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A principle difference between class and caste is that class in open for all and social mobility is
possible. In the caste system the vertical mobility is not possible. Caste in India has religious
background and everybody tries to fulfil the caste duties, but in class system of social stratification
religion has place. There the physical and mental qualities are more important.

Caste and Class jointly determine the position of an individual in social strain. Particularly in rural
communities where caste system has maintained its rigidity. It forms the basis for economic and
special life. In a single village there may be as many as 24 castes and of these are interdependent.
Even in the urban society a constant tendency to make caste distinction is observed in the upper and
middle classes. Thus the castes have maintained their importance in class system of social

Difference between Caste and Class:

SR. NO Caste Class

Membership of a cast is hereditary A person is placed class by virtue

and no amount or struggle and of his acquisition of education,
1 change it. wealth or other achievement.
Social mobility is possible, i.e. it is
2 There is no social mobility. possible to improve social status
Members are normally not Members are generally conscious
3 conscious of their social status. of their social status.
Caste system expects members of
follow certain customs, folkways, Social class has no prescribed
4 rituals etc. customs rituals and folkways

Marriage between two individuals

belonging to different classes is
Inter-caste marriage is not possible, possible without earning
5 because it will earn wrath of society displeasure of the society
Social classes are based on
Caste system is based on inferiority superiority or inferiority of social
or superiority of human beings. status of an individual. Social
Therefore, does not promote classes help in working of
6 democracy. democracy.
In caste system the members must Members of social classes may
7 follow a particular religion. follow any religion
Social classes are open class
Caste system is a closed class system in which movement from
system in which hereditary status is one class to another is completely
8 the life time status. unrestricted.

In caste system, there is no

occupational mobility, i.e. one has As a member of social class one
to follow occupation of ancestors can adopt any occupation and
9 and it cannot be changed change it at will.
Social gap between members of Social gap is not as wide as in
10 different castes is too wide. caste system.
Caste system is supported on
religious grounds as a manifestation Social classes have no such
11 of God’s will. religious a support.

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