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Vol. 52, No. 11, November 2005, pp 3448–3459

DOI 10.1002/art.21377
© 2005, American College of Rheumatology

Involvement of Subchondral Bone Marrow in

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Lymphoid Neogenesis and In Situ Relationship to

Subchondral Bone Marrow Osteoclast Recruitment

Serena Bugatti,1 Roberto Caporali,1 Antonio Manzo,2 Barbara Vitolo,1 Costantino Pitzalis,2
and Carlomaurizio Montecucco1

Objective. To evaluate the presence and immuno- CXCL13ⴙ cells in 5 patients, and CCL21ⴙ cells in 6
histochemical characteristics of subchondral bone mar- patients. TRAP-positive and cathepsin K–positive oste-
row inflammatory infiltrate in rheumatoid arthritis oclasts were identified on both the synovial and marrow
(RA) and to determine the in situ relationship between sides of the bone surface. Bone marrow samples show-
marrow inflammation and osteoclast recruitment. ing a higher degree of inflammation were characterized
Methods. Bone samples and paired synovia from by a significantly increased number of osteoclasts ad-
8 RA patients undergoing joint surgery were analyzed by herent to the subchondral bone.
immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization for Conclusion. Our data demonstrate that lymphoid
specific lymphoid neogenetic features, such as T and B aggregates with lymphoid neogenetic features are detect-
cell composition, follicular dendritic cell (FDC) net- able on the subchondral side of the joint in established RA.
works, peripheral lymph node addressin (PNAd)– Moreover, the local inflammation/aggregation process
positive high endothelial venules, and lymphoid chemo- appears to be related to osteoclast differentiation on the
kine expression. Osteoclasts were identified as marrow side of subchondral bone, supporting a func-
multinucleated tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase tional role of the bone compartment in local damage.
(TRAP)–positive and cathepsin K–positive cells adher-
ent to the bone surface. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflam-
Results. An inflammatory infiltrate with perivas- matory polyarthritis characterized by persistent inflam-
cular aggregates of variable size was detected in 7 mation of the synovium and destruction of the joint (1).
(87.5%) of 8 synovial samples and in paired bone The hallmark of the disease is the development of
samples. Lymphoid neogenetic features typical of rheu- juxtaarticular erosions, which are typically located in
matoid synovium were also recognized in the bone bare areas, at the interface between articular cartilage
marrow. PNAdⴙ blood vessels were found in 4 of 8 and bone. Of note, this region is adjacent to the under-
patients, CD21ⴙ FDC networks in 2 patients, lying bone marrow. Osteoclasts have been shown to be
the main cell type responsible for focal bone loss in RA
Supported by Guy’s, King’s and St. Thomas’ Charitable (2,3), and their differentiation and activation occur in
Foundation and IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo. the same molecular pathways (RANK/RANKL system)
Serena Bugatti, MD, Roberto Caporali, MD, Barbara Vi-
tolo, BSc, Carlomaurizio Montecucco, MD: University of Pavia, that control normal bone remodeling (3–6).
IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo, Pavia, Italy; 2Antonio Manzo, MD, Local bone erosion is driven by the inflamed
Costantino Pitzalis, MD: Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of synovial tissue. In addition to the well-known pathoge-
Medicine, Guy’s Campus, London, UK.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Carlomauri- netic role of synovial pannus, it also has been suggested
zio Montecucco, MD, Cattedra di Reumatologia, IRCCS Policlinico S. that the infiltrated synovium contributes to the process
Matteo, P.le Golgi 2, 27100 Pavia, Italy. E-mail: montecucco@ of joint damage by creating the microenvironment in
Submitted for publication February 25, 2005; accepted in which inflammatory immune cells can interact, exert
revised form July 21, 2005. effector functions, and up-regulate inflammatory medi-

Table 1. Demographic and histologic features of the study population*

Bone marrow scores

Disease RF Anti-CCP Erosions in Inflammation score, Osteoclast count,

Patient/age/sex duration, years status status hands/feet Surgery site/procedure mean ⫾ SEM mean ⫾ SEM
RA1/63/F 15 Pos. Pos. Yes Wrist/arthrodesis 1.9 ⫾ 0.3 2.1 ⫾ 0.4
RA2/52/F 13 Pos. Pos. Yes Knee/joint replacement 1.0 ⫾ 0.0 1.9 ⫾ 0.2
RA3/79/F 10 Pos. Neg. Yes Hip/joint replacement 0.5 ⫾ 0.3 0.7 ⫾ 0.2
RA4/47/F 34 Pos. Pos. Yes MCP/joint replacement 1.5 ⫾ 0.3 1.8 ⫾ 0.2
RA5/39/F 12 Neg. Pos. Yes Knee/joint replacement 3.1 ⫾ 0.3 4.5 ⫾ 0.5
RA6/57/F 16 Pos. Neg. No Knee/joint replacement 0.2 ⫾ 0.2 0.1 ⫾ 0.1
RA7/31/M 8 Pos. Pos. Yes Hip/joint replacement 1.0 ⫾ 0.0 3.2 ⫾ 0.2
RA8/72/F 5 Neg. Neg. Yes MTP/joint resection 3.3 ⫾ 0.5 2.5 ⫾ 0.2
OA1/61/F – Neg. NA No Hip/joint replacement 0 0.4 ⫾ 0.2
OA2/67/F – Neg. NA No Hip/joint replacement 0 0.6 ⫾ 0.4
OA3/79/F – Neg. NA No Hip/joint replacement 0 0.1 ⫾ 0.1
OA4/69/M – Neg. NA No Hip/joint replacement 0 0.6 ⫾ 0.2

* RF ⫽ rheumatoid factor; anti-CCP ⫽ anti–cyclic citrullinated peptide; RA ⫽ rheumatoid arthritis; MCP ⫽ metacarpophalangeal; MTP ⫽
metatarsophalangeal; OA ⫽ osteoarthritis; NA ⫽ not available.

ators (7). In accordance with this concept, the develop- features of subchondral bone marrow in RA, and de-
ment of lymphoid aggregates in RA synovium has been fined their local relationship to osteoclast distribution.
correlated with a worse clinical and radiologic outcome We found that lymphocyte infiltrates are consistently
(8). Furthermore, it has been shown that patients with present in the bone marrow compartment, where they
synovitis characterized by aggregates or well-defined can acquire, as in the synovium, lymphoid neogenetic
germinal centers (GCs) have a different pattern of features. Consistent with this observation, we demon-
cytokine production compared with that in the diffuse strated, inside marrow lymphoid aggregates, the expres-
forms of synovitis, in that increased local expression of sion of the chemokines CXCL13 and CCL21, which are
interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor physiologically involved in the functional organization of
(TNF) (9,10), which are known to be involved in oste- secondary lymphoid organs (26,27). We also observed
oclast differentiation (11), is evident. Moreover, T lym- that these lymphoid aggregates are significantly related
phocytes infiltrating the synovium are an important, to histologic evidence of increased subchondral oste-
although not unique, source of RANKL, which ulti- oclast recruitment.
mately leads to differentiation and activation of oste-
oclasts (12,13). PATIENTS AND METHODS
However, the synovial model of bone erosion is Patients. Eight patients fulfilling the American College
not sufficient to entirely explain the pathogenesis of of Rheumatology (formerly, the American Rheumatism Asso-
joint damage, and the relationship between synovitis and ciation) 1987 revised criteria for the classification of RA (28)
erosions still remains controversial (14–16). Recent at- were included in the study. Four patients who underwent total
tention has been focused on the subchondral side of the joint replacement for hip osteoarthritis (OA) were used as
controls. The demographic and clinical features of the patients
joint. An involvement of subchondral bone marrow has and controls are summarized in Table 1.
been described in different animal models of inflamma- Collection, processing, and storage of the synovial and
tory arthritis (17,18). In humans, data from magnetic bone specimens. Bone samples and paired synovial tissues
resonance imaging (MRI) analyses of RA joints show were obtained from RA patients at the time of arthrodesis,
that bone marrow is affected early in the disease course joint resection, or joint replacement. Samples of articular
cartilage and subchondral bone obtained from OA patients
and spatially and temporally related to bone erosions during total hip arthroplasty served as controls for the bone
(19,20). However, the nature and role of such changes to study. For each patient, more than 1 sample of synovial and
the bone marrow still remain unclear in human disease, bone tissue was collected. Human tonsils were used as positive
despite evidence of subchondral bone osteoclasts (21) controls for immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization.
and bone marrow inflammatory infiltrate (22–25) in All procedures were performed for diagnostic or therapeutic
purposes after the patients gave their informed consent, with
established RA. approval provided by the local ethics committee.
In the present study, we performed the first in All samples were fixed in 10% paraformaldehyde (pH
situ characterization of the inflammatory/organizational 7.0) for 24 hours at room temperature (RT). Bone samples

underwent decalcification in 10% formic acid at RT for the instructions provided by Kodak. Sections were counterstained
time necessary to reach the appropriate consistency. Consec- with hematoxylin.
utive 5-␮m–thick sections of each sample were mounted on Cellular analysis and scoring. Specific lymphoid fea-
L-polylysine–coated slides and kept at RT for further analysis. tures of cellular aggregates in RA synovium and subchondral
For histologic evaluation, 1 slide for each sample was stained bone marrow were assessed by staining formalin-fixed,
with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). paraffin-embedded consecutive sections for CD3, CD20,
Immunohistochemistry. Formalin-fixed, paraffin- CD21, PNAd, CXCL13, and CCL21. On RA and OA bone
embedded tissue sections were deparaffinized and rehydrated samples, immunostainings for TRAP, cathepsin K, and PTH-R
through graded ethanol solutions. Once hydrated, sections on serial sections were added to the above-mentioned series of
were heated for 35 minutes at 96°C in Dako Target Retrieval stainings.
Solution (S1700; Dako, Carpinteria, CA) or, for CD21 antigen Aggregates were classified as segregated if T cell–B
detection, were incubated for 20 minutes at 37°C with pre- cell enrichment areas were predominant, classified as positive
warmed 0.05% Pronase (S2013; Dako) in Tris buffered saline for follicular dendritic cell (FDC) networks when a CD21-
(TBS) (pH 7.6). The sections were then washed in TBS and positive cluster of reticular cells was detectable, and classified
incubated for 10 minutes with Protein Block Serum Free as positive for CXCL13, CCL21, and PNAd when at least 1 cell
(X0909; Dako). or 1 blood vessel was found to be positive within the aggregate.
The following primary antibodies were used: rabbit Osteoclasts were identified as multinucleated (at least
anti-human CD3 polyclonal Ig (N1580; Dako), mouse anti- 2 nuclei) TRAP⫹ cells adherent to the bone surface. Cathep-
human CD20 (IgG2a, clone L26; Dako), mouse anti-human sin K was used as an additional discriminative marker for
CD21 (IgG1, clone 1F8; Dako), goat anti-human CXCL13 osteoclasts, to evaluate their proteinase expression. Osteo-
polyclonal IgG (AF801; R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN), blasts were identified as cuboid-shaped cells on bone surfaces,
goat anti-human CCL21 polyclonal IgG (AF366; R&D Sys- both by H&E staining and after immunostaining for PTH-R.
tems), mouse anti-human CD31 (IgG1, clone 1A10; Novocas-
The degree of infiltration into the bone marrow was
tra, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK), rat anti-human/mouse periph-
assessed using a semiquantitative scoring system based on
eral lymph node addressin (PNAd) (IgM, clone MECA 79;
H&E analysis and immunostaining for CD3 and CD20 (mar-
PharMingen, San Diego, CA), mouse anti-human tartrate-
row inflammation score 0 ⫽ normal tissues; score 1 ⫽ minimal
resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) (IgG2b, clone 26E5; No-
vocastra), mouse anti-human cathepsin K (clone CK4; Novo- infiltration; score 2 ⫽ mild infiltration; score 3 ⫽ moderate
castra), mouse anti-human parathyroid hormone receptor infiltration; score 4 ⫽ marked infiltration; score 5 [never
(PTH-R) (clone 3D1.1; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, observed in our samples] ⫽ severe infiltration [30]). The mean
CA), mouse anti-human CD235a, glycophorin A (IgG1, clone number of osteoclasts was determined at 40⫻ magnification in
JC159; Dako), and mouse anti-human CD61 platelet glyco- 5 fields, in areas of active bone resorption (if present) both on
protein IIIa (IgG1, clone Y2/51; Dako). Sections were then the synovial side and on the subchondral marrow side of the
incubated with the appropriate biotinylated secondary anti- joint, in sections consecutive to the ones used for determina-
body (E0431 swine anti-rabbit Ig, E0413 rabbit anti-mouse Ig, tion of the marrow inflammation score (30). For each patient,
E0466 rabbit anti-goat Ig, or E0468 rabbit anti-rat Ig; all from at least 2 different cutting levels (150 ␮m apart) in at least 2
Dako) for 30 minutes followed by streptavidin–biotin independent samples were studied. A parallel inflammation
complex–alkaline phosphatase (K0391; Dako) for an addi- score and osteoclast count were determined in each cutting
tional 30 minutes. Staining of sections was developed using a level analyzed, resulting in a total of 39 distinct joint areas
New Fuchsin substrate kit (K0625; Dako), counterstained with analyzed in the whole study population. The relationship
Mayer’s hematoxylin (1.09249; Merck, Rahway, NJ), and between the synovial osteoclast and the marrow osteoclast was
mounted with Aquamount mounting medium (BDH, Poole, defined within each patient by calculating the mean osteoclast
UK). Primary and secondary antibodies were diluted in Dako number in all available sections.
Antibody Diluent (S3022; Dako). Negative-staining control Statistical analysis. Correlation between the bone
experiments were performed either by omitting the primary marrow osteoclast number and marrow inflammation score
antibody or by using a control isotype-matched antibody. was evaluated by Spearman’s rank correlation test, using
In situ hybridization. In situ hybridization was per- INSTAT software (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA).
formed on RA synovium to detect production of the 2 chemo-
kines CXCL13 and CCL21. Sense and antisense 35S-labeled
CXCL13 or CCL21 RNA probes, 368 bp or 374 bp in length, RESULTS
respectively, were generated by in vitro transcription (Roche Features of RA synovial samples. Synovial tissues
Molecular Biochemicals, Indianapolis, IN). The CXCL13
probe corresponded to position ⫺24 to 344 of the CXCL13 from 8 RA patients were analyzed for organizational
sequence, and the CCL21 probe corresponded to position features of the inflammatory infiltrate. Although the
6–368 of the CCL21 sequence. Formalin-fixed, paraffin- degree of tissue cell infiltrate was different among
embedded tissue sections were dewaxed, rehydrated in graded different patients, in 7 of 8 specimens perivascular
ethanol solutions, and subjected to in situ hybridization as clusters of CD20⫹ B cells and CD3⫹ T cells could be
previously described (29). Finally, the sections were dipped in
Kodak photo emulsion NTB-2 (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, clearly distinguished. Such lymphoid clusters exhibited
NY) and exposed in complete darkness for 5 weeks at 4°C; either an intermixed distribution of T and B cells or a
development and fixation were performed according to the fully developed compartmentalization, with a central

Figure 1. Paraffin-embedded sequential sections of rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue showing positivity
for CXCL13 protein (A) and mRNA (B) and CCL21 protein (C) and mRNA (D) by immunostaining (A
and C, red) and in situ hybridization (B and D, black). CXCL13⫹ and CCL21⫹ cells were localized in
sublining areas, characterized by mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate with a strong association with large
cellular aggregates. Note the stringent matching between protein and mRNA expression for both
chemokines. (Original magnification ⫻ 20.)

area of B cell enrichment surrounded by a peripheral whereas CCL21 could not be detected in the only tissue
area of T cells. T lymphocytes were also diffusely also lacking CXCL13. In situ hybridization and immu-
distributed in the synovium sublining, while B lympho- nohistochemical experiments performed on parallel sec-
cytes were mostly present within clusters. In one sample tions demonstrated a consistent matching for the expres-
we observed the presence of a CD21⫹ FDC network, sion patterns of CXCL13 and CCL21 protein and
indicative of GC reaction (31). PNAd⫹ vessels with the messenger RNA (mRNA) (Figures 1A–D), confirming
morphologic characteristics of high endothelial venules that the lymphoid chemokines CXCL13 and CCL21 are
(HEVs) were observed inside and/or at the periphery of produced inside lymphoid aggregates in RA synovium.
larger aggregates in 6 (75%) of 8 patients. Signs of local inflammation in RA subchondral
In 7 (87.5%) of 8 patients, intraaggregate expres- bone marrow. Preliminary H&E analysis showed a vari-
sion of CXCL13 could be seen, mainly in B cell areas of able degree of cellularity in all RA bone samples.
larger aggregates (Figure 1A). The only sample without However, this cellularity had different organizational
cellular CXCL13 was characterized by a low degree of forms. The 3 samples obtained from the wrist, meta-
infiltration. With regard to CCL21 expression, cells carpophalangeal (MCP), and metatarsophalangeal
positive for CCL21 could be distinguished in 7 (87.5%) (MTP) joints exhibited mononuclear aggregates within
of 8 patients, with their location in perivascular areas noninfiltrated adipose marrow (Figure 2A), whereas the
and in T cell areas of some aggregates (Figure 1C), 5 samples from large joints (hip and knee) had a diffuse,

Figure 2. Histologic evaluation of subchondral bone marrow inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Staining of sections of subchondral bone marrow (with hematoxylin and eosin [H&E]) revealed 2 different
patterns of mononuclear infiltration. Tissues obtained from the wrist, metacarpophalangeal (MCP), and
metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints showed patchy mononuclear infiltrates within uninflamed adipose marrow
(A), whereas tissues from the knees and hips showed heterogeneous cell infiltrates among adipocytes (D). This
heterogeneous population exhibited morphologic features of hematopoietic bone marrow, with myeloid cells,
erythroblasts, and megakaryocytes (inset in D; original magnification ⫻ 100). Immunostaining for CD20 and
CD3 on sequential paraffin-embedded sections of RA samples obtained from nonhematopoietic sites (wrist,
MCP, and MTP joints) (B and C, red) revealed that patchy infiltrates detectable by H&E were mainly composed
of B and T lymphocytes. In RA samples obtained from hematopoietic sites (knees and hips), sequential
immunostaining for CD20 and CD3 (E and F, red) showed that lymphocyte aggregates of B and T cells were
detectable within the hematopoietic bone marrow. (Original magnification ⫻ 10 in A–D; ⫻ 20 in E and F.)

heterogeneous cellular population occupying the detectable in only a few samples from each patient
spaces among adipocytes in subchondral marrow (Figure (average 50% of samples per patient), and no B cell–T
2D). This diffuse population of cells observed in large cell aggregates were detected (Figures 3A and B).
joints showed morphologic features of hematopoietic Marrow aggregates in RA bone were more fre-
bone marrow, with myeloid cells, erythroblasts, and quently located in the superficial bone marrow, in
megakaryocytes being identified (Figure 2D, inset). Im- proximity to sites where synovial tissue invaded the
munohistochemical staining for glycophorin and CD61 subchondral bone and came in contact with the under-
confirmed the hematopoietic nature of these cells (re- lying bone marrow (Figure 3C). Notably, this superficial
sults not shown). distribution was not exclusive, since some lymphoid
Immunohistochemical experiments using mark- aggregates were also present in deep marrow, appearing
ers of B cells and T cells (CD20 and CD3, respectively) in areas distant from the synovial–marrow junction
revealed that lymphoid aggregates were present in all (Figure 3D).
but 1 bone specimen from the RA joints. In samples Histologic study of the bone–pannus junction.
obtained from nonhematopoietic sites (wrist, MCP, and Since the RA bone samples had portions of synovial
MTP joints), lymphoid aggregates were located within tissue from the junction zone, we were prompted to
the adipose bone marrow (Figures 2B and C), whereas extend the histologic and immunohistochemical charac-
the bone sites that normally exhibit hematopoietic activ- terization to this area. Despite the presence of marrow
ity (hip and knee) showed lymphoid aggregates within lymphoid aggregates in proximity to areas of synovial
the hematopoietic population (Figures 2E and F). In invasion, the adjacent synovial pannus in these areas was
control OA samples, hematopoietic bone marrow was mainly fibrous, and immunostaining for B and T lym-

Figure 3. Histologic staining of sections (with hematoxylin and eosin [H&E]) from patients with osteoarthritis (OA).
No histologic erosions were evident (A), and when immunostaining for CD20 was performed, no B cells were
detectable in OA subchondral bone marrow (B). A serial section stained for T cells (CD3) on the same OA sample
also demonstrated the absence of lymphoid aggregates (inset in B; original magnification ⫻ 20). H&E staining of
rheumatoid arthritis (RA) sections showed a marrow lymphoid aggregate in superficial bone marrow, in proximity to
the invasive synovial pannus (C). Note that the bone surface is interrupted by pannus penetration; arrows indicate the
histologic erosion. Immunostaining of RA sections for CD20 (D, red) revealed the presence of a marrow lymphoid
aggregate in bone marrow distant from areas of synovial invasion, with no histologic evidence of bone erosions.
Lymphoid aggregates, predominantly constituted of B cells (E, red) together with rare T cells (F, red), were observed
at the synovial pannus–bone marrow boundary in an area of bone marrow invasion. sp ⫽ synovial pannus; b ⫽ bone;
c ⫽ cartilage; m ⫽ bone marrow. (Original magnification ⫻ 10.)

phocytes did not reveal significant lymphoid infiltration. confirmed the vascular nature of the PNAd⫹ structures
However, in some cases large lymphoid aggregates could (results not shown).
be observed even more superficially, within the infiltrat- CD21⫹ networks were observed in 2 patients
ing synovial tissue (Figures 3E and F). (25%) (Figure 4B). Notably, in 1 case a CD21⫹ FDC
Signs of lymphoid neogenesis in bone marrow network was also present in the paired synovial tissue.
infiltrates. Since the presence of lymphoid aggregates The 2 bone samples with marrow aggregates in which
was demonstrated in the marrow environment, we ascer- CD21⫹ FDCs could be observed were characterized by
tained whether these structures could acquire, as in the T cell–B cell compartmentalization (Figure 4B, insets),
synovial tissue, lymphoid neogenetic features, such as and 1 of the 2 was observed to have a PNAd⫹ blood
the presence of some degree of T cell–B cell compart- vessel.
mentalization, PNAd⫹ vessels, CD21⫹ FDC networks, CXCL13-producing cells were found inside some
and the local expression of the lymphoid chemokines marrow aggregates (Figure 4C) in 5 (62.5%) of 8
CXCL13 and CCL21. samples. Consistent with our previous observations in
PNAd⫹ blood vessels were found in 4 (50%) of 8 RA synovium (32), CXCL13⫹ cells were detectable
patients (Figure 4A). However, PNAd⫹ blood vessels both inside the aggregates lacking CD21⫹ FDC net-
were much less frequent (average of 1 vessel per sample) works and inside the aggregates with a GC reaction.
than those found in paired synovia, and were predomi- Similarly, CCL21-producing cells (Figure 4D) were ob-
nantly located inside the aggregates closer to the super- served in some aggregates in 6 (75%) of 8 samples.
ficial subchondral bone, near the bone–pannus junction. CCL21 expression showed a scattered distribution
Sequential staining with a panvascular marker (CD31) within cellular aggregates, which did not appear to be

Figure 4. Lymphoid neogenetic features of subchondral bone marrow aggregates. A, Peripheral lymph
node addressin–positive blood vessel inside a lymphoid aggregate. B, A network of CD21⫹ follicular
dendritic cells inside an aggregate of large size, indicating the presence of a germinal center reaction. In
the same aggregate, the analysis of serial sections stained for CD20 and CD3 reveals some degree of T
cell–B cell compartmentalization (insets in B; original magnification ⫻ 10). C, CXCL13-expressing cells
inside a marrow lymphoid aggregate; also shown at high magnification (inset in C; original magnifica-
tion ⫻ 100). D, CCL21-expressing cells inside the same aggregate as in C, in a sequential section; also
shown at high magnification (inset in D; original magnification ⫻ 100). (Original magnification ⫻ 40 in
A and B; ⫻ 20 in C and D.)

related to vascular structures. No CCL21⫹ vessels were of multinucleated TRAP⫹ cells in the subchondral
found inside the subchondral bone marrow. Analysis of location. The analysis was performed in every patient by
serial sections demonstrated the possible coexistence of comparing the histologic score for bone marrow infiltra-
CXCL13 and CCL21 ectopic expression in the same tion with the osteoclast number in adjacent joint areas.
marrow aggregates (Figures 4C and D). Within each patient we observed similar trends between
Correlation of the degree of subchondral bone the marrow inflammation score and the osteoclast score,
marrow inflammation with osteoclast recruitment on when different samples and different cutting levels were
subchondral bone. Following morphologic analysis and analyzed (Table 1).
detection of the osteoclast marker TRAP, we identified In analyses comparing the extent of bone marrow
multinucleated cells both on the synovial side and on the inflammation and subchondral osteoclast density in dif-
marrow side of bone in RA samples (Figures 5A and B). ferent joint areas within each patient, tissue areas show-
In control OA samples, just a few, scattered multinucle- ing a higher degree of marrow aggregates were charac-
ated TRAP⫹ cells were present in subchondral loca- terized by an increased number of osteoclasts adherent
tions, as expected in physiologic bone-remodeling con- to the subchondral bone (Figure 5C). This association
ditions (results not shown). was highly significant, as inferred by Spearman’s rank
We thus assessed the frequency of bone marrow correlation (r ⫽ 0.7991, 95% confidence interval 0.6409–
lymphoid aggregates for a correlation with the number 0.8922, P ⬍ 0.0001). Accordingly, osteoclasts were more

Figure 5. Detection of osteoclasts on both the synovial side (A) and the subchondral bone marrow side
(B) of the joint in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A high-magnification view of the multinucleated
tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)–positive cells (osteoclasts, indicated by arrow) on the synovial
side is shown (inset in A). Serial staining for TRAP and cathepsin K was performed on subchondral
marrow osteoclasts (insets in B). Note that all TRAP⫹ multinucleated cells display cathepsin K
immunostaining with high intensity (asterisks in insets of B). b ⫽ cortical bone; m ⫽ bone marrow; s ⫽
synovium. (Original magnification ⫻ 40 in A; ⫻ 100 in B.) A positive correlation (Spearman’s r ⫽ 0.7991,
95% confidence interval 0.6409–0.8922, P ⬍ 0.0001) was found between the mean ⫾ SEM inflammation/
aggregation score and the local frequency of osteoclasts in subchondral bone marrow (C). The distribution
of subchondral bone marrow and synovial osteoclasts was compared in each RA patient (D). Bars show
the osteoclast count calculated in the different joint areas in each patient. In most cases the frequency of
synovial osteoclasts was only slightly higher than that of subchondral bone marrow osteoclasts.

numerous at bone sites next to the aggregates, even marrow osteoclasts, we found that in all but 1 patient,
though they could also be detected far from the local osteoclasts were more numerous on the synovial side,
inflammation. The only bone sample lacking lymphoid although the difference was not marked (Figure 5D). In
aggregates was characterized by a very low osteoclast some cases bone marrow osteoclasts exhibited morpho-
score, similar to that found in OA joints. This sample logic differences from those on the synovial side, in that
had been obtained from a patient who did not show osteoclasts on the marrow side were flatter and con-
radiographic signs of erosions (see Table 1). tained less nuclei. However, osteoclasts in both compart-
By comparing synovial and subchondral bone ments showed the same proteinase activity, since they

displayed cathepsin K expression with similar intensity. available. More than 20 years ago, Wyllie (22) observed
Serial staining for TRAP and cathepsin K on marrow that lesions in the subchondral marrow of metatarsal
osteoclasts is represented in Figure 5B (insets). and metacarpal heads in advanced RA were character-
On endosteal bone surfaces of RA samples, ized by infiltrates of macrophages, lymphocytes, and
accumulation of cuboid PTH-R⫹ osteoblasts was ob- plasma cells. Subsequently, other authors suggested that
served in close association with areas of bone erosion. inflammatory changes occur in RA bone marrow (23–
Osteoblasts could be found both next to marrow lym- 25), and that proteinases and proinflammatory cytokines
phoid aggregates and on endosteal surfaces devoid of are present in the subchondral region (25,34–36). How-
underlying marrow inflammation. However, a significant ever, a systematic analysis of the subchondral side has
osteoblast population was observed in only those sam- not been performed.
ples showing histologic erosions and marrow lymphoid We describe herein our findings that, at least in
aggregates. In the control OA samples, the osteoblast longstanding RA, subchondral bone marrow exhibits
frequency had a wider variability. In 2 OA patients cellular aggregates, mainly comprising B and T lympho-
(OA2 and OA4 in Table 1), endosteal bone was lined cytes. Bone marrow lymphoid aggregates seem to be a
with a significant number of osteoblasts, whereas osteo- specific feature of inflammatory arthritis, since they
blasts were almost completely absent in the other 2 were not detectable in the OA control samples (only a
patients (OA1 and OA3 in Table 1). diffuse hematopoietic cell population was observed).
Unfortunately, no data on this feature in normal joints
are available. It is of interest to point out that, in
epiphyseal regions of long bones, which is a normal
In the present study, we show that inflammatory hematopoietic site in adults, the hematopoietic bone
changes similar to those found in RA synovium may marrow was more prevalent in RA samples compared
occur in the subchondral bone marrow of the involved with OA samples. This could be attributable either to
RA joints. Subchondral bone marrow lymphoid aggre- the more advanced age of the OA patients or to local
gates were detectable in all patients with erosive arthri- production of hematopoietic growth factors by the in-
tis, whereas this feature was not observed in patients flamed synovial tissue in RA. One possible candidate for
with noninflammatory arthritis, such as OA. Moreover, the latter role is granulocyte–macrophage colony-
the process of local inflammation seemed to be related stimulating factor, which is an important regulator of
to the recruitment of osteoclasts at the marrow side of myelopoeisis and a mediator of inflammation and local
subchondral bone, thus suggesting a potential role of the tissue damage in RA (37,38), thus representing a key
bone compartment in local damage. element of a possible hematopoietic growth factor net-
One limit of our analysis is that we studied only work active at sites of inflammation.
samples obtained during surgical procedures carried out Despite the common finding of signs of marrow
in patients with longstanding disease. Consequently, we inflammation, our bone samples differed in the degree
do not know whether the subchondral changes observed of lymphoid aggregation. In fact, in some cases only a
are an early phenomenon in RA, which would imply few aggregates were present, whereas in other cases
involvement in the pathogenesis of erosions, or whether there was a large amount of lymphoid aggregates within
they are actually a late consequence of advanced disease. the subchondral bone marrow. For each patient, how-
Histopathologic studies of early bone lesions, however, ever, the degree of marrow inflammation was similar
are difficult because of obvious problems in finding between samples and at different cutting levels, thus
adequate samples from patients with early arthritis. suggesting that in RA, the process of marrow inflamma-
Nevertheless, an involvement of subchondral bone mar- tion might be heterogeneously regulated, as indicated by
row in RA at its onset is indirectly supported by MRI the organizational features of synovial inflammation
studies, which have shown that bone marrow edema is (39).
an early finding and functions as a predictor of radio- Of note, intramarrow lymphoid aggregates were
graphic damage (19,20,33). Since regions of bone edema predominantly found in the superficial bone marrow, at
show some MRI aspects similar to those of active the interface between synovial tissue and the subchon-
synovitis, it has been postulated that both may have a dral bone marrow. Moreover, we observed that synovial
similar inflammatory basis (20). pannus, usually devoid of lymphoid cells, could become
To our knowledge, only sporadic histologic de- highly inflamed at sites of bone marrow invasion, in
scriptions of the subchondral side of the bone in RA are conjunction with the presence of large lymphoid aggre-

gates. These findings suggest that bone marrow inflam- aspect were used to characterize this structure. In 2 cases
mation is a consequence of the invasion of juxtaarticular we detected a network of CD21⫹ FDCs, indicating the
bone marrow by synovial tissue. This would be consistent presence of a true GC reaction (31), and in half of our
with recent findings in animal models. Human TNF– samples, PNAd⫹ HEVs were distinguishable. Further-
transgenic mice, for instance, were observed to have more, CXCL13- and CCL21-expressing cells were found
inflammatory bone marrow infiltrates of B cells adjacent within some marrow aggregates. These results demon-
to inflamed joints, located at the interface between strate, for the first time, that in the marrow environment,
synovial inflammatory tissue and bone marrow and only a process of lymphoid neogenesis can take place, with
occurring when the cortical bone barrier was disrupted the achievement of a high degree of structural organi-
by local bone erosions (18). However, in our samples, zation and the local ectopic expression of the lymphoid
the simultaneous presence of some lymphoid aggregates chemokines CXCL13 and CCL21.
in deep areas of the bone marrow, at sites apparently An important issue is whether the stromal envi-
distant from synovial invasion, does not exclude the ronment, which has been shown to promote both the
possibility of an independent inflammatory process in survival and the accumulation of lymphocytes in the
RA subchondral bone. This is supported by indirect synovium (42), has a similar functional role in the
evidence that periarticular osteoporosis imaged on plain marrow environment. Although this has not been spe-
radiographs and bone marrow edema demonstrated on cifically addressed in the present study, previous studies
MRI occur before the development of detectable ero- have shown that stromal cells from subchondral bone
sions (19,20). marrow of RA and OA patients may produce inflamma-
At present we do not know whether these mar- tory chemokines, which are up-regulated by IL-1␤ and
row aggregates that are apparently unrelated to synovial TNF␣ (35).
invasion could arise de novo from within the bone Consistent with previous findings (21,43), we
marrow or whether they gain access to the bone marrow detected bone-adherent osteoclasts not only on the
through other anatomic structures, allowing communi- synovial side, but also on the marrow side. We observed
cation between the 2 compartments. In collagen-induced a positive correlation between the degree of subchondral
arthritis (CIA), cortical bone canals connecting the bone lymphoid aggregation and the recruitment of oste-
marrow to the synovium have been shown to increase in oclasts, with the more infiltrated samples containing a
size in early inflammatory lesions and to mediate the larger amount of osteoclasts on the bone marrow side.
transmigration of mesenchymal cells from marrow to To our knowledge, this association between marrow
synovium (40). In this hypothetical dynamic, the same lymphoid aggregates and subchondral erosions has not
canals could also promote the early exchange of inflam- been previously described in RA, and is in accordance
matory cells between the 2 sides. with the data obtained from animal models of arthritis.
It recently has been noted that the synovial In CIA, GCs have been recognized in the subchondral
inflammatory infiltrate may undergo a process of orga- bone, and their presence is closely associated with areas
nization in which it acquires the structural features of of bone erosion (17). More recently, bone erosions filled
secondary lymphoid organs (32,39). Such a phenome- with osteoclasts located next to bone marrow infiltrates
non, known as lymphoid neogenesis, has been described have been described in human TNF–transgenic mice
in RA and in many other chronic inflammatory/auto- (18).
immune conditions (41). Consistent with the currently This evidence allows us to assume that both
available data (32), our synovial samples were charac- synovial mechanisms and marrow inflammatory changes
terized by a variable degree of lymphoid organization. A might lead to the development of bone erosions in RA.
follicular synovitis with CD21⫹ networks was observed Subchondral bone osteoclasts in our samples seemed to
in one case. PNAd⫹ HEVs were found in the majority play an important role in bone damage, since their
of synovial tissues, and all but 1 sample exhibited the number was only slightly lower in absolute terms than on
lymphoid chemokines CXCL13 and CCL21, both at the the synovial side. Moreover, cathepsin K immunostain-
protein level and at the mRNA level. ing was similar in both sites, suggesting that bone
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vealed that a similar organizational process also occurs may participate in local erosion. However, further func-
in the subchondral side of the joint. Although a follicle tional studies are needed to address this issue.
with GCs was previously described in RA bone marrow The presence of osteoblasts on the subchondral
(23), no other features apart from the morphologic side of the joint at sites of bone erosions and in samples

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