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Feasibility of Using Photovoltaic (PV) Technology

to Generate Solar Energy in Sarawak

Mujahid Tabassum Saad Bin Abul Kashem Md Bazlul Mobin Siddique
Faculty of Engineering Computing and Faculty of Engineering Computing and Faculty of Engineering Computing and
Science Science Science
Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology
Sarawak campus Sarawak campus Sarawak campus
93350 Kuching, Malaysia 93350 Kuching, Malaysia 93350 Kuching, Malaysia
Email: Email: Email:

Abstract – In this research paper, we have discussed solar discussion on this aspect and possible solutions to that
energy technology types including photovoltaic cells, solar thermal challenges.
and concentrated solar panels. We have analyzed methods,
advantages, and drawbacks of following technology and gave our II. LITERATURE REVIEW
suggestions towards current need. Photovoltaic cells technology is Solar power is energy that is harnessed from the sun and
the most sustainable technology to be applied in Sarawak. The converted into either electric or thermal energy. Solar power is
feasibility of using solar cells in Sarawak was studied and analyzed the most abundant and clean source of energy with apparently
using Photovoltaic Geographical Information System Asia no harmful side effects. There are various ways to harness solar
(PGISA). The results showed the optimum tilt, optimum power namely, solar cooling and heating, photovoltaic cells or
orientation and the best PV cells technology to be used and
implemented. Tracking technology is vital in maximizing the
solar electric cells, passive solar and concentrating solar power.
insolation received by the panels. The major drawback with PV A. Solar Thermal Energy
cells is its inefficiency as a lot of energy was lost in the system; for Solar thermal energy system uses thermal energy from
example, the inverter and cables caused huge loss of energy. In concentrated sunlight to boil water into steam, which is then
Sarawak only 25% of energy demand is covered by solar energy
and remaining 75% of energy is covered by other energy sources.
used to power a turbine to generate electricity. Different working
Solar energy in Sarawak can play a vital role though, since it is fluids are sometimes used to produce steam; these fluids can be
highly potential especially if it is utilized in correct way; however, either liquid or gas depending on the application. The application
startup costs and more studies are needed to be done. for solar thermal energy can extend from domestic uses to utility
Keywords – photovoltaic cells; solar Energy; concentrated solar scale plants [1].
power; polycrystalline silicone; cadmium telluride; CIS PV cells;
single-dual axis tracking. 1) System Types
a) Solar Thermal energy cooling systems: Solar thermal
I. INTRODUCTION power can also be used for cooling buildings or industrial
Only a small percentage of solar radiation which is produced processes system: similar to refrigeration. This cooling process
from the thermonuclear process in the sun reaches the earth. A occurs through evaporation and condensation. There are 2 types
fraction of the total Solar radiation reaches the earth’s surface in of systems involved in solar thermal cooling, namely open and
a day, which is called insolation. More specifically, it is the closed systems. Closed systems include adsorption and
energy from solar radiation received per given area, its unit is absorption refrigeration, while open systems involve sorption-
watts per meter squared. Generally, solar energy is calculated supported air conditioning which are the most widely used
based on this idea; the more the insolation, the higher the systems.
potential of solar energy. Malaysia lies on the equator; a region b) Combi-systems: A solar combi system uses the heat
with heavy rainfall, plenty of the sunshine and solar radiation; generated by the solar thermal collectors to provide heating in
however, a clear sky is rather rare. Obviously, this is a big winter and cooling in summer. The cold air is generated using a
obstacle as it can block most of solar radiation exposure to reach thermally powered cooling machine; the benefit of using solar
the earth’s surface. Malaysia as a whole has a daily average thermal energy to power the chiller is that the high demand for
insolation of 4.21-5.56 kWh/m2. Sarawak has 4 hours of average cooling is met with high solar radiation outside [2].
sunshine per day. Malaysia makes use of the solar energy by B. Heating Systems Process: Heating System Process collectors
mostly using standalone PV systems, which generate electricity
can be categorized into non-concentrating collectors with
in the rural areas. This expensive practice requires a lot of minimal heat loss semi-concentrating collectors and
subsidies from the government which are economically not concentrating tracking collectors. Depending on the type of
feasible. collectors being used, thermal energy can be used for heating
Therefore, in this review we tried to find out the core both air and water to be supplied to the process [3].
challenges to installation and usages of solar energy by detailed

978-1-5386-0765-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

1) Concentrating Solar Power (CSP): Concentrating solar required to a relatively new form of energy and feasible methods
power essentially uses mirrors to concentrate energy from the of harnessing it.
sun to heat steam which then drives a traditional steam engine or D. Different types of Photovoltaic technology to be
turbine which generates electricity. Thermal energy harnessed implemented and investigated:
by the CSP plants can be further stored and used to generate
There are three different types of PV technology that will be
electricity when required, regardless of the time of day.
implemented and compared in this assignment, namely,
CPS technology incorporates various systems to harness the crystalline silicones, CIS and Cadmium telluride. These
concentrated solar power, namely; Power Tower Systems, Dish different type PV technology will be investigated to find out
Engine Systems, Parabolic Troughs and Compact Liner Fresnel which of the three generate the highest power. These results will
Reflector [4]. The systems are discussed briefly below: be tabulated and discussed in the discussion section of this
a) Power Tower System: A power tower system
incorporates a central receiver tower allowing for a higher a) CIS technology: CIS technology is currently the most
operating temperature, and therefore, a more efficient result. Flat innovative technology in regard to the serial production of solar
mirrors called heliostats are controlled by a computer to follow power. CIS stands for Copper Indium Selenium and is
the sun along two different axes and focus the harnessed solar advantageous over other technologies in terms of efficiency on
power at the central receiver on top of the tower. This focused reducing environmental impact and power generation.
thermal energy is then used to heat a transfer fluid to over 500o b) Cadmium Telluride: Cadmium telluride technology
Celsius which is then used to heat water which produces steam uses a compound of cadmium telluride as a semiconductor to
that is used to operate a central power generator. When molten convert the solar power generated by the sun into direct current
salt is used as the transfer fluid and energy storage medium, (DC). Cadmium offer a higher efficiency compared to Silicon
energy can be stored efficiently, hence allowing for 24 hour although it is harmful to the environment as Cadmium is
power generation [5]. extremely toxic. Cadmium cells also require less energy to
b) Dish-Engine System: Mirrors are placed over a parabolic produce electricity [7].
dish like surface which focuses the sun’s thermal energy at a
E. PV system losses:
receiver placed at the focal point. However, it is in contrast to
other CSP technologies that convert water into steam to generate There are various factors that can lead to the loss of energy
electricity via a turbine or engine. A dish engine system uses a in an energy producing system; these factors must be considered
transfer fluid such as Hydrogen that is heated up to around 650o during the design of a solar power plant in order to get the best
Celsius in the receiver to drive an engine known as a Stirling efficiency output from the plant [8]. These losses include:
engine. The dishes in the dish engine system also rotate about 2 a) Inverter efficiency: For a solar power system that
axes [6].
is providing for the needs of an alternating current load, an
C. Key factors that affect Concentration Solar Power Plants: inverter is needed, there is a wide range of inverters that in return
While setting up a concentrating solar power plant (CSP), it also provide a wide range of efficiencies but the most common
is important to take into account various factors which can either choices typically give 80 to 90% of efficiency.
contribute to the success or failure of the project [4].
b) Battery Efficiency: Storage of power
a) Area of high direct normal sun radiation: Since a CSP generated batteries are required. Lead-acid batteries are the most
plant uses concentrated solar energy to operate, the area should common type used. Although all batteries do discharge a certain
be selected where the plant can get high intensity of sun light. amount of the energy they retain, the efficiency of these batteries
This can be calculated by computing the direct normal intensity is dependent on the design and quality of the components used.
of the sun’s energy at the specific area (DNI). A lead acid battery gives an efficiency of about 75-85%.
b) Land space with a minimal cloud cover: For a CSP plant to c) Shading: The duration to sunlight exposure can
operate at its most optimum rate and hence more cost effectively, cause a big change in the solar power generation. Solar cells are
it needs to be built in capacities of 100MW or higher. Mean typically connected in series to solar panels, so shades covering
while, however, the land space required depends on the one part of the panel would result in a loss in the overall output.
technology being utilized, a typical CSP plant covers around 5
Cable thickness: Using a thicker cable will help prevent power
to 10 acres or land per MW capacity. The large area is required
losses as it would provide lower resistance than thinner cables.
to accommodate for the thermal energy storage.
Another way to decrease losses would be to use higher voltage
c) Access to water resources: Like any other thermal power from the source side.
plant’s such as coal, nuclear and natural gas, a certain cooling
d) Temperature: Solar panels work better in cooler
system is required in place. All solar power plants require a small
temperatures in contrast to hotter temperatures, in which the
amount of water, for the washing of the collection and mirror
ideal temperature for a solar panel to operate is at 25oC. Increase
surfaces. A CSP plant uses wet, dry and hybrid cooling systems
in the temperature above 25 oC causes a small decay in the power
to maximize the efficiency output in electricity generated and
output generated. Therefore, it is important to have a cooling
water conservation. Capital and Financing: To construct and
system in place to help maximize the efficiency of the solar cells
maintain a Utility scale CSP plant security of investment is
and thereby boost production on site.

F. Mounting Positions: and n-type silicone, the electrons are clumped; making it
To evaluate the efficiency of the system set up, in this difficult for electrons to get to the other side because of the
report simulations are to be carried out using different mounting repulsion forces. At equilibrium, this phenomenon creates an
positions namely, free standing and building integrated. These electric field between the different types of silicone [18]. A
results will be generated in the simulation phase of the project diode is composed allowing the electrons to flow from the
before carrying out any sort of installation. positive region to the negative region only, given the difficulty
a) Free-standing systems: When space is available, solar of electrons to flow to the positive reason because of the
panels can be built free standing on the ground or a stand repulsion at the junction. The electric field causes voltage; since
provided. Freestanding panels generate the same amount of there is a difference in electric potential. Voltage and current are
electricity in comparison to building integrated systems; required to create power. In order to keep the photons trapped
however, they require an open area in order to be installed [9]. within the cell and not be reflected, the cell is coated with an
antireflective material, and all of this is covered by a glass plate;
b) Building Integrated Systems: A building integrated
to protect the cell from foreign elements [16].
system involves integrating photovoltaic cells into the buildings
infrastructure such as the roof, or facades. Building Integrated 3) Problems with a photovoltaic cell: When light hits the
systems can add to the saving in resources and materials used in photovoltaic cells, it carries many photons of different energy
the building[10]. levels, hence some photons don’t have enough energy to
displace an electron from its hole. Again, some photons possess
G. Photovoltaic Cell System:
more energy than needed to displace an electron which then
A system of photovoltaic cells comprises PV cells only; this turns into excess energy and dissipates. About 1.1 electron volts
system of cells is called panels or arrays [11]. Very simply, it are needed to displace an electro-hole pair for crystalline
can easily be used to operate a light bulb or a DC motor. In order silicone, this is called an energy band gap, and each material has
to operate more complicated electrical devices using PV cells, a different energy band gap. These two occurrences cause 70%
an electronic converter is required. The same electronic of the energy from the radiation to be wasted; either a photon
converter can be used to regulate the voltage and current does not contain enough energy or it contains more energy than
produced by the PV cells; this is helpful in controlling the power needed. Using a material with lower band gap might mean that
flowing into grid-connected systems. Another use of electronic the current is increased, however, at the same time, the voltage
converters is to be able to use maximum power point tracking; will be decreased because the electric field will be weaker. This
which changes the voltage of the cells accordingly to keep the change can result in lower power generated, it was calculated
power at the maximum level [12]. that the optimal energy band is 1.4eV; balancing between the
1) The way solar cells function: Photovoltaic cells are current generated and electric potential of the cell [17].
mainly made of silicon. Silicon atom has unique properties
especially when it is in its crystalline structure; due to its electron Good conductors are essential to prevent losses. The bottom
configuaration and sp3 hybridizationsilicone has crystalline of the PV cell can be covered with a metal conductor; however,
structure, this structure is very important in photovoltaic cells the top cannot be covered with a metal because it won’t allow
[13]. However, due to unavailable free electron, in pure silicone the photons to enter the cell. To compromise the cell is covered
that the current produced is of a minuscule value [14]. To make with a metal grid; this shortens the distance the electrons have to
silicon work in a photovoltaic cell other atoms are mixed with it. travel, and hence, minimizes the losses [1].
This is to enhance its electrical conductivity. Phosphorus is H. Tracking systems: Trackers direct the solar panels towards
usually added in silicon because it has 5 electrons in its outer the sun at all times throughout the day. Basically, the orientation
shell, 4 of its electrons are shared with a silicon atom leaving one of the solar panel is changed to follow the sun’s track in order to
electron free to move; thus it conducst electricity. It takes a small maximize the energy captured. In specific terms, the trackers
amount of energy to free the electron which has no bonds in a reduce the angle of incidence, between the incoming light and
silicon phosphorus mix, thus we have more free carriers than that the solar panel, hence, reduces the light that is reflected and
in pure silicone [15]. Adding phosphorus to silicone, the process increases the energy that the system will produce. Sunlight
of making an element impure is called doping, creates a negative comprises two parts of direct beam which constitute; 90% of the
region where free electrons prevail, this region is called n-type. solar energy and the other part is the diffused sunlight. There are
Doping is also used to add boron to silicone. Boron has 3 two main types of tracking systems; i) single axis tracking and
electrons in its outer shell all of them are shared with silicone ii) dual axis tracking.
atoms; instead of possessing free electrons it has free openings
for electrons to join [15]. This makes it a positive region, also 1) Single axis tracking: Single axis tracking consists of a PV
called p-type. Both the p-type and n-type silicones are combined panel on a tilted shaft and it rotates about that tilted shaft. This
to make a photovoltaic cell. rotation is caused by bi-directional DC motor, which gets the
information on the sun’s position via two light intensity sensors.
2) Functions within Photovoltaic Cell The light sensors are made up of two light dependent resistors,
When the p-type and n-type silicones are combined, the free they are placed on either side of the solar panel and an opaque
electrons from the n-type rush towards the positively charged plate is used to separate them from one another. As the day
section to fill the voids are created. However, not all the progresses and the position of the sun changes, the intensity of
electrons manage to fill the voids, at the barrier between and p light will also vary; creating inconsistency in the areas being

exposed to light on the solar panel. These differences might A. Using different PV technologies
mean that one LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) is being exposed The three PV technologies that we are compared were
to light and the other is being shadowed, this will mean that one crystalline silicon, CIS and cadmium telluride to see which PV
LDR will have very high resistance while the other has low technology would produce the highest amount of power.
resistance. Based on that, the LDR with low resistance will allow
a signal to be sent to the bi-directional DC motor, not only that
but the difference in resistance will also create a difference in
the voltage output. The motor will move the solar panel in a way
to decrease this voltage output and equalize the light intensity on
both LDRs [18].
2) Dual axis tracking: In dual axis tracking, the PV panel
captures the sunlight in four different directions. To elaborate,
the PV panels follow the angular height of the sun and also tracks
its east and west movements. In contrary to the single axis
tracking, this system measurement is the horizontal intensity of
the sun as well as the vertical intensity. This tracking system is
made up of two motors and two sets of light intensity sensors Fig A. The parameter and conditions for simulation used in
[19], one set is used to control the horizontal tracking and the this article
other set is used to control the vertical tracking of the system.
The light sensors send signals to the PIC microcontroller, which With all three PV technologies, the mounting position would be
in turn detects the stronger signal and commands the PV panel free standing at 0ͼ inclination and 0ͼ orientation, not to mention
to tilt either clockwise in the event that the sun moves in a that there would be no tracking device.
southern direction or an anti-clockwise direction if the sun is 1) Crystalline silicone
moving in the northern direction. This is how it maximizes the
energy generated.
I. Orientation and Inclination of solar panels: To maximize the
solar energy gathered by the solar panels, its orientation and
inclination must be based on the optimized sunlight reception.
The local climate and latitude affect the optimal orientation and
inclination. The rule is that, if the angle of inclination is equal to
the latitude of that location, then the insolation received will be
at a maximum. Some locations have disturbed weather patterns,
such as the average morning insolation is not symmetric to the Fig 1. Silicone cell graph for average electricity
average afternoon insolation. To compensate for the difference produced monthly.
in insolation between summer and winter in a given location, the
angle of inclination needs to be 10ͼ-15ͼ less than the latitude in From Fig.1, it can be deduced that from March to August the
summer and 10ͼ-15ͼ greater than the latitude in winter [12]. The average electricity produced was above 100kWh. The highest
PV peak power is greater in winter than in summer for a PV amount of electricity produced per month was 113kWh, which
panel that vertically faces south, because the sun’s angle in the occurred in August. The lowest electricity produced per month
northern hemisphere is lower than that in the southern is 88.4kWh in January. In April, the average daily sum of global
hemisphere. PV panels with 30ͼ inclination angle are 1% more irradiation per square meter received by the modules was 5.04
efficient than the PV panels with complete horizontal kWh/m2, which was the second highest value only below
inclination; this is due to the solar beams incidence angle being August, however, it did not produce the second highest amount
very perpendicular, and hence, it increases the light being of electricity per month; this was due to the temperature
reflected, not to mention the accumulation of dirt on the system fluctuations affecting the performance of the PV module, and
[20]. The farther away the system is placed from the equator, the lack of wind to cool it down. The total amount of electricity that
higher the angle of inclination will be. South oriented panels are the system produces was 1220kWh over the course of the year.
more efficient and generate more energy than any other panels.
2) CIS
III. SIMULATION Similar data were obtained for the CIS system. The
For the simulation purpose, PVGIS-Asia was used, which is electricity produced was above 100kWh from March to October.
an online program that can estimate the power output of different The highest amount of electricity produced per month was
PV installations. We decided to change 5 variables in the 116kWh in August; in contrast, the lowest amount of electricity
simulation in order to obtain the best PV system in Sarawak. In produced is in January with 90.5kWh of electricity produced.
the simulation, both the installed peak power and estimated When using CIS PV technology, we were able to produce 1250
system losses were kept unchanged, 1kWp and 14%, kWh electricity per year, which was larger by 50kWh than the
respectively. crystalline silicon PV technology.

3) Cadmium telluride: sun’s intensity can harness directly without the need of
CdTe cells showed a similar trend. From March to inclination to face the sunlight. Sarawak is also mostly flat
December, the electricity produced was above 100kWh. The terrain, therefore, the cell does not need to be placed at an angle
highest amount of electricity was produced in August with a and only requires 10ͼ of inclination, maximum. This was
value of 127kWh. On the other hand, in January, the electricity expected from the simulation result.
produced was the lowest at 99.1 kWh. The total electricity
produced per year was 1370kWh, making it the PV technology D. How do the different tracking devices affect the PV system?
with the highest electricity production.
B. Mounting Position

Free standing Fig 4. Various tracking method graphs for electricity

Building Integrated produced per year.
Fig 2 Graph showing electricity production of a free The three different tracking devices were compared which
standing system vs. building integrated per month. were vertical axis, inclined axis, and 2-axis tracking. The
inclination was kept at 0ͼ and the orientation towards the south.
Fig. 2 clearly showed that free-standing PV systems The PV system was set as a free-standing mounting position and
produced more electricity than building integrated systems. The made of crystalline silicon cell. The vertical and inclined angle
reason might be, the free-standing PV systems had room for the were optimally chosen by the program, which happened to be 1ͼ
wind to cool it from underneath, and thus, it’s temperature was and 2ͼ respectively.
lowered so the performance of the PV cells is not lowered
significantly, while the building integrated system did not. The From Fig. 4, 2-axis tracking system produced the highest
total electricity produced from the free standing system was amount of electricity per year at 1490kWh; both vertical tracking
1220kWh per year, whereas the total electricity produced by the and inclined tracking produced 1450kWh of electricity per year.
building integrated system was 1150kWh per year. The The fluctuations between the vertical and inclined tracking
difference can be illustrated as a percentage decrease from free systems happened because the inclined system had a horizontal
standing to building integrated, axis rotation with an inclined PV cell; this means that it is
ଵଶଶ଴ିଵଵହ଴ optimum to use only in certain months and not throughout the
ൈ ͳͲͲΨ ൌ ͷǤ͹ͷΨ (Eq.1)
ଵଶଶ଴ year. This was true for the vertical axis tracking system as well.
Now that all the conditions had been compared, the best
C. Effect of Inclination and Orientation on the Electricity conditions would be chosen and applied in Sarawak. Using a
Produced cadmium telluride cell in a free standing position inclined at 0ͼ
From the simulation, it was observed that the east and west facing the east direction with a 2-axis tracking system, the total
orientations produced the highest amount of electricity electricity it can produce per year was obtained from running the
regardless of the inclination. This is because, in the equator, the simulation, which showed 1640kWh electricity production
sun has high intensity from sunrise to sunset and less possibility through an entire year. These results were all of a 1kWp cell, if
of being cloudy in the morning. The orientation of PV cells to the nominal peak power was to be increased, or if the area of the
south or north will render in least production of electricity due system were enlarged, it would yield even higher values of
to the less surface area directed to the sun. electricity. Increasing the efficiency of the system can also
hugely increase the electricity produced but that is costly and
requires a lot of research.
If all the system designed was used at 20kW nominal power,
then it would generate 32500kWh per year which is equal to

A. Difference between PV technologies simulated:
We investigated the different types of PV technology to be
Fig 3. Inclination and Orientation graph for electricity per used and tabulated the results in the simulation section of this
year. report. From the results, we can see that using crystalline silicon
yielded a monthly energy output of 1220 kWh for an irradiation
The optimum inclination obtained from the simulation was per square meter of 1710 kWh/m2. Using CIS membranes, total
2ͼ. This is because, in equator, in regions such as Sarawak, the monthly energy output generated by the system was equal to

1250 kWh at the standard irradiation of 1710 kWh/m2. VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
However, using the Cadmium Telluride as the membranes in the We would like to thank Abdurrahman Hafeel and Faisal Al
system, it was discovered that the energy output generated was Sawafi, students of Swinburne University of Technology,
equal to 1370kWh at an irradiation of 1710 kWh/m2, yielding Sarawak, for their contributions to this research paper.
the highest of the 3 systems.
B. Differences between free standing and building integrated
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