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Care of Cargo on Board

UNIT 4 CARE OF CARGO ONBOARD SHIP Ship and Documentation

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Ventilation and Control of Sweat

4.3 Temperature Control
4.4 Prevention of Ingress of Water
4.5 Fire Control
4.6 Gas Accumulation Hazard
4.7 Spontaneous Combustion
4.8 Flammable Cargoes
4.9 Flammable Range and Ignition Temperature and Flashpoint
4.10 Inert Gas
4.11 Mate’s Receipt
4.12 Bills of Lading
4.13 Statement of Facts
4.14 Notice of Readiness
4.15 Cargo Stow Plan and Loading/Discharging Sequence
4.16 Ship/Shore Safety Checklist
4.17 Summary
4.18 Answers to SAQs

Hague Rules, Article III, Rule 2 very cleary specifies the responsibility of the ship as
carrier of goods in the following manner:
“The carrier shall properly and carefully load, handle, stow, carry, keep, care for
and discharge the goods carried.”
(Hague Rules, Article III, Rule 2)
After you have loaded the cargo properly, the care for the cargo during transit before it is
discharged therefore is of paramount importance. You must have a thorough knowledge
of the properties of the cargo and the care and the precautions that need to be taken on
the voyage to maintain it in the same condition as it was when loaded on board.
While at sea, the safety of cargo, safety of the vessel and the safety of the crew onboard
are so interlinked that, all the three need to be kept in mind at all times.
For instance, if the cargo works loose below deck due to heavy weather, it must be
attended to immediately, and not doing so could cause damage to the cargo and
consequently damage to the ship's structure.
Care of cargo in transit varies with type of cargo. If proper care is not taken damage or
loss of cargo may take place due to following:
Fire and Explosion
Inadequate Temperature and Pressure control
Cargo Handling Inadequate Atmosphere control
and Stowage
Inadequate Moisture control
Water ingress
Lashings if unattended or damaged
Contamination with other cargoes.
No job is complete before the paper work is done and this holds true for sea farers also.
There are various documents related to cargo which you must be aware of when loading,
carrying and discharging cargoes. A few basic ones are included in this unit.
After learning this unit the student would be able to familiarize himself with:
• Principle and practice of safe carriage of the cargo during transit.
• Importance of understanding the properties of cargo
• Care required for different types of cargoes.
• Some important documents concerning carriage of cargoes.


4.2.1 Why Ventilate
Imagine that assorted cargoes have been loaded in a cargo compartment of your ship and
the same has been completely closed and made weather tight, for a long passage of say,
two or three weeks. What if some of the goods you are carrying require airing or
otherwise would get spoilt. Cargoes could get damaged due to various reasons. Let us
find some of these.
Ventilation in a cargo compartment could be necessary for the following reasons:
(a) To reduce the temperature of the air in the compartment and bring it on par
with the ambient temperature.
(b) To prevent damage to the cargoes which have following properties:
(i) Susceptible to heat.
(ii) Likely to decay or ferment.
(iii) Subject to spontaneous combustion.
(iv) Likely to be contaminated by the odours of other cargoes.
(c) To expel the toxic, flammable or unwanted gases given out by the cargo.
(d) To prevent formation of sweat and thus prevent damage to the cargo and
rusting of the steel structure of the ship.
(e) To prevent depletion of oxygen content of the air inside the compartment.
This occurs due to the oxidation of steel structure or steel cargo and
formation of rust.
(f) To make the compartment sufficiently safe for any person to enter it for any
purpose, and to make it reasonably habitable for labourers to work there.
4.2.2 Sweating
If a cargo has been loaded in a warm region and the ship proceeds to a cold region, then
the lack of ventilation could lead to condensation of water on the ship’s side. This
phenomenon will be explained in detail in the later part of this module. The condensed
60 water could damage the cargoes, particularly those of hygroscopic nature, i.e. those
which have a natural tendency to absorb moisture e.g. coffee powder, grain, rice, herbs, Care of Cargo on Board
confectionery, timber, etc. It could also accelerate the rusting of steel inside the Ship and Documentation
Sweat is condensation of water vapour on cold surface inside the cargo compartment of a
ship. If it occurs on the ship’s side, then it is called “ship sweat” and if it occurs on the
cargo, then it is called “cargo sweat”.
Due to natural process of evaporation, water turns into water vapour and remains
suspended in the air. The maximum amount of water vapour, which the air can hold,
depends on the temperature of the air. Higher the temperature greater is the capacity to
hold water vapour. When the air at a given temperature contains a maximum amount of
water vapour, which it can hold, then it is said to be saturated and it’s, humidity is said to
be 100%. If now the temperature of the air falls it cannot hold the same amount of water
vapour and so the excess amount will condense in the form of water drops on any cold
surface, with which the air is in contact. This is called sweat.
Suppose a given parcel of air, (e.g. the air inside a cargo compartment), is at a certain
temperature and it is unsaturated (i.e. its humidity is less than 100%). If now the
temperature of this air is reduced so that it becomes saturated, condensation shall take
place. The temperature at which it occurs is said to be the dew point of that parcel of air.
This can be determined by using the Hygrometer or Psychrometer. Appropriate data
tables given in the meteorological codes will indicate the dew point which has been
reproduced in Appendix 1.
It is therefore obvious that in order to prevent condensation the air temperature inside the
compartment should not be allowed to fall below its dew point.
4.2.3 Ship Sweat
Suppose the ship has loaded cargo at a port in a warm region. This means that the air
inside the compartment is warm and it will be holding substantial amount of water
vapour. The compartment is now closed and the ship proceeds to the colder regions. The
cold water outside will cool the ship’s steel hull, which in turn will cool the air inside the
compartment by conduction. If the temperature of the air close to the ship’s side falls
below its dew point, condensation will occur on the colder ship’s side with which the air
is in contact.
Following activity will explain the process of condensation:
When we pour cold water in a glass, very soon water particles appear on the outer surface
of the glass. This is because the cold water has cooled the body of the glass, which in
turn cools the air in contact with it. This reduces the temperature of the surrounding air,
in the immediate vicinity of the glass, below its dew point and condensation occurs on
the cold glass surface.
Normally the condensed water will trickle down the ship's side into the bilges and would
be pumped out subsequently. However, if the water is exposed to the cargo, particularly
those of hygroscopic nature, then it will damage the cargo. In addition, the water drops
on the steel shipside could accelerate the formation of rust, which creates its own
To prevent formation of ship sweat, the cargo compartment should be ventilated
extensively so that the outside cold air, having low dew point, will replace the inside
warm air having comparatively higher dew point. As the days pass by, the temperature of
the inside and the outside air will equalise and there will be no possibility of formation of
To decide whether ventilation is necessary or not, you should make use of the
hygrometer to measure the dew point of the air inside and outside the compartment, and
apply the following thumb rule:
“If the dew point of the outside air is less than the dew point of the inside air,
ventilate the compartment.”
Cargo Handling 4.2.4 Cargo Sweat
and Stowage
This occurs when the ship has loaded cargo in the cold region and is proceeding towards
the warmer regions. If you allow ventilation during the voyage, then the warm and moist
air from outside will enter the compartment and be exposed to the cold air and the cargo.
This will reduce the temperature of the incoming air and, if it falls below its dew point,
condensation will occur on the cold cargo.
Obviously, the answer to this problem is to restrict ventilation. In other words, you
should ascertain the dew points of the outside and the inside air and apply the thumb rule:
“If the dew point of the outside air is higher than the dew point of the inside air,
restrict ventilation.”
Total restriction of ventilation is neither feasible nor desirable.
Restricting Ventilation
It is practically impossible to make all the openings such as the hatch covers,
booby hatches and ventilators totally airtight. It is not desirable also because it
could lead to accumulation of harmful gases inside the compartment. Hence,
controlled ventilation is resorted to for short periods, particularly during the day.
In addition, de-humidifiers are used with the ventilation system to remove the
moisture from the air before it enters the compartment, and make it as dry as
possible. By doing so, formation of sweat is reduced if not eliminated and
gradually the temperature of the air inside and outside the compartment will
De-humidification is carried out by using chemicals like silica gel, activated
alumina and lithium chloride. They have very high affinity for water and if moist
air is passed over them, they will absorb the moisture in the air, thus making it dry.
Later the chemicals are heated to release the collected moisture and then reused as
de-humidifiers. The absorption of the moisture and the drying of the chemicals is
continuously carried out when the ventilation and de-humidification is started.
Obviously, if there is likelihood of formation of cargo sweat, the ventilation will
be restricted, depending on the nature of the cargo. If the cargo gives out harmful
gases, which have to be expelled, then controlled ventilation is to be used with the
help of de-humidifiers even if it leads to some cargo sweat.
(a) While sailing from Mumbai to London, during 0800 - 1200 hours watch, the
atmospheric temperatures were taken by whirling psychrometer. The dry
bulb thermometer read 22°C while wet bulb showed 20°C. Find the Dew
point Temperature of the atmospheric air.
(b) During the voyage cargo hold and atmospheric temperatures were taken as
Dry bulb temperature Wet bulb temperature
Cargo hold 20°C
Atmosphere 22°C 21°C
Explain with reasoning whether ventilation can be carried out without any
(c) During the voyage cargo hold and atmospheric temperatures were taken as
Dry bulb temperature Wet bulb temperature
Cargo hold 14°C
Atmosphere 16°C 14°C
Explain with reasoning whether ventilation can be carried out without any
(d) Dew point temperature of out side air was found to be 14°C whereas cargo
62 hold temperature was recorded as 12°C. Can the ventilation be carried out?
If no, give the reason. If out side air’s dry bulb temperature was 18°C, find Care of Cargo on Board
Ship and Documentation
the wet bulb temperature.
(e) The dry bulb temperature of outside air is 18°C and depression in the wet
bulb is 6°C. Find the dew point temperature of the air.

4.2.6 Natural Ventilation

This is carried out with the help of cowl ventilators. These are fitted on deck or on top of
mast house. The mouth of the ventilator can be turned around in the appropriate direction
depending on whether it has to be used as exhaust or inlet.
As per the normal practice, the leeward ventilators are turned towards the wind and the
windward ventilators are turned away from the wind. The air enters the compartment
through the leeward ventilators, flows in the opposite direction towards the windward
ventilators and finally exhausts out of them.
During the voyage the duty officer should keep watch on the wind direction and turn the
cowls accordingly. If the ventilation has to be restricted, then all the cowls are turned
away from the wind. If the restriction of the ventilation is very critical, then the cowl is
lifted out of its coaming and the opening is plugged by a wooden disc and adequately
closed by a canvas cover. This not only prevents entry of the air, but also makes the
opening weather tight in case of bad weather.
Very often natural ventilation cannot be effectively carried out because it suffers from the
following disadvantages:
• It is dependent on the direction of the wind, which should normally be
from forward of the beam. Ventilation is not possible if there is no wind
or if it is blowing from abaft the beam.
• It is reasonably effective for surface ventilation but not good enough for
through ventilation, unless the wind force is sufficiently high, and from
appropriate direction, to penetrate deep into the compartment.
• The air entering the compartment is expected to force the harmful gases
out of the exhaust ventilators. However, this is not always effective and
very often it merely helps in diluting the gases inside the compartment,
unless the wind force is sufficiently high.
• If ventilation of cargo is very important, the cowls have to be constantly
trimmed in the correct direction, whether by day or by night, with every
shift of the wind direction. Any default on the part of the duty officer in
this regard could damage the cargo.

Figure 4.1 : Cowl Ventilator

Cargo Handling 4.2.7 Mechanical/Forced Ventilation
and Stowage
This method overcomes the disadvantages of the natural ventilation system. The whole
arrangement is permanently fitted on deck or on mast house. Electrical blowers are fitted
inside the ventilator to either inject the air into or exhaust the air from the compartment.

Figure 4.2 : Mushroom Mechanical Ventilator

If only surface ventilation is required or if harmful gases have to be expelled, then the
blowers of the ventilators on one side of the compartment are operated in the exhaust
mode. As the air with the gases is expelled from the compartment, automatically fresh air
enters through the ventilators on the opposite side, without the help of the blowers. This
process enables the gases to be physically dragged out of the compartment and be
replaced by fresh air.
When through ventilation is required and expelling of gases is not of paramount
importance, then blowers of one set of ventilators are operated in the inlet mode to force
the fresh air into the compartment. With the build-up of pressure inside the compartment,
the air is automatically exhausted out of the other set of ventilators without operating the
As blowers of only one set of ventilators will be operated at a time, these should be
periodically inter-changed during the voyage to avoid over-stressing the same blowers.
Because of the shape of the ventilators, it cannot be used for natural ventilation. In other
words, unless the blowers of at least one set of ventilators are operated, ventilation is not
possible. Hence, the easiest way to restrict ventilation is to stop the blowers. However, if
restriction of ventilation is very critical, then, besides stopping the blowers, the flaps
fitted inside the ventilators are turned by a handle outside the ventilator, to close the
trunking. These flaps are also effective in preventing entry of water during bad weather
and in controlling a fire, which may occur inside the compartment. They are commonly
referred to as “fire flaps."
The biggest disadvantage of this system is the electric blower itself. If flammable gas is
being expelled from the compartment, then, due to sparking of the motor or at any
electrical junction, the gas could ignite. To prevent it, the electric motor and the entire
electrical arrangement have to be made intrinsically safe and flame proof.
Very often these ventilators are also fitted with a wire mesh to act as a spark arrestor so
that any sparks from the ship’s funnel or from the electric blower will not be able to enter
the trunking.
4.2.8 Surface Ventilation
Certain cargoes when loaded in bulk give out flammable gas and generate heat due to
exothermic reaction. Cargo of coal is a very good example of this process. If the heat
generated over a period is sufficiently high, then the presence of the flammable gas and
the atmospheric oxygen in the right proportion could lead to spontaneous combustion.
Hence, it is important that not only the gas is expelled but also it should be done without Care of Cargo on Board
injecting too much oxygen within the cargo. Ship and Documentation

To achieve this purpose, ventilation of only the surface of the cargo is carried out without
allowing too much air to permeate within the lower levels of the cargo. Opening a set of
ventilators can achieve this. Such vents do not have trunking leading to the lower part of
the compartment, or their trunking is blanked. The air entering through these ventilators
will dilute the atmosphere above the cargo and expel the flammable gas, as it rises
upwards through the cargo, via another set of ventilators. This will also help in
controlling any substantial rise of temperature in the compartment.
To provide extra surface ventilation, the hatch covers may be partially opened, provided
the weather conditions permit the same.

Figure 4.3

Figure 4.4

4.2.9 Thorough Ventilation

This is required for most cargoes to achieve all the purposes stated earlier in the
paragraph on recapitulation. The ventilators fitted on the deck have trunking leading 65
Cargo Handling along the ship' side or bulkheads to the lower part of the compartment. The air entering
and Stowage through one set of ventilators reaches the bottom of the compartment via trunkings, rises
upwards through the cargo and finally exhausts out of another set of ventilators.
Normally all the ventilators of the compartments have trunkings leading to the bottom.
When the ventilation is started, the trunkings of those ventilators, which are to be used
for exhaust, are blanked so that per-force the air entering the compartment through the
inlet ventilators has to rise upwards through the cargo rather than through the trunkings,
to reach the exhaust ventilators. By doing so all the harmful gases present in the pockets
within the cargo will be driven out of the compartment.

Figure 4.5 : Thorough Ventilation by Natural Ventilator

4.2.10 Moisture Control

Sweat ruins more cargo each year than due to any other cause. Moisture is generally
present in the holds of the vessel and when the extent of the moisture is not controlled, it
settles down as sweat on the ship's side or the cargo itself.
The otherwise harmless moisture causes following damage:
• Textile goods may suffer discolouration,
• Steel cargo and machinery may get rusted,
• Foodstuffs become unpalatable,
• Fibres and grains get fermented,
• Wood products get stained, and
• Chemicals may change their composition.
All this could amount to damage costing the consignee thousands if not millions of
dollars. Most of the times the ship will be held responsible and liable for cargo damage,
as formation of moisture could easily be prevented by understanding the importance of
ventilation of cargo during transit.
As you know, most of the cargoes are loaded in cargo compartments. These are closed
before proceeding to sea, to prevent any external elements, like foul weather, water, heat,
cold, etc affecting the cargo. However, we have seen that closing the compartment
completely may lead to many other problems. The damage to cargo due to non-
ventilation may result in many claims and the ship would be held liable if such damage
takes place. Remember, it is the ships duty to carry the cargo safely from one place to
another, which means it is your duty to make sure that the cargo is not damaged due to
66 any reason whatsoever.
Care of Cargo on Board
4.3 TEMPERATURE CONTROL Ship and Documentation

Temperature needs to be monitored and controlled for almost all kinds of cargoes.
Usually a range of temperature is given by the shipper within which the cargo needs to be
kept on board. The ambient temperature of the atmosphere plays an important role
whether the cargo needs to be heated or cooled. Portable thermometers or sensors are
lowered through the temperature pipes (in dry cargo ships) and ullage ports (in case of
tankers) which are provided for each hold. Some ships have permanent sensors and
display arrangements fitted to monitor temperature in each compartment.
Certain liquid cargoes if not heated in cold conditions may fall below the recommended
temperature and become viscous or solidify in the pipelines and tanks and create
problems for discharging. The same cargoes if heated excessively may give rise to
excessive vapour resulting in increase of pressure in the tanks. This excessive pressure
needs to be released into the atmosphere causing cargo vapour loss.
LPG, LNG cargoes are carried at a very low temperature and at a certain pressure, if this
temperature is allowed to rise, the pressure of the cargo increases and this excessive
pressure needs to be released into the atmosphere causing cargo losses. These ships have
refrigeration machinery with insulated, pressurized vessels tanks which must be used
effectively to keep the cargo losses to a minimum.
Cargo vapour released cannot be totally avoided on LPG tankers as the voyage
progresses and many tankers use the released vapours to run their Main engines during
the voyage.
Frozen and temperature sensitive cargoes like meats, fish, fruits, etc. need a certain
temperature to be maintained throughout its carriage. Entry into the holds must be
restricted and enclosed space entry permits must be obtained prior entering the hold.
Temperatures must be monitored and recorded regularly.
Reefer containers must be checked for correct operation of their equipment and the
proper working of the temperature recorder must be established during their checks.
4.3.1 Rise of Temperature
The deck above the compartment will get heated by sunlight, which in turn will heat the
air inside by conduction. Due to the lack of ventilation, there is no chance for the heat to
be dissipated. Hence the temperature inside the compartment will rise.
If the ship is proceeding towards the warmer regions, then the rise in temperature will be
fast and substantial, but if the ship is proceeding towards the colder regions, then the
temperature inside may not increase at all.
In case of certain cargoes, which may undergo exothermic reactions i.e. they evolve heat
due to chemical reactions, the rise of temperature will be large. Examples of such cargoes
are – coal, nuts, beans, hay, wet hides, oil cakes, pepper, etc.
4.3.2 Effects of the Rise of Temperature on the Cargo
The rise in temperature will not directly affect most of the cargoes but certain cargoes
undergo changes. Grain or seeds of any kind will tend to germinate and may start
This is a natural process, which occurs over a period in the presence of moisture, but it is
aggravated and expedited due to rise in temperature.
Fruits will start ripening and deteriorating at a faster rate than normal.
Certain organic products like green sugar; molasses, etc. start fermenting leading to
evolution of alcoholic vapours and carbon dioxide gas. Unless these gases are exhausted
out of the compartment, they will be a hazard to persons entering it.
The pressure inside gas cylinders carried as cargo will increase. This could cause leakage
of gas and other related problems.
Cargo Handling Certain cargoes like coal, animal meal, oil cakes, etc. evolve flammable gas due to
and Stowage exothermic reaction. The consequential rise in temperature and the presence of
flammable gas and atmospheric oxygen in the right proportion could lead to spontaneous
combustion, unless the rise in temperature is controlled and the flammable gas is expelled
out of the compartment.


Ingress of water through Air Pipes/Ventilation Trunking/Sounding Pipes.
All cargoes are damaged if soaked in water. Seawater or rainwater enters the hold
• Leaking hatch covers
• Holed ballast pipes
• Air pipes
• Holed ventilator trunkings
• Uncovered sounding pipes.
Though all these items would have been checked during the inspection of the hold prior
to loading, it should again be inspected while taking rounds on deck especially after bad
weather or heavy seas. The volume and the force of water that rushes on deck during
heavy seas can easily damage an air pipe or even a ventilator trunkings.
A sounding pipe not closed properly may allow water to enter the tank or the bilges.
4.4.1 Manholes
If the manholes in the hold were opened for inspection or repair prior to loading ensure
that the packing is changed and that the manhole is properly bolted down. If they were
not closed tight, ballast water or oil from the double bottom may seep through these
manholes into the hold. Though there is very little that you could do to check this during
the sea voyage, it is always a good practice to check soundings of the tanks and bilges.
4.4.2 Hatch Covers
You must regularly inspect the hatch cover and check the following even though there
could be little you can do at sea during a voyage:
The rubber packing of the hatch cover which ensures water tight integrity, must be
replaced if necessary (vessel usually carries spare packing material), and record
maintained. The drain channel must be clean and clear of obstructions. The compression
bar is straight and not dented. During a Load Line survey, the classification surveyor
carries out a leak detection test.
4.4.3 Sounding the Bilges
At sea the only indication of water ingress into a hold is by sounding of the hold bilges. It
is a normal practice to take such soundings twice a day and record the same in the mate's
logbook or a sounding book. If the soundings of the hold bilges have increased,
immediate investigation must be carried out to assess the nature of the ingress and the
cause. If it is fresh water it could be free moisture or rainwater might have leaked into the
hold. If it is salt water, it could be due to leaking hatch cover/air pipe/ventilator. You
cannot rule out the possibility of a crack/hole on the ship’s side. Once ingress of water is
detected take soundings frequently to see the rate of increase of the sounding to ascertain
the cause. If it is oily water it may be from the engine room due to malfunctioning of the
bilge valve chest or defective non-return valve in the hold bilge.


Fire or explosion on a ship obviously means heavy damage to the ship, its personnel and
68 the cargo it is carrying, and sometimes may even result in total loss.
Care must be taken to monitor the entire ship for a possible risk of fire, so that it does not Care of Cargo on Board
take place and if at all it does then it must be, located, controlled and extinguished in a Ship and Documentation
shortest possible time.
All dry cargo ship holds have fire detection and extinguishing systems which must be
kept operational and in a state of readiness at all times. Zones and audio visual alarms
must never be isolated or deactivated on the panel. Every alarm must be taken seriously,
recorded and reset only after a thorough investigation. Some cargoes require regular
monitoring of explosive gasses and cargo temperatures which are done by either
permanently fitted systems or portable units. These instruments must be calibrated
regularly. Care must be taken to use explosion proof equipment when working near such
cargo compartments. Smoking, naked fires and hot work must not be permitted at all near
such compartments. Even adjacent compartments must be monitored if they are being
heated so that their heat is not transferred to the compartment carrying cargoes which
may catch fire. Fire patrolling must be carried out at least once in a 4 hour period and
recorded in the log book.


Certain cargoes have a natural tendency to evolve gases, which could be toxic or
flammable in nature, e.g. –
• Coal gives out flammable methane gas (Marsh gas).
• Rice gives out carbon dioxide.
• Food products, when they start fermenting due to any reason, give out ethyl
alcohol and carbon dioxide gases.
• Petroleum products and crude oil, give out hydrocarbon gases, which are
both toxic and flammable.
Accumulation of these gases in the compartment could seriously harm any person
entering it for any work. Such accumulation could lead to fire and explosion. When an
appropriate mixture of flammable gas and air is exposed to a spark, fire or explosion may
4.6.1 Depletion of Oxygen
The cargo compartments are made of steel, which has a high affinity for oxygen leading
to oxidation of steel and formation of rust. This is a natural process and can only be
prevented or reduced by properly painting the steel to prevent it from coming into contact
with the oxygen in the atmosphere. But even with the best efforts of the ship's staff,
corrosion takes place. Oxidation, which causes corrosion, will lead to the reduction in
percentage of oxygen in the compartment. This reduction will be more pronounced if the
compartment is loaded with steel cargo. If fresh air is not supplied by effective
ventilation, then any person entering the compartment may collapse due to lack of
Even though proper ventilation of a cargo compartment will make it reasonably safe to
enter, it is extremely important that before you enter it, especially at sea when the hatch
cover is closed, you must take certain precautions for your own safety. In any case, you
will never enter the compartment without the specific permission of the Master.
4.6.2 Inadequate Atmosphere Control
The hold atmosphere within which the cargo stays during the loaded voyage plays a very
important role in maintaining the cargo exactly in the same state as when loaded on
board. This includes the humidity, oxygen content, inert gas content, temperature of the
atmosphere. Most of this can be controlled by increasing or restricting ventilation as we
shall see in the subsequent paragraphs.

Cargo Handling
Spontaneous combustion is a phenomenon in which a substance unexpectedly bursts
into flame without apparent cause. In ordinary combustion, a substance is deliberately
heated to its ignition point to make it burn. Many substances undergo a slow oxidation
that releases heat. If the heat so released cannot escape the substance, the temperature of
the substance rises until ignition takes place. Spontaneous combustion often occurs in
piles of oily rags, green hay, leaves, or coal; it can constitute a serious fire hazard.
Spontaneous combustion is said to occur when any material, which undergoes
exothermic chemical reaction, catches fire due to rise in temperature and evolution of
flammable gas without any external source of fire.


Flammable and combustible products are used for a wide variety of purposes and are
commonly found in the home. Gasoline is the most common, but there are other
flammable and combustible liquids and gases used in the home including:

• paint solvents • spray paint

• lighter fluid • kerosene
• dry cleaning agents • propane
• butane • diesel fuel
• pesticides • turpentine
• oil • nail polish
Many households use natural gas, propane or fuel oil heating. Each product poses a
serious health or fire danger if not used and stored properly.


4.9.1 Flammable Range
A mixture of hydrocarbon gas and air cannot be ignited and burn unless its composition
lies within a range of gas in air concentrations known as the Flammable Range. The
lower limit of this range, known as the Lower Flammable Limit (LFL), is that
hydrocarbon concentration below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon gas to support
and propagate combustion. The upper limit of the range, known as the Upper Flammable
Limit (UFL), is that hydrocarbon concentration above which there is insufficient air to
support and propagate combustion.
The flammable limits vary somewhat for different pure hydrocarbon gases and for the
gas mixtures derived from different petroleum liquids. Very roughly, the gas mixtures
from crude oils, motor or aviation gasoline and natural gasoline-type products can be
represented respectively by the pure hydrocarbon gases propane, butane and pentane.
Below mentioned table gives the flammable limits for these three gases. It also shows the
amount of dilution with air needed to bring a mixture of 50% by volume of each of these
gases in air down to its LFL. This type of information is very relevant to the ease with
which vapours disperse to a non-flammable concentration in the atmosphere.
In practice the lower and upper flammable limits of oil cargoes carried in tankers can, for
general purposes, be taken as 1% and 10% by volume respectively.

Flammable limits % vol. Number of dilutions by air to Care of Cargo on Board
Hydrocarbon in air reduce 50% by volume Ship and Documentation
mixture to LFL

Upper Lower

Propane 9.5 2.2 23

Butane 8.5 1.9 26

Pentane 7.8 1.5 33

Figure 4.6

4.9.2 Ignition Temperature

Each fuel should be brought above its Ignition Temperature for starting the combustion
process. An appropriate air-fuel ratio is also necessary. The minimum ignition
temperature at atmospheric pressure for some substances are:
Carbon 400oC Gasoline 260oC
Hydrogen 580oC Carbon monoxide 610oC
Methane 630oC
4.9.3 Flashpoint
The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapours to form a
flammable gas mixture near the surface of the liquid. It is measured in a laboratory in
standard apparatus using a prescribed procedure.
In this test, a sample of the liquid is gradually heated in a special pot and a small flame is
repeatedly and momentarily applied to the surface of the liquid. The flashpoint is the
lowest liquid temperature at which the small flame initiates a flash of flame across the
surface of the liquid, thereby indicating the presence of a flammable gas/air mixture
above the liquid. For all oils, except some residual fuel oils, this gas/air mixture
corresponds closely to the lower flammable limit mixture.
The flash point differs for each type of flammable liquid. Kerosene has a flash point of
110º Fahrenheit while Gasoline has a flash point of 40 degrees. This means that when the
temperature is freezing, gasoline still vapourizes and can cause an explosion and/or fire.
At the same temperature, kerosene cannot ignite. Liquids such as gasoline with a 71
Cargo Handling flashpoint below 100º are called flammable liquids. Kerosene and other liquids with a
and Stowage flash point above 100º are referred to as combustible liquids.
There are many different forms of flashpoint apparatus but they fall into two classes. In
one, the surface of the liquid is permanently open to the atmosphere as the liquid is
heated and the result of such a test is known as an ‘open cup flashpoint’. In the other
class, the space above the liquid is kept closed except for brief moments when the
initiating flame is introduced through a small port. The result of this class of test is
termed a ‘closed cup flashpoint’.
Because of the greater loss of gas to atmosphere in the open cup test, the open cup
flashpoint of a petroleum liquid is always a little higher (by about 6ºC) than its closed
cup flashpoint. The restricted loss of gas in the closed cup apparatus also leads to a much
more repeatable result than can be obtained in open cup testing. For this reason, the
closed cup method is now more generally favoured and is used in this guide when
considering the classification of petroleum. However, open cup test figures may still be
found in the legislation of various national administrations, in classification society rules
and other such documents.


Inert gas is principally used to control cargo tank atmospheres and so prevent the
formation of flammable mixtures. The primary requirement for an inert gas is low
oxygen content. Its composition can, however, be variable provides an indication of
typical inert gas components expressed as a percentage by volume.
4.10.1 Inert Condition
The condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been
reduced to 8 % or less by volume by the addition of inert gas.
4.10.2 Inert Gas
A gas or a mixture of gases, such as flue gas, containing insufficient oxygen to support
the combustion of hydrocarbons.
4.10.3 Inert Gas Plant
All equipment fitted to supply, cool, clean, pressurise, monitor and control the delivery of
inert gas to the cargo tank systems.
4.10.4 Inert Gas System (IGS)
An inert gas plant and inert gas distribution system together with means for preventing
backflow of cargo gases to the machinery spaces, fixed and portable measuring
instruments and control devices.


These are issued as the name implies by the Chief Officer in break bulk trade. It is a
prima facie evidence of the carriage of the goods in the order and conditions marked on
the Mate’s Receipt. It is exchanged for the Bill of Lading. With the advent of
commercialisation and container/tanker trade taking over, the importance of these is
shifting day by day from ship's officer to authorized person's ashore i.e. Ship owner’s
Agents or Port Authority. Nevertheless in break bulk trade the clean Bills of Lading
cannot be issued without a clean or unendorsed Mate’s Receipts. The Mate’s Receipts
can only be endorsed with the consent of the Shipper, Shipping Agent and the Port. It is
therefore very important that the contents of the mates receipt must be as accurate as
On completion of loading it is better to keep all the Mate’s Receipts together along with
other voyage cargo papers. It is seldom possible for a duplicate Mate’s Receipt to be
72 issued. But if such a request is received it is better to check all the Mate’s Receipts and
see if a similar Mate’s Receipt was previously issued or not for the quantity and the Care of Cargo on Board
particular cargo. If the Shipper has misplaced it due to some other reason he shall be Ship and Documentation
asked to give a suitable letter to the Owner or his Agent absolving them from any cost or
consequences if the original Mate’s Receipt is found. Normally shipper does not ask for a
duplicate. Hence caution is to be exercised when such requests are received.


The bill of lading is a unique type of document which has three distinct but overlapping
functions. These are usually expressed as:
(a) It is a receipt for goods loaded on board the vessel.
(b) It is a document of title through which property in the goods may be passed
from one party to other.
(c) It is a contract or evidence of a contract governing the receipt, carriage and
delivery of those goods.
It provides the following information:
• Description of goods
• Condition of goods
• Quantity of goods
• Name of Load Port and date of Shipment
• Name of discharge port
• Name of the ship and Voyage Number
• Freight details and whether pre-paid or to pay at the destination port
• Terms of carriage
• Delivery instructions (notify party or consignee)
• Name of the Shipper and the Consignee
Since the function of the B/L relates to International sale of transactions the information
given is meaningful and consistent in expressions. This is ensured by the agreed codes
and conventions and recognized practices.
The B/Ls are issued in maximum three originals which are negotiable and several non-
negotiable copies as required by the trade. One original each is kept by shipper,
consignee and ship.


Statement of fact is prepared after completion of cargo operations. It contains all the
timings from the time ship arrives at port till the time ship leaves the port. It contains the
timings for commencement and completion for any operation during such stay of the
vessels in the port.
It would also reflect all delays, stoppages and timings during which cargo operations
were undertaken. The calculations for dues and payments are also made based on the
statement of facts.


A “Notice of Readiness” is a notice given by the master of ship informing charter that
the vessel is ready to load according to the terms of the contract entered into between the
shipmen and the charterer. This contract is known as “Charter Party”. Charter Party may
be for a voyage or for a stipulated time period.
Cargo Handling Much of the cargo carried in ocean shipping moves under voyage charter party contracts.
and Stowage In such contracts, the vessel’s owner places a ship at a charterers disposal for a single
The charter is responsible for designating load and discharge ports as well as providing
Once the voyage charter is formed the shipowner has an absolute duty to send its vessel
to the load port. The vessel must reach the assigned destination part/harbour as per the
contract (charter party) on the date stipulated in the contract.
After the vessel has arrived, it must be ready to load before the notice of readiness is
given to the charterer. Most charters outline the manner in which notice must be served in
order to start the running of laytime.


4.15.1 Break Bulk Dry Cargo Plan
A stowage plan, as the name suggests, it is a plan of the ship mainly depicting various
cargoes stowed in the holds. The layout varies with the type of ship eg: General Cargo
vessels/Bulk Carriers/Timber Carriers/Reefer Carriers, Tankers/Chemical Tankers/LPG
Carriers, Car Carriers/RORO, Container Carriers/LASH vessels. In this unit we shall
restrict ourselves to the salient features of a stowage plan as applicable to the General
Cargo vessels/Bulk Carriers/Timber Carriers/Reefer Carriers with a very brief reference
to the plans of the other types of ships.
Like every operation the cargo loading needs to be planned and for this, a tentative
stowage plan giving the following details needs to be drawn up by the ship’s chief
The stowage that has been given to various cargoes in different holds shall mention
following information:
• The tonnage of the cargo,
• Cubic space occupied,
• Identification marks, and
• The name of the disport.
A Tentative stowage plan is generally constructed on a profile plan of the ship with the
bow depicted to the reader's right. The stowage of ‘a tweendeck area is presented on a
plan view that of the lower holds, on an elevation view.
The below mentioned plan is the stowage plan for one hold, assuming the ship has two
decks and four hatches. Obviously, nothing is proportional or to scale on the plan. As the
limitations of the stowage are drawn on the plan, some approximation of proportion
should be attempted. For example, if cargo for one port is loaded in a space running to
one half the distance from the forward bulkhead aft to the hatch edge, the plan should
show that the mark as running half the distance.
The plan shall also show:
• The itinerary of the vessel vis a vis the quantum of discharge of cargoes at
each disport,
• Weight distribution compartment wise,
• Sailing draft and trim on departure from load port,
• Any vacant space, if available,

• Below figure shows the Final Stowage Plan of a cargo ship. Care of Cargo on Board
Ship and Documentation

Figure 4.7

After numerous changes and amendments to the tentative plan sometimes even during the
course of loading a final plan is prepared which depicts the exact stowage of the vessel
upon departure.
This final plan is furnished to the owners who furnish copies of the same to the
stevedores of the discharge port, to plan the discharging operation.
The ship's officers use the plan to know the stowage of the cargo so that, in case of an
emergency, they can estimate the seriousness of the situation and more intelligently plan
the action to deal with the contingency.
Based on the final stowage, the stability, stresses and strains that may be experienced on
the voyages are checked. These incidentally were estimated when the tentative plan was
Without an accurate, clear and complete final stowage plan, there can be no efficiency in
the discharging operation.
4.15.2 Container Stowage Plan
As we have seen above, on a general cargo vessel the identification of the location of a
parcel of cargo was a simple process. Since the vessel was divided into holds, the first
parameter was the hold. Each hold was divided into lower hold and tween decks hence
the next parameter was either lower hold or tween dk. Each of these areas is further
specified by port, starboard or hatch square, thus this was the next parameter and finally
each was further specified by forward, aft or centre. Thus if a parcel was said to be
stowed in No. 3 UTD (P) (F) its location was complete.
Cargo Handling This system worked because all cargo for a port was generally stowed in the same area
and Stowage and the stevedores who were the parties most interested in the location had enough time
to familiarize themselves with the ship as the port stay of the vessel was quite long.
The modern container vessel is also divided into holds, but using a similar system for
containers would be impossible as a hold may contain anywhere between 50 to 250
containers and the port stay is in hours. The system used on a container vessel is based on
the principles of identifying a point in space. In 3-dimensional co-ordinate geometry a
point in space is identified by its co-ordinates in the three axes, i.e. P (x, y, and z) is
completely identified. The slot numbering used on a container vessel follows the same
principle. The three axes are the longitudinal (rows) axis, the athwartship (bays) axis and
the vertical (tiers) axis. A container ships stowage plan shows the containers position in
each bay.
We will learn more about container frauding and stowage in the second semester.
In each of the above blocks container serial number along with load port/discharge port
and gross weight of the container is filled. Type and subtype of the container is also filled
in the respective blocks.
4.15.3 Tanker/Chemical/LPG Stowage Plans
This is the simplest of all the stowage plan which is prepared either in a tabular form or
on a profile/plan view of a ship. It shows the details of the cargo (type, quantity etc ),
load /discharge ports etc in each compartment. It also shows the void and water ballast

Figure 4.8 : Stowage Plan of a Tanker


The purpose of the ship/shore safety checklist is to improve working relationships
between ship and terminal, and thereby to improve the safety of operations.
Misunderstandings occur and mistakes can be made when ship’s officers do not
understand the intentions of the terminal personnel, and the same applies when terminal
personnel do not understand what the ship can and can not do safely.
The checklist is completed by terminal representative and the ship’s personnel together
and is intended to help the ship and the terminal representative to recognize potential
Following checklist is as per BLU code: Care of Cargo on Board
Ship and Documentation
Ship/shore safety checklist
For Loading or Unloading Dry Bulk Cargo Carriers
Date ……………………………………….
Port ………………………………………... terminal/quay ………………………
Available depth of water in berth…………….minimum air draught* ……………….
Ship’s name …………………………………
Arrival draught (read/calculated) ………….. Air draught ……………………………
Calculated departure draught………………… Air draught ……………………………

The master and terminal manager, or their representatives, should complete the checklist
jointly. Advice on points to be considered is given in the accompanying guidelines. The
safety of operations requires that all questions should be answered affirmatively and the
boxes ticked. If this is not possible, the reason should be given, and agreement reached
upon precautions to be taken between ship and terminal. If a question is considered to be
not applicable write “n/a” explaining why if appropriate.

Ship Terminal
1. Is the depth of water at the berth, and
the air draught adequate for the cargo
operations to be completed?
2. Are mooring arrangements adequate
for all local effects of tide, current,
weather, traffic and craft alongside?
3. In emergency, is the ship able to leave the
berth at any tirne.
4. Is there safe access between the ship
and the wharf?
* The term air draught should be construed carefully if the ship is in a river or an estuary,
it usually refers to maximum mast height for passing under bridges, while on the berth it
usually refers to the height available or required under the loader on unloader.
Ship Terminal
5. Is the agreed ship/terminal
communications system operative?
Communication method …………….
Language ……………………………
Radio channels/phone numbers……
6. Are the liaison contact persons during.
operations positively identified?
Ship contact person………………….
Shore contact person(s) ……………. 77
Cargo Handling Location…………………………….
and Stowage
7. Are adequate crew on board, and
adequate staff in the terminal for
8. Have any bunkering operations
been advised and agreed?
9. Have any intended repair to
wharf or ship whilst alongside
been advised and agreed?
10. Has a procedure for reporting
and recording damage from cargo
11. Has the ship been provided with
copies of port and terminal
regulations; including safety and
pollution requirement and details
of emergency services?
12. Has the shipper provided the master
with the properties of the cargo in
accordance with the requirements of
chapter VI of SOLAS?
13. Is the atmosphere café in holds and
enclosed spaces to which access may be
required, have fumigated cargoes been
identified and has the need for
monitoring of atmosphere been agreed
by ship and trended
14. Has the cargo capacity and
any limit of travel for each loader/
unloader been passed to the ship/
loader …………………………
loader …………………………
15. Has a cargo loading or unloading plan
been calculated for all stages of
loading/deballasting or unloading/
ballasting? copy lodged
with ………………….. Care of Cargo on Board
Ship and Documentation
16. Have the holds to be working been
clearly identified in the loading or
unloading plan showing the sequence
of work, and the grade and tonnage of
cargo to be transferred each time the
hold is worked?
17. Has the need for trimming of cargo in
the holds been discussed and have the
method and extent been agreed?
18. Do both ship and terminal understand
and accept that if the ballast programme
becomes out of step with the cargo
operation, it will be necessary to
suspend cargo operation until the
ballast operation has caught up?
19. Have the interned procedure for
removing cargo residues lodged in the
hold while unloading, been explained
to the ship and accepted.
20. Has the procedure to adjust the final
trim of the loading ship been decided
and agreed?
tonnage held by the terminal
conveyor system ……………….
21. Has the terminal been advised of the
time required for the ship to prepare for
sea on completion of cargo work?
Time ………………………………. Date
For ship …………………………… For terminal
Rank ……………………………… Position/title
Appendix 1


(For use with Whirling Psychrometers only)

Cargo Handling Dry Depression of Wet Bulb
and Stowage
Bulb 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0
10.0 −5.3 −7.6 −9.7 −12.9 −16.2
11.0 −3.6 −5.3 −7.6 −10.3 −12.9
12.0 −1.9 −3.6 −5.7 −7.6 −10.3 −13.7
13.0 −0.2 −1.9 −3.6 −5.7 −8.1 −10.3 −13.7
14.0 +1.2 −0.2 −1.9 −3.6 −5.7 −8.1 −10.9
15.0 2.8 +1.5 −0.2 −1.9 −3.6 −5.7 −8.1 −10.9 −14.5
16.0 4.2 3.0 +1.5 +0.1 −1.9 −3.6 −5.7 −8.1 −10.9
17.0 5.6 4.5 3.0 1.8 +0.1 −1.5 −3.6 −5.7 −8.1
18.0 7.0 5.8 4.5 3.3 1.8 +0.4 −1.5 −3.3 −5.7
19.0 8.3 7.2 6.0 4.7 3.3 2.0 +0.4 −1.2 −3.3
20.0 9.7 8.6 7.4 6.2 4.9 3.5 2.0 0.6 −1.2
21.0 10.9 9.8 8.8 7.7 6.4 5.1 3.8 2.3 +0.6
22.0 12.1 11.2 10.2 9.0 7.9 6.8 5.3 4.0 2.5
23.0 13.4 12.4 11.4 10.5 9.4 8.1 7.0 5.8 4.2
24.0 14.7 13.6 12.7 11.7 10.6 9.7 8.5 7.2 6.0
25.0 15.8 14.9 14.0 13.0 12.0 10.9 9.8 8.8 7.6
26.0 17.0 16.1 15.3 14.3 13.4 12.3 11.2 10.2 9.0
27.0 18.2 17.3 16.4 15.5 14.7 13.6 12.7 11.5 10.5
28.0 19.3 18.5 17.7 16.8 15.8 14.9 14.0 13.0 12.0
29.0 20.5 19.7 18.8 18.0 17.2 16.2 15.3 14.3 13.4
30.0 21.6 20.9 20.1 19.2 18.3 17.5 16.6 15.6 14.7
31.0 22.8 22.0 21.1 20.4 19.6 18.7 17.8 17.0 16.1
32.0 23.9 23.1 22.4 21.6 20.8 20.0 19.1 18.2 17.3
33.0 25.0 24.2 23.5 22.7 22.0 21.1 20.3 19.5 18.6
34.0 26.1 25.4 24.7 23.9 23.1 22.3 21.6 20.7 19.9
35.0 27.2 26.5 25.8 25.0 24.3 23.5 22.7 21.9 21.1
36.0 28.3 27.6 26.8 26.1 25.5 24.7 23.9 23.1 22.3
37.0 29.4 28.7 28.0 27.3 26.5 25.8 25.1 24.3 23.6
38.0 30.5 29.8 29.1 28.4 27.7 27.0 26.2 25.5 24.7
39.0 31.5 30.8 30.2 29.5 28.8 28.1 27.4 26.7 25.9
40.0 32.6 32.0 31.3 30.6 29.9 29.2 28.5 27.8 27.0

Note: Dew-point temperatures for intermediate values of dry bulb and/or depression
of wet bulb are to be worked out by interpolation.


Appendix 1
(For use with Whirling Psychrometers only)

Dry Depression of Wet Bulb Care of Cargo on Board
Ship and Documentation
Bul 00.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
10.0 10.0 9.2 8.1 7.2 6.0 4.9 3.8 2.5 1.2 −0.2 −1.9 −3.3
11.0 11.0 10.2 9.2 8.3 7.2 6.2 4.9 3.8 2.5 +1. −0.2 −1.9
12.0 12.0 11.1 10.2 9.4 8.3 7.4 6.2 5.1 3.8 2.5 +1. −0.2
13.0 13.0 12.1 11.2 10.3 9.4 8.5 7.4 6.4 5.1 4.0 2.5 +1.2
14.0 14.0 13.2 12.3 11.4 10.5 9.5 8.5 7.6 6.4 5.3 4.0 2.8
15.0 15.0 14.1 13.1 12.5 11.5 10.6 9.7 8.6 7.6 6.6 5.3 4.2
16.0 16.0 15.3 14.4 13.5 12.7 11.8 10.8 9.8 8.8 7.7 6.6 5.6
17.0 17.0 16.2 15.4 14.7 13.8 12.8 12.0 11.1 10.0 9.0 7.9 6.8
18.0 18.0 17.2 16.4 15.6 14.8 14.0 13.1 12.1 11.2 10.3 9.2 8.1
19.0 19.0 18.2 17.5 16.6 15.8 15.0 14.1 13.4 12.4 11.4 10.5 9.5
20.0 20.0 19.2 18.5 17.7 17.0 16.1 15.3 14.4 13.5 12.7 11.7 10.6
21.0 21.0 20.2 19.5 18.7 18.0 17.2 16.4 15.5 14.7 13.8 12.8 12.0
22.0 22.0 21.3 20.6 19.8 19.0 18.2 17.5 16.6 15.8 14.9 14.0 13.1
23.0 23.0 22.3 21.6 20.9 20.2 19.3 18.5 17.7 17.0 16.1 15.3 14.3
24.0 24.0 23.3 22.6 21.9 21.1 20.4 19.7 18.8 18.0 17.2 16.4 15.5
25.0 25.0 24.3 23.6 22.9 22.2 21.5 20.7 20.0 19.2 18.3 17.5 16.6
26.0 26.0 25.3 24.7 23.9 23.3 22.6 21.8 21.0 20.2 19.5 18.7 17.8
27.0 27.0 26.3 25.7 25.0 24.3 23.6 22.9 22.1 21.4 20.6 19.8 19.0
28.0 28.0 27.4 26.7 26.0 25.3 24.6 23.9 23.2 22.5 21.7 21.0 20.2
29.0 29.0 28.3 27.7 27.0 26.4 25.7 25.0 24.2 23.6 22.8 22.1 21.3
30.0 30.0 29.4 28.7 28.0 27.4 26.7 26.1 25.3 24.6 23.9 23.2 22.4
31.0 31.0 30.4 29.7 29.1 28.4 27.7 27.1 26.4 25.7 25.0 24.2 23.5
32.0 32.0 31.4 30.7 30.1 29.4 28.8 28.1 27.4 26.8 26.1 25.4 24.6
33.0 33.0 32.4 31.8 31.1 30.5 29.8 29.1 28.5 27.8 27.1 26.5 25.7
34.0 34.0 33.4 32.7 32.1 31.5 30.1 30.2 29.5 28.9 28.2 27.5 26.8
35.0 35.0 34.4 33.8 33.2 32.5 31.9 31.3 30.6 29.9 29.3 28.6 27.9
36.0 36.0 35.4 34.8 34.2 33.5 32.9 32.3 31.6 31.0 30.3 29.7 29.0
37.0 37.0 36.4 35.8 35.2 34.6 34.0 33.4 32.7 32.0 31.4 30.7 30.0
38.0 38.0 37.4 36.8 36.2 35.6 34.9 34.4 33.7 33.1 32.5 31.8 31.1
39.0 39.0 38.4 37.8 37.2 36.6 36.0 35.4 34.7 34.1 33.5 32.8 32.2
40.0 40.0 39.4 38.8 38.2 37.6 37.0 36.4 35.8 35.2 34.5 33.9 33.3

Note : Dew-point temperatures for intermediate values of dry bulb and/or depression
of wet bulb are to be worked out by interpolation.

To prevent the cargo from being damaged by sweat an officer on board ship must pay
attention to the ventilation. Cargoes may be ventilated naturally or by mechanical means.
Cargoes may be damaged by ingress of water through leaking hatch covers or other
damaged pipes, etc.
Cargo Handling Care must be taken to monitor the ship at all times for possible risk of fire. In this unit,
and Stowage you have learnt about substances which are liable for spontaneous combustion and about
liquid cargoes which could be flammable.
You have also in this unit learnt about various documents which are associated with the
loading of cargo on board Ships such as “Mates Receipt’, ‘Bill of Lading’, ‘Statement of
Facts’, ‘Cargo Plans’ and ‘Notice of Readiness’.
Ship/Shore safety checklist is an important means for improving the safety of loading or
discharging operations.


(a) 19oC
(b) No ventilation to be carried out
(c) Ventilation can be carried out
(d) 15.5oC
(e) 7oC
Q1. Describe the purpose of ventilating the cargo holds.
Q2. Describe the dew point temperature and how is it calculated?
Q3. Explain how you will control the formation.
Q4. Describe ship’s sweat and cargo sweat.
Q5. What principle is followed to decide whether to ventilate the cargo hold or not?
Q6. What precautions will you take to prevent ingress of water in the cargo hold?
Q7. Describe the hazards associated with accumulation of gas in the cargo hold.
Q8. What is spontaneous combustion and how does it take place?
Q9. Write short notes on following:
(a) Flammable Range (b) Ignition Temperature (c) Inert Gas
Q10. Describe the purpose of Bill of lading and its function.
Q11. What factors need to be considered prior to making a cargo plan on a general cargo
Q12. Describe Bay Plan on a container ship.
Q13. Describe Ship/shore safety checklist and its purpose as per BLU Code.
Q14. Write short notes on following:
(a) Mate’s Receipt (b) Statement of facts (c) Notice of Readiness
Q15. Describe the disadvantages of a cowl ventilator.


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