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Additional MDH Media Contacts - April 27, 2020

From: "Schultz, Doug (MDH)"

To: MN_MDH_communications <>, "Ahneman, Andrea (MDH)"
"Awsumb, Brian (MDH)" "Awsumb, Kate
(MDH)" , "Bartkey, Julie (MDH)" , "Bartkus, Joanne
(MDH)" "Bauer, Emma (COMM)" "Bauer,
Emmalynn (GOV)" "Bauer, Katie (DHS)"
"Beckmann, Kristin L (GOV)" "Brandt, Joan (MDH)"
"Burns, Debra (MDH)" , "Burton Santibanez, Martha
(MDH)" us>, "Castaneda, Kayla J (GOV)"
, "Dorschner, Dale (MDH)" , "Dotseth, Marie
(MDH)" , "Ehresmann, Kristen (MDH)"
"Emerson, Emily (MDH)" , "Flom, Hannah A (GOV)"
"Gildemeister, Stefan (MDH)" "Gunderson,
Terry G (DHS)" "Hendrickson, Anne (MDH)"
, "Hogan, Tom (MDH)" "Hormann, Madeline L
(GOV)" "Huff, Daniel (MDH)" , "Igo, Kris (MDH)"
"Kelly, Margaret (MDH)" , "Kolkind, Hali (GOV)"
, "Kunas, Myra (MDH)" "Larson, Michelle (MDH)"
, "Lynfield, Ruth (MDH)" , "Maki, Robert (MNIT)"
"Malcolm, Jan (MDH)" "Manning, Mary (MDH)"
"McNichols, LuAnne (MDH)" , "Oaxaca,
Jessica P (GOV)" "Rydrych, Diane (MDH)"
"Schommer, Michael (MDH)" "Smith, Scott (MDH)"
"Stroebel, Chuck (MDH)" "Sveen, Kaia (MDH)"
"Thimjon, Lisa (MDH)" , "Tholkes, Chris (MDH)"
, "Torner, Nancy (MDH)" , "Tschann, Teddy (GOV)"
, "Wallington, Brooke (GOV)" "Winkelmann,
Susan (MDH)"
Bcc: 15.20.2937.014
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 21:33:57 -0500

Topic: Salons opening?

Media Outlet: KARE 11
Reporter Name: Alex Hagan
Hagan asked if MDH could say "What would it take for a salon to be able to open/operate safely?" He said he just wanted
a comment from the health perspec ve. We connected with the social distancing team and responded to Hagan that the
answer to his ques on is s ll be considered, but that for now, social distancing rules s ll apply: stay six feet apart, etc.
Topic: Contact tracing and early undetected COVID cases
Media Outlet: MPR
Reporter Name: Catharine Richert
Richert interviewed Kris Ehresmann today on two topics: 1. contact tracing- how is it done, how many tracers will be
needed, how is MDH planning to meet the need, what problems do interviewers encounter, what about language
barriers and fear/distrust of government, etc.
2 - Richert related a story of a family who claims that one of them was likely a COVID case in late January a er returning
from traveling abroad, but was never tested because she hadn't been to Wuhan at that me; later some of her family
members did test posi ve. Kris talked about how we are learning more about asymptoma c spread of the virus and how
that allowed for undetected cases to slip through our screening regimens, etc. ,

Doug Schultz, CCPH

Information Officer | Communications Office
Minnesota Department of Healt
Office: 651-201-4993 | Mobile:
h h h h h
tt tt tt tt tt
From: MN_MDH_communica ons <HEALTH.communica>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020
To: Ahneman, Andrea (MDH) Awsumb, Brian (MDH) ;
Awsum Bartkey, Ju ; Bartkus, Joanne
(MDH) a (COMM) mmalynn (GOV)
Bauer, Ka e (DHS) Beckmann, Kris n L (GOV)
Brandt, Joan (MDH ; Burns, Debra (MDH)
ez, Martha (MDH) Castaneda,
Dorschner, Dale ( seth, Marie
(MDH) Ehresmann, Kristen (MDH Emerson, Emily
(MDH) Flom, Hannah A (GOV) < ister, Stefan (MDH)
derson, Terry G (DHS) ; Hendrickson, Anne
Hogan, Tom (MDH) mann, Madeline L (GOV)
Huff, Danie Igo, Kris (MDH)
aret (MDH) nd, Hali (GOV)
nas, Myra (MDH) on, Michelle (MDH)
Lynfield, Ruth (M Maki, Robert (MNIT)
Malcolm, Jan (MDH) ary (MDH)
McNichols, LuAnne Oaxaca, Jessica P (GOV)
Rydrych, Diane (MDH) chommer, Michael (MDH)
us>; Schultz, Doug (MD Smith, Sco (MDH)
Stroebel, Chuck (MD Sveen, Kaia (MDH)
Thimjon, Lisa (MDH) es, Chris (MDH)
orner, Nancy (MDH) ddy (GOV)
Wallington, Brooke ( Winkelmann, Susan (MDH)
Subject: pril 27, 2020
Topic: Tick-borne Disease
Media Outlet: Morrison County Recorder
Reporter Name: Amanda Rasinski
Asked to talk to someone about ck season and ck-borne disease preven on. She will talk with Dave Neitzel on
Wednesday morning.
Topic: COVID Families wan ng to take loved ones from LTC facili es
Media Outlet: KARE 11
Reporter Name: Karla Hult
Reporter asks if there's been an increase in families elec ng/wan ng to bring their family members home from LTC
facili es. Are we seeing a trend. She also sought guidance on not using the term "congregate care" but rather Long Term
Care, she says industry people do not use the term and phrase "congregate care" She also asked how many of the 77%
of deaths at LTC facili es are DNR-do not resuscitate? Do we have numbers on that?
Topic: COVID Why close schools if elderly are only impacted
Media Outlet: Powerline blog
Reporter Name: Sco Johnson
Reporter asks- Referring to the 286 total deaths to date, every decedent under age 70 has died in long-term care or
similar se ng. The youngest person to die outside long-term care was in his 70's. Why is it necessary to close the
schools and shut down the state to protect the at-risk popula on? MDH answered that we have had deaths in people
younger than 70 and certainly many cases in all age groups. It is necessary to take the community mi ga on measures
we have because all Minnesotans are at risk from COVID 19, as none of us has immunity. Some people, like those in long-
term-care and those with underlying health condi ons, are far more at risk than others. But if we didn't reduce
transmission in the community as we have with the stay at home order, we would see far more disease circula ng and
many mes more serious cases that would quickly overwhelm our health care system. Then, even less-vulnerable people
would not be able to get the care they needed, such as intensive care, ven lators, etc., so we would see far more deaths
in people outside of the very frail and elderly. That is what has happened in places like Italy and New York.
How many decedents were moved from nursing home to hospitals prior to their death? Would their death be included
in the long-term care number not? Just as are cases, deaths are recorded by place of residence. So if someone's place of
residence prior to their death was listed as a long-term care facility, regardless of whether they were hospitalized prior to
their death, they would be recorded as a death in a long-term-care resident.
Topic: COVID loca ng and iden fying where deaths are happening
Media Outlet: KSTP-TV
Reporter Name: Rebecca Omas ak
Reporter is wan ng to provide to our readers: The daily breakdown of where COVID-19 deaths are occurring in the state.
She says the AP today reported: "Twelve of the 14 newly reported deaths involved residents of long-term care facili es."
She could not find this informa on on the Situa on Update page on MDH's site and is not sure where to locate that
informa on. She also seeks clarifica on for informa on sent out on the weekends versus during the week; that's helpful
to know.
We provided this: Here are the age ranges and county of residents for today:
Today's COVID Death ages –
All but a Hennepin County person in their 70s and another in their 90s were ltc.
80s Hennepin County LTCF resident;
90s Hennepin County LTCF resident;
90s Hennepin County LTCF resident;
50s Ramsey County LTCF resident;
70s Hennepin County resident;
60s Hennepin County LTCF (group home) resident;
60s Hennepin County LTCF (group home) resident;
60s Hennepin County LTCF resident;
70s Hennepin County LTCF (group home) resident;
70s Ramsey County LTCF resident;
90s Winona County LTCF resident;
90s Hennepin County resident;
90s Hennepin County LTCF resident;
90s Hennepin County LTCF resident.
For context, we don't confirm which long term care facility (LCT) for specific cases, nor do we provide a specific number
of outbreaks in any given facility.
Topic: COVID an body tes ng status
Media Outlet: Star Tribune
Reporter Name: Jeremy Olson
Reporter trying to do a li le more focused repor ng and wri ng about an body tes ng, and what we have seen from
our tes ng so far. NY Gov Cuomo turned a lot of heads in NY with his report on the percent of an body tests that turned
up posi ve in his state -- among random supermarket shoppers, I believe.
He sent requests directly to PR people at the U and Mayo, but maybe MDH is gathering this data as well? He's seeking
the following:
How many an body tests have been performed already?
Who has received them? (Medical staff v. pa ents, etc.)
What % has turned up posi ve so far?
He also says he wants to follow on the social distancing measures like traffic levels closely this week. If we see any
measurable evidence that adherence to social distancing is beginning to wane, he wants to hear it.
We are s ll pursing answers for him.
Topic: COVID Health care workers tes ng posi ve
Media Outlet: KARE 11
Reporter Name: Lou Raguse
Reporter doing a story today with a nurse who has recovered from COVID19. He asks if MDH has the most recent
numbers of cases involved medical workers? Is it broken down all the way to nurses or just medical workers in general?
We replied that we have 823 healthcare workers who have tested posi ve.. We don't break it down beyond health care
workers so I wouldn't be able to differen ate between nurses, emt, etc.
Topic: COVID Meat Plant Numbers
Media Outlet: Star Tribune
Reporter Name: Jeremy Olson
Provided him with the latest numbers of posi ve COVID cases in the meat packing plants impacted by the virus.
Topic: COVID LTC Deaths
Media Outlet: Star Tribune
Reporter Name: Chris Serres
Asked for latest fatality numbers in long term care facili es. Provided the informa on.
Topic: COVID CDC Visit
Media Outlet: MPR
Reporter Name: Peter Cox
Interviewed Dr. Ruth Lynfield on the CDC visit to Minnesota, specifically to visit long term care sites.
Topic: COVID Social Distancing Latest
Media Outlet: WCCO
Reporter Name: Heather Brown
Interviewed Kris on certain social distancing situa ons such as 'is it safe to visit grandparents if you sit 8 feet away,
outdoors' and similar ques ons.
Topic: COVID infected worker ques on construc on site
Media Outlet: Brainerd Dispatch
Reporter Name: Theresa Bourke
Theresa Bourke, reporter at the Brainerd Dispatch contacted Doug Schultz saying they had a contact that there may have
been a case of COVID-19 confirmed in a construc on worker on the Brainerd High School jobsite in Brainerd. She has not
yet confirmed with the company and is asking what info MDH is able to share.
Topic: COVID embeddable map of tes ng loca ons
Media Outlet: Bring me the News
Reporter Name: Adam Uren
An editor from Bring me the News asks if MDH has an embeddable version of the MDH map showing tes ng loca ons?
This is not an MDH or HSEM/SEOC project. It was done by MNIT/MNGEO with the Governor's office.
Topic: COVID- Water system flushing at reopening business
Media Outlet: MPR
Reporter Name: Kris Mahron
MPR reporter asking if MDH is offering any advice to businesses about flushing their water systems to prevent Legionella
or other bacteria, as they reopen a er being closed for an extended period?
Doug Schultz responded that Julie Bartkey had sent the reporter some informa on over the weekend. Our Community
Public Water Supplies unit is planning to issue some guidance to pubic water supplies early this week that will have
recommenda ons that would apply to businesses as well. Schultz offered to get reporter a link to the guidance when it's
ready. I've asked staff about how exactly businesses will be reached and wai ng for a reply.
Daily briefings

From: Scott Johnson <>

Bcc: 15.20.2921.031
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 14:08:24 -0500

This message may be from an external email source.

Do not select links or open a achments unless verified. Report all suspicious emails to Minnesota IT Services Security Opera ons Center.

Dear Mr. Tschann: I’ve asked you four times to include me as a member of the press in Governor Walz’s daily briefings.
You have not so far even favored me with the courtesy of a reply. I think that’s rude. I can’t believe that Governor Walz
would want to exclude me or that he would want you to represent him in this fashion. Taking questions from someone like
me would only make him look better. Assuming you haven’t done so already, I wonder if you might be willing to run these
issues by him.
Thank you for your consideration.
Scott W. Johnson
St. Paul
Cell: (612) 414-6464
Power Line (
Alpha News
FW: Today's call

From: "Schommer, Michael (MDH)"

To: "Drucker, Jeremy (GOV)" , "Bauer, Emmalynn (GOV)"

Bcc: 15.20.2937.014
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 15:15:54 -0500

Flagging as an FYI and for future discussion.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Johnson <>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 2:58 PM
To: Schommer, Michael (MDH) Schultz, Doug (MDH)
Subject: Today's call
This message may be from an external email source.
Do not select links or open attachments unless verified. Report all suspicious emails to Minnesota IT Services Security
Operations Center.

Gentlemen: I did have a question and follow-up for Commissioner Malcolm based on today’s briefing. I waited in line
without being called on again.
Question: Referring to the 286 total deaths to date, every decedent under age 70 has died in long-term care or similar
setting. The youngest person to die outside long-term care was in his 70’s. Why is it necessary to close the schools and
shut down the state to protect the at-risk population?
Follow-up: How many decedents were moved from nursing home to hospitals prior to their death? Would their death be
included in the long-term care number not?

Thank you for your courtesies.

Scott W. Johnson
Power Line
Alpha News
FW: Today's call

From: "Drucker, Jeremy (GOV)"

To: "Tschann, Teddy (GOV)"
Bcc: 15.20.2937.014
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 16:30:51 -0500

Jeremy Drucker | Communications

Office of Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Ste. 130
Saint Paul, MN 55155-1611
Fax: 651-797-1850

One Minnesota
Web | Twitter| Facebook| Instagram
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privileged information, and may be protected from disclosure by law. If you are not the intended recipient, any review,
dissemination, retransmission, distribution or copying of this e-mail (or its attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you
received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this e-mail and any attachments.
-----Original Message-----
From: Schommer, Michael (MDH)
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 3:16 PM
To: Drucker, Jeremy (GOV) Bauer, Emmalynn (GOV)
Subject: FW: Today's call

Flagging as an FYI and for future discussion.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Johnson <>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 2:58 PM
To: Schommer, Michael (MDH) Schultz, Doug (MDH)
Subject: Today's call
This message may be from an external email source.
Do not select links or open attachments unless verified. Report all suspicious emails to Minnesota IT Services Security
Operations Center.

Gentlemen: I did have a question and follow-up for Commissioner Malcolm based on today’s briefing. I waited in line
without being called on again.
Question: Referring to the 286 total deaths to date, every decedent under age 70 has died in long-term care or similar
setting. The youngest person to die outside long-term care was in his 70’s. Why is it necessary to close the schools and
shut down the state to protect the at-risk population?

Follow-up: How many decedents were moved from nursing home to hospitals prior to their death? Would their death be
included in the long-term care number not?
Thank you for your courtesies.
Scott W. Johnson
Power Line
Alpha News
FW: Today's call

From: "Drucker, Jeremy (GOV)" <"/o=exchangelabs/ou=exchange administrative group

(fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=d1d7b89519ed4865a461a681e6c7d622-jeremy druc">
To: "Tschann, Teddy (GOV) ( )"
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 16:30:51 -0500

Jeremy Drucker | Communications

Office of Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Ste. 130
Saint Paul, MN 55155-1611
Fax: 651-797-1850

One Minnesota
Web | Twitter| Facebook| Instagram
DISCLAIMER: This e-mail is intended to be read only by the intended recipient. It may contain confidential and/or
privileged information, and may be protected from disclosure by law. If you are not the intended recipient, any review,
dissemination, retransmission, distribution or copying of this e-mail (or its attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you
received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this e-mail and any attachments.
-----Original Message-----
From: Schommer, Michael (MDH)
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 3:16 PM
To: Drucker, Jeremy (GOV) Bauer, Emmalynn (GOV)
Subject: FW: Today's call

Flagging as an FYI and for future discussion.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Johnson <>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 2:58 PM
To: Schommer, Michael (MDH) Schultz, Doug (MDH)
Subject: Today's call
This message may be from an external email source.
Do not select links or open attachments unless verified. Report all suspicious emails to Minnesota IT Services Security
Operations Center.

Gentlemen: I did have a question and follow-up for Commissioner Malcolm based on today’s briefing. I waited in line
without being called on again.
Question: Referring to the 286 total deaths to date, every decedent under age 70 has died in long-term care or similar
setting. The youngest person to die outside long-term care was in his 70’s. Why is it necessary to close the schools and
shut down the state to protect the at-risk population?

Follow-up: How many decedents were moved from nursing home to hospitals prior to their death? Would their death be
included in the long-term care number not?
Thank you for your courtesies.
Scott W. Johnson
Power Line
Alpha News
MDH Media Contacts - April 27, 2020

From: MN_MDH_communications <>

To: "Ahneman, Andrea (MDH)" , "Awsumb, Brian (MDH)"
"Awsumb, Kate (MDH)" "Bartkey, Julie (MDH)"
"Bartkus, Joanne (MDH)" "Bauer, Emma
(COMM)" "Bauer, Emmalynn (GOV)" "Bauer,
Katie (DHS)" "Beckmann, Kristin L (GOV)"
"Brandt, Joan (MDH)" , "Burns, Debra (MDH)" "Burton
Santibanez, Martha (MDH)" , "Castaneda, Kayla J (GOV)"
, "Dorschner, Dale (MDH)" "Dotseth, Marie
(MDH)" "Ehresmann, Kristen (MDH)" us>,
"Emerson, Emily (MDH)" , "Flom, Hannah A (GOV)"
"Gildemeister, Stefan (MDH)" "Gunderson,
Terry G (DHS)" "Hendrickson, Anne (MDH)"
"Hogan, Tom (MDH)" , "Hormann, Madeline L
(GOV)" , "Huff, Daniel (MDH)" "Igo, Kris (MDH)"
"Kelly, Margaret (MDH)" "Kolkind, Hali (GOV)"
, "Kunas, Myra (MDH)" , "Larson, Michelle (MDH)"
, "Lynfield, Ruth (MDH)" "Maki, Robert (MNIT)"
, "Malcolm, Jan (MDH)" "Manning, Mary (MDH)"
"McNichols, LuAnne (MDH)" , "Oaxaca,
Jessica P (GOV)" "Rydrych, Diane (MDH)" ,
"Schommer, Michael (MDH)" "Schultz, Doug (MDH)"
"Smith, Scott (MDH)" "Stroebel, Chuck (MDH)"
"Sveen, Kaia (MDH)" , "Thimjon, Lisa (MDH)"
"Tholkes, Chris (MDH)" "Torner, Nancy (MDH)"
"Tschann, Teddy (GOV)" , "Wallington, Brooke
(GOV)" "Winkelmann, Susan (MDH)"
Bcc: 15.20.2937.014
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 18:34:33 -0500

Topic: Tick-borne Disease

Media Outlet: Morrison County Recorder
Reporter Name: Amanda Rasinski
Asked to talk to someone about ck season and ck-borne disease preven on. She will talk with Dave Neitzel on
Wednesday morning.
Topic: COVID Families wan ng to take loved ones from LTC facili es
Media Outlet: KARE 11
Reporter Name: Karla Hult
Reporter asks if there's been an increase in families elec ng/wan ng to bring their family members home from LTC
facili es. Are we seeing a trend. She also sought guidance on not using the term "congregate care" but rather Long Term
Care, she says industry people do not use the term and phrase "congregate care" She also asked how many of the 77%
of deaths at LTC facili es are DNR-do not resuscitate? Do we have numbers on that?
Topic: COVID Why close schools if elderly are only impacted
Media Outlet: Powerline blog
Reporter Name: Sco Johnson
Reporter asks- Referring to the 286 total deaths to date, every decedent under age 70 has died in long-term care or
similar se ng. The youngest person to die outside long-term care was in his 70's. Why is it necessary to close the
schools and shut down the state to protect the at-risk popula on? MDH answered that we have had deaths in people
younger than 70 and certainly many cases in all age groups. It is necessary to take the community mi ga on measures
we have because all Minnesotans are at risk from COVID 19, as none of us has immunity. Some people, like those in long-
term-care and those with underlying health condi ons, are far more at risk than others. But if we didn't reduce
transmission in the community as we have with the stay at home order, we would see far more disease circula ng and
many mes more serious cases that would quickly overwhelm our health care system. Then, even less-vulnerable people
would not be able to get the care they needed, such as intensive care, ven lators, etc., so we would see far more deaths
in people outside of the very frail and elderly. That is what has happened in places like Italy and New York.
How many decedents were moved from nursing home to hospitals prior to their death? Would their death be included
in the long-term care number not? Just as are cases, deaths are recorded by place of residence. So if someone's place of
residence prior to their death was listed as a long-term care facility, regardless of whether they were hospitalized prior to
their death, they would be recorded as a death in a long-term-care resident.
Topic: COVID loca ng and iden fying where deaths are happening
Media Outlet: KSTP-TV
Reporter Name: Rebecca Omas ak
Reporter is wan ng to provide to our readers: The daily breakdown of where COVID-19 deaths are occurring in the state.
She says the AP today reported: "Twelve of the 14 newly reported deaths involved residents of long-term care facili es."
She could not find this informa on on the Situa on Update page on MDH's site and is not sure where to locate that
informa on. She also seeks clarifica on for informa on sent out on the weekends versus during the week; that's helpful
to know.
We provided this: Here are the age ranges and county of residents for today:
Today's COVID Death ages –
All but a Hennepin County person in their 70s and another in their 90s were ltc.
80s Hennepin County LTCF resident;
90s Hennepin County LTCF resident;
90s Hennepin County LTCF resident;
50s Ramsey County LTCF resident;
70s Hennepin County resident;
60s Hennepin County LTCF (group home) resident;
60s Hennepin County LTCF (group home) resident;
60s Hennepin County LTCF resident;
70s Hennepin County LTCF (group home) resident;
70s Ramsey County LTCF resident;
90s Winona County LTCF resident;
90s Hennepin County resident;
90s Hennepin County LTCF resident;
90s Hennepin County LTCF resident.
For context, we don't confirm which long term care facility (LCT) for specific cases, nor do we provide a specific number
of outbreaks in any given facility.
Topic: COVID an body tes ng status
Media Outlet: Star Tribune
Reporter Name: Jeremy Olson
Reporter trying to do a li le more focused repor ng and wri ng about an body tes ng, and what we have seen from
our tes ng so far. NY Gov Cuomo turned a lot of heads in NY with his report on the percent of an body tests that turned
up posi ve in his state -- among random supermarket shoppers, I believe.
He sent requests directly to PR people at the U and Mayo, but maybe MDH is gathering this data as well? He's seeking
the following:
How many an body tests have been performed already?
Who has received them? (Medical staff v. pa ents, etc.)
What % has turned up posi ve so far?
He also says he wants to follow on the social distancing measures like traffic levels closely this week. If we see any
measurable evidence that adherence to social distancing is beginning to wane, he wants to hear it.
We are s ll pursing answers for him.
Topic: COVID Health care workers tes ng posi ve
Media Outlet: KARE 11
Reporter Name: Lou Raguse
Reporter doing a story today with a nurse who has recovered from COVID19. He asks if MDH has the most recent
numbers of cases involved medical workers? Is it broken down all the way to nurses or just medical workers in general?
We replied that we have 823 healthcare workers who have tested posi ve.. We don't break it down beyond health care
workers so I wouldn't be able to differen ate between nurses, emt, etc.
Topic: COVID Meat Plant Numbers
Media Outlet: Star Tribune
Reporter Name: Jeremy Olson
Provided him with the latest numbers of posi ve COVID cases in the meat packing plants impacted by the virus.
Topic: COVID LTC Deaths
Media Outlet: Star Tribune
Reporter Name: Chris Serres
Asked for latest fatality numbers in long term care facili es. Provided the informa on.
Topic: COVID CDC Visit
Media Outlet: MPR
Reporter Name: Peter Cox
Interviewed Dr. Ruth Lynfield on the CDC visit to Minnesota, specifically to visit long term care sites.
Topic: COVID Social Distancing Latest
Media Outlet: WCCO
Reporter Name: Heather Brown
Interviewed Kris on certain social distancing situa ons such as 'is it safe to visit grandparents if you sit 8 feet away,
outdoors' and similar ques ons.
Topic: COVID infected worker ques on construc on site
Media Outlet: Brainerd Dispatch
Reporter Name: Theresa Bourke
Theresa Bourke, reporter at the Brainerd Dispatch contacted Doug Schultz saying they had a contact that there may have
been a case of COVID-19 confirmed in a construc on worker on the Brainerd High School jobsite in Brainerd. She has not
yet confirmed with the company and is asking what info MDH is able to share.
Topic: COVID embeddable map of tes ng loca ons
Media Outlet: Bring me the News
Reporter Name: Adam Uren
An editor from Bring me the News asks if MDH has an embeddable version of the MDH map showing tes ng loca ons?
This is not an MDH or HSEM/SEOC project. It was done by MNIT/MNGEO with the Governor's office.
Topic: COVID- Water system flushing at reopening business
Media Outlet: MPR
Reporter Name: Kris Mahron
MPR reporter asking if MDH is offering any advice to businesses about flushing their water systems to prevent Legionella
or other bacteria, as they reopen a er being closed for an extended period?
Doug Schultz responded that Julie Bartkey had sent the reporter some informa on over the weekend. Our Community
Public Water Supplies unit is planning to issue some guidance to pubic water supplies early this week that will have
recommenda ons that would apply to businesses as well. Schultz offered to get reporter a link to the guidance when it's
ready. I've asked staff about how exactly businesses will be reached and wai ng for a reply.

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