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Man continues to journey in his life. He seeks wisdom. There’s no satisfaction until
reaching completeness. We must live our lives to our fullest. We tend to do things half
way because we expect that there’s still tomorrow. However, we never know when the
end will come. That’s why, every single day we should give completely. If we love, we
should love truly. If we help, we help voluntarily without asking for an exchange. If we
dream, dream like there’s no tomorrow. If we climb to reach our dreams, continue
climbing until the top and do not stop. Those who live incomplete cannot find true
happiness. The essence of our lives will not be appreciated if in everything we do, we
only offer half and not the best we can. What is happiness if we know for a fact that best
was not given to attain such? What is life we did not live fully?

Live life to the fullest so that there will be no room of regrets.

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