Continuing Commitment Critical To Overcoming Challenges in Colombia Peace Process, Head of United Nations Verification Mission Tells Security Council

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10 OCTOBER 2018



Continuing Commitment Critical

to Overcoming Challenges in
Colombia Peace Process, Head of
United Nations Verification
Mission Tells Security Council
Return to Training, Reintegration Zones, Avoid Illegality, Permanent
Representative Tells Former Rebel Fighters
Continuing commitment by the new Government of Colombia to the peace process that ended
the long civil war there is critical to overcoming the formidable challenges still remaining, the
Secretary-General’s Special Representative in the South American country told the Security
Council today.

Jean Arnault, who is also the Head of the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia,
reported that the Government continues to advance political participation by former members
of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP) and to put in place
provisions of the peace agreement, in cooperation with the Mission. However, the
socioeconomic reintegration of former rebel fighters remains a complex challenge and the
killing of civic leaders and activists continues.

Presenting the Secretary-General’s quarterly report on Colombia (document S/2018/874), he

said it expresses hope that the national authorities will continue to pursue the core of the peace
agenda: security, development and the rule of law in areas affected by conflict; an effective
system of justice for victims; and the fulfilment of commitments to those who laid down their

Since the report was released, he continued, key mechanisms for the reintegration and
security of former FARC-EP members have resumed their work for the first time since the new
Government was formed. Among other positive signs, he cited the participation of FARC
representatives in Congress and President Iván Duqué’s efforts to build political consensus on
policy issues. However, former guerrillas outside areas protected by the Government are
vulnerable to violence, he noted, underlining the importance of success for security teams
deployed around the country.
He went on to cite other concerns over the future of former FARC-EP combatants, including
their economic integration and the legal uncertainty arising from controversies over the peace
accord and the administration of transitional justice. He called for domestic and international
support for mechanisms intended to help overcome both challenges.

Regarding the threats that still face civic leaders, he pointed to the tragic killing of the
coordinator of a coca crop-substitution committee over the weekend, emphasizing that he fully
shares the urgent need expressed by national leaders to stop such killings, and is awaiting
implementation of an action plan to end such violence.

Following the briefing, Council members welcomed the progress he described, with many
reiterating their hope that Colombia’s emergence from conflict will provide a model for effective
Security Council support. Many speakers also praised the cooperation between the new
Administration and the Verification Mission, encouraging the Government to continue
implementing all provisions of the peace agreement, and the international community to
continue providing support.

Council members cited priority challenges, including action on security, development, the rule
of law and justice, and reparations for victims, while most also called for effective action to end
the killing of civic leaders. Several speakers also prioritized eradicating illegal crops through
law enforcement and crop substitution.

Members also voiced concern over the departure of several former FARC members from
training and reintegration zones, emphasizing the urgent need to ensure the resumption of
economic activities in affected areas on a larger scale and to strengthen security for former
combatants. The need to step up efforts for the inclusion of the Ejército de Liberación Nacional
(ELN) in the peace process.

Also taking the floor, Colombia’s Foreign Minister thanked the Council for providing support
recently by extending the mandate of the Verification Force. He described the end of the
conflict as an opportunity to pursue peace and development for all Colombians, and assured
the Council that the Government is doing its utmost to overcome challenges in implementing
the peace process. Expressing concern that ex-FARC cadres have left the peace process, he
called on them to avoid a return to violence and illegality, while underlining the importance of
close coordination by all stakeholders in the reintegration effort. He added that the
Government is determined to combat illegal crops through security and development

Statements were also made by the representatives of the United Kingdom, Peru, France,
Sweden, Kazakhstan, Poland, United States, Netherlands, Equatorial Guinea, Kuwait, China,
Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Russian Federation and Bolivia.

The meeting began at 10 a.m. and ended at 11:36 a.m.


JEAN ARNAULT, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United
Nations Verification Mission in Colombia, introduced the latest report of the Secretary-General
(document S/2018/874), saying that since it was issued, the key mechanisms for
implementation of the Peace Agreement on the reintegration and security of former members
of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP) have resumed their
work for the first time since the new Government took office. Noting that the Mission
participates in several of those mechanisms, he welcomed the spirit of cooperation prevailing
within them, saying he trusts that cooperation will continue since reintegration is a complex

Presenting a positive view of the current situation with regard to political participation by the
FARC-EP, he said that 8 out of 10 of the group’s representatives afforded seats in Congress
have assumed their responsibilities in a collegial spirt despite sharp political
differences. Reporting that financial difficulties undermining FARC’s participation have been
largely overcome, he welcomed the efforts of President Iván Duque Márquez to build political
consensus on policy issues. On security, however, he presented a stark contrast between the
situation of former guerrillas under State-provided security measures and those outside the
scope of those measures. Noting that the goal of recruiting 1,200 close-protection personnel is
nearing completion, he said a significant number of them are women. Furthermore, given that
74 FARC members have been killed outside the Government security areas since the signing
of the peace, protection training and special teams have been brought into 18 departments in
which reintegrated combatants are present, he said, emphasizing that it is imperative that such
measures make a difference soon.

Economic reintegration also remained a serious concern, he said, noting that the majority of
those in the reintegration process still have no clear economic prospect beyond a monthly
stipend set to end by August 2019. Lessons learned in the past year include the need to
connect reintegration much more directly to local development, to empower local authorities,
and to link up more systematically with the private sector, universities and other actors. Since
resources are critical, it is to be hoped that Congress will maintain public spending on
reintegration, he said, adding that the Mission will do its utmost to support effective integration.

Legal uncertainty also remains a concern among former FARC-EP members due to the
controversy surrounding the peace agreement and the debates over the creation of a special
peace jurisdiction for transitional justice, he continued. Calling for strong support from State
institutions and the international community for the magistrates who bear the heavy
responsibility of providing truth and reparations to victims, he welcomed the recent allocation of
funds to the system of court lawyers in that context, and called upon Congress to endorse the
proposal to increase the budget for entities involved in transitional justice. Unfortunately, the
killing of social leaders continues, he noted, recalling the murder over the weekend of the
coordinator of a coca-substitution committee engaged in promoting a Government-sponsored
programme engaged in the peace agreement. He stressed that he joins national leaders in
expressing the urgent need to stop such killings.


JONATHAN GUY ALLEN (United Kingdom) welcomed Colombia’s clear commitment to

implementing the peace agreement as “an example for the rest of the world”, emphasizing the
particular importance of efforts to push ahead with the successful reintegration of former FARC
members. Security, development and the rule of law, as well as justice and reparations for
victims, will also be crucial going forward. Expressing concern over the departure of several
former FARC members from training and reintegration zones, he stressed the need to resume
economic activities on a larger scale and to ensure the security of former combatants. The
United Kingdom is also concerned about the expansion of illegal economic activities and
attacks on former combatants and human rights defenders, he said. The Verification Mission
should continue to play a critical role in building confidence between the parties and helping
them to implement the peace agreement, he said, pledging his country’s support.

GUSTAVO MEZA-CUADRA (Peru) hailed efforts to implement Colombia’s peace agreement

on the basis of national consensus and the work of the Verification Mission, while highlighting
the new Administration’s initiative to establish a pact against corruption. “We are facing a
complex process,” he said, noting the many outstanding security issues, challenges in
reintegrating former combatants and obstacles to the rule of law. Expressing support for the
deployment of protection mechanisms to counter the presence of criminal groups in rural
areas, he called for special efforts to protect women, children and other vulnerable
groups. More economic resources should be devoted to reintegration, he said, calling also for
enhanced efforts to create employment opportunities and pursue the strategy of crop
substitution. On the rule of law, he underlined the need to ensure access to justice and
reconciliation for all Colombians.

ANNE GUEGUEN (France) said the new Colombian authorities have the obligation to continue
to implement the peace agreement, including elements monitored by the Verification
Mission. Underlining the importance of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace — a “pioneering
measure” — and its responsibility to provide justice, verification, reparation and non-repetition,
she said the instrument’s jurisdiction must be maintained and protected. Expressing concern
over deteriorating security in former combat zones as well as its impact on efforts to control the
coca crop, she said public services should be expanded in those areas. Meanwhile,
successful implementation of the peace agreement will hinge on generating employment
opportunities, which will allow former combatants to contribute to Colombia’s economic life, she
added, stressing the critical importance of access to land in that regard.

OLOF SKOOG (Sweden) welcomed the progress made in Colombia, saying the country
provides an example for the world and is a clear attestation to how a united Security Council
can contribute to peace. Commending the leadership of President Duque and the FARC, he
said continued engagement by all parties is now crucial, particularly in addressing the
underlying causes that fuelled conflict for so long. Given the critical importance of transitional
justice, the independence of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace must be respected, he said,
also emphasizing the need for political reintegration to proceed. Expressing concern over the
killing of human rights defenders, FARC members and others, he underscored the need to
strengthen the rule of law, and urged support for Colombia’s efforts to strengthen security in
conflict-affected areas. Sweden welcomes continued direct contacts among all parties and the
Government, as well as initiatives to include women’s groups in the peace process, he said,
affirming the importance of implementing the peace accord’s gender provisions.

KANAT TUMYSH (Kazakhstan) commended the Mission’s continuing hard work in helping to
consolidate peace in Colombia as well as the Government’s steps taken for that purpose. All
stakeholders must uphold their commitments in order for the continued success of the process,
he added. Expressing concern over attempts by armed groups to take control of former FARC
areas, as well as violence against social leaders and human rights defenders and the
prospects for the socioeconomic reintegration of former FARC combatants, he nevertheless
expressed hope that the new Administration’s efforts to fight corruption and guarantee full
reintegration of the former rebels will see results. Support for the rule of law, crop substitution
and rural reform, as well as security guarantees for vulnerable groups, can also secure the
gains achieved thus far, he said, calling upon all parties to comply with their obligations and
work for security and stability.
JOANNA WRONECKA (Poland) welcomed the Government’s “promising” steps as embodied
in the resumed work of the Commission for the Follow-up, Promotion and Verification of the
Final Agreement and the National Reconciliation Council. However, she expressed concern
about the insecurity and violence in some parts of Colombia, including the assassination of
social leaders and human rights defenders. Emphasizing the crucial importance of full political,
legal and socioeconomic reintegration of former FARC members, she expressed concern
about the current pace of that process, especially its economic dimension, and the killings of
former FARC members. Political integration remains a major bright spot in the peace
agreement’s implementation, with representatives of the FARC political party now playing a
vital role in the newly-sworn Congress, but 2 of its 10 seats remain open, and Poland hopes
their allocation will be promptly resolved, she said. Calling upon the international community to
remain closely engaged in support of implementation of the peace agreement, she said greater
efforts are also needed to properly address the issue of coca cultivation, drug trafficking and
the widespread insecurity linked to those activities.

JONATHAN R. COHEN (United States) said Washington, D.C., fully supports implementation
of the peace agreement, noting “this is truly a time of rebirth for Colombia”. President Duque
has repeatedly expressed his commitment to uniting the nation, he said, recalling also that the
new President spotlighted economic growth and the provision of security and equal justice for
all Colombians. Turning to the challenges posed by drug trafficking and addiction, he said
Colombia was quick to respond to the calls by President Donald Trump of the United States
during the Summit on the World Drug Problem, held on the margins of the recently-concluded
General Assembly high-level debate. While the United States is working hard to reduce the
demand for illegal drugs, Colombia is standing shoulder-to-shoulder with it to reduce the
supply, he said. Calling attention to the challenges posed to Colombia by the massive influx of
desperate refugees fleeing neighbouring Venezuela, he said that he agreed with President
Duque’s description of that situation as a “crisis of self-determination” for the Venezuelan
people. While the United States continues to provide assistance, real relief will not come to
Venezuelans until the end of the President Nicolás Maduro’s regime, he emphasized.

KAREL JAN GUSTAAF VAN OOSTEROM (Netherlands), spotlighting the proximity of Aruba
and Curaçao, two Dutch islands, to Colombia, said his country supports the latter’s peace
process both politically and financially. He went on to state that the joint request by the
Government of Colombia and the FARC to extend the Verification Mission’s mandate reaffirms
the importance of sustained commitment to the peace agreement, underlining the importance
of an inclusive approach to its implementation. The Government must engage with civil society
and foster ownership of the peace process, particularly among such marginalized and
vulnerable groups as Afro-Colombian communities, youth, women and the LGBTI (lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) community, he said. Emphasizing that the
socioeconomic and legal reintegration of former FARC members must be another priority, he
declared: “We cannot risk alienating ex-FARC combatants from the peace process.” He called
upon the Government to expedite the design and implementation of a comprehensive
reintegration strategy, while also expressing concern over continued high levels of insecurity
and violence against former FARC combatants and human rights defenders.

PROTASIO EDU EDJANG NNAGA (Equatorial Guinea) described the progress in Colombia as
a representation of the importance of the United Nations and expressed hope that President
Duque will continue his efforts to implement the peace agreement, while ensuring the
participation and reintegration of ex-combatants. She expressed concern over the killing of
social leaders and the departure of some former combatants from the peace
process. Affirming that transitional justice must be accomplished rapidly, she welcomed
support for compensation to victims and other such measures. She also called for expansion
of crop-substitution programmes and the inclusion of the Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN)
in the peace process.

BADER ABDULLAH N. M. ALMUNAYEKH (Kuwait) expressed concern over gaps in the

reintegration of FARC members, while welcoming efforts by the Verification Mission and the
Government in that area. Kuwait is also concerned about the killing of civil society leaders and
human rights defenders. Affirming that including women and young people is an important
component of the peace process, he reiterated his country’s support for the peace process and
encouraged the Government and FARC to implement the ceasefire agreement and work
together for peace and stability.

ZHANG DIANBIN (China) welcomed efforts by President Duque and the Verification Mission to
consolidate peace and security in Colombia. Recognizing that integration, development and
security remained challenges, China called upon all parties concerned to resolve differences
through dialogue and negotiation, he said. The process in Colombia is an important example
of the Security Council’s work, he affirmed, pledging to work with all other members for the
early realization of lasting peace and stability in the country.

GBOLIÉ DESIRÉ WULFRAN IPO (Côte d’Ivoire) hailed Colombia’s determination to implement
the peace agreement, as well as recent progress made in that regard, while also welcoming its
close coordination with the Verification Mission and President Duqué’s various new peace
initiatives. Calling on all parties to promote human rights and support the system of truth,
justice and non-repetition, he expressed concern over persistent reports of violence, and regret
that it has forced some former combatants to leave designated reintegration zones. Delays in
the economic reintegration of former FARC members, as well as the activities of armed groups,
are among the critical challenges requiring the Government’s urgent attention, he
emphasized. Underlining the importance of enforcing the State’s presence across the national
territory and providing all necessary resources, he said the Council should continue to support
peacebuilding efforts in Colombia, and voiced support for the work already done in that area by
the Verification Mission and others.

TAYE ATSKE SELASSIE (Ethiopia) hailed the adoption of the broad-based, seven-point “Pact
for Life and for the Protection of Social Leaders and Human Rights Defenders” as a milestone
in addressing the main challenges hindering implementation of the peace agreement. The new
Government’s commitment to bringing development, security and the rule of law to conflict-
affected communities in a more coordinated and focused way is the most important decision
taken to date in the task of consolidating the gains already made, he said, emphasizing that
with Colombia still facing many challenges, the Council should continue to provide all needed
support. Echoing concern over the recent exit of several former FARC commanders from
training and reintegration zones, he stressed the need to address the factors underlying their
departure as quickly as possible.

VASSILY A. NEBENZIA (Russian Federation) said the Secretary-General’s latest report

reveals “significant changes for the better” over the year since the launch of the Verification
Mission. However, certain concerning trends have emerged over the last three months, he
added, noting that work is still needed to create the conditions for Colombians to enjoy a stable
and legal income. Urgent action is also needed to end murders and attacks on former
combatants and others. Warning that some ex-FARC members – including high-ranking
officials - have decided to take up arms again, he said that could jeopardize implementation of
the peace agreement. Welcoming President Duqué’s commitment to the agreement’s full
implementation, he emphasized that the Council invested its own authority in restoring peace
in Colombia, and for that reason, the agreement is the only way forward, and all parties must
recommit themselves to its implementation. The Russian Federation supports the Colombian
case as a good example of cooperation between the Council and a country hosting one of its
mandated peace operations, he said.

SACHA SERGIO LLORENTTY SOLÍZ (Bolivia), Council President for October, spoke in his
national capacity, noting that Colombia’s peace process has now entered a new phase. In the
last two years, he recalled, the parties agreed to a peace accord, and thousands of former
combatants laid down their arms. Today, despite several remaining challenges, the situation
remains hopeful. Welcoming the appointment of Government officials charged with following
up on various elements of the peace agreement’s implementation, he said the Foreign
Minister’s presence in the Council today demonstrates the Government’s firm commitment in
that regard. Bolivia calls upon the parties to continue to build trust, reduce fear and work
together to end the activities of illegal criminal groups, he said, going on to condemn the killing
of social leaders, human rights defenders and former FARC combatants. Noting that the
current economic reintegration figures remain discouraging, he urged the Government to
facilitate access to land ownership and other critical reform measures.

CARLOS HOLMES TRUJILLO, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Colombia, thanked the Security
Council for supporting his country by extending the mandate of the Verification Force. The
extension lent significant support to President Duqué’s priority efforts: consolidating peace,
strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law, and expanding social
progress. Describing the end of the conflict as an opportunity to pursue peace and
development for all Colombia, he said it is unfortunate that challenges facing the new
Government call for adjustments and corrections on the path towards stabilization and
consolidation. Measures on security are critical in that context, he said, emphasizing the
Government’s great concern that certain FARC components have left the process. He called
for them to return and avoid a return to violence and illegality.

Given that the reintegration process is a priority of the Government and will allow former
combatants to become full, productive members of society, he said, it is crucial for all actors in
that effort to be closely coordinated. There is also an urgent need to combat illegal crops, and
the Government is determined to pursue it. Similarly, Colombia hopes that implementation of
the National Pact on crimes committed against societal leaders will prevent the recurrence of
killings such as those that occurred last weekend. He assured the Council that, in all such
areas, the Government is aware of gaps in implementation of the peace agreement and is
doing its utmost to overcome them. The continued support of the international community will
be essential in helping to create a more just, secure, equitable and enterprising Colombia, he

Take From: (Council, 2018)

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