Guia Aprendizaje Ingles

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7 Sarmve\ Hinotha Here A SUIA DE APRENDIZAJE DE INGLI COLEGIO Seve | a ene «| FeRIODo rer [ParenTe CALENDARIO) A ‘Aaoco wn dibuio con wu dencrincion oxerta dentice elementos cuflyralos come nombres propos y Ligares en tostos wencitiss COMPO: + Lingpuatica + Pragmatico = Socio Linguittion INDICADOR DE. as + toentifca frases y eepresionen an ingles pars hablar da cautas y consocuanciars dent ta idea princpat 2 wn tat. METODOLOGIA SECUENCIA DIDACTIC 1 Unicad cescice + Simple Presemt (Rules ol simple Prasond) + Atma 0 / Dows 2 Propésito + Apreciade ecudanis, vl proposia de asta guia os qua comprenda cuando dabesros uli al Simple Present y al uso us la Gems en une convarsacitn, Ademas e8 ce yian wnpurtanoa qué Kepamns ullzar la grwmatica wl wscrit una Irase, un pirrala un tent Salem nada. eonocands ol ued da int sunsiares Ga! does + Dio aspecte tan imporania ns uulzar las regan biueas Gel Semple Procunt en una converaaciéno al wecritee frases do uaa cotichane 2. Desarrvtic cognitive instrucclonal RULES OF SiMPLE PRESENT FIRST PART Verb Conjugation & Spalliag We form tne presani (ansa using tha base form of tha infinitive (wethout the TO} He pore), 1h thee poor ware ace “Sn Use ed paren Escaneado con CamScanner Subject vert: ‘Tho Real of tha kentence | Iryou fwedthey speak flea © Englith al home hot she sit spanks fleas Engish al home +The Spefing fot the vert In Ihe third parton differs depending on tha endfing of that wart: 1. Fee verbs that end In -O, «CH, -SH, -8S, -2, or wm add -ES in the thind porson. ge goes catch - catches wash — washes ‘hice — hisses. fx — fives burg = burzes 2. For verte that ond In. consonant © Y, we remove the ¥ and add © many = maries » stugly— studies + eany—cariea = Worry ~ worries NOTE: For verns that ened in m vowel «'¥, wet just nce 8 = play ~ plays = enay- aniays = ty anys Vor ol video del uso evan regina dal Senne Present esl Sink IDE Awww ou AG Lth’Ay 2sIk5 SerE3h! AUXILIAR DO) DOES: OF SIMPLE PRESENT SECOND PART El verbo mm wspane! se (reduce como hacer. Dapenidlanda Hal pennomtyy gon qua 88 conjuyue, asia verbo cambia S $2 conjuga con, you, wey trey, simplomente ¢¢ do Fero el be conjuga con Ae, ehe 9 1t pronombres an larcera persona angular, sa esenbe does, asl Conjugation De Escaneado con CamScanner Por ejemplo. x ' to my hommanri. She cong her Yo naga mitaran Etta hoca ay tares La forma en tampo pasnito da ao es did, y Su pasado participlo os aane. Como verte aunitior Edte verbo lambién cumple Runaiones da verbo autilat para creat pregunta y para near eign en presanin y en pasado simpli: Weames ‘Prequnte: El vetbo fo dog does 52 uss come pusilar para hacor preguntas con werbos an presenta y pasado nimpdn, acento tl on In oranién larbés ests prewenly of verbo fo be Cuande da funciona come aunliar intetogatve, va al inicio do Wn Orono entre ta WH Question y el Set dela omccn Ver al video da nxplicaén «de inn regins «dal Simple Preset oem tl_ ith hips: (iw woylube comualeh"vsQF SCWIN Ve |, Deparrolia Metodelégice a. De scusris a! video eacribe 5 orationes ullizando lon siguentes verboa (haz las oragores an tercera persona} a) Work bj siudy cheat d)play e} teach Con ayuda de ty fomilia hos 10 oracionaa utlizando el auxitar Go! Does 5, Evatuacion CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER USING PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE: {her 6! cambio en el verbo que eta erire paréntesis sl ws necesatto) 1 ER mn 5 b) think does think 6) do nat think 2 tof whut to way ‘¢) dass think Escaneado con CamScanner Res ru esta 5 tC @ Desarrotls Hotede lngi (or O-she wohks on Sunday @-+hey study tomotow @-he eats an apple @- she Plays inthe Parte @-he teaches spanish (9 Oractones con el au Xilae Do/ does @ he dyes the homeworr @T do my homework @ she dees read the mewpaper every dar @ we do come ta school by bus @ you do work very hard. © she do es Ince to sit in lhe Sun Escaneado con CamScanner Dwe do Play in the Pare every day @_ he does watch hrs son tn the parte @- we do try fe arrive on fie (0 - he do es wale to school. Escaneado con CamScanner d) do not thinks ee bo) a relative of mine ©) doos think dj isn't ba 4 ten’ * (net know) wha she (ony? ay is i — b) ¢) is nol know / are @) are not know fis 5 sre tBBN sau ha car everywork a} wash not 5 jot Zee cj i) waehs Seat (steep) hseven hours a day a b) sleepses ¢) sleeps is not 0) seeps are not 7. Mary and hon ESF fb) my cousins ajis b it i not 8. She shaays AHS (win) 8) winses b) wninex: ier 8. James CHES! (cry) every easily a) eryes b) crys ie 10. she PIES {pray} In churcha every sunday a) prayies b) pranyis emer Escaneado con CamScanner

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