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CHIR13008- Professional Chiropractic Practice -1


SUBMISSION DETAILS (student to complete)

Name: Chelsea Graving Due date: 20/5/20

SID: s0268698 Submission for unit/course: CHIR13008

First marker: Second marker:


(100-85%) (84-75%) (74-65%) (64-50%) (49-45%) (< 45%)

COMPLETION OF • Some minor omissions were noted • Some considerable omissions were • Some significant omissions were • A majority of elements in the
• All assessment preparation tasks
in the assessment preparation task noted in the assessment preparation noted in the assessment preparation assessment preparation task were • Assessment preparation tasks were
ASSESSMENT TASKS were fully completed and accurately
but were submitted in a timely task but were submitted in a timely task but was submitted after due missing and submitted after due not completed or submitted
submitted in a timely manner
manner manner date date
(15 MARKS)

• Language used almost always • In a majority of instances, the language • The language used sometimes • Language used almost never
• Language used always supported • Rarely did the language support the
supported the self-reflective used supported the self-reflective supported the self-reflective supported the self-reflective
the self-reflective learning process self-reflective learning process
learning process learning process learning process learning process
• The language used always • Rarely did the language used
• The language used almost always • In a majority of instances, the language • The language used sometimes • The language used almost never
GRAMMAR & LANGUAGE demonstrated candour and demonstrate candour and
demonstrated candour and used always demonstrated candour and demonstrated candour and demonstrated candour and
intellectual honesty with respect to intellectual honesty with respect to
intellectual honesty with respect to intellectual honesty with respect to the intellectual honesty with respect to intellectual honesty with respect to
(5 MARKS) the chosen topics the chosen topics
the chosen topics chosen topics the chosen topics the chosen topics
• All portfolio topics were written • Only elements of the portfolio was
• Most of the portfolio was written • The majority of portfolio was written • Only some of the portfolio was • All of the portfolio included
without any grammatical or spelling written without any grammatical or
without any grammatical or spelling without any grammatical or spelling written without any grammatical or significant grammatical or spelling
errors spelling errors
errors errors spelling errors errors

• The level of knowledge and

• The level of knowledge and • The level of knowledge and
• The level of knowledge and reflection reflection was occasionally
• The level of knowledge and reflection was rarely appropriate for reflection was not appropriate for
was usually appropriate for the year of appropriate for the year of study
• The level of knowledge and reflection was always appropriate the year of study engaged. The the year of study engaged. The
study engaged. The reflective process, engaged. The reflective process, as a
reflection was always appropriate for the year of study engaged. reflective process, as a vehicle for reflective process, as a vehicle for
as a vehicle for change, was mostly vehicle for change, was occasionally
for the year of study engaged. • The student mostly demonstrated change, was infrequently apparent change, was not apparent
CRITICAL SELF- • The student clearly demonstrated an an appreciation of the nuances
apparent throughout the portfolio apparent throughout the portfolio
throughout the portfolio throughout the portfolio
REFLECTION, • The student somewhat demonstrated • The student somewhat
appreciation of the nuances relating relating to their chosen • The student generally failed to • The student clearly demonstrated a
an appreciation of the nuances relating demonstrated an appreciation of
KNOWNLEDGE, AND to their chosen clinical/professional clinical/professional topics and in demonstrate an appreciation of the lack of understanding of the
to their chosen clinical/professional the nuances relating to their chosen
LOGIC topics and clearly embedded their most occasions embedded their
topics and in the majority of cases clinical/professional topics and on
nuances relating to their chosen nuances relating to their chosen
newly discovered understanding. newly discovered understanding clinical/professional topics, but clinical/professional topics and
embedded their newly discovered occasion embedded their newly
• The student was always successful in within their written reflections attempted to embed their failed to embed their newly
(10 MARKS) understanding within their written discovered understanding within
putting forward an argument that • The student was in most cases understanding within their written discovered understanding within
reflections their written reflections
was logical, underpinned by good successful in putting forward an reflections their written reflections
• The student was successful in putting • The student was occasionally
evidence, and well-reasoned argument that was logical and well- • The student was seldom successful • The student did not put forward an
forward an argument that was logical successful in putting forward an
reasoned in putting forward an argument that argument that was logical and/or
or well-reasoned in a majority of cases argument that was logical and/or
was logical and/or well-reasoned well-reasoned
REFERENCING & THE USE • There were ample references, or • There were ample references, or • There were ample references, or • There were ample references, or • There were very few references, or • There were not any references, or
external resources, to support the external resources, to support most external resources, to support the slight external resources, to support some external resources, to support the external resources that supported
video task of the video task majority of the video task of the video task video task the video task
EXTERNAL REFERENCES • All references fully adhered to the • Most references fully adhered to the • The majority of references fully adhered • Some of the references adhered to • Only a few references adhered to • None of the references adhered to
OR RESOURCES prescribed style guide prescribed style guide to the prescribed style guide the prescribed style guide the prescribed style guide the prescribed style guide
• All references were from recognised • Most references were from • The majority of references were from • Only some references were from • Only a few references were from • None of the references were from
(5 MARKS) and well-respected journals and recognised and well-respected recognised and well-respected journals recognised and well-respected recognised and well-respected recognised and well-respected
were PubMed indexed journals and were PubMed indexed and were PubMed indexed journals and were PubMed indexed journals and were PubMed indexed journals or PubMed indexed
• The supporting material was always • The supporting material almost • The supporting material in the majority • The supporting material on occasion • The supporting material rarely • The supporting material failed to
well referenced and followed the always strengthened the points of times some-what strengthened the strengthened the points being made strengthened the points being made add much to the points being made
prescribed style guide being made in the portfolio points being made in the portfolio in the portfolio in the portfolio in the portfolio
• The supporting material was almost • In the majority of times, the supporting • The supporting material was • The supporting material was rarely • The supporting material was not
always well referenced and followed material was well referenced and occasionally well referenced and well referenced and did not follow well referenced and did not follow
the prescribed style guide followed the prescribed style guide followed the prescribed style guide the prescribed style guide the prescribed style guide

• Overall the videos/multimedia

• Overall the videos/multimedia • Overall the videos/multimedia material • Overall the videos/multimedia • Overall the videos/multimedia
• Overall the videos/multimedia material were developed to an
material were developed to an were developed to an above average material were developed to a below material were very poorly developed
material were developed to an adequate level and were on
exemplary level and were somewhat level and were somewhat easy to watch average level and was difficult to and was very difficult to watch
exemplary level and were very easy occasion easy to watch and/or
easy to watch and/or understand and/or understand watch and/or understand and/or understand
to watch and/or understand understand
• Any links to other multimedia • Any links to other multimedia sources • Any links to other multimedia • Any links to other multimedia
GENERAL COMPOSITION • Any links to other multimedia
sources (if used) were mostly (if used) were all functional and/or
• Any links to other multimedia
sources (if used) were rarely sources (if used) were never
& OVERALL sources (if used) were all functional sources (if used)) were occasionally
functional and/or relevant to the relevant to the topic at hand in a functional and/or relevant to the functional and/or relevant to the
and/or relevant to the topic at hand functional and/or relevant to the
VIDEO/MULTIMEDIA topic at hand majority of instances topic at hand topic at hand
• The learner has demonstrated a topic at hand
PRESENTATION • The learner has demonstrated a • The learner has demonstrated an above • The learner has demonstrated a • The learner has demonstrated a very
commendable degree of ownership • The learner has demonstrated a
notable sense of ownership and average sense of ownership and below average sense of ownership poor sense of ownership and
and production value with respect satisfactory sense of ownership and
production value with respect to the production value with respect to the and production value with respect production value with respect to the
to the videos/multimedia material production value with respect to the
videos/multimedia material videos/multimedia material presented to the videos/multimedia material videos/multimedia material
(15 MARKS) presented
presented • In the majority of instances, the
videos/multimedia material
presented presented
• The video/multimedia portfolio presented
• The video/multimedia portfolio video/multimedia portfolio always • The video/multimedia portfolio • The video/multimedia portfolio
always remained within the stated • The video/multimedia portfolio on
mostly remained within the stated remained within the stated time limit rarely remained within the stated failed to remain within the stated
time limit (+/-10%) occasion remained within the stated
time limit (+/-10%) (+/-10%) time limit (+/-10%) time limit (+/-10%)
time limit (+/-10%)


Markers to complete FIRST SECOND

TOTAL ( /50)

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