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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

College of Teacher Education

Instructional Materials (Sequencing and relationship of ideas and Events)

Barilea, Anna Consuelo BSED 1B

TTL Prof ed 4 Proffesor : Mrs. Zenaida Cuenca

I. Strip stories

How to use strip stories

1. Explain to the students what is involved in sequencing a strip story.
2. Rewrite a known story or account.
3. Place each sentence of the story on a strip of card or paper.
4. Mix the strips and distribute them to the students.
5. Each student reads out their strip and the whole class/group then discusses and works out how the strips should be assembled to form the
correct sequence of the story.
6. This can be varied by asking the students to memorize the sentences on their strips and then telling their sentences to the rest of the group.
The students must now re-arrange themselves, rather than the strips, to reassemble the story.
Candle Light

Written by: Sandy Rei.

One night at tea-time all the lights went out. There was a power cut.
Tom quickly went to look for a candle and matches.
Mum and Tom ate their dinner in the candle light. "This is fun," said Tom.
Later on when Tom was getting ready for bed, he took the candle to the bathroom.
He brushed his teeth. Just then the lights came on again.
"Oh Mum," said Tom. "I liked the candle light. I don't want to blow my candle out."
Mum smiled. "You can have a candle," she said. Then she read Tom a story in the candle light.
When the story was finished Mum blew out the candle.
II. Sequencing Story worksheet

Buying Makeup

DIRECTIONS: Read the story. Then put the events in its subsequent order.

Jill went to the mall to buy makeup. She wanted a lipstick, but when she got into the makeup store, there
were so many nice kinds of makeup, in so many shades and colors, that she lingered near the shelves. Jill
picked up a case of eye shadow. Then she picked up a compact of blush. She looked at the lipsticks. She went
to the mirror and tried out the test tube of pink lipstick. I look great in this, she thought.

Jill picked out half a dozen things and carried them to the counter.

“Did you find everything you were looking for?” the clerk asked.

“I found more than I was looking for!” Jill told her.

The clerk rang up Jill’s purchases and Jill gave her the money. Then Jill walked down the mall, swinging her
shopping bag happily. She was happy with her purchases. She was so happy that she stopped in the food court
and got a milkshake. It was a great shopping trip!
Jill picked up a case of eye shadow. Jill talked to the clerk.

Jill carried her selections to the counter. Jill went to the mall to buy makeup.

Jill gave the clerk her money. Jill tried on the pink lipstick.

Jill picked up a compact of blush. Jill stopped for a milkshake.

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