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High pressure flow is often encountered in Base Jilh formation; such wells require high
density mud varying mostly from 135 pcf to 152 pcf. As additional solids (both desirable
weight material and undesirable low gravity drilled solids) are used into the mud to
overcome pore pressure, a special strategy and measurement should be considered when
handling such high density mud.

This a reminder to all Mud Engineers in rig sites, as per main guidelines for weighted up
the mud to kill the expected high pressure zone( Jilh formation) all engineers are
requested to strictly adhere the following guidelines;

 It’s preferable to start drilling this section by using a fresh mud to maintain low gravity
solids at a minimum range. 1000 bbl of 150 pcf fresh mud ready prior entering Jilh
formation to be ready for killing in case of encounter high pressure.

 If you have to use the mud from the previous section, maintain minimum low gravity
solid with all the available solid control equipments and mud should be treated (pH
and Fluid Loss) before start increasing the mud weight, use the available high shearing
facilities (i.e. hopper shearing, gun-line), the total hardness should be less than 800
mg/l is mandatory.

 Water should add while mixing Barite as 3-4 bbl per each super sack (5000 lb), and 10-
15 bbl’s per hour while drilling or circulating to avoid dehydration or thickening, 120
super sacks minimum must be in rig site all time before or during penetrate Jilh

 Contaminated mud (during killing operation) should be isolated or dumped depend

upon how much influx intrude the mud. High salt water contamination will be beyond
treatment, introducing fresh mud in such cases is best solution to save time and
money. Pilot testing will help to evaluate best solution.

 80-100 mish screens Shall Shaker should be utilize to discard the un-proper Barite
particles size.

 MBT active clay should not exceeds 5 PPB in order to prevent excessive viscosity and
gel strength in high density mud weight. Mud cleaner with 200 mesh can be run with
high density mud

 Maintain pH (9.5-10) with Caustic Soda and Lime and treat Ca++ lower that 800 mg/l
with Soda Ash.
 Don’t use any Surfactant with high density mud to avoid aggregation and Barite
scarred out over Shall Shaker.

 When the bottom hole temperature reach 240° F rely in PAC-LV (Polyanionic
Cellulose) to control filtration ,it’s preferable to pre-hydrate in treated fresh water
prior to transfer to active system.

 A strong deflocculating such as lingosulphonate (2-4 PPB) should add with freshwater
to achieve desired rheology in high density mud.

 In order to have good mud rheology with higher mud density above 150 PCF you
should have enough stock of lingosulphonate in rig site, as you have to add 3-4 PPB to
disperse solid prior use Hematite.

 You should keep enough stock of Marble (F, M, C) for bridging, and in order to
improve the filter cake of HPHT you must mix 5 PPB Marble Fine should add to active

 All stuck free pipe products such as EZ Spot, Pipe Lax, Glycol and Lubricant should have
in rig site.

 The HPHT test should be running twice in daily base, no excuse for not running
specially while logging or tripping out.

 Enough stock of RESINEX should be in location to control HPHT fluid loss as RESINEX
doesn’t effective of common contaminate such as Calcium or Chloride and stable to
400 f.

 Utilize fine mesh Shaker screen compatible with circulation rate (150-180 mesh) is
recommended prior drill Sudair Formation.

 A pilot test should running to figure out the propel dose needed.

 Communication is essential, keep communicate with your supervisor to up date him

and to let him convey his experience to you.

Yehia helmy
Saudi Arabia

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