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 Customer complaints were mounting, and letters of complaint detailing problems

they experienced with the residential telephone lines were constantly pouring in at the
Friendly Telephone Company. The company wanted to pinpoint the specific problems
and take corrective action.
Researchers were called in, and they spoke to a number of customers, noting the nature
of the specific problems they faced. Because the problem had to be attended to very
quickly, they developed a theoretical base, collected relevant detailed information from a
sample of 100 customers, and analyzed the data. The results promise to be fairly
accurate with at least 85% chance of success in problem solving. The researchers will
make recommendations to the company based on the results of data analysis
Critique the above research done in a service industry as to the extent to which it
meets the hallmarks of research/scientific
Q2. You are about to embark on a year-long study of customer service training for sales
assistants in two supermarket companies. The purpose of the research is to compare the
way in which the training develops and its effectiveness. What measures would you
need to take in the research design stage to ensure that the results were valid?                                       
Q3. You are working in an organization that has branches throughout the country. The
managing director is mindful of the fact that managers of the branches need to talk over
common problems on a regular basis. That is why there have always been monthly
However, she is becoming increasingly concerned that these meetings are not cost-
effective. Too many managers see them as an unwelcome intrusion. They feel that their
time would be better spent pursuing their principal job objectives. Other managers see it
as a ‘day off’: an opportunity to recharge the batteries.
She has asked you to carry out some research on the cost-effectiveness of the monthly
meetings. You have defined the research question you are seeking to answer as ‘What
are the managers’ opinions of the value of their monthly meetings?’
Your principal data collection method will be a questionnaire to all managers who
attend the monthly meetings. However, you are keen to triangulate your findings.
How might you do this?             

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