy. And it is the evidence for the true spirit of the person who is seeking Allah’s pleasure by it.
(7) From the attributes of a true believer is that at the time of remembering Allah, his heart apprehends and his tears
flow, as mentioned in His words, “Surely the believers are those when Allah is mentioned, their hearts become
scared.” And in His words, “When the verses of Rahman are read in front of them, they fall prostrating and weap.”

Worth Reading
Do you know? Islamic Threat – Myth or Reality. An introduction to the book of
In ³ -e O, either the John L. Esposito. A detailed analysis about the world Islamic
B 6 or the (>e B 6 can movements by an American professor who studies Islam and
be a sentence instead of a Muslim Movements in an unbiased manner. The writing is in
word. Urdu.

Worth Reading Rule of the Day

Wealth is a great blessing of God but If the word \%  is added before a 51 6 , it
it also creates some problems. Read makes its meaning negative with emphasis. For
more: example Z  FE means “he understands / will
understand” while Z
%  F# E \%  means “He will
definitely not understand.”

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

They fall down ~c Reason, argument 9

€ > Doing something from
personal inspiration
a ~4 H
Prostration :3& One who is near to
 q " # Far, away :  <
Weeping Ó>p < Confirmation Y : Ostentation $ Eq
He became scared ˆ
%  I  Hypocrisy, double

Quranic Arabic Program 126 Level 03

Lesson 8A: Special Forms of Past Tense

The Result
Compare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

English ,</
That is because of they used to reject Allah’s
(  ;
 E“<   FR p# E    Z%  Ž< l
Whoever used to intend the reward for this world,
8 (  : .%   >%~:
 8 : EE   \% 
so the reward of here and hereafter is with Allah.   c ‰  >%~:
And he vowed for what our ancestors used to
  <n : ? % E    1 Q 
We leveled to ground what Pharaoh and his nation % E    % 
    (  % *  R % / %  K .
used to construct and what they used to raise.   b % E
So whoever is expecting meeting his Lord, he 9
€ " / # " % >#  ( q<1 $U    I% E   \% " 
should perform good deeds. €d A
He used to instruct his family about the prayer
and the mandatory charity.
 h   9 < (  N%    Ž# E  
Whoever used to think. ~\|R E   \% 
Both of them used to eat food.  4  9RŽ# E  
And if, they used to believe in Allah and His
q,?.  (  <   . g% E    % 
Satan made attractive for them what they used to
 R" % E     R 4>% ! Z%   \ E 
The punishment will approach them because they
used to be disobey.
 R )
F# E    "<
Q # Z%  ~)" E
We delivered him from the town whose
(inhabitants) used to perform heinous acts.
 } ?
 # R " % H ˆ
%   ,  E%  # \%  X .>% 3
And he prevented her what she used to worship
other than Allah.
(     \%  : ? % H ˆ
%    N:A
Worth Reading! How to overcome obstacles on your way to success? Read more:

Quranic Arabic Program 127 Level 03

Lesson 8A: Special Forms of Past Tense

English ,</
If you are believing in Allah and the last day.  c ‰ + % >#  (  < \ g% E \R # e
This is from the secret news We have revealed it  .R  l
ˆ  >% e >[  O
 >% @ # $ ?% \%  l # H
to you that you did not use to know. "  % H
You did not use to expect that the Book would be
revealed to you.

p # l
 >% e  # E #   I% H ˆ
You did not use to recite a book before.
a  \%  (  ?% * \%  R% H ˆ
 .% R 
So taste the eternal punishment for what you
have practiced.
 R" % H Z%  .% R "< : # 
 Q/ R*RL
This is the hell about that you used to be
  :/  H Z%  .R , Z . I X Q N
You used to come to us from the right hand. f
 " ># \% / . HŽ# H Z%  .R
We did not used to practice evil. $a  & \%  R " %  .R 
Surely we used to joke and play. O   .R "e
 #  k
They said, “O our Lord! These are our partners \%   /:%  .R \ EQ    b $i gN .<1 R *
whom we used to call instead of You.” l
Both of them used to eat. 9  
They used to kill. R*   
She used to observe. ;
% :  b ˆ 
You used to beat / describe. ˆ
 <- ˆ
Both of you used to drink. " <b " .R
Face the Challenge!
If you want to mention that something happened in near past, how will you express. What will
you do to express something happened in distant past?

Quranic Arabic Program 128 Level 03

Lesson 8A: Special Forms of Past Tense

English ,</
We ate a long time ago. .  .R
Both of them may have eaten. 9  RpE
They may have killed. R*   RpE
She may have observed. ;
% :  b R RpH
You may have beaten / described. ˆ
 <- R RpH
Both of you may have drunk. " <b  RpH
We may have eaten. . R p
If Allah wished, we had not adopted the
.#  b%   (  $U b % 
Both of them did not eat. 9 
They did not kill. R* 
She did not observe. ;
% :  b 
You did not describe / beat. ˆ
Both of you did not drink. " <b 
We did not eat. . 

Worth Reading
Face the Challenge! How creativity can be improved? Think
Take any five verbs of past tense. Apply the outside the box. Read more:
rules mentioned in this lesson for eight
changes to their meaning.

Quranic Arabic Program 129 Level 03

Lesson 8A: Special Forms of Past Tense

English ,</
If they had left at their back weak children, they
will be fearful about them.
Z%  >%  / R c € -
 € Eq1LR Z%  F # c \%  R H % 
If We wished, We would punish them for their
Z%  < QR < Z% N .?% A
  $= ! % 
O Lord! If You wished, You had killed them
R ?% * \%  Z%  p#  N%  ˆ
 ‹# b %  q 1
If they had come out with you, they had not added
except madness (discouragement).
i€ ?c ie Z% R     Z% pR >  I c % 
They said, “If Allah had guided us, we would
have guided you.
Z% R .E%:   (   :N %  R *
Why not four witnesses on it came. $U : b   <1% Ž< ( >%  / =$ I i%
He has recognized his prayer. ( H9A Z  / :% *
So they have come with unjust and false attitude. €1  €"#œR =$ I :%  
So whoever disobey Allah and His prophet, so he
has deviated on a clearly deviated path.
€.>? i€ 9- -
 :%   (  &1  (  È
 % E \%  
We have known what was made obligatory on
them about their spouses.
Z%  I %  , Z%  >%  / .-
%    ."%  / :% *
He has achieved a great success. €">|/ €%   :% *
The disbeliever will say, “Ah! I wish to be dust.” ¶< H ˆ
.R ,.>%  E   p# 2R R E
Ah! We wish that we would be returned and then \%   Rp .q<1 ;
 jQp  i ~  .>%  E
 . g% " #
we will not deny the signs of our Lord and we will
be among the believers.

She said, “Ah! I wish I would had died before it

and I was totally forgotten.
 .%  €>%) ˆ
.R QN  ?% * ~ˆ ,.>%  E ˆ
%  *

Rule of the Day! If the word " is added before a 51 6 , it makes its converts it into ,-  
with negative meaning and adds the sense of ‘not yet’. For example Z  FE means “he understands /
will understand” while Z
%  F# E " means “He has not yet understood.”

Quranic Arabic Program 130 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

The Widow of Arabia – Umm Salmah ./ 0 ,-1  "  & ~+ Ö  Z E
' Ï“O    ” ( 2 E   (e [ Ï\E:%" #      I%  \ G I  ª\>% *  % " # + h% ;
  & \ :G q>)
  N<  ¬"  & ~+  W 1%  ª"  & ~+
< ie (?% * Z%  )E Þ L# e ª+9&{ ºe \ >%  < )  !  : [  : & ' : ?/ \ < 0  : ?  I  .( ?d %A , ;
% 1 &  ( . ;
% : 
 * Le  h H i ˆ%    ?#~
. €:/ \E:> K < A ´R R ?% E i >* G F  m E: a p<
 b # e  . €6E + 9&{ ºe ;   < ) \ …c% ' ,N ˆ%  p I% K  "  & ~+ ˆ % "  & .R >.% pR  >/ ˆ
% ? ‡ ZR8 ª"  & q+Ž< ˆ
% >q.R .p  Ï :.%    "&% 
:b " . E Þ .E Þ F 6E Z ª 9q Z~ 2R h #h E   p \ ">/ ~O H ˆ % I  ª%ˆI  r E* ˆ % I N [ I  "& q+ +9&e Ž?
.\ EI  "#   >Œ ,    !?d# ºe   3# < (< dA' (>/ 0 ; A 2R &  L  …L' ">/

Umm Salamah! What do you know about Umm Salamah? Her father was a chief from the distinguished chiefs of
Makzum family. He was one of the few most generous people of Arabia. He was called “The Provider of Travelers”
because whenever the travelers used to come to his home and enjoy his company, there used to find provisions for
traveling. Her husband was A’bdullah Ibn A’bd Al-Asad, one of the first ten persons who converted to Islam at early
stage, at the time when only Abu Bakr Al-Siddique and a small group had accepted Islam and the number of
believers was not more than count of fingers of both hands.
Her name was Hind but her Kunniyyah was Umm Salamah, then her Kunniyyah dominated [over her name and she
became famous with her Kunniyyah]. Umm Salamah converted to Islam with her husband and was also one of the
early converts to Islam. When the news of conversion of Umm Salamah and her husband spread, Quraish ran a
campaign [against both of them] and agitated. They poured down hard punishment to them to give a lesson to others.
[The punishment was so hard that it was able to shake hard rocks. Both of them did not show weakness, they did not
fear and did not hesitate [about Islam]. When the troubles were made intensified for both of them and the Prophet
allowed his companions to migrate towards Abyssinia, these two were in the first group of the Migrators.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

They agitated ˆ
% I  They moved to ;
% 1 & Widow Z E
They poured ~O
H Company ?d
You know W 1%
Hard punishment to
give lesson to others
2 p Those who led in
converting to Islam
\ >%  < ) Chiefs, plural of :>& ;
It was shaken 2R h #h E Group G F  Distinguished \ >% *  % " #
She was given the ˆ>..
Hard rock
 9q Z~ Name wrt father or son
% >q.R  I
Generous, plural of

They did not fear .E Z It dominated ˆ

% ? ‡ Counted, numbered, a
\E:%" #

They did not hesitate E Z It spread 5

 b Provisions  
The front of an army
or caravan
  >Œ They ran a campaign ˆ
% I N He provided  h H

Quranic Arabic Program 131 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

O .% I , ( €  )

%  ª0 : ./ ( lL € ?)  d
%  ªmE ?)
  ªÉ ! Nh/ ªßL ? ><  p ³ N $1 ˆ % F c  <% @  1 E ºe  I  "& ~+ ˆ % 6  
0 2 &1 ºe \ >% .d  #  ª,%[   ?  p ºe Y % !   :  ª(I%   .» ³ 0 =  6 q,b 3.  E "[ \%   ?dA  "  & ~+ (%>  " Z #‡ / .(H -%
: ?/ \ < h"% [ + 9&e  ªZN : /  wR :*  p ³ f")£ Ž<  !  ?¹
 k 1 ºe \EI £ / 1 ?c' ˆ  < H Ð . €E% I : ? N:? P#FE …:R 1:%
..f .¹ ZN/:E ª Y! ZN:%dE ª p ºe    / Z. mE + h   ªZ./ rE* …L \ €‹%>b Š  ªZN1% \ :b :*  4Á \ <  "/ ªO4£
: % < ")£ ?8 ×  ?8#   ª(> €@ ?    1a ?c \ Z>e , "    :}  Š  ! #   /%& \% p  .\E:}   >Œ ³  I  "& ~+ ˆ p
.R ?* \%  ( < Z : % / i  Z&Ž< \%  ZN * L ªZE%H f")£ O  EQ%H ³  ! % £R \#  . ? a " 3
%  < rE* \%  ˆ %  <* :* ª"/  hµ + 9&e

Umm Salamah remained with her husband in an alien country and left her elegant home, high respect and firmly-
established family at Makkah behind her. She did so only for the sake of Allah. She was permanently seeking His
Despite of the fact that Umm Salamah and her companions were living in the protection of Najashi, may Allah
flourish his face at the Paradise, but her inclination was to towards Makkah – the place of coming down of
revelation. She had a desire to live with Allah’s Apostle, the source of guidance, towards whom the heart of her and
her husband inclined. Then news reach to the Migrators at the land of Abyssinia that the number of Muslims at
Makkah increased. Conversion of Hamzah Ibn A’bdul Muttallib and U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab [the two powerful
person of Makkah] increased their power and now they are protected from the torture of Quraish. A group of them
decided to return to Makkah. Their wish [to live with the Prophet] was inciting them and [the pleasure to live with
him] was calling them. Umm Salamah and her husband were in the first group of those returning [to Makkah].
But soon the Returning People realized that the news reported to them were exaggerated. The jump of Muslims after
the conversion of Hamzah and U’mar was followed by a great attack from Quraish. The pagans are persecuting the
Muslims and terrorizing them. They are tasting the hardship that they have never faced before.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
People returning to their
\E:}  Support, protection  E "[ Alien  <% @ 
Soon  /%& Najashi, the king of
q,b 3. She left ˆ
% F c
It was reported , "  He made it shine  6 Luxurious, elegant ß
 L ?
Exaggeration €@ ?  Desire \ >% .d
 # High É
Jump  ?8#  He inclined P#FE Firmly established m E
They faced ˆ
%  <* Heart : ? Only for sake of Allah € ?)
Attack a " 3
% N Wonderful €E% Permanent €  )
They persecuted \# U It followed ˆ
 < H Side O
 .% I
Torture O
 EQ%H It became strong :b Pleasure  -%
Terrorizing KE%H Their strength ZN1% Despite the fact that Z ‡# 
They tasted Z N* L It incites :%dE She met ˆ
% > 

Quranic Arabic Program 132 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

…L \ €z  H ".E:< €1  \EI £ 2  pE  /  I  "& ~+ ˆ %  h   ª.E:£ ºe   3
%  < ( < dA' (>/ 0
 ; A 2R &  L lL :./
+ 9p W %.#  .a &Ž z   R  H € &Ž NU$ 1 ˆ% F c €  € * b ˆ  "e ª " q> c " €  )> €  % & \pH Z I  "  & q+   3
% N \p  .rE*
: "& ~+ ˆ * .´R  < ~Y   N E%H ª m" /%  ~:b < N 1! .... H &Ž  * . P   %   "& q+'
 ?* .$,b / P#E i N o  ? .<   E 6 ªP%3[ ,  "  & .F# Œ  I ª(>/ ,. " [ Z8R ª€ >%  < Æ :/   .E:£ ºe V  
# /  "  & < + h / "
+ 9 ª . .% < ,N  ¬XQN l
 H% 2R < " ªl)F / .?% ‡ :* ˆ. e” : "  & à'  * ª . %:   +a h  ,.< ,%* \%  2J I1 n1  p \% /    F#  
“¬9? ³ < o )H . NRQc ŽH l  R  % 
:   W  % H i 0
  i” :  * ªO6  @  :b  ?6‡ [ ª,#FŒ   ,.QcŽE : & ' : ?% / . < ,I  + * ZNn1 e  . €/ h% (. ,/ h %  ª(>/ ?8 Z8R
.XQc X : E c [ q. :a  !
%  / Z.>% <  "& ,#FŒ <L 3E R F Œ ZR8“.(< º \d . .<%  . €/ h% .?[ A \ N " /h%  :< Zp?[ A : .% /

At that time, the Prophet allowed his companions to migrate towards Madina. Umm Salamah and her husband were
the initial Migrators escaping due to their religion and getting rid of Quraish’s torture. But the migration of Umm
Salamah and her husband was not so easy as they thought. It was hard, bitter and followed by a tragedy that was
horrible than all tragedies. We leave it to Umm Salamah to describe the story of her tragedy… Her feelings are hard
and deep and the picture drawn by her is deep and well-described. Umm Salamah said:
When Abu Salamah decided to travel to Madina, he prepared a camel for me and mounted me on it. He placed our
child Salamah was in my lap. He started leading the camel and was not waiting for anything. Before we depart from
Makkah, we saw men from my family Banu Makhzum who stopped us. They said to Abu Salamah: “You have
dominated us about yourself, but what is the matter for this woman? She is our daughter. Why should we leave you
that you take her from us and travel with her to other cities.
Then they jumped on him and pulled me out harshly. Then they saw the family of my husband – Banu A’bdul Asad
– to take my baby from me. They became too much angry and said [to my family]: “No, by God! We will not leave
the baby with your daughter after you are snatching her from our fellow. He is our son and we deserve him more.”
Then they pulled my child Salamah between them in front of me, they caught his hand and took him.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

What is the matter of 2R <  Reported in a better way ´R  < Escape €1 
Why + 9/ Camel €%> < Both of them got rid
They jumped ?8 My lap P%3[ Easy and achievable €  )> €  % &
They pulled out me , /h % He led   E They had impression q>c
They started R F Œ He does not wait P#E i Hard and bitter €  € * b
They pulled <L 3E We depart  
 F#  Tragedy € &Ž
In front of :a  !
%  They stopped %:
 H It was horrible R  H
The took of c You dominated us .?% ‡ More fine, deep ~Y 

Quranic Arabic Program 133 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

€"4d  P: E f
 < \ : & ' : ?/ .< (F4 c% P: ...()F#  (.E:< €1   .E:£ ºe (3H ,Ih :€ :E € :>[ %"!  * h"  ,)F#  ; :% I  ;
a |d   ,
ºe a :‡ R V  c ˆ
#  I + > lL Q.  .a / & ³ ,.< \ >% < ,I% f
 < á%>< Y qFR  ...ZN:.% / °I ª+h .< ,%* ,/ % &% :    ... €6>
. > ,/ Z > E [ ,p< z œ  ª,I%   P: f  < ,.>< >  >[ × ;  |d  1A : >& ªÃ &Ž :  b PQ  p"# , y  I% Ž ªD4 <'
 < .>< Z *#  “!! .>p)"# XQN   4# H ‘i” :,* ,.? 2 * ,." [ 1  Æ d Y  ª,q"/ á< \  I1 ¦  #  ºe a .& \%  €?E*  € .& lL / ˆ > <

 ‹# b e lIh< , d  #  :Æ  * [ ZF4# / ~1: )
% E Z<* f
% E Z< 2   . N: f
 < I% 
1  ,  ªJ ?% / á> Ž*%H  / Æ :% H  \ pÕ Š> !¬:&' : ?/ ,.< : .% /  p ³ P:?  Q #   P: W  H  .E:£ ³ ,Ih< m d  #  Æ Š> \% p 
°Žb ³ : & ' : ?/ ,.< " ªÆ d Z <* ˆ* ° 3%b ° h%[ \%  ¸  /  Ÿ  . 
< …1 !!!¬€ ‹>b (./ B/ i  p ³ o @ P:   3 % 
. "  & P: Æ ~  / ZNF4%&% 

In a few moments, my personality was torn which was united and unique. My husband moved towards Madina
escaping [to protect] himself and his religion. Banu A’bdul Asad snatched my child from my hands [leaving me]
broken and scattered. My family, Banu Makhzum seized me and I was kept with them. In an hour, they separated
me from my husband and son. From that day, I used to come out every morning to the valley and sit and the place
where the tragedy occurred. I used to recall the picture of those moments which hindered between me, my child and
my husband. I used to weep until the night used to encamp on me.
I remaining in that state for a year or about a year. One day, a man from the family of my uncle passed. He became
disturbed due to my condition and became merciful to me and said to the people of my family: “Would you not
release this poor lady? You have separated her from her husband and child. He tried to soften their hearts and invoke
their sympathies. They said to me: “Join you husband if you want.” But How could I join my husband and Madina
and leave my child – the part of my heart – at Makkah with Banu A’bdul Asad? How was it possible to calm down
the pain and stop tears from my eyes while I am at the place of Migration and my little child is at Makkah and I
don’t know anything about him!!! Some people wanted to treat my grieves and anxieties that disturbed their hearts.
They talk to Banu A’bdul Asad about my matter and invoked their sympathies so they returned my child Salamah.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Join! , d#  I recalled : >& Moments ;

a |d
Piece  Q #  That is hindered  >[ Ragged, torn  * h" 
Pain / I weep ,p< Unity %"!
They calm down :% H It encamp Z > E Unique € :E
They stop Ž*%H It tore Y  They snatched Š
 4 c%
Tears J  ?% / You release   4# H Broken €"4d
They treated / helped ¸
 / Poor woman  .>p)£ Shattered €6>
My grieves, plural of 
J h [ ° h%[ It becomes soft f
% E They seized % &%
My anxieties, plural of \
 b ° 3%b It evokes ~1: )
% E Early morning a :‡
They became sympathetic F4%&% Sympathy Š
 4# / Open valley D
 4 <'

Quranic Arabic Program 134 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

:ˆ* “¬ :G [ l    ” :2 * “. .E:£ , ,I% : E1” :ˆ R  “¬O    ˆ  .% < E \E ºe” :2  2 dŒ \ <  "#w/ ˆ >  [ 1“Z>. ” ˆ @%  < e 
z *     \ 9 € I1 ˆ ?% d
A  0  ...¦ P%E m  4 %  P>%  < + 4< Q c  Ð “. .E:£ ,@R?% H [ €:< l  R  H i 0
 ” :2 * “. QN q,.< ZR8 0 U ie 0   i”
ª([% 1 (%./ [  (>e  k  1' / ˆ E% &%  X% œ \/ ˆ #h  Le [ ª,q./  cŽ) % E ZR8 ªPo< É >. E 2  .£ \ i€ h .%  ´< Le   .B   b%  i (%. + #
:2 E q./  c Ž) % E Ð ªÆe (:* ªX:/ Ž Po< ºe + * C   [ Lž . jœ , K 346 % > …c%  a  3
 b ºe q./ d.E Ð ... > X:>* a  3  b ºe X *# 
"/ ,.? $ ?R < a E* ºe  |  " ª.E:£ .%@ < [ +E  lL  w ¦ K . % E 2   .X *  ( 4  < Q cŽ H ªo? / ˆ E% &%  ª ˆ?%  1 Lž ª,? 1
. p ºe €I 1 B   Ð ª0  < / > c%  ªE  XQN ³ l I :2 * B/ \<

I have not yet reached at Tan’eem when I met U’thman Ibn Talhah. He said: “Where are you going, O daughter of
the Provider of Travelers?” I said: “I intend to go to my husband at Madina.” He said: “Is there anyone with you?” I
said: “No, by God! Nobody except Allah and then my this son.” He said: “By God! I will not leave you ever until
you reach at Madina.” Then he took the reign of my camel and started running for travel with me…. By Allah! I
have never been accompanied by an Arabian man more respected and more generous than him. When we used to
reach at a resting place, he used to make my camel knee down. Then he used to go away from me. When I used to
come down from its back and become stable on the land, he used to come to it [the camel], remove its saddle and
take it to a tree and tied it with it.
Then He used to withdraw from me and go to another tree to sleep under its shade. At the time of departure, he used
to stand near my camel and prepare it. Then he used to advance to me [to inform] and then move away after saying:
“Ride or it.” When I had ridden and become stable on the camel, he used to catch its reigns and drive it. He kept
doing so every day until we rached at Madina. When he saw at the Quba town of Banu A’mr Ibn A’uf, he said:
“Your husband is in this town. Enter it with Allah’s blessings.” Then he returned back to Makkah.

:  b  : > \ < :  c K Z  & ª>N 3# , 0 ˆ

 >< O I [   :dΠ\<  "w/ (2) .p \ 2a >  898 / J p :Z>. (1)
. € !   " & + m  1 + E    ?p C
F +9) (>/ 2R & (>e K  :   p D

(1) Tan’eem: A place at distance of three miles from Makkah. (2) U’thman Ibn Talhah: He was the doorkeeper of
Allah’s home during Pre-Islamic period. He converted to Islam with Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed and participated in the
conquest of Makkah. The Prophet returned him the key of Ka’aba. The day he accompanied Umm Salamah, he was
a polytheist.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He tied : >* I was not accompanied by ˆ

?% d
A Miles, plural of 
J > 2a >
He withdrew d.E Never 
z * Doorkeeper O
I [
He fall asleep K 346
% E He makes a camel knee down É
>. E He accompanied m  1
It came  [ He moves away  cŽ)
% E He returned K  
Departure C
 I became stable ˆ
E% &% My son q,.<
He led, he drove  * He approached  You reach ,@R?% H
He returned B
  He put down [ Reigns of a camel +G 4c
Saddle on the back of a camel  [% 1 He ran m  4 %
He pulled  *# He traveled P%E

Quranic Arabic Program 135 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

. ? D%"  €/ & 6%"H S R :[' ˆ   F Œ Ð ...X: ( ?[ <  "& < :  &  ª I% h < "& q+ \ >% / ;
% * ªaY # 2 Œ : < ˆ
>! R "% ! K"I
(.p ª( #  $ 9? \ )[ > ,? E ªa1:% < : % < N1 "‡ k %  E ª:[R XQN . €1g  € % :* ªf")£ K  .  E  "& < N : ! % E 1G :% < XQ
"> .t  F  "  & < + h # Žp%  M
 ? " a ) / +1 :*   C   3# \p  ª : % :* ( ( :< [ ( 3 E 2  " ª€ @>< €[%I C   I :* . V â
:(Ih 2 * ([% I \ ¸  E "& <  
Z  .XQN ,?> ˆ ?% )
 [% W : ./ Z  :2 E lL : .% / K I%)% > ª?> €:[ O >E i :2 E Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 ˆ "& ª"  & + E”
:% p E Z ªX> Z& (>/ 0 A ( ‘ 2R &1 XU$ I C ?A ;  L ³ . € E ( -
  /  "& < œ “.... I h/ 0 X 4/ ie . €%>c ,.FRc%
$ ") ºe (% Œ K  1  .(?[ A ,.>% / \ >% F E!  (E:>< + 9)  R 9 (>/ ~,?. 
 " ‡# Ž . >d#  "& < Y
 1  [ ªX1 
 <   3E (H1 E \ ,.E
:2 *

The scattered [family] met after a long separation and the eyes of Umm Salamah comforted by her husband. Abu
Salamah became successful by his wife and child. Then the events started passing quickly like twinkling of eyes.
This was Badr, Abu Salamah participated in it and returned with the Muslims who triumphed with a great victory.
This was Ohad, he entered into its hardship after Badr. He proved himself brave and became honorable. But he was
wounded with a deep wound. He kept treating it until it healed. But the wound was internally spoiled. It opened and
Abu Salamah became bound to the bed. During the treatment of his wound, Abu Salamah said to his wife:
“O Umm Salamah! I have heard Allah’s Apostle saying: When a trouble comes to anyone and he says: “We are for
Allah and we have to return to Him and O Allah! I have put my this trouble in front of You. O Allah! Bring good
after me.” Allah gives that to him. Abu Salamah remained on the bed for a few days during his sickness. On a
morning, Allah’s Apostle came to him to see him. He did not used to prevent himself from visiting him. He crossed
the door of his house. At that time, Abu Salamah left his life. The Prophet closed the eyes of his companion with his
venerable hands, raised his hands towards the heaven and said:

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He says: “We are for Allah
& we’ve to return to Him
K I%)
% E Powerful €1g  Scattered, separated ˆ
I have counted ˆ
?% )
 [% He moved into k
E Separation Y
a #
Bring after it to me ,.FRc% Hardship, distress 1 "‡ It comforted ;
% *
Bed t
  He proved himself
$9? \)[ ,? E He became
:  &
So that he visit during
 > He became
  I It started ˆ
  F Œ
He did not remain :% p E Þ Hard €@>< Events S
R :['
He passed   3E It healed   : % It passes 6%"H
He left Y
 1  Internally it was
a ) / +1 Quickly €/ &
He closed 
 " ‡#  It opened Žp% Twinkling of eyes  ? D%"

He was bound + h # They obtained


Quranic Arabic Program 136 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

 "& ~+  “.(> ( 1% q ªX?% * ³ ( D %)   .f"   1 E ( . % F ‡#  .\E< @ , ( ? / , (#FRc  .\%>< "# ³ (I 1  K%  1%  ª"  & ¦' % F ‡# Z  ”
Z  ” :2  H #  )F O
% 4 H Z .p  “...XQN ,?> O )  [%  W : .% / Z  ” :ˆ  Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2 &1 \% /  "  & <  X 1  %; Q
¬"& q+  "  ")"#  h [ ....$U /: ˆ "H  ˆ
% w?  .p !¬"  & ¦ \ €oc  pE  X )/ \ ªR2$U )H ˆ  ' “¬ . €oc > ,.FRc%
. 4  O
 ‡h 1a @A a >?A o
 ‡ EL \ :G [  .E:£ ³  \% RpE Þ L# e “  ZE” Z& >/  Œ ªR?% * \ :a [    " h%dE Þ
 ˆ% <Ž ( ) F# .  ?4R E m E: p< < . +: H [  "& à / N :[ \ ,%.H ; %   " ªZ>/  "& q+ qmd  < € 1 %'  I £   b
, e !0  2 &1 E” :( ˆ  Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2R &1 . +: H Ð ...(?[ A ;1 " (H 4# \ <  "/ . +: H Ð ..(? 4  O  >3)% H
9 (>/ 2  “.2 >/ ; L   .q\) ³ ˆ
# c  :*   .(< 0 ,.<jQ >  l
 ? 6  @% E €‹>b q. …H  B
cŽ >% @  R :E:b J  Ž : €898 i€ 9c
\ ;  %  L   .l< A PQ R w ,.< A :  q\) \ ;  %  L   .l./ ?N Q# E  I  h/ ( ‘ / °ž l  H>% ‡ \ ;  %  L  ” :+9) 
“.Æ >/ l  R >/ "ž ª2 >

“O Allah! Forgive Abu Salamah and raise his rank in [Your] closed people. Make his back as good as those who
passed away. Forgive us and him, O the Lord of all worlds, and widen his grave for him and enlighten it for him.”
When the words of Allah’s Apostle were mentioned to Umm Salamah, she said:
“O Allah, I put my this trouble in front of You.” She did not use to make herself pleasant and used to say: “O Allah!
Will you give me better than him after him?” She used to ask that because who can be better than Abu Salamah. But
she remained calling [Allah]. Muslims became so grieved due to the tragedies of Umm Salamah that they were never
grieved by tragedies of anyone before. They gave her the name of “The Widow of Arabia” because they did not find
in the people of Madina anyone [to marry her] except young boys even not having hair of beard.
The Migrators and the Ansaar thought that Umm Salamah had a right on them. They wanted to finish the mourning
of Abu Salamah. Abu Bakr Al-Siddique moved forward and proposed her for himself but she refused to accept his
offer. Then U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab came forward but she refused him like she refused his companion. Then Allah’s
Apostle came forward. She said: “O Allah’s Prophet! There are three problems with me: I am a woman having hard
jealousy about my husband. I fear that you may see anything in me which makes you angry and Allah may punish
me for that; I am woman of old-age; and I am a woman having kids.” He replied: “You have mentioned your
jealousy, I pray Allah to remove it from you. You have mentioned the age, I have also reached at the similar age like
you. You have mentioned your children, so your children are mine.”

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

She responds O
% H Its inhabitants, plural of L EL His back ( ? /
He moved forward +: H Young boys a >?A Passed, gone \E< @
In me P , ª, O
 ‡ Widen! D
Not having hair of beard
Problems, plural 
J  c i€ 9c Enlighten! 1% q
Solicitude, jealousy
about the spouse
>% @  Hair   b She did not make herself
% 4 H Z
He becomes angry O
 @% E Mourning  :[ She ask 2$ )H
He punishes me ,.<jQ E U He proposed OR4E Troubles, plural of ?>
Family, children 2 >/ She refused ˆ
% <

Quranic Arabic Program 137 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

 "  )
  €R R > h
% £ : .% N m ?% H Z%  + > lL Q. . "  & à \ €oc F c%  ª NU$ /  0 =  3&  "& q+ \ Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2R &1 V  hH ZR8
. N -1 ./  -  1   .3# ³ "& + ( I%  0 6 .f.g"# K >"3
  € ;
% : ‡ "e ¬X:[

Then Allah’s Apostle married Umm Salamah and Allah acknowledged her prayer and gave him [a husband] better
than Abu Salamah. From that time, the Hind of Makhzum did not remain the mother Salamah only. She became the
mother of all believers. May Allah flourish the face of Umm Salamah at the paradise. May Allah pleased with her
and make her happy.

Ramalah Bint Abu Sufyan – Umm Habiba ./ 0 ,-1 J ?>?[ ~+ Ö  >F & ,< ˆ
.< R %1
Umm Habiba preferred Allah & His Prophet over everyone else and   H  ˆ
% N    ª "N &  / (  &1  0 U ;%  8n ?>?[ +
disliked to return to disbelief like a man dislikes to be thrown into fire. .1 . , B
 Q E  $= "# X  pE "  FRp
PQ  ">/ ª 5 4 "#  p : q>&  .2 < PL  ³ (F  E  ª( 4#& / V   E #  r
a E* \ :a [ K &%  ,  a [ \ <  >F# & ¦ 2 ?<  R4 % E   
i X:[ 0  < rdI \ < 0  : >?/  I ,N ˆ % . n ª ><   “< ;%  F f[ lL .Z /% h QN ; %  : < :* ª?>?[ q+Ž<  .p"#   % 1 (.< \p .$ i < ( \ E:H
ª%D F# E Z ª(} <n \ E ( .E ºe I%  (.<  E  ªŸŽ< a  4# & \%  à  jp<  >F& < 2  [ :* .0  : ?/ \ < : "d  (q>?   &< ˆ % * :A ª( lEb
" ¬1 + 9&e O  ?) < ~Z #  >F& < O
  1 .(? 6‡ (/h /% h E #  \ ˆ ?8# ª >F& à o A / ( # H #  \ m "/     % 1 O
 * ³ É  & 1 PQ  "%E{ '
.:a "d
  5 ?qH     R>d#  ª(‹>!"  ( .< 5
 6  c% e \/ h 3 / #  :< ª€ !E* R <  E (a I qPŽ< B  E  

Nobody used to take the risk in matter of Abu Sufyan Ibn Harab in Quraish to go out of his obedience or oppose him
in any of his matter. He was the chief leader of Makkah. He was the leader that owned the government. But his
daughter Ramalah, having kuniyyah of Umm Habiba, made this belief false. This happened when she disbelieved in
the gods of her father and believed with her husband U’baidullah Ibn Jahash in Allah, the One God without any
associate. She testified the prophethood of His prophet, Muhammad Ibn A’bdullah. Abu Sufyan tried hard with all
of his power and harshness to return his daughter and her husband to the religion of himself and his forefathers but
did not become successful. The reason was that the faith established firmly in the heart of Ramalah so deeply that it
was not possible for the windstorms of Abu Sufyan to pluck it out. It shook his anger. Worries overwhelmed Abu
Sufyan due to Islam of Ramalah. He used to know how could he face Quraish after his failure to subjugate his
daughter against his will and to prevent her to follow Muhammad.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It became deep-rooted É
 & 1 Leader Z >/ She did not remain m ?% H Z% 
It is plucked out K# H It is owned \ E:H She preferred ;
%  8n
Windstorm, plural of 1 /e o
A / Government $ i She disliked / hate ˆ
% N  
It shakes 5
 h /% h E A woman having >. of  .p"# He is thrown B
 Q E
Worry, anxiety ~Z # She made it false ;
%  : < It come to his mind  4R 
% E
Subjugating 5
 6c% e He tried 2  [ He opposes Š
Wish, will ‹>! Power, authority a  4# & Very important matter 2 < PL 

Hindering, prevention  R>d# Harshness, punishment ŸŽ< Leader, one who is

4 "#

Quranic Arabic Program 138 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

 >4 E i H < [ ªY N%1{ :b  " R N % H ˆI ªY .  # ">/ m q>6
 H ˆ
%  F Œ  ª ">/ ; % I I   % 1 /  J c &  >F& <  !E* ;:I  "
: >?/  I ªR?>?[ R o@   F# Œ   >F & ¦ ˆ
.< R  % 1 ˆ  ª!?d# ºe   3 %  < f")" (>/ ( 9& 0  ; A 2R &  L  " . p ³  >d #
.Z "E%ž< q,b 3.  "% [ ºe \Eq1 F ªZ.E:< ( ‘ ºe \ EI " #  >Œ ³ ªrdI \ < 0 
. !
 #  9< ³  [  Z % Œ *QE  ªf")"# \  F. l  ‹ ZE:E \ ˆ   F# E  Z>/ h/ ªarER* $ "/ \ ( \ a [ \ <  >F& < \p
~b 3. M  ? .X   )E i€ * Z E (q D
 >)" # ,  E Z%   (  #QE ªZ>e Z" ) % E  (.   ?R 4E .Z>/ (  -qd
 E ,b 3. ºe Z  & 1 &1Ž
.Zq>? O  * / 2R h .% E PQ    \ €‹>b X " )% E #  Z>e O
  Œ  ª(q š  \ < )>/ , ( E "/  Z.E   > [ \/ Z Ž& ª\EI  "# $ "/  ºe
(< $U I PQ  ªa:"d  Z% pR q>? / 2 h % PQ QN ‘e” :Z 2 * ( >d %  ˆ
% 6
 c% [ p< ªn  ;  En \ €6< (>/ % H ª+9&{   > d  < X  ?c%  "
\" ( E "[ \/ "...(>/ ( 9& 0  ; A :a "d   ? .  ( E:H ª( l  Eb i X : [%  0 < ( "%Ee \ / Г.a : [   p%! \  I E Z E \ < )>/
.Z> % / zœ  ª ") % E #  < (* 1 4<  \ Z ‡#  / f")"# \ (-1 ºe I N

When Quraish found that Abu Sufyan is angry with Ramalah and her husband, they dared about both of them. They
started narrowing around their necks. They made both of them tired hardly. They became unable to live at Makkah.
When the Prophet allowed the Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia, Ramalah, her little daughter Habiba and her
husband U’baidullah Ibn Jahash were in the first group of Migrators for the religion of Allah, escaping to the
protection given by Najashi to their faith.
But Abu Sufyan Ibn Harab, with other leaders of Quraish, made it difficult for that group of Muslims to escape from
their hands and to taste comfort at the country of Abyssinia. They sent their messengers to Najashi to incite him to
[return them back]. They demanded to return those who embraced Islam back to them. They mentioned him that
they say bad words about Jesus and his mother Marry. Najashi sent [a messenger] to the leaders of the Migrators and
asked them about the reality of their religion and their saying about the Jesus and his mother. He demanded them to
read something from the Quran that was revealed to the heart of their prophet.
When they informed him about the reality of Islam and recited some verses of the Quran, he wept and his beard
became wet. He said to them: “Surely what is revealed to your Prophet Muhammad and what was brought by Jesus,
the son of Marry, both of them came out from the same source of light.” Then he announced his faith in One God,
Who has no associate. He testified the prophethood of Muhammad. He also announced his support for those
Muslims who migrate to his land despite of the fact that his Bishops refused to embrace Islam and remained firm on
their Christianity.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Leaders, plural of Z>/ $ "/  Those who escape \Eq1 F Annoyed, dissatisfied 
J c &
It became wet ˆ
% 6
 c% Support, warmness  "% [ They dared ;
% I
Niche, source of light  p%! He made it difficult ,/ h/ They narrowed m q>6
Despite of that Z ‡#  / He escaped ˆF# E Neck Y
Bishops, plural of m
G E4< *1 4< Comfort  [  They made both of them
" R N % H
They refused < They incite   -qd
 E Tiring, fatigue Y
They continued zœ It became bad X   )E Both of them became H <

Quranic Arabic Program 139 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

( H%Ž?c  Z  % H \pH Z L# e ... '  [ 1 ºe < ˆ % 6 #  :* +i‰ mEŒ ³  * !  [% 1  ªŸ? / 2Œ : <  ˆ % F A  + E'  lL :<  ?>?[ ~+ ˆ % ?)[
.+ ' PL +  (  K 6  % 6
 H  + 9[' PL 2 I 2R  / (> r 4 H €>& * € d  ?>?[ + \ d  "% E  ª( " p# [ ˆ %  1 ?H 0 $U b :  ... E  " # 
\ < 0  : >% ?/ I  Z } . X E "> ; %  ª 3
6%  ºe  ?>?[ ~+ ;
%   a > ;
 L ,F ...C  3.  " * / K < H €   œ o?p $9<i lL \ I  % E 
...2 [ $  &% Ž<  N  ª%< Y    6< ; G "RœR ( % >! ‡ Ä,q3R a d< , 
R ?
 E rdI
  >%  lH + E 
  .% E Z Le ª%ˆ  d
 H  ˆ
% w?  N E  1 \p ...;
% 1 " €‹>b X>% ‡ :a ['  (  R Q# H #  Ž!H Z ...€ < 4 6 € 1/#Q  \ ˆ
% ?
... .H (.E \/ :H1 :* ªardI \ < 0 : >?/   [   g!"#

Umm Habiba thought that the days of long hardship have passed and her difficult journey on the way of troubles has
resulted in the comfort of peace. But she did not know that there are other destinies. Allah wants to test Umm
Habiba with a hard test to bless her with His wisdom. A test in that wisdom of creative men becomes useless and
understanding of people of understanding fails in front of it. He wanted to make her successful in that great test at
the top of success….. One night, Umm Habiba was lying at her bed. She say in a dream that her husband
U’baidullah Ibn Jahash is wandering in a deep see covered by multi-layered darkness and was in the worst
She woke up and was terrified and confused. She did not want to discuss that with anyone else what she has seen.
But her dream had to become true. The day following that ill-fortuned night did not finish when U’baidullah Ibn
Jahash returned back from his religion and converted to Christianity.

Worth Reading! The Sermon of Mount delivered by the Prophet Jesus +9)   (>/. Its contents
are applicable today. Read more:

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Deep, bottomless Ä,q3R Thinking, dreaming + 9[' Hardship, unpleasant Ÿ ?/

Its darkness ( % >!
 ‡ It fails K 6
 % 6
 H Hard, difficulty  * !
The worst $  &%  Understandings, plural
of Z
+  Pains, plural of Z +i‰

She awaked suddenly ˆ

% ?N Test $9<i It resulted in ˆ
% 6#
Terrified € 1/#Q She was sitting K < H Peace, security  '
Confused € < 4 6 Top  " * It was hidden from her ( H%Ž?c
It became true ˆ
% d
 H Success C 3. Quantities, luck  E  
It did not pass 
  .% E Z She stayed ;
%   Hard €>& *
Ill fortuned    g!"# Her bed 3
%  It became useless r
4 H
He converted to
 .H He stumbled, he
walked unsteadily
R ?
 E Wisdoms, plural of  / 2R  /

Quranic Arabic Program 140 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

% < $= ?H Ö 0 < LR >  Ö .E \/ ~:H% H l Q< ª. ºe N /%  , ~D E   I PQ I% h  O
% H #  ž :S
a 98 f< € Ž3 )F  ?>?[ ~+ ;
% : I 
¬W% ! €  # * 2   N ªp , >< ˆ
 >% < ºe  H #  e ...:E:[ \  a !% Ž< "|# / \/  "d  !    ( R F# H i  N .c‰  Q/ >%~:
.\ >%   i \ Œ  i   N i ª€:Eb € :>[  !?d#  9< ³  ?% H #  e ... .E / € <@ € 1 #  (> r  >
% 6   % e " . €ow  ?>?[ q+ 1 |  4R E Þ .X:./ \ VF < 0 à  ŽE Ô[ a !?¹ , $ ? / ˆ %   %  ...X &  / I  h/ 0  -1 (>  ;8“
o‡ /  h d" # %>< Y    6 #  E ~ ~h ( d
 .I% Ž< B
 #  E : % ) N$ I :  ...VF  N H [ 9 € >* ie X~.H :< rE Z PQ I%  \  H:/
% < a  Ž<  % "d
  . !?¹ l   q,b 3.  F>A “ N  <%Ž<” ˆ % ‹I  (%d   " Ï ? >/ Y   ŒR >d "# m # Œ .) 
 6F  ¶ d - ; L ,F ... >
:ˆ * >/ 2 c ~: < ˆ
% L Ž&% 

Umm Habiba found for herself three options: Either to accept the call of her husband who insisted her to convert to
Christianity and leave her religion – Allah forgive us from that – and return to disgrace at this world and the
punishment of the Hereafter. She could not do so even if her meat is combed out from her bones with steel combs.
[The second option was] to return to the home of her father at Makkah, the fort of paganism, and live there in a
subjugated way and being dominated about her religion. [The third option was] to remain at the country of
Abyssinia alone and homeless where she has no family, no home and no supporter.
She preferred the Allah’s pleasure over other options and decided to stay at Abyssinia till the time Allah gives relief
for her. Waiting of Umm Habiba did not prolonged a lot. When she finished her waiting period from her husband
who lived a short life after being Christian, the relief came. The lucky bird came over her sad home flapping its
wings of green emerald without any [long] time. At a silver-lighted and open faced morning, her door was knocked.
When she opened it, she found “Abraha”, a servant of Najashi, the king of Abyssinia. She greeted her warmly with
respect and joy and asked for permission to enter her home. She said:

Face the Challenge! How can you make a sentence related to past tense doubtful?

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Silver light .) 

 6F  Helper \ >%   He insisted ~D E

Open faced >d "# m # Œ She determined ˆ

%   %  Converting to
It was knocked Y
  ŒR Remaining $ ? She return to $= ?H
She came to her ˆ
% ‹I  It did not prolong  4R E Þ Disgrace P
 h c% 
Servant  F>A Relief VF  It is combed 
She greeted warmly ˆ
% "[ Success, luck : % ) Combs, plural of 
%  
a !% 
Happiness, joy a !
% < It flapped B
 #  E Fort €  # *
She got permission ˆ
% L Ž&% Wings d.I%  She live r
Made of emerald  E ~ ~h Subdued, subjugated € 1 # 
Sad   hd"# Homeless € :Eb

Quranic Arabic Program 141 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

“.\>% } !H \ l  .% / ,j  ... l>/ ( :  % E # Ž< (> ( €<  (>e M  < (e ...()F# . l
 ?€4c :* 0  2 &1 €:"d e :l 2R  E l  >q>d E l "# ‘e”
ZR8 ... N  <' " % 4 /%  ª E%1 & ˆ
% / h . q d# \ >/  K  
% H ˆ
%  F Œ  “...o
 # < 0 W  !
 < ...o
 # < 0 W  !<” :ˆ
% F N  ª€ [ ?>?[ + ; % 1 4&
,q./ ˆ #  : ” :  ˆ * ZR8 .|d %  lH ,  %4 /% '  >%:  . l  "H ˆ   ... ">H c %>Œ % R < lL ˆ %  ?H Ð ...  # < "% d
.Æe Ÿ
 . *  Ϥ  \ < : >& \ < :  c
V  ) <  $U 6" # ª>N h t
 R ~. <   %h"R  d
 >)F  ( } <% : [  , .  6
 .  !
 # k
 E1 \ a -1 / a 4  $U 3 % b a >< 1 /   <  q,b 3.   % * ,
: ?/ ª¤  \ < : >& \ < :  c ªaO Œ ¦ \ < FI Z%  & 1 / ª!  ?d
 # ,   "> " #  < d X I K"I t  Eq  c F<  b  F"# ª$U -  >& d~.
.Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2 &1 /  >F & à ˆ  .<  ?>?[ q+ : # / :! % > ZN o‡ ª~")   Q[ \ < ( ‘

“The king greets you and says: Muhammad, the Allah’s Apostle, has proposed you for himself… He has sent to him
a letter and in that he has appointed him [Najashi] his agent to conduct marriage with you …. So you also appoint
whomever you want as your agent.” Umm Habiba expressed extreme joy and cried: “May Allah give your good
news … May Allah good you good news.” Then she started removing her ornaments from her body. She removed
her bracelets and gave it to Abraha … Then she added her anklet … Then she further added her earring and hand-
rings.” If she had treasures of the world, she would have given all of them to her at that moment. Then she said: “I
appoint Khalid Ibn Sa’eed Ibn Al-A’as as my agent. He is closest to me in people.
Najashi was living at his palace at the top [of a mountain] having a lot of dominated trees. It was a flourishing
garden from the gardens of Abyssinia. The companions residing at Abyssinia gathered at one of his wide halls that
was decorated by brilliant inscriptions, lighted by copper lamps and furnished by expensive furniture. Ja’afar Ibn
Abu Talib, Khalid Ibn Sa’eed Ibn Al-A’as and A’bdullah Ibn Hudhafa Al-Sahmi were their leader. Others [also
came] to participate in the marriage of Umm Habiba Bint Abu Sufyan with Allah’s Prophet.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Wide  d
 >)F  She added to ˆ
% d
 # He greets you l
 >q>d E
Decorated   %h"R Anklet 2 #c He appointed an agent  
Sculptures, inscriptions t
 R ~. Ear rings ,% Π% *R You appoint an agent! ,j
Brilliant  >N h Rings, plural of Z
G H c Z >H c You want \%>} !H
Lighted  $U 6" # Treasures, plural of h%.  . She expressed extreme
% 1 4&
Lamps, plural of V
G & V
 Living 
 <  She shouted with joy ˆ
% F N
Made of copper  >& d~. Hilltop a >< 1 Give good news to you W  !<
Pure  $U - Dominated a 4  She removed K  
% H
Decorated  b  F"# Gardens, plural of -1 k
 E1 Jewelery q d#
Expensive furniture t
 Eq  c  Flourishing   6
 . She extracted ˆ
% / h 
Marriage, knot : # / Lounges, plural of 
G % < $ <% Bracelets P
% 1 &

Quranic Arabic Program 142 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

N ( ª(R&1 X :?/ €:"d   0 ie (e i #  :  b%  1 ?3# \  g "# Ÿ  ~:R  0

U : " [% ” :2  Z?4 c  y   3
% " # ~,b 3. 1 :
 H ª K"3#  "# "
€ < >  H%  %  ªOŒ  ºe ( ?% I Ž . >#F& ¦ ˆ
 .<  ?>?[ + ( I q R #  q. O
  Œ Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2 &1 ž ::<  .Z E \ < )>/ (<  !< PQ
.¤  \ < : >& \ < :  c P % : E f<  >%  :  O
 p & ZR8 “... (  &1  0  .& / ... €?NL 1a .E  }  K <1 (./
(jR \ E: / X |# >  qmd#  …: # \ E:< (& 1%  ª(R&1 X :?/ €:"d   :  b%  ª(>e H ª X F @% &%  ª( .>&%  X :" [%  0 : "d# ” :2  :G  c + * .N
O "<  ?>?[ q+' €‹>.N .(I h< (& 0 W 1 ? . >F& ¦ ˆ  .<  ?>?[ + , j  ( I%   ª >/ 0  2 &1 O   Œ ˆ?% I  :  :: <  . p X   
Le $ >?'  .& ž !  ) I% ” :,b 3. Z 2  . €6E B  i < ~"N  ( >  ( < dA +  ª >e (< , 6"E #  ZN 2 "#  " [ ZR8 “...o# \  0
. ~6F  Ð +    Ž + 4< Z / “. € Œ  " 4# E  Ih H

When they finished gathering [i.e. everyone arrived], Najashi delivered a sermon to the gathering and spoke, he said:
“I praise Allah, the Most Holy, the Peace-Giving, the Eternally Powerful. I declare that there is no deity except
Allah and Muhammad is His slave and His prophet. He is the one about whom Jesus Ibn Marry informed in
advance. After that: Surely Allah’s Prophet has demanded me to marry him with Umm Habiba Bint Sufyan. I have
accepted what he demanded. In his representation, I declare that the marriage gift will be 400 gold coins …. in
accordance with the established practice of Allah and His Prophet.” Then he poured out the gold coins in the hands
of Khalid Ibn Sa’eed Ibn Al-A’as.
Then Khalid stood up and said: “Praise is only for Allah. I praise Him and seek help from Him. I seek forgiveness
from Him and repent to Him. I declare that Muhammad is His slave and His prophet. He sent the religion of
guidance and truth to Him in order to dominate His religion over everything, even the unbelievers dislike. After that:
I accepted the demand of Allah’s Prophet and declare the marriage of my client, Umm Habiba Bint Abu Sufyan, to
him. May Allah bless His Prophet in his marriage. Congratulations to Umm Habiba for the good Allah has written
for her…” Then he carried the money to give it to her. Then his companions stood up. They thought to leave.
Najashi said to them: “Sit down! It is the established practice of Prophets that when they arrange marriage, they
serve food.” He called for the food and the group ate it. Then they left.

Rule of the Day

Face the Challenge!
If the word , is added before a 51 6 , it adds the sense of
If   is added to a  ‘so that __ should’. For example Z  FE means “he understands / will
51 6, what is the impact?
understand” while Z %  F# E , means “So that he should understand”.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

I declare marriage ˆ
I%  I decide gift of
marriage for bride
%  %  It completed  " #
My client , j  Representation € < > He delivered 1 :
Congratulations €‹>.N He poured out O
 p & Most Holy Ÿ
They thought ~"N I seek help f
&%  Who gives peace \  g "#
Returning back B
  So that He dominates   |# >  Enormously Powerful 1 ?»
They returned ~6F  I accept ˆ
?% I  I arrange marriage V
 q R

Quranic Arabic Program 143 Level 03

Lesson 8B: Two Mothers of Believers

. °e” :ˆ * O  NQ \ i€ w#  \ >% )
 "c ,.%H !< , “ N  <” ºe ˆ # & 1%  Æe 2R "#  A
  " :?>?[ ~+ ˆ *
ªON Q ;
 1  Æe R N  < ;
% $U I Ô[ J >* ie  N " “.2  Qa ‹ % E P:%./ \% pE Z ,.H% !< f  [ˆ 4/  l  >4/
. €‹>b l . Q cn i , / + h / :* l"# e” :ˆ * €6E Æe ( H%   ªX Ee 4/ ˆ . PQ ,zd # (> € [ ˆ % I  c% 
“.O  ‘4 \ \N : .% /  jpR < l
  \#w ?% E  XU$ )    :*
: ” :ˆ  “¬,N ” :ˆ  “.€ I [ W :./ Æ e” :Æ ˆ * Ð ª?.% /  ªa/ ªaŸ1%  < ,.H$ I : @    "
Ð “.lL ,).% H i (&1 0  < ˆ
.n ,q (>"/ + 9) ,q. q,?. / ,}*#  :a "d  \ E ˆ ?H  ª ˆ"%  &% 
K ( #    ª?#4
 #  \   "< ( H% ?c%  ª( >  " . Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 ºe ˆ # " [ ,qe ZR8 .,.H%h I
.( H  < 0 R "%[1 + 9) >/ :2 * N?
 < )
 .+ 9) . (H*#  “ N  <”
Umm Habiba said: When the money reached to me, I sent it to Abraha who gave me good news. It was 50 Mithqal
of gold. I said: “I was giving you what I had at the time you gave me good news. On that day, I had no money.”
After a short time, Abraha came to and returned the gold. She brought out a jar in which there were ornaments that I
gave to her. She returned that as well and said: “The king decided that I’ll not take anything from you. He has
instructed the women of his family to send you [as a gift] whatever medicine they have.”
On the next day, she came to me with Wars, A’ud and A’nbar and said to me: “I need something from you.” I asked:
“What?” She said: “I have converted to Islam and following the religion of Muhammad. Give my salutations to the
Prophet and inform him that I believed in Allah and His prophet. Don’t forget that.” Then she prepared my luggage.
After that, I was carried to Allah’s Apostle. When I met him, I informed him about the matter of marriage and what
Abraha did and delivered him her salutations. He became happy with her news and said: “Peace be upon her along
with Allah’s mercy and blessings.”

Rule of the Day Worth Reading

If the word R RpE is added before a ,-   What is the relationship between the revelation
, it makes the sentence doubtful. For example and the intellect? Read more:
   means “he ate” while    R RpE means
“He may have eaten”.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

She prepared my luggage ,.H%h I Next day, tomorrow : @  An ancient measure
of weight
2 w# 
I was carried ˆ
# " [ Read! ,}*# She returned ;
Proposal for marriage  ?#4
 # Inform! ,"/ Jar, pot € [
He became happy & Don’t forget ,).% H i He decided + h /
Different types of herbs used in folk
?.% / ªa/ ªaŸ1%  Medicine O

Quranic Arabic Program 144 Level 03

Lesson 9A: Special Forms of Present & Future Tense
The Result
Compare the result. Each line carried five marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

Impact English Arabic

Do you think?
Impact on Form: No impact because the verb is in Past Tense Z%  ?% )
 [ +% 
which is not variable. Impact on Meaning: Made interrogative

Do you intend to ask your Prophet?

Impact on Form: Because + has no impact on the form. Ž)H
became Ž)H. Its Noon is deleted. Impact on Meaning: Made
Z% pR  &1 RŽ)
% H #    :EH +% 
interrogative, “You ask” becomes “to ask”.

Were you witness?

Impact on Form: No impact. Impact on Meaning: Made $U : b Z%  .R +% 

Do they have hands they hold with? Do they have eyes

they see with? Do they have ears they listen with?
\G > /%  Z%   +%  <   !4 ?% E :a E% Z%   +% 
Impact on Form: No impact Impact on Meaning: Made
<   " ) % E J Ln Z%   +%  <     ?% E
Do they wait for Allah to come to them in clouds?
Impact on Form: N has no impact on the form. has placed a
fathah and changed , HŽE to , HŽE a  œR , (  Z%  >HŽ# E #  ie   |R .E # N
Impact on Meaning: Made interrogative.  has changed the
meaning of “come” to “to come.”

Does anyone is destroyed except the offender group.   " | + %  # ie l
 % E # N
Does the blind and the seeing alike? o

 ?#  "/% 'U P)
% E # N
Do you have something from knowledge? Za # / \%  Z% R : .% / # N
Wherever he turns his face, he does not bring a good
a >% 
 < ;
 Ž# E i ~(qI E ".E%

   F# E    pE i + %  # $ i gN 2 "

So what is the matter with these people who are not
going to understand the word.
Impact on Form: No impact
Impact on Meaning: Made negative (applicable to all with i.)

The women who do not expect to be married. €[ p   I% E i ,H9 $= )q.
So they will not return.   I % E i Z%  

Quranic Arabic Program 145 Level 03

Lesson 9A: Special Forms of Present & Future Tense

Impact English Arabic

We will definitely not believe in you until we see Allah
Impact on Form: \ and Ô[ both have given fathah to the last letter of
the verb. \
g became \g.
€  % I (  … [ l
  \  g%  \% 
Impact on Meaning: \ made the meaning extremely negative and Ô[
added the sense of “until”.

´ R ?% E [ Z% pR & =$1 R  d % H i

Do not shave your heads until the animals of sacrifice reach
at their place.
Impact on Form: Ô[ has changed ´R ?E to ´ ?E. ( d
  P :%  #
Impact on Meaning: Meaning of ‘until’ are added.

So if you did not do and definitely you will not do, so be

careful about the fire (of hell.)
Impact on Form: Last  is deleted by both \  Þ. 1 . R H  R F# H \%  R F# H Z%  # ž
Impact on Meaning: Þ made the meaning negative whereas \ has made
meaning extremely negative with future.

€RFR (  \% pR E Z%  .:%  E Z%  :%  E Z% 

He does not beget. And He is not begotten. And there is no
associate with Him.
Impact on Form: Last letter becomes silent due to Þ.
Impact on Meaning: Þ made the meaning negative.
.:G [ 
He teaches you what you did not use to know.   " % H  RpH Z%   Z% pR " j E
Their repentance will not be accepted. Z%   <% H  ?# H \% 
You will definitely not win the piety until you spend your
favorite wealth (in Allah’s way).
 H " R F .% H [ ?# R .H \% 
Make an assistant to me so that we praise You a lot.
Impact on Form: , has changed D
?) to D
 ?). €ow l
  ,%  €E , #  I% 
Impact on Meaning: Meaning of ‘so that’ are added.

So We return him (Moses) to his mother so that her eyes

become cold. (i.e. She becomes peaceful.)
. >% /  H ,%  ( qR e X %   
$ >.‡# 'U \ >% < €    RpE i ,% 
Z% pR .% 
So that it does not be revolving within your rich.

Quranic Arabic Program 146 Level 03

Lesson 9A: Special Forms of Present & Future Tense

Impact English Arabic

And they said, “The fire will definitely not touch us except a
few days. € E ie 1 . .)" H \%  R *
Impact on Form: \ has changed y
ã to y
 ã. €   :% 
Impact on Meaning: Meaning became negative future.

Do they not see at the earth how much noble pairs we have
caused to grow in it. > .% ?% Z%  k
 1% 'U e % E Z%  
Impact on Form: Þ has deleted the  and changed E to E. ša   V
a %  jR \% 
Impact on Meaning: Meaning of ‘until’ are added.

\)" >  RR E "/  .E Z%  # e

If they do not leave what they say, a painful punishment will
definitely touch those who disbelieve.
Impact on Form:  2 added at the start and end. ZG > G Q/ Z%  .%   F  \ EQ
Impact on Meaning: Made extremely assertive.

\%  €?>  HR \ EQ e  H Z%  

Do you not see towards those who were given a share from
the Holy Book.
Impact on Form: Þ has changed …H to H.
 p #
Impact on Meaning: Meaning became negative.

…:[% e l
 p R #  : E1R ,qe 2 *
He said, “I intend to marry you with one of my these two
Impact on Form:  has changed D
p to D
 p. \ >% H N ,.<%
Impact on Meaning: Meaning of ‘to’ are added.

They said, “These two (Moses & Aaron) are certainly expert #   :EE  [ )  QN # e R *
magicians who intend to drive you out of your land.” Z% pR -
 1%  \%  Z% R I 
% E
If you are true. f
 *  A Z%  .R # e
To describe an example. 9
€ w
% E # 
 "% " H% # ž ¸
a3 [  > "8 , I Ž# H # 
To employ you for 8 years. So if you complete 10 years, it
will be (additional) from your side.
Impact on Form:  has changed  I H to  I H. W : .% / \% "  €%!/
Impact on Meaning: Meaning of ‘to’ are added.

Worth Reading
What is the significance of Character in building a nation? Read more:

Quranic Arabic Program 147 Level 03

Lesson 9A: Special Forms of Present & Future Tense

Impact English Arabic

So if you do not do and definitely you will not do, so beware
of the fire.
1 . R H  R F# H \%  R F# H Z%  # ž
Z%  > Q 
 H #  e
 jQ H #  e
Either to punish or to do good with them.

\ d
%   Rp #  e ,  # H #  e
  # " #
Either you to put down or we to be the ones who put down.

That Allah has ordered to join.  A

  E #  ( < (     
If Allah wills.
Impact on Form: e has no impact because $ b is the Past Tense. (  $U b # e
Impact on Meaning: Sentence became conditional.

If they are brought to you as prisoners.

Impact on Form: e changed H E to H E and  is deleted. …1 &R Z% R  HŽ# E # e
Impact on Meaning: Sentence became conditional.

And it is not protecting them from the punishment to live # 

 Q # \%  ( [ h [% h " <  N 
long life.  " E
It is definitely not the piety to turn your faces towards the  ?* Z% pR N  I z H #  ?# y
east or the west.
  @% " #  Y
  !% " #
Surely, Allah does not hesitate to describe a parable. 9
€ w
% E #  ,>d
% )
% E i (  e
Do they wait for Allah to come to them in clouds? , (  Z%  >HŽ# E #  ie   |R .E # N
Impact on Form:  changed H E to  H E.
Impact on Meaning: Meaning of ‘to’ added.
a  œR

Face the Challenge! Face the Challenge!

How do you make a ,-   conditional? Describe the difference between the impact of
What is the difference in case of a 51 6 ?
Z%  and \%  on the 51 6 .

Quranic Arabic Program 148 Level 03

Lesson 9A: Special Forms of Present & Future Tense

Impact English Arabic

 RpE 9‹ X  4# b Z% pR N  I z 
So turn your faces towards it so that people will not have
an argument against you.
Impact on Form: 9‹ changed R pE to pE. J 3[ Z% pR >%  / Ÿ
Impact on Meaning: Meaning of “so that not” are added.

Verily, he (Satan) instructs you to commit evil and #  $ !d% F #  $ ~) < Z% R   Ž# E "e
vulgar acts and to say about Allah what you do not know.   " % H i  (  / RR H
Do you think to enter paradise whereas (a trouble) has Z% pR HŽ# E "  .3
 # Rc :% H #  Z%  ?% ) [ +% 
Z% pR  ?% * \%  % c \ EQ R w
not yet arrived on you similar to that faced by those who
were before you.
It is likely that you dislike a thing whereas it is better for
Z% pR  G >% c  N  €‹%>b  N p# H #  )/
And it is not allowed for you to take from what you have " RQc Ž# H #  Z% pR  z d E i
already given (to your wives) except (the situation of)
both of them fearing that both of them will not abide by
"> E i  E #  ie €‹%>b \N  " >% Hn
the Allah’s limits. (    :[
If you exhibit the charity, it is good but if you conceal it # e , N " . ;  *:   :?% H # e
and give it to poor (secretly) it is better for you. Z% pR  G >% c    $U  FR # N Hg% H  NRF
% H
Allah has not yet pinpointed those of you who have
struggled (in His way), so that He may pinpoint the
steadfast ones.
Z% pR .%   :N I \ EQ (  Z%  % E "
Impact on Form: £ has changed Z E to Z E. \ E<  Z  % E
Impact on Meaning: Meaning of “not yet” added.

But they denied what they did not grasp from His " ( " #  < R4>dE Z%  "<  <Q # <
knowledge and its reality has not yet arrived to them. ( R EŽ# H Z%  HŽ# E

Worth Reading
The Report of Transparency International and a Hadith. This article is an eye-opening
writing on the condition of Muslim Ummah.

Quranic Arabic Program 149 Level 03

Lesson 9A: Special Forms of Present & Future Tense

Impact English Arabic

But they have not yet tasted the punishment.
Impact on Form: £ has changed *QE to *QE and  deleted.
 Q/ R*RQE " # <
Impact on Meaning: Meaning of “not yet” added.

They said, “We accepted Islam but the faith has not yet , R Õ{ # c :% E " ."%  &%  RR*
entered into their hearts. Z% pR <R*R
And other ones of the who have not yet joined them. Z%  < R d
 # E " Z%  .%  \ Ec n
And if We wished, We will definitely take away what We
have revealed to you.
Impact on Form:  ª2 added at start and end of ONQ.
 >% e .>% [ %  PQ < \?N Q# . .‹# b \% ‹
Impact on Meaning: Sentence became extremely assertive.

Allah has written, “Only I and My prophets shall surely &

definitely dominate.”
,& 1   \? ‡# 'U (  O
You shall definitely go up from one step to another step. ma ?Œ \% / € ?Œ \?  % 
We will definitely compensate with excellent reward those
who remained steadfast.
\ )
 [% Ž< Z% N  I%   ?A
 \ EQ \Eh 3
% .
He said, “Definitely I will be given wealth and children.” €:  i€  \>H' 2 *
Allah shall definitely help the one who has helped Him
(in His cause.)
.E \%  (   
I will seek forgiveness for you. l
   F @% &% 'U
We will definitely be patient on what you will torture us.  " E%L n  /  ?
% .
Then we shall definitely say to his guardian. ( q>  \R . Z8R
And when a help from your Lord comes, they shall e \RR > l
 q<1 \%  G 
%  $U I \% ‹
definitely say, “We were with you.” Z% pR   .R
They shall definitely carry their burdens. Z%    8# \R " d
% >

Quranic Arabic Program 150 Level 03

Lesson 9A: Special Forms of Present & Future Tense

Impact English Arabic

And if you ask them, “Who has created you?” They shall
definitely say, “Allah.”
(  \RR > Z%    c \%  Z%  #Ž& \% ‹
If Allah wills, you shall definitely enter into the Sacred
(  $U b # e + d
 # : 3
)% " # \R c :% 
Then on that day, you shall be definitely be asked about the
blessings (you have enjoyed in your worldly life.)
Z >. \% / Qa ‹ % E \RŽ)
%   Z8R
And verily, those who were given the Book they know that it (    " % >
 p #  HR \ EQ e
is the truth from their Lord. Z%  q<1 \%  ~md
So that Allah pinpoints those believed.  . n \ EQ (  Z  % >
And the trouble you have faced with Allah’s permission on
the day (of Ohad) when two groups met (for fighting), and so  "% 3
 #  # + % E Z% pR < A 
that He pinpoints the believers and so that He pinpoints
those who were engaged in hypocrisy. Z  % > f . g% " # Z  % > (   L# ž?
Impact on Form: 2
 has changed Z E to Z E like ,. R   \ EQ
Impact on Meaning: Meaning of “so that” added.

So soon they will see (the result of) their deviation. €>‡  %  # E B
 % )
Soon they will know when they will see the punishment.
Impact on Form: B& has no impact on the form.

 Q #  %  E f
 [   " % E B
 % &
Impact on Meaning: Meaning of “soon” added and the sentence is
specific to the future tense.

Soon you will be asked.  RŽ)

% H B
 % &
So soon he will call for (his) destruction. €1 ?8R  /:% E B
 % )

Worth Reading Worth Reading

Prophet Muhammad  
 seek refuge of Allah What are the Quranic teachings about
from procrastination. What’s the solution? Read more: defamation? Read more:
0016-Procrastination.htm ish/PE02-0006-Defamation.htm

Quranic Arabic Program 151 Level 03

Lesson 9B: The Law of Prayer  

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

The Law of Prayer  

 9  dA
R  b
((>/ mF) “.Ž- E [ S
 : [%  Le Z% R : [  R 9A R ?# H i” :(./ (‘ ,-1  EN ,< M
 : d
 # \  R 1 4 (1)
(4:103 $ ). ) “. €HR*%  €<  f %    9 e” :º H 0 2    *g " #  -
 . g% " # / ˆ   F"#  9 , l
 L  :ˆ
 * 2R  c (2)
% F !
 p  :* J  % < , /  Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1  ” :2 * : N % I \%   (   [' < €Qc) ( ?# 1  ( H& \ >% <   I  R 1 % / ~:[  : 1 %    % & (3)
. €   (d>dA , P1 ?  X   L ª~PQ  q      < : " [%  l
G   X 1 “.J 1 / Q F ‘ž ªlEQ  # ‡R ” :2  ªPQ
Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ‘ ./ 0 ,-1  !
 } / M
  l  L  ...\ >% Fp   ( I%   :/   9 , X  & >/ O
 E J 1/ N: )
 I K >"3
  :R "# 
.Z  d#   " E%h c \ < ( d
 dA  ,} ). ie R )"# X 1 “.1a "  < ie  a } [  9A 0 = R ? E i” :2 *

Conditions for a Valid Prayer

(1) Purification from filth: As mentioned in the Hadith of Abu Hurairah: “The prayer of anyone of you is not
acceptable if he has a filth until he performs ablution.” (Agreed upon).
(2) Start of Time: That is about the obligatory prayer with specific time, as mentioned in Allah’s words: “Surely the
prayer is obligatory on believers at fixed times.”
(3) Hiding the Coverable Parts: The limit for coverable parts of a man is what between his navel and his knees (by
taking a cover). Reported by Jarhad, he said: Allah’s Apostle passed [by me] while I was taking a shawl and my
thighs was not covered. He said: “Cover your thighs, surely the thigh is also coverable.” Malik, Ahmed, Abu
Dawood and Tirmidhi reported it. Bukhari also mentioned it in his Saheeh without chain of narrators.
Regarding women, their entire body is coverable. It is obligatory on them to cover it in the prayer except face and
both hands. That is based on the Hadith of A’yesha that the Prophet said: “Allah does not accept the prayer of a
woman without a veil.” Five [compilers of Hadith] reported it except Nisai. Ibn Khuzaima and Hakim declared it

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Cover! 
# ‡R Navel point of body & Being right  dA

Hanging, without chain of
€   Knee ?# 1 Obligatory  -

Body : )
 I Covering, guarding 
  [' Having a fixed time  *g " #
Menstruating [means
a } [ Shawl, garment J  % < At fixed time €HR*% 
Veil covering head 1a "c It exposed ˆ
% F !
 p  Covering  % &
Thigh, upper part of leg Q  Coverable parts of body  1 %  

Quranic Arabic Program 152 Level 03

Lesson 9B: The Law of Prayer  

0 A ,?. 2  : 3
 )"# , 2 < PQ q,< /' M
 E:d ª(74:4 8:" # ) “.q4  l
 < >8 ” :º H (   :(> ,j  E PQ  p" #   : ?# 
 w R 1 Π(4)
. ¶" )  ie R / "3
 # X 1 “.$a  \ €< L ( >/ ~?A
 ” : Z& (>/
/ 1    l L  (2:144  ? ) “.X  4# b Z% pR N  I ‘  Z .% R  M R >% [  + d
 # : 3
% " #  4# b l I%  j2  ” :º H 0 2   :(R ?%p  )   ?%   2R ? & (5)
R ? )> N: N ! E i \  ª H L  ?p  ?# )E #  ( H9A ,  ?p : N !E \%  / O 3  E ªJd>dA  ( H9A ‘ž 1a Q    ? & \% / h 3 / # ž ª  ? &
(2:239  ? ) “. € ?#1 %  i € I Z F# c # ž ” :º H (    d  # R 9A ,N ªB#  9A ,  ?  2R ? &  R R )E v ¬?  2R ? &  R R )E  .  I
 ( ~Od  )E ª ( [ 1 ( < ˆ
%  3
 H M
R >[ (   ?  ªO     . R 9A v .P1 ? X 1 “. >? )  o  ‡   ?  ,?# )%  ” : "./ (‘ ,-1  "/ \ < 2 *
 >% @  €<R  €Œ <  RpE # Ž ªE" #  X  p "#   ? & \/ h I  vÖI .(   I ˆ %   M
R >[ < ( 3  E ZR8 + [{   >% ?pH : ./  ?  <  ? )E
...Z % 4 &%  0  H  :º H (* (2:268  ? ) &%  ie €)#F 0 Š jp E i :º H (  .  ?    I ºe W d  E  K >4)E i PQ  E"#  ª? 
(64:16 \< @ )

(4) Purification of the Cloth, the Body and the Place where a person is performing prayer: As mentioned in Allah’s
words: “Purify your cloths.” Also mentioned in the Hadith of the villager who delivered urine at the Mosque. The
Prophet said: “Pour a bucket of water on it.” Entire group [of compilers of Hadith] reported it except Muslim.
(5) Facing towards the Prayer Direction (Ka’aba): As mentioned in Allah’s words: “Turn your faces to the Sacred
Mosque. Wherever you are, turn your faces towards it.” This is for the person who is capable to face towards it. If he
is unable to face towards it due to a reason, then his prayer is correct. It is obligatory for the person to face towards
the Ka’aba itself who is viewing the Ka’aba. If it is not in his sight, then he should face towards it direction.
When [the condition of] Facing towards Ka’aba is Waived?
(A) [The condition of] facing towards Ka’aba is waived during the prayer of danger. This is in case of praying
during a war. As mentioned in Allah’s words, “If you fear, then pray on foot or while riding.” Ibn U’mar said: “[It
means that he should pray] whether he is facing towards Ka’aba or not.” Bukhari reported it.
(B) [For a person performing] Non-Obligatory Prayer for a Rider, [the condition of facing towards Ka’aba is
waived]. His direction of prayer will be towards where the ridden [vehicle or animal] is moving. It is preferable for
him to face towards Ka’aba at the time of first “Allah o Akbar”, then face towards wherever his [vehicle or animal]
is moving.
(C) The person who is unable to face towards it [Ka’aba] like a bound person or a patient. If he is tied or crucified
towards some direction other than Ka’aba, or he is the patient who is unable to move towards the direction of
Ka’aba [it is not essential for him to face towards it]. As mentioned in Allah’s words: “Allah does not place a burden
on a person beyond its capacity.” In other words, “Be careful to Allah up to your extent….”.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
Animal, bus, car etc. [ 1 He became unable to h 3
 / He delivered urine 2 <
It is preferable ~Od
 )E Reason, excuse 1a Q / Pour! ~?A

One who is forced to do X  p "# It declines, it is waived 
R R )E Bucket €< L
Bound €Œ < War
 # Turn your face! j2
Crucified €<R One who face towards ?# )
%  Towards, in the direction  4# b
He moves W d
 E Not obligatory    . Capable 1   
You are capable of Z % 4 &% One mounted on something O
   Facing towards 2 ? &

Quranic Arabic Program 153 Level 03

Lesson 9B: The Law of Prayer  

 -1 ( < dA \%  :a [  \/ i Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. \ / # R .E Z%   ª >  )   c i O #   zd
   ª$,!   / + h#   :  , N  :R >q. (6)
.+ [{ R  >% ?pH : ./ P  9 2  , .    .  "   q¸d
 # , ‘ie ˜* x J F  >. , R  <1' R "}' i \ >%  <  i Z./ 0
 9 R 1
:,E "> . >? ¶/b < ~:% E i J  Œ < J 
 *  R pH  9 ‘ž \G  1 . È
   Lž ª . R RpH J 1  9
P 1 ? X 1 “.,‘A  R , " E%1 " ‘A
 ” :Z& (>/ 0 A 2 & 2R * (2:238  ? ) “.\ >%  * 0  R* ” :º H 0 2  :k  F , + >  (1)
K% 4 )H Z # ž ª€ "} * jA
 ” :2   9 \ / Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ˆ
Ž) ª >% & < ,< ˆ
%   :2 * (./ 0 ,-1 f a  [ \<  "/ M R E:[ .: "%[
.P1 ? X 1 “.O a . I   K% 4 )H Z # ž ª€ :/  
\ Š
 q. / ( < 8 \p J d
 + >  /  1 :R  K : /   R 9 ª . , ª (H 9A ˆ%  4 <  6
 EF   9A , Z% R E Z + >  / ¶1 *   \% " 
P1 ? X 1 “. 9 Š  ¶:/ *  I  R 9A” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 ‘ ˆ % 8q:[ :2 * "./ (‘ ,-1  " / \ < M  E:d ªZ}   9A

(6) Intention: It is the determination or decision to do something. Its place is the heart. Tongue is not included in it. It
is not narrated at all about the Prophet, anyone of his companions, followers of companions and the four juristic
leaders to describe intention in words except in case of Major or Minor Pilgrimage. Its time is at the start of prayer
i.e. at the time of the first “Allah o Akbar”.
The Parts of Prayer
There are certain parts of prayer. If any part is missing, the prayer will remain incomplete and void. It is not allowed
to cross this limit by Shari’ah. We explain them as follows:
(1) Standing at Obligatory Prayers: As Allah mentioned, “Stand in front Allah obediently.” The Prophet saying,
“Pray in the same way as you see me praying.” Bukhari & Ahmed reported it. And mentioned in the Hadith of
I’mran Ibn Husain, he said: I suffered with piles, I asked the Prophet to about the prayer, he replied, “Pray while
standing. If you are unable to do so, then [pray] while sitting, and even if you are unable to do so, then pray while
lying on your side.” Bukhari reported it.
Whoever is capable to stand and he did not stand during obligatory prayers, his prayer will become void. In case of
non-obligatory prayers, prayer while sitting along with the ability to stand is correct but its reward will be half of
praying while standing. As mentioned in the Hadith of Ibn U’mar, he said: “It is described that Allah’s Apostle said,
“The prayer of a sitting man is half prayer.” Bukhari & Muslim reported it.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Piles, a decease of anal
 >% & < Parts, plural of \1 J 1 Intention R >q.
Standing €"} * We explain f
? Determination :  
Sitting €:/ * Standing + >  Decision + h#
Lying on sides O
a . I / Stand! O you all  R* Place z d
He does not stand Z% R E Z Obedient \ >%  * Never ˜*
It becomes void ˆ
%  4 < You see me , " E%1 Saying ¡ 0 at the R  >% ?pH
It is described ˆ
% 8q:[ beginning of prayer + [{

Quranic Arabic Program 154 Level 03

Lesson 9B: The Law of Prayer  

: ? k
   Le” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ‘ (./ 0 ,-1 &  ,< M
 E:d 9
€   N I ( ( H1 :R* O
 )[ / jA  k  F , + >  \ / h 3
 / \%  
.P1 ? X 1 “. ¶d>dA  €">  R " E    R w ( O    & 
 " E%dH 1  ‘4  9 C
#F :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  (./ 0 ,-1 Ä,/ M  E:d . No
‡ Ph 3
% E i ª“ ? 0
= ”  |R F :+ [{ R  >% ?pH (2)
mF “.q?p   9 ºe ˆ  "% *R Le” :( H 9A
 $ ,)" # , EN ¦ ME:d .ZNo‡ (ddA Z d#  PQ    < X 1 “.Z > ) R>d % H o  ?p# 
....+  Ž" # , Š
  c    F ." #  + { / k
 F    F. ;
  1 \ a  1 jR , \G 1 , N  : d
 H F  R $U  * (3)
(>/ 0 A 2 & 2   (22:77 ¸¹ ) “.  d F# H Z% pR    >%  &%    1%  . n \ EQ ~E E” :º H (  :5
 # R #  Z% pR <1  :? /%   :3 R  (4)
> R I  Z > E i J 9A Ph3
% H i” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  qP1 :? a ) ,< ME:d “. € 1 \‹" 4# H [ K% 1 Z8R” :( H9A , $ ,)"  Z&
.D>dA \)[ :PQ 2 * ª(ddA , >?  ° ¡4   ?[ \<  Õhc \<  R )"# X 1“.  3~)  5  R  , ( ? # A

If a person is unable to stand in obligatory prayers, he should pray according to his ability and he will have the
complete reward. As mentioned in the Hadith of Abu Musa that the Prophet said: “When a slave becomes sick or he
travels [and is unable to pray in full], reward of a person living in right condition is written for it.
(2) The Takbeer of Starting the Prayer: Its words are “Allah o Akbar”. It is not allowed to say any other words. As
mentioned in the Hadith of A’li that the Prophet said: “The key of prayer is purification. Its start is by saying “Allah
o Akbar” and its end is with “Assalaam o alaikum wa Rahmatullah”. Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Hakim and others
reported it and declared it authentic. In the Hadith of Abu Hurairah about the person who committed mistakes in his
prayer, it is mentioned: “When you stand for prayer, say ‘Allah o Akbar’.” Agreed upon.
(3) Reciting Al-Fatihah: It is the part of each Rak’at in obligatory and non-obligatory prayers. [It is obligatory for]
the prayer-leader and the person praying individually. There is disagreement about the person performing prayer in
leadership of other. [According to some scholars, it is also obligatory for him while others do not consider it
(4) Bowing Down: As mentioned in Allah’s words, “O believers! Bow down, prostrate and worship your Lord. Do
got so that you become successful.” As mentioned in the words of the Prophet about the person who committed
mistakes in his prayer, “Then bow down until you become calm in your bowing down.” In the Hadith of Abu
Mas’ud Al-Badri that the Prophet said: “The prayer of the person is not valid who does not level his back during
bowing down and prostrating.” Five [compilers of Hadith] reported it. Ibn Khuzaima, Ibn Habban, Tabrani and
Baihiqi also reported it and declared it authentic. Tirmidhi said: This is moderately authentic.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Say, ¡ 0 q? Being all acts lawful at end

of prayer
R >d
% H According to O
Saying 0 µ1  Zp>/ +9)
Person performing prayer
  F . "# at end of prayer
Z >) Perfect 9
Person performing prayer
in leadership of other
+  Ž"# A person who committed
mistakes in the prayer
$ ,)"# It is not allowed Ph3
% E i
It is performed
\‹" 4# H You stand ˆ
 "% *R Key C
Back O
# A
Being all acts unlawful
at start of prayer
Z E%dH

Quranic Arabic Program 155 Level 03

Lesson 9B: The Law of Prayer  

ºe 1a   z R   E [ ¶"} * …&% ( & 1 K  1 Le” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2 &1  9A  F A
 , :a >" [ ,< 2   : ¶"} * 2R :/i  5
  \  K  (5)
.Z) X 1 “. ¶"} * P)E [ :% 3 )E Z 5   \ ( & 1 K  1 Le  p ” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. \/ ./ (‘ ,-1  !} / 2R * .(>/ mF “.(  p
.(>/ mF“. ¶"} * 2R : H [ K% 1 ZR8” :( H9A , $ ,)"  Z& (>/ 0 A (  
&%    1%  . n \ EQ ~E E” :º H ( R* \G  1 ( / R >:  .k  1% ' \  ( >%  : * B
 Œ#  ( >% ?# 1  ( >% F  (F% ( ?% I \ jp" E #  (  F A
  :  3~) (6)
/ : 3 &%  #  ;
%  R” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. 2 * 2 * "./ 0 ,-1 Ÿ a ?/ \< M R E:[ (22:77 ¸¹ ) “. d  F# H Z% pR    >% 
 # R #  Z% pR <1  :? /% 
(* .P1 ? xF  Z) P1 ? X 1 “. q!   >jw ˆ
F p#  i \%> :  B  Œ \%>?# ~  \E:>  ( F  ºe X : >< 1 b   ?% 3  # / ªaZ|R %/   ?% &
“. ¶:I & \‹" 4H [ :% 3 & ZR8” :( H9A , $,)" Z& (>/ 0 A
[ :% 3
)E Z  : 3) \  ( & 1 K  1 Le  ” : Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  9A \/ ./ 0 ,-1  !} / 2R * ( R> :\ >% H: 3) \ >% < Ÿ R3 # (7)
.( ?   < AŽ< R ? )E ."% >  (  I% 1 O

 .% E >/ :  > …) > (  I% 1 t
 F# E P) €bF  y
  3E  Ÿ
# QN R F A
  .Z) X 1 “. ¶) I P)E

(5) Raising up after Bowing Down and Standing Moderately: As mentioned in the words of Abu Humaid about the
description of the Prayer of Allah’s Apostle: “When he used to raise his head, he used to stand straight up to the
point that his back bones returned to their original place.” Agreed upon. In words of A’yesha about the Prophet:
“When he used to raise his head after bowing down, he did not use to prostrate before standing straight.” Muslim
reported it. In the words of the Prophet about the person who committed mistakes in his prayer, “Then raise [your
head] until you stand moderately.” Agreed upon.
(5) Prostration: Its method is that his [the person performing prayer] forehead, his nose, his hand-palms, his knees
and the toes of his feet are firmly placed on the land. The argument for that it is a part of prayer is Allah’s words: “O
believers! Bow down, prostrate and worship your Lord. And do good so that that you become successful.” In the
Hadith of Ibn A’bbas, the Prophet said: “I am instructed to prostrate on seven bones: He mentioned by his hands
towards his forehead, his nose, two hands, two knees and toes of his feet. Cloth and hair should not be pulled.”
Bukhari and Muslim reported it and words belong to Bukhari. His words about the person who committed mistakes
in his prayers: “Then prostrate until you become calm in your prostration.”
(7) Sitting between two Prostrations: Its argument is the words of A’yesha about the Prayer of the Prophet: “When
he used to raise his head from prostration, he did not use to prostrate [again] until he used to sit straight.” Muslim
reported it. The method of this sitting is that the person should spread his left foot and sit on it and erect his right
foot straight and [try to] direct its fingers towards the Ka’aba.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Bones, plural of + |/ Za |R /%  Forehead ?% I Raising up K 
We pull ˆ
F p#  Nose Š
 % Moderate behavior 2R :/
Sitting Ÿ
# Two palms \%>F He became straight …&%
He becomes straight P)E Edges, toes B
 Œ#  Back bones 1a  
He spreads t
 F# E Feet \%> : * Raise! K% 1
He erects O

 .% E Argument R >: You become moderate 2R : H

Quranic Arabic Program 156 Level 03

Lesson 9B: The Law of Prayer  

 / R >:  .\ >% H: 3) f< Ÿ  R3 #    3~)  ( . K   5  R , $ 6/' 1  & : < $=  ? P 9€ >* ( .   # e R p~) , N  :J .>Ž"z4 (8)
¶:I & \‹"4H [ :% 3 &% ZR8 ¶"} * 2R : H [ K%  1% ZR8 ª ¶ 1 \‹" 4H [ K%  1% ZR8” :( H9A , $ ,)"# M
 E:[ , Z& (>/ 0 A ( R* \G  1  .>Ž"4
.(./ (‘ ,-1 EN ¦ ME:[ \ (>/ mF “. jR l  H9A , lL #  # ZR8 ª :¶ I & \‹"4H [ :% 3 &% ZR8 ¶) I \‹"4H [ K%  1% ZR8
2 * ª: ~!
  ( > R E  >% c '   R  :  E   :  ªZ& (>/ 0 A ,?. P  :N \ B  "# ˆ < w  N :\ >% " >)   >% c ' : ~!
3# (9)
 H 9A ˆ
% "H :%   : ! 1 :* ;
 :%  *  a : 3&  c n \%  l
 & 1 ˆ %  1 Lž” :( H9A , $ ,)" 
(<    l
 L / +  :E   Z& (>/ 0 A ( “.,jA  , " E%1 " zA
 ” :Z& (>/ 0 A ( R* \G  1 ( / R >:  : >% c ' : ~!
…1 “. nR  \  1 ) ." E " : ! ." j E Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1  ” :Z./ 0 ,-1 Ÿ a ?/ \ <  a  ) \ < 2R * .( H9A , $= ,)" #
.~,} ).  ZG ) Ÿ
a ?/ \ < 2R * ZG ) P 1 ? a ) \ < 2 *
  ‚R F   H ªK >"3  # \/ 0 ,-1  4# \<  "/ªqP  b' & ,<  "/ \ <  Ÿ a ?/ \ <  a ) \ < \/ : ! ´R >A ; %  1  :* :: ~!
  R @ >A
 " # < : !
 H a @ >A ~PŽ l  L K   “.a  ) \ < : !H / Ÿ
. K " I% ” :º H 0 ( " [ 1 ZG ) 2 * ªa) \ < : ~!H ~dA  ª N >% ‡ \ a : [ 
a >dA  a .< J  1  ˆ  Le ( H%h I% 

(8) Calmness: It is absence of excitement even for a short while. It means that the organs should become stable
during bowing down, raising head after it, two prostrations and sitting between two prostrations. The argument that
this calmness is a part of prayer is the Prophet’s words about the person who committed mistakes in his prayer:
“Then bow down until you become calm in your bowing down. Then raise [your head] until you stand moderately.
Then perform prostration until you become calm in your prostration. Then raise your head until you become calm in
sitting. Then prostrate again until you become calm in your prostration. Then do that in your entire prayer.” Agreed
upon. A part of the Hadith of Abu Hurairah.
(9) Sitting for the Last Tashahud and Two Greetings: This is proved and well-known in the guidance of the Prophet.
He used to sit at end of the prayer and recite “Tashahud” in it. He said to the person who committed mistakes in his
prayer: “When you raise your head from the last prostration and sit for the time of Tashahud, your prayer will
(10) The Last Tashahud: The argument for that it being a part of the prayer is Prophet’s words: “Pray as you see me
praying.” He used to recite it continuously and instructed the person who committed mistake during his prayer. Ibn
Masud and Ibn A’bbas said: “Allah’s Apostle used to teach us ‘Tashahud’ as he used to teach us a chapter of
Quran.” Bukhari & Muslim reported the words of Ibn Mas’ud and Muslim & Nisai reported the words of Ibn
Words of Tashahud: The words of Tashahud are reported by all of Ibn Mas’ud, Ibn A’bbas, Ibn U’mar, Abu Musa
Al-Ash’ari and U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab. The words of each one of them are near to each other. The most correct
Tashahud is reported by Ibn Mas’ud. Muslim said: “People agreed upon the Tashahud of Ibn Mas’ud.” If a person
performing prayer recites Tashahud in whatever words, it will be sufficient if reported in an authentic narration.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
Words R @ >A Proved ˆ
< w Calmness J .>Ž"z4
It arrived ;
%  1  Well-known B
 "# Calmness R p~)
The most correct of it ~dA
  It completed ˆ
% "H Staying $=  ?
They agreed K " I%  He continued to do +  :E Stability 1  &
It suffices ;
% h I%  He teaches us ." j E Other, last  >% c '

Quranic Arabic Program 157 Level 03

Lesson 9B: The Law of Prayer  

ie ( e i #  : b ªfd

  ?/ / .>/ + 9) ª (H  < 0
 R " [% 1 ~,?. E l>/ + 9) ª ; ?q>4  ;
   0 ; >d ” :a ) \ < : ~!H
“.( R &1  X : ?/ ¶:"d
  ‘ : b ª0
R >dH  >% ?p " E% dH 1 4  9 C F” :(./ (‘ ,-1 q, / M  E:[ , Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. 2  < + 9) R >-   ˆ % ?8 :Z>%) (11)
A ,?. K  ˆ >% A
 :2 * (./ 0 ,-1 a 3 % [ \< R }  \/ .
 ? , $a ,b ~DA   QN :2 * ~PQ  q  (I  \ <     <  ~,  !  : "%[ X 1 “.Z >)
.Da >dA a .&ž<   < X 1 “.(H < 0 "%[1 Zp>/ +9) ” :(  "b \/ “.( H  < 0  R " [% 1 Zp>/ + 9) ” :( .>"E \/ Z j)
 E  p Z& (>/ 0
.G 1  ( zR  X h I%  “0 "%[1 Zp>/ +9) ”  “Zp>/ +9) ” :(  < F  e
Š  c Le .( H 9A ˆ %  4 < ¶:q"  9
€ w K  E #   ?* R ){ : 3 &   9  1 \ \  1 €Fn J 1 RQ ,N  /  1' O>HH : 1' O >HH (12)
2R &  " /  ª(H9A , $ ,)"# M R E:[ ( R > .( H 9A ˆ %  4 < ie .( ?>HH , ( R  F> (  :* PQ \ ~ ºe   E #  (>/ O
 E (ž  L ZR8 ¶& O >H
, € :[  €   O
 >H QN B 9c    Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ‘ ˆ % ? wE Z%   .P1 ? X 1 “.,A °"E1 " ‘A” :}  Z& (>/ 0 A
.( H >[

The Tashahud of Ibn Mas’ud: “All the greetings, prayers and pure things are for Allah. Peace be upon you, O
Prophet, along with Allah’s mercy and blessings. Peace be upon us and on pious slaves of Allah. I declare that there
is no god except Allah and I declare that Muhammad is His slave and His prophet.”
(11) Greeting: Obligation of greeting is proved by the Prophet’s words in the Hadith of A’li: “The key of prayer is
purification. Its start is by Takbeer and its end is by greetings.” Ahmed, Shafi’i, Abu Dawood, Ibn Maja and
Tirmidhi reported it and said: “This is the most authentic thing in this chapter.” Reported by Wail Ibn Hajar, he said:
“I performed prayer with the Prophet and he greeted [while looking] at his right [shoulder]: “Peace be upon you and
Allah’s mercy and His blessings.” And on his left [shoulder, he said]: “Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and
His blessings.” Abu Dawood reported it with authentic chain of narrators. It is sufficient to say, “Peace be upon you”
or “Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy”. It suffices and all of them arrive [in reports of Hadith].
(12) The Sequence of Parts: The sequence of parts mentioned previously is also a part among the parts of prayer. If,
for instance, a person prostrates before bowing down deliberately, his prayer will become void. If he does so by
negligence and then recalls, it is essential for him to return to that part that he advanced, then he should do in the
[right] sequence, otherwise his prayer will become void. Its argument is the Hadith of the person who committed
mistakes in his prayer and the action of the Prophet while saying: “Pray as you see me praying.” Bukhari reported it.
It is not proved from the Prophet any action against this sequence even a single time in his life.

Face the Challenge! How do you make a ,-   interrogative? How do you do so in case of a 
51 6?

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He violated Š
  c Sequence O
>HH It is proved ˆ
% ?8
¶& Previously €Fn Obligation R >-
He was reminded  L Deliberately ¶:q"  It suffice h I% 
He advanced, he did
something before other
+ :* It becomes void ˆ
%  4 < Coming G 1 

Quranic Arabic Program 158 Level 03

Lesson 9B: The Law of Prayer  

 9 ;
: 9 R 4 ? E " 

%  4 < P R 9 ˆ
  R 1 4 ˆ
   Lž + : H "  9  dA
 , 
J b  1 4 ‘' :$U  -  
R .% E  (1)
.9 ˆ4< ª ¶:" / R 1  ˆ
 F !
 p  Lž ªˆ"%  / "  9 dA , 
J b  1   & ‘' : 1 Š
! (2)
.(H9A ˆ4< ¶: / "¶  /   ž a N 3 ie 9 d R ? & 
  b (' : ?p 1 <:% q& (3)
.( H 9A ˆ
%  4 < ¶: /    # ž . È
. i >/ R  Eh   3H i J >F >*H J  ?/ ' : ¶:"/ . È
 .    1' ,  Eqh (4)
.(H9A ˆ4< O
 >H Q< c  ¶:"/  c  + :* # ž ˆ
 "%  / " 9 \ \G 1  1' O
>HH : R ?*  /  1' 
 < Z E%: H (5)
.(H9A ˆ4<  9 \  V
# …  
)  # ž ª9 d 
J b  :&   >. ‘' :9 \ V
# R >   >q. É
)%  (6)
. R I Z jp E ª9 , Z p  .R ” :Z*1 \ < : E M
 E:d ª(H9A ˆ4<  9 , + 9p    d< ¶" / ¶: / Z p H \ :9 \/ V 1 # + 9p (7)
 p~) < % ŽR f * 0  R* ˆ
.(I  \< ie / "3# X 1 “.+ 9p \ / .>  ; % h . 9 , ( ?. I ºe N ( ?[ A

Things that make the Prayer Void: The things which make the prayer void include:
(1) Whatever makes the Ablution Void: Because purification is a condition for correctness of prayer. As mentioned
above, if the purification becomes void, the prayer will also become void.
(2) Revealing the Coverable Organs: Because hiding the coverable organs is a condition for correctness of prayer as
you know. If the hidden part is revealed deliberately [during prayer], the prayer will become void.
(3) Turning the Face away from the Ka’aba: Because facing towards it is a condition for correctness of prayer except
the person lacking knowledge. If he knows it and does so deliberately, his prayer will become void.
(4) Deliberate Increase or Decrease in the Parts: Since the [rituals of] worship are appointed by Allah, therefore it is
not allowed to increase or decrease them. If someone does so deliberately, his prayer will become void.
(5) Doing some Parts before its preceding Parts: The sequence of parts is itself a part of prayer as you know. If a
person does something before [its predecessor] or does it after [its next part], he violates the sequence and his prayer
becomes void.
(6) Canceling the Intention or Intending to come out of Prayer: The intention [for prayer] and keeping the intention
throughout the prayer is a condition for correctness of prayer, therefore, if a person cancels it or intends to come out
of prayer, his prayer becomes void.
(7) Talking about something other than Prayer: If a person talks deliberately and knowingly about prohibition of talk
during prayer, his prayer becomes void. As mentioned in the Hadith of Zaid Ibn Arqam, he said: “We used to talk
during prayer. A person from us used to talk to his friend standing at his side. Then the verse ‘Stand in front of
Allah obediently’ revealed and we were instructed to remain silent and were forbidden to talk during prayer.” Entire
group of [of compilers] reported it except Ibn Maja.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He violated c  Turning face away 1 <:% q& It makes void R 4 ? E
Negation, voiding É
%  Established by Allah J >F >*H Things that make void ;
Keeping it continued  :& Doing something before
Z E%: H It breaks ˆ
We talk Z p  Doing something after
 c Revealing Š

Quranic Arabic Program 159 Level 03

Lesson 9B: The Law of Prayer  

  )" #  9A
.  [  / R 9 ª K"3# ª 
%  :,N 1a   898 /   ) "# R 9A R " !H
# e  9 \%    # H #  C
G .I Z% pR >%  / y
 >%   k
 1% 'U , Z%  <%  -
 Le ” :º H (  n  ~È Ž .5  "I% {   .~)   ?8 :%  Ö i
 p  <    ˆ
9 \   # H  C G . I ZRp>/ y  >%   ” : 4# \<  "   ˆ R* :2 *  > \ < %E M R E:d : .~) \   (4:101 $ ). ) “...  F  \ EQ Z% pR .F# E #  Z%  F# c
0= Y  :
 H J * : A
 ” :2  lL \/ Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2 &1 ˆ Ž) (. ˆ  ?% 3  / " ˆ
?% 3
 / :2  “¬ Ÿ . \   :%   Ö F \EQ ZRp.F# E  Z F# c # e
. F) ,  9  *  >/  ! / R '= ˆ   " I%  :  5 "%I{  .P1 ? ie / "3# X 1 “.( * : A  R? *#  Zp>/ <
( D
I   ªJ
 c 1 N J .&    QN (   @"# , i  3F ,  % * 9 ª#  R >/ <~ <   "# )  F) , 9  % * : F) ,   %   Z p [
Z& (>/ 0 A 2 & P  :N \/ O  ‡ E #  ‘ie J d >dA
 ( H 9  F) ,  >/ <~ ZH \" .(>/ Z& (>/ 0 A 2 &    :"  + "H%{ \  R 6  # 
 Hg H  ~Od E 0 U ‘e” : Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1 2 * 2 * "./ 0 ,-1  "/ \ < M  E:d lL .2 d# X Q N ,    (>/ O 3  E >* ªlQ < Z 8Ž>
“.( " } h/  Hg H #  ~Od  E "” :E 1 , . " d  >dA ,  " E%h c \ <   ?[ \ <  : "%[ X 1 “.(  >  Hg H #  X  p# E " ( 
c 1

The Chapter of the Prayer of a Traveler

The prayer of a traveler consists of three matters i.e. reducing prayers, joining prayers and praying on a vehicle or
First – Reduction: The reduction [of prayer] is provided by the Book [i.e. the Quran], the Sunnah and the
Consensus. Regarding the statement of Quran, it is in the words of Allah: “When you travel in the land, there is no
harm that you reduce your prayer, if you fear that the unbelievers will harm you …”. Regarding the Sunnah, it is in
the Hadith of Ya’laa Ibn Ummayah, he said: I said to U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab: “There is no harm that you reduce your
prayer, if you fear that the unbelievers will harm you – now people live peacefully [so why should we reduce the
prayer]?” He said: I also surprised as you have surprised. Then I asked Allah’s Apostle about that. He replied: “This
is a charity, Allah has given to you, so accept His charity.” The group [of compilers] reported it except Bukhari.
Regarding the Consensus, so entire [Muslim] nation has agreed upon the legitimacy of reduction in prayer during
Instructions about Reduction [in prayer] while Traveling: The prayer will be reduced in travel (here it means the
prayer of 4 Rak’at only [which will reduce to 2], there is no reduction in Fajr [having 2 Rak’at] and Maghrib [having
3 Rak’at]. This reduction is a Sunnah [of the Prophet] and an allowance. It is preferred opinion that the reduction is
better than full prayer because the Prophet did so forever. If a person completes 4 Rak’ats, his prayer will be correct
but he has deviated from the guidance of the Prophet and did wrong. It is also said that it is obligatory to reduce the
prayer. That is in the Hadith of Ibn U’mar, he said that the Prophet said: “Surely Allah loves that you get advantage
of his allowances as He dislikes that you commit His disobedience.” Ahmed, Ibn Habban, Ibn Khuzaima reported in
their Saheeh. In a report, [the words include]: “As He loves that you fulfill His full instructions.”
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
Doing it forever    : Accept! R? *# It comprises of R " !H
He did wrong Z 8ŽE Prayers of 4 Rak’at R >/ <~ Reduction in prayers  
Not getting advantage of You feel danger of Z%  F# c
Z } h/ J 
 c 1
reduction is religious Reduction in religious
obligations, plural È
G c 1
Z% pR .F# E
obligations. Plural of They will create
J " E%h / , opposite to c1 problem for you

Completing + "H% { Preferred D

I  I amazed ˆ
?% 3

Quranic Arabic Program 160 Level 03

Lesson 9B: The Law of Prayer  

:2R  E #  l
 L , 
R < 6  . 9 (>  
H PQ  F)   )"  : E:dH Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  .& , i Z E%p  n  , % E Z :   R  )
.( >  
H 9 ¶F& Z)
 E Z  . ¶F& ")
 E  jR ,  9  
 1' ³ Z <% -
 Le ” :º H (  X :  < \ V
  c Le ie k
 1' , ¶<1 - R pE i (' ª(E* \ ( I  c QR .     R:?E ¬,.E     R: ?E 
. 9 ZE #  ie (   3E i Qa ‹.>d X :  < ºe  / Lž ªF) $  <    ,.E
R E:[ lL / R >:  $ !     @"# \%>< l
 Q   ª   z| \ >% < K "% 3
 #   )"  È % E \%  :\
 c E #  + 9&{ )  >% H9 \ >% < K "3# Ö ¶> 8
 ‡  e ª " .>< K " 3
  2 h  ZR8 ª ˆ  * ºe  % |z  c y
"! ´ EhH   ?% *  d  H1% Le Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1  ” :2 * (./ 0 ,-1 y a 
[  @"#  cg E  ª ".>< K " 3>  %   ˆ * ºe  |  cg E  >% ) (>/  3/ Le” :Za  ) " ª(>/ mF “.O   1 ZR8  | A   [  E #   ?* y
“.m F ! O
>@E \ >% [ $ !  f< .>< K " 3E

Distance for the Reduction: The limit of distance to reduce prayers is not described in the Venerable Quran or the
Sunnah of the Prophet. The rule is that the prayer will be reduced in everything that is named a “travel”. If it cannot
be named as a “travel” [like in case of short trip], the prayer will not be reduced.
When the Reduction will start and when it will finish? The reduction will start when he [the traveler] will come
out of his town because he does become a ‘traveler’ in the land unless he come out of his town. As in Allah’s words,
“If you travel at land ….” The reduction will finish at the end of the trip i.e. when he returns to his town, then it will
not be allowed for him to not complete the prayer.
Second – Joining Prayers: From the ease of Islam is that it gives allowance to the traveler to join Zuhr and A’sr
prayers. Similarly [he can also join] the Maghrib and I’sha prayers. The argument for that is in the Hadith of Anas,
he said: “When Allah’s Prophet used to travel before coming down of sun, he used to delay the Zuhr prayer until the
time of A’sr. Then he used to dismount and join both of these [prayers]. If the sun came down before his departure,
he used to pray Zuhr before riding.” Agreed upon. In the words of Muslim, “When he was in hurry during travel, he
used to delay the Zuhr prayer till the time of A’sr and then used to join both of them. He used to delay Maghrib to
join it with I’sha until the twilight disappeared [and the time of I’sha started].

Rule of the Day! If the word 2 is added before a 51 6 , it specifies it to the past tense. If a ‘ is
added after it, it creates extreme emphasis. For example  
.% E means “he helps or will help” while  .% >
means “He helps” and  .% > and means “With extreme surety, he will help.”

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It came down ˆ
 ‡  Traveler ¶<1 - Distance R  )
He hurried  3/ Ease  )
% E It does not come %  E Z
Departure  >% ) A reduction is provided È
 c E Limitation : E:dH
It is delayed  cg E He mounted  d
 H1% Rule 
R < 6
It disappears O
>@E Its coming down ´ EhH  It is named ")
The red light on horizon
after sunset, the twilight
m F ! He delayed  c It starts R: ?E

Quranic Arabic Program 161 Level 03

Lesson 9B: The Law of Prayer  

.lL  d 1a "[  a @% <  Ÿ  L  d  ¶1 4*  J 1 >&  J  } Œ  J .>F&  RpH #  e R  [  :  [
a   \%  J <   pH  e l   / R 9 : €w 8
“¬.>F) , ,jA
 R Š
 >” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ˆ
Ž& :2 *  "/ \ < M
 E:d lL /  1 :R  K  6
 EF  , > + >  O
 > N d R .>F) Ž
.\ >% 
 >! 
 b / D
G >dA 2 * Z  d#  ~,.4*1 : X 1 “.Y  @ B  H #  ie €"} * jA  ” :2 *
ºe  Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ‘ >  \ < E …1 " X  d  [   4 " #  1a Q   ie >/ R < p"# R 9 ~D  H 9 X  d Ÿ
a  \ R < : 
(>/ 0 A ~,?. + : H ZR8  9 + *  LŽ  jLg " #   Ž R 9 ;
  Z. F& \ R ?  Z*  \ $= ")  ª( [ 1 / N ª (< dA  N ma >6
.Z   N :./ (>/ R " :2 * ªPQ  : "%[ X 1 “.5  R \   F c   3~) R  3E $† "E%e ,%E Z< 

Third – Performing Prayer on a Vehicle or Animal: The vehicle can be a boat, an airplane, a bus, a train etc. An
Animal may be a horse, a mule, a donkey etc.
Regarding the boat [bus, airplane, train] etc. it is essential to stand in the obligatory prayers, if possible. As
mentioned in the Hadith of Ibn U’mar, he said that he asked the Prophet: “How should I pray in a boat?” He replied:
“Pray while standing except if you fear drowning [due to falling down by movement of the boat].” Dar Qutni and
Hakim reported it and said that it is authentic on the criteria of the two great scholars [i.e. Bukhari & Muslim].
Regarding the animal like a horse etc, it is not correct to perform the obligatory prayer on it except in case of a valid
reason like rain or mud etc. As reported by Ya’ala Ibn Ummayah that the Prophet entered into a narrow way with his
companions and he was riding on an animal. There was [rain on the] sky above them and mud below them. The
[time of] prayer came and he instructed the Caller to give call for the prayer. Then the Prophet moved ahead and
performed prayer with them by signals. He was [signaling for] prostration lower than [those for] bowing down.”
Ahmed and Tirmidhi reported it and said: People of knowledge act according to it.

Face the Challenge!

What is the difference between the impact of " and  added to a 
51 6?

Worth Reading
Developing trust is very important. How and why? Read more:

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Mud R ? Mule a @% < Ship or boat J .>F&
He made call for prayer  L Donkey 1a "[ Airplane J  } Œ
He moved forward + : H Drowning Y
 @ Car or bus J 1 >&
He gave gestures ,%E Rain  4 " # Train ¶1 4*
Gesturing $† "E%e Mud  [ Animal J < 
Lower than 
 F c Narrow way ma >6 Horse Ÿ

Quranic Arabic Program 162 Level 03

Lesson 10A: Instructing and Forbidding Verbs    
The Result (1)
Compare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test. Now also
derive the meanings and make complete tables yourself.

 +  + 

27  +  Meaning 1:
27 - [ O} ‡

%   E i Y
%  E i Y
%   > Y
%  1R Y
%  > To provide as
() Y
G % 1
:% 3
% E i :% 3
)% E i :% 3
% >  :% 3
&% R :% 3
)% > To prostrate () T: 3
% &
2# E i 2# R E i 2# >  (R*) 2# R* R 2# R > To say () 2J *
%  g E i %  ŽE i %  g > %  $R %  Ž> To instruct /
() G 
K% I  E i K% I E i K% I  > K% I 1e K% I > To return (B) 5
G I 1
% p !
% E i % pR !
% E i % p !
% >  % pR b% R % pR !
% > To be
() G p b
:% ? E i :% ? E i :% ? > :% ? /U R :% ? > To worship () T ?/
% | . E i % |R .E i % | . > % |R U R % |R .> To see, to
think, to wait
() G |# 
Z%  % E i Z%  % E i Z%  % >  Z%  /% e Z%  % > To know (Ÿ) ZG # /
:%  ! E i :%  !E i :%  ! > :%  be :%  !> To observe (Ÿ) T  b
%  @ E i O
%  @E i O
%  @ > O
%  ‡e O
%  @> To dominate (k) T?# ‡
%  3 E i y
%  3E i y
%  3 > y
%  Ie y
%  3> To sit (k) T)
 # I

Worth Reading
What is glamour and what is its impact on human personality? Read more:

Quranic Arabic Program 163 Level 03

Lesson 10A: Instructing and Forbidding Verbs    
The Result (2)
Compare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

English ,</
O believers! Don’t say “Ra’inaa (favor us)”, but say, RR* ./ 1 RR H i  . n \ EQ ~E E
“Unzurna (consider us)” and listen.  " &%  % |R 
So look at your food and drinks. l   Πe % |R  
 < b  l
O Lord! Show me how will You give life to dead? H% " # , d
% H Š
 >%  ,1  q 1
He said, “So take four birds. Then train them to follow
your direction. Then (mix their minced meat after
Z8R l >% e \N %   2 *
  >% 4 \%  €  <1%  Q# 
slaughtering them and then) keep them over each of \ / % Z8R €$%hI \ .%  a ?I jR / #  I%
these mountains. Then call them, Allah will definitely
bring them to you rapidly. €>%& l  .>HŽ# E
O Lord! Make this city peaceful and provide \%  (  N%  Y
%  1%  €.n €:< QN #  I% q 1
sustenance to its inhabitants with fruits. ;
 " w
O Lord! Make us submissive for you. l
  \ >% "  )
%  .#  I%  .<1
And show us the way of our worship and accept our
.>%  / O
% H  .p & . 1 
And make your homes the direction of prayers. €  ?% * Z% pR H >< R I% 
Make me (the administrator of) the treasures of earth. k
 1% 'U \ } hc / ,.#  I%
So go out (of this city). I am among your well-
 . \%  l
  ,qe V
%  c% 
So We said, “Strike the stone with your stick.”  3
 # W  <
%  -
% .# R 
They said, “Call your Lord for us.” l
 <1 . 5
% R *
Then We said, “Strike it with its part. 6
 % ?< X  < -
% .# R 
Face the Challenge!
What is the difference between the impact of [
 ªLe ª, ª added to a 51 6 ?

Quranic Arabic Program 164 Level 03

Lesson 10A: Instructing and Forbidding Verbs    

English ,</
Don’t make void your charity by reminders of your
generosity and injuring feeling (of recipient.)
…L'U  q\" # < Z% pR H *: A
 R4 ?% H i
Whenever you lend for a fixed period, so write it. X  ? #  Ó")
  a I  e \a E%: < Z%  .E :H Le
And a writer should write with justice. 2 :%  # < O
G H  Z% pR .>% < O
%  p# >#
So he should write and he should dictate that what is
 # ( >%  / PQ #  "% > # O
%  p# ># 
And don’t decrease something from it. €‹%>b ( .%  y
 ?% E i
And don’t place a burden on us as You have placed it / ( # " [ " €%Ae .>%  / # " d % H i
on those who were before us. . ?% * \%  \ EQ
And excuse us, and forgive us and be Merciful to us. i% ˆ
 % ."% [ 1%  . % F ‡#  ./ Š
You are our Lord, so help us over the infidel group. \ E p# + %  # / % 
O Lord! Don’t deviate our hearts after You have
guided us.
# h H i .<1
.E%: N L# e : % < .<R*R Ì
So forgive our sins and save us from the fire
 Q/ .*  .< LR . % F ‡# 
1 .
So write our (name) among the observers. \ E:N ! K  .?%  # 
And don’t make us shameful on the day of judgment.   > # + % E h 
% H i
O Lord! Don’t make us within the offender group. f
 "  | + %  # K  .#  3
% H i .<1
O Marry! Be submissive to your Lord and prostrate K  , 1%  P:3
&%  l
 q<  ,. *# Z E%  E
and bow down with those bow down. f
To bring you out from it. .%  W  I 
% > 
He is the One Who sends blessings upon you along % >  (  p }9 Z% pR >%  / ,j
Z% pR I    E PQ  N
1 ~. e ; "R |z  \% 
with His angels to bring you out from the darkness to
the light.

Rule of the Day! In a  , the last letter is silent. If there is a \E ª at the end, its  is deleted.

Quranic Arabic Program 165 Level 03

Lesson 10A: Instructing and Forbidding Verbs    

English ,</
And they should put their veils over their bosoms and \ E:?% E i \ < >I / \N  " 
< \ <% 6
% >#
\  ?  ie \ .E
they should not show their charms other than their

They should not strike their feet so that the charm (of \%  f
% E  Z  % >  \  I 1% Ž< \ <% 6
% E i
their body) they hide is known. \ .E
Repent to Allah collectively, O believers!   . g% " # ~E €>"I (  e  < H
Arrange marriage of the singles among you. Z% pR .%   E'U  dp 
Don’t coerce your girls on adultery. $ @?# / Z% pR H >  N p# H i
So wipe your faces and hands with it. Allah does not : EE  ( .%  Z% pR E:E% Z% pR N  I <  d)  % 
intend to make a trouble for you. V
a  [ \%  Z% pR >%  /   3
% > ( 
So whoever expects meeting his Lord, so he should 9
€ " / # " % >#  ( q<1 $U    I% E   \% " 
€:[ ( q<1   ? < W%  !
% E i €d A
perform good deeds. And don’t associate anyone in
the worship of his Lord.

So that We make it a topic for discussion. ( €   Q# H Z% pR    3

% .
So whoever wants so he should believe, and whoever
wants so he should deny.
% FR p# >#  $U b \%   \%  g% > #  $U b \% " 
And they were not instructed except to worship One
God. (2 used in the meaning of “to”)
€:[  €e  :? % > ie   R 
I have not created the giants and human beings except
to worship. (2 used in the meaning of “to”)
  :? % > ie y
 {  \3
 # ˆ
#  c 
So they should worship the Lord of this home. (2
 >% ?# QN  1  :? % ># 
used in the meaning of “should”)

Rule of the Day

If a 2 is added before a 51 6  and its last letter is silent or its \E ª are
deleted, then it is  . If it carries a fathah, then it is 51 6  and the meaning
of “so that” are added.

Quranic Arabic Program 166 Level 03

Lesson 10A: Instructing and Forbidding Verbs    

English ,</
So don’t be complaisant while talking (with the
men), lest the one in whose heart is a decease may ( ?# * , PQ K " 4# > 2 %  # < \ % 6
 % H 9
thereby be encouraged, and talk (to them) using
suitable good words.
€ %  i€ % * \ # *R  k

And establish the prayer, and pay Zakat, and follow (  \ % Π  h f
 Hn  9 \ "% * 
Allah and His prophet. (instructions to women) (  &1 
Verily, Allah decides to take from you the moral filth  N%  y
 I% q Z% pR .% / O N Q# >  (  : EE "e
€o4# H Z% R  q4 E  ˆ
 >% ?#
fro you, O family of Prophet!, and to purify you

And recall what is recited in your homes from Allah’s (  ;

 En \%  \pR H >< , % E   % R L# 
verses and wisdom.  " p# d
This is the communication for the people, so that they "  " % > ( <  1Q . > Ÿ
 . ÌJ 9< QN
:G [  (G e  N
are warned with it and they should know that He is
the One God.

And for each nation, We have prescribed the way of (  Z &%  R Q# > €p).%  .#  I a R jpR 
Z%  *  1  /
sacrifice, so that they should pronounce Allah’s name
on what He has provided them as food.

Verily, we believe in our Lord so that He forgives us

our mistakes.
 E 4c .  F @% > .q< < . n e
 F @% > and
% F @% > 
He should forgive. (note the difference of
% F @% > .)
If you will stretch your hand towards me so that you 
a & ?<   ,.  #  W : E ,e ˆ
 4)< \% ‹
kill me, I will not be stretching my hands towards you. l
 >% e P:E

Face the Challenge!

What is the difference between a 2
 (with fathah) and a 2 (with kasrah)? What are different
uses of both of them?

Quranic Arabic Program 167 Level 03

Lesson 10B: Arabic Idioms

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

Idioms & Words of Wisdom Zpd

 #  2R w% 'U
Z  '=  !> B
 9c < 2R w' Š
 H ª €F%-
  Ó>* 1 h .%   '  >[ 1 q H  ª(>?!
%  A .% " #  dA
 x  F  3%Ež<  "H J >F A
%  J " I : 2 w'
... QpN ª H >[ \ J  ! %  R w R E d? '   E d ‹>< \ R w K ? .% H ªRE %d R ='  .   œR   [
,  >< 2 w' \  €ow °
z :>% " # K " I :* . >  1  , R  d# ( ?!
% H a  [   ,
% E D
 ?AŽ ª.)
 ' / 5  L >  >* a .>  a 8 d< R w" # ?H% E
:,E  2 w' \   .“2 w' K " 3 %  ” : ")  " # ( < 

Idioms: These are the sentences containing attributes that are distinguished for concise words, right meaning and
right parables. They draw a picture of the life of a nation and its rising or declining condition. Idioms differ with a
difference in the economy, conditions and circumstances of a nation. The idioms of a nation living in a desert will
come out from its environment while those of a nation living near sea will be derived from its life and so on….
Idioms are connected to a specific event. They are said for it and then spread over tongues. Then they are described
in each condition similar to that in which they were said [first]. Maidani has collected a lot of Arabic idioms in his
book named “Collection of Idioms”. From the idioms, some are as follows:

Rule of the Day

If the word # e is added before a 51 6 , it makes it conditional. For example   .% E means
“he helps or will help” while % 
.% E # e means “If he helps, …”. The sentence will not be
complete without the result of condition.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It connects ?H% E It gives a picture of 1 q
H Idioms 2R w% 'U
Incident, accident a 8 [ Progress Ó>* 1 Words of wisdom Zpd
It spreads 5
 L Economy  !> Sentences J " I
It is described
% E Its conditions   œR Describing some
J >F A
It is similar to ( ?!
% H Related to desert R E %d Conciseness  3%Ee
Condition, state R  d# It comes out K ? .% H Right A
It is brought  1  Its environment ‹>< Parables (>?!

Quranic Arabic Program 168 Level 03

Lesson 10B: Arabic Idioms

First: Idioms 2 wÖ%'U :i

 [ K >?H  :."#  . "%  R%1 :Š
d # . )
 3#   ?# q d   d#   ‹>%  # / 2z : H ,N ª>p \    %   / :R  >p ¬a  > $U  & €F![  (1)
.\ >% N  p \ >%  
% c f< K " 3
% E \" 9w
 6 E ¬a> $U & R >% p H

(1) Are you giving inferior quality with less measure? Al-Keelah: It is on the weight of “Fi’lah” from the 2 P W.
It describes the form and condition like riding or sitting. Hasf: The inferior quality dates. The meaning of “Are you
giving inferior quality with less measure?” This idiom is described for the person who has two bad habits.
Le  >)" # \ / Ka F H  a p , : & ¾ Fd
% H J  F# [ ,N ª a><% K"I : <~h . €9>&  9 € >% & $= "# 2 & : 2 E .$ "# R EI :R >% ) .<~h R >% ) ´  < (2)
 #   I " 9
€ w 6E . €1 I €E*   R >) @ < Lž $= "# NR% E i R ><  RA ª X: >A   1

(2) The flood has reached at untouchable point. Sail: Flow of water. It is said: Water flooded with a heavy flood.
Al-Zuba: It is plural of ><. It is the hole dug for hunting a lion at a place higher to that of flood. Its origin is ><  ,
the water does not reach it by increasing up to that point. The flood can only reach there if it is very powerful and
overwhelming. This idiom is described when someone crosses the limit.
.( / R* ?*  % ¾
U   :/% ä 9w
 6 E .+ q) $= / ,N ª . K "I :\ } .p  ., %  :$ q .\ } .p  ¾%"H $ q  ?% * (3)

(3) Arrow-cases filled before shooting arrows. Al-Rimaa: It is shooting arrows. Al-Kanain: It is plural of  .. It
means a case of arrows. This idiom is described for preparation before happening of an event.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It reaches it by increasing
the level
NR% E Two bad \ >% N  p Useless, poor quality
Overwhelming €1 I Flood R >% ) Bad $U  &
He trespassed   I Untouchable point <~h Measure a  >
Shooting arrows $ q Flow R EI Shape, form  ‹>%  #
Case of arrows \ } .p  It flooded 2 & Riding  ?# q
Case $= / Hole, dig J  F# [ Sitting  )
Arrows + q) It is dug Fd
% H Worse R%1
Preparing  :/% e High Ka F H  Dates  "% 
Its happening ( / R* Place of flood  >)" # You sell K >?H
Hill R ><  You measure R >% p H

Quranic Arabic Program 169 Level 03

Lesson 10B: Arabic Idioms

  : €E%< (v
 ) " N d  3
d #     …< .ƒ,)
 *  Ÿ
G #* :V (M
R g H   Q H) .+ q) <  H 2a 9N  ‹>% N / R n :Ÿ %   . E1 < Ÿ
 %  # 
 /%  (4)
.Y#Qd #     % " #  N% Ž< "  /   &9 9w 6E .1a <

(4) Give the bow to its inventor: Al-Qaus: It is the instrument having shape of a new moon. Arrows are shoot with
it. (It is used as both masculine & feminine). Plural: ,)*  Ÿ *. Sharpening a stick or a stone or similar thing is
called E< which means sharpening it. This idiom is described for getting help in a task from its expert and skilled
i W ! ; € >"I $~) PL : ./ : 3H i : ."#  . ?.%  \  .H : ¶>.% I  ¶.I .XÊ   "% w .I .O
 ?  " 9  . # W % ! \ ,.3
% H i l  e (5)
. €?./ l
 >4% E

(5) You cannot grow grapes from thorns: Jana: Growing fruits from its tree etc. Its meaning is: You cannot find a
beautiful thing with a bad person like thorns cannot give you grapes.

Second: Words of Wisdom Z p Öd# : €> 8

\/ Š
 H Z p d
 #  .W R~) O
  I \ O   I ºe €">& €>IH R " dE  < 3 %   P#   L (< m4.E ª>% ? m >* ªpF O } A hG I   2J * :Zpd  #
: ,E  Zpd  # \ .    8  <1 3H  H ?% c  Ÿ . \  a F} Œ \/ ¶? ‡ 1 : H  a *  a 8 d< & & , ?H% H i  , 2 w'

Words of Wisdom: It is summarized words having a good thought and deep interpretation. People having ideas and
experience speak them and it carries a sound interpretation from intellectual aspect. The words of wisdom are
different from idioms because they do not originate from an incident or story. They originate from a group of people
having information, experience and good manners. Some words of wisdom are as follows:

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

People having ideas P#   L You grow ,.3
% H Bow Ÿ
 %  #
Experience  < 3
%  Thorns W % ! Its inventor E1 <
It carries "dE Grapes O
 . # The moon of 1st night of
a month
2a 9N
Interpretation €>IH Eating it  .H It is considered
 Q H
Sound, intact €">& Its place of growth,
nursery, garden
?.%  It is considered feminine M
R g H
Wisdom W) Vegetation, plants ;
 ? He made sharp …<
Its base & & Summarized hG I   Stick  
It is released 1 : H Deep, difficult m >* Help   &
Its experience  <1 3H Interpretation  >% ? Knowledge    % " #
Its culture, its education    8 He speaks m4.E Skill, expertise Y#Qd

Quranic Arabic Program 170 Level 03

Lesson 10B: Arabic Idioms

: . " # + )d

# K *#  \ $ % " # / :€ -
 6 Ó:b  <% R # PL Z # œR  (1)
.: E:d
 #  >% c   : .# : E:[ \ 5
 ."# Š
>) : : . " # .K Œ   Š
>) : + )d
# .Z#'U  K I   : - 6" # .<   :<% R 
. >A
 ' Š
 >)  <% -
 \ y
 F# . / ¶"# : b   ( " [% 1 PL  ( } <*#  \  ){ ºe H Le ZR| e : / ! 2 E : ˆ
 >? .

(1) Cruelty to relatives is the hardest pain. For the affected person, it is like an Indian sword.
Qurba: Relationship. Al-Madada: Pain and agony. Al-Husaam: Sharp sword. Al-Muhannad: The sword made from
the iron of India that was the best iron.
Meaning of the verse: The poet says that when offence comes to a person from his relatives especially the blood-
relations, it gives him a pain harder than the hit of an original sword.
>"I ( E:H% E $a 1 z pR R :( -% / + g% z \  y
% :% E Z $= % " # Le (2)
\  /' Š
% q.  )E PQ
w :$ q .R )
 #  U$ : :+ g% z .B
 ! :k%  . y
G   ª( -% / y
  :2 E .y
G  :1:"# .É  & H :y
.()? :$U q …:H1%  .Z)3#
lQ   Le v k%  yq: E  y
 F. È
R .E   R \/ €:>< (  ( H >% & , €FEb ª(*9c , €:>"[   Le  ){ e : / ! 2 E : ˆ>? å
 >jw $U P1 y
 ?  Ÿ . \ > /%  , ZG >|/   

(2) When the honor of a person is not badly affected by meanness, then whatever shawl he wears, looks
Danisa: Becoming filthy, its 1: is y. It is said, ‘his honor is badly affected. Al-I’rd: Honor. Al-Luum:
Ignobility and wickedness. Al-Rida: The cloth that covers the upper half of the body. Irtadar Rida: He wore it.
Meaning of the Verse: The poet says that when a person is good in his character, noble in his manners and acts, he
goes far from whatever can harm his personality and affect his honor badly. It happens when he is considered great
in people’s eyes although he has worn inferior cloths.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Dirt, filth, impurity y
G  Blood relatives Z [% 1 PL Extreme pain € -
Ignobility U$ : Original, genuine  >A' Sword + )d
Wickedness R )
 # It does not become dirty y
% :% E Z Indian : . " #
He covers  )E Meanness, blames + g% z Agony K I  
He wrapped …:H1%  His honor ( -% / Pain Z#'U
It reduces È
R .E Shawl $a 1 Manufactured 5
Eyes, plural of f/ \ > /%  He wraps with it (shawl) ( E:H% E Iron, steel : E:[
Inferior $U P1 It became dirty É
 & H India : .#

Quranic Arabic Program 171 Level 03

Lesson 10B: Arabic Idioms

E )" # P:Ö%?H 

% ~) \ >% / Ó\p :J  > O
a >% / jR \/ -q \ >% Ö/ (3)

}  .  O
E " # : P Ö)" # .X   œ#  :$U ,! …:<% .F>-
 J > , ª1R|."# mj d
 H Z : \ >%   ˆ
  .%~) :- : -q
\ >% /  . €‹>b …H  pH i ,  6
 E"#   >p  \ >%   < R pH  ( ?b%  , ª ?d"#   >/   ?% H  pH i -q  qOd # \ >% / ‘e : / ! 2R E :ˆ>? .
. >  | . \ q" H  ./ M
R d
 ?% H ' P   ) " # 
  >  \ , F c    |# H , 

% )  
 @% ? 

(3) The sight of pleasure is tired to see any defect but the sight of anger shows all faults.
Al-Rida: It is opposite to  ‫اﻝ‬. Kallat al-A’ain: If the eye does not search for any defect in the seen object, it is tired
and weak. Abda Al-shai: Showing it. Al-Masawee: Defects and faults.
Meaning of the Verse: The poet says that the sight of love and pleasure does not become looking at the faults of
beloved person. It is similar to that the eye becomes tired or unhealthy that cannot see anything. As far as the sight
of hatred and rage is concerned, it makes hidden defects and faults apparent because it searches and examines deeply
into it.
+ :Ö  Z d
%  R 1ÖA ie m ?% E Z%   : X  gR Š
%  ªGŠ
%  F  R Ö) (4)
.J : ‹Ö# V .O
   : gRF
pE  ( ?b%  +a   Za d
%  \ ¶qp  ¶")
% I   < ¶ )e \% pR E Z " N:   # ž (( /) X g ( ) : \ >% ‹>% !
 < J )e  ){ ‘e :/ ! 2 E: ˆ
 >? .
. >d
 # <

(4) The tongue of a young man is half, and the heart is remaining half. Except both of them, nothing remains
except the form of meat and blood.
Al-Fuad: Heart, plural ‫أة‬.
Meaning of the Verse: The poet says that a person is a human being due to two things: His tongue and his heart (his
intellect). If both of them are lost, he becomes only a body formed by meat and blood which is similar to an animal.

Face the Challenge! Why the words related to any verb are 14 and those for nouns are only 6?
Compare the noun-tables with the verb-tables and identify the difference.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
It searches for M
R d
 ?% H Seen object 1 R|."# Pleasure, love -q
It examines \ q" H It showed   œ#  Defect O
a >% /
Heart  gR Defects O
E " # Fatigued, tired J  >
It does not remain m ?% E Z%  Weaknesses È
}  . Anger, discontent 
% ~)
Meat Z d
%  It does not become  pH i It shows P:Ö%?H
Blood + : It watches  
 ?% H Defects, ills, evils E )" #
Both of them lacked " N:   Hatred, rage 
 @% ?  It became tired ˆ
Formed, shaped ¶qp  It shows   |# H It does not verify mj d
 H Z

Quranic Arabic Program 172 Level 03

Lesson 10B: Arabic Idioms

$= Ödj ,  <   Ö   ?% E :a >% Ö< Ö>d

% &%  $= % Ö£ r
>E (5)
$= Ö>Öd# O
 ÖNL Le >Ö: i :o
 >% ÖÖ ³  0
$ Ö!H  K% .Ö%A  , d
% Ö%)H Z%  : , Ö>Ö  Ö?Ö* / r
% H Z Le
.\h : ,Ö > <  £ . J >d
 # V .$,b j  !
% * : $ dj
,  N |   !
%   R w  )ä $= >d#  ª >"3 # ( < n ¶h #   (< €pq)"  +   a >% 
 < r
>E € F A
  ( € R c $U >d
 # R  3E PQ  ){ ‘e : ; ><' å
. R >~: \    >d# \  >% 
 # O
 N L $= >d# O  N L # ž ª$ >d# < ie Z > ) % H i  >d
 # ‘ lL ªW9#  Š    \   3
 ! / ,"d
% H
f[ Z& (>/ (‘ A Z E%p 2R & Y
 : A
  .$ !E  F# >#  € FA ( € R c $ >d# \ QR 
 E i + E' ( R FH "< i $ >d# < , ?E i PQ R ){ 
.$ >?' M  E [ , ~P1 ? X 1 “.ˆ  ‹# b  K.A
%  ,%d)% H Z Le” : 2R  E

(5) A man does not live good without modesty. If the cortex of a plant is removed, only a stick [not a live
plant] remains.
By God! When modesty has gone, there is no good in the life of world.
When you don’t care about the result of nights [time] and you are not modest, then do whatever you want.
Al-Laha: Cortex [outermost part of the stem of a plant] of everything, plural !
"‫اﻝ‬. Nights means time.
Meaning of the Verses: The person who makes modesty his habit and part of his character, he lives good until the
time he remains devoted to it and comply with good manners. The modesty for a person is like the outer cortex that
defend the stem of a tree from loss of life. The life cannot remain straight without modesty. When the modesty is
lost, righteousness go out of life and the world.
Regarding the person who does not care about modesty in his days and don’t make the modesty a part of his habit
and character, then he should do whatever he wants. The Venerable Prophet said the truth: “When you have no
modesty, then do whatever you want.” Bukhari reported it in the Ahadith of Prophets.

Rule of the Day! There are certain words, whose I O form is the same. They are called o‡
B. . Similarly some words have the same form in all three cases. They are called ,.?.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Complying to ¶h #  Nights, plural of > , > He lives r
 n You become modest , d
% )
% H Being modest >d
% &%
It defends, it protects ,"d
% H Do, make K% .A
% Cortex of a plant $= dj
Damage, harm Š
   You want $U !H You fear, you are
% H
It becomes straight Z > )
% H Cortex of a plant  !
% * Result  ?* /
He does not care , ?E i Devoted to, adhered to €pq)" 

Quranic Arabic Program 173 Level 03

Lesson 11A: The Derived Nouns  ! "# $= "&% '
The Result
Compare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

Z%& English ,</

Allah is not unaware of what you do.
I ªQ :[  ª/ 
 R" % H "/ a  @< (  
We were unaware of their teaching.
O ªQ K¼ ª/ 
   @ Z%  & 1 \% / .R # e
Those who repent, the worshippers, those who   d} )   : d#   :< #   ?} 
praise (Allah), travelers (to see Allah’s signs), those
who bow down, those who prostrate, those who B
  % " # <    ‰   :I )    
instruct to do good and those who forbid of evil and
protectors of Allah’s limit.
  :d   R| d#   p . "# \% /   N . 
K1 ªQ K¼ ª/  ( 
They were worshippers.
O ªQ K¼ ª/ 
\ E:< / .   
We made all of them righteous.
O ªQ K¼ ª/ 
  A .#  I ˜9R
I am maker of a viceroy in the earth.
K1 ªQ :[  ª/ 
€ F >c k
 1% 'U , J / I ,qe
Obedient men and obedient women
O ªMg  Q K¼ ª/ 
   #  f
True men and true women ;
 *   f
Steadfast men and steadfast women ;
 <   \ E<  
Submissive men and submissive women ;
 b #  f
  b # 
Men who fast and women who fast ;
 "}   f
 " }  
Protector men of their sexual organs and protector
 | d#  Z%  I  R f
 |  d# 
Those men who remember Allah too much and
those women who remember Allah. ;
  Q  €ow (  \ E Q 
O ªMg  Q K¼ ª/ 

Quranic Arabic Program 174 Level 03

Lesson 11A: The Derived Nouns  ! "# $= "&% '

Z%& English ,</

Allah’s instruction was going to be happened.
O ªQ :[  ª2F
i€  F#  (   %   
Whether it is less or more, (they shall be entitled
to) their legitimated share.
€- F#  €?>  wR %  ( .%  *
(It is unlawful to eat) that is dead or blood running
%  € %  € >%   RpE # 
Set your faces (in the right direction) near each
place of prostration (mosque). :a 3
)%  jR : .% / Z% pR N  I  ">*
I ª:[  ªBœ

So they are ones whose effort will be recognized. €1Rp!

%  Z%  > % &   l
 ‹% ŽR
Verily the Quranic recitation of Fajr prayer is
€ !
%     3
% F #  n%*R e
So woe on the disbelievers from an observing
place on that great day (of judgment). Za >|/ +a % E :  !
%  \%   F  \ EQ J E% 
I ª:[  ªBœ
The Lord of the place of sunrise (East) and the
place of sunset (West). I ª:[  ªBœ

  @% " #  Y
% " # ~ 1
So We rescued him and who were with him in a
burdened ark. % " # l
  d!  # FR # , (   \%   X .>% æ Ž
K1 ªQ K¼ ª2F
And the birds gathered (in their flocks), all of
them used to sing with him.
G  (  ’ R € 1  !d
%   >% 4 
O ªMg :[  ª2F
And in their wealth, there is a right for the asking
person and the deprived person.
+  d
% " #   } ) ƒm[ Z%   %  ,
But we are deprived.    d
%  \ d
%  # <
That day, verily they will be veiled from the vision
of their Lord.
  < 3d
% "  Qa ‹ % E Z%  q<1 \% / Z%  e
Soon your Lord will exalt you to the point that is
praised. O ªQ :[  ª2F
€ "d
%  €   l
 ~<1 l
 w ?% E #  )/

Quranic Arabic Program 175 Level 03

Lesson 11A: The Derived Nouns  ! "# $= "&% '

Z%& English ,</

They shall be in a thorn-less trees, gathered bananas,
extended shade, and flowing out water.
çœ  .a  6.%  D
a # Π .a  6%  1a :% & ,
I ªQ :[  ª2F
a Rp) %  $a  .a  :"% 
And we shall not be raised up.
I ªQ K¼ ª2F
 8 ?% " < \ d
f %  
Jews said, “Allah’s hand is hanging.” (i.e. not able to
do something.) O ªMg :[  ª2F
J R@%  (  : E   ># ˆ
%  *
Nay, His both hands are extended. (i.e. can do
anything) O ªMg >.wH ª2F
 Π )?%  X :E # <
That will be the day in which humankind will be
gathered and that will be the Day of observation.
+G % E l
 L  Ÿ
. (  5 %  +G % E l
G  "3  L
K1 ªQ :[  ª2F G  !
Until I reach at the joining place of two rivers.
O ª:[  ªBœ
\ E% d
% ?# K " 3
%  ´ R <% [
They said, “Should we leave our gods for the sake of a
poet, who became mad.” a  .3
%  a / ! . n R1  .}  RR E
I ªQ :[  ª2F  / 
They will recline on arranged couches.
I ªMg :[  ª2F
%  1a  & / f
a  RF  ‹p 
When he reached at rising place of sunrise.
O ª:[  ªBœ
 "% ! K  4#  ´  < Le
How weak is the seeker and demanded one.
K1 ªQ :[  ª2F  / 

R4# " #  O
 4 Š

Allah’s decision was ordained. €1 :#  €1:* (   %   
In the sitting place of truth. Y
a :% A
 :  #  ,
Women of paradise confined in the camps.
K1 ªMg K¼ ª2F
+ >
 # , ;
G 1 #  1G  [
Whoever killed in a cruel way, so We have made his
heirs powerful. € 4# & ( q>  .#  I :%   €R|#   *R \% 
O ªQ :[  ª2F

Quranic Arabic Program 176 Level 03

Lesson 11A: The Derived Nouns  ! "# $= "&% '

Z%& English ,</

Like the example of the hidden pearl.
I ªQ :[  ª2F
  .p# " # g Rg% z 2 w% Ž
Allah has described the example of an owned slave. €R"%  €:%?/ 9
€ w ( 

For them, there will a non reminded reward. a  ."%   >% ‡ G I%  Z%  
Neither cut and nor forbidden.
I ªMg :[  ª2F
a /  ."%  i a / R4#  i
Raised beds. a / R%  t
a  R
Most of them are morally corrupt.  R &  Z%  .%  o
G w
The worst place of becoming or living (destination). o

 " # y
 ‹# <
Remember Allah in counted days. ;
a  :%  +a E , (   R L# 
Each group of people have known their place of drinking. Z%  < !
%  Ÿ
a R z R Z  / :% *
Whoever fears Allah, He shall make the place to come
out for him. O ª:[  ªBœ
%  (  #  3
% E (  m E \% 
Sit for them at each observing place. :a A
 %  R Z%    : *#
Towards Him will be place of return for all of you. €>"I Z% pR  I %  ( >% e
Verily, Sheba in their place of living there is a sign. J En Z%  .p )
%  , ža?)
Pure places of living in gardens of Eden. a :% / ;
 .I , € ?q>Œ \  )
I swear the Lord of the places of sunrise and the places
of sunset.
 1 @" #  Y
 1 !" # q  < Z )
 *# R 9
I ªK¼ ªBœ

Alas! Who has raised us from our place of sleeping. : * %  \%  .w < \%  . E% E

Quranic Arabic Program 177 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

Salman, the Persian (./ 0 ,-1 ,&1 F# R "&

 :[ . P
  > 2 3£ ( )
 F#   "# )
  W%  . .X -1  (./ 0 ,-1 q,& 1 F  "# & R * ª0 \ / M  [ ? ª > d
 # $U 1 ,/ ) R * , N X Q N . *
:R "& 2 * .Y
: A  ~Y ¢ (  E 1  ª m" / è X 1  !  ª(*
QR .  (>e 0
 m # c O[ ˆ. .€ é
  Z N9/  ¶.‡ N .‡  ªE%     N  ¦    “ >I ”  2R E a E* \ ª ?A N \ ¶>&1  ¶ ˆ .% R
>F  y
?d H "  / € >!c ˆ
 >? ³ ,.)
 ?[ [ + E' /  hE  ~:!
% E Æ ( ~?[ 2   Z8R ª ;:% 

Our this story is the story of a searcher [who searched] beyond reality, a searcher about God. This is the story of
Salman Farsi, may Allah be pleased with him and he pleased with Him. So we leave it to Salman himself, to
describe the events of this story in his own way. His thinking is more deep and his description is more fine and true.
Salman said:
I was a Persian young body from the people of Isphahan, from a town called “Jayyan” and my father was the chief
of that town. He was the most affluent in its inhabitants and the highest one in rank. Since I was born, I was the most
beloved from him in Allah’s creatures. Then his love for me kept intensifying and increasing over time. He kept me
in the hope due to his fear about me like girls are kept at home.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

The highest among them Z N9/ The most difficult or fine ~Y Our story . *
Status € é
  More or the most truthful Y
: A Searcher ,/ )
Favorite O[ I was ˆ
.% R Beyond $U 1
I was born ;
:%  A young man ¶ Reality, physical world   > ¹

To vanish, to decrease 2  Persian ¶>&1  Researcher, a person
in quest of something
 [ ?
He / it intensifies ~:!
% E Isphahan, a city in Iran  ?A So that we should
W%  .
He / it increases  hE A village a E* Field, domain 2 3£#
He imprisoned me, he kept
me in custody
 ?[ It was called  2R E So that he describes P
Fear € >!c Chief   N  Events S
She / it is kept in custody y
?d H More or the most affluent .‡ His perception, his
X 1  b
Girls ;
>F  Prosperity ¶.‡ Deeper, the deepest m " /

Quranic Arabic Program 178 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

~1: H J " >|/ J  >- ,<'    .1a   a > ³ € / &  ? 

% H i Ô[  -e   ¦ R >R  ª N: ?  .R , 1 . Z q>* ;
% : ‡ Ô[ ª>&  3" # , ;
:%  I :*
:2   ªJ‡ b  E  ºe
 NQ  \/ (  @ b a  ;
 L , . ‡ ,.3% E  ª >/ +  E ¦    ªJo  ? € ‡ .>/
 } . \ a )
 >.p < ;
1%   m E4 
 < ³  "> . . >- : 
 *#  ˆ
  “. Žb ,q./ + > 2 H  >e O
% N L#  ª…H Î  >6 \/ ˆ # @ b :* ,qe !,.< E”
.,N ?% lL ˆ  F   z
 E ZN  > Z H A ˆ % " )
  …1 .

I used to strive hard in [performing rituals of] Magus religion up to the extent that I started morning by standing in
front of fire that we used to worship. I was made responsible to ignite it in order to avoid any cool-off for a single
minute day or night. My father had a great feudal property which used to give us plenty of grains. My father used to
monitor it to earn its grains. At that time, this task kept him from going to the town to work. He said:
“O my son! I am busy with this property as you see. So go to it and bring its news today.” So I came out with an
intention to go to our property. I was on a part of the way when I passed by a Church of Christians. I heard sounds
inside it while they were praying. That drew my attention.

Worth Reading! What is Jealousy and what is its impact on human

personality? Read more:

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

You see …H Grains, crops € ‡ I strived hard ;
:%  I
So go O
% N L#  Big J o
 ? Magus, the ancient
religion of Iran
 >&  3£
Take over 2 H They stood on it >/ +  E I started my morning ;
% : ‡
Its matters Žb He earns ,.3
% E Standing Z q>*
I intended to : 
 *#  Its grains ‡ The fire, 1 .
Way m E4 At that time a  ;
 L We used to worship : ?  .R
I passed by ;
1%   He was busy in it (  @ b I was made
R >R
Church, plural y} .
 a )
 >. Going
 NQ  Its ignition  -e
Christians …1 . Town  E  It cooled off  ? 
% H
Their sounds Z H A Occupancy J ‡ b Second, a small
amount of time
€ / &
It drew ˆ
 F  O my son! !,.< E Village, feudal
J  >-
My attention ,N ?% I am occupied ˆ
# @ b They gave us in
.>/ ~1: H

Quranic Arabic Program 179 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

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I did not knew anything about Christian matters or affairs of people of other religions because me father had kept me
in veil from people for a long time in our home. When I heard their voices, I entered into them to see what they were
doing. When I carefully looked at them, I was amazed by their prayer and I inclined towards their religion. I said:
“By God, it is better than on what we are. By God, I will not leave them until sunset. I will not go to the property of
my father.” Then I asked them, “Where is the origin of this religion?” They said, “In the country of Syria.” When
the night came, I returned to my home. My father received me to ask about what I did. I said:
“O my father! I have passed to people performing prayer at their Church, I amazed by their religion as I saw it. I
remained with them until sunset.” My father scared at what I did and said, “O my son! There is nothing good in that
religion…. The religion of you and your forefathers is better than it.” I said, “By God! Their religion is better than
ours.” My father became frightened about what I said. He felt danger that I will leave my religion. He imprisoned
me at the home and placed a shackle in my feet.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It amazed me ,.?3/ I asked them Z  Ž& I knew B

I saw ˆ
E1 Where \E Religions  E'
I did not leave ˆ
  Origin R A As long as 2 R4
He scared  / LR Religion \Eq: He kept me in veil ,.?3
O my son! ,.< P Cities of Syria + !  9< So that I see  |R %'
Better o
G c It came  ?* They make, they do   .E
He scared, he became
 c I returned ;
:% / I carefully looked at
Z%   ŽH
I will leave religion :H1 So He received me , ‘  It amazed me ,.% ?3
He placed K -
  I did, I made ˆ
% .A
 I included towards ˆ
?% ‡ 1
Shackle ¶:>* O my father! !ˆ
 < E I left them Z%   #  H
My feet , I1 I passed ;
1%   The sun set ˆ
 < ‡
By people Ÿ
a ŽR< I’ll not go O
% N L Þ

Quranic Arabic Program 180 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

G 1 Z>/ + : * Ô[ J >* ie N " “., " /% Ž + !  9< ºe  NQ : EE O G # 1 Zp>/ + : * Le” :Z 2R * …1 . ºe ˆ w#  < R A
 % FR  Æ ˆ % d  >HR £
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:ˆ   (  ‹3 “. )  >.p  ,/ 1 Š R &' ” :  * “¬\E: QN
#  ˆ
w# ?  Z8R .( : c%  ˆ
#  I  X : ./ ˆ # c :  “.# c % R” :2 “.l , jA
 R  l  . Z  H  l
  : c%   l
  h # #  ˆ ?% ?[  ª>  % . , ˆ ?% ‡ 1 :* ,qe”
 $U  FR  
  E Þ  ( )  F. X h . Ï0  >?& ³ (  F . > €‹>b . X4/ Lž ª < w< Z%  ? ‡ E   * :  < ( / ?H%  ŽE   :  : $a  & R I 1  I   ˆ #  /
 N Q  \ 2a 9  * K ?% & K " I Ô[ Ï €‹>b (. f   )£

When I found time, I sent [a message] to the Christians and said to them, “Whenever a caravan comes to you going
towards the country of Syria, inform me.” After a short time, a caravan moving towards Syria came to them. They
informed me. I was captured in my shackle. I untied it and came out with them secretly. We reached at the country
of Syria. When we dismounted in it, I asked, “Who is the most superior person in the followers of this religion?”
They said: “The Bishop, who is responsible for this church.” I came to him and said:
“I am inclined towards Christianity. I love to become your servant. I want to serve you. I want to learn from you and
pray with you.” He said, “Enter [in the Church].” I entered with him and became his servant. Then it did not take too
long that I knew that the man was a bad man. He used to instruct his followers for charity and motivate them by
describing its reward. When they used to give him something to spend in Allah’s way, he used to include it in his
personal treasure and did not use to give poor and needy anything out of it. He gathered seven jars full of gold.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
Enter! # c % R Secretly ¶>jF
  It became easy ˆ
% d
I served him ( : c%  We reached .@%  < Free time, chance R A
 % FR 
I remained ˆ
w# ? We came down, we
.#h  I reached ˆ
w#  <
That you know ˆ
#  / #  Bishop Š
R &' He comes + : *
His followers ( / ?H% Responsible ,/ 1 Caravan, riders O
G # 1
He motivated them Z%  ? ‡ E So I came to him (  ‹3 He intends : EE
By its reward < w< I am inclined to ˆ
?% ‡ 1 Going
They give him X4/ Christianity  > 
% . So tell me , " /% Ž
He made a treasure for
X h . I love, I like ˆ
?% ?[ Less J >*
He gives 
  E To become your servant l
  h # #  Facing towards (¶ 3
Jars 2a 9
 * I serve you l
  : c%  So inform me , ?cŽ
Gold O
 N Q  I learn from you l
 . Z  H So I was captured ˆ
# [% 
I pray with you l , jA
 R I untied it (  #  [

Quranic Arabic Program 181 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

ª > Zp ?‡ E   * : 
  < Z% R   ŽE $a  & J I1   Z% Rp? [ A e” :Z ˆ
  ª ( .# :  …1 . ˆ
  " I  ;
  #  M
 ?  Ð ª ( . (  E1 " ¶:E:b ¶6@ < (  6
% @ <Ž
“.(>/ .z .Z%  ” :  * “.X h . / Z% pR z  ” :ˆ * “¬lL ˆ #  / \E \” :  * “. ‹>b . f   )£    E Þ  ª()  F. Nh . < X " ‹I L 
[ a >* o ‡ 
 " E Þ ( e Ð . 1 3¹ < X  "I 1  X  ? A
 Ð “.( . R : i !0 ” :  * N1 " ª € 6  ¶?N L € $U R" 2a 9* K ?% & (.  I 
% &  (  -
 %  Z%   E1Ž
ª Ó"I ?[ (??[Ž ª ¶1   9  >   ?  / (.
%  i  ª   c ‰ , (. O
‡ 1 i  ª >~: ³ (. : N 9I1 ˆ E1 " ª( h  ª (  p  c n 9
€ I1  ?
:( ˆ* R  ( H 6 [ " ª ¶  (  ˆ "* 

When I saw it, a strong hatred for him developed in [my mind]. I remained there until he died and the Christians
gathered to bury him. I said to them, “Your leader was a bad man. He used to instruct you for charity and motivate
you for it. When you gave him, he used to include it in his personal treasure. He did not use to give poor anything
out of it.” They said, “How did you know that?” I said, “I’ll show you his treasure.” They said, “OK, show us that.”
I showed them his place. They brought out seven jars full of gold and silver. When they said it, they said, “By God!
We will not bury him. They crucified him and beat him with stones. Then a short time passed and they appointed
another man in his place. I became his servant. I had not seen any man more pious than him about worldly affairs. I
had also not seen anyone more inclined than him towards the Hereafter. I had not seen anyone more hardworking
than him about day and night worship. I loved him a lot and stayed a long time with him. When his death reached, I
said to him:

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It passed 
 " E Treasure h .%  I hated him (  6
% @ <
They appointed  ? Inform us (>/ .z Hatred ¶6@ <
His place (  p So I showed them Z%   E1Ž Strong ¶:E:b
So I attached to him ( h  His place (  -
 %  As I saw him (  E1 "
The most pious : N The brought out  I 
% & He remained M
The most inclined O
‡ 1 Full of € $U R" To die ;
The most hard working
%  Silver € 6 She / they gathered ˆ
  " I
Too much love Ó"I ?[ They saw it N1 For burying him ( .# : 
I stayed ˆ
"* We will bury him ( . R : Your friend, your
Z% pR ? [ A

Time ¶  They crucified him X  ? A

 He motivated you Zp ?‡ E

It appeared to him ( H 6

 [ They beat him (with
X  "I 1 You bring to him X " ‹I
Death R  Stones  1 3¹
 I inform you Z% pR z 

Quranic Arabic Program 182 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

ÞB qd
 E Þ J 9 N  A  "# < 9I1 ie (>/ ˆ .  / ¶:[ Z / i !,.< P % ” :2  “¬%W: < \    ,.d   .H \ K   ,< ,A H \%  e !R 9 E”
l  < md
 #  (H : ./ , A ¶9 e” :( ˆ*  P?c (>/ ˆ % 
 * (>/ ˆ % : * " ª  A"# ,  I < ˆ #d   ,?[ A ;   " “.( < md#  2R q:?E
“.qm¹ \ (>/   "< l ¶ )
 ")  l ,¡ c
ˆ   …H  0    \ W $U I :%   !R 9 E” :( ˆ* R   ( H% 6
 [ " ª ;   #  M  ?E Þ ( e Ð .2a [ o  c / ( H :% I   X : ./ ˆ
"*Ž “.P:./ Z*” :2 
 N  f ?>q.< 9€ I1 ie (>/ .R   w / 9 € I 1  Z /  0   !,.< P” :2  “¬(< Y  d < ,  ŽH \  ¬¦ ,AH \ ž ª Z  H  P \ Z H
“. : ./ Z*” :Æ 2  ª ,?[ A (< ,     P?c ( H ¡c  f  ?> O  [ < ˆ #d  X:d ³ R I O  q>‡R " “.(< ~md#  J 9
\ ºž ˆ  /  P \ ˆ  / : ” :( ˆ* R  ( H6  [ " ª ;£ (< 2 h  #  M  ?  0
  ªo# \  X ?[ A ( >/    / ( H%: I   X : ./ ˆ
:2  ª P?c ( H¡c  ( < ˆ d    “.(< ~m¹
  ª a 9R N  E1  " < 9
€ I1 ie   / ,  < ¶:[ Z  /  °e 0  !,.< P % ” :2  “¬,< ,A H

“O so & so! Where do you advise me to go and with whom I should stay after you?” He said, “O my son! I do not
know anyone [devoted to the religion] on which I was except a man at Musal. He is so and so. He does not change
and alter [the God’s Book]. The truth is with him.” When my leader died, I joined the man at Musal. When I reached
to him, I described the story of mine and said to him, “So & so advised me at the time of his death to join you. He
informed me that you are devoted to the truth.”
He said, “Stay with me.” I stayed with him and found that his condition was right. Then he did not remain [for a
long time] before his death. When his death came, I said to him, “O so & so! Allah’s matter has came to you as you
see and you know my matter. So towards whom, you advise me to go and to whom you ask me to join?” He said, “O
my son! By God! I don’t know any man who is [devoted to the religion] on which were except a man at Naseeban.
He is so and so and the truth is with him.” When the man disappeared in his grave, I joined his friend at Naseeban
and informed him about myself and my matter with my leader. He said to me, “Stay with us.”
I stayed with him and found that he was on the right [religion] on which his two friends were. So by God! I
remained with him until the death came down. When his death came, I said to him, “You knew my matter so
towards whom you advise me to go?” He said, “O my son! By God! I don’t know anyone remaining on our matter
[religion] except a man at U’muriyah. He is so and so and truth is with him.” I joined him and informed him about
myself. He said:

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He came to you W $U I I reached, I moved to ˆ
% : * O so & so! R 9 E
You see, you opine …H I described the story ˆ

 * You advise ,A H
You know Z H He advised me , A You advise me ,.d

Affiliation Y
 d One who firmly holds l
¶ )
 ")  I become   
We were on it (>/ .R  Stay with me P:./ Z* Musal, a city of Iraq  A
Naseeban, a city at Syria f
 ?>q So I stayed ˆ
"*Ž He amends (the Book
of God)
U’muriyah, a city at
 E1  "/ I found with him ( H :% I  He changes 2R q:?E
State, condition 2a [ I joined ˆ

Quranic Arabic Program 183 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

ª0   \ ( < dAŽ< (< 2 h  #  M  ?  Z8R .€ " >% .‡R  ;
a  <.. X : ./  ..ˆ ?% )
  :*  ª(< dA P  :% N / .. 0  ..   a I1 : ./ ˆ "*Ž “.P:./ Z*”
“¬   ,  ŽH   ¬¦ ,A H \ ž Z  H  P \%  Z  H l  e” :( ˆ* R  ( H% 6  [ "
MR  ? E ƒ,?     k 1Ž< ( > V
 E J  œ  :% * ( .p ... ( >/ . Î €p)  ")  k  1'  œ / ,  < Ÿ  . \ ¶:[ W .N  Z /  0  !,.< E” :2 
# ž ª? ~. Z H c ( >F f
 <  ª  * :  R R ŽE i  ª  E:# R R ŽE  ªFH i ; G 9/ (  ªfH[ f  < a  %  ;
 L k a 1 ºe ( -  1 \  I E Z8R Z >N <e \ E:<
“.#     9? l  < m d
 # H #  ˆ
 % 4 &%
Z% pR  >4/     k
 1 ºe ZRp  , " "[ # e” :Z ˆ  .“O a #  ”   >?* \     1 3H \ G F  <  #  ºe ¶.  E1  " < X : < ˆ
wp"  R I ' X   Ð
% R " d
%  ªZ” :   “.," >% .‡R  XQN ,H  <

“Stay with me.” I stayed with that man. And by God! He was on the guidance of his friends. I earned, while I was
with him, some cows and goats. Then the matter of Allah reached him as it was on his friends. So when his death
came, I said to him, “As you know my matter, so towards whom do you advise me to go and what do you instruct
me to do.”
He said: “O my son! By God! I don’t know anyone there remaining on the face of the earth devoted to [the true
religion] we were on it… But the time has reached when a prophet will come out of the land of Arabia. He will be
sent with the religion of Abraham. Then he will migrate from his land to a land situated between two volcanic fields
and having date-palm trees. He has symbols which are not hidden. He will eat from [something given as] gift. He
will not eat from [something given as] charity. There will be the stamp of prophethood between his two shoulders. If
you can join him at that country, do so.”
Then the death came to him. I remained at U’muriyyah for some time. A group of traders from the tribe of “Kalb”
passed by there. I said to them, “Carry me with you to the land of Arabia. I will give you my these cows and goats.”
They said, “OK, we will carry you.”

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

So that you join m d

 # H #  Having date-palm
%  ;
 L I earned ˆ
?% )
Death came to him R I ' X   Two volcanic fields f
 H[ Cows ;
I stayed ˆ
wp Symbols, plural of
9/ ;
G 9/ Sheep, goats ">% .‡R
A group, party G F  Gift  E:# There W .N
Traders 1 3H His two shoulders ( >F It remained ,  <
Tribe   >?* He disappeared O
 q>‡R Back, (face of earth) k1'  œ

Carry me , " "[ Grave : d Time came J  œ 
I will give you Z% pR  >4/ To come down 2 h  #  He will be sent M
R  ? E
We will carry you l
% R " d
%  Stamp of
 ? ~. Z H c He will migrate  I E

Quranic Arabic Program 184 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

,.< \ ( Za / \ < X 1  #  M?  Ð ª( :< ˆ #d    ª > \ a I , / <  ,<  1: ‡ …R  P  .@  < Le Ô[ Z ,Rq"[  N Ee Z >4/Ž
.( < ˆ "*Ž ª(<   PQ Š  A <  .E:£ ˆ /  ªE1  " < ,?[ A , X   L PQ  
% . ˆ
  wE ºe ( ,.    ª(. , b   | E*R
a  Ÿ  1 ,F ,qe 0   ª wE ºe 2R &  I N  M?  Ð .qYq  / ( ? I E Î , @!i  Q< (  K% ¨ Þ ,a..p  ª  p , (  *  /:E Qa ‹.>[ ~,?.  
+ : * a I1 / ªU$ ?R < U  " 3 " ‰ Z e 0
  “  >*” ,.< 0=  H *” :( 2 *  ( ÄZ/ \ < (>/  ?* Le Û y G  I P:>&  ª"     < > R " / P:q>)  
“.ƒ,? (  Z / hE  p \ + > Z>/

I gave them that and they carried me with them. When we reached at the valley of Qura, they deceived me and sold
me [as a slave] to a Jewish man. I joined his service. Then I remained with him. His cousin belonging to Banu
Quraizah visited him and bought me from him. He moved me with him to Yathrib. When I saw the date-palm trees
mentioned by my leader at U’muriyyah, I knew that it is the city whose attributes he had described. So I stayed with
At that time, the Prophet was calling his nation at Makkah [towards the true religion]. But I had not heard about him
due to my occupancy with the obligations of slavery. I was there when the Prophet migrated to Yathrib. By God! I
was at the top of a date-palm tree working for my master while he was sitting under it. His cousin came to him and
said, “May Allah kill the people of Madina. By God! They are gathering at Quba to [see] that man who came today
from Makkah and considers himself a prophet.”

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

I worked in it > R " / I saw ˆ
E1 Carry me ,Rq"[
Some 
 < He mentioned   L The valley of Qura …R  P 

Sitting y
G  I Attribute Š
 A They deceived me ,<  1: ‡
Under it Û He described its
  They sold me , / <
He approached  ?* Then Qa ‹.>[ Jews   >
He killed  H * He calls  /:E His service (  :c
People of Madina “  >*” ,.< But I ,a..p  He visited 1 
Now ‰ My occupancy , @! Son of uncle, cousin Za / \ <
Gathering people U  " 3  It made that obligatory ( ? I E A tribe of Jews living
at Madina
 | E*R ,.<
A town near Madina $U ?*R Slavery qYq They bought me , b
He thinks, He
Z / hE Top of a date palm tree a  Ÿ
 1 They moved me ,.  
For my master P:q>)
  Old name of Madina

Quranic Arabic Program 185 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

2R * ˆ I   . \/ 2  h~. ºe ; 1 <  ªP:>& /   R &  ˆ >!c Ô[ ¶:E:b ¶< 4- ˆ <% 4 - %  "d # ( ?! E  ,.) [ (   ˆ
% " & e "
$= )£   " “.l" / \ (> ˆ  .R  ºe :% / ¬ Q  l ” :Æ 2 * € :E:b € " p#  ,." p   P:>& O  6  @  ... “¡  # / :% /  ¬R2 H L ” : I
%  L $= < ‡R l
G dA l  D G  A J I1 l   ,.@ < :* ( e” :ˆ *  (>/ ˆ c: ªR2& 2R h .% E M R >[ ºe (< ˆ I H  (  % " I ˆ
. a "H \ €‹>b ; Qc
.(>e (  <%* ZR8 “.ZRo
 ‡ \ (< m[  Z% pR  E  * :  P:./   $T ,b QN  ª a I [
ºe $U ?R* \ 2R & 2 d  H " ª"%  
 < K " I%  ;
Q# c   ˆ # 
 % Ð “.J : [  X Q N” :,)F , ˆ  .# R ŽE Z X : E l  )   “... RR ” :( < dA' 2 
“.J > 8 XQN” :,)F ³ ˆ   .( RR Ž ( < dA     .   Ž “. < l    J E: N X Q N   * :  R R ŽH i l   E1 ,qe” :( ˆ   (  ‹I  .E:£

When I heard their talk, something like a viral infection affected me and I became disturbed a great confusion. I
feared that I will fall on my master. I started coming down from the tree and said to that man: “What are you doing,
give me the news.” My master became angry and beat me with a hard punch and said to me: “What have you to do
with this? Return to your work.” At evening, I took some dates that I had gathered and moved towards the place
where the Prophet dismounted. I entered to him and said: “News reached to me that you are a pious man and there
are needy and poor companions with you. This is charity with me and I do not see anyone more deserving to it
except you.” Then I came near to him.
He said to his companions, “Eat…” and kept his hand refraining from eating. I said in my heart: “This is the first
[indicator].” Then I returned and took another collection of dates. When the Prophet moved from Quba to Madina, I
came to him and said, “I saw that you do not eat [something given as] charity. This is a gift that I give you as your
honor.” He ate from it and instructed his companions to eat with him. I said in my heart: “This is the second

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It reached me ,.@  < He became angry O
 ‡ His talk (  
Poor $= < ‡R He punched me ,." p  It touched me ,.)
Needy a I [ %  L A punch € " p#  It is similar to ( ?! E
More deserving m[  What you have to do
with this?
¬ Q l  A viral infection "d
I came near to him (>e (  <%* Return! :% / I became disturbed ˆ
<% 4 -
He hold l
  Evening $= )£ Confusion ¶< 4-
I left ˆ
 % I took ;
Qc I fear ˆ
I gathered K " I%  Dates a "H So that I fall 
 R & 
He changed 2 d
 H I gathered ˆ
% " I I started ;
1 <
Gift J E: N I directed ˆ
I H Coming down 2  h~.
I give you as honor l
   He came down 2R h .% E Prepare! :% / 

Quranic Arabic Program 186 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

Z H # …1 ,  X  œ ºe  |R  ; 1:& Z8R ª(>/ ˆ ")   ª  "b (>/  ¶) I ( E ( < dA : [  P1 E   M R >[ : * @ K > ?< N  0  2 &1 ˆ ‹# I Ð
 ( Rq?* R (>/ ˆ
?% ?p   (  #    ªZH # ˆ
E ; |. Xœ \/ XU$ 1  Ž - ‡ B   / Xœ ºe  |R  ~,~?. ,n1 " . E1"/ , ,?[ A Æ ( F A   PQ
“¬W ?c ”:Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2R &1 2  .,p<
 "& / +G 9) .1  ~) Z | / è ~&  ªO3    :b  .  ?3
   ª N Ee Z%   % " &% Ž ª,q. ( < dA  " )E #  X &  ª < O
 3  /Ž Ï,* (>/ ˆ %   
. Ó>[ M R  ? E +E  ;   +E (>/ +9&  . "E%{ m 8 ( < \  “ ~m¹  B  / +E ,&1 F  "& / +9&  .a p jR ³ qmd  # \/ M R d ?E + * + E ,& 1 F
(< d  >[ \ 1A ª b < ˆ1 \µ :?/ 1: )

Then I came to Allah’s Prophet while he was at Baqi’ Al-Gharqad burying [the dead body of] one of his
companions. I saw him sitting and wearing two shawls. I greeted him. Then I moved forward to look at his back so
that I see the stamp described by my leader at U’muriyyah. When the Prophet saw me that I am trying to look at his
back, he knew my objective and removed his shawl from his back. I looked and saw the stamp. I knew that so I
turned to kiss it and starting weeping. Allah’s Apostle said: “What is your matter?”
I described my story. He amazed with it and asked his companions to listen it from me. I told that to them. They also
astonished intensely and enjoyed it with a great happiness. So peace be upon Salman Al-Farsi on the day when he
started search for truth at each place. Peace be upon Salman Al-Farsi when he knew the truth and believed in it with
a firm belief. Peace be upon him on the day he died and on the day when he will be given life. (Dr. Abdul Rahman
Rafat Pasha, Pictures from the life of Prophet’s Companions)
(Note: After that, the Prophet and his companions gathered some money to buy Salman from his master and
manumitted him. The Prophet included him in his family. He lived with them and spent his life for Islam.)

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

They became
~& My objective - ‡ A graveyard of
: * @ K > <

The biggest Z | / He removed, he threw   When M

R >[
Joy, happiness 1  ~) Shawl $U 1 He hides, he buries P1 E
Peace +G 9& I saw ;
| Two shawls   "b
He searches for M
R d
 ?E I turned ˆ
?% ?p  I greeted ˆ
Each place a p jR I kiss R q?* R I drew ;
He knew B
  / I wept ,p< I see  |R 
He believed in it ( < \  n He amazed O
 /%  His back X  œ
The most tied m 8 He delighted for it X & So that , 
He will be raised M
R  ? E They amazed  ?3
 / I see …1
Live Ó>[ Amazement O
   He saw me ,n1

Quranic Arabic Program 187 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

Mus’ab Ibn U’mair (./ 0 ,-1 a >% " / \ <% O

 LR '= , K  E ( H A  pE i ªyF. ( ~?d  H [ \ >%  # (>/ K  H  pH i ªME:d#   [ ;   Q/   ª(I%   R >"I ªm# 2R :   ª ?! ~‡  
:+   2 * ie y   3"< ~" E 9  d
 }  O
>% Œ   .a "  \ €|[ (  ‘ Z  > R ){ X E ª( p b  ( )  <9"< ~ZE ªPh \ ) % [   .O   (>e R >"E [
.  &  H 8 \ (>/ Y
: @ H ( ~ ˆ  ª ( ?d  E X <   ª?q>4 ( d
 } 1 \ ( R E “.+G  * O
G    QN”
G    (< O G 3 N ( < dA ºe (./ S R :d
 E >* Z& (>/ 0 A , ?.   .(   R w ª()<9 \ )[ ª(< ?b  (  "3
 < J ?3
   rE*R ˆ 
.€ } N € >[ r
 >E  ( E ‡ ˆ  "e ªrE* ß
 >b R  FE   " 2 "/'  2 "# M
R E:[ ~Od
 E \RpE Z ªrE*R
 ?b  > ? : > ~Od E i

He had a fresh young age, moderate stature, handsome face, soft voice and sweet talk. Whenever an eye stayed at
him, it felt in love for his personality. Whenever his voice entered in an ear, the heart [of that person] inclined
towards him. He was a well-dressed person and used to take care of his dress and appearance. When a man used to
look at him, he knew that he is lucky enough for blessings. His fragrance was nice. Whenever he used to pass
through a group of people, they used to say: “Mus’ab is coming.” They knew him from his fragrance. His parents
used to love him a lot. His mother used to spend generously her vast wealth on him.
Quraish used to admire his handsomeness, youthfulness, nice dressing and abundance of wealth. The Prophet used
to discuss him with his companions by admiring him. Mus’ab did not use to like hunting like other youth of Quraish.
He did not use to like talking about wealth and business like old people of Quraish. His objective was to live a
rightly-guided life.

Worth Reading
What is the difference between Monotheism and Polytheism? Why the
Polytheism not acceptable in front of God? How to avoid polytheism in our

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Her wealth H 8 He inclined towards R >"E Fresh ~‡
Vast, wide   &  Dress Ph Young age
Amazing, admirable J ?3
   He administers ~ZE Moderate 2R :  
He describes S
R :d
 E His dresses ( )
 <9 Body m #
Hunting : > His form, his appearance (  p b Beautiful, handsome R >"I
Remaining  > < Luck €|[ Face ( I%  
Old people ß
 >b Nice O
>% ΠSweet
His objective ( E ‡ Smell, fragrance  d
 }  Sweet   [
He lives r
 >E He passes ~" E It happen, it stays K  H
Rightly-guided € } N She gave liberally to Y
: @ H It did not happen  pE i

Quranic Arabic Program 188 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

\ a  [ ºe ˆ
%  3
 H  …c='  ª:> ºe "N :[e ˆ % I  c ªY q \ \ >% F } Œ m E4 ,  < * :*   ªd~6 , : 3
 )"# / +a E ;
 L OG     ?*
.\ >% H /: 
    ª"# ºe …c=' (%/ ª:> ºe \ >% /  "3"# …:[e ( % /  . "%  #
 !   ;

 R  < O
G   y   I .r
 ER* ß
>b (> W  !
% E ¶1 [ K " & [ : 3)"# ºe R   E    ªrE*R  E: % ºe K " )> : 3
 )"# ºe O N QE  O
G   6 : 
, ª ¶ >[ Š
 . / ,  "E +     . :I'  $ <‰ \ E  q>@ E #  : EE ( ' ¶>"I (  N pE PQ  I QN ,   "  E   ª+  y
  3 \% 
.…cR ¶ >[ m 1
A 0  2R &1 > K "3E , 1 : ºe ( 3  H  ª:3)"# \ V c Z 8R .( > +   Z E PQ  I QN   Z E  ." E ªlL ºe K")E O G   
.R >"3# ( R pb \ )
d # ( E  ªX| ."   ?3
 > ª(>e   |R .E +    y
  I ZR8 ª >[  c :  ª( D  F 
 ? Y
 ŒR  A
  :./ ª (< dA Z& (>/ 0
.,9&{ \ Eq: , (  c \  / ª X: E )  < (.   * ZR8 Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. M  E:[ ºe O G  K " & 

One day, Mus’ab came to the [Sacred] Mosque [at Makkah] at morning time. On his way, he encountered with two
groups of his friends. One of them came out for hunting while other was directing towards a pub to enjoy drinking
wine. One of the groups invited him to go for hunting and other called him to take wine. He refused both invitations.
Mus’ab preferred to go to the Mosque to listen a conference of Quraish. He reached at the Mosque when he heard a
dialogue in which aged people of Quraish were participating. Mus’ab sat near the meeting of the group. They were
debating about the man whom all of them disliked because he intended to change the religion of [their] forefathers.
The group was debating to treat him with violence or kindness.
Mus’ab listened that and desired to know the matter of this man about whom the group was debating. He came out
of the Mosque and moved towards the house where Allah’s Apostle and his companions were congregating. When
he reached on the door, they opened it for him. He entered and greeted. Then he sat and the group of people was
looking at him. They had admiration for his appearance, nice dressing and handsomeness. Mus’ab listened the talk
of the Prophet, then came near to him, stretched his hand and announced his embracement in the Islamic religion.

Face the Challenge! Describe the procedure of converted a 51 6  to its corresponding
 . How will you convert the same into , ?

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Violence Š
 . / Two groups \ >% /  "3 He approached  ?*
Sometimes ¶ >[ He refused 
  1 At morning time d~6
Kindness m # 1 Both invitations \ >% H /: He faced  < *
He desired ." E He preferred  6 Friends Y
Way Y
 ŒR To listen K " )> She / they directed towards ˆ
%  3
He greeted >[ Conference  E: % Pub a  [
He came near
  * Dialogue ¶1 [ Fun  
He stretched 
) < They debated   "
 E Wine  "% 
He announced \  / They disliked him (  N pE They called him ( % / 

Quranic Arabic Program 189 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

ª:3)"# , ,j

 E N ¶E X n1  d
 Œ \ < R "w / \p  ª ELg E #  : E E i ª ~?d
 E   :  ª(9&ž< (  % ? E Z ªrE* \ €c € : (  9&e F Fc% 
.$† h/ z R + 9&{ , : 3
 E ¶1 ?A    (.p ª ¶>%   D
 ?AŽ X < (  p . H " ª rER* ( ;
%  p .  .lQ< +    ?cŽ
ª (R [ ;
%  >@ H :* ªp ºe  !
 ?d# \   / ZR8 ªZ   OG   I  ª!  ?d# ºe   3# < Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. Z   LŽ ª\>% "  ) "# / Q :b
0 A , ?. 2 *   d# l H , ( < dA   Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. X : N b "  . € >*1   :* ª €|>‡ X : I D?A ª X )H  pH i J * qh"  () <9"
“.(&1 0 qO[ ,  >%   # ,  ?‡ l
 L \ ( I  c ZR8 ª (. ¶"> ( E< : ./ Z   r
 E* \ ¶  p" <  ª QN ˆ
E1 :%  ” : Z& (>/
ZN w \  < d $  R \ D  ?A [ x  Fd# \ HŽ ,?. \  F  x  F [  ª5 "&i \ )  [Ž (>e K " &  Z& (>/ 0 A , ?. y   3 GO + h 
 .E:"#  N \ G >% w R c :% > (./ 0 ,-1 O G   D 3  .E ª\Eq:   n  W .N f")"# Z j E  .E:"# ºe Z& (>/ 0 A , ?. ( R &  E ZR8 .\ Eq: < $U " /
q,?. e J  b ? O
 N L "e ª( N%  (q , % jpF E Z ªp  A
  : ./ ª1 ' \ 9 € I 1   ?& (    O
G    V
  c q¸d
 # Z & 
 * " .+ 9&{ ,
.Z& (>/ 0 A

The young man kept his Islam secret for some time due to the danger of Quraish [who used to persecute the people
embracing to Islam]. He did not inform his mother about his [conversion to] Islam. He used to love her and did not
want to tease her. But, one day, Uthman Ibn Talhah saw him performing prayer in the Mosque. He informed the
nation about that. Quraish condemned him. Similarly his parents condemned him and he became poor on the next
morning. But he was a patient boy who finds all comfort in Islam.
Persecution for Muslims became intensified. The Prophet allowed them to migrate towards Abyssinia. Mus’ab also
migrated with them. Then he returned from Abyssinia to Makkah. He condition had changed. His dress was torn
even not covering his body. His skin had become hard and he had become weak. When the Prophet and his
companions saw him in this condition, the Prophet said: “I have not seen any boy of Quraish at Makkah more
blessed by his parents than this boy. Then he came out of that [enjoyment] due to his inclination for good only for
the love of Allah and His Prophet.”
Mus’ab stayed with the Prophet and listened to him with an excellent listening. The boy learnt from the Prophet and
perfected his learning until he became one of the great men of understanding & religious scholars in the companions
[of Prophet]. Then the Prophet sent him to Madina to teach the Qur’an and the religion to the Muslims there. Mus’ab
became successful and a large number of people of Madina embraced to Islam. When the season of pilgrimage
came, Mus’ab came out [of Madina] with 70 men of Ansaar. When he reached Makkah, he did not think about his
mother and family, he went directly to the Prophet.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He perfected \ HŽ Skin : I He hided Fc% 
Men of understanding, plural
of (> 
$  R Thick, hard €|>‡ He teases her ELg E
He sends R &  E Thin, weak € >*1 He condemns / denies  p . H
He teaches Z j E The most blessed Z   Patient ¶1 ?A

He becomes successful D
 .E Blessed ¶"> Comfort $† h/
Season Z &  Inclination  ?‡ He allowed  L
He thinks % jpF E Listening 5
 "&i It changed ;
%  >@ H
Direct J  b ? He memorized x
 F [ Torn J * qh" 

Quranic Arabic Program 190 Level 03

Lesson 11B: Two Explorers of the Truth

\p ªf")"# / r  E* +  3N :b :% *  ª ¶6E $U   " [ :a [ R  h‡ , . ¶ œ ( <   ª1a :<   h‡ , Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. $U  O G   " [
 ª ¶6E ‹>"* \<  4   …c' X : >< O G  X Q c Ž ª=$ j 
  &   4   Š
 >) < X : E   6
  a ‹>"*R \ < X  d  ?* ª X$U  W%  E Z ¶< 8 œ ¶?
 .+ ~ < X  c 2  . ª=$  ( 
R R )E OG   R R )E ªX1 :A , D  ~ < ¶?  a ‹>"* \< O >E ZR8 ª(E:6  < O
G  ( p )  :  ¶/R $=  2R hE
. .E:" # ºe   " ) "#  / [ ¶/R $=  2 
¶<8 ie P:HE i  ª ¶.F (   :3  E 9 (.  ")"# : EE  ªk1' ºe (  I O G  Lž ª%ZN $U :  b   . :E   " ) "# Q c  ªp e rER* ; %  /
 R*: A  . g% " # \%  ” :I h/ 0
 2J I1 f  2 * RE Z& (>/ 0 A , ?.  ª (& 1   œ (>I1 Fc # e ª(>I% 1   œ ( & 1 Fc # e €*qh"  ¶>%   *
a Œ 1 O a !   < (  F & ª w < X 9%/ 4@ E #     ZR8 (33:23 h[' ) “.9
€ E:?% H R:<   | .% E \%  Z%  .%   ( ?d
%  6* \%  Z%  .% "  ( >%  / (   :N /

Mus’ab carried the flag of the Prophet at the battle of Badr and returned victorious. He also carried the flag at the
battle of Ohad. Quraish raided hardly at Muslims but Mus’ab remained firm and did not leave his flag. Ibn Qubeah
moved towards him and hit on his hand by a sword and cut it. The flag fell down but Mus’ab caught it in his other
hand. Ibn Qumeah also cut that as well. The flag remained high because Mus’ab hold it by his two upper arms. Ibn
Qumeah hit Mus’ab’s chest by a spear. Mus’ab fell down with the flag but his brother Abu Room took it. The flag
remained high until the Muslims returned to Madina. [Note: Keeping the flag high was the most important duty
during ancient warfare. Fall of flag meant defeat of an army.]
Quraish returned to Makkah and the Muslims buried their martyrs. Mus’ab was lying down on the land by his face.
Muslims intended to bury him but did not find burial garments. There was a small torn cloth to wrap his dead body.
If his head was covered, his feet came out and if his feet were covered, his head revealed. The Prophet recited the
words of Allah, the High the Exalted: “There are believer men who fulfilled what they promised with Allah. There
are ones who completed their vows [by sacrificing their lives] and there are ones who are waiting but do not change
[their determination].” Then he instructed to cover his upper part by the cloth and his lower part by fresh grass.

Face the Challenge!

What is the difference between the /  Z%& and the 2F Z%& ?

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

His vow ( ?d
%  He hits O
>E Flag $U 
They changed R:< Lance, spear D
 ~  Victorious ¶ œ
He covers 4@ E He took 2  .H Raid, attack +  3N
Upper (part of body) 9%/ Martyrs, plural of :>b $U : b He became œ
Lower (part of body)  F & He wears P:HE It felt down 
Grass O
a !
 / Small, short ¶>% 
 * High, raised ¶/R
Fresh O
a Œ 1 It became apparent   œ#  He caught l
He decided, he fulfilled 6* His both upper arms P:6

Quranic Arabic Program 191 Level 03

Lesson 12A: Further Derived Nouns  ! "# $= "&% '
The Result
Compare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

Z%& English ,</

Don’t go near to prayer while you are intoxicated.
O ªMg K¼ ªˆFA …1 p& Z%  %  9  < # H i
When they stand for prayer, they stand lazily. ªˆFA
O ªMg K¼ (Feminine word is used because a group is  )R   *  9 e   * Le
considered feminine in Arabic.)

Nay, they are a quarrelling nation. ªQ K¼ ªˆFA

 c +G % * Z% N # <
He is an open disputant.
K1 ªQ :[  ªˆFA
G ? ZG >c  N
It is the joining place of two streams. This is sweet
& fresh and this is salty and saline.
G Q# / QN \ E% d    PQ  N
% ?# V
K1 ªQ :[  ªˆFA V
G IR D G #  QN 
One of both of them is dumb. He is not able to do
anything.K1 ªQ :[  ªˆFA
$a ,% b / 1 : # E i Z p <% "N : [ 
That day, We shall gather the offenders (while they
will be) blue (due to fear). €*%1 Qa ‹ % E f
% " #  !
O ªMg K¼ ªˆFA
We have made a fire (ability to burn) in the green
tree. O ªQ :[  ªˆFA
€1   6
 c% 'U  3
 ! \%  Z% pR    I
There is no restriction on the blind, and there is no V
  /% 'U / i V G  [ "/% 'U / y
restriction on lame, and there is no restriction on the
ill. I ªQ :[  ªˆFA V
G  [ 
 E" # / i V G  [
Verily it is a yellow cow, its color is brilliant.
K1 ªQ :[  ª/  ‫ ۔۔۔‬K1 ªMg :[  ªˆFA
 %  KG *  $= F# A
 J   < e
When he drew out his hand, it was white for the
viewers. K1 ªMg :[  ªˆFA
\ Eœ . $= 6>% < , N Lž X : E 5
He is a magician, and an extreme liar.
K1 ªQ :[  ª@ ? Z%&  /  Z%&

G Q G [ & QN

Quranic Arabic Program 192 Level 03

Lesson 12A: Further Derived Nouns  ! "# $= "&% '

Z%& English ,</

You are not the one who compels on them.
I ªQ :[  ª@ ?
1a ?3
 < Z%  >%  / ˆ
Verily, in that, there are signs for each steadfast and
thankful person. I ªQ :[  ª@ ?
 jpR  ;
1a Rpb 1a ?A a E‰ l
 L , e
Verily, Allah is not an offender for His slaves.
I ªQ :[  ª@ ?
: >? #  +a 9| < y
 >%  (  
Nobody can deny Our signs except every corrupt and
thankless person. I ªQ :[  ª@ ?
1a RF 1a c z R ie .H E“< : d
3% E 
Verily, he was an offender and ignorant.
O ªQ :[  ªˆFA
i€  I €Rœ   ( e
Verily, the human being was an offender and thankless.
K1 ªQ :[  ª@ ?  ˆFA 1G F +G R|   ){ e
Verily, Allah is definitely Forgiver and Pardoner.
K1 ªQ :[  ª@ ?
1G RF‡ ƒFR   (  e
Definitely, they are a very strong nation.
O ªQ K¼ ª@ ?
\ E1 ?I €%* > e
Verily I am Pardoner for what who repents, have
believe and do good deeds. €d A  " /  \  n
 H \% "  1G F@  ,qe
K1 ªQ :[  ª@ ?
Verily, Allah does not like every corrupt and thankless
person. I ªQ :[  ª@ ?
1a RF a c R ~Od
 E i (  e
But majority of people do not know.
O ªQ :[  ª>6FH
  " % E i Ÿ
 .  w#  \p 
They (are the ones having) the greatest rank.
K1 ªQ :[  ª>6FH
€ I 1  Z | /%  l
 ‹% R
Verily, the most respectful of you in Allah’s view is the
one who is the most God-fearing among you. Z% R  H% (  : .% / Z% pR   #  e
O ªQ :[  ª>6FH

Face the Challenge! What is the difference between the /  Z%& and the ˆFA Z%& ?

Quranic Arabic Program 193 Level 03

Lesson 12A: Further Derived Nouns  ! "# $= "&% '

Z%& English ,</

Read and your Lord is the Most Respectful.
K1 ªQ :[  ª>6FH
+  # 'U l
 ~<1  # *#
Allah is the Strongest in might and the Hardest in
punishment. K1 ªQ :[  ª>6FH
€ >p.H ~:b  €&#Ž< ~:b  ( 
The were stronger in power as compared to you and greater
in wealth and children.
i€ %   w#  € *R Z% pR .%  :b    
O ªQ :[  ª>6FH €i%
€[ ~:b  Z . I 1 
Fire of the Hell is the most intense in heat.
K1 ªQ :[  ª>6FH
Neither smaller than this nor bigger (than it.)
O ªQ :[  ª>6FH
 ?#  i l %  i
 L \%   @ A
Definitely, the reward of the Hereafter is the biggest.
K1 ªQ :[  ª>6FH
 ?#    c ‰  I% 'U
Verily he was helped.
O ªQ :[  ª2F
€1 .   ( e
Who is more truthful than Allah in speech.
K1 ªQ :[  ª>6FH
€wE:[ (  \%  Y
: A
%  \% 
Who is a bigger offender than the one who forges a lie
against Allah. €<Q (  / …# \% " Z  œ#  \% 
K1 ªQ :[  ª>6FH
So that He may test you that which one of you does the best
deeds. K1 ªQ :[  ª>6FH
€ " / \ )
 [%  Z% pR ~E Z% R  R ?% >
For Him, there are the best names.
K1 ªMg :[  ª>6FH
%d # $= "&% 'U (  
Do you want to replace that which is inferior to that which is
 N PQ < %   N PQ  R: ?% )
% H
K1 ªQ :[  ª>6FH G >% c
The word of whom is better than that of one who called
towards Allah and did good deeds.
(  e / \% " i€ % * \ )
 [%  \% 
K1 ªQ :[  ª>6FH €d A  " / 

Quranic Arabic Program 194 Level 03

Lesson 12A: Further Derived Nouns  ! "# $= "&% '

Z%& English ,</

They will be giving drinks from a sealed nectar.
I ªQ :[  ª2F  ˆFA
%  ma >[1 \%   %  )
% E
He is the One, the Overwhelming.
K1 ªQ :[  ª@ ?  ˆFA
1  # : [ #  N
You are the Listener, the Most Knowledgeable.
K1 ªQ :[  ªˆFA
Z > # K >") ˆ
(I start) in the name of Allah who is the Most Affectionate,
the Eternally Merciful. Z>[ \µ 0 Z)<
I ªQ :[  ªˆFA  @ ?
Allah is Observer of what you do.
K1 ªQ :[  ªˆFA
 <  R" % H "< ( 
That is the deviation (which is) far away. (deep deviation)
K1 ªQ :[  ªˆFA  @ ? : >?# 2R 96  N l
So in them, there will be unhappy and happy.
K1 ªQ :[  ªˆFA
:G >&  ƒ, b Z%  .% " 
Verily, He is Knowledgeable about what you do.
K1 ªQ :[  ªˆFA
G ?c  R" % E "< ( e
When Moses returned to his nation, he was very angry and
% ‡ (  % * e &  K I 1 "
O ªQ :[  ªˆFA €F&
When Satan (the burning one with arrogance) made their
deeds attractive for them. Z%   "/%  R 4>% ! Z%   \ E L# e
K1 ªQ :[  ª@ ?
You have, other than Allah, neither a protector nor a
i Ä, \%  (     \%  Z% pR  
K1 ªQ :[  ªˆFA o

Rule of the Day! The noun coming after a preposition is always in its I
case. Similarly (>e B 6 in the ³ -e O is also in its I case.

Quranic Arabic Program 195 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

The Knowledge of Exegesis  >% )

 F Z # /
%>)F . v
Z& (>/ 0 A :a "d
  (q>? / 2 h." # º H 0  Z %  (<  E ZG / :C94 A
% i  .(.>< (d- Le $U ,!  ) .Š !
% p   R >? :€ @ R o)F
.( " p [  ( p[ V 
% &%  (>  R ><
( " z  H Z p# [ v
. >/ ! + R  qZN  \ (  f
 ")£ / “a E F k
%  ” š p  n  o
 )FH Z z H ‘ / $ "   K " I% 
\Eq)F £  b – V
 ” :(./ º H (‘ ,-1 a ) \ <% 2 * .(<  "    Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. \ / (>  Z %   šp n  Z >< Z>/ º H 0  -1 R < d ./% 
a p< ,< :\ E:b  $ F 
# :R w ªšp n  o
 )F< Z. o
G w    b%  “.\ <  "    \ >  B
  % E [ \N %  3E Z ;
a En  !
% / Z  H Le . R I 
.f"%I Z./ º H 0 ,-1 Ä,/  "w/  "/

A – Meaning of Exegesis
In dictionary, “Tafsir” means explanation and exposition. Something is interpreted when it is explained and
clarified. In terminology, it is meant the body of knowledge [that is related to] understand the Book of Allah that
was revealed on His Prophet Muhammad. [It includes] explanation of its meaning and deriving law and wisdom out
of it.
B – Instructions about its Learning
The scholars have a consensus on the point that learning the “Quranic Exegesis” is obligatory on the Muslims
collectively [i.e. if some of them discharge this responsibility, it will be discharged from everyone]. It is from the
most important disciplines of [Islamic] Shari’ah.
C – The Most Famous Exegetes
The Companions [of the Prophet] drew their attention to learn the Venerable Quran and to understand its meanings
from the Prophet and to act according to it. Ibn Mas’ud said: “A man from us when he used to learn 10 verses, he
did not go beyond them without understanding their meaning and complying with them.” A large number of them
became famous by the Exegesis of the Holy Quran. For example, the Rightly-Guided Caliphs: Abu Bakr, U’mar,
U’thman and A’li, may Allah please from all of them.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Something obligatory
a E F k
%  He clarified \ >< Clarification R >?
They drew their attention ./%  Terminology C94 A
% i Exposing Š
% p 
They did not go beyond
\N %  3E Z Bringing out V

% &% He explained  )
They became famous    b% Learning Z z H He elucidate D

Quranic Arabic Program 196 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

0 A ,?. ( / :*  n  , " < D  >d Z   Z F \ (./ B   / " “n   " I% H” ")  E   "./ 0 ,-1 Ÿ ?/ \< 0 :?/ :lQ
,-1 “a ) \ <% 0  : ?/” lQ  < d \  n  o)F<    b% \"  .“o)F ” .N (<  "# “ EŽ ("j/  ª\E: , (%j  Z‘ ” 2  Z& (>/
E 4" # (R .H ,q. 0 p< Z  /%  €:[ Z  /  ªˆh \E ª%ˆh  \"> Z  /  ie 0    \ J En %ˆh  ” 2 E (./ º H 0 ,-1   ª(./ 0
.ZN o‡ Ÿ a ?/ \<  J   p# /  ªa>% ?I \ <% : >&  ª~P  % ? \ )
d  # :Z. \ >%  <  \ J / "I Z>/ 0  -1  < d $igN \/ o  )F Q c  “.( >% H'U
.  EΠ\/ o )F .>e  A   ,   >% ?p ;
 F g"# (> RF O
  pR  , X  :  ª\Eq)F " # R "} ª=$ " Z./ X QcŽ ªZN:< \ ºe X R 
,"& 2R ' ¸  ."# ÏlL , Ö  N 3H # *R ˆ  ‹b # e Ö  3 . W .N   œ  ª0
    >% )
 FH , \ Eq)F " # ¸ % F  c  : >% )
N . ˆ  F ¸ N . Ö 
.R   E .8 , . c ‰ ¸  ."# \/ X h >" H ª€A c D
 9 f3.£ \EQN \ ¸ a . jpR  ˆ
%   .2 R "#   P %  < o )F :~, w ¸  ."#  ª1R8Ž"# <  >% )
.f3.£ \EQN \ ¸ a .   ;  "&  D  9 / B  ~  2R  d Æ 

Similarly, A’bdullah Ibn A’bbas was called “The Interpreter of the Quran”. He was well-known for understanding
and the right knowledge of the meanings of the Quran. The Prophet prayed for him and said: “O Allah! Give him
understanding of religion and educate him about [its] interpretation.” Here it [the word ‘taaweel’] means
interpretation. From the companions who became famous due to the Quranic Exegesis, there is A’bdullah Ibn
Mas’ud. He used to say, “Whenever a verse of Allah’s Book was revealed, I know about whom it was revealed,
where it was revealed. If I know anyone who know Allah’s Book better than me, the riding animal will reach to him
so that I get it from him.” A group of “Tab’een” learned the Exegesis from these companions. Hassan Al-Basri,
Sa’eed Ibn Jubair, I’kramah the freed slave of Ibn A’bbas etc. are [famous] among them. They transferred it to those
who were after them. The scholars [of later generations] and the leaders of Exegesis got it from them. They
compiled it in form of books and wrote huge books that reached to us in this way.
D – Approaches of the Quranic Exegesis
The approaches of the Exegetes in the interpretation of Allah’s book are different. Two approaches are widely used
– if you want, you can call them two dimensions – in that: The first approach is named “The Interpretation based
upon Hadith & Companion’s Opinion”. The second approach is: “The Interpretation based on Judgment or Logical
Reasoning”. For each of these two approaches, there are specific attributes which distinguish it from the other
approach. In this following part of our essay, we shall try to identify these attributes and distinguishing features of
each of these two approaches.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Features, attributes D
 9 Opinions, plural of 2* 2 * Interpreter  " I% H
It is distinguished h >" H Their followers Z>< H Give him understanding (%j 
Inside E .8 ³ It is prepared ~: E Explanation  EŽ
Our essay .R   Approaches, plural of ¸
G  . ¸
N . It reached 2R .H
We shall try 2R  d Two directions or two
 N 3H Riding animal E 4" #
Identification B
 ~  Based on Hadith & opinions
of Companions
1R8Ž"# So that I get from him ( >% H'U
Distinguishing attributes ;
 "& Option P
%  They compiled  
Logic, Wisdom 2 R "# They wrote books RF

Quranic Arabic Program 197 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

1 R8Ž"# <  >% )

 F :i€ 
, Z& (>/ 0 A 0
 2 &1 \% / ˆ
 ?8  ª(H En 
 ?  >F   >? \  ( )
 F  n  , $U I  / ¶ "/  n  o )FH ªD 4  "# Q < : 
.\ >%  " I%  Z> / 0
 R -1 \ >%  <    < d \/     ªlL
Z   \ EQ K  l U K 4 E \” :º H ( < Z>/ Z  .% " # q)R :  “Z>/ ˆ" \EQ  A” :º H (* o
 ‹Ž 2 &  0 )FH ª18Ž"# < o  )F   w \
. nR  <  nR  o
 )FH  < \ QN  (69:$ ). ) “.\ >% d
    $ : ~!  \ >%  Eq:q  \ >% q>?. \  Z>/ 0
:2 * M>[ Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 \/ ˆ  ?8 "<  E‰ , “R R  ” ;q)R :  “.a *R \ Z%  4&  Z  ~:/ ” :º H (* o )FH ª ¶6E   w' \  
 )FH   w \ . .~) <  n  o  )FH < \ QN ªZ)  X 1 M R E:d#  ª;  S R 98 “.,   e i ª,   e i ª ,    ‘e i”
 >dA , ˆ  ?8 " ªZ& (>/ 0 A 0  2 &1  I   * <  E‰ XQN  ) MR >[ “D F  0
   $U I Le” :º H (  Ÿ ?/ \ < o )FH ª< d
.Z No ‡ $U 4/     p/  :a N 3 Ö ª(./ 0 ,-1 Ÿ a ?/ \ < Q >9H \/ P  1  ">& i ªJ >% w ;
G E 1 o
 )F , f<  \ / %ˆE 1 :* .qP1 ? 
ªZ%Ep n  o
 )FH ,  < w  E   / : " E ( Ö €"/ Ö o)F \ ¸
  ."# QN / x R [ 9 E .o)F \  5  . QN   wŽ< J >.‡  >% & F O
.,< H   q,< d
  i€ * +%  ª .)   n  \  Ó R E q l  H ˆ %   $† &

First: The Mathur Exegesis

This term is meant the Quranic Exegesis based on three things: The explanation and details available in some verses
of the Quran itself; the proved [Ahadith] from the Allah’s Prophet; the reported [opinions] of the Companions and
their followers.
Examples of the Mathur Exegesis include the interpretation of Allah’s words: “The way of those whom You
blessed.” Here the ‘blessed’ people are explained in Allah’s words: “Those who follow Allah and His Prophet, they
are people from the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the pious people whom Allah have blessed.” This
[example] is from the category of Quranic Exegesis based on the Quran itself.
Other examples [of Mathur Exegesis] include the interpretation of Allah’s words: “Prepare power for them up to
your extent.” The word “Power” is interpreted in a [Hadith] proved about the Prophet. He said thrice: “Beware, the
power means shooting. Beware, the power means shooting. Beware, the power means shooting.” This Hadith is
reported by Muslim. This is the category of the Quranic Exegesis by Hadith.
Examples of interpretation by the Companions include the interpretation of Ibn A’bbas about Allah’s words: “When
Allah’s help will come and you will be victorious …” He interpreted this verse as the death of the Prophet as
mentioned in Saheeh Bukhari. A large number of narrations about the Exegesis of Tab’een are reported. It includes
the narrations from the disciples of Ibn A’bbas like Mujahid, I’kramah and A’taa etc.
The books of Exegesis are rich about this type of interpretation. It is noted that in this approach of Exegesis –
generally – only the proved narrations are relied upon while interpreting the Holy Quran whether that narration is
from the Quran itself, or a Hadith or an opinion of a companion or Tabii’.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Definitely ">& i Shooting arrows ,  It is intended : 
Students, disciples, plural
of Q
J >"H Q >9H Coming near
 * Term D
Rich J >.‡ Death  I  It is interpreted as q)R
Proved  < w It is narrated ˆ
% E 1 The blessed one Z  .% " #

Quranic Arabic Program 198 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

: >  O

  p  R Q 1 8Ž"# <  >% )
 F O
  R   b \
.~P ?4  + { ( F jg  ªn  o
 )FH ,  >? K  I Ö
.R >4 / \ < (Fjg ªhEh 
 p   >% )
 FH , h >I  1 d
 " # Ö
.a >% w \< (Fjg ªZ>|   n   >% )FH Ö
P < o
)F : ¶> 8

 ?&Ž< (     ª  i XG I ª>< ‚
 F¾ (     ZR8 ª2  , Z ?> &
    + 9p  )F " #     : <  Ii < n  o)FH ª¸."# Q< :   E

  )."#  É
 & .  2  h~.
. Ii m EŒ \/ P < o  )F  I …E ~, w  ªP <  n  o  )FH  I + :/ …E 2R ' ª F*  o )F , ¸  ."# QN  "/ , $ "
QN ªa?  a > ºe : .&   N ªa "d P 1 W .  ªaY9Œž< ~+Q E i P  lL R >< .q, > [ i q,| F B 9c ( …E B  9# QN   > [ , R Ž" # 
 !      \  X  : )E X : qEg E  ( \RpE Z ª… # ºe : .&  N ªa+ Q P1 W .N  .Z   N f< (  ?*R , B
 9c i P \ 5 .

We’ll mention the following famous books of “Mathur Exegesis”:

 Collection of Explanations in Quranic Exegesis, its author is Imam Tabari.
 A Concise Writing in the Exegesis of the Exalted Book, its author is Ibn Attiya
 The Exegesis of the Holy Quran, its author is Ibn Kathir
Second: The Exegesis by Reason
This approach means the Quranic Exegesis by applying reason to it. It is after that an Exegete obtain knowledge of
the Arabic literature and its styles of expression. Then he obtain knowledge of Arabic words and their different
means. He also obtains knowledge about the reasons of revelation and the abrogating and abrogated verses.
The scholars have two points of view in relying upon this approach. The first opinion is that the Quranic Exegesis by
reason is not allowed. The second opinion is that ‘Exegesis by Reason’ is allowed by the method of applying logical
process of “Ijtihaad”. The well-thought opinion about this difference [of opinion] is that it is just a difference of
words, not a real one. Explanation of that is that the word ‘opinion’ is not generally bad. There may be a good
opinion i.e. the one which is based on a reliable argument. About this type of ‘opinion’, there is no difference of
opinion in scholars to accept it. There may be a bad opinion i.e. the one based on personal desires. There is nothing
in the intellect or the Shari’ah that can support or declare it right.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
Absolutely Y
a 9Œž< Instructions that abrogate the
previous ones
 & . A writer or compiler of a
It is based on : .& The abrogated instructions ß
  )."# The written or compiled
Reliable a ?  Two points of view  F*  Applying reason to
understand the religion
Vilified, dispraised +a  Q Well-thought view R Ž" # Interpreter  )F " #
Personal desire (to commit
… # Difference (of opinion) B
9c Styles of expression, plural
of &
 > &
It supports : qEg E It does not vilified ~+Q E i Meaning i
It declares right  : )E What is based on a reliable argument a ?  a > ºe : .&

Quranic Arabic Program 199 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

 ?E Z ª>: ºe : .) "#   ? "# P < X :>* "e ªP m 4 "<  n  o)FH : E Z P <  n  o  )FH  3<  * \EQ ‘ lb i
.ie y  > Ä,| F B
a 9c ºe  Ž)"# X QN , B
 9# 2R g E Q < .… # ºe : .)£ P ºe  F E
:2 * (15:N) “ >:  >d  # : EE   \%  ” :º H (* o)FH :./ ~P  + { X  1   N ªo)F \ 5  . Q  :a [  2a w / + £ QN ,     
2z : E  E‰  c n ‘ ie :2 * ZR8 ª H b H o  < 5
Fi  ª  H ?q>Œ  >~: ;
 Q < K ~"  : EE :a [  ‘' ÏmE:qh  m Eq:q    p  \  g "# (> V 1 : .E
2 "/e / :"E E— o  )F QN ‘ D G -  ª1 FpR  < ie m >E i “1 . ie   c ‰ , Z%   y  >%  \ EQ l
 ‹% R” :: < º H ( * ' ª  p N  " # ‘ /
:ÎE  Q P < o)F O ZN \ .X  : )E  >: X : . )E PQ P
.,Œ @ ,):'  >[ < ( FR jg ªR>d" # d
% ? Ö
. ,&' (Fg ª, " # C
 1 Ö
N (>/ …I ª,[94A Z >) H m > d : ./ N < ªo)F ,/ f< 9 € A  ÓE:[ ¶">) H y> ªšp n  o  & F Z >)  QN ‘ ª Z  E + : H "<
\ a &1:   ,  : } )   ? @  >3
  ."# lQ<  ~. E Z N ÏME:d#  &1: P  &1: ºe ª( F  Ÿ
1 :  ")* " ªZ.   qcŽ" # R A c ªZ
P < o)F  18Ž£ < o)F :  \ Lc ) .M  E:d  # ¸
  .  O
 )d  P ¸ . / lH   &1:£ XQN 1 * ªa2 d< l  L ,.E    ª\>% & 1 :"# 

There is no doubt that those who allow Quranic Exegesis by Reason do not intend interpreting the Quran by absolute
reason. They have restricted the ‘reason’ to be authentic and based on a logical argument. They do not consider it
reliable and do not incline towards an opinion based on personal desires. In that way, the difference of opinion on
this issue can be resolved that it is merely a difference of words, nothing other than that.
At this point, we restrict ourselves to only one example of this type of Exegesis. It is brought by Imam Razi while
interpreting Allah’s words “Whoever wants the worldly life…” He said: There it includes believers, unbelievers,
truthful and atheists because all of them want to enjoy the worldly pleasures and its good things. They want to get
benefit of its good things and desires. He further adds: The other part of the verse indicates that here only the
unbelievers are indicated. After that, Allah’s words are: “They will have nothing in the Hereafter except the
Hellfire.” It fits only to the unbelievers. It is clear that this interpretation of the verse is based on a logical argument
that is supporting it. We describe some of the most important books of the “Quranic Exegesis by Reason” as
 The Encircling Ocean, its author is Abu Hayyan Al-Andalusi Al-Gharnati
 The Spirit of Meanings, its author is Alusi

As it is previously mentioned that this categorization is for the Quranic Exegeses. This categorization does not draw
a hard line in types of Exegesis. It is just categorization of terms used by the scholars, especially those related to
later periods. In the same way they have categorized the Schools of Thought for Jurisprudence as ‘The School of
Reason’ and ‘The School of Hadith’. They give the title of the approach which is dominant in each of these schools.
It does not mean that this School will be limited only to the approach of reason or the approach of Hadith. [Each of
them may be using the other approach in different circumstances.]

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It fits m >E Atheist m E:qh The restricted it X :>*
Related to terminology ,[94A Enjoyment K ~"  The turn to  F E
They issued it (>/ …I Pleasures ;
 Q It is reconciled / interpreted 2R g E
Scholars of later periods   qcŽ" # Getting benefit of 5
Fi He brought  1 
Dominant  : } ) Desires, appetite ;
 b It fall under the category V
1 : .E

Quranic Arabic Program 200 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

 >% )
 F O
 R   b vX
K " I .ÖN310  .&  £ “qP ?4 a EI \ <% : "Ç” o)F Z # /   \%  2  ª\Eq)F " # + { “ nR   EŽ# H \/  >? K  I” ( "&%  :qP ?˜4 o
)FH (1)
. n  o
 )FH , Š
  \" X:< $ I \ z  €I%  X:" /% .Z E%p  n  o  )FH , 2 ' K I "# p QN ~: E  .Z>< H \ >% <    < d 2 * (>
 £ ~,  1  
 # ~P !
 h  " / \ <   "d Z &   < + ä “ EŽ X  I ,  E *'   >/  Eh.%  m }  [ \/ B !p # ” ( " &% :B !p   >% )FH (2)
2R "I \ (>   œ " ªnR  \  J En   >% ‡ ,  3/{ X  I \ ( >  < " ª(>e ( F g  m% ?)E Z o)FH  ª>% )  F QN R " >*  .ÖN468  .&
 ">& i ª+R  \  a >% wp <    "# \  (> 5
  < " ª(‡ 9<  d&  n  2 "I \/ . Š  !  pE #  K >4)E \ qP !  h  y> ª ( ‡ 9< q,nR  Z |.
q,"  Ì
  ?. QN F- %  :  ª  '  ª /{  ª >?  ª‡ 9? + R <  Œ [{ \  (<    ª%ZN 1 bŽ< R   "#  ª    R @  < + "#{ \  (>   <
.\ Eq)F " #
R*R ( < m /  $ "   1R |  (>e ˆF 9
€ >"I €<8 B !p  >% )  FH / q,< ' 
E – The Most Famous Books of the Quranic Exegesis
(1) The Exegesis of Tabari: Its name is “Collection of Explanations in the Interpretation of the Quran”. [It is
written] by the leader of Exegetes, the one who compiled the art of Exegesis i.e. “Muhammad Ibn Jareer Al-Tabari”.
He died in 310H. He collected the opinions of the Companions, their followers and the followers of their followers.
This books is made the first source of the Exegesis of the Holy Quran. Whoever wrote a Quranic Exegesis after him
has relied on this source.
(2) The Exegesis of Search Light: Its name is “The Search Light about the Facts of Revelation and the Springs of
Opinions of Exegesis”. It is written by Imam Abul Qasim Mahmud Ibn U’mar Al-Zamakhshari Al-Khawarzami (d.
468H). The value of this Exegesis is the that it is the Exegesis which has no precedent. When he explained the
different aspects of the miracle of the verses of the Quran. He expresses the beauty of the Quranic organization and
its eloquence. There is nobody capable enough like Zamakhshari to reveal the beauty of the Quran and the magic of
its eloquence. He became an expert in this area by obtaining knowledge of a large number of disciplines. They
include the knowledge about the [rules of] Arabic Eloquence and the knowledge of their poetry. He became
distinguished due to his grip over the arts of eloquence, syntax, and literature. He transferred this intellectual and
literary expertise to the Exegesis of Search Light and dressed it beautifully. The sight of scholars [divert to it] and
hearts of Exegetes hang to it.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

The art of Arabic
 >? He explained  < Source K I "#
The art of syntax, putting
/e on a word
 /{ Miracle  3/{ They relied on : " /%
  ' Organization Z |. Search light B
!p #
It gave F-
%  Eloquence ‡9< Revelation, coming down
Excellence, expertise Ì
  ?. Magic  d& Springs   >/
It dressed (>e ˆF He became an expert 5
  < Opinions, plural of 2*  E *'
Sight 1R |  Knowledge + "# { Value R " >*
It hanged m / Encircling  Π[{ There is no precedent m% ?)E Z

Quranic Arabic Program 201 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

 >% )
 FH . >   + R  , (  * + e Z jp " # ( > F   q)F " # .ÖN606 € .& ," # ~P  \ Eq:    " / \< : "d    N :qP   F O
 >@ D >H F (3)
.a  ?Œ , $† h I f
 898 \ >% .8 , K  E  4 " # o& F \ “O >@ D >H F ” P  F
X Q N 
 < / x R [ 9 E .a ?& .  \  w  R Q> 
a ? 6
< ;
 E‰  ?& .  ªa? 6 < 1  ~)  ?& .  Q< .E ( X  >% )
 FH , qP   F R  EŒ
X  I  R QE > P1  O )[ O a ?& \  w  ¶??&  : [  E—  R Q> .2  h.  ?&  Q< .E ( " ªŠp H >  € : ><  ;  ?& ." #
.; E @ 
 < m > d J  >% 
 * J E @R M[ ? ( : 3
  ª@ z < .E ª /{ X  I  ;  U$  
; En  Ž) , (  " >F  / q  ( } 1n D
 >IH (  > dH q,  ! O
 N Q"< ¶ow .>  > F ;  w[ ?" # , K ~& < ª>A' : /   ºe  >% !  E 
 F & 9F $ 1n  Q< .E lQ Z  * : q.F E  ª N >% ‡  ;  Fq  Ž) ,  h  "# 2 * / ~ E ª(?N Q , qP  b'   EŒ / E3E ;  Fq
J @  ? (>   # e 2R   QN ª>% ) F ie $a ,b z R (> $ "   
< 2 * Q . > 9p   >F )  F M [ ?" # ,   4& :* N: q.F E   p , ZH E |
. >% )
 F E 6* 
<  E H , qP   F ;   4& <   !E ( ie
(3) “The Keys of Hidden Treasures” by Fakhar Al-Razi: His name is Muhammad Ibn U’mar Fakhar ud Din Al-
Razi (d. 606H). He was a great Exegete, Jurist, Theologian and the leader of his time in the Logical Sciences. His
Exegesis, “The Keys of Hidden Treasures” is one of the longest in all exegeses. It consists of 33 published parts.
The method of Fakhar Al-Razi in his exegesis is that he describes relevance of Quranic Surahs with each other. He
also describes the relevance of verses with each other. He describes something more than mere ‘relevance’. It is
observed that some of these ‘relevance’ is not closely related and it seems an artificial link. Similarly he does so
while describing the reasons of revelation. He describes one or many reasons for [the revelation] of a single verse
according to whatever narrated about it. He also describes different aspects of reading and language. You will find
short discussions about diction for even some useless items.
He also indicates towards the Principles of Jurisprudence. He has a wide knowledge about the debates related to
Jurisprudence. He is especially expert in Shafi’i School of Thought, its research, prioritizing his opinions [i.e.
Shafii’s opinions over others] and refuting those who disagree with him. Similarly in the issue of the Attributes of
God, he follows the Ash’arite School of Thought. He refutes the opinions of Mu’tazila in the issue of Attributes and
also in other issues, he rebuts their opinions. Similarly he describes the opinions and theories of the Philosophers
about ‘being’ and refutes them. He switches rapidly among Philosophical and Theological issues. That’s why some
scholars say that there is everything in it [Razi’s Exegesis] except the Exegesis of the Quran. Although there is some
exaggeration in this view but it is well-thought due to switching of Fakhar Al-Razi while describing some issues
related to the Exegesis of the Quran.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Philosophers of Middle
 F & 9F Debates on disputed issues ;
 w[ ? ® Relevance  ?& .
Views ; E | Preference D
 >IH Chapters of the Quran 1  ~)
He switches rapidly
  4& Refutation q He did in an artificial
 p H
Related to Theology  > 9p Those who disagree >F  Useless items ;
 E @
They feel   !E A theological school of
thought of Middle Ages
qP  b' He indicates  >% !
Description  E H Another school opposite to
 h  "# Rules : /  
Issues, legal decisions E 6* A theological issue about
attributes of Allah
 Fq  Ž) The art of Principles of
He refutes : q.F E Vastness, extension K ~& H

Quranic Arabic Program 202 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

 #QE #  :o
 )F , (   EŒ  .ÖN671  .&  £ q,?ŒR % R  P1 ' : "%[ \ <% :"Ç 0 : ?/ ¦ + ä “n  + p[' K  3# ” ( " &% :,?ŒR % R   >% )FH (4)
 %/{ ( I %  ;
 U$   < Z% E " ª+ p[' ; E‰ k ~  : ./ $  F O
 N Q   > # F  + p['  R QE 2 R "#  1 8#Ž" # \  No)FH   Q E ZR8 ;  EU‰
.  F " #  4 " # o
 & F \  N
p QN .“o
a w \ <% o
 % E  ÖN774  .& £ “q, ! %  :  o
a w \ <% >/ "%&e” ß q1g "# Sq:d "# x   d :Z >|  n  o)FH (5)
ªZ./ 0 ,-1  < d \/  1   ªME:d  # < ZR8 ªnR  <  n  o
 )FH (> : " /% .qP ?4 o)FH : < °
 w K I % " # ~: E  ª1R8Ž# " # < o
 )F , Š  jR
.(./ Z  O   4 ¶.‡ i ªD  Š   ) 
, 2 ' K I "#
p QN ~: E  .ÖN745  .& £ “q,)R: %'  >[ \ < Ä,/ \ <% Š
 &  E \ <% : "Ç”  q)F "# ªqP%d. + ä :  >d" #  d? o)FH (6)
.2  h~.
 ?& ; $   X  I     ªE d
% .  } )" #  ªZE%p  n  ‚ F /e X  I
  R \  F&% .o )F 2 AR \ 9 €A %  p QN ~: E  ÖN1250 .& £ “j° % ! Ä,/ \ <% : "Ç” ( > F  S  q:d "# + ä : E:  D
%  (7)
 N Q   QE  ª‚ F' \ €%>w
 % E  ª N$U *R  ªq: " # ;
 U$    1 E  ª N . \ q>?E ZR8 ;
E‰   Q E  :o
 )F , (  EΠ. >/   \ >%  < )
.+ p[' ;
 En , $  F
(1. .E: >9&{  I ª>< @ Z>H \ Lc ) .o
 )F \ ha I   a >< ª‚ F' ,  Cb / # H ,   
  "# o
 & F \ o
G w W .N 
(4) The Exegesis of Qurtubi: Its name is “The Collection of Quranic Injunctions” written by Imam Abu A’bdullah
Muhammad Ibn Ahmed Al-Ansari Al-Qurtubi (d. 671H). His method of Exegesis is to mention the [Quranic] verses.
Then their interpretation is described from Mathur and Logical methods. Then Juristic Injunctions and different
opinions of the Jurists related to the verses are described. Different readings and forms of /e are also taken care
of. It is one of long and detailed exegeses.
(5) The Exegesis of the Great Quran: It is written by a great Memorizer [of the Quran], a Hadith expert, and a
Historian “Ismael Ibn Kathir Al-Dimashqi” (d. 774H). It is known as the “Exegesis of Ibn Kathir”. This book is the
most famous in the exegeses written on Mathur method. It became the second source after the Exegesis of Tabari.
He bases the interpretation of the Quran by the Quran itself, then by the Hadith and then on the opinions of the
Companions and Pious People of Old-Age. No student can avoid it.
(6) The Exegesis of Encircling Ocean: It is written by a religious leader, a Grammarian, an Exegete, “Muhammad
Ibn Yousuf Ibn Ali Ibn Hayyan Al-Andalusi” (d. 745H). This book has become the first source for I’raab of the
Holy Quran, its grammatical issues, and knowledge about different aspects of Quranic reading and the reasons of
(7) Victory of the Most Powerful: It is written by a religious leader, a Hadith Expert, a Jurist “Muhammad Ibn A’li
Al-Shaukani (d. 1250H). This book has become a source of the Principles of Exegesis. He has got benefit of
previous books and added to them. His method of interpretation is that the verses are described. Then their meaning
are explained. Then different readings are described along with the readers. The syntax of a lot of words is provided
and opinions of different jurists are described in the verses in which injunctions are described.
There is a large number of Summarized Exegeses that limit only to explanation of meanings of the words. They also
explain the abridged [verses of the Quran].

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Reader of Quran, plural of
P1 * $U *R Different forms ( I %  Related to Jurisprudence  > # F 
Schools of thought, plural
of O
 N Q Long  4 " # Facing, exposure k
Summarized, abridged   
   Detailed   F " # He gave importance to Z% E
Abridged, summarized ha I   Issues  } )" # Readings (of text) ; U$  

Quranic Arabic Program 203 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

Sample of the Quranic Exegesis %>)

 F VL "
L &% i o)FH
“.Z >I   4>% ! \  0  # * Lž ” :º H 0 2 *
 < Q#  &% “  n%R n ;
“Z>I  4>! \ 0 < L/” . .$   , $ :% ?  ?* Z >I  4>! \  0  < Q >)E #   n   E   1 Le : ?%   º H (  d? & 0 \ G  QN
$ 3#i ,N R L &% i  .(./ ˆ >  a  / ,.wzd  E  ª(< ; %  R   %  \/ ,: E  P  >  ,.E , ,6 E   4>! \ 0  < \ d  H o
3 &% P
 # \/ G  4 +G  I%  (  P 2J  F ."< J > :Z >I  ªaoc jR \/ ( ) % F < : >?  N R 4>!  . Äb PL  qb \ 0 e
" )
% ? o)FH
% ¹
R 0
 $ "%& \ $ "&%   898 / R ")? ˆ
%  "b :* .a " /  2a * z R 2  , ")? ~Od
 ) H
.º H ( d?& X o‡ (< Z)
 E Z f
 "   q   Z  / N :0 ª N :[
\ Z &i QN .€ A c \ >% .g" cU‰ ,  €>"I m >: , º H ( d?& (" [% 1 2  "b / 2z : E . " [%  \  ƒm! ZG & N :\ " [%  ª, w 
.lL d 0   Y
   m    #  X o‡  < 0 qZ)
 E Z , $ "&% '
Interpretation of Seeking Refuge from Allah
Allah, the Exalted said: “Whenever you read the Quran, seek refuge of Allah against the rejected Satan.”
This is an instruction from Allah to a slave who intends to read the Quran. He should seek refuge of Allah from the
rejected Satan before starting the recitation. The meaning of “I seek refuge of Allah against the rejected Satan” is
that I seek protection of and I fortify myself with the help of Allah against the Satan so that he may not harm me in
my religious and worldly matters, he may not deviate me from the task I’m instructed and he may not incite me to do
what I am forbidden. Seeking refuge is a request from Allah to avoid every evil of the one carrying an evil character.
Satan is away from every good due to his disobedience and Rajeem is at the weight of > in meaning of a 2F. It
means that he is rejected and expelled from all good things.
Interpretation of Bism Allah
It is preferable to read Bism Allah before saying or doing everything. It consists of three of the nice names of Allah:
One of them is Allah: He is the name of the Lord of all worlds. It is not given to anyone except Him, the Exalted, the
The second one is Al-Rahman: It is a noun derived from mercy. It means that all of His creatures are included in His
mercy. In the Hereafter, it will only be for the believers. This name is one of those names like the Creator, the
Sustenance-Provider etc. which cannot be used for anyone other than Him.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Short form of 0 Z)< " )
% ? He incite me ,.wzd
 E Seeking refuge of Allah L &% i
Name Z  / I was forbidden ˆ
> Starting $ :% ?
It means / 2z : E Request $ 3#i I seek protection o
3 &%
Inclusion in 2  "b One who is stoned, the
rejected one
+G  I%  I fortify myself \ d
Expelled G  4 He harm me ,6
It is on the weight of > in meaning of 2F 2J  F ."< J > He deviate it ,:

Quranic Arabic Program 204 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

“. ¶">[1 f.g£ <  ” :º H (* , "  c‰ , f  .g"# <  A #  "%[ / 2z :E  N . 6E "%[ \ ƒm!  ZG & N :Z >[    Rw 8 
 ,H$U * s
: < :")? . .“ZG >[1 B
G =$1 f.g"# <” º H (* , (< Z&  (>/ 0 A 2 & Š  A    ªXo‡ < 0
= "& , $ "%&' \ QN
. c‰ , ("%[< f .g£ Èc PQ Z >[ ªa$,b  ( "%[1 ˆ %  & PjQ \ "%[ 0  Z & < €? ( R °Žb Ã$ * D
The third one is Al-Raheem: It is also a noun derived from mercy. It indicates His special mercy for the believers in
the Hereafter as mentioned in His words: “He is specifically Merciful to the believers.” This name is one of those
names which can be used for others as He [Allah] has described the attributes of the Prophet: “He is merciful and
kind to the believers.” The meaning of Bism Allah are: I start my recitation and open my recitation and all other
matters blessed by the name of Allah, the Benevolent whose mercy is wider than every thing, the Merciful whose
mercy will be specific to the believers in the Hereafter.

Interpretation of the Surat-ul-Fatihah

p R d
 H F o)FH
Single Words ; F 
Al-Hamd: Praising in a beautiful manner. It is more general than .~+Q X ~:-
  ªp~! \ ~Z/  N ª>"3
 # < $ .w ::%"d
“thankfulness”. Its opposite is “dispraise”.
Rabb Al-A’alameen: Their Creator, their Sustainer, and the f"   .ZR‹b  q<:   ZR* 1 Z R  c :f"   1
Administrator of their matters. A’alameen is the plural of A’alam .m#
 #  N Za  / K "I
which means creatures. B
 " # l
 # " # O
[ A :l
>" #  l
 " #  l
 "# :l 
Malik: He is the owner and executor of everything. .(>
Yaum ud Din: The Day of Reward i.e. the Doomsday. “Daana” so ( .E:E €9R J 9R   .  >  + E  N $ h3# + % E :\Eq: +%E
and so means “he rewarded him”.
.X  I .% " <
Ihdina: Show us and support us.
Al-Sirat Al-Mustaqeem: The clear way which has no twists and . .# j  . : : N% 
hindrances. .(> V
 I /% n i PQ D
-  m E4 :Z> )
% "#  q
Al-Maghdoob A’laihim: Those are the ones upon whom Allah   > Z N  Z>/ 0 O
 ‡ \EQ P :Z%> /  6@% "#
became angry. They are those Jews and those similar to them who
.( H md# B
  / \" ZR w
knew the truth but left it [deliberately].
Wa la Al-Daalleen: They are those who did not follow the truth. ZN qmd# ºe  :% E Z \EQ ZN  z 6 :fj 6 i
They are those Christians and those similar to them who deviated Z' Z > )"#  q \/ -  \" Z N ?b …1 .
from the Right Path and said: “Jesus, the son of Marry, is the God.” “.Z E%  \ <% D
>)" #  N 0
U e” :  *
Worth Reading! Form of religious rituals is very important but
their real spirit is more important. Read the details in:

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Support us .# j Planner, Organizer  q<:  I start with s
: <
Clear D
-  Matters, plural of 
J Žb R‹b I open with D

Twists, curves, hindrances V
 I /% n One who executes his
  Blessed €?
They did not follow the
right path
 :% E Z He rewarded / rewards \ E:E   More general ~Z/ 
Similar, plural of (?b X ?b Show us . Dispraise ~+Q

Quranic Arabic Program 205 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

¶"&%  pE  e ª0 Z & < R*  0

 Z & < s
: <% :Qa ‹.>[  E:   9  pE #  e B
Qd"# QN B a RQd"<    " N $ ? < 1G  3 :Z& ª ÄI B [ $ ? :Z%)< : /{
.  ")? ,  €‘4c f  q) < $= ?  A H “Z& ” \  A R h "% N B
Q dH .0  Z & < ,H$U *  0
 Z &# < , } :<%  :Qa ‹.>[  E:  
.$ > < ~3
 E  O

 .% E    < K  % >  (< /e
 % E Z ) Q " # K%"3  #  :f" 
 < mG d
(w ªWo‡ :? i W :? %  P
%     : >FE ( " E%: H .9F .  O
 . o
 "6< > HgE  O
 E , K -
 " # \  QN ª(%  / +: H (< i F K *  J F .  O
a   >% " -
 W Ee :: ? %  W Ee
.f  )%  W Ee lL ,
:º H (* , " “ºe” …: E :* ªK-  "# QN , " ( )
 F.< …: E : * R F QN  E :# O  4< $= /: .N (<  "#  .$ > B  Q[ / ƒ,.?%   Ä,} E È
a *  a  R  : N%  : : N% 
4# /  ªZ> )£ 
 q \  2J : < :Z>/ ˆ
 "%  % \EQ  A .“  R  \  Z ?% * \%  .p#  N%  Z%  Z%   : % E Z%  ” :º H (* ³ " +9 < …: ¶E :* “Za > ) %   a A
 e P:%  l  e”
., F# . :>Ž < $U ,I  >% ‡ ."< .N i :i .\EQ \ 2J : < : >% ‡ .X q)F E a ><

Grammatical Issues
Bism: ‘Ba’ is the preposition. Ism: It is in the Jarr form due to ‘ba’. Both of them are related to an omitted word.
This omitted word can be a verb, so the detail will be: I start with the name of Allah, or I recite by the name of
Allah. It can be a noun, so the detail will be: My start is by Allah’s name, or my recitation is by Allah’s name. The
Hamzah of Joining in the word Z& is omitted and ‘ba’ is directly joined with the ‘seen’ while writing Bism Allah
only. A’alameen: It is joined attached with the Þ ) Q£ K¼. Its /e are: It is shown in K1 form by  (i.e.
£  ) and in I  O form by P (i.e f£  ). [Note: Read the relevant lessons in Level 1 & 2 if it is not clear to
Iyyaka Na’budu: “Iyyaka” is a pronoun in O form written separately [from the verb]. It is a 2F which comes
before its verb. This is one of the points where the pronoun is written separately [from the verb]. Writing it before
the verb gives the meaning of restriction. It means “we worship You and don’t worship anyone else”. Similar is the
case in “Iyyaka Nasta’een”.
Ihdina: It is ,} E
È*    which is based on an omitted ‘Ya’. It means here a prayer seeking guidance. This
verb is …: within itself as it is in this point. It can be made …: with an ºe as mentioned in Allah’s words:
“Surely, you guide to the straight path”. It can be made …: with a ‘laam’ as mentioned in Allah’s words: “Don’t
you guide them how much nations before them perished?”
Siraat Allazina An’amta A’laihim: It is an explanation of the Z> )£   or an  >< Š4/ explaining it.
Ghair: It is an explanation of \EQ . Wa La: Here the word i is in meaning of “not” and it is brought for negative
emphasis. [Note: These fine-tuning debates in grammar will be explained at Level 5, Insha Allah.]
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word
The without /e. It is written but not read in joining words.  A R h "% N Noun with a preposition 1G  3
Built by ƒ,.?%  In writing €‘4c Two related to    
Being a transitive verb …: E Attached mG d
 #  Hidden, omitted BRQd
Explanation 2J : < Distant J 
 F .  Omitted words  E: 
Explanation with a
a >< Š
4# / Bringing early Z E%: H My start , } :<% 
It is brought $U ,I Limiting something    It is omitted B
Q dH
Negative emphasis , F# . :>ŽH A type of verb (discussed
in Level 4)
Ä,} E È*  It is joined  A H

Quranic Arabic Program 206 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

 1 ~)  >% )
0  p~! P :0 :"d#  .0 : "d# RR* :2 * (Žp (>/  .w# E  X  ?/    ( ."- , ª()
 F / (< 0 = .8# $ .8 ª0 : "d# :\ >% "   q 1 0
 : "d#
.X : [%  0 : "d#  X:[ 0  ie N:  < >dE i  :   >d
% E i , Zq. \ X ?/ / Z   "< ¶ c
h/ 0
 …&  ’ R N ZG  / K "I f"   .I h/ 0 ie 2R  E 9 m  Œ#  Lž   -{ < ie 0
  >% @  R " % )
% E i ª Bq  "# N ~  :f"  ~ 1
 " # l
ª O>N%H f"  < (  qH ,   " (' “f"  1” :< “Z>[ \"%[ ” (Ž< ( )  F Š  A   :~,?Œ  2 * ª QN o)FH m ?& :* :Z >[ \ " [% 
:º H 2 * " ª(>
 %  \ K . (/ Œ / R /%  R p> (>e  ?‡#   (.  ?N%  f< (  d?& ( H FA , K " 3  >%  O
 >‡ \ \"6  H " Z>[ \"%[ < (  *
(50v15:49 3¹ ) “.Z >'U
Q #  N ,< Q/  .Z >[ 1 RF@ #  ,q P ?/ Â# q?”
ZE  ªG:[  ( .I , K"Œ   <R   \ 0
 :./  \ g"# Z  E ” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1  (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ \/ ZG ) V   c :*
“.:G [ ( .I \ 
J .*  "%[ \ 0 :./    p
Interpretation of the Surah
Al-Hamdulillah Rabb Al-A’alameen: The praise is for Allah. Allah has praised Himself. Inside it, He has
instructed His slaves to praised Him. In that sense, He said: “Say, praise is for Allah.” It means that “thankfulness”
is only for Allah because He blessed His slaves a lot of blessings which cannot be counted and their number cannot
be imagined by anyone except Allah alone. Therefore, the praise is for Allah alone.
Rabb Al-A’alameen: He is the Lord who is owner and executor [of everything]. This word cannot be used for
someone else except in possessive case. When it is used absolutely, it is only used for Allah. A’alameen is the plural
of A’alam that is everything except Allah.
Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem: Its interpretation is described previously. Qurtubi said: He described His attributes in a
manner that “Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem” comes after “Rabb Al-A’alameen”. The reason is that there was an
intimidation in “Rabb Al-A’alameen”. He joined “Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem” with it to add an inclination in it so that
His attributes include being fearful to Him and being inclined to Him. With that a person becomes more adherer to
His obedience and more refraining from His disobedience. As Allah said: “Inform My slaves that I am the Forgiver,
the Merciful but My punishment is a painful punishment.”
Muslim reported on behalf of Abu Hurairah that Allah’s Prophet said: “If a believer knows the punishment of Allah,
he will never desire His paradise [and will only to get rid of the Hellfire]. If an unbeliever knows the mercy of Allah,
he will never be hopeless about His paradise.”

Face the Challenge!

What is the difference between the >6FH Z%& and the ˆFA Z%& ?

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It contains inside it \"6
 H Describing attributes B qH Inside \ "-
Adherer R  /%  Intimidation O
>N% So that they praise  .w# E 
Inform! Â# q? Invoking desire, opposite
of O>NH O
 >‡ They count it >d
% E
Punishment  <R   Being fearful to Him (.  ?N%  Linking, making a ³ -e O   -{
Hopeless 
J .* Inclination to Him (>e  ?‡#  It is general without any
m  Œ# 

Quranic Arabic Program 207 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

‘' l
 "# < \ E: + E Èc "e ( lEb i X:[  c‰  > : , ( zR l  "# ( ( d?& N ª >  + E N $ h3  # + E l
  P :\ Eq: + % E l
(78:38 ?. ) “. < A 2 * \
"%[ (  L  \ ie "p E i” :º H 2 * " ( Lž< ie :G [ Z p E i $a ,b l  Qa ‹ E   /:E i >: W R
\ X -E 0
= ( ~?d
 E   p KG  I ZG & R  ?  .l
 < ie f) i Wo
 ‡ : ? i   &i < l   ? < W:[%  l  ~  P :f  )
%  W Ee : ? %  W Ee
.$ I  B #  5
#   ?d
 " # 2 " K " 3E  :,N .a   2a *
\   ?H “f) W Ee” ° w  .W % q! \  X   ?H “:? W Ee” 2'  ª\>% >."# \EQN ºe ( K I E “\ Eq: ”  ª/ 4 2R "  N QN ªz  :, N  &i 
f<  6  [    * ( Žp 0 / \ g"# .8 " ( J : }  (> ª; F i :  
 # ºe  ?>@ \  + 9p 2 d
 H .f"  1 0 < ie  R   2 d#
a R* \/ Qa ‹.>[ ( ?Œ  0
 : E
Maliki Yaum id Deen: It means that He is the Owner of the Day of Judgment i.e. the Day of Resurrection. He has
the ownership of this world and the Hereafter alone. There is no associate to Him in it. He has specified the Day of
Judgment to His ownership because the kings of this world will not claim the ownership of anything that day.
Nobody will talk without His permission as He said: “Nobody will talk except the whom the Merciful has given
permission. He will also talk the right.”
Iyyaka Na’budu wa Iyyaka Nasta’een: It means that we specify the worship only for You and we specify seeking
help only for you. We do not worship anyone else and we do not seek help from anyone except You. Worship is a
comprehensive name that include all sayings and actions that Allah’s loves and pleases. It is that comprises of
perfection in love, submission, fear and hope [of Allah].
Seeking help means complete reliance [on Allah]. It is the perfection of obedience. The word \E: [in +E l 
\E: ] is the source of these two meanings. First of them is :? W Ee which disapproves polytheism and the second
one is f) W Ee which disapproves the power and force for anyone except Allah, the Lord of all worlds. The words
are changing from the third person to the second person in order to draw attention [of the audience]. There is an
important indication in it that when a believer praises Allah, it is like that he becomes close to Allah and reaches in
front of Him. Then he talks to Him due to this closeness.

Rule of the Day! By default, all nouns are in their K1 case. If a noun has an 2 before it, it will have
only a single fathah, kasrah or dhammah at its end.

Do you know? In Arabic Sermons, it is common practice to change 1st person to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd etc in
order to draw attention of the audience. This is common in the Quran. For example, in Surah Fatiha,
Allah is described as 3rd person, then suddenly, the reciter calls Him as a 2nd person. It is called ; Fe.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It changed 2 d
 H Hope $ I It is specified to Èc
Being third person O} ‡  ?>@ Seeking help  &i The claim, they call   /:E
Second person - [
 4c Reliance (on Allah) z  Right < A
Drawing attention: In Disapproval   ?H We specify You l

Arabic, pronouns are
; F
2 d# 5
changed to draw attention
of the audience Force, power Submission

Quranic Arabic Program 208 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

 } ) 2 [ R " QN ª2 g ) < O

 j  E  O
 &  (>e 
 EF + "H (   ? ¤ 9ce Z8R º H W1 ?H 0  / $ .w + : H " :Z > )
% " # 
 q : N%
.R " ' (' (>e 0
= : b 1 Q ( I [ 2R Ž)E ZR8 (RN N "< ( R‹) C : "E 
( q>?. º H (* , " ma >H R E :N “Za > )
%  
a A  e ” º H (* , " J i a b1e R E :N : E :N šp n  , ;
 e P:%  l %  1  " :E :# 
ªqmd  # m EŒ / . ! 1 E P ¶>"I \% E¾ R   ! R E :# .N  "#  “$= !E \%  P:% E (  \p  ˆ
 ?% ?[%  \%  P:% H i l  e” : 6E Z& (>/ 0 A
.Xo‡ X  ?/ \ 0 = R ? E i PQ ~md  # N + 9&{ \ E N Z > )£   <   "#  .W - <  RF l< Q/ \  3 .% . (   ) .# j  Z > )"# m E4
.\ E: "# f.g"# \ qmd  # / R   :" #  ; ?w (<    " # .N $= /: 
ª(> V   / i PQ  R  N ªm < ) $ /: , (>e  E :#  R4"#   Š G A %  :f  j 6 i Z%  >%  /
  6@% " #  >% ‡ Z%  >%  / ˆ "%  % \ EQ   A 
Z  % \ EQ K  l
 ‹% ŽR 2  &  0
U K% 4E \%   ” :º H (* , " .d   $ : ~!   E:   ~>?. :ZN Z>/ 0 Z  % \ ( p  & PQ  R 
l / 4< Z>/ ˆ" \EQ  R A : "./ 0 ,-1 Ÿ a ?/ \< \/ (4:69 ). )“. € >1 l  ‹% R \ )
[  f
    $ :  ~!  f   Eq:q  f  q>?. \%  Z%  >%  / 0
"  > Z N  (./ R:/  md  #  " / \EQ ZN .Z>/   6@"# 
 A  >% ‡  N  .fd   $ :!  f E:  l  } >? l  p }9 \ lH ?/ 
. n  ; En (>/ ˆ %  M  E:d# , $U I
Ihdina As-Sirat Al-Mustaqeem: First praise of Allah is mentioned, then the worship is specified for Him, and all
matters are delegated to Him, now it is appropriate to ask question after it. This is best way for a seeker to praise the
one from whom he is asking according to his ability. After that he should ask for his desire. For that Allah has
guided because He is the Perfect.
Guidance: As mentioned in the Quran is guidance about two things: The guidance for showing the right path as
mentioned in Allah’s words, “Surely You guide to the straight path”; and the guidance as a support [to the right
path] as mentioned in Allah’s words about His Prophet, “Surely you do not guide whomever you like but Allah
guides whomever He wants.” Here the guidance includes both of these matters. It means: “O Lord! Guide us on the
path of truth, i.e. the straight path and support us to reach at it so that we get rid of Your punishment and become
successful by obtaining Your pleasure. The ‘straight path’ means the religion ‘Islam’. This is the truth. Allah does
not accept anything else from His slave. The objective of this prayer is to seek firmness and endurance on the truth
to become rightly-guided believers.
Sirat Allazina An’amta A’laihim Ghair Al-Maghdub A’alaihim wa la Al-Daallin: This is description of the
desired way in the previous prayer. This is the way which is without any twist. The is the way upon whom only
those reach who are blessed by Allah. They are the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the pious people as
mentioned in Allah’s words: “Whoever will follow Allah and His Prophet, he will be with those whom Allah has
blessed i.e. the prophets, the truthful people, the martyrs and the pious people.” Reported about Ibn A’bbas that he
said: “This is the way of those whom You blessed because of their obedience and worship for You. They are from
Your angels, prophets, truthful people, martyrs and pious people.
This is not the way of those about whom Allah became angry. They knew the truth but deviated from it. They were
the Jews as mentioned in the Hadith and indicated in the Quranic verses.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

So that we are rescued  3
.% . The one who is asked 2 R‹) Submission, delegation 
We become successful  RF He guided : b 1 It fits, it is appropriate O
Endurance R   : ® Guidance a b1e It is followed by Oj  E
Support ma >H Question, seeking something 2 g )
Reaching to something W  & Perfect R "

Quranic Arabic Program 209 Level 03

Lesson 12B: The Art of Quranic Exegesis

0 2&1 ˆ Ž& :2 * ( (./ 0 ,-1 ë [ \< qP: / \/ P

  1 .…1 . Z N  Z I O
 ?)< qmd
 # ºe   :E i Z Z #    :  \EQ f   6 
 A i
a  ŒR \ PQ  :"%[ X 1 “.…1 . ” :2 * “.f 6 i” ª"> ZN" :2  “Z>/ 6@£ o‡” º H (* \/ Z& (>/ 0 A
, “i”  .Y
.“o‡” \ +  F"# , F. : >ŽH “f 6 i” :(*
2&1  ” :2 * ( (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ \/ P1 " “! 1 E O % 3 & ” ."< a  Z &  N  “fn” N: < 2  E   d  )E :J : } 
 H F R E \" ~Od
.I  \<    < X 1 “.2 ' qŠ \  ( >E \ K " )E [ fn :2 * “f 6 i Z>/ 6@£ o‡” 9H Le Z& (>/ 0 A 0
It is not the way of those who lacked knowledge and did not be rightly-guided to the truth due to their lack of
knowledge. They are the Christians. Reported by A’di Ibn Hatim that he said: I asked Allah’s Prophet about Allah’s
words “Not the way of those about whom You became angry”. He replied: “They are the Jews.” And “not the way
of those who deviated”. He said: “The Christians.” Ahmed & Tirmidhi reported it from different chains of narrators.
The word i in these words is to put an emphasis on the negative meaning given by o‡.
Note: It is preferable for the person who recited the Fatihah to say “Aameen” after it. It is a noun in meaning of verb.
Its meaning are “O Lord! Accept it.” As reported by Abu Hurairah, he said: “The Allah’s Apostle when he used to
recite f 6 i Z>/ 6@£ o‡, he used to say “Aameen”. The people of the first row used to listen it.” Abu
Dawood and Ibn Maja reported it.
What can be derived from the Surah? The Surah contains the % "b :1~) \  F) E 
:/ R 1) X Q N ˆ
.) d# ( } "&%   Q< (>/ $= .w  X : >3"H 0  : "% [ 
 Praise of Allah, His glorification and His exaltation by His Nice
Names that describe His High Attributes. . >  ( H F
  R  h ) "#
 Description of the Hereafter. It is the Day of Judgment and .$ h3#   >  +E P “\E: +E”  N   " #  L 
Reward. \   ?  (>e 5
   (  g & ºe 0
  ?/  b1e 
 Allah’s guidance to His slaves to ask from Him and beg from Him .ZH* Z[
and deny their force and power [in front of Him].
\/ (  Eh.% H  >N R'= < X : >[H 0   ? ¤
 Purification of worship for Allah and His Oneness as a God, and
declaring Him free of any association. .lE!
 Asking guidance from Allah for the straight path and endurance [ (>/ ˆ
>?w  Z> )£   ºe  E :# 0 2R g& 
over it until they reach at [the place of] Allah’s pleasure with the $ :!  f E:  f>?. K 0   -1 R .E
prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the pious people. .fd  
 Seeking Allah’s refuge in this way from being one of those about
\ Z .  Z>/ O
 ‡ \ a >?& W & \ 0  < LR ~  
whom He became angry and cursed them and those who deviated
from the truth and did not seek guidance for it. .(>e  :E Z md# \/ z- 

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Begging 5
  Glorification : >3"H They changed R:/
Being a ‘god’  >N R'= Requiring R  h ) ® Lack of knowledge  I
Declaring pure from (Eh.% H High >  Important Point J : } 
Being steadfast ˆ
>?w The Day of Judgment  " # It includes ˆ
% "b

Quranic Arabic Program 210 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab, May Allah be pleased

(+644 v634 /ÖN23v13) (./ 0 ,-1
 # \ <  " /
with him (13-23H / 634-644CE)
X :  ( ? )
 # , Z&  (>/ 0 A 2 & K ( ?)   K "3E .r  ER*  } !/ …:[e ªO \< P:/ ,.< \ ªC <1 \< …h :?/ \< >F \< 4Á \< "/ N
.ZNo‡ f< Z.><  Z.><
 # ˆ
 ?!   Le Z N >% F &  r
 E* R 1 F& ˆ  (>e H  & r
 E* B b \   .(Pg \< O N) K < )
, ?. ( /  f
 ")£ / €:E:b   ..&   !
 / S
 9w<  >F + / : < :  ªZ&  (>/ 0 A , ?. lQ< ( ?  .Y   1 F < O   E  È
a F[ < .p E 
.+ 9&{ (< h/%   w? \   &  )  .) , Z  &Ž  E :# < Z&  (>/ 0 A
(  9&e
 ” : 4Á ˆ.< R "Œ  ( c V   "/ qZ/ \ < N a >F \< a"/ \< :a E \< : >& 2 * .Z>/ ~:!E f  ")£ PLg E   €?> €E* 9 € I 1  "/  
F c \ " pH ˆ  R  N | ( H :b \p ª(.E \/ X : > (  9&e O
 ?)< €:>&  "/ <1 QpN“.Z  ) E #   ?* + 9&{ / , 8 "  "/ ‘e ,.E1 : 
.€ *1  € "%[1

His Family & Place of Birth

He is U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab Ibn Nafeel Ibn A’bdul Uzza Ibn Rabah. He is from Banu A’di Ibn Ka’ab, one of the
clans of Quraish. His family descent meets with that of the Prophet at the seventh grandfather i.e. Ka’ab Ibn Luwe.
He was one of honorable people and chiefs of Quraish. He had the position of diplomacy of Quraish. When a war
was declared within themselves or between them [Quraish] and others, he was sent as a diplomat.
His Kuniyyat is Abu Hafs and his title is Farooq. The Prophet gave him that title. He was born in 13 years after the
year of Elephants. He was very harsh for the Muslims. The Prophet prayed for his guidance. He converted to Islam
in the 6th year after announcement of Prophethood and made Islam powerful.
His Conversion to Islam
U’mar was a powerful and venerable man. He used to tease Muslims and torture them. Sa’eed Ibn Zaid Ibn A’mr
Ibn Nafeel, the cousin of U’mar and the husband of his sister Fatima Bint Al-Khattab, said: “By God, I have seen
that U’mar, before his conversion to Islam, used to tie me up due to my Islam.” U’mar used to tie up Sa’eed due to
his conversion to Islam in order to prevent him from his religious obligations. But this harshness was only
ostentatious. Behind it, mercy and soft-heartedness was hidden.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

One who tied me , 8  Announcement of

 w? Embassy, diplomacy R 1 F&
It was hidden \ " pH He strengthened h/% It fixed ˆ
Soft heart, weeping lightly € *1 Venerable, fearful €?> He was given the title of O
The year of elephants i.e. the year in which Makkah was attacked by a force of elephants. It became a referral point in their
history to count the number of years.
 >F + /

Quranic Arabic Program 211 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great

 "/  ?* Le ª .H I [ 

 < , G  / O  N L :* ª!?¹ k  1 ºe R d  H% . e 0 ” :ˆ * Ö  !?¹   I  \ ,N Ö "w[ ¦ ˆ.< 0 :?/ + ; % ¡ c :%  
, \I   . ª0  Z” :ˆ   “¬0 : ?/ + E Y  94%9 (e” :2  Ö .>/ € :b  . …€L $ 9? \    .R  (  b / N Ö Š  *  [ 4Á \<
. .I  c …1 "> ( h [ :* B   
  ZR8 N 1 \%   Z € *1 ( ˆ E1 “.0= Z pR ?d
A ” :2  “. ¶I  0
   3E [  "H%  *   "ELn 0
Z  ) E 9” :2 * “.Z%  ” :ˆ
* “¬( 9&e , ˆ  % " Œ  ” :2 * “. .>/ ( h [ ( *1  €Fn  "/ ˆ
 E1  !0 : ?/ < E” :( ˆ R  .l
 H ( I d< G  / $U 3 :ˆ
%  *
2R &1   :   .…*    "# Ÿ : [ ‘  :?E .+ 9&{ / ( H*R  ( | ‡ \ …E   " “.(. ¶&ŽE” :ˆ * “.  4# 1 "[ Z  ) E [ ˆ  E1 PQ
.( < ( .E  
.E  0
U  /:E Z&  (>/ 0 A 0
:2 * “.
 4Á \<  "<  a I ¦Ž< :l>e fI \EQN O[ Ž< + 9&{ h/  Z ” :2 * Z&  (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 ‘ "./ 0 ,-1  "/ \ < \
Z k
  E    m >  ˆ
 >? < ")£ A   + 9&{ (< h/  '   3# O / lL   ª "/ Z&Ž XU$ /  0 =  3&  1“. "/ " ~?[   
 "/ Z& "  "/ Z& [ ˆ  >? < j
   K >4)  .E1 : ” : €6E 2 * “. "/ Z& QR .  € h/  . ” :(./ 0 ,-1 a ) \< 2 * . !£
2. ¶   (  9&e ‘e” :2 * “. R H [ Z  H *

Umm A’bdullah Bint Abu Hathma – one of the migrants to Abyssinia – told: “By God, we were about to travel to
the land of Abyssinia. A’mir [her husband] went to some essential things. U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab came and stood. He
was on his hunting mission. We were thrown in this trouble due to torture and excruciation on us. He said: “Are you
traveling, O Umm A’bdullah?” I said: “Yes, by God, we are going out in Allah’s land because you torture and
excruciate us. Allah will make an abode for us.” He said: “May Allah accompany you.” I saw him weeping lightly
that I’d never seen before. Then he returned and our migration made him sad.
She said: Then A’mir came back after fulfilling his need. I said to him: “O Abu A’bdullah! Have you seen U’mar
previously and his weeping with grief (now)?” He said: “Do you desire for his conversion to Islam?” I said: “Yes.”
He said: “He will not convert to Islam until you will see that the donkey of Khattab convert to Islam.” She said: “It
is despairing.” When he saw his power and force after converting to Islam, it appeared that the guess of that woman
was more strong. Allah’s Prophet used to pray Allah to seek help for His religion by him.
Narrated by Ibn U’mar that Allah’s Apostle said: “O Allah! Strengthen Islam by your favorite man out of these two:
Abu Jahl or U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab.” He said: “U’mar was the favorite of these two.” 1 Allah accepted his prayer and
U’mar converted to Islam. This was after the first migration (to Abyssinia). Islam was strengthened by him and
Muslims prayed in the old house (Ka’aba) without any objection from the pagans. Ibn Mas’ud said: “We became
powerful since U’mar converted to Islam.” He further said: “I have seen that we were not able to perform prayer at
the Ka’aba until U’mar converted to Islam. When he converted, then he fought with them and they left us.” He said:
“His conversion to Islam was a great help.”2
° ?¾ PQ D>dA ª48/7 3[ \<i P1 ? D ª3681 Z*1 617/5 (./ 0 ,-1 4Á \< "/ O* . < ªO* .£ ³ PQ X 1 (1)
178v177/1 P" $ >- + / 1: – d>d E?. o) – "/ +9&e | (2) .2907 Z*< 304/3

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He guessed Ÿ
 : [ A place of coming out, an
¶I  We traveled R d
Strengthen! h/  He may accompanied you Z pR ?d
 Going Y
Old m >  Hopeless ¶&ŽE His trap, his hunting mission (b
It exposed k
  E His strength ( | ‡ You teased us  "ELn
He fought  H * It appeared  :?E You subdued us  "H%  *

Quranic Arabic Program 212 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great

( R 6 ( H FA

   < + 9&{ , B   /  ª/ 3~!   [ F  <  > N 3# , B
  / :* ª XRH * Z%   H *  !£ ( k   H (./ 0 ,-1 4Á \<  "/ Z  & #  : <
  Z >N <e +   LR qH  : . Š
 *   :/ , R n  (    :* ªF  2    q:)     ª( F  Z    "%[  2 :  : N~h   ?># 
  ! < X  !<  .3
 # < X : 3" 2R & X !< :* .f
 .g£ ;
 ' ( d
%   f .g£ ; 
(   ><
0 ,-1 4Á \<  "/ ºe € E A < A :* p< < ‘ž  9# a p< <  E , € 1 be f  ")£ ºe 1 b :* Z& (>/ 0 A 2R &   Le
 0 $ 6* \ , 6
 [ :* Ÿ . E” :2  (  " I  Ÿ . ( K " 3E    Ž (  F>c 1 >ci X R  lL , Ÿ
 . 1 !& :* p< <   (./
,)F , ZRn i N ‘ie (e i PQ 0   ª,E1 Zp ; :%  I Z ‹b ž ªZR  ŽE ªZR: / R H E  ªZp< ,j E Z ,E a I1 \ Zp :< i (e  H
2“.0 $ b e Zoc Zp 1 c ªGP1 Zp :  IŽ&” :2 * “. . % c  . " /  oc ˆ !0 2 &1 U F>c E” :  * ª Ÿ . p< p? “. €%>c

His Personality Attributes and Moral Excellence

After the U’mar’s conversion to Islam, the pagans confronted with him. He fought with them and they fought to
him. During ignorance period, he was well-known for his eloquence and boldness. After Islam, he became well-
known for power, solemnity, piety, justice, mercifulness, knowledge and understanding. He was righteous in his
words and actions. On a number of occasions, the Quran supported his opinion e.g. making the standing place of
Abraham as a place of prayer, veil of the Mothers of Believers and his sincerity with the Mothers of Believers. The
Prophet gave him the good news of [entering into] the Paradise due to his dignity. He also gave him news for
The Oath of Allegiance for Him
The Prophet indicated to the Muslims to appoint Abu Bakr on Caliphate. Abu Bakr advised to U’mar the same for
U’mar. Abu Bakr used to get opinion of people in that matter. They gave him the authority to appoint a Caliph for
them. He instructed to gather the people. When they gathered, he said: “O people! Allah’s decree [of death] has
reached to me as you see. Definitely there will be a man who will lead you in your matters and prayers. He will fight
with your enemies and will guide you. If you want, I can exercise my opinion. By Allah, there is no god except Him,
I will not neglect any good for you.” He burst into tears and people also starting weeping. They said: “O the Caliph
of Allah’s Prophet! You are the best and the most knowledgeable among us. You select [a Caliph] for us.” He said:
“I will exercise my opinion for you and will select you the best of you, if Allah wills.” 2

(1) The Period of the Rightly-Guide Caliphate, Dr. Akram Zia Al- P" $ >- + / 1: ª:b  9Á / (1)
U’mri, P. 67. (2) Leadership & Politics, Al-Deenuri, Volume 1, P. 25 .25/1 P1.E: ª& >)   { (2) .67 ¤

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He governs ,E Covering body modestly

3[ Eloquence, fluency  [ F 
I use my intellect ;
:%  I Sincerity D
%  Bravery  / 3~!
I neglect you ZRn Bequest € E A Righteous, one who talks
in righteously
Select! % c They appointed him their
X R Number  :/

Quranic Arabic Program 213 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great

X:/ 2  :./ ª . ¶I1 c >: < X : /  cn , a  d* ¦ \< a p< < (< : /  QN .Z>[ \"%[ 0 Z)< O %  R ” :2  a F/ \<  "w/  p< < / 
0U 2n Z °e .  >Œ (  " &%  4Á \<  "/ P:< Zp>/ ˆ F#  & ,e . L p Y q:
 E  ª I F \ *  E   p \  g E M
R >[ ª > 9 € c  c‰ <
Z  >& ªO>@ Z  / i ;
% 1   >% #  ªZ#8{ \ O
   $a … jpR   2 :< # ž ª(> ,"/ (< ,q.œ lQ 2 : / # ž ª ¶>% c ZR Ee ,)F (.E (&1
1“.(H < 0 "%[1 Zp>/ +9)  ª ?  .E O a   .  ~P  " œ \EQ
Z p d
# , ( <R&
0U : " d
   ?."# :  A
 p< ¦   : <  9# < K E < : . (./ 0 ,-1 mE: p< ¦ ( F  & ¸   . / Z p d
# , (./ 0 ,-1 4Á \<  "/ 1 &
 :q!   | @ ,.* 1  ª c ‰ 1 :  l   I =$ @< ªqmd
 #    " < l
 / Π N' ,.q>  x
J >‡ °e Z .  . Ž 5a  ,e !Ÿ . E E” :2 * ZR8 ª(>/ .8
i a EQ?H i B a & o  ‡ \ €:* B  "# O }  , ,.q)  D G >db °e Z .Z>/ $ :/ i Z ,q. Za Rœ o‡ \ Y  Fq.   1 /:  N l
 } :/ /
( ?4 c 2 9c \ Z p d # , ( <& D
6 E  “.f.g" O
2   3# \ >%  C  .3 # 
Fc ,.*1 Z . c‰ 1 :  l   I lQ< , @ < ,.I  a  "& i $a E1
.(./ 0 ,-1 p< ¦  ?4    < !" #

Abu Bakr called U’thman Ibn A’ffan and said: “Write: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Eternally Merciful.
This is what promised by Abu Bakr Ibn Abu Qahafa in his last time at the world while he is going out of it, and at
the first of his promises at the Hereafter while entering into it. This is the time when an unbeliever believes, a
corrupt person becomes certain [about the result of his corruption], and a liar starts speaking the truth. I appoint
U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab after me, so listen and obey him. I do not ignore Allah, His Prophet, His religion, myself and
you for any good. If he becomes just, it will be according to my thinking and knowledge. If he changes [himself],
then there is a sin for every person what he earns. I intends the best [for you] and I do not know the hidden. Soon the
offenders will know when they’ll return to the returning place. Peace be upon you with Allah’s mercy & blessings.
His Style of Governance
U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab followed the approach of his precedent Abu Bakr Al-Sidddique in governance. At the time,
when he was given with the oath of allegiance after the death of Abu Bakr, he climbed on the pulpit, glorified Allah
and praised Him and said: “O people! I am praying, say Amen. O Allah! I am harsh, make me soft for Your obedient
people, in complying with the truth and in seeking Your pleasure and the home in the Hereafter. Bless me with
harshness and strength over Your enemies i.e. people of corruption and hypocrisy, without any injustice or offence
against them from my side. O Allah! I lack sufficient capacity. Make me active in the incidents of piety without the
intention of overspending, lavishness, ostentation and ill-fame. Make me the one seeking Your pleasure and an
abode at the Hereafter. O Allah! Bless me with a lower arm [of mercy] and softness for the believers.” His style of
governance becomes clear at the time of his speech similar to that of Abu Bakr.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Your enemies, plural of
 :/ l
 } :/ He was given the oath of
K E < He believes without any
\ *  E
Corruption  1 /: He left after him Š
  & An immoral person  I F
Having insufficient
G >db He climbed :  A
 I appoint as a Caliph after
F#  &
Make me active! ,.q& Say (You all!) Amen: “O Lord,
accept it”
 .  I am not neglectful 2n Z
Incidents, plural of ?}  O
 }  Make me soft! ,.q> I intend ;
% 1 
It became clear D
 E Hardness, harshness  | @ On who returns O . 

Quranic Arabic Program 214 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great

 >/  D
   /  )   [  F"# m Π."#  & >&  D
 F   4 c Z &   ª> £  1 ä Z>|.  ª>% <:  + hd#   & >q) \ )[ (  9c ,  "/   œ :*
.\ EI  "# \  2 d# 
 &  a I1 ;
 R  ( HR* ª(<R   *  Š > …c $ q! € ‘[ ie 2 "# ˆ
 >< \ Q c' z d  )E i   . 9? , 2 :   *e
 F. < R  w  0 /    \ ) [ K  >/  \ E: X 3H  > g)"# < m >"  X 1 b \/ a *: <  q? H       i ºe ( R } &1  (? 4 c 
(./ 0 ,-1 4# \<  "/ 2 "/ Z N
€ A c  : E:3
 # B
  |z  ;
 ?j4    >d
 # ;
 9p!    I  K >4)> lL f
 H i a E * a "E%h<  >9&{  : Z >|.< (./ 0 ,-1 4Á \<  "/ :<
:(./ 0 ,-1 (  "/ ~ZN  l  >e €< .I  i€ "b €<‡ €*b >9&{  : R  * 1 ˆ
%  )
 H :./

U’mar became distinguished in his Caliphate period for excellent policies, security, planning, organization,
administration and finance. He established the scheme of victories. [He also designed the] policies for conquered
areas for taking care of the interests of general public and for establishment of justice in such countries. He did not
considered it lawful to take anything [as salary] from the public funds except a garment for winter, another for
summer, a camel for his riding, food items similar to an average person of immigrants. His speeches and letters to
the governors and leaders express: the fine depth of his thinking; his sense of responsibility for the religion and
general public; along with his nice trust in Allah; and his self-confidence.
Important Works of U’mar
U’mar started with organization of Islamic State with a firm power which was not weak. Its objective was to enable
him to face the troubles of life and especially the demands of new conditions that the area of Islamic state was
expanding in the East, West, North and South. Some of his works are described for you:

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Responsibility  > g)"# He allows z d

 )E Policy  & >q)
It faces X 3H Suit, garment € ‘[ Firmness + hd#
Confidence R  w Winter $ q! Planning  >% <:
Country  : Summer Š
 > Organization Z>|.
Firmness of decision a " E% h/ She-camel  *  Administration 1 e
It did not become soft f
 H i Riding
 R1 Finance > £
Facing   I  Edible items ;R* He drew, he established Z & 1
Demands ;
 ?j4  Average 
 &  Guidelines 
 4 c
Conditions B
  |z  Governors  i Areas, plural of  4. m Π."#
It became free ˆ
%  )
 H Leaders     Taking care of  )
Area R  * 1 It expresses  q? H Interests D

Quranic Arabic Program 215 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great

. > "# R 1  ( ?!E PQ V

 # R E ª5 q: R 1  . E , ( ?!E PQ : . 3# R E y
 &Ž \E :   (1)
.: E? Z | "  >9&{  : Z E% H Ÿ
& qP 3# ÉE1    I 
 pR    6R  \ >/  f")£ 2  ˆ
 >< Ž!
. > < ( )/  f")£ 2 [ X :  F# H lL \"  >/  < (  "N (3)
 # ./   :E #  / \ >% <1 d
 " # \ >% <  " >)
 H \ i€ :< \ >% q> A'  N P: EŽ<  [  F" # ,-
 1'  < (4)
\ )[  …  <  R   E \"  i  1 E   f
 ")£ 2  ˆ
 >< \ X QR c ŽE G :d
G H 1 ( 9
€  / a Ei jR / \ >/  ;
a Ei ºe  [F£  9? Z )* (5)
.Z< )  % Z < )
 [ ºe  |.    1 {
.9? l
 H ,  >9&{  : h   p N o
 ‡   , 
 4 )FR   Y  ,   pR     ?  w  [F£  9? , a :   :/ $ !
 ž<    (6)

(1) He organized the government departments. He founded the Military Department similar to present day’s ministry
of defense, the Tax Department similar to the ministry of finance.
(2) He established the “House of Wealth of Muslims” [i.e. treasury for public funds]. He appointed judges and
reporters. He made the Hijri Calendar as the base of the calendar of Islamic State. Similarly he organized [the
system] of mail.
(3) He was concerned about the general public. He patrolled [himself] at night to get the missing information about
the Muslims.
(4) He kept the land of conquered countries in hands of its original owners instead of dividing it between the
warriors with a condition that they will pay a land tax for it.
(5) He divided the conquered countries into provinces and appointed a governor for each province. For him there
was a fixed salary which he used to take from the public funds. He used to select the governors well-known for piety
and good administration [purely on merit] without looking at their family and descant.
(6) He instructed to found a number of cities in the conquered countries e.g. Al-Basra, Al-Koofa at Iraq and Al-
Fustat [present-day Cairo] at Egypt etc. The objective was to make them a center for the Islamic State in these
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He divided Z )* Reporters, plural of

OH  pR  Departments, plural of  E \E :
Provinces ; Ei Calendar Z E% H He established y
Salary O
G H 1 He organized Z | Military : . 3#
Determined G :d
  Mail : E? Ministry R 1 
Noble status, plural of O)[ )[ General public  >/  Defense 5
Noble descents, plural of O) )% He patrolled at night y/ Land tax V 
Originating $ !e Land ,- 1' He started Ž!
Cities, plural of .E: a :  Original people \ >% q> A' He appointed \ >/
Fighters \ >% <1 d Judges, plural of ,- *  6R 

Quranic Arabic Program 216 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great

X : / , ;
[  F 
.+ ~  Ÿ
 FR   9? (./ 0 ,-1 a p< ¦ : / , : < PQ D
 F  , 1  "&i  + 9&{  !   3
 # R  A
   (./ 0 ,-1 Y
 1 F ;
  " N \  
 9< , ,9&{ r  >3# K -   9& / Ž" Œ#  : < Ÿ a 1   9< Y   D  F ( "N (./ 0 ,-1 4Á \<  "/ ( I :Ÿ  1   9< Y
$  ? < (>/ ;
% 1 b f")£ R   " I \p  ( )
 F.< r
 >3#  R E  , O
 ‡ 1 (  F>#  | , (Ÿ1  Y  D
  N )  ' QN  >" N%  \ ´  < :* .+ !
.(./ 0 ,-1 ¤ a * ,< \< :a & / P    &  lL / (./ 0 ,-1  "/ m    < d 1 ? \ 9 € I 1 lQ  : .% E 
 & >)   : E:)   >  2a w o c   …¡p Ÿ   FR    \ $= h I Qa ‹.>[ ,N Y
  (./ 0 ,-1 ¤ * ¦ \< : & :   * :ÖN15 .&  >&    R  * 
\ )  [ , f <1: " #   .3
# \  €F \ >%  "w<   cq1g " # X 1 :* ¶ow ¶!>I “I hE” Z p   K " I Z>/ +     4# < Ÿ F y[  " ... . g "#  : >b
€ > 898 898 r >3# K   Z & 1 N ¶<q3   ÓE p )/ ZN :} *   ...a /  a :/

Conquests during His Period

In the arrangements of Farooq, continuation of Jehad, publication of Islam, and continuing the conquests that started
in the countries of Iran and Rome during the period of Abu Bakr.
A – Conquest of Iraq and Iranian Cities: U’mar directed his attention to the conquest of Iraq and Iranian cities
after he became satisfied with the security [position] at Syrian cities due to establishment of the Islamic army. The
significance of this matter (i.e. the conquest of Iraq & Iran) was so high in the vision of the Caliph that he became
inclined to lead the army himself. But majority of Muslims indicated him to stay [at the capital] and appoint a person
from great companions. U’mar agreed with them in this matter and his opinion settled about Sa’ad Ibn Abu Waqas.
The Battle of Al-Qadisiyyah 15H: Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqas decided to go to Iraq. At that time, it was a part of the
Great Iranian Kingdom. It was the best example of right leadership and wise policies with faith … When the
Iranians felt the danger coming towards them, their king “Yazdegard [Izdigerdes]” gathered a great army. The
historians estimate it 80,000 including well-trained and well-equipped military groups with excellent preparation….
Their leader was an experienced soldier, named Rustam. His army had 33 elephants.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Historians   cq1g  ® They advised ;

% 1 b Continuation R  A
Trained f
 <1: " # Remaining $  ? Continuation 1 "&
Preparation a :/ He appoints :.% E He drew his attention ( I
Equipment a / It settled  & His attention ( "N
Military man, soldier ÓE p )/ Event, battle R  *  He became satisfied Ž" Œ#
Experienced ¶<q3
  He felt y[  He inclined to O
 ‡ 1
Elephants > Danger, risk  4# To lead  R E 
Coming +    Army, military r
He estimated 1 :* Collection, gathering R   " I

Quranic Arabic Program 217 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great

  :* Z N >‡ PQ 

    $igN \ ¶?q3    ( ' ª (RŽ)E Za  / a * / a I  < (>e M
  ?E  (./ 0 ,-1 :a & \ Z &1 O   Œ  !>3#  <  H "
Z.>< \   Z./ 0 ,-1  < d \ i I1 (./ 0 ,-1 :& (>e M? ¬ "I E   / 3E f[ + 4 \  ; G >"  Z>- H ˆ  ŸRF f   -
.(>/  c :  (./ 0 ,-1 a  / \ < ,<1
Oa N L \ a E& / yI :* 1 <'   ?E V G H (>/  " >|   .Eqh   .>"w º—  ˆ
 >* >   œ   Ed # t
 1 F   ?NQ " # Y
 1 ". < ( )
  3  .E :*
¶? 1 ( &  F <  c :   <L p Z N  N |" < (  F
% &   | E   1 Z c F  Za  .E …1 " .a o  * Ÿa    Ÿ
a  H  Š
a >& a 81 a >w< (./ 0 ,-1 ,<1 c
( & 1 / ( H L c ( / 1 ( [ 9& (>/ 4# ˆ < 8 Ÿ
  K  1 Z>/  ?* ª.>"w ZN:} &   ?< 4<1  2 h  ZR8   )? B Œ < Ÿ   [ >/
“.(  Q }# ” :Z&1 2  “.ˆ I1 ie QpN , " H ž ª, "H  / "e ZRpHn Z °e” :a h < 2  “.l[9& K% -  ” :(  

When the two armies confronted each other, Rustam asked Sa’ad to send a wise scholar to him. He wanted to ask
question from him because he was wondering what has changed these Arabs. They used to fear Iranians. Some
quantities of food [given by Persians to Arabs] made them satisfied when they became hungry and attacked [to loot
food items in Iran]. Sa’ad sent some people from the Companions. In them there was Ribi’ Ibn A’mir. He entered
into them.
They decorated their sitting place with cushions with golden work and silk table cloths. They placed rubies,
expensive instruments and great decoration. [On his head] there was a crown dazzling eyes. He was sitting on a
golden bed. Ribi’ entered with ragged cloths, a sword, a shield and a little horse. When he saw their decoration and
ostentatious show-off, he decided to belittle these false show-off. He entered while riding at his horse which set its
foot on the carpet. Then he dismounted and tied it with some of their expensive pillows. He moved to them with a
risen head and firm footsteps. He was wearing his arms and shield. His helmet was on his head. They said to him:
“Remove your weapons.” He said gracefully: “I was not coming to you. You called me. Either leave it on me or I
am going back.” Rustam said: “Allow it for him.”

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Exaggerated show-off ß
 F Silk  Ed
 # They faced each other  <  H
Belittlement B
% & Rubies, a precious stone,
plural of ;* E ˆ
 >* E An astonished person Oq3 
He set foot on < Ÿ
  Instruments Ɨ It changed  >‡
Carpet 
 )? Expensive  .>"w Submissive people f
Cushions, plural of  & : } & Crown V
G H It make them satisfied Z>- H
Having firm steps 4# ˆ
< 8 It dazzle   ?E Quantities ;
G >" 
Weapons C
9& Bed a E& They become hungry   / 3E
Shield 5
1 Ragged, worn-out a 81 They attacked   "I E
Helmet Lc Sword Š
a >& Cushions, plural of YÙ Y
 1 ".
Put of K% -
 Shield Ÿ
a  H Golden  ?NQ " #
(O you all!) Allow  Q }# Horse Ÿ
a   Table cloths, bed sheets t
 1 F

Quranic Arabic Program 218 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great



ª,9&{ ÉE1  yŒ

>c < ,*b 1:

Quranic Arabic Program 219 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great

m >% -
 \ ª0   ?/ ºe  ?    ?/ \ $U b \ V    . .#w < 0 ” :2  “¬Zp< $ I ” :Z&1 2  . Nw Y   
Y 1 ". Y   ( d % 1 / Ž E  ?*Ž
,6F [ ¶:< X . H * < \ (./ .I1  (. .?* lL  ?* \% "  .(>e Z N / :. (  c ºe ( .E:< .&1Ž .+ 9&{ 2 :/ ºe  E' 1  I \ ª  & ºe >~:
+a E  898 \  w X R " E  <Ž 2 { Z &1 O   4  “., < \"  F|  ª< \ 2a * / ;   \" R .3  # ” :2 * “¬0 : / ” :2 * “.0  : /  ºe
5 h F#U H ˆ  , 2 >' XQN \ €ow  ")£ >  / +a E  898 ~" &  Z  >  w Z E 2R Œ ¶:E:b i * R*   !>3#   lL :<
0 = M   < K <  + > , .\ >% .g "# X  ?< (  E ./  0 m > < Z   . ZH [ RH *  ?A  f.g£ 2R 4 <' \p E 1 %  H Z ,  >< Z  >c
:G >b a }  y "c  F , [ f")£ \ :  !&  Bin !/ Z. * ªZ N: } *  *R  a p   ,  < N  Ÿ   3" #  p ) ; %  :  € :E:b €d%E1
.W q!   FRp + 9œ È  H ( R:% /  + 9&{ P :N  !    f")£ Z 3    
 < N ( "  K  1  ( .E (  d?& 0 = : E   A
 F    "# XQ< . €?E H

He came forward in a way that he was leaned on his lance while moving on the pillows. It tore most of them.
Rustam said: “What did you bring?” He said: “Allah has sent to bring His slaves, whomever He pleases, out from
[human slavery and guide to them] Allah’s worship, and from narrowness of [the slavery of] this world to its
vastness and from the offence [imposed by the leaders of] different religions towards the justice of Islam. He sent us
with His religion to call His creatures towards it. Whoever accepts it, we will accept him and will return back.
Whoever denies [to stop religious persecution], we will fight with him forever until we are led to Allah’s promise.”
He asked: “What is Allah’s promise?” He [Ribi’] replied: “The Paradise for those who die during the war against
those who refuse, and success for them who remain alive.” Rustam asked for some grace period. They refused that
they were not able to give them a time limit more than three days. After that, the two armies faced each other and
fought hardly for a period of one day and the most of night. It continued to three days. The Muslims suffered a lot
due to the elephants because their Arabic horses became frightened. They had never seen them. But the believer
heroes remained steadfast and fought until the help came with Allah’s support and blessing for His believer slaves.
On fourth day, Allah sent an intensive wind which destroyed the army camp of Magus. They fled from every place
and their leader was killed. Their 10,000 soldiers were killed and about 2,500 Muslims became martyred. This was a
battle distant [from the center of Islamic state]. Allah supported His religion and raised His words. Arabs and Non-
Arabs became frightened from the Muslims. The guidance and justice of Islam spread and the darkness of disbelieve
and polytheism shrank.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Wind €d%E1 Respite, time 2 { He leaned on Ž E

It destroyed ;
%   They give him time X R " E Lance, spear D
 % 1
Military camp  p ) Suffered  / He torn Y
They fled  < N Elephants, plural of > 2 >' He sent us .w#  <
He got martyred :  !& They frightened 5
h F# H Narrowness m >% -

He supported : E Horses, plural of >c 2  >c He refused <
They became frightened ˆ
 < N They were accustomed to  H We lead to ,6F
It shrank È
  H Looking at it E 1 Place / time of promise : /
Darkness + 9œ Heroes, plural of 
J 4< 2R 4<' Success, victory  F|

Quranic Arabic Program 220 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great

‘' 0  ªf")£  d H  …1” :R *N 2  ªŸ:% R  <    * N ºe  ?p  ªZ -  1  >9&{ t   >3 # 2  c: < +  Z  / :+ ! D  Ö
XQN ˆ % ?6
 ‡#  “.+ ~  9< Š  + ! / ZR ? @E  \ Zp>e O[  +   9< K ( FR  ZRp  ? E + ! \ R   d E  Š a  / Z N d H
2 * / + h /  X  *R  ?6‡ +  Š - :*  *N ‘ md#  .fdH F  h@   9? Z  ) >&  Š
  -  \ N  :* 1 RŒ ?% {  ~.œ  ª+~  *R R d>.
.f")£  I "  : o
 w  :   Z 
%- ¶!>I :/  W .N È
a " [ ºe (I H \ E} w R *N K " I   " E%h  # < ( .> E K f")£
lH ˆ %  " I  ª(>c' H  >* I ; a *R \ X : ![ 5
 4&  : !  [ f")£ ; 1  +  l
 ªR*N …1 ‘ : < :ÖN 15 .& W  > R   
Z >|.< : > \ < :  c ªR:>?/  < Š  :* .+   ?*  :>?/ ,<   > < f")£ r >I 2 h  .  1'=   :  1 :G [ ªW >   : ./ R > ;
, r  >»  &R f< R [ + /   )?< f")£ R &R Z 3  N  .?* \  X :%  E Z ¶ "  ¶?>HH r  >» :  c O  H  .f")£ r  >I
. 3! f ")£  & ;  <6< Ba in Z.    &  : < +  R & O  d )    .(H ! 

B – The Conquest of Syria: The Romans got information that Islamic armies have entered into their land. They
wrote to Hercules [about it] while he was at Jerusalem. Hercules said: “My opinion is that you make a reconciliation
with the Muslims. By God, if you reconcile with them on paying half of what [agricultural produce] you obtain from
Syria, half of that will remain for you in the country of Rome. I prefer it for you instead of that they dominate you in
Syria and half of Roman country [i.e. Italy, Turkey, Greece etc.].” The Roman leaders became angry with this
sincere advice and thought that the Emperor became weak and frightened and the country will submit for the
conquerors. The truth is that Hercules became weak in front of the rage of his leaders and decided to fight with the
Muslims. Although he was sure about defeat. Hercules gathered the insurgents [who were going to revolt against
him] and directed towards Hums. They prepared there a great army with a huge number to face the Muslims.
The Battle of Yarmouk 15H: After that Hercules, the Roman King, saw the victories of Muslims, he gathered
armies up to his full capacity and appointed his brother as its leader. These Roman armies gathered at River
Yarmouk, one of the tributaries of River Jordan. The Muslim Army came down in the leadership of Abu U’baidah to
face the Romans. Abu U’baidah gave the responsibility to organize the Muslim army to Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed.
Khalid arranged the army in a distinguished way that Arabs have never seen before. Muslim cavalry attacked
courageously on the Romans. They separated the Roman cavalry from their infantry. Roman cavalry withdrew when
thousands of them fell down [of their horses] by the strike of brave Muslim cavalry.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He organized O
 H1 Defeat  " E%h  # Jerusalem Ÿ
 :% R 
They were not aware of it X :%  E Z Insurgents \ E} w You make reconciliation  d H
Cavalry R &R Facing  I  It is obtained R 
 d E
They separated R Victories ;
1  Leaders, plural of :} *  *R
Infantry  ! He gathered : !
 [ Emperor 1 RΠ?% e
They withdrew O
  Tributaries, plural of :
G  1 :  1 He became weak \ N 
It fell down 
  & River  Raiders, attackers, plural of
P ‡  h@ 
Brave, courageous  3! He made responsible Š

Quranic Arabic Program 221 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great

\  w W o   ,  *R :* .f")£ Š

>[ 1 g " #  .  p . % . , *‡  9
€ *  R4* )E RQc  \EQ +   ! /  ")£   ZR8
.f")£ \ B a in R 898 , [ > :  !&  +  \  Š
a  R } 
ºe  ‹R>)  E   + \p .+   R .E   ,   Eq: ,N  >  . < \ E: H ˆ  +  ;  p  "%  \ fd  # lL ,   ˆ %   :  D  .ÖI
#  : < ie ˆ  q>" # \ : <  d
" )E 9 H" # / O  } 6 -  FE  ºe Z <  '  A   [ O  }  6 < Z%  R N E  p  :G [  Z .E ‘ K \ >% qE " #
 E   ºe  A   [ $U .>& 2R  1 Z < Y
  c  Ba in R  <1 f
 ")£  . I \ (     ºe + ! \  ¶ 3   ¤
  \ <  "/ 1 & .€ ?E-  ( RN K  :E
,  d  ( ZH [  ! Š   ¶ b N A  d
  “ F ” ºe A [ 1 & Z8R .J > 1 J > [  < \pR E Z ('         d    ÖN18 .&  cn ,
+  ºe 1 & Z8R .2R   (> K 4  .E Z a b : < >/  &  y  >?< ºe  "/ + : H Z8R 1 
 d # QN , f")£  : / )  E   N   .ÖN19 a .& 2
 : " # D  K < H º H 0   <  . Z ZH [ ")£ ZN  A  d   d # K . \    >   <   [ , + \ qd  H  2R   O
 ! . \ >% 
.>9&e J Ei   ˆ % d ?A [

Then the Muslims fell upon the Roman infantry. They kept them killing and drowning in the river. The hard victory
became companion of Muslims. In the battle of Yarmouk, more than 100,000 Romans were killed while
approximately 3000 Muslims got martyrdom.
C – The Conquest of Egypt: At that time, Egypt was one of Roman-occupied territory. Their [the Egyptians]
religion was Christianity. It was the religion embraced by the Romans. But the Romans treated the Egyptians badly
although their religion was the same. They used to fatigue them with a lot of taxes. The matter had reached at the
point that they imposed taxes on death. They were not allowed to burry a dead body before payment of tax by its
A’mr Ibn Al-A’as traveled from Syria towards Egypt. He had a Muslim army of 4000. He penetrated into Sinai
Desert until he reached at Al-A’reesh [a town near Suez] by the end of 18H. He conquered it without any resistance
because there was no Roman army there. Then he traveled [in the North] until he reached at Al-Farma. They
besieged it for one and a half month. The victory was completed in the beginning of 19H. People of Egype used to
help the Muslims during this siege. Then A’mr moved to Bilbis and captured it after a month in which the fight did
not discontinue. Then he moved to Umm Daneen. The war started and Romans fortified themselves in the forts of
Bab ul U’yoon. They were one of the most strong forts. Muslims besieged them. The victory completed with the
help of Allah. It was followed by the victories over cities until Egypt became a Islamic province.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Sinai, the peninsula
between Egypt & Arab
$U .>& Religion   Eq: They fell upon  
Resistance      They embraced m .E They fall down  R4* )E

Garrison J > [ They treat badly  R‹>)E Hard, strong 1 g " #
A town near Port Saeed F They fatigued R N E Ally Š
They besieged  A
 [ Taxes, plural of ?E- O
 } - Approximately , [
A town near Cairo \ >%  +  They allow   d" ) E At that time f
Forts, plural of \
G [   [ He penetrated Y
  c Owned, possessed ;
 p "% 
Province J Ei Sand, desert 2R 1 Their religion was \ E: H

Quranic Arabic Program 222 Level 03

Lesson 13B: U’mar the Great

(./ 0 ,-1 4Á \<  "/  F>#  !&

a .Œ ~ˆ& ( < ( . Œ  &1 (  3
 .< ( * . Ó>& 3
   gRgR < O
  E   ? b \ <  >% @ " # + 9R‡  >%  : E / (./ 0 ,-1 4Á \<  "/ :  !&
\ \E!   w w  .) \  3d  # PL \ \ E!  M   w + > \  9  ? : ./  3F  9A , lL   ( %  * , ,N ( H& ˆ  dH N: [
+ i LJ  cŽ ( R ggR < y[  :./ Š  . / : EhE  Z. ;   9€ I 1 !/ 898 \  Œ [ (< ~" E \ ’  X  3  .< \  4E Q c  o   N  . 3#
. H L X  3 .< 1 di / + : *
  0 :?/ ( . < ( .F  (  )‡ :* .\E!/ S
R 98 .&  3d
 # PL  b \ \ >%  < K <1' $ <1' + E , H ZR8 ( .Œ :< +a E R 898 ,  < ( >< ºe R F>#  " d 
.$ h3# oc f")£  +9&{ \/ X hI X -1 (./ 0 ,-1 .a  b R &  \ >% .&  !  / (  9c R : ˆ  .( >?[ A O   3< \   ZR8 (>/

Martyrdom of Caliph U’mar

U’mar got martyrdom on the hand of Fairuz, a slave of Al-Mughira Ibn Shu’ba. His title was Abu Lu’lu’ah. He was
a magus. He killed with a poniard which had two branches. He stabbed him six times. One of that was under his
navel and that was the one which killed him. It happened in the Fajr prayer while he was saying “Allah o Akbar” for
the prayer on 23rd Zul Hajj, 23H. Fairuz fled and kept stabbing everyone coming in his way. He stabbed 13 person,
more than half of whom died. When Abu Lu’lu’ah felt that definitely he will be captured, he committed suicide with
his dagger.
The Caliph was carried to his home. He remained alive for three days after being wounded. He died on Wednesday
while four days were remaining in month of Zul Hajj 23H. His son A’bdullah gave him a body wash and
enshrouded him in garments. He [led] the funeral prayer and buried him on the side of his two companions [i.e. the
Prophet and Abu Bakr]. The period of his Caliphate was 10 years and 6 months. May Allah be pleased with him and
may him be pleased with Him. May Allah reward him the best reward for [his contribution] Islam and Muslims.

Rule of the Day

In ,F>AH O, you will find that the ˆFA is following its BA in case, gender,
number and specification. On the contrary, in ³ -e O, the (>e B 6 will
always be in I .

Face the Challenge!

Prepare a chart containing all rules mentioned in this book. The
number of pages should not exceed three.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Captured LJ  cŽ He stabbed \  Œ Slave, boy + 9R‡

Definitely   d i Navel & He was named O
He committed suicide 1 di He fled
  N Magus, ancient religion of
Ó>&  3
He passed by (< ~" E Knife, dagger, poniard  3

Quranic Arabic Program 223 Level 03

Lesson 14A: Ghair Munsarif, Huroof Similar to Verbs, Badl & Noun Conditions

The Result (1)

Now compare the result. Each line carried three marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

Reason for
o‡ o‡
converting a o‡ Reason for being Symbol for being
B. to B. B. B.

Not applicable (N/A) Non-Arabic name

Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
2 ?3
 #     K  % &

N/A Non-Arabic name

Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
%  \%  X b% PQ

N/A Non-Arabic name

Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
%  l
  #  , y
)>/   : Non-
N/A Arabic name Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
Z E%  \ <% )>/      ) /
š: Female name

N/A Female name

Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
./ 0 ,-1  !
 } / \% /
O.E: Female Name
: On R  R
Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
 .< O
 .E \% /

N/A Female name

Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
€ % < Z E%  / Z%  % *  Z% N  F# pR <

Arabic names made of
two names
Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
% [ ºe l?< \ ;

N/A Non-Arabic names

Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
\ >% < e  : . \%  ;

N/A Non-Arabic names

Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
 >/ "&% e Z >N <%e e

N/A Name with a … at end

Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
!/ \%  Q# c
2 is added, so it is Structure of 
R / F None
 1 @" #  Y
 1 !" # q  <
given a kasrah
Adjective at 9Rand its
N/A Mg at 
Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
 !4/ ºe  / I \% 

Adjective mentioning
Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
 " [%  ºe   &%  \% 

Quranic Arabic Program 224 Level 03

Lesson 14A: Ghair Munsarif, Huroof Similar to Verbs, Badl & Noun Conditions

Reason for
o‡ o‡
converting a o‡ Reason for being Symbol for being
B. to B. B. B.

Adjective mentioning
Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
 <1 ! a Q $U 6>% < f
a   \%  Ÿ
a Ž# p <

N/A An $ at the end

Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
( < f
%   >% ‡ (  $U F.[
2 is added, so it is Structure of 
R / F None : I )" # ,  RF / Z%  %
given a kasrah

Fathah in case of I & m d

 &% e  >/ "&% e Z >N <%e e 2 h R 
 ?&% 'U   R % E
N/A Non-Arabic names
no \E.H

N/A Structure of 
R >/ F Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
 >< " < >%~: $U ") .E
2 is added, so it is Adjective mentioning
None  c% 'U  3
 6  ! \% 
given a kasrah color

It is a B. word It is B. None a 6

% c ;
a 9 ?.% & K ?% &
"/: Structure of R  R
Fathah in case of I &
 "w# / ºe  " / \%  R  9#   
 "w/:  at end no \E.H

%  G "% [  
G >< G : I 2 ?3
 # \%  
It is B. It is B.
G  & O >< ‡   #

It is B. It is B. None a   1 ºe a  1%  \%  J  &1 QN

 R  F Fathah in case of I &
5  9R8 .w#  a d
 <1  S  .I%  ,R
Structure of
2R R no \E.H

Adjective mentioning
No \E.H $= F# A
 J   < e
o‡ Fathah in case of I &
 c R +a E \%  J : 
This word is
B. no \E.H

N/A Structure of 
R / F Fathah in case of I &
no \E.H
 >@ D
 H F \% 

Quranic Arabic Program 225 Level 03

Lesson 14A: Ghair Munsarif, Huroof Similar to Verbs, Badl & Noun Conditions

o‡ o‡
Reason for converting a
B. o‡ to B.
Reason for being Symbol for being
B. B.
Masculine names with
3 letters
Non-Arabic names None a  N + % * %  C
a   + % *
Here no female name
is used. J !} / is in its
literal sense: “A
Female name None ˆ
 >? , J !
 } / , N
woman who is living”

An $ at end of the
It is B 6 to .E:£ None  .E:" # $ 96R ,

N/A Non-Arabic names

Fathah in case of I
& no \E.H
  1  ;
  1 N  < ?<

2 is added Adjective mentioning

None  " [% ' Z    < O
Actually it is P
 , but
the P is deleted
Structure of 
R / F None a F    a  , G 6
% /  N

N/A Female names

Fathah in case of I
& no \E.H
 " Π O
Masculine names with
3 letters
Non-Arabic names None 
a R + % * e .# & 1% R e

Masculine names
having  at end
Fathah in case of I
& no \E.H
  * ºe  : >?/ \% 
The name is used as a
common noun
Masculine names
having  at end
None G c n J  *  .E:" # , t
G  I: Having 3 letters V
G  I: None
 <: The name is Non Arabic names É
 <: Fathah in case É
 # < \%  $U I (George) V
G  I
considered feminine. of I & no \E.H

They are originally $ is original source $a  \%  $ ") \% 

B. letter

Its P can be deleted Structure of 

R / F None + 9%/'U   d
% ?# , P1 3
 # ( H En \% 
For poetic purposes  at the end None  98 É
 E1 "b \ ˆ:H /
For poetic purposes
Name made of two
None ql?#  < ³ ˆ
<b :% * Ÿ
¶ Ž
a 6 \%  a >“< Z%  >%  / B
4E  () 9
€ >Q# H R R4*R
Structure of 
R >/ F Single fathah
a 6 \%   E1 * ()  E1 * ˆ %   a # 
Due to poetic-prose
instead of double

Quranic Arabic Program 226 Level 03

Lesson 14A: Ghair Munsarif, Huroof Similar to Verbs, Badl & Noun Conditions

The Result (2)

The (. 2:? is depicted in blue while the 2:< in red colors. Each line carried three marks. If your score is
below 80%, repeat the test.

Z)* English ,</

2 "bi 2:< They ask about the sacred months i.e.
fighting in them
 #  % ! \% / l
( > 2a * + d  RŽ)
% E
2 "bi 2:< Don’t you look at the camels i.e. how
they are created?
%   c Š
 >%   <{ e   |R .% E 9
2 "bi 2:< And to the sky i.e. how it is raised? ˆ
%   1 Š
 >%  $ ") e
2 "bi 2:< And to the mountains i.e. how they are
% ?
  Š  # e
 >%  2 ?3
2 "bi 2:< And to the earth i.e. how it is spread? ˆ
% d
 4 & Š
 >%  k
 1% 'U e
 "%  %  \ EQ 
 Z > )
% " # 
 q : N%
p \ p 2:< Guide us to the straight path i.e. the path
of those whom You blessed upon
Z%  >%  /
The pilgrimage of the House (of Allah)
( >% e 5
 4&% \%  ˆ
 >% ?# ~¸[ Ÿ
 . / ( 
2 "bi 2:< is obligatory on the people for Allah i.e.
(for those) who are able to find a way
towards it
€ >?&
p \ p 2:< When their brother i.e. Noah said to
them, “Don’t you fear?”
 R H i C
G   Z% N  c Z%   2 * L# e
p \ p 2:< Moses said to his brother i.e. Aaron   1 N ( >c'U &  2 *
p \ ? 2:< Has the information of armies reached
you i.e. (those of) Pharaoh & Thamud?
  "8  % / %    .3
# M
R E:[ W H # N
p \ p 2:< When Abraham said to his father i.e.
1  n ( ><'U Z >N <%e 2 * L# e
p \ p 2:< The Mother of Muslims i.e. Ayesha was
a great scholar
J ">|/ J "  /  !
 } / \ >% . g "# ~+ ˆ 
p \ p 2:< I saw the great sculpture i.e. the Sphinx 2 # < Z >|  2 w" ˆ
p \ ? 2:< I climbed at the mountain i.e. half of it ( F   ?3
 # ˆ
# )
p \ ? 2:< The book tore i.e. its cover p  Y
( R 9‡  h" H
@ 2:< Look at the desert i.e. the road m E4 $ d
%  ºe R|%

Quranic Arabic Program 227 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

U’thman Ibn A’ffan (ÖN 35 v 23) (./ 0 ,-1  F/ \<  "w/

.a"/ < .p E \ E:b  $ F # M
R  8 qP  '= q,b  
a 9R \ < ,*R \ < B
a . : ?/ \ < y a "b : ?/ \ <  > R \ < ¤  ,< \ <  F/ \ < R "w / N :( ?) 
.Z& (>/ 0 A 2  &  >[ , ˆ>H + Rw + ZR8 ªa1:< h‡ : < ˆ % >j H  >* 1 Z& (>/ 0 A 0  2 &1 ,.< V
 h H (' \ E1~. PQ< O
   "w/ + 9&e . .3  # < \ E!?" # ! :[ ª+9&{ , Rc  \EQ  } '   !    : [ N ªX " / \ f  89w   <  , N Z& :( 9&e
\ <  >% <~h :( E:E / Z  &Ž .( >e y  3E X !@E \" (  * \ (< m wE \ + 9&{ ºe  /:E m E: a p<  <   :  .(./ 0 ,-1 m E: a p< ¦ \ a /:<
Z&  (>/ 0 A 0  2 &1 ºe R  4   .Z./ 0 ,-1 B a / \ < \ " [%  : ?/ ªa¤ * ¦ \ < : & ª0 :>?/ \ < R d  Œ ª F/ \<  "w/ ª +  
. .“ +9&{ m d  < Z NŽ?  n  Z>/  *  + 9&{ Z>/ k     p< < Z
(>/ 0 A 0 2R &1   [ ( . $a >[ ~:b  :G [ B% E   " $ >d# < B/ ªK?4 f
  +  p  < (./ 0 ,-1 R "w/ B
  / :(  6  > R
# (H FA
(169/15 Z) D>dA) “.R p}9"# (. ,d)H  a I1 \ ,d&R i” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1 2 * Le (. ,d)E Z&

His Family Chain: He is Uthman Ibn A’ffan Ibn Abi Al-A’aas Ibn Umayyah Ibn A’bd Shams Ibn A’bd Munaaf
Ibn Qusai Ibn Kullab Al-Qarashi Al-Umuwai, the third among the rightly-guided caliphs. His Kuniyyat is Abu
A’mr. His title is “The Bearer of Two Lights” because he married with two daughters of Allah’s Prophet i.e.
Ruqayyah who died after the battle of Badr, and then Umm Kalthum who died during the Prophet’s life.
His Conversion to Islam: He converted to Islam at the age of 34. He is one of those ten initial people who
embraced Islam and one of those ten who were given the good news of the Paradise. U’thman conversion was due to
the call of Abu Bakr Al-Siddique. Abu Bakr Al-Siddique used to call towards Islam everyone who used to trust in
him in his nation especially those who used to visit him and sit with him. So (the people who) converted to Islam on
his hand (i.e. due to his efforts) were: Zubair Ibn A’wwam, U’thman Ibn A’ffan, Taltha Ibn U’baidullah, Sa’ad Ibn
Abi Waqaas and A’bdur Rahman Ibn A’uf. They rushed to the Prophet of Allah while Abu Bakr was with them. He
presented Islam on them and read the Quran in front of them and informed them about the truth of Islam, so they
believed (in it).
His Character and Virtues: U’thman is known for (his) generosity and soft nature. He is known for modesty.
Nobody is known for having modesty more intense than him. Allah’s Prophet used to be shy with him. When
Allah’s Prophet called: “Should I know be shy with a person from whom the angels are shy.”

Do you know? During the time of companions, Arabic script was not developed. /e were not yet invented.
There was risk that people may differ in reading the Quran. Therefore, the Caliph U’thman (./ 0 ,-1 released the
original copies of the Quran which were prepared according to the pronunciation of Quraish, and distributed them
widely in order to prevent this problem.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

They rushed R  4  He trusts m wE Initial  } '

One having a soft
K ?4 f
  He visits him X !@E Those who were provided
with good news
\ E!? ®

Quranic Arabic Program 228 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
( < -
 ( ~.œ  “.:% [ R \Rp&% R” :2  Š
 I    "w/  "/ a p< <  ( :¶ [ R Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. :  A  :2 * (./ 0 ,-1 €)   * …1 (6 \/
Z8R  "w/ Z8R ª "/ Z8R ª :¶ [ a p< ¦Ž< 2R :  i \/ ,?. \  , .R ” :2 * "./ 0 ,-1 "/ \< \/ . : > b  ma Eq:A ,? ie l>/ y  >” ª(  I <
(53/7 P1 ? D) “.Z
.>< R -
 F  i Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.
 dA W  
: p Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 2 c r E *R ˆ
%  .  : ./ lL (./ - ¶  F  r
a E* ºe Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1 ( w <  3  & )  .) ,
( )
 F.< ¶ Œa  R "w/ V
  .(  d
 "¶ j|   ˆ
 >? Q   ¶ }  $U I "e (e
  d  ;
 ŽE Z ( ZN  ? E r
 E* B
 b $ " /  ºe Z& (>/ 0 A ( w?
(>/ 0 A 0 2 &1   & 1 \ Ì    \ >% [  "w   .(< ( & 1  Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 \/ Z @  ? r  E* $= "|/  >F & < H [  p ºe
(202/3 + !N \<i ªE?. o) ) .Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 R &1 (< B 4R E [ R  ' ˆ .  :2  .Š % 4  ˆ
 >? < B
 4 H #  ˆ
 ‹b # e :Z>e Z&
,/  / :E ~:3 # ~:3  E MR >[ f  ")£   I  p ( "   $ 9/% e + 9&{    ,   w' 5
 1 (./ 0 ,-1 R "w/ R F>#
 :  :(  " < (  >d
2 * .X  3
[  N  w.   )  r
1  >I h I f[ 1a .E Š
a Ž< Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ºe R "w/ $U I :2 *   "% & \ < \ "[%  :?/ \/ PQ … 1 .  3  #
.fH “.+ > : <  " /   "w/ -   ” :2R  E X3[ ,  ? j E Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ˆ
E  :\"[%  :?/

Regarding his virtues, Qatada narrated that Anas said: The Prophet climbed on Ohad Mountain while Abu Bakr,
U’mar and U’thman were with him. It shivered, the Prophet said: “Stop, O Ohad!” I think he slapped it with his foot.
“Nobody is on you except a prophet, a truthful and two martyrs.” Narrated from Ibn U’mar, he said: “During
Prophet’s time, we did not use to equate Abu Bakr with anyone, then U’mar, then U’thman and then we used to
leave the companions of the Prophet and did not use to prefer one over another.
During 6H, Allah’s Prophet sent him to Quraish as a negotiator. That was the time when Quraish forbade Allah’s
Prophet to enter into Makkah. So he sent him to the leaders and respected people of Quraish and he conveyed to
them the message on behalf of Allah’s Prophet. They said to U’thman when he became free from (conveying the)
message of Allah’s Prophet: “If you want to perform circumambulation of the Holy Ka’aba, perform it.” He said:
“I’ll not do so until Allah’s Prophet perform the circumambulation.”
His Financial Sacrifice: The Caliph U’thman established the most pleasant examples in supporting Islam and
raising its words. He was the most generous in the Muslims at the time of serious problems, and the calling for
Jihad. Tirmidhi reported on behalf of A’bdur Rahman Ibn Sumrah, he said: U’thman came to the Prophet with 1000
Dinars while he was preparing for the expedition of difficulties1 and scattered them in his chamber. A’bdur Rahman
said: “I saw that the Prophet was turning them around in his chamber and saying: “Nothing will harm U’thman after
his deed of today.” He said it twice.
1. A military expedition sent at a time when the Muslims were facing a lot of financial difficulties.

Face the Challenge! Prepare a list of situations when a noun is given O.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He prepared h I Taking risk of ¶Œa   Ohad, a mountain at Madina :% [ R

Difficulty, poverty   )  Perform Tawaf of Holy
% ΠWe consider equal 2R : 
He scattered  w Sacrifice >d
 6H We prefer (one over other) R -
He turns it over ? j E The most pleasant 5
 1 One who respect ¶"j| 
It harmed -
 He took seriously ~:3
 E Its sacredness (   [

Quranic Arabic Program 229 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
 I  (./ 0 ,-1 R "w/ NFd “.R .3
 # (   1  ‹<  F dE \” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. \    1  ‹# <  F[ ( v (./ 0 ,-1 v X  8“ \
   .X 1 E ( >6HE \"  9Á < :  E  ( . f")£ 
< O
  Œ ª,& 3" # gg ¦ : >< (./ 0 ,-1 4Á \<  "/ \  ŒR " : 9# <  "w R  >?
qOd <   h>" E   2a I1 R & (./ 0 ,-1  "/   L ZR8 “.,. G >% c N \ W  H :  W  H e ,. G >% c  N \ Š
  % & :  ˆF#  & e” :2 * ZR8  "/
ª+  \< o<h  ªa¤ * ¦ \< :G & ªaB/ \< \ "%[ : ?/ ªa ‘F/ \< R "w/ ªG,/ :Z N ZN >% ‡ \  w Z ./ X -1  Z  Z& (>/ 0 A 2 &
 "w/ 1 >c ºe %>c ' P   ª"/   : <  F. $ i gN K" I :* .Z. :[   1 > ( H  : <  " 3E #  Z>e OŒ .0 :>?/ \< dŒ
 "I% { <  ")£ (  E ? (./ º H 0 ,-1
     >% ‡ \ +G * +9&{ , c R >9&{ ; [ FR  ˆ "/  + 9&{  !   Ö r  [ /  n   $U * , f")£ K "I :i :( "/ ZN
 E*R B
 "> \ < R FEQ[ + : * :%   .$†   €|F n  \ $a ,b Š  EdH  n  $ * , Ÿ  . B
 9c \ Z&  (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1  dA  < ,! 
 >%  E” : "w R FEQ[ 2  . $   , Z9c R FEQ[ 5  h Ž .Y
    N K   3><1L >.>1 D
  , + !  N P @ E R FEQ[   ª "w/ /
ZR8 Š  [ " # ,  ) . Š
 d  < .>e ,& 1   
 F[ ºe R "w/  & 1Ž “.…1 .   > B  9c  p , RF E   ?*  '= X Q N W% 1  !f
. "w/ ºe R F[ < ˆ %  & 1Ž .l>e N~ 

From his glorious deeds is that he dug the well of Romah. Narrated from the Prophet that he said: “Whoever will dig
the well of Romah, the Paradise will be for him” U’thman (arranged) digging it and made it a trust for the Muslims.
Allegiance of Oath for U’thman for Caliphate: When U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab was stabbed by Abu Lululah, the
Magus, some Muslims demanded from him to appoint whatever person on Caliphate whom he pleases and selects.
U’mar hesitated and said: “If I appoint, the one who appointed a caliph was better than me (i.e. Abu Bakr) and if I
leave, the one who left was better than me (i.e. the Prophet).” Then U’mar mentioned six persons who were
distinguished due to Prophet’s love with them and he was happy with as compared to others. They were: A’li,
U’thman Ibn A’ffan, A’bdur Rahman Ibn A’uf, Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqas, Zubair Ibn A’wwam and Talhah Ibn
U’baidullah. He asked them to gather after his death to select a caliph among them. After the death of U’mar, these
persons gathered and the last opinion was the selection of U’thman Ibn A’ffan. So the Muslims gave him the oath of
allegiance with consensus.
Most Important of His Works: First: He gathered the Muslims on reading the Quran according to the
pronunciation of Quraish. Islam spread and the Islamic conquests became common. Islam entered into the
Non-Arab nations. Some companions of Allah’s Prophet worried about difference of people in reading the
Quran or changing anything in the Quran in words or pronunciation. Hudhaifa Ibn Yaman came to
U’thman. Hudhaifa used to fight against Syrians during the conquest of Armenia and Azerbaijan with the
people of Iraq. Hudhaifa became worried about the differences in their readings. Hudhaifa said to
U’thman: “O Leader of Believers! Catch this group before they differ in the Book like the differences of
Jews and Christians. U’thman sent a message to Hafsa that send us the original copy of the Quran, we’ll
make other copies and then will return it to you. Hafsa sent it to U’thman.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He fights P @ E He appointed a Caliph Š

  & His glorious deeds X  8“
We make a copy É
) . Group  F. He dug (a well)  F [
A book of ancient age It became common ˆ
 "/ He is satisfied ,6HE
written on paper, cloth,
leather etc. and bound within
wooden slates Alteration, distortion Š
 EdH He hesitated   H

Quranic Arabic Program 230 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
 ,  n  \ X & "<    É
)  " Š
a d
 "< ma R R jR ºe  & 1 ªŠ[ £ , Š
d ˆ
)  Le [ r
 ER*  ) < n  É  ).< R "w/   
  dE #  Š
a d   a F >dA
; 1 ‡ q:  P
a  d< 2a R4& y  >&ŽH , (./ 0 ,-1 R "w/ R F >  # + ! ,   (./ 0 ,-1  >F & ,< \ < R E   L Ž& : >9&{  E d? y
>&ŽH : ¶> 8
2   " 
4  & " #  d? , Ÿ
3    1 ¤
2   ?% * ,H EhI D
  \ (< \ p " H ¶E* i€ 4& R E  :/ Ž .(   L Ž   + !  [ & / ,4h>? 2 R4&'

¶:/ w   ,4h>? 2 4&'  K   E1 : .p&{

5  R* P1  ;  L     , (>/  
   ÖN34 + / ,4h>? 2 4&' ~,9&{ 2R 4&'

a ?<  6< ˆ4<1 +  f")£ \ FR & P1 A  ‘' “P1  ; L” Z &i Q< R "# ˆ /  ,9&{ 2 4&' \ ¶h>3H
(./ 0 ,-1  F/ \<  "w/ F># : / , >9&{ ;
 : ºe q"-
  d   \  .p" H . 
  .I <. 9< ºe (./ 0 ,-1  F/ \<  "w/ : / , f  ")£ t >I ˆ % F [  :7 <~.  9< 6
  @"# D

+  ;
 *R K  : 4 A  y  H 2  & ºe Z b  >I ˆ
%  A
  } d% ,  >9&{  /:  !
  @"#  9< , Z H [ R  ")£ K < H "  >9&{
.(./ 0 ,-1  "w/ : / , >9&{  : €  -  c yH ºe *< \  R  4 ."# ˆ
8 % d ?A Z N h N  >

U’thman instructed writing the Quran in the pronunciation of Quraish when the copies were made. He
sent a copy in each direction according to copy and ordered that whatever copy of Quran besides this is
found, should be burnt.
Second: Establishment of Islamic Navy. Mu’awiya Ibn Sufyan, the governor of Syria asked permission of
the Caliph U’thman to establish a naval fleet to prevent the attacks of Byzantine fleet on the shores of
Syria and Egypt. He permitted it. Mu’awiya prepared a strong fleet. It became possible due to this fleet to
conquer the islands of Cyprus and Rhodes in the Mediterranean Sea. The Islamic fleet encountered with
the Byzantine fleet in the year 34H and conquered it in the battle of Sawari near Alexandria. Although the
Byzantine fleet was bigger in number and well-prepared as compared to the Islamic fleet. This battle is
known by the name “Sawari” due to entangling of the masts of the ships of Muslims and Romans.
Islamic Conquests during the period of Caliph U’thman Ibn A’ffan
The Conquest of North African and Nubia: During the period of U’thman Ibn A’ffan, the Muslim armies
creep into the countries of Nubia in south of Egypt. They were able to conquer it and annex it to the
Islamic State. Similarly the Muslims continued their conquests in the countries of North Africa after that
and spread the Islamic call to its all dimensions. Their armies reached at the plains of Tunis and
encountered with the Roman armies there. They defeated them and the entire region from Barqah to Tunis
became surrendered to the Islamic State during the period of U’thman Ibn A’ffan.
English version of these words is: (1) Byzantine (2) Cyprus (3) Rhodes Island (4) Mediterranean Sea (5) Alexandria
(6) Countries in West of Egypt i.e. Libya, Tunis, Algeria & Morocco. (7) Nubia, North part of Sudan (8) Tunis
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

They penetrated ˆ
% F [  Attacks, raids ;
 1 ‡ Founding, establishing y
They became successful  .p" H Beaches, plural of [ &  [ & Navy  E d?
Its directions } d% Masts (of a ship), plural of
E1 A P1 A
 Governor ,  
Plains 2  & Ships, plural of .>F& \ FR & Fleet (of ships) 2a R4&
They collided  : 4 A They connected to each
ˆ4<1 For defense q:

Quranic Arabic Program 231 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
  1 4E R ")£ 2   2 >& n 1\ Eh*  d< ºe €*b ˆ
%  A
  [ (./ 0 ,-1  "w/ F># :/ , >9&{ R : R  * 1 ; % :  :Ÿ1   9< D 
.Ÿ1  R  ( H"< ˆ
%    Ÿ1  9< \   X :  < ,  *R [ “I hE” Ÿ
3   FR  l
(./ 0 ,-1  "w/  F>#  !&
0 \ E:   N1 p   F >6
 FR U'
dA (> K " 4  ¶"E% €R4/  ¶">[1 ¶.q>   :  ªa -   Y a 9c a " E%  ; FA  L (./ 0 ,-1  "w/ R F>Á  
 "w/ Z Rœ \/ ¶<Q  ,pdE :a  < ºe  A   "R   f  ")£  : < , B R4 E : ? . €* F  "w/ \ Z  & ƒP  E  N  Ž?& \ < 0 :?/ :$igN \" Z E% 
. c ‰  4  \  i€ [ R 6
  ( a >% 
 < ( ~\|R E a 4* z R W  H [  c ‰ :  ?
,-1 ,/  "w/ F>Á Z  < * .Ž?& \< 0 :?/ Z N: } *   ª Rp  ª ? \   R ;U$ 3    "w/ \  9Á < ~m[  (./ 0 ,-1 €>/ ‘ Z  .*
,  ºe O
   "w/ ‘ a 3d
<  .E:£ ºe …cR €  I 1 Z ie  .E:£ \ V   
# <  R  X QN ;: ? .ZN 9< ºe / Z N Le ¶>% c Z N :/  "./ 0
.(>/ 1 q "e
 p  QN \ $T P< (./ 0 ,-1  "w/ .   N \  .E:£ ºe $U I PQ :    E  X   ŽE  

The Conquest of Persian Country: The area of the Islamic State expanded during the period of Caliph
U’thman until it reached to the Caspian Sea of Asia in the East. The Muslims continued to chase the King
of Persia “Yazd Gard” until he was killed in his city Maru in Iranian country. The Persian Empire died
with his death.
The Martyrdom of Caliph U’thman
Caliph U’thamn had nice personal attributes and virtuous character. He was soft-natured, merciful,
sympathetic and generous. The people of weak personalities and those keeping grudge against the straight
religion of Allah became greedy in that period. In these people, there was A’bdullah Ibn Saba. He was a
Jew who converted to Islam during the period of U’thman hypocritically. He started wandering in the
cities of Muslims. Whenever he used to reach in a city, he used to describe false stories about the injustice
of U’thman in another city. He left each province in a situation that they were considering themselves in
the best condition than other provinces.
He persuaded them that A’li is more suitable for Caliphate than U’thman. Delegations from Basra, Kufa
and Egypt came and their leader was A’bdullah Ibn Saba. Caliph U’thman and A’li faced them and
promised them for good. They were called to return to their cities. These delegations started to go out of
Madina. After that, they returned once again to Madina with an argument that U’thman wrote to the
governor of Egypt to kill the delegation of Egyptians who came to Madina. U’thman was acquitted from
this letter. It was associated to him falsely.
(1) Caspian Sea. (2) Asia. (3) Maru, a town near Caspian Sea

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He persuaded K .* Straight Z E%  It extended ;

% : 
He faced  < * Hypocritically €* F Area R  * 1
Both of them promised :/  He traveled in a round trip B
R4E They chased   1 4E
Argument a 3[ Cities, plural of :<  : < Sympathetic €R4/
It was forged against him (>/ 1 q Direction a 4* Those who hate   N1 

Quranic Arabic Program 232 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
ºe f.g£ o   2R  &1 ” :2  “¬l Žb  ¶' l ‘e ¬l ” :(  * [ Z -  E ¶   N \ a <  /  >% )
 E 1 h " # p QN R  [  
ie p QN , m > d R "w/ O   Œ   "w/ ºe  I   B  %E  €:A *    I QN ‘ D G-  .1 h " #
 p < ZN Lž X  !F  “. "< ( /
R E  Z>/ Z )  E   ( ie  "w/ \/ 5 :  Z} .<  < d
  \  G >% w 2  [ :*  "w/ ˆ >< 1 w 
 [ l    0 = [  :*” :  * < Z
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e 0  ” : "w/ 2  X:E \ Š 1 d"#   )   “Z > K >")  N  0= Z  p >Fp>)  ” :º H (* / + : É 6 . ( E:E f< Š d
  "#   4   ªX: ><
.F " # ˆ
 4 c Ċ 2R '
: [ N:"  (./ h 3
 dH J  }  (  I  ;
% $U 3 .Z&  (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 $ 9e \ Š  d
  "# O   \ 2R  N , [  ? R \   ( l  L 
0= Z [   .ÖN35 + /  3d  # PL \  !  / \  w   " 3
# + E (./ 0 ,-1 X  !&   .(     "w/   -
 ZR8 .  < A K 4   N: E
  \ >%   3 "#
.$ h» oc f")£  +9&{ \/ X hI J  &  J " [% 1 f.g "# o  

The carrier of this fake letter was traveling near to the Egyptians. He exposed to them and they said to
him: “What is this? What is your matter?” He said: “I am a messenger of the Leader of the Believers,
going to his governor at Egypt.” They searched him personally and astonished to find the fake letter. It
became clear that this man was a messenger to show this (plot). They returned to U’thman. U’thman
asked to investigate this letter but they refused and said: “Allah has made your blood lawful for us. The
insurgents besieged the home of U’thamn. A lot of companions and their sons tried to defend U’thman but
he gave them oath to not use their swords (to protect his life).
The insurgents attacked on the Caliph and an Egyptian man from Banu Sadoos who was called Jabala i.e.
a black man stabbed him with a sword while he was reciting the Quran. U’thman protected him with his
hand but it cut it. The copy of the Quran was in front of him. The blood dripped down on Allah’s words:
“Soon Allah will be enough for you and He is the Listener the Knowledgeable.” The copy fell down from
his hand. U’thman said: “By God! This is the first hand palm which wrote the Mufassal.”
That was because he was one of the scribes of revelation. He is the first person who wrote the copy of the
Quran as dictated by Allah’s Prophet. His wife Nailah came to protect him. One of the criminals intended
to kill her and stabbed on her hand and cut her fingers. Then he stabbed U’thman and killed him. His
martyrdom was on Friday, 18 Zul Hajj 35H. May Allah be Merciful for the Leader of the Believers with a
vast mercy and reward him with the best reward due to his service for Islam and Muslims.
(1) The word “Al-Mushaf” is used to describe a particular copy of the Quran. It is not a synonym of the Quran. It is
used only for a specific copy of the Quran.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It sprinkled É
6  Insurgents, rebellious 1 w Fake, forged 1 h " #
Soon Allah will be enough
for you
  He tried 2  [ Short way a < 
It wrote ˆ
 4 c He asked by giving an
Z>/ Z )
 E He encountered k
Quranic Surahs from Ö Y
Ÿ . F " # To put R E  They searched him  !
She defended him (./ h 3
 dH He attacked Z 3
N Your blood l
He intended to kill her N:"  He defended it X  H They besieged 

Quranic Arabic Program 233 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1

Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ÖN 40 v 35) (./ 0 ,-1 O Œ ¦ \< /
\ E!?" #   !
   : [ \ E:b  $ F# K < 1 N . ./ 0 ,-1  " Π ( .< V
 Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 qZ/ \ < O a  Π,< \ < ~, / N :(?)
Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1 ( ?  \)¹ < .p E  \ >% ) d #  \ )
d # ,.E \ >% 4 ?) ,<Ž< (./ 0 ,-1 ,/ O   E  .\ >% .&  !<  w?  ?* :  . .3
 # <
,” :ˆ * “¬lq"/ \ < \E” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. 2  :3)£ , K 3  4 -
%  V
  c ZR8  "Œ  / c €>/ ‘ P1 ? …1 :  . a H ,<Ž<
.fH . H < E y %  I% :2 > Xœ \/   D )  "E 3 .X  œ ºe  È   c  X  œ \/ 
  & :* X $U 1 : I   (>e V “.: 3)£
€‹>b ( q"/ \/ Š F >  ( ><H  H (  F :  Z& (>/ 0 A 2 & Š  . , r > E    >?~ \  Z& \ 2€  (./ 0 ,-1 ,G /   :(9&e
 !  /  , "8  "  \  (   ( * :A   (< \“ + 9&{ ºe X /:  X  3 [ , 2R hE i ,G /   Z& (>/ 0 A 2R & M   < ".>[ .2 >   g  \
y ŽE H N >: \  r [ ) % E   .    + [  $     $U  " #   / 3~!   [ F  <    bR Ó> L ¶" / (./ 0 ,-1   :> Á (H FA .f.&
G >% 
 * W  " /” :2R > >: O Œ E   f   )"# q E  \ E:  N Zj| E   .\ ! c  + 4 \    *  Ÿ
 ? \  ( ? 3
  E ( !  [  > <
“.m E4  !
 [  F )  : % <   h * \ !Xn Xn .J >* W  4 c  G >%  [ l
 )  3

His Family Chain: He is A’li Ibn Abi Talib, the son of the uncle of Allah’s Prophet and the husband of
his daughter Fatima. He is the fourth of the rightly-guided caliphs and one of those ten who were given
the good news of the Paradise. He was born 10 years before the announcement (of prophethood). A’li is
given the tile of Abu Sibtaen (the father of two grandsons of the Prophet) i.e. Hassan and Hussain. He is
given the Kuniyyah of Abul Hassan. The Prophet of Allah gave him the tile of Abu Turaab (the bearer of
soil). Bukhari narrated that A’li entered into the Fatima’s house, then he came out and slept in the
Mosque. The Prophet said (to her): “Where is your cousin?” She replied: “In the Mosque.” When he came
out, he found that his (Ali’s) shawl fell down from his back and the dust has reached his back. He said
thrice: “Sit! O Aba Turaab!!!”
His Conversion to Islam: A’li was the first of the children who converted to Islam. He used to live with
the Prophet. He used to be his guardian and responsible for his growth in order to reduce the burden of his
uncle in taking care of family. When the Prophet was raised, A’li was in his home. He called him towards
Islam, so he believed in him and testified him. His age was 8 or 10 years.
His Character: He was an intelligent scholar famous for his eloquence, bravery, generosity, loyalty and
fulfillment of promises. He used to avert from the world and its enjoyments. He was inclined more
towards night and its loneliness. He used to like a short dress (not fancy) and a rough food. He used to
respect the religious people and to bring poor people near to him. He used to address the world and say:
“Your age is short, your company is inferior and your idea is less. Alas! Alas! Due to lack of provisions,
length of distance and loneliness of the way (in the journey to the real life).

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He desolates r
[ )
% E Protection, shelter Š
 . Two grandsons (sons of daughter) \ >% 4 ?)
He loves y
ŽE He took care of  F Dust, soil
a H
Its flowers, colors,
H N So that he reduces Š
 >  He lie down on one side K 3
 4 -
Loneliness ![ Cooperation  g  It touched directly È
It became hard and rough \ !
c At that time ".>[ Children, plural of ¯A  >?~

Quranic Arabic Program 234 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
( ./ N Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1 , H” :(./ 0 ,-1 4Á \<  "/ 2R * “.l  .  ,. ˆ
 ” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. 2R * : . J %>w (./ 0 ,-1 ,/ R } 6 :(6
. N 4 E Z ~E Z  >  R :E Ÿ
. ;
 ? 2 * “.( E:E / 0 D
FE 9
€ I1 ¶:‡  E  \ >% 4 /'” :Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. 2 * ªJ . % [ f
 ")£ / & ".>[  ?>c  h‡ , “.k 1
ª(< , HŽ “.( >e R& 1Ž” :2 * “!0 2 &1 E ( >.>/ ,p!E” :   “¬O Œ ¦ \< ~,/ \E” :2  ª N 4 E   IE Z Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 / ¶:‡ Ÿ . D
 ?A "
.(>/ 0 DF  E  X 4/Ž KG I (< \RpE Z Ž [ ? .( / ª(>.>/ , qm < $U I "
A 0 2 &1 ( )  F.< …: \ 2J  (./ 0 ,-1  ª(  ( )
 F.< d-
 :    /: XQN >?& , $a ,b P +: E f[ , ?E i  < d  -  Ž (./ 0 ,-1 ,/   :()F.< (>d6H
 h‡ :/ ;
 h @  K >"I , W  b  Z&  (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1  * / R F H :* f
 !£ ‘ Z  E ( K   3#  > Z& (>/ 0 A 2 & t  , +  :  Z& (>/ 0
.Wa  ?H
:  (>   PQ Y   Ž"# \  ¤
 9 (>/ ~A   < d ‘ ie ¶>%   pE  2J : < ¶E  pE  ~O[  # ? E Z Z ¶>%   ")£ X 1 c (./ 0 ,-1  "w/    : < :(9c
(>/   1: E \ ª < d 1 ?  …1~!  N   <  .E:£  N 1 w  :N < € :/ "œ (./ 0 ,-1  "w/ F>Á Z* :< .E:£ , 1' +  /   4 >) "# Z N 1 w  
.  9# R ? E ¶:[  :3
 E Z # e   3# 1  \

His Virtues: A’li has a lot of virtues. Prophet’s saying is one of that that “You are from me and I am from
you.” And the statement of U’mar Ibn Al-Khattab that: “Allah’s Prophet died and he was happy with
him.” In the battle of Khyber when the Muslims had to face two forts. The Prophet said: “Definitely,
tomorrow I’ll give the flag to a man upon whom hand, Allah will give us victory.” He said that people
passed their night to guess at the night time that to whom he will give it. When the people came to the
Prophet together next morning, they expect that he will give it (to them) but he said: “Where is A’li Ibn
Abi Talib?” They said: “His eyes have got infection, O Allah’s Prophet!” He said: “Send him to me.”
When he came with an infection in his both eyes, he prayer for him. He recovered as he did not have any
pain before. He gave the flag to him and Allah made them victorious by him.
His Personal Sacrifice: A’li, like other companions did not care when anything brought in the way of this
message. He used to sacrifice himself and his money. He is the first person who sacrificed himself for
Allah’s Prophet. On the night of migration, he slept on the bed of the Prophet although he knew that the
pagans have agreed to kill Allah’s Prophet. He participated in all battles except the expedition of Tabuk.
His Caliphate: After the martyrdom of U’thman, the Muslims elected him their ruler. He did not accept it
and loved to become a minister instead of being the ruler. But the companions insisted him in order to get
rid of the dilemma they were facing. The insurgents were dominating the affairs of Madina after the
murder of the Caliph U’thman unjustly and aggressively. The insurgents threatened the people of Madina
to kill the people of consultation (Parliament), the great companions and whomever they can kill in the
land of migration if anyone did not accept the Caliphate.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

They insisted ~A

  Eye infection qmA
 Happy, pleased k 1
Rescue, get rid of ¤
 9# He became healthy < It became an obstacle &
Dilemma, problem Y
  Ž"# Pain, infection KG I Two forts J .
% [
Insurgents, revengeful 1 w He did not care about , ?E i Flag (of an army)  E 
Commanding, leading   4 >)  He take risk of his life …: They thought and
 R :E
They threatened  :N Bed t
  He complains ,p!E

Quranic Arabic Program 235 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
( >e     (>/ -
¶  lL …1 1 '   I £ (>/ + h / " ª\ E >% w &¶   >% <~h   dŒ >¶ / :¶ ‡ \  . ‡R  FH Z \‹ 0
  \ >%  E ZR .# I :  !.E:£  N E” :Z   *
.0 :>?/ \< R dŒ ª+   \ < o
<h (  E < \"   1 '  I £ (  E ?  ?." # :  
  :3)£ ºe (./ 0 ,-1 ƒ,/ V   c  3d  # PL \  !/ K &  ˆ  ?) + E ,
 9# ( >H :< (./ 0 ,-1 O Œ ¦ \< ,/ 2 "/ ZN
 :  ? .X 1 : * , ZG >/ ( } 6
 * , ZG >p[ (  d
 ?&  ªf
 ")" ¶ d  $† 9< + 9&{ $ :/  >[   p" <  8 : [  :3
 H (./ 0 ,-1  "w/    : < R .F 2 4R H  º H 0
= $U b
:,E "< (./ 0 ,-1 ,G / + * 9Á < (./ 0 ,-1 ,G / K E<
(>/ K " 3E ( " p[ ~ )E " wE1  "w/   * R ?*   (./ 0 ,-1 ,G /  I : €> 8 .( & >& K m F E i \ €6E 2 h /  Ÿ
. Z. ,p !E \EQ  "w/ $U    (./ 0 ,-1 ,G / 2 h / :i€ 
.… c'=  9? ,  ")£
(   / K "./ 0 ,-1  >F& ,< \ < J E  + !  >%  Z .>% < \ Z. ZG )* O
% 3
 )E Z 2 h%   Q   $   ' 
 & :2 "/' XQN \ Z./ 0 ,-1 < d < Š*
f< …I  ªB9# R E :< N QN ª >?  ?* f   3 "# \ ¤     1  -
/ X 1 Ae N (./ 0 ,-1 ( < 3& + :/ O ?&   .X 1 :*  93
 < ( " > )H (./ 0 ,-1 Ä, /  6F <
. "./ 0 ,-1 E  ,/

Some others of them said: “O People of Madina! We have given you a period of two days. By God! If you
do not become free, we’ll assassinate A’li, Talhah, Zubair and a lot of people tomorrow.” When they
forced, the Migrators and Ansaar considered it obligatory on them, they followed it. On Saturday, 29 Zul-
Hajj, A’li came out to the Mosque and climbed on the pulpit. The Migrators and the Ansaar gave him the
oath of allegiance. Zubair Ibn A’wwam and Talhah Ibn U’baidullah were among those who gave him the
oath of allegiance.
Important Steps of A’li Ibn Abi Talib after His Appointment as a Caliph
Allah wanted to prolong the test after martyrdom of U’thamn by new events as an affliction and as a test
for the Muslims caused by the conspiracies and tricks of the enemies of Islam because He, the Exalted is
the Wise in His decisions and Knowledgeable in His planning. After A’li was given the oath of allegiance
for caliphate, A’li established the following:
First: A’li dismissed the governors of U’thman about whom people were complaining. He also dismissed
those who did not agree with his policies. Second: A’li delayed the punishment for the murder of
U’thman, he was waiting for establishment of his rule and agreement of the Muslims of other cities on it.
Point of View of Some Companions about this Steps: Some governors accepted this dismissal but an
outfit of them did not accept it. The governor of Syria Mu’awiyah Ibn Sufyan was among them along with
his recognition of the virtues of A’li and acceptance of his high rank. The reason of lack of this agreement
was his assertion on the essentiality of taking retaliation from this criminals before giving oath of
allegiance. This was the start of the dispute which occurred between A’li and Mu’awiyah.
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

At that time "wE1 By hook or crook a >[ a p We give time (to you) .# I
It become stable ~ )E Enemies $= :/ You become free R‡ FH
Acceptance, confession B / Affliction, trouble $† 9< They followed it   
Emphasis 1 Ae Planning 1 :* Anarchy, disorder R .F
Retaliation, punishment ¤
   He dismissed 2 h / It was renewed  :3
Start R E :< Punishment R ?*  Its events 8 :[

Quranic Arabic Program 236 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
G I $ 4 "  I O
 >"  1G  IŽ " N9 ‘  / "3
 #   .~) R N 1* lQ .  { ,  E   \  /  . i  Ii / Ó>.?   (B 9c{ QN)
(318/13 P1 ? D) “.I (   Ž4
 c ZR8 :  I  Zp[ Le ª I (  A ZR8 :  I  Z  d# Z p [ Le” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1 2 * " .:G [ 
:º' ˆ p    qmd # \ ma E z  X :  E "/ ¶/  f")"# f<  F & g  <[ B  9# Q \ E:* d# 2 9@& \/ ¸
 RR  Š  >ŽH  >.< Ÿ . \ o G w Z   ? ºe  1 & "./ 0 ,-1  >% <~h  R d
 Œ    ./ 0 ,-1  !  } / ‘  ??&  :ÖN36  " 3  # R   
\%  ie Z% N 3
%  \%  o a w ,  >% c i” :º H (* lQ< f   w"  (./ 0 ,-1 ,/ B  9& :< RF c ".>[ Ÿ  . f
 <C  9A{   46£ K -  }: H
(4:114 $ ). ) “.Ÿ
 . \ >% < C
a 9%Ae %  B
a  %  %  a * : 
\ E ºe ¬ :EH $a ,b P” : ‹& :./ (./ 0 ,-1 (*  >: < ¶6E C  9A{ : EE ( ! >3< V   c ? ºe ./ 0 ,-1  !} / V   
< ,G / K " &  : <
 # Z>4  ZN1 Q < Z / :” :2 * “¬(>e  ?>3E Z  ž” :2 * “.(>e . < I  !} / dA .  ?* e C 9A{  P.%  : E  PQ ” :2  “¬ ON QH
...“.Z . . . :2 * “¬ R E Z # ž” :2 * “. R H  Z / :” :2 * “¬  -E Z ž” :2 * “.o )   

This dispute was based on Ijtihaad (personal judgment). There was no dispute from Mu’awiyah about the
government. That’s why the followers of Sunnah and the Government, agreed that both of them will be rewarded
(by Allah). For the person having the right opinion will have double reward while the one committing mistake will
have a single reward. As Allah’s Prophet said: “When a ruler makes a decision and exert his judgment (with
sincerity) and reaches to the right opinion, there is a double reward for him. If he decides by making judgment and
commits a mistake, there is a single reward for him (due to his sincerity).” The conspiracy of the malicious people
resulted in two regrettable wars among Muslims. Each party in that defends it by the belief that he is at right. The
first of them was:
The Battle of Jamal (36H): Its reason was that Ayesha along with Talhah & Zubair traveled to Basrah. A large
number of people were with them for reconciling the hearts, calming down the disturbance and making
reconciliation among the people because they were disputing that time after the appointment of A’li as a caliph.
They were the examples of Allah’s statement: “There is nothing good in their secret consultation except the one who
advised for charity or good practices or making reconciliation among people.”
After that, Ali heard that A’yesha has gone out to Basrah. He came out with his army intending for reconciliation
too. The argument for that is his statement when he was asked: “For which thing do you intend and where are your
going?” He said: “What we want and intend is reconciliation, if followers of A’yesha accept it from us and respond
to that.” He asked: “If they don’t accept it.” He replied: “We’ll call them for their reason and will give them the right
and will travel.” He asked: “If they disagree?” He replied: “We’ll ask them to not leave us.” He asked: “If they do
not leave us?” He replied: “We’ll keep ourselves from them (i.e. we will not attack on them).”
Rule of the Day! If you have to express “one of them …. while the other…..” in Arabic, you use the words  c
 ‰  ... " N: [  is
used e.g.  c
 ‰ \%  # ? E Z%  "N : [  \%   q?R   (So it was accepted from one of them but not accepted from the other one).

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Calming  }: H It resulted ¸

  Mutual dispute  /  .
Distubed 46 Exploitation 2 9@& He decided 1 *
Similar to f
  w"  Malicious people i.e.
Abdullah Ibn Saba etc.
\ E:* [ Rewarded 1G  IŽ
Their secret conversation Z% N 3
%  Two sad events  F & g  One who did right O
We intend P.%  Reconciling hearts
 RR  Š
 >ŽH One who committed a

Quranic Arabic Program 237 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
/ R c ( \ Ž?& \ < 0 : ?/  .F R N \p .€ > o a < R !>3# ;  < .  \ ./ 0 ,-1  !} / f  < ( .>< Z N F  1 d
 # 1   L e Z  .
 ?b  1 :@  ~.|R E ZN Z[ 9& ºe Ÿ . +  . c ‰  p ) / Za )* R  Z 3 N  \ >% " )* " )
     3F K     \ >%  4 f< Y  FHi \ Z)F
  pR < (./ 0 ,-1 ,G / Nh I #  : <  p ºe R !} / ˆ %  I 1  R £ ˆ %    Ÿ
. YF  ./ 0 ,-1  !} / R "I   / [ a E 2 * , ")£
.+ E € o
 )   X  i  >&  a p< ¦ \ < :G "Ç N c   >&   .E:£ V  1 c [ ¶>b  I  N O   3< 1 & V dH
.><  m ?&    :* d# ( @ &  . "./ 0 ,-1 E  ,/ f< K* PQ B  9# Q J 3  > R > w R£ ,N :ÖN37 .& f  F A  :R > w 
/ J d-   J i 2z : E QN  £ ?* a  b R &  : ?H p H :* (./ 0 ,-1  E  dA (./ 0 ,-1 ,a / dA   .B9Á QN ?&
:>  ;  R4
# < R £ ;:?  :" # XQN 2 9c a 3> ºe 9A E Z \p C  9A{ , " ?‡1 2   "./ 0 ,-1 "N % R
 E  : .I  [ R ,/ : . I       EF R H    (./ 0 ,-1 E  r  >I   4>& ˆ
dH   PQ $ "#  I \ lL :\ >%  4 f< ;  b . :i€ 
Za & [ 1    |E   a F    a R < \ >%  4 f< 2R   :< : €> 8 .Z./ c  ZRpI [ $ "# \ RQc  (< dA (./ 0 ,-1 ,/ Ž Z*  \/
. R8:d  E  > ,  R E f !>3#   \ o wp   lL K (./ 0 ,-1 ,/ D    R d
 I 1 R Fp  ˆ  e mE P'

So it became good after that and the dialogue started. There was a reconciliation between him and A’yesha and those
who were with her. The two armies spent a good night. But the people of deception i.e. A’bdullah Ibn Saba and his
followers feared about themselves due to this agreement between the two sides. They stood up at dawn and divided
themselves into two groups. Each group attacked on the other camp. People stood up with their weapons. They were
assuming a breach of contract (by the other party). The Muslims clashed in a bitter fight until the legs of the camel
of A’yesha were cut. People scattered and the battle was over. A’yesha returned to Makkah after that A’li provided
her everything she needed. He also walked by foot along with her houdah until she came out of the town. Her
brother Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr traveled with her and his children also traveled to a distance of one day.
Second – The Battle of Siffin (37H): That is the second battle as a result of that dispute which occurred between
A’li and Mu’awiyah. The malicious people exploited it. The reasons for this dispute are already discussed. The
companions of A’li and those of Mu’awiyah exchanged letters for a period of six months before this battle. This is
the clear proof of the hatred of both of them for fighting and the love of both of them for reconciliation. But they did
not reach to a result during this period. So the battle started on the following lines.
First – Skirmishes between the Two Sides: That was due to the water which was under the control of the army of
Mu’awiyah. The both parties fought and the army of A’li dominated while the army of Mu’awiyah was removed
from their place. A’li instructed his fellows to take the water according to their need and leave them.
Second – The fight starting among the two parties with different force. It was not clear that which party will
dominate decisively although the scale was heavy on the side of A’li. A large number of people of both armies used
to meet at night time and talk.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

They reached 9A E He prepared goods for her Nh I Their mutual agreement Z N F
Fights, battles ;
 b . Howdah, seat of camel VN Arms, weapons C9&
Under control of   4>& Waling ¶>b  Breach of agreement 1 :@
They were removed  [ R Equal to the distance of € o
 )  He fought l
Decisive Za & [ Both of them wrote letters to
each other
?H pH Bitter a E
Balance R Fp  Hatred X % R It was injured   /

Quranic Arabic Program 238 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
\ <  "/   .2   Š *  E Z NQR  . E  ."  ¶6< Z 6
<  ")£ , .F# E      "# B  c :+ !  N Y     N f< $ :  \ [  S
 :[' R E 
K  1  < C
  F  (./ 0 ,-1  E "  pF …:< lL :./ …?% pR    £ lH Š *  > Z >pd a  p ºe …:N [ lQ< Ó>   jpF E (./ 0 ,-1 ¤  
R !>3# Y  F H .Y
a FH ºe 9AE Z 2 : . 3#     , R "pd# K " I :* .2R   Š  * H Z  * (./ 0 ,-1 ,/ r >I   Š  [ " # + ! r
.X: < ºe J  6 Z >pd  Ž) : <
Z F  c \   jFp E  1 A :  1.“V 1 
 # ” Z¢ 2 E ,a / r
 >I , R > * Z ªaBi R <1 f  FA , Z >pd /  - / \EQ $ R   : /  
Z ª @?  R    V
 # (./ 0 ,-1 ,G /   / :* .Z>/   ÖN38 + / +Ç , ( !  >3< (./ 0 ,-1 ,G / Z>e 1 ) .(   (     d>?)E
.Z  Z% .@ E Z Z ®?)
E Z ªZd
 EI /  I{  ªZEq1  O
 > H \ X : . I K .  ªZ N% jFp E

The End of Events and the Prevention of Bloodshed between the People of Iraq & Syria: Sincere people feared
that the Muslims will destroy each other. They wished to rescue them and stop the fighting. A’mr Ibn Al-A’as used
to think it for a long period of time until he reached at the idea of arbitration in order to stop that great war. He
presented this though to Mu’awiyah. He became happy with that and the Syrian Army raised copies of the Quran.
The Army of A’li dreaded fighting and the war stopped. Both mediators (from two sides) gathered at “Dumat-ul
Jundul” but did not reach at an agreement. The two armies separated after the issue of arbitration and each one
returned to its town.
The number of the readers (of the Quran) who objected the arbitration at Siffin was 4000. They were a minority in
the army of A’li. They are called “Al-Khawarij. They started declaring those who disagreed with them infidels and
made his blood and wealth lawful. A’li traveled to them with his army during Muharram 38H and dominated them.
A’li treated the Khwarij like insurgents but did not declare them infidel. He forbade his army to chase their escaping
people and gave medical treatment to their wounded ones. He did not curse them and did not take their money as
war booties.
Do you know?
“Khawarij” was a rebellious group who declared that Caliph A’li and Mu’awiyah "./ 0 -1 are infidels. They were extremists
in their views. They used to declared everyone other than their own group as “infidels”. They used to make it lawful to kill
others and take their wealth. Caliph A’li launched a military expedition against them which destroyed their power. After that,
they continued arranging small revolts against Caliph Mu’awiyah but failed. After a long struggle, they were destroyed
completely. Throughout the Muslim History (including the modern age), similar rebellious groups emerged who declared
everyone except them as “infidel” and revolted against the established governments.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Chasing O
 > H It stopped Š
 * H Prevention of bloodshed $ :  \ [
Their people who fled from
the battlefield
ZE1  They raised an objection  - / That they will be
, .F# E 
Their wounded people Zd
 EI Minority R > * They rescued them Z NQR  . E
He did not curse them Z ®?)
E Þ They declared infidels   jFp E He stopped Š
*  E
He did not take their wealth
as war booty
Z% .@ E Z The made it lawful   d>?)E For a long time Ó> 
He treated   / Arbitration, settling a
Z >pdH
Rebellious against the state  @?  He feared

Quranic Arabic Program 239 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
(./ 0 ,-1 ,/  !&
(./ 0 ,-1 >/ (   < ( \œ PQ Z3#  \< \ "%[ :?/ ( " &%  V  1 
 # : [  : E  / ÖN40 .&  61 b \ !/ K< ) , (./ 0 ,-1 :  !&
\"%[ :?/ 2  “. 9? Z. D E   96  "} R   .> E” :   .f  ")£ f< ; % I , S
 :['   QH ( \ >%  > K  K " I :  0
“.¤  \< "/ Zp>F ” :p< \< "/ 2 * “.E  Zp>F ” :0 :?/ \< W¡ (> 2 * “. ¶> / ZRp>FR ” :Z3 \<
N  3F  9 ¶?N L   :./ +a  ") Š
a >)< (./ 0 ,-1 ,/ * \ Z3 \< \"%[ :?/ \ p" H :* a :[  a > , lL  pE  / R F H 
.$ h» oc f")£  +9&{ \/ X hI €  &  € "%[1 f.g£  >%  0 Z [   .¤  \< "/  E  * , X 9>  !
  . ".>< “9 9 ” P .E
ÖN 41 .& 1  / "3
 # + /
t  >3 # ( ÂR q? E \ )
d # ‘ (./ 0 ,-1 € E  ´  < .(./ 0 ,-1 ,/ (> :  ! & PQ +> , "./ 0 ,-1 ,/ \ < \ ) d # Y   RN K E <
2R w O
 } p <  E  ,/ \< \ )¹ 0    ? & ” :2 * P? \ )d# \/ (d>dA , P1 ? …1 :  .1¾ €Œ >[  ¶?~)d
 H ( !
 >I Ž?  (  *   A
1Ž< Æ \ $igN $igN ª$igN $igN * # e” :"/ P R E  ( 2  “.  * R  H [  ‘ H i O}  …1' °e” :¤  \<  "/ 2 “.2 ?»
“¬Z>6< Æ \ ¬Z} .<Ž< Æ \ ¬Ÿ .

Martyrdom of A’li
He was martyred on 17 Ramadan 40H by one of the Khawarij. His name was A’bdur Rahman Ibn Muljam who
thought that by killing A’li, he will become near to Allah. He gathered with his two companions and discussed the
incidents which occurred among the Muslims. They said: “We wish to kill these leaders of deviation and relax
countries [by getting rid of] them.” A’bdur Rahman Ibn Muljim said: “I’m enough for A’li.” His companion Al-Birk
Ibn A’bdullah said: “I’m enough for Mu’awiyah.” A’mr Ibn Bakr said: “I’m enough for A’mr Ibn Al-A’aas.”
They agreed to do that in one night. A’bdur Rahman Ibn Muljim attempted killing A’li with a poisonous swort while
he was coming for the Fajr prayer and calling “Prayer, Prayer”. His both companions failed to kill Mu’awiyah and
A’mr Ibn Al-Aaas. May Allah be Merciful upon the Leader of the Believers with a wide mercy and reward him for
his service for Islam and Muslims with the best reward.
The Year of Agreement 41H
The people of Iraq gave oath of allegiance to Hassan Ibn A’li on the day when A’li was martyred. It reached to
Mu’awiyah that Hassan is mobilizing armies to fight with him. He also mobilized his army to seek information and
taking care of the matters. Bukhari reported in his Sahih on behalf of Hassan Al-Basari, he said: “By Allah! Hassan
Ibn A’li faced Mu’awiyah with battalions like mountains.” A’mr Ibn Al-A’aas said: “Definitely, I see the battalions.
You will not be appointed until you fight along with similar to them.” Mu’awiyah said to him i.e. A’mr: “If this and
that is killed, who will be with me to take care of people matters? Who will be with me to take care of their children?
Who will be with me to make their loss good?
1. The word / "» is used for having an agreed-upon government. It is opposite to the situation of anarchy.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

To seek information ¶?~)d

 H Poisoned +a  ") Two friends \ >%  >
He received  ? & He failed  !
  It continued ;
% I
Battalions O}  Having one Government,
opposite to anarchy
 / "3
 # We relax D
For long periods of time  * He is mobilizing ÂR q? E I’ll be enough from your
side (to kill)

Quranic Arabic Program 240 Level 03

Lesson 14B: Caliph U’thman & A’li "./ 0 ,-1
(>/ - /% Ž  I QN ºe ?N L ” :2  .a  / \< 0
 :?/ ª " & \< \ "%[ : ?/ " N y
a "b : ?/ á< \ r
a E* \ \ >%  I 1 (\ )d# ºe :P) (>e M
   :P) “.(>e ? Œ ( i€ *
“. }  , ˆ
% 8 / :*  ' XQN ‘e 2 "# QN \ .?A :* O
 4£ : ?/  .< e” :,/ \< \ )d# " 2  .(>e ? Œ  ( i * "p  (>/ 9c:  X >HŽ
l \ d” :i * ie €‹>b " Ž& " “.(< l \d” :i * “( QN Æ R F p E :P) ¬ Q< Æ \" ” :2 * “.l  RŽ)E l>e O
 4 E Q Q l>/ k   E (ž” :i *
X 1 "> Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. 2R * m  d
  .X  H (  /  ( .E: (./ 0 ,-1 \ ) d  # < f
 ")£ f< 0 = D  A R .F ˆ   QpN .( 2  .H ( d
“.f")£ \ \ >% " >|/ \ >% ‹ f< (< D
   E  0
=   :G q>& QN ,.< ‘e” :(d>dA , P1 ?

So he sent to him (i.e. to Hassan) two people from Banu A’bd us Shams of Quraish: They were A’bdur Rahman Ibn
Sumrah and A’bdullah Ibn A’amir. He said: “Both of you go to this man and present to him this matter and demand
from him” (i.e. reconciliation).
Both of them came to him and entered into his home, told him the matter and demand from him. Hassan Ibn A’li
said to them.” We Banu A’bdul Muttalib have faced problems in this matter. Surely this Ummah has been
devastated due this bloodshed.” Both of them said: “Surely he presents this and that to you and demands you (the
reconciliation).” He said: “Who will be with me for this? (i.e. who will guarantee this for me).” They said: “We are
the guarantors for you in that matter.” Whatever he asked from both of them, they said: “We are the guarantors for
you in that matter.”
So he made the reconciliation and gave up. In this way the anarchy finished and Allah made the reconciliation
among the Muslims on the hand of Hassan due to his religiosity, his wisdom and his God-fearing attitude. So the
saying of the Prophet became true what narrated by Bukhari in his Sahih: “Surely my this son is a chief and it is
expected that Allah will make reconciliation among two big groups of Muslims by him.”
Rule of the Day!
If you search for someone and find him, you say “O! He is here!!!”, you use the words L N N. In order to describe that “O!
I’m here!!!!” Q N is used. You’ve to adjust the pronouns accordingly. For example ¬: [  29< \E .PL ,N N ¬ ZE \  E
\Ê N ¬  H c  "Œ  \E .PQ N ¬"Œ  \E ª$i \d N ¬:N b  : [ \E .$i ZN N ¬X c  29< \E . L " N N
Do you know?
One of the painful debates in the literature of Muslim History is the analysis of mistakes of Caliph A’li & Mu’awiyah 0 -1
"./. We should seek refuge of Allah from that. Both of them were the great companions of the Prophet Z& (n (>/ 0 A. We
should respect both of them and avoid such debate due to three reasons: (1) The Prophet asked us not to blame his
companions. (2) It is a useless debate which will not provide any benefit in our salvation. (3) The information available in the
books of history is extremely distorted. In the second century, the extremists of different sects opponent to these two
companions created a huge junk of fictitious reports about both of them. Such reports are available in the history books are
extremely unauthentic. Therefore, we can never reach to a right conclusion.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

It became true m  d
 H It is harmed by ˆ
% 8 / Both of you present it to - /% 
Chief :G q>& He guarantees R F p E Both of you demand ? Œ
Two groups \ >% ‹ He abdicated 2  .H So they came to him X >HŽ

Quranic Arabic Program 241 Level 03

Lesson 15A: Mansubaat ; <.

The Result (1)

Now compare the result. Each word carried one mark. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

Z)* English ,</

2 [ Remember Allah a lot. €ow (    L
2 [ Allah increased them in sickness. €- (  Z% N  
2 [ Believe in what I’ve revealed while it is
testifying what is with you.
Z% pR   " €*q:
# h  "<  . n
2 [ He made the earth as a bed and the sky as a
roof for you.
$† .< $U ")  €b  k
 1% 'U Z% pR    I
2 [ You were lifeless, so He gave you life. Z% R >[% Ž €H %  Z%  .R
2 [ Come down out of it together. €>"I .%  R4?N%
(< 2F He ignited a fire. €1  : * % &%
2 [ Eat from it with ease. €:‡1 .%  9R
(< 2F He brought the water down from the height. $†  $ ") \%  2 h %
ªm4 2F They were given plenty of sustenance in form
€*%1 a  " 8 \%  .%  R* 1
1: of fruits.

Be careful about the day when no person will

(< 2F be rewarded for anything instead of another €‹%>b y
a F#  \% / y
G F#  Ph3
% H i €%E R H 

( 2F ª/ So We made it a lesson. i€ p N .#  3

2 [ Enter in the door while prostrating. €:3&
 ?# Rc %
(< 2F So that they buy a small price for it. 9
€ >* €."8 ( <  !
% >
2 [ He passed through a town while it was fallen
upon its roofs
b  / / J E c , N  a E% * / 
(< 2F So We brought a calamity down from the sky
to the offenders.
$ ") \%  €h%I1  " œ \ EQ / .#h Ž
h>>"H So 12 springs gushed out of it €.%>/   !
% / .8# ( .%  ;
%  3

Quranic Arabic Program 242 Level 03

Lesson 15A: Mansubaat ; <.

Z)* English ,</

2F)  h Bœ The One Who took His slave from the Holy : 3
)% " # \%  9
€ >%  X : ?%  < …&%  PQ
((> *# 'U : 3 ) % " # e + d
Mosque (of Makkah) to the Mosque of
Jerusalem in one night.

( 2F Bow down with those who bow down. f

    K    1% 
 p£ Bœ Don’t fight with them near the Holy Mosque. + d
 # : 3
)% " # : .% / Z% N RH  H i
(< 2F We sent a Prophet in you who is one of you. Z% pR .%  i€  &1 Z% pR > .# & 1% 
2 [ Those who believe have intense love for Allah. (  €?[ ~:b   . n \ EQ
 h Bœ I called my nation day and night. € >%  ,% * ;
€1  9 % /  ,qe
2 [ So whoever fear about the testator a biased
inclination or injustice
€"#8e %  €F.I ¤
a   \%  B
 c \% " 
 h Bœ You’ve disbelieved after your faith Z% pR  Õe : % < Z% H % F  :% *
2 [ Don’t make a promise with them secretly. €& \N  :/ H i
/ ª( 2F Don’t hold them in order to harm. €1 -
 \N Rp)
 "% H i
2 [ So if you fear (a danger, then pray) while on
foot or mounting.
€ ?# 1 %  i€ I  Z%  F# c # ž
 h Bœ So He revealed to them to exalt (Allah) in the
morning and evening.
 /  €  p# <  dq?& #  Z%  >% e [% Ž
2 [ So whoever in you is sick €6E Z% pR .%    \% " 
 p£ Bœ The man wants to disobey in front of Him. (    3
F# > R ){ : EE
h>>"H So beat them with 80 lashes € : # I f
  "8 Z% N  : I% 
: ¶.)[ ª1: : ¶-*
1: ˆ
Who is the one who give a loan to Allah as a
good loan.
€.)[ €-%* (  k
 # E PQ L \% 

h>>"H We promised Moses for 30 nights €  >%  f

 898 &  :% / 

Quranic Arabic Program 243 Level 03

Lesson 15A: Mansubaat ; <.

Z)* English ,</

 h Bœ Now, Allah has reduced (the responsibility) on you. Z% pR ./ (  Š
 Fc  ‰
 p£ Bœ Rivers will flow under it. 1 %'U d
% H P3
% H
( 2F Surely, Allah is with the steadfast people. \ E<  K  (  e
ª(< 2F :i9[ So eat whatever Allah has given you as a lawful and
€?q>Œ i€ 9[ (  Z% pR *  1 " RpR 
ˆFA : ?>Œ pure food.

 h Bœ Proclaim the name of your Lord in the morning and
€ >A €  p# < l
9  q<1 Z &% % R L# 
$U : b  Rp €4& € R Z% R .#  I
 p£ Bœ We made you a middle group so that you testify in
front of people.
 . /
2 [ You will grow seven years continuously. €< f
 .& K ?% &   /1 h% H
m4 2F Allah talked to Moses definitely. €">p# H &  (  Z 
 h Bœ They said, “Now you have brought the truth.” qmd
 # < ˆ
 ‹# I  ‰ R *
 h Bœ So what is that after truth except the deviation? 2R 96 ie qmd
 # : % < L "
h>>"H O my father! I’ve seen 11 stars. €?%   !
 / : [  ˆ
E%1 ,qe ˆ
 < E
m4 2F So I’ll punish them severely. €:E:b €< Q/ Z%  < jQ/ ŽR
 p£ Bœ He knows what is in front of them and what is
behind them.
Z%  F # c  Z%  E:E% \ >% <  Z  % E
2 [ Allah has raised Saul as a king. €p ;
 R ΠZ% pR  M
  < :% *
2 [ Who is better than Allah in directives? €"#p[ (  \%  \ )
 [%  \% 
h>>"H He reached at the age of 40 years € .& f
  <1%  ´  <
h>>"H We caused the springs to gush out from the earth € >/ k
 1% 'U % 3 

Quranic Arabic Program 244 Level 03

Lesson 15A: Mansubaat ; <.

Z)* English ,</

  ?  .E O
a   .  P  " œ \ EQ Z  % >&
Replacement of Soon the offenders will know that they will
1: return what sort of return.

/ :$ @< Example of those who spend their wealth in  -%  $U @<% Z%   %   R F . E \ EQ R w
Z%  )
 FR % \%  €>?w# H ( 
order to seek Allah’s pleasure and as a
2 [ : >?wH firmness from themselves

$a ,% b R m 4  PQ (  . 4 

Replacement of Allah gave us the faculty of speech, He is the
1: One Who gave faculty of speech to everything

1: Surely, they plot a scheme and I plot a scheme €:%> : > €:%>   :>pE Z%  e
  p . H (  ;
 En PŽ ( H En Z% pR EE 
Replacement of He shows you His signs, so which signs of
1: Allah you deny?

.2 [ : ow ª9>* So they should laugh less and weep more due "< $† hI €ow Rp?% ># 9
€ >* Rpd6 % ># 
/ :$ hI to the reward they are earning.
 p# E   
€ >8 I a R R …H
Replacement of You will see each group of people kneeled
2 [ : >8 I ª1: down.

h>>"H :2 w So whoever does good equal to the weight of a

XE €%>c a 1L 2  w#  # " % E \% " 
(< 2F : oc particle will see it

1: : ?[
You love wealth intensely €"I €?[ 2 "#  ~?d
ˆFA : Ó"I

a h"  R Z% N .*# h 
Replacement of We scattered them completely in scattered
1: fragments.

2 [ : d?-
2 [ : [:*
(I present as an evidence) the snorting war
horses, dashing off sparks by the strike of their ª €[%:* ;  E1  "#  ª €d%?-  ;  E # 
 h Bœ : d?A hoofs, making raids in the morning, and
leaving a trail of dust as they dash into the
\ 4# &   ª €#  ( <  % 8Ž ª €d%?A
;  o@ " # 
(< 2F :   middle of the gathered (enemy troops)! Surely
man is ungrateful to his Lord
G  .p  ( q<   ){ e ª €%"I ( <
(< 2F : ¼

:a >./ 1a F R Z . I , > #

Replacement of
1: Throw into the Hell every stubborn disbeliever

( 2F ª/ Don’t kill your children due to fear of poverty Y

a 9%e  >!
% c Z% R  i% R # H i

Quranic Arabic Program 245 Level 03

Lesson 15A: Mansubaat ; <.

Z)* English ,</

1: :$ hI Surely your reward is the Hell, an ample
€1R%  $† hI Z% R   hI Z . I ž
ˆFA : 1 reward

2 [ : F&e  ?6‡ Moses return to his people while he was full of

anger and grief
% ‡ (  % * e &  K I 1
€F&  ?6
1: : d
Surely We opened a clear victory upon you €.>? €d% l
%  e
ˆFA : .>?
/  € *R  € >* (    R Q# E \ EQ
2 [ Those who remember Allah while standing,
sitting or laying on their sides
Z%  < .I
1: : 3N
Leave them in a beautiful way 9
€ >"I €%3N Z% N % 3
ˆFA :9>"I
2 [ That you will not speak people for three
continuous nights
€E & 2a > S
 98 Ÿ
 . Z jp H i
1: Surely, We poured the plenty of water out for
 $U "# .?% ?A
1: Then We broke the earth wide open €‘ b k
 1% 'U .#  b Z8R
 p£ Bœ We raised him to a high place €> / € p X .%  1
2 [ Give them a small time limit 9
€ >* Z%  # q 
/ ª( 2F Who sells his soul in order to seek Allah’s
(   -%  $U @<% ( )
 F#  P!
% E \% 
When the verses of The Merciful are recited in ~c \ " [%  ;
En Z%  >%  / % H Le
2 [
€>p <  €:3&
front of them, they fall down in prostrating and
weeping condition

€ E%  €?%6*  €?./  €?[ > .% ?%Ž

(< 2F :... UÓ?[ We grew grains, grapes, nutritious vegetation,
olives, dates and lush gardens (having) fruits
€/  ª €< €    €?#‡R m } :[  9 €% 
/ : /  and herbage, as a sustenance for you and your
cattle Z% pR  %'U  Z% pR 
X $U 1 A
  ¶:/ * 0 2R  &1 ‘A 
2 [ The Prophet prayed while sitting and people
behind him prayed while standing
¶"} * 2J I1

Quranic Arabic Program 246 Level 03

Lesson 15A: Mansubaat ; <.

The Result (2)

Now compare the result. Each word carried two mark. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

Z*1 English ,</

3 (interrogation + same
They don’t deceive anyone except
 FR  ie   /: 
Z%  ) % E 
Those of you who die and leave wives,
they should devise a bequest for their € >A
  €I %    1Q E Z% pR .%   %  E \ EQ 
4 wives for sustenance of one year
without driving them out (of home)
a c% e  >% ‡ 2 % d
 # e €/  Z%  I % 'U
3 (negation + same
He does not deviate except those who
are morally corrupt.
  & F# ie ( < z 6
So whoever wants any (religion) other
4 than Islam, it will not be accepted from ( .%   ?# E \%   €.E + 9%&{  >% ‡ ´ ?% E \%  

1 So they prostrated except Iblees y

 ><%e ie  :3
I visited the mosques of the city except
¶:[  :/   .E:" # : I ) ;
There are uneducated people who do
1 not consider the “Book” (of God) ,  ie
 p #   " % E i  ~>qR Z%  .% 
anything except their own wishes

5 I read the book except a page € d

 F# A
 p  ;
6 Don’t worship (anyone) except Allah (  ie   :? % H i
3 (interrogation + same
So what is the reward of that of you
who does so except detestation?
G h% c ie Z% pR .%  l
P  L R  F# E \%  $= hI "
It was not appropriate for them to enter
it except afraid (of God)
 F } c ie NRc :% E #  Z%     
5 He plucked the flowers except a rose.  1   9c 1 N' K 4 *
5 He plucked the flowers except a rose.  1   9c 1 N' K 4 *
3 They will not harm you except teasing. …€L ie Z% R ~6
E \% 
Muhammad is nothing (not a god)
except a Prophet.
2J  &1 ie :G "d

Quranic Arabic Program 247 Level 03

Lesson 15A: Mansubaat ; <.

The Result (3)

Now compare the result. Each line carried four marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

English ,</
Allah is Powerful over everything. G E:* $a ,% b jR / ( 
Surely, Allah is Powerful over everything.

Action by:
Impact on
Impact on Form: G E:* $a ,% b jR / (  e
À‘e Made emphatic Gave O to the word 0 .

Allah knows what they conceal.  ~)

 E  Z  % E ( 
Definitely, Allah knows what they conceal.

Action by:
Impact on
Impact on Form:  ~)
 E  Z  % E (  
À‘ Made emphatic Gave O to the word 0 .

They are the heads of devils. f

 Œ >! Ÿ
=$1  N
Like that they are the heads of devils.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form: f
 Œ >! Ÿ
=$1 ( Ž
À‘Ž Added the sense of ‘like’ Gave O to the word N.

The punishment of Allah is hard. :G E:b ( 

But the punishment of Allah is hard.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form: :G E:b ( 
 Q/ \p 
\p Added the sense of ‘but’ Gave O to the word Q/.

% E #  ,>d
% )
% E i ( 
Allah does not hesitate to describe an example.
€ w
Definitely, Allah does not hesitate to describe an example.

Action by:
Impact on
Impact on Form:
#  ,>d
% )
% E i (  e
Meaning: 9
€ w
% E
À‘e Made emphatic Gave O to the word 0 .

Quranic Arabic Program 248 Level 03

Lesson 15A: Mansubaat ; <.

English ,</
The Day of Judgment may be near. €?E* R RpH R / )
I hope that the Day of Judgment may be near.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form: €?E* R RpH  / )  
 Added “I hope that” Gave O to the word / &.

The entire power is with Allah. €>"I (  R R #

Definitely, the entire power is with Allah.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form: €>"I (   R # 
À‘ Made emphatic Gave O to the word *.

I died before.  ?% * ~ˆ 

I wish that I would have been died before.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form:  ?% * ~ˆ ,.>%  E
ˆ> Added “I wish that” Gave O to the word .

He killed the entire humanity. €>"I Ÿ

 .  *
Whoever killed a person without a legal retaliation or as a mischief in the
earth, so it is like that he killed entire humanity. %  y
a F#   >% @ < €)#F  * \% 
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form: "Žp  k 1% 'U , a )
Ž Added “like that” Gave O to the word .
€>"I Ÿ  .  *
She is great. J o
 ?p  , N
Surely, she is great.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form: J o
 ?p  e
À‘e Made emphatic Gave O to the word ,N.

They witnessed: “The Prophet is true.” ƒm[ 2R  & :  : b

They witnessed: “Definitely, The Prophet is true.”
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form: ƒm[ 2  &   : b
À‘ Made emphatic Gave O to the word 2&1.

Quranic Arabic Program 249 Level 03

Lesson 15A: Mansubaat ; <.

English ,</
Those are yellow camels. G F# A
J  "I  N
Like that those are yellow camels.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form: G F# A
J  "I ( Ž
À‘ž Added “like that” Gave O to the word N.

Between me and you, there is distance of the East & the West. \ >% *  !
% " # : % < l
 .>% < ,.>% <
I wish that there would be a distance of the East & the West between me and
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form:
: % < l
 .>% < ,.>% < ˆ >%  E
\ >% *  !
% " #
Gave O to the word f< but it is
ˆ> Added “I wish that”
,.?, so no apparent change
Majority of them don’t know.   " % E i Z% N  w# 
But majority of them don’t know.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form:   " % E i Z% N  w#  \p 
\p Added “but” Gave O to the word w.

She was the decisive.  >-

  # ˆ
%   , N
I regret that she was decisive.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form:  >- %   >%  E
  # ˆ
ˆ> Added “I regret” Gave O to the word ,N.

They are hidden eggs. J  .p#  

G >% < \N
Like that they are hidden eggs.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form: J  .p#  
G >% < \ Ž
Ž Added “like that” Gave O to the word \N.

Allah will describe the matter after that. €% l

 L : % < S
R : d
% E ( 
I expect that Allah will describe the matter after that.
 L : % < S
R : d
% E (   
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form:
 Added “I hope” Gave O to the word 0 .

Quranic Arabic Program 250 Level 03

Lesson 15A: Mansubaat ; <.

English ,</
My nation knows.   " % E ,% *
I wish that my nation would know.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form:   " % E ,% * ˆ
 >%  E
ˆ> Added “I wish” Gave O to the word ,*.

He is a patient. 
G E  N
Abraham went to the hospital because he is a patient.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form:
F!) "# Æe Z >N <e ONL
G E ( '
' Added “because” Gave O to the word N.

We grew up ages. € *R Ž# !

  \ d
But We grew up ages.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form: € *R Ž# !
\p Added “but” Gave O to the word \Ê.

.% Π (  .% Π \ d

We obey Allah and we obey the Prophet.
2  &
We wish that we would have obeyed Allah and the Prophet.
.% Π (  .% Π .>%  E
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form:
2  &
ˆ> Added “we wish” Gave O to the word \Ê.

Allah guides whomever He wants. $= !E \%  P:% E ( 

But Allah guides whomever He wants.
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form: $= !E \%  P:% E (  \p 
\p Added “but” Gave O to the word 0 .

The weather is cold. G 1 < ~3

I didn’t come out of home because the weather is cold
 # ' ˆ
 >? ˆ
Action by: Impact on Meaning: Impact on Form:
G 1 <
{ Added “because” Gave O to the word » .

Quranic Arabic Program 251 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

The Result: Calculate your score. Each paragraph carries 10 mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat
the exercise. The translation is provided for each paragraph. Text in parenthesis [ ] is the information not
describe in the original Arabic text but its sense is understood.

The Law of Zakat  h

 h Š
:*” :º H (* , "  >%  4 / ¶6E m  4 H .(53:32 Z3. ) “Z% pR )  FR % zh H 9” :º H (* , " ªC:"# / m  4 H . Eqh  $ ".  @ ,  h
¶<  ´  ? 2 "# , O
 E ƒm[ :$   FR  C
 94A ,  h  .>% 
 # , :G }  P ƒ,  J I 1 2 > C
 9 / m4 H (91:9 y"! ) “ N  \%  D   # 
.º H 0  , >/ ¤  ."#  > "w B
 h Z p [
 "I% {   .~) 
 p  < J ?I  J 6
 E ,N . 9  \ >% H ! : < M
R  w \ ~ ,N  )
 "# +9&{  1 : [  ,N
R h (>/ O
 H \% 
+ % E (  [  Hn” :º H (  ( >.% I ˆ
 * (> O3H ( ž 5 1h , ie ªR2d# (>/ 2R d  E # 
 q. , R !
% E  . q. l  "# qd
# Z)£ / O 3  H
.O"#  y
 ?"#  Z  4"#  \ p )"#   E1  6
 I d# \/ 9 €-   pE  (> 
R %!E " .(6:141 + ' ) “.X  [
Definition of Zakat
The literal meaning of Zakat is growth and increase. It is also applied to ‘praise as in Allah’s words: “Don’t praise
yourself (to claim purity)”. It is also applied on purification as in Allah’s words: “The one succeeded who purified
himself.” It is also applied on rightness. It is said that “a nice man” i.e. the one who is excessively good. In the
terminology of jurists, Zakat means the mandatory receivable right chargeable on the wealth which reach to the
minimum Zakatable limit in the eight categories (of wealth) stated in the Allah’s book.
Directives about Zakat
It is one of five essential elements of Islam. It is the third element after the two declarations and the prayer. It is
obligatory and mandatory by the Book, Sunnah and Consensus (of the Muslims).
Zakat is Obligatory for whom?
Zakat is obligatory for every Muslim who is free (from slavery) and owner of the minimum taxable amount. It is
also a condition of the taxable amount that a year has been passed on it (i.e. it is in the possession of its owner since
one year), except in agricultural production because it (Zakat) is mandatory in it at the time of its harvest, as
mentioned in Allah’s words: “Give its obligation on the day of harvest.” Similarly, another condition in it (Nasaab)
is that it is more than the basic needs e.g. residence, food, dress and mounting animal (or vehicle).
Rule of the Day!
In order to express sickness, the words ( < ªl< ª,< are used e.g. ¶/ :A
,< (I’m suffering with a pain), l
2J & (you’re suffering with cough) etc.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

One year 2R d# A free person, not a slave qd

# Growth $ ".
Agricultural produce 5
 1h It is made conditional 
R  !
% E Reaching ´  ?
Time of its harvest X  [ ª( >.% I
 It passes 2R d
 E Minimum amount of wealth on
which Zakat is due


Quranic Arabic Program 252 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

(H  ">* ç   h > O

 H , 2 '
  /   Ö  . 6F   O
 N Q R  Ö V .1 "w 
# R  Ö .(Z.@  ª ?  ª<{ ) ,N + '  " >< \ R " } ) Ö  :2 ' X Q N \
. 1 3
<{ :+ '  " >< \ R " } ) Ö 
" d
 #  2 @?#  ª B
G 9
 c %>
 # , .a o
 w M
 E [Ž< l
 Q  z: &%  ªR h > O
 H , B  .A % '®U \ , N Z .@ #    ?#  <{®  / $=  FR # K " I% 
. 1 3q \% pR H Z%   J  > y
 >%    >d
 # B
%  \%  N >% ‡ 
0 Z)< :\ Ed? ºe (  I "
 p  QN ( O
  (./ 0 ,-1 mE: p< < ‘ (./ 0 ,-1 l  \< y \/ X:.)< (d>dA , P1 ? …1
\  ‹& \" Z& (>/ 0 A (&1 < 0 =    ,  f")£ / Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1 k    , R * : 
  J 6E XQN ªZ>[ \µ

 % E 9 *  ‹& \ ª 4% > #   I / f")£
The (Categories of) Wealth in which the Zakat is Payable and Minimum Limit for each of them and the
Value of Zakat
These categories include: A – Livestock from cattle. They are camels, cows and goats. B – Zakat for grains and
fruits. C – Zakat for gold and silver. D – Zakat of the trading merchandise.
A – Livestock & Cattle: Camel: The Jurists agree that camel, cows and goats are the category on which Zakat is
payable. They present a lot of Ahadith as evidence. There is a disagreement in case of horses. There is no Zakat in
mules, donkeys and other categories of animals if they are not held for trading purposes.
Bukhari narrates in his Sahidh with his chain of narrators reaching to Anas Ibn Malik that Abu Bakr Al-Siddique
wrote a letter directing to Bahrain: “In the name of Allah, the Most Affectionate, the Merciful. This is the mandatory
charity that Allah’s Prophet made obligatory on the Muslims and what Allah has instructed His prophet. So whoever
among Muslims is asked about it, he should pay it. And whoever is asked anything beyond that, he should not pay.

 If the number of camels is up to 24, a goat will be paid y

a "c ‘ , Z .@  \   "  <{ \  (24) \ E!/ K<1 , Ö
for every five camels. .J b
 If they reach to 25 – 35, a one-year old she-camel will ˆ
.< >F (35) f898 y
a "c ºe (25) \E!/ ¶)"c ˆ
% @  < Lž Ö
be payable. .wR k a 

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Mules 2 @?# Fruits of a garden 1 "w The animals who eat grass
and herbs
R " } )
Donkeys o
" d
 # Gold O
 N Q Animals  " ><
He should not give 
 % E i Silver  6F  Cattle, livestock + '
A sheep J b They agreed K " I%  Camel <{
A one-year old she-camel k
a  ˆ
.< Kinds, species B
% #U Cows  ?
Female wR They based their view z: &% Sheep or goats Z.@
Horses %>
 # Grains, crops

Quranic Arabic Program 253 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

(45) f<1 y"c ºe (36) f898 ¶& ˆ@< Lž Ö

 If they reach to 36 – 45, a two-years old she-camel will be .w a  ?R ˆ
.< >F
J  [ >F (60) f& ºe (46) f<1 & ˆ@< Lž Ö
 If they reach to 46 – 60, a three-years old she-camel will be
payable which is able to have sex with the camels.
. "3
# R *% Œ
 If they reach to 61 – 75, a four-years old she-camel will be (75) f?& y"c ºe (61) f& J :[  ˆ@< Lž Ö
payable. .J / Q I >F
 If they reach to 76 – 90, two two-years old she-camels will be .< >F (90) f)H ºe (76) f?& & ˆ@< Lž Ö
payable, which are able to have sex with the camels. .a  ?
 If they reach to 91 – 120, two three-years old she-camels will be
payable. }  \E!/ ºe (91) f)H …:[e ˆ@< Lž Ö
 If they exceed 120, a two-years old she-camel will be payable in ."» * Œ   [ >F (120)
each 40 camels and a three-years old she-camel will be payable in f
 <1  ,F (120) }  \E!/ / ;  Lž Ö
each 50 camels. . [ f)"c  , ? ˆ
If a person only has 4 camels, there will not be any charity
ie J * : A
 > y>  <{ \  K <1 ie ( \RpE Z \  Ö

payable in that except its owner wants to pay something. If the
number reaches at 5 camels, a lamb will be payable.” (Hadith) “...J b >F <{ \ ¶)"c ˆ@< Lž ª ~<1 $U !E 

A – Livestock & Cattle : Cows  ? :+ '  " >< \ R " } ) Ö 
 No Zakat is payable up to 30 cows held as livestock. .J   " } )   ? \  (30) f89w    "> y> Ö
 If they reach from 30 – 39, a one-year old cow or bull will be
Ka )H ºe J %>?H  KG >% ?H >F (30) f898 ˆ@ < Lž Ö
.(39) f898
 If they reach from 40 – 59, a two-years old cow will be payable.
 If they reach from 60 – 69, two one-year old cows will be
f)"c  Ka )H ºe .)  >F (40) f<1 ˆ@< Lž Ö
payable. .(59)
 If they reach from 70 – 79, a two-years and a one-year old cow or f&  Ka )H ºe  %>?H >F (60) f& ˆ@< Lž Ö
bull will be payable. .(69)
 If they reach from 80 – 89, two two-years old cows will be
.(79) f?&  Ka )H ºe K>?H .) (70) f?) , Ö
 If they reach from 90 – 99, three two-years old cows will be
.(89) f "8  Ka )H ºe  .)  (80) f "w , Ö
payable. .(99) f)H  Ka )H ºe 5
G ?H 898 (90) f) , Ö

Worth Reading:
The Revolution Occurred. What is the reason of our negative mentality and how to get rid of it?

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Plural of K>?H 5
G ?H One year old cow KG >% ?H A two-years old she-camel a  ?R ˆ
A she-camel mature
enough for having sexual R *% ΠTwo years old cow .)  A three-years old she-
J  [
intercourse with a he-
 "3 # A four-years old camel J / Q I

Quranic Arabic Program 254 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

.(109) Ka )H  }  ºe  >?H .) (100) } £ , Ö

 If they reach to 100 – 109, one two-years old and two one-
years old cows will be payable. )H  }  ºe K>?H  .) (110) }  ! , Ö
 If they reach to 110 – 119, two two-years old cows and one .(119) !/
one-year old cow will be payable. ºe 5 ?H K<1  ; .) S98 (120) }  \E! , Ö
 If they reach to 120, three two-years old cows or four one- (129) \E!/ K)H
year old cows will be payable.
.J .)
  <1%  R , ª J  >?H %  KG >?H f
 8 R , Qp N  Ö

The argument is what Ahmed reported with his chain of \  N >% @  y
> 3
 #  .X  .&ž< : " [%  X 1  lL / >: 
narrators. The buffalos etc. are cows because it is a type of cow. . ? 5
  \ '   ?

A – Livestock & Cattle: Goats & Sheep

About the livestock, the Hadith of Anas has come that is
Z .@  :+ '  " >< \ R " } ) Ö 
included in the letter of Abu Bakr as mentioned above about , + : " # a p< ¦
 \ "6
 " # y
a  M
R E:[ $U I Z.@ ,
camels. Its annexure which specifies the Prophet’s saying about :Z& (>/ 0 A ¯. 2* Z .@  ~È E " (  " pH <{
(the Zakat of) goats is:
 About Zakat of goats, when they reach to 40 – 120 lambs (or ºe (40) f<1 ˆ  Le  " } & , Z .@   * : A
 , Ö
goats), one lamb (or goat) is payable. .J b ªa b (120)  }  \E!/
If they exceed 120 but are up to 200, two lambs will be
>F (200) f}  ºe (120) }  \E!/ / ;
%   Lž Ö

. H b
 If they exceed 200 but are up to 300, three lambs will be
payable. >F (300) }  S
R 98 ºe (200) f}  / ;  Lž Ö
 If they exceed 300, one lamb will be payable for every 100 .Xa >b S
R 98
sheep. . b }   ,F (300) }  S
R 98 / ;  Lž Ö
 If the livestock of a person is less than 40 lambs even by a
:[  J b a b f <1 \ J 
 *   I "} & ˆ  Lž Ö
single lamb, there is not Zakat payable in that except if its
owner wants to pay.” Bukhari reported it. .P1 ? X 1 . ~<1 $ !E  ie *:A > y>

B – Zakat of Grains and Fruits

1 "w 
# R  v
About them, there is the statement of Allah, the Exalted: “He is
the One Who grew gardens trellised and non-trellised gardens  >% ‡  ;
a b %  ; a .I Ž!% PQ  N  ” :º H 0  2R * >
for you, and date-palm trees and different types of agricultural €< !  ~    E%h  ( R R  €F
%  5
 1% h   
% .  a; b % 
produce for eating, and olives, and pomegranates, similar or i X [ + % E (  [  Hn "8# Le X "8 \ RR a(< !  o#‡
different. Eat from its fruit and give its due liability on the day of A 2 & 2* (6:141 + ' ) “.f%)£R ~Od  E i ( e R )
% H
its harvest. Don’t waste because Allah does not like those who
“.J *:A  "%  \  ma & %  R )
 "c    "> y%>” :Z& (>/ 0
waste.” The saying of the Prophet: “There is no Zakat payable
((>/ mF)
on dates less than five Wasq (i.e. 653kg).

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Dates  "%  Trellised ;

a b %  Buffalos, plural of Ÿ I y
> I
Weight of Prophet’s time. Plural
of m
G &  , app. 130.6 kg ma & %  Pomegranates  ~ Its owner (here it means that
of animal, not God)
Careless spender,
f%)£R Sheep, plural of  b Xa >b

Quranic Arabic Program 255 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

(Ic “. !
  Š D
6% . <  & ">  !
  ª ÓEw/      >   $= ") ˆ
  & ">” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. \/ "./ 0 ,-1  "/ \ < \/
.PQ    < P1 ?
.  < Z) (Ic “. !
  >* ) < ,  & "> ª11  !  Z >@  1 %' ˆ
%  & ">” :2 E Z& (>/ 0 A , ?. K"& ( a < I \/
q1 '  ª ¶c:  9 € >p ¶HR*  \ N . ,  2 >/ Ÿ  E  . "  ª O><h  ªˆ#) ªR4 .d# ª >% ! :,N B a .A  )  "c / 5 "I% {  ~È.  1  :*
ªk3  1% '®U $= ".% &% ( / 1h < : 
 # E  R , O
 H  h  e  F >.[  < O
 N Q  .B
% '®U X Q N :/  , $= "  # Š  c% Z8R . No‡ 2 F  Ÿ:   1zQ 
.l L ( < : 
 # E i     ªk1% '®U 29@% &% ( < :   # E " N >% ‡   E <'®U  ;
  ?d #  1 "jw \ 
Reported by Ibn U’mar from the Prophet that he said: “Whatever (land) is irrigated by the rain or natural springs or
moisture, 1/10 (of the production) is payable (as Zakat) and whatever is irrigated by pumping from a well, half of the
1/10 (i.e. 1/20) will be payable.” Bukhari, Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi reported it.
Reported by Jabir that he listened the Prophet while he was saying: “Whatever (land) is irrigated by natural rivers
and rain, 1/10 (of the production) is payable (as Zakat), and whatever is irrigated by an irrigator (i.e. man-made
irrigation system on which one has to pay), half of 1/10 is payable.” Muslim & Abu Dawood reported it.
Clear statement (of the Quran & Sunnah) and consensus has arrived about five items. They are: Barley, wheat, selt,
raisins and dates. Based on them, the process of legal analogy is applied to impose Zakat on items like rice, corn,
lentils and beans etc. based on their edibility, measurability and storability. Then the scholars disagreed on the items
other than these kinds. Abu Hanifa formed the opinion that Zakat is mandatory on all items which are gained in
agriculture by growing plants on the earth i.e. fruits, grains, vegetables, seeds etc. These are all items whose
objective is to exploit the land. It is not mandatory on those whose objective is not that.
1. The idea behind this is that if a farmer is getting water free of charge for his crops, he has to pay a Zakat of 10%
of agricultural produce. If he irrigates his land by paying money for it, he has to pay a Zakat of 5% of the produce.
Zakat can be paid in kind or in cash.
2. “Qiyaas” is the process of legal reasoning. If a law is described for a particular situation due to a specific
reason, it will also be applicable to the other situations having the same reason. For example, if alcohol is forbidden
due to its intoxication, other items like heroin etc will also be forbidden due to the same reason.
3. At present time, some scholars have applied the process of “Qiyaas” on industrial production. They consider it
similar to agricultural production. According to their view, it is essential for a industrialist to pay Zakat equal to 5%
of his factory production. Some scholars go further to apply the same to the turnover of service industry.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Rice q1 ' Barley  >% ! It is irrigated ˆ

Corn 1zQ Wheat R 4 .d# Natural springs   > 
Lentils Ÿ:  A kind of barley ˆ#) Irrigated naturally be rain
or moisture
Beans 2F Raisin, grapes O
><h  Irrigated by pumping
from a well
6% .
Getting benefit of earth by
$= ".% &% It is derived for similar
 E Rivers 1 %'
Vegetables ;  6
% c Food items ¶HR* Clouds, rain Z >@
Seeds, plural of J 1 h<  E <'®U Items sold by measure 9
€ >p 1/10, plural of  !/
1  ! 
Exploitation 29@% &% Storable items ¶c:  Irrigated by  >* )

Quranic Arabic Program 256 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

ªZ& (>/ 0 A ,?. 5 < ¶/ A  ~& m &%    .(>/ m F "# M

 # ,  U " ma & %  )"c ´  < Le R h O
 H : h (> O
 H PQ q.
:"%[ X 1 “. ¶/ A & m &%   ” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  P1: # :>& ¦ ME:d .(+ I> 653) 5 A }  S R 98 : €Le . p>
“.X  [ + E ( [ Hn” :º H (  ª d  # ˆ
* ª [ 9A :< Le "w , :b% Le qOd  #   O
3 H .(I  \< 
The Minimum Quantity on which Zakat is Payable: The Zakat is payable when it reach to five Wasq as it is
passed in the agreed-upon Hadith. A Wasq is equal to 60 Sa’ according to the Sa’ of the Prophet. So the minimum
quantity will be 300 Sa’ (i.e. 653 kg). As mentioned in the Hadith of Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri that the Prophet said:
“The Wasq is equal to 60 Sa’.” Ahmed & Ibn Maja reported it. Zakat is mandatory on the grains when it reaps and
on the fruit when its maturity starts. Its time is that of harvest as mentioned in Allah’s words: “Give the due liability
on the day of harvest.”

6F  ONQ   (V)

“.Z> Q< ZN%q!? 0 >?& , R F .% E i 6F   O
< )  N Q   h.p# E \ E%Q  ” :º H (  p \ Ž .5 "%I{  .)  p < ?I  ,N
  Le ie  [ . Pqg E i a 6 i O
a N L O [ A \%  ” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1 2 * (./ 0 ,-1  EN  < X 1 " : .) \  (9:34
.& Š
a  f)"c X1 :    +a E , ( ; % : >/R %;  < "R X  œ ( . >?I  ( ? .% I < …#p>  Z .I 1  , >/ , " [% ŽR 1  \ D
 } FA
 ( ˆ
% d
 >  + E
.(d>dA , Z) (Ic“.1 . ºe e .» ºe e (  >?& …>  ?  f< 6 E [

    < P )H i w   !  ª h (> ˆ % ?I  2R d# (>/ 2 [ i w#  \ E!/ ´< Le :ONQ (1) :É d. /  h (> Oì PQ . 
,?.  (./ 0 ,-1 P1:Á :>& ¦ ME:¹  h > ˆ % ?I  2¹ >/ 2 [ Z N 1 ,}  R 6F ˆ@< Le :6F (2) . ?E H ¶ I 85 , d#
; 9"   6F  O  NQ < m d
 # E  . ¶?E H ¶ I 585 P ) H Y a  y "c .P1 ? X 1 “.*:A Y a  y"c  "> y>” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A
.(1/40)  !
  K < 1 N ( I ce O
I  1 : " #  .R >* 1

C – Zakat of Gold & Silver

It is mandatory according to the Book, the Sunnah and the Consensus. According to the Book as in Allah’s words:
“Those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in Allah’s way, give them the news of a painful punishment.”
According to Sunnah as narrated by Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said: “The owner of gold and silver who does not
pay its liability, their plates will be flattened and then heated by the Hellfire and it will be stamped over his sides,
forehead and back. Whenever they’ll cool down, they will be returned (to hot condition). It will be in a day whose
length is 50000 years. (It will continue) until the decision about the slaves will be made. So then he’ll see his way to
the Paradise or to the Hell.”
The minimum amount on which the Zakat is mandatory is as follows: (1) Gold: When it reaches to 20 Mithqal and a
year has been passed on it, Zakat will be mandatory on it. 20 Mithqaal are equal to approximately 85 grams
according to present-day measure.
(2) Silver: When the silver reaches to 200 Dirham and a year has been passed on it, the Zakat will be mandatory
according to the Hadith of Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri that the Prophet said: “There is no Zakat on (silver) less than five
Awwaq.” Five Awwaq equal to 585 grams approximately. Paper currently will be attached to gold and silver. The
mandatory amount which should be brought out is 1/40.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Gram ¶ I Plates D

 } FA
 It matures :b%
It is attached m d
 # E It will be heated , " [% ŽR Its ability (to eat) [ 9A
Currency notes (including ;
9"  It will be stamped …#pE They store   h.p# E
R >* 1
bank deposits, shares and
other forms of wealth) Forehead f
?I It will be flatten ˆ
% d

Quranic Arabic Program 257 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

1 3 k /   ()
\  *: V        ŽE   Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. ž :<  :2 *
 : .% I \ <   " & \/ , >?    < X 1 "  1 3 k
  / ,  h O
3 H
qh? , *:A  ? , *:A Z.@ ,  *:A <{ ,” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  1L ¦ \/ , >?  ,.4*1 : …1 “.K >? X~:  PQ
“.( *:A
.(  " >*  !
/ K <%1 N ( H  V
  c 2 d#  c n (  * 2R d# (>/ 2 [
a  1 :*  1 3 k
  / \%  l
   \%  ¬1 3 2  R  V ce >F>
D – Zakat on Trade Merchandise
Zakat is mandatory on the trade merchandise as narrated by Abu Dawood and Baihiqi on behalf of Sumrah Ibn
Jundub. He said: After that, the Prophet used to instruct us that we bring the charity out of what we prepare for
selling. Dar Qutni and Behiqi reported it on behalf of Abu Dhar that the Prophet said: “Zakat is payable on camel,
sheep, cows and cloth (for sale).”
How to Pay Zakat on the Trade Merchandise? Whoever is the owner of trade merchandise equivalent to the
amount of Nasaab and a year has been passed on it, he should determine its value and pay Zakat which is 1/40 of its

 a " H \ ¶/ A Ÿ . /  6
  1 \  4F R  k   ,N : 4F R 
   Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 ‘” "./ 0 ,-1 "/ \< …1 " k
“.f")£ \ o?p  o@ ” :P1 ? (>/ mF “.f")£ \ w a L :a ?/ Ä[  / o a b \ €/ A   a * \ ¶/ A
“.O>< \ / A  * \ / A  a " H \ / A  o
a b \ / A  +a Œ \%  ¶/ A  4F   V
   .R ” :2 * (./ 0 ,-1 P1: # :>& ¦ \/
. 61 \  4F < O
3 H '  4F ºe R h XQN ˆ
% F >- . ">/ mF
 >%  4H > ªK>"3 €:>/ pE (< ZN1 &  Z[  , $U >.‡' R1 ! > : > + E , 2 g) \ / Z ƒŠ  $  F ºe J )[e 4F R  : "p[
€  % ŒR 4F   Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1 k  ” :2 * "./ 0 ,-1 Ÿ ?/ \< 0 :?/ \ .Z#8e  €@  È a  \ (  >A
 , R 
 dE :* " Z } 
.\)[  .&ž< (I  \<    < X 1 “...f )" € "Œ  ªM   @ \ Z} 
Zakat of End of Fasting
It is mandatory as Ibn U’mar reported that the Prophet of Allah made it mandatory to pay the Zakat for end of
fasting of Ramadan. It is the liability of people to pay a Sa’ of dates, or a Sa’ of cheese, or a Sa’ of barley. It is the
liability of each Muslim whether free or slave, or male or female .” (Bukhari & Muslim) agreed upon it and in
Bukhari’s words: “And on younger and elder Muslims”.
Reported by Abu Sa’eed Khurdi that he said: “We used to pay the Zakat of end of fasting, a Sa’ of food items or a
Sa’ of barley, or a Sa’ of dates, of a Sa’ of cheese or a Sa’ of raisins. Both of them agreed upon it. This Zakat is
associated with end of fasting because it is mandatory due to end of fasting of Ramadan.
Its Wisdom: The Zakat of Fitr is paid as a generosity to poor in order to prevent them from begging during the days
of Eid, so that they share the rich people the happiness and the enjoyment (of Eid) and the Eid becomes available to
all of them. There is also purification for the one who fasts. It fulfills any decrease, non-sense or sin (committed
during fasting). Reported by A’bdullah Ibn A’bbas that he said: “Allah’s Prophet made the Zakat of Fitr mandatory
in order purify the one who fasts from non-sense and obscenity and as to provide food to the poor.” Abu Dawood &
Ibn Maja reported it with good chain of narrators.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Generosity J )[e A ancient measure, equivalent

to about 2.5kg
5 A Cloth (for trading) qh?
Protecting them ƒŠ Cheese 
a *  He determine the value + *
Obscenity M
  Slave (his amount will be paid
by his master)
:a ?/ Related to Eid-ul-Fitr  4F

Quranic Arabic Program 258 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

 ºe N >% c ŽH ~Od  )E ª 6 1 + E \ + E  c n y

a "b
  @ < O
 H :  * .+a Π a >%  b  O
a ><  
a *  a " H \ 5G A a  j \/ V  % E : N1 : 
 ?* …g H #   4F  h <    Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 ‘” : "./ 0 ,-1  " / \< \/ .X hI \ >%  E  +a >< l  L  ?*  :* # e : > R 9A  ?*
.: > R 9A P “.9 ºe Ÿ  . V   c
Its Amount: Every person should pay a Sa’ of dates, cheese, raisins, barley or food items.
Its Time: It is essential on the sunset of the last day of Ramadan. It is preferable to delay it until before the Eid
Prayer. If he pays it early one or two days before, it will be OK. Ibn U’mare reported: The Allah’s Prophet instructed
to pay Zakat of Fitr before people come out for the prayer.” i.e. the Eid’s prayer.
(Note: Since the people used to pay it in form of perishable items, therefore, it was preferable to pay on the Eid’s
day. Now it is usually paid in paper currency. So it is better to pay it before, so that poor people can buy their
provisions before Eid. A Sa’ is equal to approximately 2.5 kg. It is better to determine the amount on the most
expensive item mentioned above.)
Z <*  F g " #  >/ f
    f  )£  $  F ; 1  : h  B
*: "e” :º H (* , Z E%p ( <  , I h/ 0 N :[  h B 1 
:Z  " E%p  E‰ , J  qF  J d
- .A'  (9:60 < ) “.ZGU >p[ ZG >/ 0  0 \ € 6E  >?) \<  0  >?& , \ >% 1 @ 
  R > "w B  *q ,
.( 2  i PQ N a >%  K "I :$=  FR  v1
.( >FpE i ( .p  2  ( PQ N \a >% p ) K "I :\ >%  )" # v2
:2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  :>& ¦ M  E:d . > Z " / / ¶I . QcŽ> $= >.‡    .  RQc ŽE  h 2 "/ P : >/  R  v3
:"%[ X 1 “.Ä,.@ . …:NŽ . (>/ Yq:
H f
a p)  ª0 >?& , a ‡  ªa+1 ‡  ª( "< N b J I 1  >/ R   :a )" ie ,.@ R *: z d H i”
.f>! b / D>dA 2 * Z ¹  (I  \<    <
.Z/ 0  ªf")" # \/ ZN L  zFpR >  (>/  ?#wE Z  9&e \ )
d% >   " )
% >  2 "# %4 % E \EQ P: Z<* Fg£ Ö4
Heads of Spending Zakat: Allah, the Exalted has specified the heads of spending in His Venerable Book. As in His
words: “Surely, the Zakat is only for the poor, needy, its collectors, for winning hearts (of enemies), for freeing
slaves, for those who have to pay a penalty, in Allah’s way, and for the (needy) traveler. It is mandatory from Allah
and Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.” These eight heads are clear and detailed in the venerable verse. They are:
1. Poor: It is plural of “Faqir”. He is the person who has no money at all.
2. Needy: It is plural of “Miskeen”. He is the person who has some money but it is not enough for him.
3. Its Collectors i.e. the collectors of tax who take it although they are rich. They take it as a remuneration for their
job. As mentioned in the Hadith of Abu Sa’eed that the Prophet said: “The Zakat is not allowed for a rich person
except the five: Its collector, or the person who purchased it (Zakat’s item by paying its price) from his money, or
the person who has to pay a penalty, or a soldier in Allah’s way, or a poor to whom it was given but he gave it to a
rich as a gift.” Ahmed, Abu Dawood, Ibn Maja and Hakim narrated it and Hakim said: It is reliable on the criteria of
Bukhari & Muslim.
4. Winning their hearts i.e. those who are given wealth so that they convert to Islam or become good in Islam and
become steadfast on it or to prevent Muslims from their harm (like some enemies). Allah knows better.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Remuneration ¶I Those who have to pay fine \ >% 1 @ Heads for spending B
Fighter a ‡ Traveler  >?) \< He limited it  :[
He gifted …:N It is not enough for him ( >FpE i Whose hearts are
required to be won
 F g " #
Their harm Z N L Workers, collectors 2 "/ Slavery

Quranic Arabic Program 259 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

. R  E : >?   ! E ª(<  $ Ž< ( ?*1 lFR > 1O
 H p" # 4% E (ž ªm>* m % /  * ql , P : *q , v5
.Z>Fp E   h \ Z>e K  : E $ig ª .
 H a >
  1 F ,  ( .E $  , +  ‡  (  h   ¶.E% \ " -
  €  "[ "dH \ w :  1 @ v6
.0  >?& ,  3
 # / Y
F{ :0  >?& , v7
.X :  < ºe   E [ (>Fp E  ;
 *: \ 4 > X  F & / (< \ >%  )E $a ,b ( y
 > :a < ,  %3" #   )" # N : >?) \< v8
5. Those in slavery i.e. in freeing slaves and manumitting bondspersons. Surely it is given to a person who has a
legal agreement to buy his freedom so that he makes his neck free by paying the due amount. Slaves are also
purchased and manumitted with it.
6. Those who have to pay some penalties like who carries a burden or guaranteed a loan and it became mandatory on
him (to pay) or a penalty in payment of his loan or due to an atonement for a sin he has repented. These people will
be paid from the Zakat that will suffice them.
7. In Allah’s way i.e. spending on Jihad in Allah’s way.
8. Traveler: He is the traveler crossing a town and he has nothing which can help him in his travel. So he will be
given from the Zakat that is sufficient for him to return to his town.
1. The Quran introduced the law of “Mukatabat” which means that if a slave wants freedom, he can buy it directly
from his master. The master is bound to give him freedom at an agreed upon price. It will be the responsibility of the
state and rich people of the society to help the slave to get rid of slavery.

Rule of the Day!

Do you know? In order to express that “I think…”, you say ~\œ
R . It requires
At the time of Islam, there were thousands of slaves. two 2F. For example, ¶?>?Œ l~.œR  (I think you are a
Islam had a strong interest in freedom of slaves. In
doctor), €1 d)%  l  ~.œR 'U ,qe (Surely, I think that you a victim
addition to a large number of other steps to freed the
slaves, Islam made it a permanent head in Zakat for of magic), € "
 } *  / ) ~\œR  (I consider that the Judgment
manumission of slaves. After that, Islam introduced a lot will be implemented) etc. You’ve to adjust the pronouns
of reforms to settle these ex-slaves in the society in a accordingly.
respectable manner. You can see the details in my book
Worth Reading:
“Abolition of Physical & Intellectual Slavery in Islam”.
Intellectual Slavery in the Muslim World. The author has
It is available at:
analyzed the reasons and practice of intellectual slavery in the Muslim World.
Slavery.htm .

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He guaranteed \ " -
 The legal agreement between a slave
& his master to buy freedom
<  Manumission, freeing a
Loan ¶.E% He will be purchased  ! E Manumission, freeing a
m % /
Atonement 1 F Slaves, plural of :?/ : >?  Slave m>*
Crossing, passing
 %3 Burden €  "[ The slave who buy his
 H p" #

Quranic Arabic Program 260 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

The Law of Fasting + >

+ > Š
.>. K y
 "! ‡ ºe  3F 5
 RŒR \ ; 4F# " # \/ W ){ :5! , .+  E + A \  1: +   + >  ªW ){ :@ , + >
+ > 6
: . J %>w M
J E [ (  6 ,  1 
Lž ªJ.I + > ” :0 2&1 2 * “.(< PhI  ªÆ (ž + > ie ( + % n \ <  " / z R ” :I h/ 0 2 * :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1  v1
+E 0 :./ O >Œ#  Z }  Z  B
% R 
 X:>< :a "Ç yF PQ  ZG } A °e R >#  (  H *  :G [ ( < & ž ª%O % E i Qa ‹E M # R % E 9 Z:[ + A + E  
.Z)£ xF   >! X 1 “.(  < C
   ( <1 ,   Le ªX4F< C
   4  Le : "[  FE  [ Z}  .l  )
% £ D
 E1 \  > 
:G [ (. R c :E i ª >  +E  "}  (. R c :E R E ( 2 E ¶< < .3# , ‘e” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. \/ (./ 0 ,-1 :a & \< & \/ v2
(>/ mF “.:[ (.  # c :E Z m  ‡R c Lž ªZN o‡ :[ (. R c :E i ª R > "}  \E :2 E ªZ No

 6 1 + A Z p [
"  + >q Z% pR >%  / O
 R  . n \ EQ ~E E ” :º H 0 2* p \" :5
"I% {  R .)
p Z p¹ QN / R >:  +9&{  1 \ \G  1 N
(2:183  ? ) “.
 R H Z% pR   Z% pR  ?% * \%  \ EQ / O
Definition of Fasting
Fasting in dictionary means refraining. “Siyaam” and “Soam” are the two 1: from the chapter +E + A. In the
Divine Law, it means refraining from the forbidden things from dawn to sunset with an intention (of fasting).
Virtues of Fasting
1. Allah’s Prophet said that Allah, the Exalted said: “Whatever deed the son of Adam does is for him except fasting
which is for Me and I’ll reward it Myself.” Allah’s Prophet said: “Fasting is a shield. When anyone of you fast on a
day, he should neither be obscene nor yell angrily. If anyone abuses him or fights with him, he should say that I’m
fasting. By the One Who is controlling the life of Muhammad, on the Day of Judgment, the odor of mouth of a
fasting person will be more pleasant than the aroma of musk. For the fasting person, there are two enjoyments: the
When he breaks his fast, he enjoys his fast-breaking and when he will meet his Lord, he will be happy with his
2. Sahl Ibn Sa’ad narrated on behalf o the Prophet that he said: “Surely there is a door in the Paradise called
“Rayyan”. The fasting people will enter into it on the Day of Judgment. Nobody else will enter through it. It will be
said: Where are the fasting people? They will stand up. Nobody other than them will enter through it. When they
will enter, it will be closed and anyone else will not enter through it.
Directives about Fasting
It is one of the essential elements of Islam. The arguments of this directive are the Book, the Sunnah and the
Consensus. From the Book, there are the words of Allah, the Exalted: “O believers! Fasting is made mandatory for
you as it was made mandatory for those who were before you, so that you become God-fearing.”

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

More pleasant O
>Œ#  Don’t shout (with anger) O

% E i Refraining W ){
Musk, perfume l
% £ He abused him ( < & Acts which nullify fasting
e.g. eating
; 4F# 
It will be closed. m  ‡R Smell of mouth Za  B
% R c Don’t be obscene M
# R % E i

Quranic Arabic Program 261 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

,?. 2* .) \ (2:185  ? ) “.( "% 

>#   % ! Z% pR .%  :  b \% "   *% FR #  …: # \%  a; .q>< Ÿ
 . …¶:N R n%R # ( > 2 h R PQ  6 1  % b ” :º H (*
\ (>/ mF “. 61 +A ¸¹   h $ Ee 9 + *e 0 2&1 €:"Ç  0 ie (e i   b ªay"c / +9&{ ,.< " :Z& (>/ 0 A
“¬+ > \ ,/ 0 k
    ,% ?c !0 2&1 E” :2  Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. 2 Ž& 9 € I1 ‘ (./ 0 ,-1 0 :>?/ \< dŒ ME:[ , ."/ \< ME:[
.P1 ? xF  (>/ mF “. €‹%>b  5  4H  ie ª 61  b” :2 
... 1  6 < \ E: \ ˆ
% "  / , ª+9&{  1 : [ (  6 1 + >A

  I / R ' ˆ
%  " I%  :*
A ,?.  (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ \ . ¶E \ >% 898  ?b :/ 2 "ž<  ªa2:/ :a [  \  2 9#  E <  61  b 2 c ˆ?wE ¬! ˆ ? wE Z <
.Z) P1 ? X 1 “. E f898   ?b  : / R" Ž Zp>/ Z‡R ž .(E   4  ( E     A” :2 * Z& (>/ 0
As in His words: “The month of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed as a guidance for the people and as clear
signs of guidance and the criteria of truth. So whoever among you finds this month, he should fast in it.” From the
Sunnah is the saying of the Prophet: “Islam is based on five things: Declaration that there is no god except Allah and
that Muhammad is Allah’s Prophet; establishing the prayer; paying Zakat; performing the Pilgrimage and fasting in
Ramdan.” Agreed upon Hadith of Ibn U’mar. According to the Hadith of Talhah Ibn U’baidullah, a person asked the
Prophet and said: “O Allah’s Prophet! Inform me what Allah has made it mandatory on me from fasting?” He said:
“The month of Ramadan only except if you want to add anything voluntarily.
The Ummah has agreed upon on that fasting in Ramadan is obligatory and is one of the essential elements of Islam.
It is known as an essential requirement of the religion.
How the Month is Proved? The month of Ramadan is proved by observing moon even if it is observed a single
reliable person. Or it is also proved by completing the 30 number of Sha’ban. Reported by Abu Hurairah that the
Prophet said: “Start fasting by looking at it and stop fasting by looking at it. If clouds cover you then complete the
number of Sha’ban by 30 days.”

 .1 + :+  1

% F # \%    &% 'U 
 # \%  
><%'U 
R >% 
 # Z% pR  \ >?E [  < b%  RR  ” :º H 0 2  .y"! ‡ ºe 3F 5Œ \ ;  4 F "# \/ W ){ v1
. >  &  1 . k ><  &' >Á   ><' ># <  " #  (2:187  ? ) “. >%  e + >q ~"H Z8R
jpR  "e ª; >q. < 2R "/' "e” :Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 2   (98:5 .>? ) “\ Eq: (  f

%  (   :? % > ie  R  ” :º H 0 2  :>. v2
.(>/ mF “.…  $a …%

Essential Parts of Fasting:

Fasting has two essential parts:
1. Refraining from the forbidden things from dawn till sunset. As mentioned in Allah’s words: “Eat & drink until the
white thread (of morning) becomes distinguishable from the black thread (of night) at dawn time. Then complete the
fast until the night.” The white and black threads means the whiteness of day and the darkness of night.
2. Intention: As mentioned in Allah’s words: “They were instructed only to worship Allah being sincere to Him in
the religion.” And the saying of the Prophet: “Surely the deeds are dependent on intention. For every person, the
reward will be according to his intention.”
Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Thread >Á The moon of the first night of

a lunar month
2 9# You do it with your own
Whiteness k
>< Reliable 2a :/ By what Z <
Blackness  & Completion 2 "e It proves ˆ
? wE
He intended … It is covered by clouds Z‡R Observation  E 1

Quranic Arabic Program 262 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

:E  / O
a I < y>  .ZG >  +  m >4 a * / ´a  < Za )  /  61 + A O
 E ¬ 61 + A O
 E \ /
R :‡ Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1  & 1” :ˆ * La q  ˆ  .% < K q><~ \/  1  " lL ª X > <¶ ¶?d& (<   g E Ùe + > (>/ O3E 9 , ?  Ö 1
(  q
   ª ( % 
 lL : < .p ª(E R > < Z> ¶4 F  D
 ?A   \ .(  A ~Z> €"} A D  ?A   \ : .E:" # 2 [ , 1 ' …*R ºe $ 1 b /
.Z) P1 ? X 1 “.1 4{ :./ pE [ X Ee N .>4/ + 4 \ Z N:[ p< Lž .\  %   \  ?%z Z  3. :3)£ ºe O N Q Z. 1 @q . >?% A

K  1 ” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 ‘ (./ 0 ,-1 ,/ ME:[ , .Š  >p 
R .  N PQ   
%  (' Š
a p   >% @  R .3"#  Ö 2
.:"%[ ,} ).    < X 1 “.
 E [  .3"# \/ ªZ dE [ ,? \/ ªx >)E [ Z } . \/ :898 \/ Z  
0 2  . .¶>p) +E  \/  " 4E  Z>/   4 F E ª X  Fb IE i ¶. h%  ¶-  a E  a  3/ a   a>% ? Éa >b \ :+   R >4E i \EQ Ö 3
J E:%  ( R >4E \ EQ ” : E "./ 0 ,-1 Ÿ ?/ \ < K"& (a $ 4/ \/ P1 ? X 1 " (2:184  ? ) “.f a p ) %  + Œ J E:%  ( R >4E \ EQ ” :º H
“. ¶.>p) +a E   p  " 4 >  E   >4)E i R  >% ?p R "#  o
 ?p É >! ,N ªac  )."< ˆ % )  >” :Ÿ a ?/ \ < 2 * “.f a p )
%  + Œ
Fasting is Mandatory upon Whom?
Fasting in Ramadan is mandatory on each person who is Muslim, mature, sane, capable of fasting and residing (i.e.
not traveling). It is not mandatory for the following:
1. It is not mandatory on a child. He will be instructed only as a preferred deed in order to develop its habit. As
mentioned about Rubai’ Bint Mu’awwiz, she said: Allah’s Prophet send a message on the morning of 10 Muharram
to the towns of Ansaar who were living in suburbs of Madina: Whoever started his morning by fasting should
complete the fast. And whoever started his morning by not fasting should complete the remaining day. After that we
used to fast on that day and we also used to ask our little children to fast. We used to go to the Mosque and used to
make balls of wool for them to play. When anyone of them wept for food, we used to give it to them until the fast-
breaking time reached.” Bukhari & Muslim narrated it.
2. Insane person is not responsible because his intellect is gone which is charged for responsibility. In the Hadith of
A’li that Allah’s Prophet said: “The pen (for recording the deeds) is raised from three type of people: The one who is
sleeping until he awakes; the child until he becomes mature; and the insane until he becomes sane.
3. Those who are unable to fast like an old man or an old woman or a patient who does not expect healing. They do
not fast and instead of fasting for day, it is their responsibility to feed a poor person every day. As in Allah’s saying:
“Those who are unable to fast should pay a ransom of feeding a poor.” As narrated by Bukhari on behalf o A’ta that
he heard Ibn A’bbas reciting the verse: “Those who are unable to fast should pay a ransom of feeding a poor.” Then
Ibn A’bbas said: “It is not abrogated. It is for an old man and woman who are unable to fast. Both of them should
feed a poor instead of fasting every day.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

One charged with 

R . We instruct to fast + q
  Sexually mature ´a  <
Responsibility to perform
 >p Play, game  ?%z Having a sound mind a * /
He becomes sexually mature Z  dE Cotton \ %   One capable of m >4
An old lady a  3/ Having unsound mind,
opposite of * / R .3"# So that they accustom to  >
Long-lived ¶. h%  Responsible Š
a p  Morning R :‡
One who lost something
%  10th day of Muharram $ 1 b /

Quranic Arabic Program 263 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

 c R +a E \%  J :  a F & / %  €6E   \%   ” :º H (  N 4 , 2 : < +a E + >A P $ 6  ">/ 4F , " È  qc1  E£    ) "# Ö 4
(2:185  ? ) “ )
%  # Z% pR < : EE i  )
% > # Z% pR < (  : EE
.$= 6  ">/ H 4  " E%:   " )
 F / K -"#  R  d# ˆ c Le :K -
 % " #    d# Z p [ Ö 5
0 ,-1 R !} / ˆ * .a % ŒR , "  >6
 E  61 \ Ÿ
 Fq.   >% d # + E  4R FE < ª$ )F.    } d# / +  +  dE :$ )F ~.  
 } d# Z p [ Ö 6
(>/ mF “.9 $ 6 <   g  i +  $ 6 <   g . Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2  &1 : / /  >d .R ” : ./
4. Traveler and patient: The responsibility is reduced for both of them to no fast. It is essential for both of them to
fast at some other time as an exchange for what they did not fast. As in Allah’s words: “Whoever is a patient or at
travel, he should complete the number in other days. Allah wants to create ease for you. He does not want to create
difficulties for you.”
5. Directives about a Pregnant Woman and a Suckling Mother: When a pregnant woman or a suckling mother fear
about themselves or their child, they should not fast. Fasting at some other time is their responsibility.
6. Menstruating Women and those having Bleeding after Giving Birth of a Child: Fasting is forbidden for the
women menstruating or having bleeding after birth of their child. They should not fast in Ramadan during the days
of menstruation and childbed and perform it in other days in a clean state. Ayesha said: “We used to menstruate
during the Prophet’s time. We were instructed to perform fasting in other days but we were not instructed to perform
prayer in other days.”

+  ;
 N  , )
  \” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ M
 E:d (>/ $U 6* i D
G >dA (   ,& .  : ¶:"/ % !
  R ' v1
/ "» X 1 “.X  &
= ( "  Œ "ž (  A ~Z>
 b  R Ž ZG } A
.$ 6* (>/ y> $= ,  ( / 1 L \%  ” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ ME:d (>/ $U 6* 9 $= ,%   (? ‡ \  : €:%"/ $= ,%   v2
.$ " 1"I 2 * (< .(ddA Z ¹  ,.4*1 :   ?[ \<  (I  \<  PQ   < :"%[ X 1 “.  > ¶:" / $=  & \
The Acts which void Fasting
1. Eating or drinking Intentionally: Regarding the one who (eats & drinks) forgetfully, his fasting is correct and
performing at other time is not essential for him. As mentioned in the Hadith of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said:
“Whoever forgot that he is fasting and ate or drink, he should complete his fast because Allah has fed and watered
2. Barfing Intentionally: Regarding the one who was unable to control the vomit, fasting in other days is not
mandatory on him according to the Hadith of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said: “The person who was unable to
control the vomit and it passed, there is no Qada on him. And the one who barfed intentionally, he should perform
the Qada.”

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Deliberately ¶:"/ Suckling mother K -

 % " # A relaxation is given È
Forgetful ,& . Menstruating woman 
 } d# Performing a deed after its
required time
$ 6 
It passed to him ( / 1 L Women having bleeding after
giving birth to a child
$ )F ~. Ease  )
% > #
Vomit $= ,  They will perform after the
required time (Ramadan)
 E Hardship  )
%  #
He vomited deliberately $=  & Period of purity between two
menstruating cycles
a % ŒR Pregnant   d#

Quranic Arabic Program 264 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

3. Menstruation & Childbed: Even if it is at the last moment before

sunset. This is what upon which the scholars agreed.
  ‡R  ?*   >% c '  | d ,  :Ÿ  F.  
>d# v3
4. Ejaculation of Semen due to kissing the wife or touching her .$ " (>/ K ¼
   QN ªy"!
with bare skin or due to some other reason. Wet dream voids   I h  >? H O
 < (5
 #  >% ‡ ,) q,." # 2R he v4
fasting. .+  :a )  F  o ‡  + 9[i  .lL o  @<  . H b ?
5. The Act which voids fasting and Qaza and Ransom is
" 3
 #  N   1 Fp   $U 6  O
I  E + > R 4 ? E  v5
mandatory. It is only sexual intercourse. There is a Hadith of Abu
Huraira, he said: A man came to the Prophet. . 
He said: “O Allah’s Prophet! I became destroyed.” He asked: ,?. ºe J I1 $U I :2 * (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ ME:[ (>
“What destroyed you?” Z& (>/ 0 A
He said: “I did sexual intercourse with my wife during Ramadan.” “¬lp  N ” :2 * “!0 2&1 E ˆ
p#  N ” :2 
He asked: “Do you have a slave to manumit?” He said: “No.”
“. 61 , ,H  / ˆ
% *  ” :2 *
He asked: “Are you able to fast for two consecutive months?” He
said: “No.” “.i” :2 * “¬€?* 1 m  H  : 3
 H N” :2 *
He asked: “Do you have food to feed 60 poor people?” He said: “.i” :2 * “¬\>%  <  \ Eb +  H #  K >4)H  ” :2 *
“.i” :2 * “¬ ¶.>p) f
 q& Z  4 H  : 3
 H ” :2 *
He (Abu Hurairah) said: Then he sat down. A basket of dates was
brought to the Prophet. He said (to the person): “Give it as a charity .G " H (> Y
a   < Z& (>/ 0 A , ?. , HŽR y
  I Ð :2 *
(as a ransom of your fast-breaking).” “. Q < Y% q:  H” :2 *
He said: “Is there anyone poorer than me? During these two “. . (>e V
  [  ˆ
a >< R N %><i f< " ¬ .    / ” :2 *
volcanic fields (of Madina), there is no family needier than us.”
:2 * ªXRQI  ;
% : < [ Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. l  d6  
The Prophet laughed and his molar teeth appeared. He said: “Go
  N ( "%  ŒŽ O
% N L ”
and feed your family with it.”
The group (of Hadith compilers) reported it. In the narration of Ibn ¶E Z A” :  ¦ (I  \< E 1 , ./ "» X 1
Maja & Abu Dawood is: “And fast for one day in its place.” :./ ME:¹ , 1Q£ O>H / pH 1 Fp  “.(  p
According to the majority of scholars, the ransom will be according .$ "   1  "I
to the sequence mentioned in the Hadith.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Poorer, the poorest    Touching skin-to-skin b ? Menstruation 

Its two volcanic fields
(surrounding Madina)
%><i Wet dream + 9[ Bleeding after giving birth
to a child
More needy V
  [  One that nullifies :a )
 F  Moment, minute  | d
It appear ;
% : < I am destroyed ˆ
p#  N Semen q,." #
Molar teeth QR I  Continuous, following one
after another
\ >%  <  Sexual intercourse 5
Basket Y
a  / Kissing  >? H

Quranic Arabic Program 265 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

Z}  Od)E 
Z) P1 ? X 1 “.J  < 1 d~) , ž d)
 H” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  (./ 0 ,-1 y \/ 1 " :1 d
)  Ö 1
 1 :% *   Z” :ˆ* “.9 ºe ."*R Z8R Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2 &1 K %d)
 H :2 * (./ 0 ,-1 ˆ< 8 \< :E ME:d :1 d)  >% c ŽH Ö 2
.Z) P1 ? X 1 “.En f)"c
 ” :2 * “¬ ".><
(>/ mF “. 4F R3
 /  a >% 
 < Ÿ . 2 hE i” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  (./ 0 ,-1 :& \< & ME:d :1 4R FR  R >3
 H Ö 3
 4 FE Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2R &1  ” :2 * (./ 0 ,-1 y ME:d .$a "#   :% 3  E Z%  # ž ªa; " H   :3E Z # ž ªa; ?Œ1 /  4 FE  Ö 4
( .)[  PQ  ª(ddA Z ¹    < X 1 “.$  \
%  ; )[ )[ ;
G  >% " H \pH Z ž ª; G  >% "   ;
G ?Œ 1 \pH Z # ž ;
 ?Π1 / ,j
 E  ?*
% U<  Ž" |R  O
 N L ” :2 * 4 Le Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.   : "./ 0 ,-1 "/ \< ME:d .+ > $ .8 , ª 4F :./ $= /:  Ö 5
., >?  Z ¹   < (Ic “.0 $ b e  I' ˆ  ?8
What is Preferable for the Fasting Person?
1. Having meal at dawn: As arrived on behalf of Anas that the Prophet said: “Have a meal at dawn, because there is
blessing in that meal.”
2. Delay in taking the dawn meal: As mentioned in the Hadith of Zaid Ibn Thabit that he said: We took the meal
with the Allah’s Prophet, then we stood up for the prayer.” I asked: “How long was the duration between these
two?” He replied: “(Equal to the time of reciting) 50 verses.”
3. Taking the fast-breaking meal early: As mentioned in the Hadith of Sahl Ibn Sa’ad that the Prophet said: “People
will remain on good till the time they take the fast-breaking meal early.”
4. Fast-Breaking with fresh dates: If he does not find then take dried dates. If he does not find it, then by water. As
mentioned in the Hadith of Anas, he said: “Allah’s Prophet used to break his fast before the prayer by eating fresh
dates. If fresh dates were not available, the he used to take small dried dates. If they were also not available, he used
to refresh his senses by water.”
5. Praying at the time of fast-breaking, and also during the fast as well. As mentioned in the Hadith of Ibn U’mar: At
the time of fast-breaking, the Prophet used to say: “Thirst has gone, veins have become wet and reward has been
established, if Allah wills.”

Rule of the Day! The words 2 ªe are used to create emphasis. Both of them are combined to express
great emphasis e.g. :
G [  Z% pR  e e (Surely, your God is only & only One), ;   ?p .%  # ˆ
>% ? ;
  >? # \ N %  e
(Surely & definitely the weakest of homes is that of a spider) o  " d
 # ;
 A % 'U  p  e (Definitely,
the worst of sounds is that of a donkey) etc.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

Drinking ; )[ Fresh dates ;

a ?Œ1 Last meal before dawn to
start fasting
1 d~)
Thirst Ž"|R  Dried dates ;
a " H Eat the last meal before
It became wet ˆ
% U< Small dried dates ;
G >% " H Expediting R >3H
Veins Y
   He drank, he felt )[ Breaking of fast 1R4FR 

Quranic Arabic Program 266 Level 03

Lesson 15B: The Law of Zakat & Fasting

+A +E   Lž” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A 0 2&1  (./ 0 ,-1 EN ¦ ME:¹ “.Z} A °e Z} A °e” :2 E  (>/   I  :G [ ( < & e Ö 6
Z) P1 ? X 1 “.Z
G } A ,qe # R >#  (H * %  :G [  (< & # ž ªO
% E i Q‹E MR% E 9 Z:[
PQ   < :"[%  X 1 “.ZG } A  N W )
 E ,[% R i  Z& (>/ 0 A 0
 2 &1 ˆ
E1” :2 * (./ 0 ,-1 ><1 \<  / ME:¹ W  )
  Ö 7
A 0 2&1  ” :2 * "./ 0 ,-1 Ÿ ?/ \< \/ P1 ? …1 . w  61 , \p ˆ a *   ,  ?d
 ) "N  : n  R & 1 :   3 # Ö 8
(>/ 0 A 0
 2&   n  ( & 1 : >   61 \ a >  , X E    E ?% I X  E \ >% [  61 , pE   I   Ÿ  .   I Z& (>/ 0
“.  & " # D
 E  \  >% 
 # < I Z&
 !  c  Le   Z& (>/ 0 A ,?.  : ./ 0 ,-1  !} / \/ Z) P1 ? …1 : 61 \  c ‰  !    ,   ? ,  Ii Ö 9
.1 h ‹# " # :b  (  N x
  E%  > >[%   c ‰
Z }   I \ È
R .% E i ( o‡ ªX  I R w (   €"} A 4 \” :2 * Z& (>/ 0 A ,?. \/ ,.» : c \< :E ME:d :f"}   >% 4 FH Ö 10
 ?[ \< (ddA :µ ª(I  \< (Ic ªD>dA \)[ ME:[ 2 * PQ X 1 “. ‹€>b

6. If someone abuses him or treats him in an arrogant manner, he should say: “I am fasting, I’m fasting.” (i.e. I can’t
fight with you). As mentioned in the Hadith of Abu Hurairah that Allah’s Prophet said: “When anyone of you is
fasting, he should neither be obscene nor yell angrily. If anyone abuses him or fights with him, he should say that I
am fasting.”
7. Brushing teeth as mentioned in the Hadith of A’mir Ibn Rabi’ah that he said: “I saw Allah’s prophet brushing his
teeth (with a fresh branch of tree) countless times while he was fasting.”
8. Generosity and Studying the Quran: Both of them are preferred all the times but in Ramadan more. Bukhari
reported on behalf of Ibn A’bbas, he said: “Allah’s Prophet was the most generous among people. He used to be
more generous during Ramadan when used used to meet Gabriel. He used to meet him every night during Ramadan,
to study the Quran. So Allah’s Prophet was faster for good things than the blowing wind.”
9. Hard word for worship during last ten days of Ramadan: Bukhari & Muslim reported on behalf of A’yesha that
when the Prophet entered into the last ten days, he used to give life to the night, and used to arouse his family and
used to fasten the veil (in the Mosque for concentration).
10. Providing food to the fasting people for fast-breaking: As mentioned in the Hadith of Zaid Ibn Khalid Al-Juhani
that the Prophet said: “Whoever provides food to a fasting person, he will get a reward equivalent to him without
any decrease in the reward of the fasting person.

Explanation Word Explanation Word Explanation Word

He woke up x
  E% The most generous   I Cleaning teeth (usually
with a stick)
W )
He tightened :b He studies Ÿ
1 :E I count ,[% R
Veil (in the Mosque for
concentrating in worship)
1 h ‹# " # Blowing   &  "# He clean his teeth W )
Arranging food for fast-
breaking for others
 >% 4 FH Doing effort  Ii Generosity to give money   3#
He arranged food for fast-
4 He gave life to >[%  Studying R & 1 : 

Quranic Arabic Program 267 Level 03

What’s Next?

In Level 3, you have learnt further Arabic at Intermediate Level. Now you can understand the most
part of the Quran, Hadith and Islamic literature. At next level, you will continue learning Intermediate
Arabic. At the end of Level 4, you will be able to fluently read the Arabic books, Insha Allah. That
will be the last level for Intermediate Arabic. You will study advanced concepts of B Z/ at Level
4. Some highlights are as follows:

• The Groups of (> :Eh ,898

• Arabic Sentences containing Verbs > ¼
• Different Types of Abnormal (Deceased) Verbs & Derived Nouns *  2 
• Some Advanced Concepts of d.# Z/
In addition to that, you will also see more advanced passages from the Quran, the Hadith, the Quranic
Exegesis, the Hadith Commentary, the Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabic Literature and writings of
ancient scholars. Your vocabulary will be developed up to the extent that you will be able to read any
Arabic book related to Islam without frequently consulting to a dictionary.
So continue Level 4 for completing the Intermediate Arabic.

Worth Reading
Personality Development Program. A series of articles at

Quranic Arabic Program 268 Level 03


Following sources are consulted during preparation of this book:

>< @ Z>H ME:d#  n 

1. "# .E:"< >9&{  I ª >< @ Z>H  Z E% p R nR  
Z>N <e \< \"[% # :?/ 1 ªlE:E \ >% < R ><  y \< l
  " Œg"# 
:?/ :"Ç ªf)[ N 4 1   1 ª F P1 í + ä ªD>d K 3# 
6 :"Ç m #
Z) + ä ª D>d K  3# 
.B 1 :# ª < \ >%  Œ .#  >% @  ><  @ R # Ÿ
I  \<  ,} )  PQH    ¦ \.& 
Z>[  : ?/
,< ' d.#  B Z/
îH1) Š&E \< :"Ç ª
%   # 1 N%   ,N F \E: :>"[ ª d. Y ?& 
1: ª ,< qÈ. $ - ,  ><#  ‡ 9? R & 1   c \"%[ Š4 ª ï ,</  &n 
Ÿ 4 :"%[ \< 0 :?/  c 1 ) :?/ P ª Z  ,</ 
(>/ 0 ,A 2 & O  4R c , >9%/{ O  3
 #  P)H \"[%  :?/ x [ ª B
ˆ< 8 ,/ \< :>& ª Z& :>) Š>4 :?/ ª 4)?£ >< @ :/ * 
,.)d# ,/ \% )
d # < ª
   \ ; 1 
%   1 ª "/ 1   :"[%  1 ª ,& &'  d.# 
P:. & "[ :"Ç 1 ª  N Ÿ d. F4
ˆ1 \"[%  :?/ 1: ª < d  >[ \ 1A
 Š>4 :?/
b < \%> F4   +1 3# ,/ ª D-   d.# 
ZN%>‡  Ÿ * ,"b # :"%[ :>) ª R ><#  @ R  R >& &' : /  # 
,p?#  < ,[1 1: ª Ph>pe ,</ Ÿ * % 1 "#  ‡9? Z/
O& d# ¸
  ? A ! Ÿ   \%> F4   +1 3# ,/ ªd-
  R ‡ 9? 
P:><h ,.>) d# 6H :"Ç :>) ªŸ V H  :>) ª KE:?   >?  , " # , ‡9? N I 
,"b # :"%[
° I3 ª ‡9? 1 & 

Quranic Arabic Program 269 Level 03

Other Writings of the Author (Available at

Quranic Arabic Program 270 Level 03

Other Writings of the Author (Available at

Quranic Arabic Program 271 Level 03

Other Writings of the Author (Available at

Quranic Arabic Program 272 Level 03

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