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What are your top three takeaways from John Green’s course, Navigating Digital
Information? Explain why each of these takeaways is important when conducting
internet research/using the internet to acquire information.
My first takeaway from John Green’s course is that just because a website or video looks
credible due to sources it includes or a good website design, it does not mean it is credible.
There are many websites out there that have a highly aesthetic webpage but its content are
false. When looking at information online, I should always check to see if the information is
true without taking into consideration the design of a website as a fact. My second takeaway
is that no algorithm for a social media site (such as YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat) is
neutral. I used to think that algorithms are free of human biased because they are run by
computer, which are emotionless. However, I never took into consideration that algorithms
are made by humans, and thus, have human errors and bias. When conduction research
online, I should be skeptical to a certain point of every website online. My last takeaway was
that depending on the scale of a visualization, it can convey different messages. Some data
can be made more dramatic by zooming in, or vice versa. This is important because
whenever I look at data online, I should first see if it is credible by doing lateral reading and
then I should look at the scale of the visualization.
2. What are your top three takeaways from your time implementing the state’s social
distancing initiatives (learning from home)?Explain why this was an important idea
to learn.
My first takeaway from the state-mandated social distancing is that school is not the most
important thing in life. I used to spend about 30-35 hours each week doing homework on
average. The rest I spent it on running, sleeping, and doing chores. I gave very little time to
my family and other activities. Now that I have more time, I spend more time with my family
and have more time to do things I like, such as playing the ukulele or listening to music. This
is important because a balanced life is a better life. My second takeaway is that the majority
of things I do—academics, sports, eating, sleeping—are for my success. However, this is not
the best lifestyle. I realized that I need to start doing more things that will benefit others and
not just me. I know right now is difficult time but there are things I can do now. For instance,
I can help my aunt who lives alone. Or I can call other family member who I rarely talk to.
Or I could pray more for others and do more for my family. A third takeaway is that I have
really bad study skills. When I study for tests I over study. So, I have been trying to look for
more efficient ways to study. This is important because my study strategies will most likely
not work in college.

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