Platt Bradbury, J. (2000) - Historia Limnológica Del Lago de Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México Durante Los Últimos 48,000 Años PDF

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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95

Limnologic history of Lago de Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, Mexico

for the past 48,000 years: impacts of climate and man
J. Platt Bradbury 1
Geobotanical Institute, University of Bern, CH 3013 Bern, Switzerland
Received 8 December 1999; accepted for publication 21 June 2000


Lago de Pátzcuaro lies at an elevation of 2035 m (19° 36∞ N 101° 39∞ W ) on the west part of the volcanic Meseta
Central of Mexico, about 50 km east-southeast of Morelia. Pollen, diatom, and geochemical records from a 15 m core
taken in 6 m of water continuously track vegetation and limnological changes in the Pátzcuaro basin for the past 48 ky
(calendar years). Pine, oak, and alder pollen dominate both the Wisconsin and Holocene vegetation record, and indicate
that this region did not witness strongly arid climates during that time. Before the Holocene, Juniperus-type and
Artemisia pollen document cooler climates of more effective moisture at least seasonally. Isoetes characterizes the full
and late glacial interval (25–13 ka) and implies, along with the diatoms Aulacoseira and Stephanodiscus, cool, deep,
freshwater conditions at Lago de Pátzcuaro. The freshest and deepest lacustrine phase in the lake occurred 38 to 25 ka.
During this time, Lago de Pátzcuaro may have drained into the Lerma River system. Between 30 and 10 ka, diatom
species that bloom in the winter and early spring imply moisture during those seasons. Evaluation of contemporaneous
marine and terrestrial records west and east of Lago de Pátzcuaro suggests that this moisture probably originated from
westerly storm tracks shifted south by the Laurentide ice sheet. After 10 ka, Lago de Pátzcuaro became shallower and
more eutrophic. Rooted aquatic plants prospered under a climate regime of negative hydrologic budgets, increased
seasonality, and moisture arriving during the summer as it does today. The lake became alkaline enough by the mid-
Holocene to deposit ostracode-rich marls at the core site for the first time in the past 48 ky. Indigenous agriculture in
the Pátzcuaro drainage and around the lake appears about 4 ka, with the appearance of Zea and Chenopodiineae
pollen. Iron and potassium track increased soil erosion, and planktic diatoms (Cyclostephanos) record nutrients flushed
into the lake from the drainage basin. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: diatoms; geochemistry; pollen; human impact; late Quaternary; Mexico; paleolimnology; Pátzcuaro Lake

1. Introduction Limnológica de Pátzcuaro provided critical limno-

logical baseline information about the lake before
A millennium before its description by the cultural impacts became especially severe. By the
Spanish in the 16th century, native Tarascans late 1940s, Lago de Pátzcuaro had become the
utilized Lago de Pátzcuaro as a source of fish, best limnologically studied lake in Mexico
tules and transportation. The pioneering work of (Deevey, 1957), a reputation that it probably still
De Buen (e.g. De Buen, 1944a) at the Estación enjoys today with the work of Chacón-Torres
1 Present address: 28551 Golden Gate Canyon Rd., Golden, From a paleolimnological perspective, the value
CO 80403, USA. of Lago de Pátzcuaro lies in the fact that for much

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70 J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95

of the mid- and late Wisconsin and throughout flows and cinder cones such as the newly formed
the Holocene, the lake has never been dry. Its (1943) volcano Paricutı́n 50 km west of the lake.
deposits, therefore, preserve an uninterrupted his- Indeed, volcanic activity, through the action of
tory of past lake changes and of climate, unlike lava flows and uplift that dammed and compart-
most lake basins in central Mexico, because of mentalized pre-existing drainages of the Rı́o Lerma
their arid surroundings and intermittent history of system sometime during the Pleistocene, has been
desiccation. implicated in the formation of Lago de Pátzcuaro
Pollen, geochemistry, and diatoms from short as well as lakes Zirahuén and Cuitzeo (De Buen,
Hiller cores in the southern part of the basin first 1943; Barbour, 1973). Faulted, tilted, and uplifted
documented the paleoenvironmental value of the diatomites and diatomaceous lake sediments,
Lago de Pátzcuaro sediment record (Deevey, 1944; including numerous layers of volcanic ash, crop
Hutchinson et al., 1956). The stratigraphy was out especially along the southwestern side of the
interpreted as past fluctuations of temperature and basin and testify to the pervasive effects of tectonic
water level, but a lack of radiocarbon dates allowed and volcanic activity in controlling the morphology
only speculative correlations to the archaeological and depth of the basin. Evidence for surficial
sequence from the Cuenca de México. hydrologic linkage between Lago Chapala on the
This paper examines diatoms and geochemical Rı́o Lerma and the now isolated (but presumed
proxies of past limnological change from a radio- once tributary) basins of Zirahuén, Pátzcuaro, and
carbon-dated, 14 m core from Lago de Pátzcuaro Cuitzeo is based on the biogeographic distribution
that encompasses the past 48 ky. These data com- of species of Chirostoma (pescado blanco), an
endemic fish genus of central Mexico (Barbour,
pliment and extend pollen analyses from this core
( Watts and Bradbury, 1982) that documented veg-
The present climate of central Mexico, including
etational and climate changes in Michoacán from
Lago de Pátzcuaro in Michoacán, is characterized
the late mid-Wisconsin through the arrival of the
by mid- to late-summer rainfall that results from
Spaniards in the early 16th century. A comparison
the northward migration of the Inter-Tropical
of the Lago de Pátzcuaro record with marine and
Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and the expansion of
terrestrial records from central Mexico shows that
the Bermuda/Azores and East Pacific Highs
the climatic effects of the Laurentide ice sheet
(Metcalfe, 1987). The moisture has been presumed
during the full glacial extended at least to the to come from the east, in the Caribbean, although
latitude of 20° N, influencing vegetation, lake eastern Pacific and Gulf of California moisture
depth, productivity, and dynamics. The record of sources may be more important, especially for
pollen, diatoms, and geochemistry also documents western Mexico (Douglas et al., 1993). During the
interactions between the lake and land-use strate- winter, stable, dry conditions occur as the ITCZ
gies by native, Hispanic, and modern cultures. returns towards the equator and the subtropical
high pressure belt with westerly flow aloft extends
over much of Mexico. However, cold outbreaks
2. Physiography, geology, and climate of polar air (nortes) associated with meridional
flow can bring winter rainfall and low temperatures
Lago de Pátzcuaro (19° 36∞ N 101° 39∞ W ) lies to the Meseta Central at the latitude of Lago de
at an elevation of 2035 m on the west part of the Pátzcuaro and even farther south (Metcalfe, 1987).
volcanic Meseta Central of Mexico ( Fig. 1), about Mean annual precipitation at Lago de
50 km east-southeast of the city of Morelia. Pátzcuaro is about 950 mm, but varies significantly
Volcanic rocks, chiefly basalt, dominate the sur- from year to year. Between 1921 and 1986, the
rounding terrane at higher elevations, whereas lowest annual precipitation was 567 mm (1957),
colluvial, fluvial, and lacustrine sediments, and whereas the highest value was 1636 mm (1935).
thick, weathered, red soils characterize lower eleva- Mean annual evaporation (about 1500 mm/year)
tions (Chacón-Torres, 1993). There is much evi- is greatest during the spring and early summer
dence of recent volcanic activity, including basalt when high temperatures and windy conditions
J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95 71

Fig. 1. Index map showing location of Lago de Pátzcuaro. ‘J’ identifies the island of Janitzio, and the core location (cross) about
1 km to the south-southeast. 5 and 10 m bathymetric contours are shown. Adapted from Chacón-Torres (1993).

co-occur during the dry season. Annual temper- of 11 km, a maximum depth of 12 m in the north-
ature averages about 16.3°C (Chacón-Torres, ern basin, and a mean depth of 5 m (Chacón-
1993). The seasonal variation of temperature and Torres, 1993). The lake covers an area of about
precipitation ( Fig. 2) documents maximum 130 km2 and contains approximately 628×106 m3
monthly temperatures (about 20°C ) during the of water. Basalts and basalitic breccias form islands
early summer (May–June). Clouds and precipita- in the central and southern parts of the lake basin.
tion significantly cool mid- and late-summer air Basalt also dominates the approximately 929 km2
temperatures. Winter temperatures average about drainage basin (Chacón-Torres, 1993).
12–13°C and frost occurs occasionally in winter The lake has no significant surface inflow or
months. Mean minimum winter temperatures (1– any surface outflow, and appears to be largely
2°C ) in December and January are still too high maintained by shallow groundwater and local
to promote freezing of the lake. runoff during the rainy season. Variation of dis-
solved oxygen, temperature, and pH with depth in
the southwestern part of the lake (the
3. Limnology Erongarı́cuaro arm; Fig. 1) suggests important
subaqueous groundwater discharge to the lake (De
Lago de Pátzcuaro is a ‘C’-shaped lake ( Fig. 1) Buen, 1944a, 1945). Springs at and above the lake
with a long axis of about 20 km, a maximum width margin also contribute to the lake. Lake level
72 J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95

from evaporation. Nevertheless, Lago de

Pátzcuaro never becomes particularly saline due
to evaporation because solutes gained by evapora-
tion eventually leave the lake through recharge to
the groundwater system. A close correspondence
exists between the annual precipitation–evapora-
tion balance and lake level. The fact that observed
lake level maxima are generally higher and later
than maxima predicted by lake level models based
on precipitation and evaporation underscores the
role of infiltration to the lake from precipitation
recharge within the drainage basin — estimated to
be between 8 and 12% of the annual water budget
Fig. 2. Mean monthly temperature and precipitation at Lago (Chacón-Torres, 1993).
de Pátzcuaro for the period 1921–1944. Data from Chacón- The hydrochemistry of Lago de Pátzcuaro
Torres (1993).
( Table 1) reflects the surrounding volcanic terrane,
as do the majority of lakes in the central Mexican
varies seasonally 0.5–1 m as a result of evapora- highlands which are dominated by sodium and
tion, and the balance between groundwater dis- bicarbonate ions (Bradbury, 1989). Deevey’s
charge to the lake and lake recharge to the (1957) water analyses imply minor concentration
groundwater table. Assuming that groundwater and loss of Ca and Mg by precipitation during the
chemistry shows little seasonal variation, the dry years between 1939 and 1945, although overall
increase in lake conductivity between the wet the hydrochemistry of Lago de Pátzcuaro had
season (September, 1973) and the dry season been relatively constant between 1941 and 1973.
(May, 1974) ( Table 1) indicates that the lake level Conductivity values of 850 mS/cm (Chacón-Torres,
drop (~0.9 m) during that time resulted mostly 1993) measured in the lake in 1986–1987 may

Table 1
Chemistry of Lago de Pátzcuaro and Lago de Zirahuén, Michoacán, Mexico

Lake analysis Pátzcuaro Zirahuén

September, 1973 July, 1941 September, 1973

Na 118.4 140.7a 4.4

K 29.11 34.6a 2.8
Ca 13.2 3.2 5.8
Mg 27.2 2.5 4.6
Cl 20.4 21.3 2.2
SO 3.9 0.2 0
CO 19.2 0
HCO 414.6 458.0 54.3
Total P 0.0158 0.01 0.0054
IX 1973 cond. (mmhos/cm) 524 67
V 1974 cond. (mmhos/cm) 685 87
pH 9.5 8.7b 8.0–8.3c
Secchi (m) 1.25 1.20 4.0

Values in milligrams per liter except as indicated. 1941 data from Deevey (1957).
a reported as na+K=175.3 mg/l. This value was partitioned according to the ratio of Na and K in the September, 1973 analysis.
b De Buen (1944a).
c De Buen (1943).
J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95 73

indicate progressive hydrochemical concentration become important dominants of the summer phy-
related to increased inflow of waste water as well toplankton as Lago de Pátzcuaro has become more
as dry climates after 1980 and progressive degrada- eutrophic due to human impact (Chacón-Torres,
tion of the watershed. Nevertheless, water analyses 1993; Rosas et al., 1993).
made in 1995 (Bridgewater et al., 1999) show no Although Aulacoseira predominates in Lago de
significant differences in major ions from the 1941 Pátzcuaro, modern sediment samples contain large
and 1973 values. numbers of a small Stephanodiscus or Cyclo-
Urban, domestic and agricultural waste water stephanos species that may also reflect human
from the city of Pátzcuaro and from surrounding impact on the lake system (Bradbury, 1997). Rosas
towns and fields contributes considerable phos- et al. (1993) report large numbers (>3000 cells/l )
phorus to Lago de Pátzcuaro, and increased defor- of a Stephanodiscus species in the southern part of
estation of the drainage has resulted in greater the lake receiving phosphorus-rich outflows from
transport of suspended solids to the lake since the the town of Pátzcuaro. This diatom genus had not
initial limnological studies of Yamashita (1939) been reported living in the lake by earlier workers,
and De Buen (1941). As a consequence, secchi and little is known about its seasonal dynamics.
transparency values have decreased and the lake However, if like many small Stephanodiscus species
has become increasingly eutrophic (Chacón- (e.g. Kilham et al., 1986), the taxon in Lago de
Torres, 1993). Pátzcuaro is favored by low light conditions and
Lago de Pátzcuaro does not consistently stratify high phosphorus levels, under natural conditions
in any season and oxygen is generally abundant at it might be reasonable to expect this species to
the bottom (Deevey, 1957). Complete circulation bloom in the fall or winter, after the rainy season
throughout the year ensures that lake turbidity is delivers increased supplies of phosphorus to the
comparatively high, especially after the rainy lake at a time of declining insolation and high
season (Chacón-Torres, 1993). turbidity (Chacón-Torres, 1993). The phosphorus
Despite a comparatively large number of studies levels in the southern part of the lake receiving
and references on the limnology of Lago de Pátzcuaro town effluents are so high (up to
Pátzcuaro, serial data on the seasonal distribution 0.48 mg/l ) that diatoms, including both
of phytoplankton are rare. Rioja (1940) reported Aulacoseira granulata and Stephanodiscus, grow in
a massive bloom of diatoms [Melosira (= abundance here even during the summer (Rosas
Aulacoseira) granulata] accompanied by Ceratium et al., 1993) and indicate that, as in many temper-
and Pediastrum in a sample taken in mid-March, ate lakes, diatoms are limited by phosphorus in
1940. Aulacoseira cells were fewer but still predomi- Lago de Pátzcuaro.
nant in June and July of the same year, but fell to At this time the proper generic identity of the
minimum values by December (De Buen, 1944b). small ‘Stephanodiscus’ species in Lago de
Osorio-Tafall (1944) indicates that, in general, Pátzcuaro is not certain. Specimens in modern
cyanobacteria bloom May–June. Clearly seasonal sediment resemble tiny (ca. 5 mm) forms of
differences in weather patterns from year to year Cyclostephanos, planktic diatoms often associated
play an important role in the development and with very high levels of eutrophication (Stoermer
succession of algal blooms. The months of et al., 1987).
February and March have the most wind at Lago Benthic and epiphytic diatoms (e.g. Surirella,
de Pátzcuaro (Chacón-Torres, 1993), and increas- Synedra parasitica, and Diploneis) also enter the
ing light levels coupled with wind-generated turbu- plankton, especially when low lake levels allow
lence and nutrients probably account for the spring turbulence to detach epiphytic species from areas
diatom blooms of Aulacoseira and other diatoms. of submerged vegetation (Potamogeton,
The appearance of cyanobacteria during the warm- Myriophyllum) along the margins of the lake
est months of the year is also consistent with ( Rioja, 1940; Osorio-Tafall, 1944). Epiphytic dia-
observations in many eutrophic temperate lakes toms (Cocconeis placentula, Epithemia adnata,
(e.g. Wetzel, 1983, p. 375). Cyanobacteria have Gomphonema gracile, and Rhopalodia gibba) char-
74 J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95

Table 2
Radiocarbon dates from Lago de Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, Mexico.

Depth (cm) Date (14C year B.P.) Sample number Calendar year (B.P.)

820–823 2890±80 QL 1341 3001

878–881 3640±80 QL 1342 3980
1042–1045 9210±150 QL 1343 10,320
1346–1349 17,700±300 QL 1344 21,150
1550–1553 25,600±750 QL 1345 29,929
1855–1858 30,500+1700−1400 QL 1346 35,129
2105–2115 44,100+3000−2400 QL 970 48,149

Depth in centimeters below water surface. Water depth=6.2 m

acterized Potamogeton beds at 3 m depth in 1973. 38.6∞ W ). The wooden plank raft, floated by
Metcalfe (1985) reports abundant Staurosira con- attached 55 gallon steel drums, was part of a fleet
struens and Staurosirella pinnata growing on rocky used to remove nuisance populations of water-
substrates in the lake. hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) from shallow regions
Lago de Pátzcuaro is rapidly changing in tro- of the lake. The water column and top 2 m of
phic status and size as human impacts combine sediment were cased with 10 cm I.D. aluminum
with climate change over the lake and its drainage pipe to facilitate coring. 1 m core sections were
basin. Limnologic observations made 50 years ago extruded in the field, labeled, and wrapped in
are unlikely to be perfectly relevant throughout plastic sheeting and aluminum foil. The core pene-
the lake today, but can serve as analogs to past trated 14.8 m of diatomaceous gyttja and bottomed
conditions and processes useful for paleolimno- in sand at a depth of 15.2 m.
logic and paleoclimatic interpretation. In this
regard, it appears that Aulacoseira species, particu- 4.2. Chronology
larly Aulacoseira ambigua and Aulacoseira granu-
lata, represent the overall, unimpacted, Seven bulk radiocarbon dates were obtained
hydroclimatic environment of the basin in which from the organic, diatomaceous gyttja of the core
the summer precipitation signal nourishes the lake ( Table 2). The date sequence shows no reversals
by surface runoff and particularly by groundwater and can be utilized to construct an age model
recharge from the drainage for a large portion of ( Fig. 3) that supports an assumed modern age for
the following dry season. The abundance of epi- the sediment surface and documents a reasonably
phytic and benthic diatoms should track the past continuous sediment accumulation rate of about
extent of marginal submerged vegetation as it 34 cm/ky. To facilitate correlations of diatom,
varies in response to changes in lake level and geochemical, and pollen records with middle
transparency. Wisconsin marine records, the radiocarbon chro-
nology has been converted to calendar years
following the protocols of Stuiver and Reimer
4. Methods (1993) and Bard et al. (1993). In this paper, ages
are reported as calendar years before
4.1. Coring present×10−3 ka.

The Lago de Pátzcuaro sediment record was 4.3. Diatoms

cored in the spring of 1974 with a square-rod,
Livingstone-type sampler ( Wright, 1967) from an Diatoms were separated from 1 cm3 sediment
anchored raft about 1 km south of Janitzio Island aliquots by digestion in hot (100°C ), concentrated
(Fig. 1) in 6.2 m water depth (19° 33.7∞ N 101° nitric acid and rinsed with distilled water until
J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95 75

ceous gyttja that characterizes the core, except in

the lowermost sandy samples where coring
stopped. Much of the variation in carbon and
nitrogen reflects dilution by volcanic ashes.
Carbon/nitrogen ratios >15 dominate the record
between 33 and 13 ka and suggest a relatively high
input of terrestrial organic matter (Meyers and
Lallier-Vergès, 1999), coincident with glacial envi-
ronments elsewhere. Lower values (<10) before
and after indicate a more important contribution
of algal material.
Three zones of abundant ostracode valves and
Fig. 3. Radiocarbon age vs. depth for Lago de Pátzcuaro core. marl are reflected in the profiles of calcium and
Data from Watts and Bradbury (1982). Modern age for sedi- magnesium in the upper part of the core (Fig. 4).
ment surface is assumed. A fifth-order polynomial curve fit These carbonate phases represent a major shift in
through the data establishes the age–depth relation of the core. the geochemical character of the 48 ky record.
Bridgwater et al. (1999) implicated rising salinity
clean of dissolved solutes. Standardized aliquots in Lago de Pátzcuaro to precipitate calcite,
of diatoms suspended in water were settled onto although hydrochemical changes of surface and
coverslips (Battarbee, 1973) and mounted in a recharge to the lake as a result of agricultural and
refractive (n=1.7) medium. Generally 400–500 other human impacts in the drainage basin may
diatoms were counted per slide. Insofar as possible, be important as well.
diatom identifications were made from the pub- Potassium shows systematic variation in the
lished literature. Lago de Pátzcuaro record that approximately par-
allels the C/N ratio. Potassium probably reflects
4.4. Geochemistry detrital, generally unweathered clay washing or
blowing into the lake during storms. Some potas-
Saporito (1975) analyzed the Lago de Pátzcuaro sium peaks coincide with tephra layers and possi-
core carbon and nitrogen (CHN analyzer), phos- bly reflect a labile fraction of potassium associated
phorus (wet chemical digestion and spectropho- with the eruption and deposition of those ashes.
tometry), and calcium, iron, magnesium, and The increase in potassium in the upper part of the
potassium (atomic absorption of 4 N, HCl- core undoubtedly documents increased erosion
digested sediment). related to indigenous and European agricultural
and land-use practices.
Peaks of iron in the upper part of the core
5. Results and interpretative strategy coincide with those of potassium and also indicate
erosion of iron-rich soils associated with tillage
Geochemical, pollen, and diatom assemblages and deforestation of the drainage basin (O’Hara
track the paleolimnological history of Lago de et al., 1993). Nevertheless, at the base of the core
Pátzcuaro for the past 48 ka and contribute to the and elsewhere, some peaks of iron coincide with
understanding of climate and landscape changes high values of phosphorus (Fig. 4). The presence
from the mid-Wisconsin to the present in central of vivianite at these levels, often associated with
Mexico. fish bones or seeds (Saporito, 1975) indicates dia-
genesis of iron and phosphorus in appropriate, but
5.1. Geochemistry local, sedimentary environments of the core. These
iron and phosphorus peaks have little unambigu-
Carbon and nitrogen values (Fig. 4) indicate a ous interpretive value for paleolimnology
high but variable organic content of the diatoma- ( Engstrom and Wright, 1984). However, their
76 J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95

Fig. 4. Selected geochemical profiles for the Lago de Pátzcuaro core. Data from Saporito (1975) plotted against an age model in
thousands of calendar years before present (ka).

stratigraphic restriction to certain parts of the core Holocene. Other taxonomic possibilities for this
must imply a coincidental accumulation of source pollen type include riparian Cupressus or Taxodium
materials (iron, phosphorus, and organic matter) and (or) mesic Juniperus species from higher eleva-
that ultimately relate to distinctive past limnologic tions ( Watts and Bradbury, 1982).
conditions at those times. The stratigraphic distribution of herbaceous
pollen, particularly Artemisia, and to a lesser extent
5.2. Pollen Ambrosia, coincides with the distribution of
Juniperus, but with different trends and peaks. For
Selected pollen types ( Fig. 5) from the pollen example, maxima (~5%) of both Artemisia and
record of Lago de Pátzcuaro ( Watts and Bradbury, Ambrosia occurred during the late glacial when
1982) provide a background perspective of Juniperus values fell to less than 2%. Both
regional and local vegetation change for the past Artemisia and Ambrosia were considered to indi-
46 ky that augments and focuses paleolimnologic cate drier and possibly cooler conditions than
interpretations. Of the major tree taxa (Pinus, present ( Watts and Bradbury, 1982), consistent
Quercus, and Alnus), Pinus and Quercus are the with the presence of presumed xeric Juniperus
most common, but show few interpretable trends. pollen. Ambrosia pollen returns to importance in
Alnus, on the other hand, consistently falls below the uppermost part of the diagram (Fig. 5), most
10% in the late Holocene, probably in response to likely indicating the abundance of agricultural
agricultural activities in the drainage basin and weeds in the region. The pollen record of
perhaps drier climate. The Cupressaceous pollen, Chenopodiineae is restricted to the upper part of
possibly a xeric Juniperus species, has a distinctive the core. Although this herbaceous plant group
stratigraphy in which the highest values coincide includes native agricultural crops such as
with Pleistocene levels in the core, but with virtu- Amaranthus and Chenopodium, the pollen likely
ally no important representation during the represents weeds colonizing exposed lake shore
J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95 77

Fig. 5. Selected pollen profiles for the Lago de Pátzcuaro core. Data from Watts and Bradbury (1982) plotted against an age model
in thousands of calendar years before present (ka). Percentage of Isoetes calculated outside the pollen sum.

Fig. 6. Diatom ecological groups plotted against age in thousands of calendar years before present (ka). Planktic taxa include all
centric genera. ‘Fragilaria’ includes Staurosira construens and varieties, Pseudostaurosira brevistriata, and Staurosirella pinnata.
Attached taxa include species of the genera Achnanthes, Amphora, Cocconeis, Cymbella, Epithemia, Eunotia, and Gomphonema. Motile
taxa include species of the genera Anomoeoneis, Diploneis, Navicula, Nitzschia, Pinnularia, and Surirella.

habitats during drought (Deevey, 1944). The dis- Chenopodiineae, and also indicate closer approxi-
tribution and abundance of Cyperaceae pollen mation of shallow water habitats and lower lake
(probably mostly Scirpus) resemble that of the levels.
78 J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95

J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95 79

Isoetes spores became particularly important in outflow (2100 m), although it remains speculative
the late Pleistocene record. This submerged aquatic in this tectonically active region. The presence of
fern of cool, oligotrophic lakes on mineral-rich, native fish in the lake today (Barbour, 1973), and
often sandy, littoral habitats documents climate- of fish scales and bones at prehistoric levels in the
related limnological change in Lago de Pátzcuaro. core, implies some sort of past connection to the
Increased extent of coarse-grained, mineral-rich Lerma drainage, however.
habitat would accompany a rise in lake level, Some of the major planktic diatoms in the Lago
particularly in the southern part of the basin where de Pátzcuaro record have not been identified with
the shore slopes are low and rocky (Chacón- any certainty, probably some are undescribed
Torres, 1993). Cooler climates and reduced evapo- species with unknown ecology, nutrient require-
ration coupled with increased precipitation could ments and successional dynamics. Speculations
produce a higher, fresher Lago de Pátzcuaro with about such matters can be made from morphologi-
a more neutral pH and lower levels of HCO , and cally similar modern species, but resulting paleo-
would be consistent with growth of Isoetes limnological interpretations must be made with
(Hutchinson, 1975, pp. 149, 370, 379, 424 ff.). caution (Plates 1–3). [ The plates document several
important centric diatom taxa from the Lago de
5.3. Diatoms Pátzcuaro core that are new to Mexico or imper-
fectly known. The light photomicrographs show a
Planktic freshwater diatom species of uniform enlargement (magnification) of 1200×.
Aulacoseira, Stephanodiscus, Cyclostephanos, and The tentative identifications on the plate captions
Cyclotella dominate the Lago de Pátzcuaro record follow the protocol used in the text. Paired figures
along with benthic species of ‘Fragilaria’ (taxa now of the same specimen show first high, and then
recognized as Staurosira construens, Staurosirella low focus views to illustrate the nature of valve
pinnata, and Pseudostaurosira brevistriata; Fig. 6). ornamentation on undulate specimens of
Attached and motile benthic diatoms are important Stephanodiscus and Cyclostephanos and to
in the record, but only dominate in the sandy illustrate the valve mantle surface and optical
sediments at the base of the core. Neither planktic section, respectively, of Aulacoseira valves.]
nor benthic, saline-alkalibiontic diatoms appear in In general, species of Stephanodiscus (Plate 1),
large numbers anywhere in the record, indicating with the possible exception of Stephanodiscus nia-
that for the past 48 ky Lago de Pátzcuaro was garae, bloom in the spring during conditions of
essentially fresh, as it is today. The predominance low but increasing levels of light and abundant
of freshwater planktic diatoms implies lake levels nutrients, particularly phosphorus (e.g. Bradbury,
and open-water areas at least as high and extensive 1988; Bradbury and Forester, 2000). In the western
as today. Possibly lake levels rose high enough in United States, S. niagarae often blooms in the fall,
the past to allow the lake to drain by surface and this may also have been the case in Lago de


1–5. Stephanodiscus oregonicus. 1a, b: a comparatively large specimen (14.62 m, ~45.6 ka). 2a, b: a slightly eccentric form of
the taxon. 3, 4, 5a, b: intermediate to small-sized specimens (5.12 m, ~13.0 ka).
6–8. Stephanodiscus sp. aff. Stephanodiscus oregonicus. Specimen series shows variable density of loose areolation in the central
part of the valve disk (7.88 m, ~24.5 ka).
9–11. Cyclotella stelligera (9.32 m, ~29.2 ka). These specimens show a form or variety of the taxon that does not have the
characteristic central flower or star.
12–14. Cyclostephanos sp. 12a, b, c: a comparatively large specimen at progressively deeper depths of focus. 13, 14: small, typical
specimens (0.45 m, ~0.6 ka). This taxon is characterized by scattered areolae in the central part of the valve disk.
15–21. Cyclostephanos sp. cf. Cyclostephanos tholiformis. 15, 16: comparatively large, heavily silicified individuals. 17–21: small,
weakly silicified individuals (13.22 m, ~37.7 ka). This taxon has dense, regular areolation in the valve disk center.
80 J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95

J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95 81

Pátzcuaro in the past. If so, it implies some precipi- poor environments of eutrophic lakes such as near
tation and storms as well as cooling temperatures the base of the epilimnion during stratification. C.
at that time. stelligera can be a common planktic diatom in
Aulacoseira granulata and Aulacoseira ambigua Lago de Zirahuén (elevation 2075 m, maximum
were likely spring and early summer species, as depth 46 m, conductivity 79–105 mS, Ca>Mg>
they are today in the lake and in many temperate Na, secchi 4 m) only 12 km southwest of Lago de
lakes (Brugam, 1983). Of the two, A. granulata Pátzcuaro, although nothing is known of its sea-
apparently has the highest trophic requirements. sonal dynamics in that system.
The heavily silicified and large-pored A. ambigua Little is known about the nutrient and light
v. robusta (Plate 2), by virtue of its similarity to requirements of Cyclostephanos sp. aff.
some species living in the great lakes of Africa, Cyclostephanos tholiformis (Plate 1), except that in
may document high lake levels and conditions of temperate North America C. tholiformis favors
deep circulation and abundant silicon fluxes as highly eutrophic lakes and ponds and warm
hypothesized by Kilham et al. (1986). The variety summer temperatures (Stoermer et al., 1987).
has been found in the Holocene record of the
Meseta Central lakes Zacapu and Zirahuén
(Metcalfe, personal communication, 1999). Like 6. Paleolimnological synthesis of Lago de
the nominate variety, it is presumed to be a high Pátzcuaro
light species blooming during the spring and
summer. The taxon referred to as Aulacoseira Detailed diatom analyses (Fig. 7A–D), supple-
(Plate 3) is apparently a heavily silicified form of mented by pollen and geochemical data form the
Aulacoseira islandica or A. ambigua v. robusta. In basis of a paleolimnological synthesis for Lago de
north temperate lakes A. islandica proliferates Pátzcuaro. With the exception of the sandy sedi-
during the early spring in low temperature environ- ment at the base of the core, the uniform diatoma-
ments (ca. 6°C ) and high nutrient (especially sili- ceous gyttja that accumulated during the past
con) fluxes (Stoermer et al., 1981). 48 ky implies a generally stable depositional envi-
Rhizosolenia eriensis was widely distributed but ronment without large changes in basin configura-
rare in Lago de Pátzcuaro during August, 1982 tion and morphometry. Faulted diatomites along
(Rosas et al., 1993). Perhaps its presence reflects the southern margin of the lake and 10 to >50 m
a greater tendency towards stratified conditions above the present shore elevation testify to an
because this diatom often occurs during the earlier basin configuration and geologic setting
summer and early fall in fresh, stratified, moder- that included active volcanism and tectonic dis-
ately deep temperate lakes (Bradbury, 1988; placements. Nevertheless, the diatoms characteris-
Huber-Pestalozzi, 1942). Cyclotella stelligera has tic of those deposits (Stephanodiscus niagarae,
a wide distribution in low alkalinity lakes, and Stephanodiscus oregonicus, Aulacoseira granulata,
overall, it appears to have comparatively low nutri- Aulacoseira ambigua) are the same as the species
ent requirements (Brugam, 1983, 1993). It can of the past 48 ky found in the core and support a
appear during circulation in oligo-mesotrophic Quaternary age and environment for the outcrops
lakes (Bradbury, 1988) or perhaps in nutrient- in comparison with late Tertiary diatomaceous


22–26. Aulacoseira pfaffiana (2.62 m, ~4.4 ka). 22, 23: mantle views. 24–26: disk views.
27–31. Aulacoseira 27a, b, 28, 29: mantle views. 30, 31: disk views (0.8 m, ~1.1 ka). This taxon resembles Aulacoseira species 9
of the PRILA Iconograph. Disk views may represent different taxa or growth stages.
32–34. Aulacoseira ambigua v. robusta Gasse. 34b shows a valve section focus of the lower left double valves of 34a (12.22 m,
~35.0 ka).
35, 36. Aulacoseira granulata (13.22 m, ~37.7 ka). 36a shows terminal cell spine.
82 J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95


37–46. Aulacoseira sp. 37–44: form with wide, hollow (?) sulcus in both high- and mid-focus views (13.22 m, ~37.7 ka). 45–46:
form with narrow, knife-like sulcus and morphology similar to A. islandica (6.82 m, ~20.3 ka). The two forms integrate.

deposits nearby (Israde Garduño, 1993). Benthic motile and attached diatoms dominate
Distinctive volcanic ashes in the diatomite and the basal sand ( Fig. 6). The genera Pinnularia and
lake sediment outcrops have potential for correla- Eunotia ( Fig. 7A) are generally too broken for
tion and absolute dating. reliable identification, but probably represent
J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95 83

Pinnularia maior and Eunotia monodon for the ( Fig. 7C and D). The pattern of shifting predomi-
most part and indicate local environments of fresh, nance therefore probably documented a subtle
neutral to mildly acidic pH, but the common limnologic response to nutrient fluxes (including
presence of Cocconeis placentula ( Fig. 7D) indi- light) and turbulence, all under the seasonal cli-
cates alkaline water generally. Common valves of matic control that governed the timing and
Hantzschia amphioxys and Navicula mutica docu- strength of circulation and stratification, and per-
ment the close proximity of moist terrestrial habi- haps the timing of overland nutrient delivery by
tats, whereas the presence of megascopic root precipitation.
molds in the sandy sediment, large numbers of At 47 ka Aulacoseira pfaffiana became rather
phytoliths and sponge spicules ( Fig. 7A) indicate common (Fig. 7B), indicating a transition to
shallow, marshy conditions with emergent vegeta- cooler and probably more humic-rich water
tion and well-oxygenated water. The high phos- according to the modern distribution of this taxon
phorus and iron content (Fig. 4) of the basal sandy (e.g. Lange-Bertalot and Metzeltin, 1996). If Lago
sediment reflects vivianite associated with fish de Pátzcuaro was a through-flowing system at
bone. At 48 ka, this part of the Pátzcuaro basin 48 ka, this transition suggests impoundment and
probably represented a marsh-margin environ- considerable macrophyte growth and decay.
ment, perhaps with through-flowing drainage to Between 47 and 38 ka Navicula seminulum and
the Rı́o Lerma or one of its tributaries. The basin Staurosira construens dominated the Lago de
geometry implied by this environment was unsuit- Pátzcuaro record with Stephanodiscus oregonicus
able for a large, comparatively deep lake and ( Fig. 7A and B). This freshwater diatom assem-
implies that the tectonic, volcanic, and related blage indicates shallow water, but with enough
geomorphic changes that produced the modern nearby open-water habitats for seasonal phyto-
Lago de Pátzcuaro postdated 48 ka. plankton development. S. oregonicus blooms in
Between 47 and 10 ka, a period that preceded, the spring in Klamath Lake, Oregon (Bradbury
included, and followed the maximum extent of and Forester, 2000) after ice out and coincident
continental glaciers in the northern hemisphere, with surface and groundwater recharge to this
the Lago de Pátzcuaro diatom record was charac- lake. Windy conditions during this season supply
terized by planktic freshwater diatoms (Figs. 6 and nutrients and turbulence to suspend this diatom,
7B). Throughout this long period of time, the and low light levels allow it to successfully compete
distribution of major planktic diatoms followed a against Aulacoseira species and cyanobacteria in
stepwise pattern of appearance approaching the Klamath Lake.
interval correlating with the glacial maximum (25– Modern ‘Fragilaria’-dominated diatom commu-
20 ka). In the succession of planktic diatoms that nities along rocky, littoral habitats in Lago de
led into the full glacial interval, first came Pátzcuaro (Metcalfe, 1985) suggest the water may
Stephanodiscus oregonicus (47–40 ka), followed by have been less than 4 m deep at the core site.
Cyclostephanos (40–38 ka), then Aulacoseira ambi- Abundant Quercus and comparatively common
gua v. robusta (37–34 ka), Cyclotella stelligera Ambrosia pollen (Fig. 5) imply warm, seasonally
(30 ka), and finally Rhizosolenia eriensis (29– dry summer climate. Low values of Cyperaceae
25 ka). The early full glacial was dominated by pollen probably relate to fluctuating lake levels
Stephanodiscus sp. (25–22 ka). Afterwards, that made inappropriate habitats for marsh vegeta-
Aulacoseira sp. dominated (23–20 ka) followed by tion, whereas abundant Alnus pollen probably
Cyclostephanos (18–15 ka) and finally again by S. came from riparian habitats surrounding the lake.
oregonicus (15–10 ka). There were enough species Geochemical evidence (high iron and phosphorus
overlaps and fluctuations within this sequence of values) for observed vivianite may track local
changing diatom dominants to indicate an overall accumulations of fish bone in the sediment. Algal
limnologic (e.g. hydrochemical ) compatibility of productivity was high, as evidenced by the gen-
the species involved. Other species maintained erally low C/N ratios during this time ( Fig. 4).
stratigraphic continuity throughout the record Cyclostephanos sp. aff. Cyclostephanos tholi-
84 J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95



Fig. 7. (A)–(D) Percentages of selected diatom genera and species plotted against age in thousands of calendar years before present
(ka) from the Lago de Pátzcuaro core. Percentages of phytoliths and sponge spicules (A) plotted as percentages outside the diatom sum.

formis (Plate 1) became sporadically abundant Cyclostephanos sp. aff. C. tholiformis at or near
after 41 ka (Fig. 7B). It presumably indicates an tephra layers ( Fig. 4) may implicate volcanism as
especially rich nutrient supply and warm summer a source of nutrients or turbidity ( low light condi-
temperatures. The occurrence of most peaks of tions?) for the development of this species. If so,
J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95 85



Fig. 7. (continued).
86 J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95

its paleoclimatic significance may not be great. fresh (cond. ~400 mS) lake fed and drained by the
Nevertheless, it is also possible that as lake levels Rı́o Lerma system in Jalisco, Mexico. Its presence
began to rise, increased fluxes of nutrients stored in Chapala suggests that Lago de Pátzcuaro may
in flooded marginal wetlands and marshes became have shared some limnological characteristics with
available to support Cyclostephanos. this turbid lake before the glacial maximum. Like
Continued lake level rise and influx of silicon- other Stephanodiscus species, this taxon probably
rich ground and surface water may have promoted flourished under low light winter conditions with
the abundant development of Aulacoseira ambigua abundant nutrients. Potassium reached very high
v. robusta 38–33 ka. Low C/N ratios ( Fig. 4) indi- values during this episode ( Fig. 4), indicating large
cate a predominance of algal production in the detrital influx from winds and precipitation, and
fluxes of organic matter to the sediments, and low high Isoetes percentages (Fig. 5) may have related
values of iron and phosphorus may imply a greater to extensive, coarse-grained, mineral-rich littoral
efficiency of nutrient cycling throughout this time habitats maintained by high-energy lake margin
interval. Low percentages of Artemisia and waves and currents. Storms and precipitation
Ambrosia, but rising and comparatively high per- almost certainly arrived during the winter months
centages of Pinus and Alnus, respectively ( Fig. 5), during this time, and may have characterized much
are consistent with increased moisture. of the year although prominent, episodic represen-
Cyclotella stelligera and then Rhizosolenia tation of Aulacoseira granulata ( Fig. 7C ) implies a
eriensis characterize the Lago de Pátzcuaro record summer seasonality with warm, nutrient-rich, tur-
between 34 and 25 ka. In 1973, the surface sedi- bulent conditions at times.
ments of Lago de Zirahuén contained abundant Very high percentages of Aulacoseira sp. charac-
C. stelligera, indicating that this diatom was a terized the full glacial period at Lago de Pátzcuaro
common element of the phytoplankton of this (22–20 ka). The distribution of the possibly related
fresh, comparatively deep and rather oligotrophic taxon A. islandica today suggests that the lake
lake. R. eriensis, although rare today in Lago de may have regularly frozen in the winter, and that
Pátzcuaro (Rosas et al., 1993), more commonly precipitation occurred as snow. This enhanced
characterizes the phytoplankton of cold, deep, low recharge to groundwater in the drainage basin that
alkalinity temperate lakes (Stoermer and Yang, consequently discharged large concentrations of
1970). The co-occurrence of R. eriensis and moder- silicon to the lake during the spring to foster
ate percentages of Isoetes spores 29–25 ka (Fig. 5) blooms of this heavily silicified diatom. Other
further suggest fresh, oligotrophic limnological paleolimnological indicators remain largely
conditions. unchanged except for iron, which reached its
C/N ratios became high and potassium lowest values in the entire record, and marginally
increased ( Fig. 4) during the time when these lower C/N ratios. Low iron values are generally
diatoms predominated, respectively indicating consistent with implied oligotrophic lake condi-
increased deposition of terrestrial organic matter tions, as are continued high percentages of Isoetes,
and mineral detritus. High values of iron may also whereas lower C/N ratios could be taken to indi-
be ascribed to increased erosion of iron-rich soils. cate somewhat reduced input of terrestrial organic
Climates of increased storminess and precipitation matter and consequently less wind and overland
were probably ultimately responsible for these runoff.
changes. The diatom assemblages between 34 and Aulacoseira sp. continued to characterize the
25 ka probably document the deepest and freshest post-glacial period, although it is joined by
episode in the recorded Quaternary history of Aulacoseira granulata, Stephanodiscus niagarae
Lago de Pátzcuaro. ( Fig. 7C ), and Cyclostephanos sp., all of which
A Stephanodiscus species allied to indicate greater seasonality of nutrient supplies,
Stephanodiscus oregonicus (Plate 1) characterized light, and turbulence. Even so, Isoetes implies
the period 25–22 ka. This taxon occurs in the generally oligotrophic lacustrine environments
surface sediments of Lago de Chapala, a large, until 15 ka. Very high amounts of Alnus pollen
J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95 87

and maximum ratios of C/N ( Figs. 5 and 4) indi- production as Lago de Pátzcuaro became more
cate abundant moisture in local riparian habitats eutrophic. The abundance of planktic Synedra
within the drainage and transportation of ter- species — chiefly Synedra acus and Synedra rum-
restrial organic material to the lake. Stephanodiscus pens — especially about 5 ka (Fig. 7C ) implies
oregonicus reappeared during late glacial times episodes of stronger stratification and high Si/P
(15–10 ka) when high percentages of Artemisia ratios ( Tilman et al., 1982; Bradbury, 1988) that
and then Ambrosia suggest drier terrestrial environ- could reflect the hot, dry climates of the modern
ments. High percentages of ‘Fragilaria’ species precipitation regime during the early summer. The
during 13–10 ka ( Figs. 6, 7A and C ) also docu- shallow-water Aulacoseira species, Aulacoseira dis-
ment generally lower lake levels. However, the tans and Aulacoseira pfaffiana ( Fig. 7B and C ),
occurrence of S. oregonicus indicates continued indicate local environments of neutral to low pH
input of winter season moisture, although biseaso- resulting from decomposition of lake margin vege-
nal moisture regimes cannot be discounted. tation and production of humic acids. Overall, the
Elsewhere in Mesoamerica, especially to the east mid-Holocene diatom assemblages imply a fresh-
and southeast of Lago de Pátzcuaro, the late water and persistent low lake stand under balanced
glacial period is dry until about 12 ka, indicating hydrologic conditions. To some extent this could
that the easterly, summer moisture sources that reflect a progressive shallowing of the lake by
influence the area today did not become effective sedimentation.
until that time (Bradbury, 1997). After 5 ka and throughout the late Holocene,
High but fluctuating percentages of Aulacoseira large, abrupt fluctuations of diatoms, pollen, and
ambigua and ‘Fragilaria’ species characterize the geochemical indicators of paleolimnology, vegeta-
Holocene at Lago de Pátzcuaro. These diatoms tion, and climate ( Fig. 8) relate to strong environ-
live in the lake today (Osorio-Tafall, 1941), mental variation, in part caused by human and
although A. ambigua is much less common than possibly volcanic impacts around the lake and in
Aulacoseira granulata. Generally high percentages its drainage. Low lake levels documented by ostra-
of attached and motile benthic diatoms in the code marls and high weight percentages of calcium
Holocene (Fig. 6) testify to overall shallower lake between 4.6 and 3.8 ka precede the first indication
depths, and low C/N ratios indicate high algal of agriculture in the basin identified by the appear-

Fig. 8. Selected diatom, pollen, and geochemical profiles from the Lago de Pátzcuaro core for the past 10 ka plotted against age in
thousands of calendar years before present. ‘Z’ denotes the occurrence of Zea pollen grains in the core.
88 J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95

ance of Zea pollen (Fig. 8). Tephra layers preceded By 2.4 ka Aulacoseira ambigua again signaled a
and followed the calcium-rich, low-lake interval temporary rise in lake level.
and suggest a potential interaction between cli- Large amounts of iron-rich clay and phytoliths
mate and volcanism. Nevertheless, the role of man entered the basin between 1.8 and 1.2 ka, coinci-
in affecting the water balance of Lago de Pátzcuaro dent with increases of eutrophic planktic diatoms
cannot be ruled out. Alnus pollen had rapidly (Aulacoseira granulata and Cyclostephanos sp.) that
declined and Chenopodiineae pollen had already suggest a significant influx of nutrients to the
begun to rise above background levels by 4 ka, basin. These changes correspond to a major epi-
both events unprecedented in the 48 ky vegetation sode of indigenous agriculture related to early
history of the lake. Watts and Bradbury (1982) Classic occupation in the area (O’Hara et al.,
suggested human manipulation of the watershed 1993). Overall, however, Lago de Pátzcuaro
as a possible cause for the Alnus decline, although remained shallow and somewhat saline compared
abnormally dry climates could have been responsi- with the preceding millennium. It is possible that
ble as well as human impact. indigenous water management technology had
Lake changes potentially attributable to agricul- improved to a level that consistently deprived the
tural practices in the basin occurred after 3.6 ka lake of water. The flooding of clay to the basin
when Zea first appeared. Erosion and deposition decreased somewhat after 1.2 ka, and ostracodes
of iron-rich red clay in the lake basin after 3.2 ka flourished in shallow-water habitats until 0.8 ka
(Fig. 8) coincides with a large increase in percen- ( Fig. 8). Episodes of flooding and marginally
tage of Aulacoseira ambigua that indicates higher higher lake levels indicated by pulses of Aulacoseira
lake levels in response to increased precipitation ambigua and (or) A. granulata briefly punctuated
after the mid-Holocene low stand. The influx of the ‘Fragilaria’- and Cyclostephanos-dominated
detrital material was minor compared with later lake system at 1.0–0.6 ka and again during the last
episodes of erosion, however (O’Hara et al., 1993), 200 years of the record. These intervals probably
and it seems likely that climate-related limnologic relate to short-term climate changes within a
change may have acted in concert with agriculture system progressively more impacted by man. The
to produce this record. Possibly the favorable dominance of a tiny Cyclostephanos species during
moist climates at that time led to the development the past millennium testifies to greatly increased
of agricultural practices in the region. trophic levels as erosion and hydrochemical con-
Low lake levels, again indicated by ostracodes centration prevailed in Lago de Pátzcuaro. Very
and high calcium values as well as by ‘Fragilaria’ large numbers of phytoliths washing into the basin
species and other benthic diatoms ( Fig. 6), charac- during the past 200 years ( Figs. 7A and 8) proba-
terized the interval between 2.8 and 2.0 ka. The bly relate to the progressive deforestation of the
benthic diatoms Amphora veneta and Anomoeoneis drainage that continues today (Chacón-Torres,
sphaerophora and the planktic species Cyclotella 1993).
meneghiniana (Fig. 8) show that during part of
this arid interval Lago de Pátzcuaro became more
saline than any time previously. Low percentages 7. Discussion
of Chenopodiineae pollen, to the extent that this
pollen type represents agricultural weeds, may The Lago de Pátzcuaro sediment record repre-
imply reduction of tillage and other forms of sents a continuous chronicle of Quaternary lacus-
human impact at this time. However, increased trine and climate changes for the past 48 ky.
consumption of water for irrigation in drainages Although the lake has no surface outlet, it is not
away and upstream from the lake might produce a closed basin inasmuch as it receives and dis-
a similar paleolimnological response. High C/N charges significant amounts of groundwater.
ratios indicate increased deposition of organic Consequently it has always been essentially a fresh-
matter from terrestrial vegetation in response to water lake. Only in the past 3 ky has water diver-
lower lake levels and (or) watershed management. sion to agriculture led to any significant chemical
J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95 89

concentration of this lake which allowed precipita- the swamp cypress, Taxodium mucronatum, as a
tion of calcium carbonate and abundant ostra- possible source for the pollen. According to
codes. The pollen record ( Fig. 5) as well as the González Quintero (1986), this Taxodium suggests
long stratigraphic distribution of several diatom local climates with precipitation of 1500 mm/year
species (Fig. 7D) indicate that the lake has not and mean annual temperatures of 20°C based on
witnessed climates dry enough to convert the basin its current distribution in Mexico around lakes
into a shallow, saline lake like Lago de Cuitzeo, and extensive marshes.
or the historic lakes in the Cuenca de México Because the Juniperus and Cupressus species in
(Bradbury, 1989). Today, under the influence of the Meseta Central of Mexico grow today in a
climate and human impact, the lake is as low, summer-wet precipitation regime, they may be
saline, and productive as it has ever been. inappropriate candidates for the source of
However, climate and hydrologic change before ‘Juniperus-type’ pollen during the Pleistocene at
the mid-Holocene and throughout the past 48 ky Lago de Pátzcuaro, at least when winter season
combined to produce long periods when Lago de precipitation was more important. Juniperus calif-
Pátzcuaro was probably higher and certainly ornica, a winter-wet species that occurs in late
fresher than it is at present. glacial-aged packrat middens in Baja California
(Peñalba and Van Devender, 1998), might be a
7.1. The pollen record possibility, although whether it extended as far
south as Michoacán would require macrofossil
From the perspective of the pollen record, eco- records of appropriate age to determine.
logically silent pollen types (Pinus, Quercus, and The disappearance of ‘Juniperus-type’ pollen
Alnus) dominate the terrestrial vegetation record characterizes the early Holocene vegetation record,
of the Lago de Pátzcuaro region. Only the modest and by mid-Holocene time Chenopodiineae pollen
presence of Cupressaceae (Cupressus or Juniperus) may indicate the presence of early agriculture in
or Taxodiaceae (Taxodium) pollen (up to 20%) the region. The Chalco sub-basin has a very similar
differentiates the Wisconsinan environment. The record (Lozano-Garcia and Ortega-Guerrero,
‘Juniperus-type’ pollen in the Pátzcuaro record was 1994). At Tlapacoya, the presence of cultigens in
assumed, by virtue of its co-occurrence with low the pollen record by 5 ka (González Quintero,
percentages of Artemisia and Ambrosia pollen, to 1986) clearly implicates a human impact on
represent a xeric juniper species ( Watts and the vegetation that effectively compromises the
Bradbury, 1982), but this assessment conflicts with pollen record for paleoclimatic interpretation
diatom evidence of lake conditions fresher than (Bradbury, 1982).
today during most of Wisconsin time.
Unfortunately, ‘Juniperus-type’ pollen cannot 7.2. Moisture sources
be ascribed to a particular taxon. This pollen type
is not important today nor in the Holocene, either Today central Mexico experiences a summer-
at Lago de Pátzcuaro or in the Cuenca de México wet (monsoonal ) moisture regime. Based on a
(e.g. Lozano-Garcia et al., 1993). Nevertheless, as review of a number of sites throughout tropical
in the Lago de Pátzcuaro pollen record, America, Bradbury (1997) argued that during the
Cupressaceae/Taxodiaceae pollen also charac- full and late glacial periods, westerly moisture
terized the full and late glacial periods in the sources predominated in west-central Mexico. The
Chalco record of the Cuenca de México (Lozano- evidence for this conclusion came from the fact
Garcia and Ortega-Guerrero, 1994). The discovery that sites in southeastern Mexico, Central America
of a Taxodium log (Mirambel, 1986), radiocarbon- and northern South America, which today are
dated at 23,150 14C [=~26.4 ka] (GX-0959) under the influence of easterly tropical moisture
(Garcia-Barcena, 1986), from the excavations at during the summer, were dry during the full and
Tlapacoya in the Chalco sub-basin (elevation of late glacial periods. Consequently, easterly mois-
2240 m) in the Cuenca de México could implicate ture sources were presumed to have been ineffective
90 J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95

Fig. 9. Organic carbon, biogenic opal, and 15N from Mexican ocean margin core NH15P and diatom ecological groups in the
Pátzcuaro core plotted against calendar year age for the past 50 ka. Marine geochemical and age data from Ganeshram (1996).
Diatom percentages smoothed by five-level averaging. ‘Fragilaria’ species as in Fig. 6. Fall–winter diatoms include all Stephanodiscus
species and Aulacoseira islandica.

or to have not existed at all at that time. In Support for westerly, winter season moisture
contrast, sites west of the Cuenca de México reaching western Mexico during the full and late
contained records of increased moisture or westerly glacial periods also comes from a marine record
winds during the full and late glacial. However, (NH15P) off the coast of Sinaloa (Mazatlán 22.5°
with the exception of some plant and animal taxa N ) (Ganeshram, 1996). Here, low values of
from packrat middens in northern Mexico (e.g. organic carbon, opal, and 15N indicate reduced
Van Devender, 1990a,b), no moisture proxy of the upwelling during the full and late glacial periods
records examined specifically indicates a winter- ( Fig. 9). Ganeshram and Pedersen (1998) attribute
wet seasonal moisture regime brought about by the reduction of upwelling in this region to
westerly precipitation. increased westerly, on-shore winter winds which
The distribution of the diatom Stephanodiscus brought moisture to western Mexico but canceled
in full and late glacial records of northern Mexico shore-parallel currents and Ekman transport that
(e.g. Metcalfe et al., 1997), as well as in Lago de drives upwelling today. Like others, they ascribe
Pátzcuaro, might indicate winter season moisture the ultimate cause of wind changes to growth of
because this low-light species tends to bloom in the Laurentide ice sheet and displacement of storm
the fall or winter months in relatively freshwater tracks to the south as the North Pacific High
lake systems. The same is probably true for and Aleutian Low pressure cells weakened and
Aulacoseira sp. Although moisture from summer strengthened, respectively.
precipitation that persisted into the winter under Two remaining questions concerning the magni-
cooler climates might possibly satisfy the ecological tude and extent of westerly moisture in Pleistocene
needs of these diatoms, winter precipitation can records of central Mexico are: (1) did significant
more effectively maintain high lake stands in arid, westerly moisture reach the Cuenca de México
subtropical regions (Prentice et al., 1992). during the full and late glacial? and (2) to what
J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95 91

extent was westerly moisture important in main- 1993). The Cuenca de México during this time
taining Lago de Pátzcuaro before the full glacial supported a large and comparatively deep, but still
period, between 50 and 30 ka? alkaline lake that united at least the Texcoco and
It is probable that the Cuenca de México Chalco sub-basins between 34 and 23.5 ka
received some westerly moisture during the full (Bradbury, 1989; Caballero-Miranda, 1997).
and late glacial periods. Records from lowland Finally, the 33 ka mammal fauna at Tlapacoya,
Guatemala, although poorly dated, indicate cold which contains such species as Hydrochoreus (cap-
and dry conditions during this time (Leyden et al., ybara) and Lutra (river otter), indicates riverine
1993). The implied absence of easterly precipita- terrestrial environments in the Cuenca de México
tion there would also have deprived central with warmer and more humid climates than during
Mexican lakes of this source of moisture. Diatom the full glacial (Alvarez, 1986; Lorenzo, 1986).
records from the Cuenca de México indicate that Together these late OIS 3 records suggest that
the Chalco sub-basin was a shallow but fresh lake effective moisture in the Cuenca de México may
or marsh during the full and late glacial (Caballero- have exceeded full glacial and also Holocene levels
Miranda, 1997), that contained significant percent- where the summer monsoon dominates today.
ages of Stephanodiscus species. Nevertheless, Possibly easterly moisture was even greater and
insufficient moisture reached the Cuenca de more effective during late OIS 3 than during the
México to unite the sub-basins into one lake and Holocene. However, the fact that most marine
overall, the full and late glacial periods were upwelling proxies are, with the exception of 15N,
apparently drier than before (Bradbury, 1989). lower between 50 and 30 ka than during the
This might suggest a decreasing spatial trend (west Holocene ( Fig. 9) implies that upwelling during
to east) of westerly moisture across central Mexico late OIS 3 was not as strong as during the
during the late Wisconsin, although colder mean Holocene, and argues against a climate dynamic
annual temperatures may have been equally or that produced stronger than modern easterly
more responsible for marginally increasing effec- precipitation. Nevertheless, Lago de Pátzcuaro
tive moisture. was predominantly fresh 38–30 ka (Fig. 6).
The second question relates to the first inasmuch Consequently, westerly moisture may have played
as its answer requires an evaluation of records east an additional, seasonal role, especially in western
and west of Lago de Pátzcuaro for the time under central Mexico at that time. Perhaps other ocean
consideration. The marine record off the coast of and atmospheric circulation patterns affected this
northwest Mexico (NH15P) shows that proxies of late OIS 3 record that were absent or reduced in
coastal upwelling ( Fig. 9) reached intermediate to the Holocene.
equivalent values compared with the Holocene
during oxygen isotope stage (OIS ) 3 (50–30 ka), 7.3. Zirahuén as an analog for late OIS 3
and that the North Pacific High and its related
shore-parallel ocean currents seasonally affected Aulacoseira ambigua v. robusta and Cyclotella
the west coast of Mexico during this time. By stelligera prospered in Pátzcuaro between 35 and
implication, easterly precipitation related to the 25 ka. They both lived in Lago de Zirahuén histori-
Bermuda–Azores High, and (or) monsoonal cally, suggesting that from hydrochemical and
summer precipitation related to the heat low in limnological perspectives, this lake could be a
northwestern Mexico (e.g. Ganeshram and reasonable analog for Lago de Pátzcuaro prior to
Pedersen, 1998; Douglas et al., 1993), must have the full glacial period. Zirahuén lies 40 m above
become important sources of moisture for Mexico. and 12 km to the south of Pátzcuaro, but is an
Southeast of central Mexico, on the Yucatan order of magnitude smaller (1045 ha), less saline
Peninsula, the pre-full glacial part of the Lago de than Pátzcuaro ( Table 1), and about three times
Quexil, Guatemala record documents cool and deeper. Zirahuén has a mean depth of 18 m and a
moist montane vegetation that would also have volume of about 188×106 m3. Precipitation at
required an easterly moisture source (Leyden et al., Zirahuén (1180–1234 mm/year) is about 20%
92 J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95

greater than at Pátzcuaro, but the mean annual lowering of mean annual temperature by 7°C at
temperatures of the two lakes are similar (16.1 Lago de Pátzcuaro would independently suffice to
and 16.3°C, respectively). Topographically, equate evaporation and precipitation. Of the two
Zirahuén is the highest lake in the area and proba- independent possibilities, a precipitation increase
bly lies near the top of the groundwater flow would seem more likely, especially because such
system. Although the distribution of endemic fish levels of annual precipitation fall within the range
(Chirostoma) supports a past surface hydrologic of variability today (557–1636 mm). Nevertheless,
connection between Zirahuén, Pátzcuaro, Cuitzeo years of above average precipitation are also cooler
and ultimately the Rı́o Lerma (De Buen, 1943; at Lago de Pátzcuaro (Chacón-Torres, 1993, figs.
Barbour, 1973), the probability of a groundwater 4.3 and 4.4) and the high, fresh lake stage of
flow system between these basins remains late OIS 3 must have resulted from a combined
unevaluated. effect of lowered temperature and increased
Annual evaporation at Zirahuén (1103 mm) precipitation.
is significantly less than at Pátzcuaro
(1481 mm/year), and results in a positive 7.4. The limnological impact of man
hydrologic balance for Zirahuén in contrast to
Lago de Pátzcuaro where evaporation exceeds The settlement of indigenous inhabitants in the
precipitation on an annual basis. Nevertheless, immediate area of Lago de Pátzcuaro had and
lake levels at Zirahuén fluctuate about 1 m in continues to have profound effects on the lake
response to wet and dry season moisture (Bernal- inter-related with and exacerbated by climate
Brooks and MacCrimmon, 2000) as rapid infiltra- change. The effects of catchment erosion and
tion to the groundwater table removes water from deposition of iron-rich clay in the basin as a result
the lake. Such rapid seepage from the lake plays of prehistoric agricultural practices along inflowing
an important role in maintaining its very fresh drainages have been well documented (O’Hara
hydrochemistry and contributes significantly to the et al., 1993). In addition to the effects of erosion
regional groundwater system. In addition, the and sedimentation, by using surface water for
greater depth and smaller area of Zirahuén relative irrigation, agriculture promotes evaporative losses
to Lago de Pátzcuaro means that its volume reduc- that ultimately resulted in increased hydrologic
tion by evaporation would be considerably less deficits for the lake. What water did return to
than at Pátzcuaro. Based on the relative volume Lago de Pátzcuaro via recharge and runoff would
loss, Pátzcuaro would need about five times more have been more saline after its use for irrigation,
effective precipitation (cooler temperatures and where evaporative losses are high. Possibly the
increased rainfall ) to become as fresh as Zirahuén diatom evidence for shallow water and increased
is today. Unless seepage from Lago de Pátzcuaro salinity in Lago de Pátzcuaro after 3.6 ka docu-
increased proportionally under this regime of ments this effect, although coincident climate
increased effective moisture, the lake would soon change cannot be ruled out.
have risen to the level of overflow and drained The object of irrigation agriculture is to facili-
towards the Rı́o Lerma. In either case, it became tate the conversion of soil nutrients into crop
fresh enough to support diatoms currently or plants. Although pre-Hispanic agriculturalists may
recently living in Zirahuén. have fertilized their fields, apparently over-fertiliza-
A combination of lower mean annual temper- tion did not occur to the extent that indigenous
atures and increased precipitation is consistent irrigation would have transported significant nutri-
with the intermediate character of OIS 3 marine ents to the lake during the early phases of agricul-
and terrestrial records (Ganeshram, 1996; ture (3.6–1.0 ka) around the basin. The
Bradbury and Forester, 2000). The Zirahuén stratigraphic distribution of Cyclostephanos sp.,
analog allows the possibility that late OIS 3 tem- the diatom most likely to represent strong eutro-
peratures were similar to Holocene temperatures, phication of Lago de Pátzcuaro, suggests that
however. A precipitation increase of 1.5× or a significant and persistent fertilization of the lake
J. Platt Bradbury / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 163 (2000) 69–95 93

did not begin until about 0.8 ka (Fig. 8) when the about the limnology, climate, and physiography
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whose ceremonial and secular use of wood was Johnson were much appreciated. I gratefully
large (O’Hara et al., 1993), may have initiated acknowledge the Geobotanical Institute of the
extensive deforestation within the Pátzcuaro basin. University of Bern for facilities occupied and used
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