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Should euthanasia legalize in Hong Kong?

網誌分類:未分類 |

網誌日期:2010-03-22 15:19

Euthanasia is a controversial issue in society today. Many people have

discussed this issue for a long time but in fact there is no modal answer. In
2001, Dr. Lo Wing Lok brought up that use euthanasia to treatment of terminal
patients. But many councilors Disagreed and criticized this motion. It was
because they though that Lo Wing Lok is a doctor, the responsibility of a
doctor is save the life but now a doctorto have the impudence to suggested to
kill people! (Legislative council Hansard, 2001). I disagrees euthanasia
legal in Hong Kong because it will bring out a lot of ethic problems.
Before I state my opinions, we need to understand the definition and
different kinds of euthanasia.
The aim of euthanasia is let the patients leave the world happily
and no misery, its basic reason is avoid having a rough time. And
there are few kinds of euthanasia. The first kind of euthanasia is
active euthanasia; it means that the doctor can terminate a
patient’s life. The Second one is passive euthanasia, it means that
the patient want to die without misery. (Noman.L.2003,p.170). The
third kind is voluntary euthanasia, which is the patient ask to
receive medical treatment in order to die). The last one is non-
voluntary euthanasia, which ending the life of a patient that is
incapable giving permission (BBC, 2005b). Now I am going to use
some famous cases and different society personages’ opinions to
state my own opinions.
The first reason is if euthanasia legalize, many patients will use
this way to end their life easily. Then there will be a lot of patients
want to die earlier at the same time. For example, in Tang Siu
Pun(Ah Bun)’s case, he was paralyzed from the neck down in a
somersaulting accident when he was 21. He wrote a letter to Tung
Chee Hwa in 2003 to be allowed to die and ignited a debate about
euthanasia. In his opinion, he said that Hong Kong laws
discriminated against that handicapped because those without the
physical ability to kill themselves did not have the opinion of
euthanasia.(2007, South China Morning post publishers Ltd.). After
the letter sent out, it brought out a great response in Hong Kong
society and many people cared of him. And he wrote a letter to say
thank you to Hong Kong people and admitted his opinion was wrong.
In this case, we can know that euthanasia is incorrect. Ah Bun
wanted voluntary euthanasia. But in his thank you letter, he said
that it was very selfish. He has found the value of the life. So he
disagree euthanasia finally. In this case we can know that all of us
are different, although some of the people are disabled, their life are
also wonderful. But if it is legalized, Ah Bun will die under
euthanasia, and then many patients learn from him. But there are
not enough place to deal with and buried so many corpses in Hong
Secondly, I want to discuss the relationship between non-
voluntary euthanasia and murder. Non- voluntary euthanasia means
that when the person who is killed can make no request and give no
consent. In my opinion, euthanasia is no different from murder. It
has violated the principle in the Bible. According to Exodus in the
Bible, The God said that ‘Do not put anyone to death without cause’.
Now I am going to use a case to support this reason. The case
happened in America. There was a woman called Terri Schindler
Schiavo. She collapsed at home on 25th February, 1990. Then she
was sent to the hospital. After that, in 1991, her husband let the
doctor made some mistakes because he wanted to use euthanasia
to end her life and start a new relationship with another girl. But
Theresa’s parents disagreed because they think that children are
the gift which given by god and Terri Schindler Schiavo also enjoyed
the time with her family member. From that day, Terri Schindler
Schiavo must use the tube to get food and air. Her tube was
removed three times. And Terri Schindler Schiavo died from severe
dehydration without nutrition or hydration 14 days on 31st march,
2005. In this case we can know that Terri Schindler Schiavo was
murdered clearly. Her husband exploited the living right of his wife.
It is absolutely unacceptable and ridiculous.
The third reason is euthanasia will bring out some ethic problems
and doctors will be difficult to do their job. It is because the
responsibility of doctor is rescuing life. But if euthanasia was
legalized, doctors will be hard to provide a correct treatment to
patients. In the above paragraph we have known the relationship between
non- voluntary euthanasia and murder. If the doctor can control the life of
patients, he had violated the deportment of their occupation because they can
kill people if euthanasia legalize. The second reason that the doctors will
difficult to do their job because not all the doctors agree use euthanasia to
end the patients’life. If euthanasia legalize, there will be a lot of arguments
between doctors and patients or their family members. In Europe and
North American, some of the cases were argued in the court. For
example, there was a case happened in Paris. In 2008, Chantal
Sebir, a 53- years old woman, wants to use euthanasia to end her
life but failed in the argument in the court. And the government also
disagree euthanasia. In my opinion, it will waste time and money to
deal with this kind of cases. Time is limit! Don’t waste time to do
these things.
For the activist, they think that we can control our life. It is
because this is our right, it can help the patient’s family solve the
economical problem and the patient can have no misery. But in my
opinion, we can learn some new knowledge and get some
experience when you have misery. It can increase your confidence to
front every problem. And some of the activists will ask a question:
Why abortion can legalize but euthanasia cannot? In fact, if a woman wanted
to abort, they must be under 16 years old; the pregnancy will be a mental or
psychological risk to the life of the mother, the foetus has mental or
psychological abnormalities that would lead to it becoming seriously disabled
and the woman has been victim of rape or incest and the crime has been
report to the police within 3 months of date of the offence. And the different
between abort and euthanasia is if you abort, the bay cannot say no but
euthanasia can. So I disagree euthanasia legalize in Hong Kong.
Overall, in this essay, we can understand that there will bring out some
ethic problems and negative effects in the society if euthanasia legalize in
Hong Kong. And I do not want to let the young people learn the wrong value.
So I disagrees euthanasia legalize in Hong Kong.

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