2016 Judgement Criteria 12 Open Painitng

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13th KELI INTERNATIONAL KALAMELA 2016 - A festival of arts in Switzerland


No. Elements Description/ Remarks Marks

1 Graphics & Visualisations 20

2 Memory & Thematics Adherence to the theme 20

3 Creativity Originality in Compositions 25

4 Technique& Skills On colouring and framework 20

5 Overall Impression Message, Impression, Communication 15

Grand Total 100

Rules & Regulations

1. The Art work (Painting) should be done on A3 size white Art-Paper only. The participant
may submit only one painting. Creative, individual reflections and expressions in the designs
are expected from the participants. For colour application, participants shall use water
colour medium or any mixed media of their choice except oil colour medium.

2. Being an open event, there will be no restrictions on the time or venue. The theme for the
2016 Kalamela Painting Competition will be published on the website
www.kalamela.com on 1st March 2016. The presence of the participants is mandatory
while submitting the “Original Hand work” to the Judgement Committee Convenor on
14.05.2016 before 14.00 hours.

3. For the open painting competition, there will be no age restrictions. Participants should
register under the “Media Registration” on www.kalamela.com. There will be 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd positions to be won. This event will not be considered for the Kalamela Special
Awards (Kalathilakam, Kalaprathibha, Keli Kalaratna and Fr. Abel Memorial trophies).
There will also be a JANAPRIYA AWARD, based on public voting, to be won. Keli
Switzerland shall hold the right to publish selected Works of Art and shall not be held
responsible for any violations committed against the rules mentioned.

4. Complementary Prizes may be awarded for the outstanding art works of children under
the Age of 15.

NB:”Schole Chitra-Kala Complementary prizes” will be given out for a few selected creative
works!- By Mag.art. John Chacko Pallikunnel M.A.Fine Painting MURAL DESIGN

An Indo-Swiss Socio Cultural organization in Switzerland, Post Box No. 300, 8952 Schlieren, Switzerland
E-mail:mail@keliswiss.org www.keliswiss.org

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