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Design 8 Examples of Internal Stakeholders
More ... posted by John Spacey, August 14, 2017
Business Guide

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Influencing Internal stakeholders are employees or teams in your organization who have an interest or concern in a strategy, plan,
Leadership program, project, product or process. The following are common examples of internal stakeholders.
Site Map
Business Board of Directors
Communication The board of directors of an organization may conduct an internal investigation and require information or the
Creativity participation of employees and teams.
Decision Making Executive Managers
Education Executive managers such as a CEO or CFO. For example, a CEO may be kept informed about the status of a program or
Employment project.
Information Technology An internal auditor may require information in areas such as internal controls and risk management.
Innovation Business Units
Business units are teams with responsibility for revenue and costs.
Metrics Operations Teams
Organizational Culture Teams with responsibility for core business processes such as manufacturing.
Problem Solving
Risk Internal Customers
Small Business
Society Employees and teams who are customers of an internal service. For example, IT functions are often viewed as services
Strategy that serve internal customers.
Users of a service, process or tool.

Subject Matter Experts

Employees or consultants assigned to provide their expertise in a particular context. For example, a usability expert who
is a stakeholder of a website redesign project.
Overview: Internal Stakeholders
Type Stakeholders
Employees or teams in your organization who have an interest or
concern in a strategy, plan, program, project, product or process.
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