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The world economy is currently facing a very problematic situation regarding the coronavirus outbreak.
The textile industry of Bangladesh is also included in this crisis scenario. Policymakers and managers of
textile companies are being indecisive about their work policy. Some are following the strategy of layoffs
and lockouts, some of them want to run the organizational procedures with a vital tendency of disobeying
the government rules where others are considering retrenchments without prior notice as a suitable policy.
But the picture is not disappointing from all point of view, some of the organizations are obeying the rule
of social distancing properly and provide their employees and workers leave with wages in this scenario.
Orders are canceling and job security is moving towards uncertainty.

• Consider you as a general manager of any reputed garment industry. During this situation what
will be your work plan along with ensuring the welfare of your company and employees
simultaneously? Give your justification from the managerial point of view and according to labor
law 2006.


Considering me as a general manager of a reputed garments company during this critical

situation I will do bellow work plan for ensuring the welfare of my company and employees.

➢ At first, I will try to arrange a meeting immediately with officers so that we can discuss
about assuring the safety of the employers which is one of the important point of the
labor law 2006. we will also discuss about the opening date and make sure that the all
important products like mask, ppe , hand gloves , hand sanitizer , hand wash etc. will be
arranged before the opening date of the industry.

➢ After completing the first task, I will open the industry by maintain a social distance. In
the entrance there will be a group of man standing who will make sure that every person
before entering using the hand sanitizer.

➢ There will be a room separate from others room if any worker gets sick or any kind of
symptoms, we will keep him in that room until the medical team arrive.
➢ If any of our employee affected with coronavirus then we will encourage him to stay
home .and make sure that he or she is not going to discharge. So that other employee will
not hide if they going through the symptoms.

➢ I will always keep update to the government notice. And always give the priority to the
notice of the government.

➢ During this situation every employee should be afraid, as a human being its natural. so, I
will try to encourage every employee by saying “not be afraid and if any things happen
bad, don’t worry the company is with you”. By encouraging them it will help to
increasing the working efficiency.

➢ I will try to arrange a transport service to the employee so that they could maintain the
safety outside the factory.

➢ The salary of every employee should be given in time.

➢ We will never discharge any employee for the reason of covid-19. It’s illegal as the labor
law 2006.

➢ The factory should be neat and clean.

➢ I will make sure that every employee is maintaining the rules by observing on the field of

I will try to maintain those point which I have given above. I think by going through those
process I can make sure that the production efficiency is not decrease and at the same time the
employee health safety is maintained as it is one of the main points of labor law 2006. And in
this situation maintaining this point is very challenging. But if I can maintain those points, I can
assure that the labor law 2006 is maintained well.

The End
Thank you

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