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Brenda Tamayo

Mrs. Storer
English 3 Honors: Block 4
February 20, 2020
Socratic Circle Reflection on The Great Gatsby

Summary of the Discussion

In the inner circle that I participated in, we started off talking about the Great Gatsby and how
the authors Fitzgerald uses colors in a symbolic way. Many of us mentioned how the color green
was used in a variety of ways throughout the novel. The color represented many things such as
envy, hope, and nature. Other people also mentioned how the color gray represented sadness and
hopelessness. The next question that we discussed was a combination of question eleven and
fourteen. We all came to the consensus that the first and last sentences of the novel were
connected. They show how Nick has evolved over the course of the story. In the beginning he
states how he does not judge people but later we come to realize that he does indeed judge

Reflection on Performance
One of the most original arguments in this discussion was mentioned by Mason at the beginning
of the Socratic seminar. He pointed out how at the end of chapter one, the green light that Gatsby
is gazing at represents his jealously and envy of East Egg and his jealousy of Tom. Another
unique argument that was made was when Mason mentioned how the Great Gatsby is a tragic
hero story, but it’s not Gatsby, it is actually about Nick. Mason argued that throughout the whole
book, Nick slowly lost his moral and how Nick greatly changed while living in New York. This
is insightful because the book is portrayed to be centered around Gatsby but in reality, it is about
Nick and how the people around him have affect him.
The most original piece of evidence from the book that was used to support an opinion during
the discussion was from page 179 that stated how Tom and Daisy were reckless and careless
people who retreated into their money when they messed things up. With this piece of evidence
Dominic argued how Nick only judges’ others who have done something morally wrong from
Nicks point of view. This was an insightful piece of evidence because it shows how Nicks
morals overcome his desire to not judge others.

Reflection on Content

(1) Throughout the Great Gatsby, many colors are used to symbolize themes and emotions, such
as the colors green and gray.

(2) The main points that I would make in this essay is how the color green is used in multiple
ways to symbolize feelings of the characters. For example, at the end of the book the green light
symbolizes hope and Gatsby dream to be with Daisy. However, in the beginning of the novel
green was used to symbolize Gatsby envy and jealousy/ lust to have Daisy. Another color that
was heavily used in this novel way gray. Gray was used when describing the valley of ashes and
symbolized the sadness of hopelessness of this town. The color gray was also used when
describing Jordan’s eyes, which also signifies a loss of hope. Overall, the color gray was
associated with more depressing and empty emotions, while green was associated with hope and

(3) Throughout the Great Gatsby there is a prevalent theme of not judging others, even some of
the characters end up judging other whether they admit it or not. This topic is very widespread in
everyone’s life, including mine. In my ideal world there would be no judgement or prejudice
towards anyone. However, there are certain circumstances which leads us to judging others. For
example, when I’m hanging out with my friends and they do something reckless or dangerous I
tend to judge them because I know what they are doing is wrong. From past experiences where I
was judge for my veganism, I’ve learned that people tend to be judgmental when they do not
fully understand something. The unknown seems to scare people, so they would rather be
judgmental then educated themselves. Ever since I have come to this realization, I have stopped
being so judgmental, especially over situations I fully do not understand.

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