Tugas Bahasa Inggris tm.7

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NIM :11160000185


1. Make a short essay using present continues tense in 150 words “Social Distancing”.

Answer : When applying social distance, a person is not allowed to shake hands and
keep a distance of at least 1 meter when interacting with others,
especially with people who are sick or at high risk of suffering from
In addition, there are several common examples of applying social distance,
-Work from home (work from home)
-Online home study for high school and college students
-Postpone meetings or events that are attended by many people, such as
conferences, seminars, and meetings, or do it online via video
conferencing or teleconference
-Not visiting people who are sick, but enough by phone or video call.
to prepare for social distancing :
1. Plan activities
2. Providing the necessary medicines
3. Meet daily needs
4. Get ready for internet access

2. Make announcement using present prefect tense “Hybird learnings”

Answer : Regarding Covid 19, For being healthy outside, we have kept clean ourselves
and also environment surrounding. We also have made social
distancing, and haven’t forgotten also wash your hands with sanitizer if
we have been outside and if we have been at home, we wash our hands
using hands soup.
For being healthy inside, we have done to eat healthy food such as vegetables,
fuits, more protein foods and drunk to consume more Vitamin C. And also
everybody has already made work out for their body.

Instruction: please answer briefly

1. An amount of money that is owed but probably won't be paid — bad debt

2. The accounting value of a company (assets minus liabilities) — net worth

3 A legal right to produce and sell a newly invented product for a certain period of time —

4. The historical cost of an asset minus depreciation charges — net book value

5. The amount a company pays for another one, in excess of the net value of its assets —

6. A legally protected word, phrase, symbol or design used to identify a product — trademark

7. To accept that a debt will not be paid — write off

8. To deduct money from profits because of debts that will not be paid — to make provisions

9. Products that are not complete or ready for sale — work in progress

10. The amount of money owed by customers who have bought goods but not yet paid for them
— accounts receivable

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