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To whom it may concern,

My name is Cameron, and I am applying for a position as a full-stack developer at Accenture in Melbourne.

I have taken an interesting path to software development. Having completed a Bachelor of Commerce at the University
of Melbourne, I commenced the study of law before deciding to discontinue my degree and move to Berlin, Germany.
There, I worked for a digital startup and became enamored with being a developer-- the developers got all the most
interesting projects and had a wide range of tools for overcoming thorny problems in an increasingly digital and
data-driven world.

To make this transition from law to software engineering, I enrolled in Europe's leading full-stack web development
bootcamp, Ironhack, where over 9 weeks I learnt the fundamentals of the MERN stack and developed a demo app that
was voted by my peers and an audience of developers and CTOs as the most outstanding project. From this point, I
was lucky enough to receive a role as a full-stack developer with Ingenious Technologies, a Berlin based marketing
tech firm. This role put me well outside my comfort zone, as I was required to learn Java/ Spring, along with the Event
Sourcing architecture, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins CI/CD, and Kafka, along with expanding my
knowledge of React.JS (in Typescript). I have developed and maintained a good standard with this tech stack, while
keeping abreast of the latest developments in the industry (for instance, I would love to work with GraphQL in the

Having worked as a full-stack developer in Berlin for 12 months, I have moved back to Melbourne to be closer to friends
and family, and to complete my law degree at Deakin University. After arriving, I clerked with Herbert Smith Freehills,
Australia's premiere corporate law firm, in their Environmental and Planning Law team. This was an enriching
experience for me, but it has served to reinforce my desire to work as a software developer in a full-time position with an
excellent team that challenges me to grow and be the best person I can be. I am convinced that working with a global
firm like Accenture that has access to blue chip clients who use a range of technologies is the best way for me to
achieve this aim.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application. Should you have any further questions for me, I would love to
discuss them with you during an interview.

Kind regards,

- Cameron

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