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1. What is leadership in action?

Leadership in action is by the word itself a leader who takes an action. A

leader who can do his/her task without any commandments, without a
person who keeps on telling to do that and to do this. The leader in action do
his very best to take the action, to serve his scopes, and constituents with
his/her very best.
A leadership is a leader, the one who leads and takes the action first to set
the guidelines/rules to be followed by his scopes. Leadership action in such a
situation further defines and determines the character and the value frame
of the organization and its leadership. A leader must act and take an action
and persuade. Indeed leadership is not about the position itself but it is all
about how you lead and take the actions. So therefore I believe in the saying
that “A good leader is a good follower.”

2. What kind of leader will you be?

If I will be a leader I will be an idealist leader or an idealist teacher. Why?
Simply because as an Education student or soon as becoming an idealist
leader/teacher I can lead as varies or I can lead thoroughly as teachers.
Because teacher leaders has a wide range of roles in any aspects most
especially in school in dealing with the learners. In fact, teachers can lead as
variety of ways a teacher can develop your heart and mind and teach you
the right thing to do. Teachers teach us the way we should teach right and
teacher leaders assume a wide range of roles to support school and learners
success, whether these roles are assigned formally or shared informally they
build the entire school's capacity to improve.

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