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Investing in Health
Healthcare Industry in India

Indira Chakravarthi, Bijoya Roy, Indranil Mukhopadhyay, Susana Barria

The publication of “Investing in Health,” the World t is well known that since the mid-1980s, the Government of
Bank’s highly influential 1993 World Development India has actively encouraged the formal private healthcare
sector through direct and indirect concessions and policy
Report, has guided structural adjustment policies and
measures. The poor performance of the public healthcare sector,
health sector reforms in many developing countries. This arising from prolonged inadequate funding and deliberate
study looks at how investment in health has since taken neglect, is conveniently used by the private sector as well as
place in India with the withdrawal of the state from policymakers to increase private sector participation. Private
sector healthcare in India is known to be a heterogeneous mix
healthcare, transformation of healthcare into a
of informal and formal providers, with the formal providers be-
commodity, and promotion of the private healthcare longing to either not-for-profit or for-profit categories. Further,
sector by the state. This has led to an unregulated formal providers range from individual practitioners to formally
industry that is aggressively seeking expansion and registered small-to-medium private hospitals, and the corporate
commercial hospital sector. While there is a large unorganised
profits from the provision of healthcare, and attracting
sector comprising own account/individual-run enterprises, how-
investments by global finance capital. ever, the National Sample Survey (NSS) data points to a declining
trend in such individual-run enterprises in private health sector
and an increasing trend towards small-, medium- and large-sized
enterprises, with large-sized enterprises increasing at a much
faster rate as compared to medium- and- small ones, between
2001–02 and 2010–11 (Hooda 2015). The IMS census conducted
in 62 major cities of the country showed that there were around
13,413 private hospitals contributing to almost 95% of the total
hospital facilities in these cities (Mukhopadhyay et al 2015).
The National Health Policy (NHP) 2017, in its opening para-
graph, refers to the presence of a “robust” healthcare industry
and its double digit growth, and notes that it brings in revenues
and employment (GoI 2017a). Further, the NHP refers to “ongoing
efforts by the Government to streamline the own-account-enter-
prises (OAEs) within the corporate sector and to regulate them”
(GoI 2017b: 10). It calls for engaging with the private sector
through measures such as strategic purchasing of services from
different providers, including for-profit ones, and for encouraging
“the private sector to invest—which implies an adequate return
on investment that is, on commercial terms which may entail
contracting, strategic purchasing, etc” (GoI 2017a: 19).
The overall healthcare market in India was estimated to be
Annexures to this paper are available on the EPW website. $100 billion (2015), and expected to grow to $280 billion by 2020,
The authors acknowledge the comments of an anonymous reviewer.
an annual growth rate of 22.9%; healthcare delivery, which
The usual disclaimers hold. includes hospitals, nursing homes and diagnostics centres, and
pharmaceuticals, constitutes 65% of the overall market (IBEF
Indira Chakravarthi ( is a Delhi-based public health
researcher. Bijoya Roy ( and Indranil Mukhopadhyay 2017). While business reports indicate that the healthcare industry
( teach at the Centre for Women’s Development in India is rapidly growing, there is little information about the
Studies, New Delhi and O P Jindal Global University, Sonipat, growing commercial–corporate sector beyond these figures
respectively. Susana Barria ( is a and forecasts of growth and investments therein. While there
researcher at Public Services International, Faridabad.
are anecdotal accounts or references in the context of medical
50 NOVEMBER 11, 2017 vol liI no 45 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

tourism and foreign direct investment (FDI) (Chanda 2010) or Figure 1: Share of Wages, Outsourced Jobs, Marketing Expenses and Taxes
from a business perspective (Burns 2014), there is little system-
atic documentation and study on companies and investors in the
healthcare industry, its characteristics, services provided, em-
Wages as % of total expenses
ployment conditions, costs, and efficiency. It is important to
Advertising and marketing
understand the implications of a growing network of for-profit Outsourced jobs as % of
Taxes as a % of total income as % of total expenses
total expenses
healthcare corporations for public health and health systems,
medical practice, cost, quality and ethics of care, access and
affordability (Chakravarthi 2013), especially in view of the in-
creasing calls for engagement with the private sector to move Source: Annual reports of companies, PROWESS database CMIE, accessed on 5 December 2016.

towards universal health coverage.1 was adopted, wherein the information available from the initial
Given this gap, an exploratory study on the private hospitals search became the basis for more information. This was done
segment of the healthcare industry in India was undertaken until information saturation was reached and some trends became
as a scoping exercise to obtain preliminary information on discernible. The information is largely from business newspapers;
companies, investments, location and ownership patterns, ser- publicly available information and reports from government
vices provided, etc. This study is intended to be illustrative sources, websites of well-known companies in healthcare, private
rather than comprehensive, the purpose being to draw attention equity firms, international institutions like the International
to this critical yet under-researched component of the health Finance Corporation (IFC), industry intelligence sources, Centre
system in India. The following four sections present sequen- for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), Prowess database
tially the method of information collection; the findings respe- (companies under Code No 86, Human Health Activities under
ctively on some general features and activities of few health- National Industrial Classification [NIC]) and secondary literature.
care companies; profiles of the investors, namely, internation-
al institutions and private equity funds; and the implications. Features of the Industry
The term “healthcare industry” is used as an umbrella term It is seen that there is an increasing number of organised for-profit
encompassing hospitals and diagnostic centres, drugs and private healthcare providers, and it is no longer the case that
pharmaceutical manufacturers, medical equipment and device there are a few corporates providing tertiary-level/super-specialty
manufacturers, and the health insurance industry. The hospi- care confined to the metros. Ninety-four healthcare companies
tals sector is reported to be the major segment (GoI 2017a), and were found in the Prowess database in 2014. As of April 2017,
hence, the term healthcare industry is often used while talking the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare
about corporate and other big private hospitals in India. In this Providers (NABH) listed over 450 accredited hospitals in India.
paper too, it is used while referring to companies providing While this includes a handful of government facilities, bulk of
clinical/medical care services. The activities and behaviour of them are private hospitals (NABH 2016). However, the actual
the pharmaceutical industry receive much attention and are number of companies could be much more, as accreditation or
well-documented for long. While health insurance has grown being in Prowess database is voluntary. The respective State
over the past decade (PHFI 2011), only 12% of rural and 13% of Registrar of Companies can be a starting point to get a realistic
urban population are reported to be under some kind of health statewise number of companies providing healthcare.
insurance (Prinja et al 2017). Others report coverage of 18% of The analysis of financial data of 89 companies belonging to
the population, with the majority covered under either govern- hospital activities (NIC 86) in the Prowess database shows that
ment or employer programmes and around 2.3% by commercial their revenues and sales have increased over the years, so have
private health insurance (Thomas 2017), and the presence of profits (Table 1). From 2010 to 2014, total income and expendi-
about 40 private health insurance providers (Ahlin et al 2016). ture grew at 19.3% per annum in nominal terms (whereas, the
Overall, health insurance in India in general, and the numerous gross domestic product (GDP) in that period grew at 13.5% at
government schemes in particular, have also been receiving nominal rate). However, the share of wages in total expenses
attention, especially in the context of the government objective has remained nearly the same at around 17% and not increased
and policy of universal health coverage. As mentioned earlier, much (Figure 1). Among the other components of expenditure,
this study confines itself to the private and corporate hospitals outsourced jobs and advertisement and marketing expenses
segment of what is referred to as the healthcare industry. have increasing share of expenditure: outsourced jobs increased
from 2.6% to 4.1% in 2014. Advertisement and marketing ex-
Methodology penses grew from 2.5% to 2.7%. Advertisement expenditures
Information collection was initiated with online search by using Table 1: Total Income and Expenses, 2010–14 (` million)
specific search words relevant to the study, such as: healthcare Year Total Income Sales Total Expenses Compensation to Employees
companies/healthcare industry in India, private hospitals, cor- 2010 81,885.9 78,256.3 79,617.3 14,053.5
2011 96,614.6 91,378 92,038.8 15,060.4
porate hospitals, diagnostic centres and private equity in health-
2012 111,594 105,229.9 107,164.8 19,785.1
care. Search words included names of specific well-known cor- 2013 131,059 119,866.5 123,586.7 22,604.5
porate hospitals. Based on the information that started becoming 2014 169,839 161,127.3 166,541.8 29,632.4
available, a combination of snowballing and iterative process Source: Annual reports of companies, Prowess database CMIE, accessed on 5 December 2016.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW NOVEMBER 11, 2017 vol liI no 45 51
Figure 2: Companies Classified in Terms of Ownership and Main Activities hospitals. Examples of the former are Columbia Asia with origins
in the United States (US) and the Japanese venture, Sakra World
• Entering through equity investments or subsidiaries or
Foreign or acquisitions, joint ventures; Hospitals; meanwhile the NMC Healthcare, Dubai has acquired
multinational • In multi-specialty or single specialty or diagnostic services
several hospitals. DaVita India, subsidiary of DaVita Inc US,
acquired Bengaluru-based NephroLife (Annexure 5). Global
• Pan-india and overseas presence;
• In multi-specialty, super-specialty/tertiary, and multiple areas private equity companies have also acquired hospitals in
Indian hospital and
diagnostics chains
of business such as pharmacy, education & training India—in 2016 Dubai-based Abraaj Group acquired a 72% stake
• Some also in primary-secondary care (eg Apollo)
in Quality CARE India, Hyderabad, which owns CARE Hospitals
• Presence within a city or state and neighbouring states, providing: (Abraaj Group 2016) (Box; Annexure 5).
• Multi-specialty, super-specialty services;
• Single specialty – eye care, dialysis, mother and child, etc
• Secondary or primary care (clinics)
Box: Investment/Acquisition of Indian Companies by Foreign PE Firms*
companies • Diagnostics – pathology, imaging, genetics IHH Healthcare Malaysia acquired Global Hospitals Hyderabad and Vikram
• Home-based care Hospitals Bengaluru.
• Hospital management * TPG Capital held 24.75% in Manipal Health Enterprises.
* TPG reported to be in talks to buy up to 26% and management rights of
Fortis Healthcare (Kurian 2017).
grew at 23.2% during the period—indicating an increasing im- * Abraaj group acquired 80% stakes in Medall Healthcare, a diagnostics
portance of promoting healthcare. The assets of the companies company.
grew from `1,89,498 million to `3,22,870 million, a compound * Song Investment Advisors, Helion Venture Partners, Nexus Venture
Partners and International Finance Corporation (IFC) together held
average annual growth of 14%. An overwhelming 78.9% of the majority stakes in Haryana based EYE Q.
investment in this period has been in the form of equity shares *Germany’s Fresenius Medical Care AG acquired 85% stake in Sandor
(`2,06,912 million). Such equity investments are a reflection of Nephro Services Hyderabad.
* Domestic investor IVFA (renamed True North), with Canada Pension
better financial prospects of the company, not necessarily green Plan Investment Board and Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, acquired
field investments and expansion of healthcare services. controlling stakes in Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences (Balakrishnan 2017).
There is diversity in ownership and size. While there are few * Domestic firm Catamaran Ventures, Blue Cross Blue Shield Venture Partners
of the US, and Reliance Venture Asset Management invested in Wellspring
big Indian companies, with thousands of beds and a pan-India Healthcare Mumbai, which operates primary healthcare clinics (Healthspring).
presence (Annexure 1), there are several smaller companies
with regional presence (Annexure 2). There are also companies Indian entities are seen to be expanding their activities across
owned by non-resident Indians (NRIs), registered in Gulf coun- the country, including previously uncovered regions in eastern
tries (Figure 2). There is for-profit presence in every segment of and central India. Corporate hospital chains were acquiring
healthcare, primary, secondary, tertiary levels of care, in diag- standalone hospitals; the focus and attention is on low-cost
nostics, and single specialty services; some new segments have models and Tier II cities to drive their growth plans, due to the
also arisen, such as home-based care, hospital management, high competition and high land costs in Tier I cities (IRR 2015;
online platforms (Annexures 3 and 4). AHEL 2016a, 2016b), particularly targeting the expanding pur-
Ownership is no longer confined to medical professionals/ chasing power among the upper and middle classes. The bigger
doctor entrepreneurs, nor is it local. Foreign institutions held 45% companies have multiple operations that include: owned
stakes in the Apollo Health Enterprises Limited (AHEL 2016a, hospitals, hospitals and/or some specialty centre operated and
2016b). Global and domestic private equity funds are acquiring pay revenue share to the owner of the hospital premises, hos-
significant stakes in big and small regional companies, and are pitals, standalone clinics and primary care facilities operated
becoming part of the governance and ownership of healthcare on a lease or licence basis, hospital management services pro-
companies, as demonstrated by the case of the Narayana Hru- vided to third parties for a management fee, and pharmacies,
dayalaya (NH). In 2015, shareholders of the NH were: domestic diagnostic centres. For companies with such multiple busi-
promoters 68.62%, foreign venture capital investors 11.22% nesses in healthcare, hospitals contributed the largest share in
and corporate bodies 16.78%. Among the public shareholders revenues. Some also conduct clinical trials for pharmaceutical
were: Ashoka Holdings 8.63%, Ambadevi 2.59%, JP Morgan and medical equipment manufacturing companies and run
10.91% and CDC Group 5.88%. According to the company: educational and training courses for doctors and paramedics
We may be viewed as a “foreign controlled” company beginning (from Red Herring prospectus and reports of companies; NH
22 August 2013, and investments made in our Subsidiaries thereafter 2015: 47; HGEL 2016).
may be viewed as indirect foreign investment. JPM, Ashoka Holdings AHEL is the largest entity, providing a range of services from
and Ambadevi, who are persons resident outside India (Mauritius),
possessed extensive veto rights under the Shareholders’ Agreement
tertiary care hospitals, diagnostic clinics, pharmacies, neighbour-
dated 28 January 2008, with respect to the management of our Company. hood primary care clinics, Apollo Reach Hospitals in Tier II, III
With the further investment that our Company received in December cities, and telemedicine and education services. The group owned
2014 from CDC Group and CDC IOL, two other persons, resident out- and managed 69 facilities in India and abroad, with 9,554 beds
side India, acquired certain veto rights with respect to our Company ...
Our Company may likely be viewed as “foreign controlled,” beginning
and 43,557 employees as on March 2016 (AHEL 2016a, 2016b).
22 August 2013, as a result of the veto rights exercisable by our foreign Fortis Healthcare, which operates through Religare Health Trust
investors. (Narayana Hrudayalaya 2015: 21) (RHT), a business trust owned by the Fortis group listed in the
Several foreign/multinational companies are operational in Singapore stock exchange, had 18 owned and managed hospitals
India, either through greenfield ventures or acquisition of local across six cities (RHT 2015). NH, a Bengaluru based company,
52 NOVEMBER 11, 2017 vol liI no 45 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

operated a network of 57 facilities across 32 cities, towns and had entered into PPP arrangements for setting up dialysis centres
villages, with 5,600 operational beds as of September 2015. in district hospitals, in Rajasthan (Sandor) and Andhra Pradesh
The chain employed around 11,478 employees and students (NephroPlus). These single speciality settings are reported to
and additional 1,660 doctors on a consultancy basis (NH 2015). be low-cost models requiring a smaller area, and hence, lower
Cardiac Research and Education (CARE Hospitals of Quality investment. At times these hospitals are based in rented premises
CARE India), Hyderabad, founded in 1997 by a group of doc- with equipment on lease. Through hub and spoke model the
tors, had 17 hospitals across seven cities in five states, with smaller hospitals (spokes) refer patients to a large multi-specialty
2,400 beds (Annexure 1). hospital, and day care/ambulatory centres (IRR 2015).
The large hospital chains are acquiring smaller institutions. Diagnostic chains Thyrocare (Mumbai based), Metropolis
For instance, AHEL increased its presence in the secondary care Healthcare (Mumbai), Dr Lal Path Labs (Delhi), SRL Diagnostics
segment by acquiring 11 Nova Surgical Centres of Nova Medical operate on a hub and spoke model, with a central processing
Centres, entering cities like Mumbai, Jaipur and Kanpur; Manipal laboratory, some regional laboratories and a large number of
Health Enterprises acquired SK Soni Hospital in Jaipur in early sample collection centres across states often on franchise basis
2014; Max acquired 340-bedded Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital, (Thyrocare 2016). These entities have operations in countries
Ghaziabad, and 51% equity stake in Delhi-based Saket City of South Asia, West Asia and Africa. Some have PPPs with state
Hospital from Singapore-based Smart Health City; Healthcare governments: like Medall Healthcare (with Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Global Enterprises Ltd (HCGEL) acquired multispecialty hospi- Pradesh, Karnataka); Suraksha Diagnostics (West Bengal).
tals in Ahmedabad and Bhavnagar. Companies are also introducing a corporate model for primary
Some of these companies have gone public, such as AHEL, healthcare, by drawing individual practitioners and clinics into
NH, Aster DM Healthcare, Fortis, Thyrocare, Dr Lal PathLabs, a network. The following are some examples: Nation Wide Pri-
etc. Many have private equity investments to a small or large mary Healthcare Services, which is trying to revive the concept
extent (Box 1; Annexure 4). With increasing competition, of “family doctor,” Wellspring Healthcare Services running around
organised marketing as well as creation of brand value is 30 clinics with more than 100 doctors in cities like Mumbai,
considered a necessity. Advertising and marketing expenses Thane, Vashi, Pune, Bengaluru, and Delhi. Companies like HCL
form a significant portion of the expenses of bigger companies (in information technology business) have also entered the
(our analysis; Kanchan 2015). healthcare sector, by acquiring a family clinic in the primary
Some of these companies also have overseas presence, in neigh- care segment in the National Capital Region (NCR) (Dey and
bouring Asian, Gulf and African countries. For instance, AHEL has Dey 2014). HCL is tying up with hospitals such as Apollo, Fortis,
facilities in Dhaka and Mauritius; Aster DM has hospitals, clinics, Max, Medanta to refer patients requiring hospitalisation.
pharmacies in Gulf countries. Fortis has five hospitals in Bangla-
desh with AFC of Bangladesh, and is also a shareholder in Lanka Influx of Finance Capital
Hospital, Sri Lanka; MHEL acquired a hospital in Malaysia. NH is Healthcare has emerged as an attractive sector for investment
a shareholder in a hospital in Nairobi. It also owns a hospital by venture capital and private equity funds2 (Malhotra 2014;
along with Ascension of US, in Cayman Islands Caribbean, run in Babu 2013); the healthcare industry is reported to be flushed
public–private partnership (PPP) mode. The Kerala Institute of with private equity funds (Dutta 2008). Private equity invest-
Medical Sciences has set up hospitals in several Gulf countries. ment in the healthcare provider sector was reported to be $552
The Indian healthcare business is now seeing emergence of million in 2014 and $786.2 million in 2013 (Indulal 2015). As of
small-format providers in single-specialty segments such as the December 2013, 69 healthcare private equity and venture cap-
short-stay surgery care format started by Nova Medical Centres, ital deals worth $1.11 billion were reported, compared with 65
nephrology, and eye care, largely supported by private equity deals worth $1.07 billion over the previous year (Chaudhary
(Singh and Mathews 2013). Centre for Sight, a Delhi-based eye and Joshi 2013). Healthcare is considered to be a recession
care chain, operated 51 facilities spread across nine states. Apart proof and a blue-eyed sector for investors, partly because of
from independent eye care centres, LASIK centres, pharmacies and the large profits that had been made by some private equity
optical outlets, it also operated ophthalmology departments firm exits. In 2013, Apax Partners exited from Apollo Hospitals
within third party hospitals; and had acquired operations of lo- for $360 million, three times its initial investment in 2007;
cal eye doctors in various cities. Sandor Nephro services oper- Avenue Capital exited Medanta in 2013 for $155 million, more
ates and manages a chain of in-hospital dialysis centres under than four times its initial investment in 2006. According to the
the brand name Sparsh Nephrocare, with 50 centres spread corporate advisory firm Grant Thornton, healthcare services
across smaller cities and towns in 12 states. NephroPlus, another such as hospitals and diagnostics services witnessed a reason-
Hyderabad-based entity has 75 operational centres—66 of them able deal activity:
as tie-ups with hospitals and nine stand-alone centres. The gov- Majority of the deals were driven by the imminent domestic consolida-
ernment tertiary institutions like King George Medical College, tion in these sectors and as such were small to mid-size deals ... Chain
Lucknow and the Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical of single-specialty centres such as eye care, dialysis care and primary
care continues to be the most actively invested segments, while multi-
Education and Research (JIPMER) Puducherry, and companies specialty hospitals such as Aster DM Healthcare and Asian Institute of
like Apollo, Fortis, Max had tied up with these entities to operate Medical Sciences and Thyrocare (diagnostics chain) attracted the larger
dialysis centres in their hospitals. Both these dialysis companies investments, Grant Thornton officials said. (Badrinath 2014)

Economic & Political Weekly EPW NOVEMBER 11, 2017 vol liI no 45 53

Overall, domestic funds, family funds, large global funds and international financial crisis, the expansion of the private health
sovereign wealth funds are seen to be active investors in the sector continues rapidly across emerging markets” (IFC 2011).
healthcare companies in India (Annexure 5). High Net Worth IFC’s investments are closely aligned to the World Bank group’s
Individuals (HNWIs) are also reported to be interested in the strategy for private sector healthcare in India. It actively engages
sector (Nair 2015). with and promotes the private sector in the name of increasing
A notable development is the intensified support by develop- and improving access to affordable, quality health services,
ment agencies and international finance institutions, such as IFC particularly in low-income states and Tier II–III cities.
of the World Bank group and the Commonwealth Development IFC has made equity investments and/or given loans to a
Corporation (CDC) of the United Kingdom (UK), to the spread large number of healthcare companies in India (Table 2).
of private companies in healthcare, through direct and indirect IFC has also made investments in healthcare companies in
financial support. This support is a manifestation of the larger Africa, in which Indian healthcare companies are partners such
shift in international development policy to the use of loans and as ISO Health hospital in Kenya, whose shareholders included
equity investments to support the growth of a range of private three Kenyan doctors, financial investors—IFC and the Abraaj
sector companies, in the name of creating employment opportuni- Africa Health Fund—and NH, the strategic operating partner,
ties and promoting economic growth and development. The Inter- which through its wholly owned subsidiary held 26% stake
national Development Committee of the UK House of Commons (India Today 2016). ISO Health was to set up a greenfield 130-
proposed a transition to “beyond aid” policies to remove the bed multi-specialty hospital in Nairobi. CIEL Healthcare Ltd, a
underlying causes of poverty, which would “be good for UK in the Mauritius registered company, invests in tertiary hospitals
short run as well as in the long run” (Hunter and Murray 2015). In across sub-Saharan Africa, in association with Fortis Health-
December 2014, the UK secretary of state for international devel- care. Another important investment of IFC was in Abraaj
opment made reference to a transition towards “returnable capital Growth Markets Health Fund (Annexure 5).
investments” in Indian health and education sectors. Subse- CDC UK is another agency for directly helping the private sector
quently, CDC, the investment arm of the Department for Inter- in developing countries. DFiD is the sole shareholder of CDC and
national Development (DFiD), made an investment of $48 mn directs its overarching strategy. It does not require a dividend from
(£32 mn) in NH to support its expansion. Apart from investing di- CDC; instead, all profits are reinvested in funds throughout CDC’s
rectly, IFC and CDC are also investing in several private investment targets in emerging markets (Thompson 2011). The CDC group
funds focusing on hospitals and healthcare in the Asian region. has invested heavily in several private health facilities in India,
Development financing institutions of other countries—Germany, particularly those targeting middle- and high-income groups:
Sweden and United States Agency for International Development 10%–15% stake in NH for expansion in Kolkata, Bhubaneshwar,
—are also supporting private healthcare sector in several ways. Lucknow and Bengaluru (Shah 2015); in Rainbow Hospitals (with
IFC is the largest multilateral investor in private health in Abraaj Group), a paediatric and maternity healthcare business in
emerging markets. It has prepared a Guide to Investors in Private Andhra Pradesh for expansion in Chennai, Pune, Visakhapatnam
Health Care in Emerging Markets, as part of its Health and Edu- and Kurnool, and also expected to support the creation of as
cation Advisory Services. At the IFC’s International Private many as 3,000 new jobs (CDC 2013; Gooptu 2013).
Health Conference in May 2011, an IFC functionary stated that, CDC has investments in several funds that have invested in
“Healthcare has become a major global industry, growing faster healthcare companies in India, such as the India Value Fund
than GDP in most countries … as the world recovers from the Advisors (IVFA) (Badrinath 2012), which has invested in Aster DM
Table 2: IFC Investments/Loans to Healthcare Companies in India Healthcare, Manipal Hospitals, Trivitron Healthcare, Cloudnine
Company Year of IFC Investment Hospitals (Balakrishnan and Pilla 2015); in Aavishkar Venture
Duncan Gleneagles, Kolkata 1999 Capital Funds in 2010, 2011, which made investments in Swas
Apollo Health Enterprises Ltd (AHEL) 2005, 2010, 2012, 2016 Healthcare Pvt Ltd, a Gujarat-based chain; Vaatsalya Health-
Max Healthcare, Delhi 2003, 2007, 2009
care Pvt Ltd, a hospital chain in Karnataka; and Delhi-based
Rockland Hospitals, Delhi 2008
Super Religare Laboratories Ltd (SRLL) 2012
GV Meditech Ltd, which operates a chain of secondary level
Zulekha Hospitals UAE*/Alexis Hospital, Nagpur 2012 hospitals in Uttar Pradesh, western Bihar, Jharkhand and of
Fortis Healthcare 2013 Nepal. In 2015, CDC invested around $75 mn in the Abraaj
Global Hospitals, Hyderabad 2013 Growth Markets Health Fund (CDC 2016) (Annexure 5).
Nephropolus Health Services, Bengaluru 2014 Several global private equity firms are active in India; some
EYE-Q Vision Private, Haryana 2015
have launched Asia-focused funds, focused on healthcare in the
Ivy Hospitals, Punjab 2015
Portea Medical, Bengaluru 2015 region. Prominent Indian businesspersons have also invested
STS Chittagong Hospitals, Bangladesh (joint. venture with AHEL) 2015@ in healthcare companies through their family firms, such as
Healthcare Global Enterprises (HCG), Bengaluru 2016 Catamaran Ventures of former owner of IT company Infosys, that
Regency Hospital, Kanpur 2016 invested in Wellspring Healthcare Pvt Ltd, Entrust of former
* Zulekha Healthcare Holdings is a UAE-based company owned by a non-resident Indian (NRI)
doctor. In 2012 the company started a greenfield hospital in Nagpur, Alexis Multi-specialty
Infosys CEO Nilekani that has invested in Drishti, an eye care
Hospital. company, and Aarin Capital of another former Infosys CFO
@ German aid agency DEG has also provided finances for this project along with IFC.
Sources: Compiled from, Disclosed Projects,
Mohandas Pai that has invested in healthcare and life sciences
retrieved on 5 August 2016. companies such as InVictus Oncology. Domestic firms such as
54 NOVEMBER 11, 2017 vol liI no 45 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

I-Ven Medicare of ICICI have invested in smaller regional com- Several concerns arise about private finance capital in health-
panies since 2007 (Annexure 5). care. When capital market provides funds to the healthcare com-
panies, it expects a return just as in any other area of enterprise.
Public Needs Private Profits In his discussion on the role of capital markets in the healthcare
The neglect of the public health infrastructure in India is a system in the US, Silvers (2001: 1022–23) says: “The capital
deliberate strategy to promote the large private health interests market is dominated by an economic perspective, which leaves
that have grown over the years, and in keeping with the larger little room for broader measures of welfare. Those who lend
neo-liberal thinking against healthcare as a social good and provi- money want it back.” Furthermore, accessing equity capital car-
sion of welfare services by the state. In addition, public funds are ries implications for expected financial returns, as well shared
being diverted to the private sector through state insurance pro- control or ownership. In the context of US, it has been found that
grammes and PPPs, which reduces funds available for the public the capital market has had a major role in restructuring the health-
healthcare sector (Sundararaman et al 2016). Undoubtedly, the care sector (Silvers 2001). Reliance on private investment sources
healthcare system in India, specifically the private sector, has in the US has fundamentally shaped the focus of the industry in
moved into a distinct new phase where the provision of medical a manner dramatically different from the systems found in other
care has become a highly sought-after sector by capitalist institu- countries where governments supply capital. As the level of out-
tions, with a growing network of companies supplying medical side financing has grown, other differences blur and traditional
care for profit. The medical/healthcare sector is getting rapidly concern for the public or even attending physicians may come
transformed from an “unorganised” to organised sector, a process second after profitability (Silvers 2001: 1027–28). The resulting
being facilitated also by powerful institutions such as IFC. Not market discipline extends to both for-profit firms and non-profit
only is there expansion of corporate hospitals and diagnostic organisations in several ways. The important question that
chains to smaller cities and towns, for-profit enterprises are enter- emerged was whether the requirements of private capital can
ing into setting up of smaller facilities for specialised, single-spe- be made compatible with larger needs of society to provide
cialty care—such as maternity eye care, cardiac care, care-dialy- service to marginal populations (Silvers 2001: 1028).
sis-diagnostics, etc—primary care clinics, providing home-based A review of a large number of studies of the US healthcare
care, and getting into partnerships with governments. system concludes:
This healthcare industry adopts a moralistic stance and talks The US has four decades of experience with the combination of public
of working towards universal, affordable and high quality funding and private healthcare management and delivery, closely analo-
healthcare to the millions of Indians who do not have access to gous to reforms recently enacted or proposed in many other nations. Exten-
sive research shows that for-profit health institutions provide inferior
good medical care. This, the industry says, is possible through care at inflated prices. The US experience also demonstrates that market
innovative business and market mechanisms, and is making mechanisms nurture unscrupulous medical businesses and undermine
plans for expansion, penetrating new markets, targeting new medical institutions unable or unwilling to tailor care to profitability. The
segments, training and attracting medical professionals, etc. commercialization of care in the US has driven up costs by diverting money
to profits and by fuelling a vast increase in management and financial
The discourse is dominated by business notions of healthcare
bureaucracy, which now consumes 31 percent of total health spending …
as an attractive destination for growth and investment, increas- The poor performance of the US healthcare is directly attributable to reli-
ing interest of private equity investors, acquisition-expansion- ance on market mechanisms and for-profit firms, and should warn other
diversification-strategic planning-adopting aggressive techni- nations from this path. (Himmelstein and Woolhandler 2008: 407)
ques, creating brand value, innovative healthcare start-ups, Experience all over the world shows that corporations, big or
vertical horizontal integration, etc. small, wield great social, political and cultural influence, nationally
Experiences from other countries shed some light on the impos- and globally; and influence local communities, and behaviour
sibility of achieving universal care through such measures. There and values of ordinary individuals. For instance, we see that the
is not much evidence that a mixed system is better, more equi- healthcare industry is active in promoting health insurance for low
table or efficient. On the contrary, there is plenty of evidence of the income groups, in creating demand and consumer awareness of
adverse and pernicious effects of corporate investment, of private market opportunities for buying healthcare, in portraying health
capital, as well as of having a system of public funding, private as an individual responsibility, and so on. Although corporate
provisioning and of purchasing healthcare. Analysing the phe- businesses are privately-owned enterprises, still their activities are
nomenon of entry of financial and industrial capital in medicine as pervasive as that of governments, and have consequences that
and healthcare in the US in the 1970s, McKinlay (1978) pointed affect the larger public. The primary focus of the corporate sector
out that the industrial and financial capital institutions in medi- is on individualised curative care; there is no attention to public
cal care impose the same logic (profitability through expansion) health concerns of disease prevention, surveillance, monitoring
on this field that they have been doing in other sectors of the and reporting of epidemics and illness data, research, all of which
economy since around the turn of the 20th century. There is an form important inputs for comprehensive public health planning
urgent need to comprehend the behaviour and power of corpo- at population level. This phenomenon of private business in provi-
rations that have the resources to raise finance, hire marketing sion of a social-public good such as public health, therefore, has
expertise to create, package and sell new demands, to influence deep ramifications for the kind of public health systems we want,
medical practice and the nature and pricing of services offered, for goals such as universal healthcare and even universal health
and the kind of technologies used. coverage, and for regulation of the private healthcare sector.
Economic & Political Weekly EPW NOVEMBER 11, 2017 vol liI no 45 55

In this context, when the NHP 2017 is openly encouraging sector to negotiate prices with government purchasing agen-
further growth of this healthcare industry and for aligning pri- cies. The experiences of the US or even some European coun-
vate sector with public health goals, there is need to under- tries that depend on private provisioning show that the cost of
stand the nature and behaviour of the private sector and the healthcare has gone up significantly in the last few decades,
healthcare industry. Is it possible to align the activities of this which the best of regulatory systems have not been able to
private industry to meet public health objectives of compre- contain, raising questions about the efficiency and sustain-
hensive, universal, rational, and equitable healthcare? What ability of these models. On the other hand, experiences of
will be the consequences of “strategic purchasing” on cost of Thailand, Malaysia show that, in the long run, a well-function-
care? Our study indicates that the private sector is moving ing public health system is the only way to contain costs, regu-
towards an organised industry status and oligopolisation. This late practices in the private sector and deliver united health-
would give an increasing bargaining power to the for-profit care at sustainable costs.

notes of Private Equity,” Corner House Briefing, 37, Health Care Has Become a Preferred Sector for
1 See Lancet series on the private sector, 26 June October, Private Equity Firms,” Business Today, 22 June,
2016, Vol 388, pp 596, 606, 613, and 622; http:// Dey, S and S Dey (2014): “HCL Sees Wealth in Health Care,” Business Standard, 3 February. cus/health-care-now-preferred-sector-for-
Dutta, R (2008): “It’s Raining Funds,” Express private-equity-firms/story/206799.html.
2 Ashoka and Ambadevi are together referred to
as AIG Funds; these two companies and JPM Healthcare, June. McKinlay, J B (1978): “On the Medical-industrial Com-
are listed as foreign venture capital investors Gooptu, B (2013): “CDC and Abraaj Group Invest plex,” Monthly Review, Vol 30, No 5, pp 38–42,
by SEBI, $17.5 mn in AP-based Rainbow Hospitals,” Eco- October.
venture.html, viewed on 2 August 2016. nomic Times, 14 August. Mukhopadhyay I, S Sharma, P Datta and S Selvaraj
GoI (2017a): “National Health Policy 2017,” Ministry (2015): “Changing Landscape of Private Health
3 For more on private equity as “a new form of
of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Care Providers in India: Implications for National
investment, ownership and power that has
India, New Delhi. Level Health Policy,” International Conference
helped to rewrite the rules of the financial sec-
— (2017b): “Situational Analysis: Backdrop to the of Public Policy, Milan, Italy, 1–4 July.
tor at the time of its greatest dominance over
the world economy,” see Corner House (2008: 1). National Health Policy 2017,” Ministry of Health NABH (2016): “National Accreditation Board for
and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Hospitals and Healthcare Providers,” http://
Delhi., viewed
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Ahlin, T, M Nichter and G Pillai (2016): “Health Standard, 27 September.
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Is Ethnographic Research Needed,” Anthro- Hrudayalaya, 28 September, http://www.sebi.
pology & Medicine, Vol 23, No 1, pp 102–24, DOI Himmelstein, D and S Woolhandler (2008): “Privati-
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Health Services, Vol 38, No 3, pp 407–19.
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Care-Hospitals.pdf, viewed on 26 April 2017. Commission of India, New Delhi, a research study
for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi.
AHEL (2016a): “Valuing Life,” Annual Report 2015–16, submitted by the Public Health Foundation of India.
Apollo Hospitals Enterprises, p 75. Hunter, B M and S F Murray (2015): “Beyond Aid: In-
vestments in Healthcare in Developing Countries,” Prinja S, A S Chauhan, A Karan, G Kaur and R Kumar
— (2016b): “Investor Presentation,” Apollo Hospitals editorial, British Medical Journal, 2015; 351:h3012 (2017): “Impact of Publicly Financed Health
Enterprises, doi: 10.1136/bmj.h3012, published 8 July. Insurance Schemes on Healthcare Utilization
Babu, G (2013): “Healthcare to Attract More PE IBEF (2017): “Sectoral Report Healthcare,” India Brand and Financial Risk Protection in India: A Syste-
Investment,” Business Standard, 29 August. Equity Foundation, February, https://www.ibef. matic Review,” PLoS ONE, Vol 12, No 2,
Badrinath, R (2012): “CDC Group Looks to Invest org/industry/healthcare-india.aspx, viewed on e0170996. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0170996.
$500 mn via Private Equity Route,” Business 5 April. RHT (2015): “Religare Health Trust Annual Report,”
Standard, 23 November. IFC (2011): “IFC International Health Conference
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tions in Healthcare Sector,” Business Standard, in Emerging Market Countries, Says IFC,” Restructuring of Healthcare,” Journal of Health
31 July. Politics, Policy and Law, Vol 26, No 5, pp 1019–30,
Balakrishnan, R (2017): “True North Close to Acquir- bec6d7804970befd9694d6336b93d75f/ October.
ing Control of KIMS Hospital Chain,” Live Mint, Health2011_FS.pdf?MOD=AJPERES, viewed on Shah (2015): “CDC Group Invests Rs 300 Crore in
27 January. 6 November 2017. Dr Devi Prasad Shetty’s Narayana Hrudayalaya
Balakrishnan, R and V Pilla (2015): “IVFA in Talks — (2015): “Private Healthcare: Creating Opportu- Hospitals,” Economic Times, January.
to Buy Cloudnine Hospitals for `450 Crore,” nity in Emerging Markets,” International Finance Singh, S and P Mathews (2013): “Fortis Has a Re-
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56 NOVEMBER 11, 2017 vol liI no 45 EPW Economic & Political Weekly
Annexure 1: Large Domestic Companies with Pan-Indian Presence
Company Name Pan-India Presence

Apollo Health Enterprises LTD (AHEL) Delhi; Tamil Nadu (Several), Chennai, Karur, Karaikudi, Madurai, Ranipet Tiruvannamalai, Trichy; Mysore and Bengaluru
incorporated in 1979 in Chennai in Karnataka; Hyderabad, Kakinada, Karimnagar, Nellore, Visakhapatnam and Aragonda Village Chittoor; Bilaspur,
Durg, and Bacheli (Chhattisgarh); Bhubaneshwar; Nashik, Lavasa, Mumbai ; Indore; Goa; Gandhi Nagar; Kolkata;
Assam; Dhaka and Mauritius.
Aster DM, Kochi, Kerala In southern India—Kolhapur; Kochi, Kottakal, Kozhikode; Bengaluru; Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Guntur.
Healthcare Global Enterprises lTD (HCGEL), Expanding in Africa through HCG Africa, with CDC investments.
Bengaluru (Focused on cancer care and Cancer centres at Bengaluru, Shimoga and Ahmedabad, Nasik, Hubli, Ranchi, Cuttack, Vijayawada, Chennai,
fertility centres) Ongole, Tiruchirapalli, and Delhi; Centres under development: Nagpur, Mumbai, Baroda and Kolkata, Kanpur and
Vishakapatnam, Gulbarga, Jaipur, Mumbai, Bhavnagar.
Diagnostics centres; Chennai, Mangalore and Vijayawada;
Fertility centres and outreach clinics in Bengaluru;
Multi-specialty hospitals acquired in Ahmedabad and Bhavnagar.
Fortis Healthcare One each in Jaipur, Kolkata, Hyderabad; two each in Mumbai, Chennai. Three each in Punjab and in Bengaluru;
five in NCR. Acquired SRL Diagnostics.
Manipal Health Enterprises—healthcare Operates/manages 16 hospitals, including eight teaching hospitals and seven rural maternity and child welfare
arm of Manipal Education and Medical homes; 5,500 beds under management.
Group (MEMG) Multi-specialty hospitals: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Goa.
Clinics: Bengaluru and other parts of Karnataka.
Medical teaching hospitals: Karnataka and Sikkim.
Fertility clinics: Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh.
For home-based post-operative care partnership with Bengaluru-based Portea medical care.
Max Healthcare, a part of Max India, is a Facilities in north India, 10 in Delhi-NCR and the others in Mohali, Bathinda and Dehradun.
joint venture between Max India and Life
Healthcare Group of South Africa
Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bengaluru NH Health City Bengaluru, Mysore, Bellary, Shimoga (Karnataka); Kolkata (5), Durgapur Berhampore (West Bengal);
Jamshedpur, Guwahati, Raipur, Jaipur; Palanpur, Ahmedabad, Mahuva (Gujarat); Lucknow; Mumbai; Jammu.
Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kottayam, Kochi and Perinthalmanna (in Kerala), Hyderabad and in Gulf countries.
CARE Hospitals, Hyderabad Hyderabad (5) Secunderabad, Vishakapatnam (3), Raipur, Bhubaneshwar (2), Nagpur, Pune.

Annexure 2: Companies Operating at Regional Level

Company Name Regional Presence

Global Hospitals, Hyderabad Tertiary/quaternary care hospitals—Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru and Mumbai.
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Super-specialty hospitals—Hyderabad, Nellore, Kondapur, Rajahmundry and Srikakulam.
Vikram Hospitals, Bengaluru Seven hospitals across Karnataka—Bengaluru, Mysore, Mandya and Tumkur.
Sahyadri Hospitals, Pune 10 hospitals in Maharashtra.
Sterling Addlife Gujarat Paras “Sterling Hospitals” in Gujarat; also into diagnostics and home healthcare services.
Medica Synergy, Kolkata Owns and operates hospitals and retail pharmacy outlets in Kolkata, Jamshedpur and Siliguri; management
of Tata Steel hospitals in Jamshedpur and Odisha.
AMRI (Advanced Medical Research Four hospitals—Kolkata (3), Bhubaneshwar (1).
Institute), Kolkata
IVY Health and Life Sciences, Punjab Five multi-specialty hospitals—Mohali, Nawanshahr, Khanna, Hoshiarpur, Amritsar. Greenfield hospitals in
Panchkula (Haryana), Bhatinda and Jalandhar.
Regency Hospital, Kanpur Two tertiary care hospitals, clinic; joint venture with Fresenius Medical Care, Germany for dialysis centres;
Oncology Hospital in Kanpur in joint venture with HCGEL.
Global Health City, Medanta Delhi NCR Medicity in Gurugram (NCR); Lucknow—Medanta Awadh.
PARAS Healthcare Gurugram, Haryana Six multi-specialty hospitals in Gurgaon, Darbhanga and Patna; mother and childcare centres under the
(by PARAS Group) Paras Bliss brand, in NCR, Panchkula.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW NOVEMBER 11, 2017 vol liI no 45 1
Annexure 3: Companies in Primary/Secondary Healthcare Segment
Nationwide Primary Healthcare Services, Team of NRI specialists and GPs from UK and US relocating to India. Over 20 clinics across Bengaluru and
Bengaluru Gurgaon; acquired Ovum Hospitals of Bengaluru-based Neonatal Care and Research Institute.
Wellspring Healthcare, Mumbai Primary healthcare clinics (Healthspring Community Medical Centres) around 30 centres; reported to have
about 100 doctors. Mumbai, Thane, Vashi, Pune, Bengaluru, and Delhi.
HCL Healthcare, Delhi, subsidiary of HCL Only outpatient services, planned to enter into clinical partnerships with regional hospitals to refer patients, also
Corporation, HCL Avitas acquired two clinics of has agreement with Quest Diagnostics. Reported to have eight clinics across Delhi-NCR.
Bharat Family Clinic in NCR region
Vaatsalya Healthcare Solutions, Bengaluru Low-cost primary and secondary care hospital chains in Tier II and III towns; also re-furbishing and managing
nursing homes of doctors in small towns. Around 12 hospitals in Karnataka and Andhra, planning to expand into
Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra.
BE WELL Hospitals, Chennai Establishing secondary care medical facilities (40-60-bed hospitals) targeted at Tier II and Tier III cities, and
metro suburbs (in underserved towns and localities). Reported to have hospitals in Chennai, Pondicherry,
Pudukottai, Sivakasi, Erode and Tuticorin.
Glocal Hospitals, Kolkata (by retired To set up 30-bedded primary and secondary hospitals in rural India; In Sonamukhi, Bankura, Dubrajpur,
bureaucrats and doctors) Birbhum, Murshidabad, Bolpur, and Behrampur, districts of West Bengal.

Annexure 4: Companies in the Diagnostics, Single Specialty, and Other Segments of Healthcare
Thyrocare, Mumbai Central Processing Laboratory in Navi Mumbai, Regional Processing Laboratories (RPLs) in Delhi, Bhopal, Kolkata,
Hyderabad, Coimbatore; network of 1,041 authorised service providers, for sample collection from 466 cities, under
franchise agreements. Molecular imaging centres through subsidiary, Nueclear Healthcare (NHL) in Mumbai, Delhi,
Hyderabad, proposed in Gurugram, Raipur, Kolkata and Coimbatore. Also in Bahrain, Nepal and Bangladesh.
Metropolis Healthcare, Mumbai Around 100+ labs and 800+ collection centres. Across almost all states except in the North-East; global labs in South
Asia, West Asia and Africa.
Dr Lal PathLabs, Delhi National Reference Laboratory in NCR. Nationwide network of 172 clinical laboratories, patient service centres; and
over 7,000 pick-up points, largely in North India; also in the business of hospital and clinical laboratory management
branches in Bangladesh, Nepal, Malaysia, Kuwait, Riyadh, Muscat and Qatar.
SRL Laboratories 230 laboratories included self-operated, franchisee laboratories, laboratories located in own healthcare facilities,
laboratories located in other third-party hospitals, two international laboratories. SRL also had 1,000+ sample collection
centres, which included 37 collection centres at international locations. Across India and in Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives,
Malaysia, several Gulf and African countries.
iGenetics Testing 2013, Mumbai Central processing laboratory in Mumbai with operations in cities, including Delhi, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Baroda,
Nagpur and Pune; looking to make acquisitions; molecular diagnostics services in oncology, gynaecology (infertility).
Medall Healthcare, Chennai Pathology and Imaging Services 60 centres across southern states—Chennai, Bengaluru, Trichy, Tirunelveli, Pudukottai,
Rajapalayam and Virudhunagar. PPP with Tamil Nadu, Andhra, Karnataka governments.
Suraksha Diagnostics, 25 centres across West Bengal, Bihar and Delhi NCR. Also polyclinics. Operates a centre in NRS Medical College and
Panorama Group, Kolkata Hospital in Kolkata on PPP basis.
Centre for Sight, Delhi Chain of eye centres, eye bank, etc; 51 facilities across Punjab, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh as acquired,
Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh; acquired operations of local eye doctors in Meerut,
Vadodara, and Jaipur.
EYE Q, Rewari, Haryana Forty-plus hospitals in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Gujarat, in smaller towns, such as Rewari, Gurgaon,
Rohtak, Sonipat, Yamunanagar, Hissar, Bhiwani, Meerut, Lucknow, Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar, Kanpur, Jhansi, Surat,
Vadodara, Bharuch. Also in Nasik, Jalgaon, Pune and Aurangabad.
Dr Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, Chennai 60 hospitals; also in Africa, Cambodia, Mauritius.
Nova Medical Centres, Bengaluru Two companies—Nova Specialty Surgery, which introduced short-stay surgery in the secondary care segment; and
Nova IVI Fertility (joint venture with IVI Spain). 11 Nova surgical centres Mumbai, Jaipur, Gwalior, Pune, and Kanpur.
Fertility centres in Ahmedabad, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Jalandhar, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Surat and Bengaluru.
Nova Specialty Surgery acquired Excel Hospital, Kanpur.
Sandor Nephroservices 2011, Hyderabad About 50 centres in smaller cities and towns in 12 states; dialysis centres within established hospitals. Operates and
manages in-hospital dialysis centres—Sparsh Nephrocare.
NephroPlus, Hyderabad Dialysis centres in partnership with hospitals such as Apollo and stand-alone.
Portea Medical, 2012, Bengaluru Home-based services—provides doctors, nurses, physiotherapists for home visits—across 20 cities; Medwell
Ventures, India Home Health Care are some other home-based healthcare companies.
Radiant Life Care, Delhi Operation and management (O&M) of old/existing hospitals which are under-performing due to lack of management
expertise—B L Kapur Hospital Delhi, Nanavati Hospital Mumbai; operations in Nepal.
Practo Technologies, Bengaluru Digital platform providing information on doctors, hospitals, pricing and services. Doctor search and appointment
booking for patients; Revenue sources: software sales to hospitals and clinics; hardware sale of tablets to doctors to
manage appointments, digitise patient records; sponsored listing service for hospitals and clinics.

2 NOVEMBER 11, 2017 vol liI no 45 EPW Economic & Political Weekly
Annexure 5: Foreign/Multinational Companies In Healthcare Sector, India
Company Name Company Profile Geographical Spread

Columbia Asia Seattle-based individual and institutional investors Focus is secondary care;2 “McDonald’s of the healthcare business”
investing in healthcare business in Asia; managed by (Goyal 2010). Greenfield hospitals in non-prime areas in Tier-II and
Columbia Pacific Management, through wholly owned Tier III cities, such as in Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Mysore,
subsidiary Columbia Asia, registered in Malaysia.1 Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, Patiala and Pune.
IHH Healthcare In 10 countries under the brands of Mount Elizabeth, Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata, a joint venture between
Parkway Health, Parkway Pantai, Gleneagles brands. Parkway and Apollo, Continental Hospitals, Global Hospitals
Last two in India. in Hyderabad–Mumbai–Chennai–Bengaluru, Gleneagles
Khubchandani Mumbai, Apollo Gleneagles PET-CT Centre
Sakra World Hospitals By Takshasila Hospitals Operating, a joint venture Multi-specialty hospital in Bengaluru.
between the medical arm of Secom, Toyota of Japan and
Kirloskar Group of India; now fully Japanese owned.
NMC Healthcare Dubai By Indian origin pharmacist; network of hospitals Acquired Sunshine Hospitals (in Hyderabad–Secundrabad
in the UAE. and Bhubaneshwar; four in Thiruvananthapuram, in Raipur,
Chhattisgarh. MoU with Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka governments to
set up hospitals.
VPS Healthcare Abu Dhabi By NRI radiologist. Acquired Rockland Hospitals Delhi, Lakeshore Hospital, Kochi.
Zulekha Healthcare Holdings UAE By NRI doctor, has hospitals and clinics in UAE. Greenfield hospital in Nagpur, Alexis Hospital.
Da Vita India Subsidiary of DaVita Inc, US, leading dialysis provider; Acquired Bengaluru-based NephroLife–15 centres across Bengaluru,
investor Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway held Tumkur, Hosur, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pondicherry, Delhi, Pune. In
16.5% of Da Vita in 2013.3 2014 moved into primary care, by acquiring Pune-based primary
care chain Express Clinics, with 26 clinics in Pune, Delhi, Mumbai and
Quest Diagnostics India Subsidiary of Quest Diagnostics Inc US. Also provides Main laboratory in Gurugram NCR; collection facilities across 25
services for clinical trials. cities (metros and Tier I); pathology lab in Lucknow in 2015.
Healthcare UK A joint initiative of the UK Department of Health (DH), UK In 2015 King’s College Hospital, England (through its commercial
Trade and Investment (UKTI) and NHS England in order to arm KCH Management) along with Indo–UK Healthcare initiated a
win overseas contracts and to do more business overseas.4 King’s College Hospital in New Chandigarh, with £100 mn of private
Healthcare UK is supporting Indo UK Healthcare, a investment.
consortium of UK and India-based businesses (of bank
and private equity funds) to develop a chain of 11 Indo–
UK Institutes of Health (IUIH) across India.
2 Reportedly, over 90% of the healthcare business is in secondary care. Secondary care hospitals are cheaper and faster to build and operate; not being in critical tertiary care means less
investment on high-end medical equipment and specialist doctors (Goyal 2010).
3 retrieved 23 August 2016. Ownership of Berkshire Hathway was gradually being transferred by Warren
Buffett to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW NOVEMBER 11, 2017 vol liI no 45 3
Annexure 6: Global and Domestic PE Firms in Healthcare Companies: India
Global Company invested in Domestic Company invested in

TPG Capital Inc US1 Rhea Healthcare, Bengaluru; Cancer I-Ven of ICICI Bank Sahyadri Hospitals Pune, Vikram Hospitals
Treatment Services, Hyderabad; Surya (exited from several) Karnataka, Medica Synergie Kolkata, RG Stone Delhi,
Mother and Child Care, Mumbai; Manipal Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Hyderabad,
Health Enterprises, Sutures India (Guptu Metropolis (pathology labs) Mumbai.
2016, Batra 2015).
Abraaj Group Dubai—Abraaj Growth Rainbow Hospitals, Andhra Pradesh; Sabre Partners SRL Diagnostics Delhi, Oyster and Pearl Hospitals,
Markets Health Fund is a PE fund dedicated (with CDC UK), Apollo Bhilai Scan and Pune, Healthcare Global Enterprises (HCG), SRL
to investments in the healthcare sector in Research Group, Quality CARE Hospitals, Diagnostics, Invictus Oncology, Delhi.
various countries in Africa and South Asia.2 Hyderabad.
Has investments from IFC, CDC, OPIC of US.
Temasek Singapore—sovereign wealth Healthcare Global Enterprises (HCG), Asian Healthcare Delhi-based private healthcare equity fund founded
fund fully owned by the Singapore Bengaluru; Global Health (Medanta Fund in 2010 by owners of Dabur India, and invests in the
government.3 Medicity Gurugram, Haryana); healthcare and life sciences sector in India. It has
Nationwide Primary Healthcare Services, invested in Wellspring Healthcare, a Mumbai-based
Bengaluru. primary healthcare chain.
Quadria Singapore.4 Medica Synergie, Kolkata; Asian Institute Manipal Education In early 2017 they have together set up a healthcare
of Gastroenterology, HCG and Krishna and Medical Group fund of `500 crore to invest in “out-of-hospital” care
Institute of Medical Sciences (exited). (MEMG) and CDC UK companies, like diagnostics and home-care services
Economic Times (2015b). in India, Africa and South Asia.
IHH Healthcare Bhd Malaysia/Singapore— Global Hospitals and Continental TATA Capital In Sandor Nephro Services, a dialysis provider, and
sovereign wealth fund of Malaysia— Hospital, Hyderabad; Vikram Hospitals, Healthcare Fund Lokmanya Hospitals, a tertiary care chain around
Khazanah—is the largest shareholder in Bengaluru; Apollo Health Enterprises Pune providing orthopaedic surgeries.
IHH Berhad.5 (minority stake). As of March 2017 had 10
operating hospitals in India.
Sequoia Capital—US reported to manage Cloudnine Hospitals, Bengaluru;
nearly $4 bn across many funds, including Moolchand Healthcare, Delhi; Glocal
those from endowments of Stanford and Healthcare, Kolkata; ASG Eye, Rajasthan,
Harvard Universities.6 Suburban Diagnostics, Mumbai; Vasan
Healthcare, Tamil Nadu; MedGenome
SONG Investment—by Soros Economic EYE Q, Delhi; Be Well Hospitals, Chennai.
Development Fund, Omidyar Network,
and Google.7

4 NOVEMBER 11, 2017 vol liI no 45 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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