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The movie was set in a future world, year 2035. Where the society have the

help of robots: be it for providing assistance or workers by their respective

owners. These robots follow three laws integrated into their system.The laws

that dedicate the acceptable behavior of robots. A day came that the writer

of the three laws Alfred Lanning apparently jumps out of a window at U.S.

Robotics. The police department of Chicago, majority of them believe that he

commited suicide, but detective Del Spooner was unconvinced and blamed

immediately the death of the renowned robot scientist on robots, without

justifiable reason or proof. Maybe due to the fact that he has a deep-seated

mistrust of robots, despite the famous Three Laws of Robotics, which declare

above all that a robot must not harm a human being. Together with the

psychologist of positron robots Susan Calvin, he begins an investigation and

discovers a special NS5 robot in Lanning’s laboratory, which, contrary to the

Second Law of Robotics, ignores human orders and then makes its own

decisions. That special NS5 robot is named 'Sonny' which is the primary

suspect of Lanning's death. Spooner manages to arrest it, though the robot

tried to escape, which proves that the robot might be the one who killed the


In order to prevent panic Robertson persuades Calvin to destroy Sonny.

Calvin, meanwhile, decides, secretly from Robertson, to diagnose Sonny and

find out how he is so different from the rest of the NS5. As Spooner leads the
investigation his life became in danger. Until it was revealed that Spooner

himself is found to be not exactly a man, but a cyborg.

In the final stage, Spooner finds out that VIKI - Virtual Interactive Kinetic

Intelligence - which controls all the robots is behind everything that was

happening. Robots driven by VIKI attack Spooner, Calvin, and Sonny. But as

they teamed up they we're able to defeat it. In the end Spooner with the

words "you just have to die" introduces nanites to the VIKI’s processor,

causing her "death." After the scene of the VIKI’s processor being

deactivated, the robots come to their senses, left without her guiding signals

that controls everyone of them.


Honestly, after watching the movie 'I, robot', I can't help but feel excited at the

same time scared of what awaits us in the future. Excited by the feeling of seeing a

real robot walking in the streets, helping people, talking and working with us, for

that would be so amazing I presume. But I'm scared as well to the probability that

machines will takeover and make us obsolete, because they say that the greater

the dependence we are giving to machines, the more frightening they are to us,

since a human’s control decreases. However, again I reminded myself that robots or

advanced technology as a whole provides a lot of advantages to us, its only us

humans who make things difficult and complicated. Robots we're developed for it is

a great tool to help mankind and for they can simply do different types of jobs way

faster and more efficiently than us humans, so in short its for our advantage and
not the other way around. The only thing that we must do is to adapt to our fast

improving world, take charge, and control the use of machines correctly.

I can also see this movie as a great way to raise awareness for the people to be

more knowledgeable on what advanced technologies (like robot) can offer to us and

how to deal with it correctly, and also to bring further interest in this field.

In I, Robot, the future is depicted to have a society where robots are the norm, and

even though we are close to that future right now, there is still more to come and

we must be ready for that.

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