Article 6 Marcos - Formative Assessment

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1. In your logical analysis, why is martial law the greatest dominance of state over society?

Explain by giving five logical analyses from the article to support your answer. Do not
answer in essay form since there is a corresponding item that are requested from you. Failure
to comply will result in a 10-points deduction. 

 There are a lot of changes after the declaration of martial law, all the opponents of
Marcos had disappeared, the politicians were said to be in jail, private armies
demobilized and almost all the citizen of the country which are the students,
academics, journalists, businessmen, and labor and peasant organizer had also been
arrested and these are the evidences why the state is dominant during the martial law
– only the President and its allies are the powerful ones. President Marcos is the law
during that time because he implemented the concept of Martial Law and it obviously
means that he has the power to control everything including the life of the Filipino
people and they can’t do anything about it that is why the society accept that kind of

 Because of implementing the Martial Law, President Marcos created a “national

referendum” in order to approve the 1973 constitution wherein there will be an
elected president and prime minister – which the president’s role will be the
“symbolic head of State” and the Prime Minister will be the new “head of the
government” and that constitution discarded a government of balanced powers for a
parliamentary system and President Marcos had to implement this to get every
citizens’ vote and so that he can extend his term which actually means that the society
had no control with regards to his position as the President of the Philippines.

 Marcos signed a decrees and orders entitles as the “laws of the land” wherein all the
legislative power will be transferred to him which made him both the president and
prime minister of the country. This is an evidence that all the power had been given
to him in order to control the whole country and the people cannot do anything about
it since he is the most powerful during the Martial Law.

 President Marcos implemented the Martial Law in order to claim a position where in
he built a strong state by having the military as the most powerful during those times,
so that, he can totally rule the society to execute his ideas of developing the country
and to instill fear to the Filipinos if they will not follow rules.

2. Connect the elements of radicalization present during the Marcos regime to the state of
martial law. Give four explanations in your elements of connection.

 Since there are a lot of crimes during Martial Law, because part of this law is to
punish someone who have committed mistakes or if they don’t follow the rules
and the law itself, the concept of activism was encouraged in the 1960s and 1970s
when popes John XXIII and Paul VI directed Catholics to be concerned with
social justice as well as spiritual salvation that is why all the religious people in
the country that time engaged themselves in this Church-sponsored Federation for
Free Farmers and the National Social Action Secretariats in order to achieve
 Different groups had been established during Martial Law, such as Partido
Komunista ng Pilipinas that recruited different students from UP and Lyceum,
Jose Maria Sison’s Kabataang Makabayan to fight the feudalism which describes
the concept of social injustice and the inequality that happened during the Martial
Law, since only the elite ones experienced democracy when the whole population
must experience this.
 There are a lot of Anti-Marcos during Martial Law considering the fact that
majority of the people aren’t in favor of implementing the said Law, there are also
discarded Allies that showed their support in the revolution out of hate and
disappointment to Marcos that they even compare Marcos to a puppet of
imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism.
 Congress had signed a constitutional convention to update the Commonwealth
Constitution to elect some delegates including the activists who wanted to change
the use of power, and also to prevent Marcos from winning another term. The
opposition also did some rally when the Nascionalistas withdrew their support for

3. Explain what is being undermined when President Marcos centralized the power of the
state under one man. In your explanation IDENTIFY four reasons.  

What is being undermined when President Marcos centralized the power of the state
under one man is Democracy. There is no Democracy during Marcos regime, first,
because being in a democratic country means people have political freedom and equality
but in the case of Martial law, only the President has the right to speak, implement and
rule the whole country. Second, the military is the central focus of Martial law since the
Military will be the one to guard different places in the country and if you do not follow
them, then you might get killed. Third, there is no democracy because only the elite
matters to the society that time because of the concept of feudalism which means there is
no equality between people. Lastly, it weakens the concept of Democracy because of
social injustices that happened during the Marcos regime, democracy provides an
environment that respects and protects human rights and freedom of people, and during
those times, freedom and human rights had been abandoned.

4. Create a logical connection between martial law and the politicization of the military.  

Marcos said in his statement when he declared Martial law that he will implement this to
strengthen the Democracy of the country but in reality, Martial Law meant the
enlargement or extension of military rule. The increase of military size was a way to gain
more powers for Marcos and that it resulted to military’s vast powers for searching,
arresting, and detentions of civilians, the suspension of writ of habeas corpus and the
punishment for political prisoners, this enlargement of military power under Martial law
meant the decline of civilian institutions. Martial law was implemented in order to
execute military powers for Marcos to easily control the country.

5. Identify three institutional issues, three political issues and three social issues affected by
authoritarian rule. 

 Institutional issues

1. The allies of Marcos were slowly losing their interest to support Marcos because
Marcos wanted to claim all the power and that made his allies lose interest
because they cannot claim any power anymore from the state. This weakens the
institutional allies of Marcos from the moment he declared the Martial law.
2. The congress signed a constitutional convention to update the Commonwealth
Constitution together with some delegates and activists in order to change the use
of power and for Marcos to not win another term. This institution was clearly
doing their part to lift the Martial law for the people to be free again.
3. There are many institutions or groups that had been established during the Martial
law and those are the activists who wanted to execute a revolution to stop or lift
the Martial law. These institutions aimed to stop feudalism, inequality and
imperialism during Marcos regime.

 Political Issues

1. Discarded allies of Marcos, also knows as Lopez and Laurel showed their support
to the revolution and they even opened their media outlets to student radicals in
order to mock Marcos and compare him to a puppet of imperialism, feudalism
and bureaucrat capitalism.
2. The Nacionalistas withdrew their support to Marcos since majority in the
Congress opposed Marcos.
3. The most evident political issue during Marcos Regime was the Aquino-Marcos
rivalry. Since Marcos took control of everything, he has the power to control the
whole country, Aquinos was threatened by this set up.

 Social Issues

1. The greatest issue during Martial law was violating the Human Rights since there
are a lot of crimes happened during this era, mainly because of the expansion of
military powers,
2. People have limited access to everything. People were distant because this is a
threat to the state because they think people that are socializing could plan a
revolution towards the President.
3. President Marcos shut down Mass Media so that it cannot document or imposed
the real happenings during the Martial law. There are no news that time and
whatever you say against the President can punish you.
6. Given the information introduced by the authors about the regime, what are the dangers if
the executive and legislative departments are fused together and controlled by one man?
Give at least five dangers. 

 If the executive and legislative departments are controlled under one man, then, all the
powers are being transferred to that one man which mean he can easily control the whole
country. All decisions are made by him without any advices from the executive and
legislative branches, so there is a possibility that the decision made is not for the good of
 Abusing of power is one of the many dangers, since one man has all the powers, he can
do everything with it, and he can use it for his own benefit.
 Only one man can execute or implement the law that he wants, there will be no congress
or senate to approve a certain bill or law, only the President.
 The human rights can be disregarded since that person can change whatever he wants in
the constitution.
 Since only one man can control the branches of the government, there is a higher
possibility that no one can no longer review or evaluate the laws that will be
implemented, it’s all up to that one man whether he will make or execute a particular law.

7. In your analysis, what are the implications of the New Society instituted by President
Marcos? Give at least four implications.

 President Marcos wanted to use his powers in order to strengthen the republic again,
for me, he never implemented Martial Law to make people die but instead to reform
and rebuild the fallen country. Since there are communist that time, he was forced to
implement Martial Law to relive peace, but the downside of this decision is that not
all are in favor of implementing Martial Law.
 He wanted to change many things such as Peace and Order, land reform, education
reforms, labor reforms, he had many plans that he wanted to implement during his
time and all of these to give benefits for the Filipino people.
 He give powers to the military to have a strict peace and order for people, for people
to follow the rules in order to achieve peace easily and for people to cooperate on
making the Philippines a great country again.
 He wanted to execute all the projects he has been planning to implement during his
years of presidency that could be a huge help to make the life of people a lot easier,
however, there are hindrances while on the process of implementing those said to be

8. Martial Law facilitated the capture of the state. How does the capturing of the state affect
the people and the society in general? Give four explanations.

 The people became rebellious during the Martial Law because they do not have any
freedom to do anything, and this resulted to hate for the government or specifically to
President Marcos.
 There were crimes happened during the Martial Law mainly because the Military is the
central guide of the society, they guard the places all the time, and more than that, there
were communists that time who added crimes during Martial law.
 In order to fight Marcos, there were a lot of groups that had been established in order to
do a revolution and remove Marcos as the president of the Philippines. This means that
people became desperate for their freedom that is why they wanted to remove the power
of Marcos.
 Human rights have been violated, mass media had been shut down and many
organizations are closed. The situation instill fear to majority of the people because the
moment you say anything that contradicts the government, then, there is a greater
possibility that you will be punished by the state.

9.  Why should the military remain apolitical? Explain the rationale.

It’s because military may instill fear to the people, the thought itself that military will be the
central guide of the society can make people overthink that these military officials might do
something to harm them because of their identity. Moreover, this may violate human rights,
the freedom of people can be disregarded if the military will continue to control the society.
Moreover, the military should remain apolitical because it will just make the situation
complicated especially to the guidelines and implementation of law, it will just cause people
to panic and think of negative things.

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