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Name: Kate L. Mayuga Prof. Mary Jane E.

Regine S. Bantol
Corleone M. Burgos



1. Abigail, a Filipino who went to Australia and married her Australian pen-pal came back
to the Philippines after 10 years. While on vacation in Tagaytay, she delivered a healthy
baby boy name Ezra. She indicated in the certificate of live birth of her child that Ezra is
a Filipino citizen. Is her declaration of the boy’s citizenship valid? Justify your answer.
Answer: Yes it is valid, because according to Article IV Sec. 1 paragraph 2 states that
Filipino citizens are “Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines”.
Therefore, Ezra is considered as a Filipino citizen.

2. Does a natural-born citizen who loses his citizenship but subsequently reacquire the same
remains a natural-born citizen?
Answer: Yes, because according to the 1987 Constitution expressly provides that
“Philippine citizenship may be lost or reacquired in the manner provided by law.” Even
though Philippine citizenship is lost, it may be reacquired according to the provisions of
the law by taking an oath of allegiance under RA 9225, naturalization, repatriation, or
through direct act of law. Repatriation is the recovery of original citizenship. Thus, if
what was lost was naturalized citizenship that is what will be reacquired. If what was lost
was natural-born citizenship, that will be reacquired. Technically, it is merely reverting
back what was once your citizenship.

3. Who are qualified to vote?

Answer: Article V Section 1 states that “Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the
Philippines not otherwise disqualified by the law, who are at least 18 years of age, and
who shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one year, and in the place wherein
they propose to vote, for at least six months immediately preceding the election. No
literacy, property, or other substantive requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of
4. How can we safeguard the sanctity of the ballots?
Answer: Article V Section 2 states that “The Congress shall provide a system for
securing the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot as well as a system for absentee voting by
qualified Filipinos abroad.” For example, during elections, our government are providing
a machine (PICOS machine) for the ballots’ security.

5. Discuss some of the corrupt practices in the Philippine Election.

Answer: There are so many corrupt practices during elections here in the Philippines but
we only listed two practices that are common during the time of election. Number one
and the most rampant here in Philippines is VOTE BUYING, where politicians pay the
citizens for them to acquire their votes. Second, some of the politicians who loses during
election was trying to pay some COMELEC officials to manipulate the results of the
votes for them to be declared winner for the position they run for.

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