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Experimental investigations into

electrical discharge machining

with a rotating disk electrode
Philip Koshy, V. K. Jain, and G. K. Lal
Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology,
Kanpur, India

In electrical discharge machining, when the provision of holes in the electrode

is impracticable, flushing of the working gap poses a major problem. Use of
a rotating disk electrode is proposed as a more productive and accurate
technique than use of a conventional electrode. Material removal rate, tool
wear rate, relative electrode wear, corner reproduction accuracy, and surface
finish aspects of a rotary electrode are compared with those of a stationary
one. The effective flushing of the working gap brought about by the rotation
of the electrode remarkably improves material removal rate and machines
surfaces with a better finish. Despite the prevalent high tool wear rate, the
reproduction accuracy is least affected as the wear gets uniformly distributed
over the entire circumference of the disk. Machining of a sharp corner is
possible even with an aluminum electrode, whose relative electrode wear is
greater than unity.

Keywords: electrical discharge machining; rotating disk electrode

Introduction Various techniques have been suggested to en-

sure proper and adequate flushing of the gap and
In electrical discharge machining (EDM), the dielec- thereby obtain a better process output. In horizontal
tric fluid acts as an insulator between the electrode EDM, 1 advantage is taken of the buoyancy of the
(tool) and the workpiece, convects away the small bubbles for the smooth outflow of debris from the
amount of heat generated by the discharges, and gap. A synchronous rotation of both the workpiece
flushes off the discharge by-products from the inter- and the electrode improves the stability of machin-
electrode gap (lEG). As machining proceeds, the ing and accuracy of the machined component.
concentration of the particles in the gap increases It is reported 2 that alternating forced flushing
rapidly. It is imperative to remove the wear debris with erosion periods results in a small improvement
from the gap so that fresh dielectric enters for spark in the accuracy of reproduction. As the electrode is
discharges. Thus, flushing is decisive for process lifted off the spark gap during flushing, there is a
efficiency. Insufficient flushing results in the stagna- decrease in the average MRR. The self-flushing
tion of the dielectric, build up of machining residue method 3 entails use of a special electrode move-
in the gap, short circuits, arcs, and low material ment in two axes for pumping action, which makes
removal rate (MRR), and culminates in the stalling additional flushing redundant. MRR is augmented
of the machining process. by this technique, but there is an increase in elec-
Flushing holes are generally provided in the trode wear at the edges and corners. The effect of
electrode for either pressure or suction flushing. electrode vibration on flushing in the gap has also
However, such measures are not always possible. been studied by other researchers.4,5 Ultrasonic vi-
Jet flushing on account of not being efficient is used bration of the electrode is found 6 to upgrade the
only when workpiece-electrode configuration pre- process by accelerating the slurry circulation and
cludes other methods. creating pressure variations in the gap.
A magnetic field installed in the gap is found 7
to improve gap cleaning and thereby facilitate ma-
chining over a larger surface or to a greater depth
Address reprint requests to Dr. V. K. Jain, Mechanical Engi-
neering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, I.I. 7", Post
without forced flushing. In planetary EDM, 8 the
Office, Kanpur 208 016, India. flushing of the machining gap brought about by
© 1993 Butterworth-Heinemann the orbital motion of the electrode yields a better

6 JANUARY 1993 VOL 15 NO 1

Koshy, Jain, a n d Lal: E D M with a rotating disk electrode

//'7• I Feed direction

6 Electrode

: Work
:.:..~ ; . . . . . .
• ......:.;.,-..
Ca) (b)
Figure 1 (a) Rotating disk electrode; (b) conventional electrode

process response compared with that of a conven- (TWR), and relative electrode wear (REW), defined
tional electrode. as the ratio of tool wear rate to material removal
Most of the techniques T M used for effective rate. Machining time amounted to 3 minutes for the
flushing of the spark gap do not use the entire ma- above set of experiments. The machining zone was
chining time. The generator is switched off during at a depth of - 3 5 mm below the free surface of the
the special electrode movement and a part of the dielectric.
machining time is lost in electrode lifting and elec- In addition to the above experiments, studies
trode vibration techniques. This diminishes the av- on corner reproduction accuracy and surface finish
erage MRR. were also accomplished. Machined corners were
In the present work, a rotating disk type of elec- studied with the ratio (rw/r t) as an index of reproduc-
trode (Figure la) has been developed. The electrode tion accuracy. Here rt is the radius of the corner at
is rotated and sunk simultaneously to machine a the electrode before spark machining and r w is the
rectangular slot in a plate workpiece. The rotation corresponding radius gener:ated at the workpiece
would impart a velocity to the dielectric in the gap after spark machining (Figure 3). For an ideal case,
and effectively flush the gap (resulting in increased the value of corner reproduction index (CRI) should
MRR), and the machined surface is better than that be one:
obtained with a stationary electrode. Because the
tool wear is not localized and is evenly spread over CRI = (rw/r t) = 1 (1)
the entire circumference of the disk, shape degener-
To appraise the corner reproduction capability
ation of the electrode is not acute and better repro-
of the electrode in the rotating mode, in addition to
duction of corners is viable. copper electrodes, aluminum electrodes employing
straight polarity to represent the worst condition
Experimentation were also used.
The generator Elektra EMS 4025, which supplies The corner radius r was evaluated as
rectangular pulses, was used. An aluminum fixture r = (c 2 + 4h'2)/8h ' (2)
(Figure 2) with a provision to rotate the electrode
about a horizontal axis was fastened to the elec- Here c and h' indicated in Figure 4 were measured
trode holder of the machine tool and the electrode using replica technique at different positions of the
shaft was driven by a motor insulated from the fix- electrode along the circumference. The average
ture by a Perspex mounting bracket. The electrodes value was used in Equation 2. The profiles were
were finished such that the radial and face runouts recorded, and the corner radii produced by station-
were < 10/~m lest hunting of the servo lead to unsta- ary and rotary electrodes were compared.
ble machining and subsequent reduced MRR. Machining was performed on plates 6 mm thick
Experimental details are given in Table 1. Pulse and 0.5 mm deep in order to facilitate roughness
current and peripheral speed of the rotating elec- measurements. The surface roughness (Ra) was
trode were considered to be controllable variables measured with a Taylor Hobson Surtronic 10 instru-
in order to study their effect on MRR, tool wear rate ment having a stylus of radius 5 /~m adhering to

Koshy, Jain, and Lal: EDM with a rotating disk electrode

Motor mounting ectrode holder

bracket (perspex)

S , e o o e r too,or F,x,ure fixture
Belt drive
screw b-ois,
/ electrode

Figure 2 Rotating disk electrode assembly

Table 1 Experimental details

Tool material Copper
Work material
Mild steel
Copper ( + )
Electrode - - - - --G
Open circuit voltage 100 V
Average working voltage 4O V
On time 50 #s
Off time 57/~s
Flushing type No forced flushing !
Disk electrode dimensions 70 mm diameter

Frontal machining area

5 mm thickness
6 mm 2 J Workpiece

cutoff and traverse lengths of 0.8 mm and 5 mm, Figure 3 Corner radii of electrode and workpiece

Improvement of the process due to effective flush-
ing is well understood by modeling the velocity dis- C
tribution of the dielectric fluid in the lEG and the
molten metal immediately beneath.
Assuming laminar and fully developed flow, for
an infinitesimal control volume of size ~x × ~ly
(Figure 5), the conservation of momentum can be
written as
Du dp
p - - ~ (Ax x &y) = ( - -~x x A x ) A y

+ x Ay Ax (3) Figure 4 Parameters for evaluation of corner


8 JANUARY 1993 VOL 15 NO 1

Koshy, Jain, and Lal: EDM with a rotating disk electrode

I -
J Electrode surface

hz A • Dielectric

• Interface
Y Molten metal
Ay ' + Ax
;; u..o
P a r e n t metal
a (Work surface)

u° u' u| u,~ u; u~ u~

y u Electrode s u r f a c e

- - Dielectric

UA : u e

--Molten metal
/// I/ " / / / / / / 7 / / / / J Us=o

Figure 5 Modeling of viscous flow - - P a r e n t metal

b (Work s u r f a c e )

Figure 6 (a) Modeling of electrode, workpiece sys-

tem; (b) schematic velocity distribution of dielectric
for unit thickness perpendicular to the plane of flow. and molten work metal
Here p is the density of the fluid, ~ represents the
Eulerian derivative, u is the velocity at ordinate y, p molten work metal, respectively, and u~, is the pe-
is the pressure, and r is the shear stress. At steady ripheral speed of the electrode at i (m/min). Also,
state, it follows that
uA = u B
dp and
r=~-~y+ Cl (4)
dUA dub
By definition, r = /~ ~yy, where/~ is the viscosity of
~tA--'d--y = tJ'a "dy

fluid. Hence, for equality of velocity and continuity of shear stress

at the interface at y = hi, where/~A and/-~e are the
viscosity of the dielectric fluid and the molten work
ltdp) y2 Cl +c2 (5) metal, respectively. Figure 6b schematically de-
notes the velocity distribution satisfying the above
where Cl and C2 are constants of integration. boundary conditions for increasing peripheral
For simplifying the analysis, the rotating disk speed of the electrode. This comes in handy for
electrode is treated as an infinitely long plate contin- explaining the trends exhibited by the MRR and
uously moving with the peripheral velocity of the REW characteristics discussed later.
former over another stationary plate (workpiece)
with dielectric fluid and molten work material sand- Results and discussion
wiched between them (Figure 6a). The dielectric Preliminary experiments were conducted to identify
and molten work metal phases are indicated by A the variables that are likely to have significant in-
and B, respectively. The situation is assumed as that fluence on the responses. In this study MRR, TWR,
of adjacent flow of two immiscible fluids. 9 REW, surface finish, and corner reproduction accu-
Equation 5 now defines the velocity distribution racy in case of a rotating electrode have been taken
of the dielectric in the lEG and the molten work as responses and are compared with those corre-
metal for the appropriate values of viscosity. The sponding to a stationary electrode. MRR is propor-
related constants can be evaluated by imposing the tional to the product of the energy transferred per
following boundary conditions with the coordinate pulse and the pulse frequency. The energy of the
system fixed to the stationary workpiece (Figure pulse has been varied by changing the pulse current
6a). at a constant frequency. Rotation of the electrode
u8 = 0 at y = 0 was also found to influence the above mentioned
UA = U~ a t y = hi + h2 responses. Thus, all experiments were performed
with peripheral speed of the electrode and pulse
Here u A and u B are the velocity of dielectric and current as variables.

Koshy, Jain, and Lal: EDM with a rotating disk e/ectrode

discharge location characterizes an arc and is re-

Electrode: Copper (+)
Work: Mild steel ( - )
peated viciously. It has been established 3 that the
ton: 50 pSltoff :57ps occurrence of an arc renders recovery of normal
Averoge working voltoge :40 V gap conditions difficult.
It is to be noted that sparks alone provide effec-
24 8A tive material removal in the desired fashion,
whereas arcs are related to process instability. Un-
der inadequate flushing conditions, the conducting
EE20 particles grow to such a concentration that short
circuits and arcs are the predominant discharge
mechanism rather than sparks. This is one of the
5A key factors identified as being responsible for low
MRR in case of a stationary electrode.
When the disk electrode rotates, the negligible
slip of the fluid layer near the solid boundary causes
..2 the dielectric to be carried through friction and
thrown outward due to the action of centrifugal
forces. This initiates the flow of relatively uncon-
taminated dielectric into the lEG in the axial direc-
4- tion. A condition conducive to effective spark dis-
charges is thus created and encourages process
I I I I I stability. The enhanced number of spark discharges
0 2 4 6 per unit time increases MRR as efficiency of the
Peripheral speed (m/rnin) process is improved. The efficiency (r/) of the EDM
process is correlated to MRR and is given by
Figure 7 Variation of MRR with peripheral speed
of electrode = (Y.t~/Y,tp), (7)
where ~t~ is the real discharge duration and ~tp is
the theoretical maximum discharge duration.
With increased pulse energy, the size of the
Material r e m o v a l rate (MRR) debris particles increases. It is reported 12 that the
The relationship between the peripheral speed of incidence of discharges (known as secondary dis-
the copper electrode and MRR at different pulse charges) on the debris particles would break them
currents is exhibited in Figure 7. At constant pulse down into smaller sized particles. Such a phenome-
current, MRR increases with increase in peripheral non of secondary discharges occurs frequently in
speed and attains plateau beyond a certain value. the absence of effective flushing. This results in low
MRR also increases with an increase in pulse MRR. With effective flushing, such occurrences are
current. proscribed and energy is consolidated toward ma-
The debris in the machining gap consists of terial removal effort.
products of dielectric decomposition and eroded This explains the increase in the slope of the
metallic particles. The conducting particles re- curves and the shifting of the saturation peripheral
maining suspended in the gap exert significant in- speeds to higher values with increasing pulse cur-
fluence on the dielectric breakdown characteris- rent settings (Figure 7). Because the rate of debris
tics. ~° The ignition time delay (t d) is a function of the formation is increased at higher pulse currents, a
particle concentration 5 and the relationship is given small velocity imparted to the electrode brings
by about a more significant increase in MRR. Periph-
eral speed required to bring MRR to a saturation
t d ---- C 3 / n (Ncr/N.) (6) value will also be higher.
where C3 is a constant, Ncr is the critical particle Insufficient ejection forces cause a part of the
concentration, and N, is the average particle con- molten metal to remain on the parent metal surface
centration. as a resolidified layer.12'13This accounts for the poor
Effective spark discharges are characterized by metal removal efficiency in EDM, which is as low as
a finite time delay before the pulse current reaches 10%. The dielectric flow contributes to the reduction
the nominal value. ~1As the average particle concen- of the resolidified volume. The volume of molten
tration in the gap becomes equal to the critical parti- but not ejected work material removed by the action
cle concentration, the plasma channel preferentially of dielectric flow is dependent on the difference
takes the same path as that of the previous pulse, between the forces exerted by the flowing dielectric
which is not completely deionized. Thus, a new gas- and the resistance offered by the molten material
eous path required for a spark discharge is not due to surface tension and solid-liquid bonding
formed and the spark spot excursion all over the forces. As is evident from Figure 6b, an increase in
machining area is hampered. The localization of the the peripheral speed of the electrode subjects the

10 JANUARY 1993 VOL 15 NO 1

Koshy, Jain, and Lal: EDM with a rotating disk electrode

mum tangential force at the electrode surface is

responsible for the existing high TWR. Thus, TWR
E l e c t r o d e : Copper (+)
also is a function of the peripheral speed of the
W o r k : Mild steel (-~
electrode. In addition, due to the force of gravity
ton : 5 0 ps~toff : 57 ps
24 Average working v o l t a g e : 4 0 V the molten material on the electrode will have a
tendency to separate from the parent metal. Thus,

8A the probability of molten and resolidified metal ad-

hering to the electrode is minimal.
Concomitantly, the deposition of crystalline
carbide on the electrode surface plays an important
role in the reduction of electrode wear. The thick-
o ness of carbide layer formed is found to be time and
~. 12 A
temperature dependent TM according to the empirical
8 = C4 (T - C5)° m/sec (8)
p- where 8 is the speed of formation of carbide layer,
4 T is the electrode surface temperature, and C4, C5,
and n are constants.
In a conventional electrode, all the carbide de-
I l
position occurs in a localized area, and this inhibits
high electrode wear. Frequent arcing during static
Peripheral speed (m/min) EDM is also found to aid carbide deposits on the
electrode surface.14
Figure 8 Variation of TWR with peripheral speed
of electrode In a rotary electrode, the carbide deposition is
spread over a larger area on the circumference, thus
depleting the layer. The rotation of the electrode
also contributes to better heat transfer from the
molten work material to higher velocity gradients. electrode, thus bringing down the electrode surface
The higher velocity gradients expedite the removal temperature. It is also probable that the layer breaks
of more volume of molten metal, thus offering a down during the course of rotation before having
higher MRR. to be redeposited in the successive cycle(s).
MRR is thus a function of the peripheral speed These factors are responsible for high TWR.
of the electrode. Nonetheless, for a particular pulse However, the increased electrode wear is not detri-
energy there is a limit to increase in MRR obtainable mental to the reproduction accuracy in case of a
by increasing the peripheral speed of the electrode. rotating electrode. The electrode wear is uniformly
Once the saturation peripheral speed is reached, distributed over a larger area on the circumference
no further advantage as regards MRR is drawn by of the rotating disk, whereas it is confined to a local
further increasing the speed. In fact it is probable area in a conventional electrode.
that MRR would decrease at higher peripheral
speeds due to discharge instability. REW

TWR During finishing operations, reproduction accuracy

is of prime concern. It would be necessary to work
The effect of peripheral speed on TWR is shown in under conditions of low REW, because electrode
Figure 8. Because the erosion phenomenon is the wear has a prominent effect on reproduction accu-
same for both electrode and work, the explanation racy. Figure 9 shows the effect of peripheral speed
given for MRR also holds good for the behavior of of the electrode on REW. REW increases sharply
TWR (Figure 8). The flow in the vicinity of a rotating as the electrode is rotated and thereafter increases
disk is three dimensional; that is, the velocity has gradually for all pulse currents tested. The observed
components in radial, tangential, and axial direc- trend is explained with reference to Figure 10.
tions. The tangential component is instrumental in Let A'B' denote the molten work metal surface.
the removal of debris from the gap. But this effect With the electrode surface indicated by E1E2, for an
keeps decreasing from the tool surface toward the effective gap width of h2, as the electrode attains a
work surface due to friction between adjoining fluid peripheral speed of 1 m/min from stationary condi-
layers, which results in decreasing flow velocity of tion (from u ° to u~), the difference in dielectric flow
the dielectric. If the molten workpiece material reso- velocities at the molten metal surface is represented
lidifies before it is cleared off by the flowing dielec- by aobo. As the peripheral speed of the electrode is
tric, then its chance of being removed in the same further increased, the effectiveness of evacuation
cycle is less because the force available at the work of debris from lEG improves. This results in the
surface is minimal. On the other hand, the maxi- movement of the electrode toward the work, lead-

Koshy, Jain, and La/: EDM with a rotating disk e/ectrode

work metal surface for an electrode peripheral

i Electrode ; Copper (+)
speed of i (m/min). Hence,
Work: Mild steel (-)
ton : 50 pS~tof f~ 57 ps / __ i 1
> i]i+1 i
for i = 1 to 5
Average working voltage." 4.0 V Uw Uw --w -- U w

1.0 The volume of molten metal removed due to

.O~88A 0 the flow of the dielectric is assumed to be depen-
dent on the dielectric flow velocity at the molten
O.8 t/ -..£"~~ 1 ~ ' - - ' - r
__ metal surface. With increasing peripheral speed of
/4 approaches u ei - ue/'-1 = K.
the electrode, u ,w _ Uw
0.6 Although the difference in the volume of molten
metal removed from the electrode surface due to
the action of dielectric flow remains constant for
'~ 0.4. unit increments in peripheral speed, the volume re-
moved from the work surface increases with K as
the limit.
With REW being the ratio between TWR and
MRR, the slope of REW characteristic keeps de-
creasing for unit increments in peripheral speed of
0.0 2 4 6 the electrode. This justifies the steep increase of
Peripherel speed (m/rain) REW characteristic once rotation is initiated. There-
after, REW increases gradually with increasing
Figure 9 Variation of REW with peripheral speed peripheral speed of the electrode.
of electrode
Corner reproduction a c c u r a c y (CRA)
The production of corners has been a major problem
f 7 4Electr°de surface7,6 in spark erosion machining, and the rotary electrode
seems to have caught up with this to a formidable
extent. The reproduction accuracy achieved with
Dielectric--- rotating disk electrodes is shown in Figures 11 and

I~e' ', ', J'i [~ 12, which show typical profiles machined by copper
and aluminum electrodes. For a stationary elec-
trode, the shape degeneration of copper and alumi-
num electrodes is found to be quite different. The
Moltenmetal work profiles generated by aluminum electrodes
Ii/I i/lill/lll//i///l'~ are highly distorted as compared with the form of
k-Parent metal (Work ~urface} the electrode used. The machined shapes indicate
excessive arcing at the central portion. The copper
Figure 10 Effect of decreasing interetectrode gap electrode does not sustain such severe degenera-
width on the velocity distribution tion of shape, but the corners produced are well
rounded. CRI (rw/r t) is found to increase with in-
crease in pulse current for both stationary and ro-
tary electrodes (Figures 11 a n d 12).
ing to a smaller gap width. Assuming the molten The profiles machined by electrodes rotating
metal layer thickness (hi) to be constant, for a with a velocity equal to 6 m/rain represent a remark-
change of electrode peripheral speed from say U3e able improvement in corner reproduction accuracy.
to u 4, the electrode surface is designated as E~E~ Albeit incurring a REW ratio of - 2 , aluminum elec-
with a corresponding gap of hl such that h i < h2. trodes were found to machine sharp corners in the
The difference of dielectric flow velocities at the rotating mode. In this regard, the capacity of the
molten metal surface in this case is albl, such that rotating electrode is explained by the mechanism
aob o < a~b~. This is attributed to the fact that better of rounding off of corners. Shape wear is is defined
momentum transfer occurs due to less frictional as the spatial distribution of erosion throughout the
energy dissipation between the fluid layers, with a active surface of the electrode. The reproduction
smaller lEG width. The concept can also be ex- accuracy in spark erosion machining is dependent
tended for a gap of h~ such that h 2 > h~ > h~ and on a number of factors, such as electrode wear,
aob o < a~b~ < a2b 2. That is, current density distribution, and dielectric flushing
u ~ - u~ 1 = K = constant fori= 1to6 in the gap. 15'16
High electrode wear leads to poor reproduction
u ~ - U ~ v l < U ~ + l - u~ fori= 1to5 accuracy, as observed in the case of conventional
Here U~vis the dielectric flow velocity at the molten EDM using aluminum as electrode material. The

12 JANUARY 1993 VOL 15 NO 1

Koshy, Jain, and Lal: EDM with a rotating disk electrode

Rotary electrode Stotionory electrical field intensity increases exponentially

( P e r i p h e r a l speed 6 m / r a i n ) electrode with decreasing dihedral angle of the edge. Zero
rt = 0 . 0 9 mm rt = 0.1 mm dihedral angle used during experimentation repre-
sents the worst condition. The increased current
intensity at the corners increases the frequency of

(rw/rt) = 1.23

C r w / r t ) =4.17
J discharge and aggravates the electrode wear
therein. The electrode wear follows such a pattern
that the gap as determined by the field strength is
the same in all directions. 15With regard to this, it is
evident that the fast and effective removal of ero-
sion debris would aid in good profile reproduction
exactly as is observed with a rotary electrode. Al-
though electrode wear is high, it is distributed over

t ( r w / r t ) = 2.03

(rw/rt) = 14.65
the entire circumference of the disk. This improves
the reproduction accuracy. In fact, rotating the elec-
trode is equivalent to providing a number of fresh
active electrode surfaces successively, with each
surface taking its turn once in every revolution of the
electrode. With the average particle concentration
coming down with the increase in peripheral speed,
the electrode moves toward the workpiece surface
for a smaller working gap, which is propitious as

t J L S
regards the aspect of reproduction accuracy. The
8A CRI can further be improved by using an electrode
of larger diameter.

(rw/rt) = 2.81 (rw/rt) = 18.56 Surface finish

Figure 11 Typical profiles machined by copper Surface finish as an important process response
electrode dictates the conditions under which the component
must be machined. A workpiece must be machined
under conditions of low MRR if the surface finish
is of concern. The variation in surface finish with
peripheral speed of the electrode at different pulse
Rotary electrode Stationery current levels is shown in Figure 13 for a copper
( p e r i p h e r a l speed 6 m / r a i n ) electrode electrode. The roughness value decreases with in-
r t = . 21 mm rt = . 2 0 mm creasing peripheral speed of the electrode at con-
stant pulse current. The phenomenon of arcing,
which occurs frequently with a stationary electrode,
impairs the work surface. The energy (E) contained
in a single pulse is given by
(rw/rt) = 1.47 (rw/rt) = 2.67
E=ft~l(t) V(t)dt (9)

l JsA where t d is the ignition time delay, tp is the pulse on

time, I(t) is the gap current, and V(t) is the working
voltage. With increased peripheral speed of the
electrode, the ignition time delay increases, thus
(rw/rt) = 2.01 (rw/rt) = 3.27 bringing down the energy transferred through the
individual discharges for material removal. This di-
minishes the crater dimensions to give a better
roughness value. Under conditions of effective
flushing, the adherence of resolidified eroded parti-

cles on the work surface is reduced and the resulting
surface presents a better finish than that of the one
obtained with a stationary electrode. In the latter
(rw/rt) = 3.32
case, an increase in MRR is possible only at the
(rw/rt} = 2.12
expense of surface finish. On the contrary, in a rotat-
Figure 12 Typical profiles machined by aluminium ing electrode the increase in MRR is accompanied
electrode by the production of a better surface.

Koshy, Jain, and Lal: EDM with a rotating disk electrode
tivity of EDM process under the situations in
E l e c t r o d e : C o p p e r (+)
which conventional methods of flushing cease
W o r k : Mild steel ( - )
ton ; 5 0 ps ; t o f f ~ 5 7 ~s
to work effectively. MRR, CRA, and surface fin-
Averoge working voltoge i 40 V ish obtained are superior to those achieved
with a conventional static electrode.
8 • Although TWR for a rotating disk electrode is
higher than a stationary one, the reproduction
accuracy as compared with the latter is com-
• The improved performance of the rotating disk
electrode is ascribed to its effective flushing
• The ability of the technique to machine sharp
o corners eliminates the need for separate
L- roughing and finishing electrodes.
We thank Professor P. S. Goshdastidar and Subba
Rao, graduate student, both of the Department of
I I I I 1 1 Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Tech-
2 4 6
nology, Kanpur, India, for their valuable sugges-
Peripherol speed (m/min) tions.
Figure 13 Variation of surface roughness with pe-
ripheral speed of the electrode Nomenclature
c,h' Parameters (Figure 4) for calculation of
Ci(i = 1-5) Constants
Applications D Eulerian derivative
Experiments reported in this study have been real- Dt
ized in the plunge machining mode with the work E Energy contained in a single pulse
remaining stationary for the sake of simplicity. In /(t) Gap current
this particular configuration, the applications are K Constant
limited to operations such as slicing and machining Ncr Critical particle concentration
of thin, fragile plates. In slicing operations, the ap- N. Average particle concentration
proach could be competitive with wire EDM by us- P Pressure
ing an appropriately thin disk. The proposed rt Radius of the corner at the electrode
method in conjunction with kinematic motions of before spark machining
the workpiece would handle diverse applications, rw Radius obtained at the workpiece
such as slot machining, and could be extended to td Ignition time delay
the machining of flute and thread geometries in Pulse on time
materials difficult to machine. Electrode surface temperature
The very physical format of the disk electrode U Fluid velocity
excludes drilling and related operations from the Ue Peripheral speed of electrode at
domain of applications of this technique. i (m/min)
A recast layer infested with microcracks is char- U A, U B Velocity of dielectric and molten work
acteristic of electrical discharge machined surfaces. metal, respectively
The flushing of the working gap in light of its influ- Dielectric flow velocity at the molten
ence on the quenching rate of the machined surface work metal surface for an electrode
would presumably have an effect on the length and peripheral speed of i (m/min)
density of the microcracks induced. With this in V(t) Working voltage
view, further research is being planned to study the P Density of fluid
surface integrity aspects of rotating disk electrode T Shear stress
machined surfaces. Viscosity of dielectric fluid and molten
work metal, respectively
Conclusions Efficiency of EDM process
E t~ Real discharge duration
The present study led to the following conclusions:
Theoretical maximum discharge
• Use of a rotating disk electrode has proved a duration
promising technique in improving the produc- 8 Speed of formation of carbide layer

14 JANUARY 1993 VOL 15 NO 1

Koshy, Jain, and Lal: EDM with a rotating disk electrode

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