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1 Is there a part inside the ear that helps us balance our body?

3. Will earth be destroyed by meteorites?

4. About Bullet Proof vests – How do they stop the bullets?

5. Secrets of Pyramids

6. Explanation about Palindromes?

7. Northern lights (Aurora Borialis)

8. Difference among Floppy, CD and DVD

9. Tintin Comics

10. Details about diamonds – 4Cs, Biggest diamond

11. Michael Jackson

12. Insect eating plants

13. Penguins

14. Arnold Schwarzenegger

15. Seven star hotels – construction of Burj Al Arab

16. A380 Bus – How was constructed, capacity etc

17. Details of spine

18. Difference among Plasma TV, LCD TV and LED TV

19. Recumbent Cycle

20. Varieties in Magic – black magic, voodoo, etc, magic show.

21. Snakes - Fastest and Anaconda details

22. Speciality in Tamil language

23. Ligament tear in Knee for a sportsman

24. Do other planets (other than solar system) have human beings?
25. Tony Ja – Actor

26. Nuclear Submarine – Functions, usage, speciality

27. Super computers

28. What are the galaxies in the universe other than milkyway and andromeda

29. 21st Dec 2012 doomsday?

30. Tsunami

31. Delta Cell in Pancreas

32. Take off of planes – How does a plane fly without falling?

33. Palani Siddhar Bogar and Nava pashana Statue

34. Bermuda Triangle

35. Short sight problem and the related laser treatment

36. Neurological changes during meditation

37. Hiroshima and Nakasaki – Atomic bomb

38. Swine Flue

39. Were there only ten months per year in ancient time?

40. Huge statues in Easter Islands

41. Do ghosts really exist?

42. Cell phone – Invention and development

43. Costliest car in the world

44. Why do we get varicose veins and do they cause problem in the body?

45. Google earth and its uses

46. Oscar Award – Youngest, maximum number of awards, making of the statue

47. Iman Maleki Paintings

48. International Space station

49. When feelings are created by thoughts and brain what is the connection between
love and heart?

50. When sun is there, why is the space looking dark?

51. Is it possible to turn iron into gold? What is alchemy?

52. Bruce lee

53. Number plates for cars in foreign countries

54. Wireless electricity

55. Flying Snakes

56. Do they sell plots in moon?

57. Birds of paradise

58. Stealth planes – How do they fly without being detected by RADAR

59. Hitler – Biography

60. How Cheetah is able to run so fast?

61. Is it true that all the continents were joined together a long time ago?

62. Do all the birds fly using the same technique?

63. How do clouds form? The different types of clouds

64. How is hair transplant done?

65. Voyager?

66. About Spiders – rare varieties, eating habits

67. What is stem cell and how is it helpful in medical field

68. Jackie Chan

69. Latest news about science and technology

70. Does any human being have super natural power?

71. Latest hi-tech revolving building

72. Heart Attack

73. What is echolocation? How can a blind boy walk without stick using

74. Is it true that equipment is invented to become invisible? (Invisible cloak)

75. Volcanic eruption in Pompeii city

76. Mr. Bean

77. Black hole in space

78. Time Travel and Time machine

79. Camouflage technique and how do people use it

80. Magician criss Angel

81. Short Films

82. Ouija Board

83. Mysterious staircase in a church in New Mexico

84. Multiple Sclerosis

85. Frauds in ATM cards

86. Nano Technology

87. Aliens – Roswel crash in US in 1947

88. The art of self defense – Varma kalai

89. Dolphins – Are they really friendly?

90. Is it true that the scientific technology is going to prevent ageing?

91. Facts about diabetes

92. The car that runs on road and travels underwater like submarine

93. What is so fascinating in microscopic things

94. Sahara Desert – Unknown facts

95. Leonardo Da Vinci and the hidden secrets in his paintings

96. The art of Ninjutsu and Ninjas

97. Cigarette smoking and how does it affects health

98. Nastrodamous

99. Is it true that Man really did not land on Moon? Was that a hoax?

100. Mr. Olympia Competiton

101. Secrets of Egypt (not pyramids)

102. Bill Gates

103. Origin and facts of the game Chess

104. Arthritis

105. Invention of Flying Car

106. Techniques used by birds and animals to capture preys

107. Osteoporosis

108. Comets – What do they contain, how do they travel, speed etc.

109. Charlie Chaplin

110. What is a chronovisor?

111. Avalanche and the facts about it

112. Which is the largest cave in the world?

113. How do muscles grow when we do exercise? Why do we get pain after work out?

114. Facts about earth, revolution, rotation, diameter, how does it travel without losing

115. Music maestro Mozart

116. What is GPS? How does it work?

117. Japanese and their technologies

118. Power of brain, subconscious, IQ etc

119. Phacoemulcification (cataract operation)

120. Volcanoes – some facts

121. What are crop circles?

122. What are Nazca lines? Who drew them?

123. One of the wonders of the world – Hanging garden of Babylon

124. Palm Island in Dubai

125. Why did Pluto lose its status as a Planet?

126. How did the continent Atlantis disappear?

127. Mermaids – Are they for real?

128. What are Phishing, spam, etc?

129. Astronauts – Their task, training, other routines

130. Election of Pope

131. Wright Brothers

132. An example to lead life with confidence

133. What are Fibonacci numbers

134. Japanese Paddy Art

135. Moving stones in California

136. What is Cryptex?

137. About Chanakya and Arthasasthra

138. Why do some people get affected by Progeria?

139. Angioplasty
140. Dead Sea and the reason as to why people don’t sink in it

141. Why is it not possible to create perpetual motion?

142. Facts about sound barrier and sonic boom

143. Arts of Julian Beaver

144. Grammy Awards

145. Gyrocopter

146. Rare species of glow worms in caves

147. Latest technology in fixing artificial limbs

148. Stephen Hawking

149. Share Market

150. Stalactite and stalagmites

151. Genetically Modified food

152. Facts about gravitation – is it possible to create anti-gravity?

153. Black Box in planes

154. How does earth get four seasons?

155. Global Warming

156. Mohanjodaro Harappa

157. Wrestling

158. Various stages of a child in mother’s womb

159. Do we pronounce all English words correctly?

160. Telekinesis

161. King Cobra

162. What are the special features of currency note (INR) as announced by RBI?
163. How do we get crude oil? What are the byproducts?

164. Thomas Alva Edison

165. Which is the smartest bird?

166. How do we categorise blood group?

167. About Nobel Prize – Why is there no Nobel Prize for Mathematics?

168. Latest trend in Painting methods

169. Robotics – Is there any robot that is so realistic like human being?

170. Galileo

171. When was clock invented?

172. Microsoft Surface – New technology – Tabletop computer

173. Tajmahal

174. Sandstorm

175. ESP

176. Agriculture in other countries

177. Formation of islands and continents on earth

178. Blue tooth technology

179. How does a search engine work

180. Mathematician Ramanujam

181. Acrobatic Ballet

182. Condition of Animals that are deprived of water in forests

183. Amazing Fishing technique used in China

184. How does a solar panel work

185. Innovative latest magic tricks

186. Plants competing with each other to fill the place of a fallen tree in forests

187. Why does migraine occur?

188. Salt production in Peru

189. Speciality in Japanese Swords

190. If petrol is more purified than Diesel, how come diesel gives more mileage?

191. Facts about Siamese twins and about Bijani sisters

192. Amazing Dropa Stones

193. Life of Kangaroos

194. Coral Castle and its unbelievable stories

195. Sidney Sheldon

196. Tonsilitis

197. Coral Reefs

198. Can we save electricity from lightning

199. Laser Beam – Uses

200. Mayan Culture

201. Camouflage techniques used by insects

202. Motion Capture technology

203. Deep sea creatures

204. Latest innovations that are funny

205. Invention of computer. Info on 2000 years old computer

206. Architectural wonders in Tamilnadu Temples (Tharamangalam Temple)

207. Unknown facts about elephants

208. Points to be noted while buying a house and while taking Housing loan from
209. Dinosaur eggs and bones – How do archeologists discover them

210. Life history of Albert Einstein

211. Calligraphy

212. Some interesting information on Gold

213. What is new in computer field

214. Drawing in MS paint and other digital drawings

215. Ice City in Harbin, China

216. Intelligence of snakes

217. Belmez Faces

218. How do animals and plants survive in deserts without water?

219. How to develop six pack abs and good biceps and triceps?

220. Pencil Printer

221. Paintings of Goya

222. During eclipse and during new moon, the moon becomes dark. What is the

223. DNA testing – How is it done?

224. More information about IPad

225. Creation of Universe – Big Bang Theory

226. Big Bang Experiment – Large Hadron Collider

227. Great Wall of China

228. Age limit for exercise – Famous old Body builders

229. What is the different between Credit card and Debit Card? More info on Credit

230. Vedic Maths and easy methods for multiplications

231. Life style of Penguins

232. Tips for increasing memory power

233. Interesting and useful couplets from Tirukural

234. How dictionaries are created? How to improve vocabulary?

235. Details on flightless birds – Ostrich, Cormorant, Kagu, Weka, Kiwi etc.

236. Life style of Polar Bears

237. Roger Williamson (Race Car Tragedy)

238. What is Sinus – problems related to Sinus

239. Holes on Earth – Cenote

240. Explanation about Time Zone, Latitude and Longitude

241. Why is the Sky blue in colour?

242. Tree man – Peculiar disease

243. Pandas – Life style

244. Swiftlet Bird’s saliva gets ornamental value

245. More secrets about Pyramid

246. Sand Drawings by Kseniya Simanova

247. Synthetic Life created by Craig Venter

248. Film industry – Development, Technology, Graphics

249. How is artificial pearls created?

250. Life style of Tortoises

251. Stephen King’s latest opinion about Aliens

252. Rattle Snakes

253. Versailles Palace

254. Unknown facts about Playing Cards

255. Leaning Tower of Pisa

256. Cheque, Pay Order, Demand Draft - What are the differences?

257. Porcupines

258. Lila Stepanova – Amazing talent in Bow and Arrow

259. How to create a telescope at home?

260. Rain forests – Difference between Rainforest and Tropical forests

261. Illusion drawings – Anamorphosis

262. Tallest man in the word – Then and now

263. How is hailstone formed?

264. What is next to DVD and Blu ray?

265. Types of Dogs. Tallest and largest dogs in the world

266. Animation movie – Pigeon Impossible – Making of the movie

267. Origin and Development of the art “Magic”

268. Unknown facts of the satellite Moon

269. The art of “Communication Skills”

270. Different types of Martial Arts

271. Napoleon Bonaparte

272. Why is Platinum costlier than Gold

273. World’s tallest building – 2km height – Ultima Towers

274. What is conning? How people are conned?

275. Postage Stamps – First postage stamp, Shapes and rare stamps

276. Photography – Various stages

277. What causes thunder?

278. What is a Kaprekar’s Number?

279. How does spider manage not get stuck to its own web?

280. What are the functions of Kidney? Why does kidney failure occur?

281. Archimedes and his discoveries and inventions

282. How does a finger print scanner work?

283. What technique do painters adopt to paint beautiful mountains and trees?

284. What is meant by 35mm and 70mm in movies. What are the development of
cinema theatres.

285. Explanation on Cancer disease

286. What is meant by Balanced Diet?

287. How does a touch screen work?

288. What is plastic surgery

289. What is the participation of Indians when it comes to discoveries and inventions?

290. What is Glaucoma?

291. Mysterious Crystal Skulls

292. New discovery of a microbe (Deinococcus Radiodurons)

293. Is Netaji Subash Chandrabose still alive?

294. What is the difference between 3G and 4G mobile phones?

295. What is the secret behind Olmec Heads?

296. A study on Chimpanzees

297. Capsule Rooms in Japan

298. Explanation on Ambigram and Ambidextrous

299. A detailed explanation on Reserve Bank of India

300. What are table manners?

301. The man who transformed himself into a Tiger!

302. Which is the costliest Motorbike in the world?

303. Does Shaolin Temple exist in reality?

304. Director Akira Kurosawa

305. Why is a new symbol for Indian Rupee required? How was it created?

306. How does a re-writable CD work?

307. Explanation on Quasars and Pulsars

308. Life history of Raja Ravivarma

309. Mr.Olympia Ronnie Coleman

310. Interesting facts on Butterflies

311. Airports and Railway stations in other countries

312. Triple Sunset

313. Which subject is to be selected and which one is better to get a job easily?

314. Girl with X-Ray power in eyes

315. Facts about Numismatics

316. Are there unanswerable Questions?

317. How to postpone ageing?

318. Facts about Green Tea

319. Details about Vyuhas in Mahabharatha

320. Tunnel Boring Machine

321. Products that have undergone change in recent past

322. How to overcome stage fear and give an impressive lecture?

323. More interesting facts about snakes

324. Traffic rules

325. How does a Segway scooter work?

326. How to study and learn from nature?

327. What is a virus in computers and how are they created?

328. Details about LED and OLED

329. Are the stories about vampires true? Did Dracula exist?

330. What are the works done in meteorological dept? How is rain fall measured?

331. Explanation on cloning and facts about human cloning

332. Why do jet planes leave a trail?

333. Why should rockets orbit around earth before going to moon?

334. Earlier attempts by man to fly

335. Planet Gliese 581 G

336. Did giants really live on earth?

337. When and how fire crackers were invented?

338. How can a cockroach live without head for several weeks?

339. How to overcome mental depression?

340. How do watches glow in the night?

341. What is an Ozone hole?

342. Jalianwallabagh Massacre

343. What is holographic printing?

344. What is a half life period

345. What is cloud bursting?

346. Interesting facts about Sri Chakra

347. What are the steps to be taken to develop our Nation?

348. Evolution of Brain

349. Explanation about computer hardware and difference between I5 and I7


350. Magic Bloom Box – Create your own electricity at home

351. How to increase weight? Some details about calories

352. Life of animals in forest

353. Air planes in different shapes

354. Interesting facts about Magnet

355. Challenges faced by insects in forests

356. Top Level Domain Names ( .com, .gov, .org, .edu etc)

357. Siddhas and Ashtama Siddhis

358. Planet Neptune

359. A village with numerous Twins

360. How is air created on Earth

361. How was Panchangam created? How is it able to predict eclipses accurately?

362. How is speed of light measured?

363. Secrets and facts about Stone Jars of Laos

364. Different Yugas

365. Dress code for office, interviews, parties, etc.

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