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Student’s Name Guadalupe Nashely López Cruz

ID Number 17000760

Subjet English III v1

Career Bachelor of Finance Administration

Municipality Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico

Date May 17, 2020

Future Events
Word document
To be evaluated in this unit it a Word document has to be created
(Word/Word pad/Open Office) with at least 21 sentences, as well as a
150 word paragraph original composition (mainly in future tenses). This
assignment is divided into two parts and to work out these two, it is
necessary to revise both virtual classes from unit 1 English III course.
Part 0 (zero)
First of all, prepare a cover page with UVEG logo and all your data
(Municipality, date, career, student's full name, student's ID number, and
Part 1
Go to Virtual class (Lesson 1) then open the "future” submenu, and
choose the "Practice” slide: from each image you have to construct 3
sentences, using future tense with the auxiliary will. 7 images times 3
sentences = 21 sentences (7 affirmative, 7 interrogative & 7 negative
1.- He- dream
He will dream tonight
He will not dream tonight
Will he dream tonight?

2. - I- camp
I will camp
I will not camp
Will I camp?

3.-We - get fit

We will get fit
We will not get fit
Will we get it?

4. – It- (the weather) cloudy

Will be cloudy
Won’t be cloudy
Will be cloudy?

5. – They – stay awake

They will stay awake all night
They will not stay awake all night
Will they stay awake all night?

6. – You - meditate
You will meditate
You will not meditate
Will you meditate?

7. – She – study abroad

She will study abroad
She will not study abroad
Will she study abroad?

Part 2

Use the following lines for introducing your homework Part 2 (fill in the
blanks accordingly).
To concrete this assignment we are going to suppose the
following scenario:

The company where I will be working for is: mention the

company/organization/corporation where you would like
to work for.

The position* where I would like to be working and that has to

do* with quality is specify work position .*

If the company has to implement quality ... (here it starts your

150 words paragraph) --- I will... I am going to... we have to...
we need to...

*Position.- es la traducción para "puesto (de trabajo)”

**Has to do with.- la expresión "HAS TO DO WITH” se traduce como
"tiene que ver con” observa que no se utiliza el verbo "SEE=ver” sino el
verbo "hacer= DO”
*** Para esta tarea debes utilizar "going to”; "Will” al menos en 10
ocasiones a lo largo del párrafo, y se requiere no ser repetitivo con unos
cuantos verbos. (BE CREATIVE, PLEASE)
Recuerda que párrafos tipo "copy paste” son = 0 (cero).

General Motors Company

The company where I will work is General Motors, the position I will work in and that
has to do with quality is the quality department, the first thing I will do is create a plan
that will involve different areas of assembly production, in In this plan I will include a
checklist of common problems related to product quality, and I will also request the
participation of key personnel such as supervisor and senior management trainers.
The training supervisor and his team will be in charge of the trainings and re-
trainings improving the quality of all our products, in addition they will be responsible
for the understanding of the information provided to the operators, they will make
sure to provide the correct information. Two weeks later, a meeting will be held in
which, we are going to check if there were any improvements or areas of
opportunity, I am going to actively participate with all the employees, and I am going
to make sure that everything works correctly.

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