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The Three Age System

Three Age System was the division of the world history into three periods: stone period, bronze period,
and iron age. The main standard to divide the world history like this is based on the material people of
that time used. For example, people in stone age would have to make their tools, weapons, etc. by
stones. As time progressed, people observed more and became more creative. Then the tools and
weapons became more sophisticated and the materials also got much sturdier.

Stone Age

Stone Age was the first among the three prehistoric periods of the humanity. The materials that helped
people of this time survived were stone. They made nearly everything with stones. The creation of stone
weapons helped them a lot with finding food and building houses.

The Stone Age can be divided into three main periods. The first period was the Paleolithic which means
the Old Stone Age. Then came the Mesolithic meaning the Middle Old Stone Age. And finally it was the
Neolithic meaning the New Stone Age. In the Neolithic period, it marked the very first sign of the human
civilization. Because people of this time started to live as families and towns. They raised the cattle and
used them to help with the cultivation. This reduced a great amount of labor force.

Bronze Age

This period was the first humanity period of advanced metalworking development. In the Bronze Age,
people either smelted their own copper mixing with tin, arsenic, or other materials or traded the copper
with people from other regions. Bronze was harder and more durable than any materials of that time.
This Bronze Age witnessed an achievement in technology.

Iron Age

Iron Age was the final period of the Three Age System. As the name indicated, the Iron Age was the time
when the iron-working gained the popularity. The use of the iron became more widespread after people
had learnt how to make harder metal by heating iron with carbon.

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