Project Design Wind Load

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Project Design 

Name:           Ahmed Khushal 
ID:           601‐1609011 
Semester        8th Civil Engineering 
Subject:         Wind Load  

Wind Load (ASCE 7-10)
The pressure exertec by the wind is one of the important factor in structureal Design. Specially
when we have high or tall buildings.
ASCE 7-10: Provides two methods for wind load calculation. A simplified procedure and an
analytical procedure. The simplified procedure is for simple building, roof height less than 9
meter. Common shaped building not subjected to critical wind load condition.
The 2nd procedure analytical is for all buildings and other structrues.Each procedure has two
categories woind for the main wind force resisting system (MWFRS) and a wind for
component and claddings (C&C)
Since most of our wind design calculation are for non-simplified procedure, let us go through
Analytical Procedure that can be applied for building and other structures
Wind Loads
Wind forces are calculated assuming a box like structure with wind loads acting perpendiculat to
wall and roof surfaces. Lateral load flow into roof and floor diaphragms and are transferred to
the foundation via shear walls.
Basic Design Equation
ASD wind pressure pmax for (MWFRS) and Components and Cladding (C&C) are computed by
the following equation.taken from (ASCE 7-10)
MWFRS Procedure
Pmax = q[(GCpf) – (GCpi)] (lbs/ft2)
q = 0.60qh
qh = 0.00256KzKztKdV^2 ASCE 7-10
GCpf = external pressure coefficients (ASCE 7-10)
GCpi = internal pressure coefficients ASCE 7-10)
Kz are listed table 27.3-1 ASCE 7-10
Kzt Topographic Factor
Kd= wind directionality factor
V = basic wind speed in mph
Pmax = q[GCp) – Gcpi)] lbs/ft^2
Q = 0.60qh
Qh = 0.00256KzKztKdV^2 ASCE7-10
GCp = external pressure coefficients
GCpi = internal pressure coefficients (ASCE 7-10)

Calcuating Wind Load Through Uniform Building Code (UBS 97 formula)

P = Ce x Cq X Qs x lw
Ce = combined hight, gust factor (Exposure Table, A, B, C)
Cq = is a pressure coefficient
Qs wind stagnation pressure
lw = importance factor (using table 16-K of the UBC)
Qs = 0.00256 x V^2

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