Nanda Nursing Diagnosis Examples:: Vague Uneasy Feeling of

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NANDA and/or passage of excessively hard, dry

In this section is the list or database of NANDA  Decreased Cardiac Output:
nursing diagnosis examples with their definitions Inadequate blood pumped by the heart
that you can read to learn more about them or use to meet the metabolic demands of the
them in developing your nursing care plans. Click body.
on the links to visit the complete guide.
 Deficient Fluid Volume: Decreased
intravascular, interstitial,
 Activity Intolerance: Insufficient and/or intracellular fluid. This refers
physiologic or psychological energy to to dehydration, water loss alone without
endure or complete required or desired change in sodium.
daily activities.
 Deficient Knowledge: Absence or
 Acute Confusion: Abrupt onset of a deficiency of cognitive information
cluster of global, transient changes and related to specific topic.
disturbances in attention, cognition,
psychomotor activity, level of  Diarrhea: This nursing diagnosis is
consciousness, or the sleep/wake cycle. defined as passage of loose, unformed
 Acute Pain: Unpleasant sensory and
emotional experience arising from actual  Disturbed Body Image: Confusion in
or potential tissue damage or described mental picture of one’s physical self.
in terms of such damage; sudden or  Disturbed Thought Processes: The
slow onset of any intensity from mild to state in which an individual experiences
severe with an anticipated or predictable a disruption in such mental activities as
end and a duration of less than 6 conscious thought, reality orientation,
months. problem solving, judgment, and
 Anxiety: Vague uneasy feeling of comprehension related to coping,
discomfort or dread accompanied by an personality, and/or mental disorder.
autonomic response.  Excess Fluid Volume: Increased
 Bowel Incontinence: Change in isotonic fluid retention.
normal bowel habits characterized by  Fatigue: An overwhelming sustained
involuntary passage of stool. sense of exhaustion and decreased
 Caregiver Role Strain: Difficulty in capacity for physical and mental work at
performing family caregiver role. usual level.

 Chronic Confusion: An irreversible,  Fear: Response to perceived threat that

long-standing, and/or progressive is consciously recognized as danger.
deterioration of intellect and personality  Grieving: A normal complex process
characterized by decreased ability to that includes emotional, physical,
interpret environmental stimuli, spiritual, social, and intellectual
decreased capacity for intellectual responses and behaviors by which
thought processes, and manifested by individuals, families, and communities
disturbances of memory, orientation, incorporate an actual, anticipated, or
and behavior. perceived loss into their daily lives.
 Chronic Pain: Unpleasant sensory and  Hopelessness: Subjective state in
emotional experience arising from actual which an individual sees limited or no
or potential tissue damage or described alternatives or personal choices
in terms of such damage…a duration of available and is unable to mobilize
greater than 6 months. energy on own behalf.
 Constipation: Decrease in normal  Hyperthermia: Body temperature
frequency of defecation accompanied by elevated above normal range.
difficult or incomplete passage of stool
 Hypothermia: Body temperature below  Ineffective Coping: Inability to form a
normal range. valid appraisal of the stressors,
inadequate choices of practiced
 Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than responses, and/or inability to use
Body Requirements: Intake of available resources.
nutrients insufficient to meet metabolic
needs.  Ineffective Therapeutic Regimen
Management: Pattern of regulating and
 Imbalanced Nutrition: More Than integrating into daily living a program
Body Requirements: Intake of for treatment of illness and the sequelae
nutrients that exceeds metabolic needs. of illness that is unsatisfactory for
 Impaired Dentition: Disruption in meeting specific health goals.
tooth development or eruption patterns  Ineffective Tissue Perfusion:
or structural integrity of the teeth Decrease in oxygen, resulting in failure
 Impaired Gas Exchange: Excess or to nourish tissues at capillary level.
deficit in oxygenation and/or carbon  Insomnia: A disruption in amount and
dioxide elimination at the alveolar- quality of sleep that impairs functioning.
capillary membrane.
 Latex Allergy Response: A
 Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane: hypertensive reaction to natural latex
Disruption of the lips and/or soft tissue rubber products.
of the oral cavity.
 Nausea: An unpleasant, wavelike
 Impaired Physical Mobility: sensation in the back of the throat,
Limitation in independent, purposeful epigastrium, or throughout the abdomen
physical movement of the body or of that may or may not lead to vomiting.
one or more extremities.
 Noncompliance: A behavior of person
 Impaired Swallowing: Abnormal and/or caregiver that fails to coincide
functioning of the swallowing with a health-promoting or therapeutic
mechanism associated with deficits in plan agreed on by the person (and/or
oral, pharyngeal, or esophageal family and/or community) and health
structure or function. care professional.
 Impaired Tissue (Skin) Integrity:  Powerlessness: Perception that one’s
Damage to mucous membrane, own action will not significantly affect an
corneal, integumentary, or outcome; a perceived lack of control
subcutaneous tissues. over a current situation or immediate
 Impaired Urinary Elimination: happening.
Dysfunction in urinary elimination.  Rape Trauma Syndrome: Sustained
 Insomnia: A disruption in amount and maladaptive response, violent sexual
quality of sleep that impairs functioning. penetration against the victim’s will and
 Impaired Verbal Communication:
Decreased, reduced, delayed, or absent  Risk for Aspiration: At risk for entry of
ability to receive, process, transmit, and gastrointestinal secretions,
use a system of symbols. oropharyngeal secretion, solids, or fluids
into tracheobronchial passages.
 Ineffective Airway Clearance:
Inability to clear secretions or  Risk for Bleeding: At risk for a
obstructions from the respiratory tract decrease in blood volume that may
to maintain a clear airway. compromise health.

 Ineffective Breathing  Risk for Electrolyte Imbalance: At

Pattern: Inspiration and/or expiration t risk for change in serum electrolyte
hat does not provide adequate levels that may compromise health.
 Risk for Falls: Increased susceptibility
to falling that may cause physical harm.
 Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity: At
risk for skin being adversely altered.
 Risk for Infection: At increased risk
for being invaded by pathogen
 Risk for Injury: Vulnerable for injury
as a result of environmental conditions
interacting with the individual’s adaptive
and defensive resources, which may
compromise health.
 Risk for Suicide: At risk for self-
inflicted, life-threatening injury.
 Risk for Unstable Blood Glucose
Level: Risk for variation of
blood glucose/sugar levels from the
normal range.
 Sedentary Lifestyle: A habit of life
that is characterized by low physical
activity level.
 Self-Care Deficit: Impaired ability to
perform or complete activities of daily
living for oneself, such as feeding,
dressing, bathing, toileting.
 Situational Low Self Esteem:
Development of a negative perception of
self-worth in response to current
 Urinary Incontinence, Functional:
Inability of usually continent person to
reach toilet in time to avoid
unintentional loss of urine.
 Urinary Incontinence, Reflex :
Involuntary loss of urine at somewhat
predictable intervals when a
specific bladder volume is reached.
 Urinary Incontinence, Stress:
Sudden leakage of urine with activities
that increase intraabdominal pressure.
 Urinary Incontinence, Urge:
Involuntary passage of urine occurring
soon after a strong sense of urgency to
 Urinary Retention: Incomplete
emptying of the bladder.

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