Kinnaird College For Women Applied Psychology (Major) Bsc. Honours Programme Fall-2017

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Applied Psychology (Major)

BSc. Honours Programme


Course Title: Psychopathology-1 Course Code: APSY 301


Semester: 3

Course Overview

This course is designed to enhance students’ understanding of Pathology in children. The course
enhances the knowledge of the students about different developmental disorders of childhood.
Moreover, causes and types of childhood psychopathology are also emphasized. It helps the
students to learn and identify basic differences among developmental disorders and their effects
on child’s behaviour along with treatment pattern to manage the children behaviour.


Topic Contents

Psychopathology  Important terms in Psychopathology
 Comparison of DSM 4 and 5
 Intellectual Developmental Disorder
Communication and  Language disorder
Autism Spectrum  Speech disorder
Disorder  Childhood-onset fluency disorder
 Social communication disorder
 Autism Spectrum disorder

ADHD and Specific  Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder

Learning Disorder  Specific Learning Disorder

Motor and Anxiety  Developmental Coordination Disorder

Disorder  Stereotypic Movement Disorder
 Tourette’s Disorder
 Separation Anxiety Disorder
 Selective Mutism

Feeding and Eating  Pica
Disorder  Rumination Disorder
 Avoidant/ Restrictive Food Disorder
 Intake Disorder
 Bulimia Nervosa
 Binge Eating Disorder

Elimination Disorder,  Enuresis

Gender Dysphoria and  Encopresis
mood disorder  Gender Dysphoria
 Mood disorder
Disruptive and Conduct  Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Disorder  Intermittent Explosive Disorder
 Conduct Disorder


 Earle, P. T., Rogers, C. S., & Jean, G. W. (1982). Child development: An observation
manual. US: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

 Gerald, R. L. (1983). Child psychology. California: Wadsworth, Inc.

 Gilbeerg, C., Harrington, R., & Steinhausen, H. (2000). A handbook of child and
adolescent psychiatry. US: Cambridge University Press.

 Kazdin, A. E. (1988). Child psychotherapy: Developing and identifying effective

treatments. Canada: Pergamon Books, Inc.

 Kronenberger, W. G., & Meyer, R. G. (2000). The child clinicians’s handbook (2nd ed.).
US: Prentice Hall.

 Turner, F. J. (1989). Childhood psychopathology: A social work perspective. New York:

The Free Press.
Applied Psychology (Major)
BSc. Honours Programme

Course Title: Psychopathology-1 Course Code: APSY 301

Semester: 3
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course the students will be able to explain the treatment of different childhood
disorders and differentiate them among normal child behaviour. The course will help the students
to observe and analyze children around them, any of those with odd characteristics. This course
will enable the students to explain the etiology of all the childhood disorders that will facilitate
them in identifying basic treatment strategies of improving behaviour of children.

Teaching Methodology

1. Two 90 minute Lectures to be delivered on the topics mentioned above.

2. Frequently questions will ask during lecture to keep students active listener
3. Presentations on the topics taught to encourage information search and improve
communication skills.
4. 6 hours of self study by students on the tasks that is assigned by the professor.
5. Group Discussion and Focus group relevant to the topics taught will be held in the class.

The final grade for the course will be determined by the following:

Quizzes (pre & post mid) 20%

Assignments (pre & post mid) 10%

Presentation/Project 10%

Final Exam 35%

Mid-term Exams 25%

Assessment Criteria of Assignments/Projects
The research and final projects will be evaluated by the instructor according to:
 Quality and depth of projects
 Creativity of the approach
 Clarity of the concept
 Quality of presentation to the class
 APA style

NOTE: Student Behavior involving cheating, copying other’s work and plagiarism will not be tolerated
and will result in disciplinary action.

Scoring Rubric for Written Work

Criteria Standards


5 –4.5 4.5 – 4 3.9 – 3 2.9 –2.5 Less than2.5

Test marking Logic, critical Slightly less Descriptive detail Could not make it Inadequate logic
(5 Marks) and analytical logical and of topic with proper
coverage of topic analytical but satisfactory
giving sense content

Scoring Rubric for Presentation

Criteria Standards
2 –1.5 1.4 – 1 0.9 – 0.5 Less than 0.5
Presents information Presents Student’s Information is not
Logical in logical sequence, information in a presentation is presented logically
organization at an appropriate mostly logical somewhat or is presented at an
level for a scientific sequence, at an disjointed. Student inappropriate level.
audience, and holds appropriate level has difficulty
audience interest. for a more general maintaining
audience. audience attention
Use of Excellent grasp of Generally correct Some incorrect Incorrect use of
technical technical application of applications of technical
terms and terminology and technical technical terminology, poor
concepts concepts. terminology and terminology and understanding of
concepts. limited technical
understanding of concepts
technical concepts.
Subject Fully explains and Adequately Inadequately Does not have a
knowledge elaborates subject explains subject explains subject grasp of the subject
and matter. Able to matter. Can answer matter. Able to matter and cannot
spontaneous provide cogent questions, but does answer only basic, understand or
reasoning answers to not elaborate. expected questions. answer questions.
ability questions.
Effective Balanced, finishes Generally balanced, Somewhat Too long, doesn’t
use of time on time, leaving finishes on time, unbalanced, rushes finish, or too short.
time for questions. but little if any time to finish on time, no Devotes too much
for questions. time for questions. or too little time to
each component of
the presentation.
Body Speaks clearly, Generally speaks Speaks in a low Voice inaudible,
language projects voice, well, stumbling voice, many speaks in mono
and voice varies modulation, occasionally. audience members tone, reads entire
uses pauses Mainly faces the cannot understand. presentation, faces
effectively. audience, maintains Occasionally makes the projection
Faces the audience, eye contact most of eye contact but screen with no eye
maintains eye the time, refers mostly reads from contact.
contact, does not use frequently to notes. notes.
Presentation Appropriate number Reasonable number Imbalance in Too many or too
technology and type of graphics, and type of number and type of few graphics,
easily readable, with graphics, that can graphics, many are illegible, poor
the appropriate be read. difficult to read. contrast, too much
amount of Graphics related to Graphics are information.
information. oral presentation. somewhat related to Graphics not related
Graphics reinforce oral presentation. to points made
and explain oral orally

Weeks Topic Contents Self- Study

I -II Psychopathology  Important terms in PRE-MID Assignment I:
week Psychopathology Critical analysis of research
 Comparison of DSM 4 and 5 article on autism
 Intellectual Developmental
III- IV Communication and  Language disorder Student will ask to find out
week Autism Spectrum  Speech disorder case-studies on these
Disorder  Childhood-onset fluency disorder disorders and prepare quiz
 Social communication disorder on these topics.
 Autism Spectrum disorder

PRE-MID Quiz I (Intellectual

Developmental Disorder)
V – VI ADHD and Specific  Discussion of case studies in class They will be given
week Learning Disorder  Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity material on ‘Anxiety
Disorder disorder’ for self reading.
 Specific Learning Disorder This self-study will help
them in preparing the
PRE-MID QUIZ II (AUTISM) group discussion on
completion of the topic.

VII Motor and Anxiety  Group discussion PRE-MID Assignment II:

week Disorder  Developmental Coordination
Disorder Analyze the differential
 Stereotypic Movement Disorder diagnosis of attention deficit
 Tourette’s Disorder hyperactivity disorder
 Separation Anxiety Disorder (ADHD)
 Selective Mutism


X week Feeding and Eating  Pica Student will ask to prepare a

Disorder  Rumination Disorder quiz on these topics
 Avoidant/ Restrictive Food
 Intake Disorder
 Bulimia Nervosa
 Binge Eating Disorder

Post mid Quiz-I (eating disorder)

XI –XII Elimination Disorder,  Enuresis POST-MID Assignment I:
week Gender Dysphoria and  Encopresis Case-report on any disorder
mood disorder  Gender Dysphoria
 Mood disorder
XIII- Disruptive and Conduct  Oppositional Defiant Disorder POST-MID Assignment
XIV Disorder II: Devise management
week Post mid Quiz-II (elimination plan for Major Depression
XIV- Disruptive and Conduct  Conduct Disorder Student will prepare and
XV Disorder  Revision present their group projects
XV- Presentations & Revision Student will prepare and
XVI present their group projects
XVII Presentations & Revision Student will prepare for final

Subject to change with local holidays etc.

All Course elements including assignments, tests, examinations and presentations must be
fulfilled to pass the course.


Introduction, etiology and therapy for

Mood disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, Eating disorder, Tic disorder, mental
retardation, schizophrenia

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