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This project deals with some common methods present in the electrical safety. It
also tells about the unknown facts about electricity. Electrical industries and department
had been considered as a risky sector due to large amount of accidents. Actually, these
accidents arise due to inexperienced work lack of training, lack of experience when
working with electrical machine etc. Step potential, touch potential, power arc, arc blast,
burns etc. are some major accidents. Many injuries, deaths and property damage caused by
workplace electrical hazards can be avoided. The first step in avoiding these hazards begins
with safety awareness. There are many associations such as NFPA, ESFI, OSHA etc.
provides awareness of electrical safety in home as well as in workplace. They help
employees for ensuring safe environment.

Electrical safety is a very important factor that needs urgent attention. This project
provides an overview of basic electrical safety on the job and at home. Electricity is
essential to modern life, both at home and on the job. The main objective of this project is
to inform the community and users of electricity about the electrical safety and the serious
consequence when it is not properly and regularly performed. As a part of case study we
visited Central Power Training Institute (CPTI), Hyderabad.
List of figures i-ii

CHAPTER 1 1-11





CHAPTER 2 12-22
2.1 WELDERS 12









CHAPTER 3 23-26








CHAPTER 4 27-40





4.5.1 FUSES 32



4.5.4 EARTHING 35


CHAPTER 5 41-46







1. 1.1 Step potential 04

2. 1.2 Touch potential 05

3. 1.3 Electric arc model 11

4. 1.4 Worker near an arc flash 11

5. 1.5 Arc flash 11

6. 2.1 Welder 12

7. 2.2 Welding electrodes 13

8. 2.3 Crane coming in contact with power lines 14

9. 2.4 Minimum power line approach distance 14

10. 2.5 Dump truck contacting power line 15

11. 2.6 Television media antenna contacting power lines 15

12. 2.7 Underground hazards 16

13. 2.8 Forklift crossing cable cord 17

14. 2.9 Grounded container 18

15. 2.10 Painting hazard 18

16. 2.11 Busbars and power rails 19

17. 2.12 Portable generator 20

18. 2.13 Battery bank 21

19. 2.14 Battery charging station 22

20. 3.1 Statistics of Industrial Accidents 25

21. 4.1 Fuse 33

22. 4.2 Rewirable fuse 33

23. 4.3 Miniature Circuit Breaker 34
24. 4.4 Batch photo at 11 KV LV Circuit Breaker 34
25. 4.5 Earthing 35
26. 4.6 CI Earth Pit 35
27. 4.7 Electrician without ladder 38
28. 4.8 Electricians without safety gears 38
29. 4.9 Street box with no proper maintenance 39
30. 4.10 Typical power lines in built up areas 40
31. 5.1 Open the airway 44
32. 5.2 Check the breathe 44
33. 5.3 Check the pulse 45
34. 5.4 Recovery position 45
35. 5.5 Mouth to mouth expired air resuscitation 45
36. 5.6 External chest compression 46
37. 5.7 (a) & (b)Group photo of batch visited to




Electric shock occurs when the body becomes part of an electrical circuit. Shocks
can happen in three ways.
• A person may come in contact with both conductors in a circuit.
• A person may provide a path between an ungrounded conductor and the ground.
• A person may provide a path between the ground and a conducting material that is in
contact with an ungrounded conductor.

The terms high voltage and low voltage are relative terms. In transmission-line
terminology, "low voltage" is much higher than the 600 volts. At home, you would not
think of 600 volts as being low voltage.

Even when applied to 120-volt circuits, the term low voltage is deceiving. To some
people low voltage means low hazard. Actually, low voltage does not necessarily mean
low hazard, because potential difference is only one factor making up the dangerous effects
of electricity. For purposes of this Lesson, you can think of "low voltage" as being a
potential difference of 24-600 volts.

The extent of injury accompanying electric shock depends on three factors.

• The amount of current conducted through the body.
• The path of the current through the body.
• The length of time a person is subjected to the current.

The amount of the current depends on the potential difference and the resistance.
The effects of low current on the human body range from a temporary mild tingling
sensation to death. An electric shock can injure you in either or both of the following.

• A severe shock can stop the heart or the breathing muscles, or both.
• The heating effects of the current can cause severe burns, especially at points where the
electricity enters and leaves the body.

Other effects include severe bleeding, breathing difficulty, and ventricular

fibrillation. In addition, you may strike something, or have some other accident as a result
of your response to the shock.

The effects of electric current are listed below:

Current in milliamperes Effects

1 or less No sensation; probably not noticed

1 to 3 Mild sensation not painful
3 to 10 Painful shock.
10 to 30 Muscular control could be lost or muscle

30 to 75 Respiratory paralysis
75mA to 4 amps Ventricular Fibrillation
Over 4 amps Tissue begins to burns. Heart muscles
Clamp and heart stops beating

Effects of Electrical Current on the Human Body

Current is the killing factor in electrical shock. Voltage is important only in that it
determines how much current will flow through a given body resistance. The current
necessary to operate a 10 watt light bulb is eight to ten times more current than the amount
that would kill a person. A pressure of 120 volts is enough to cause a current to flow which
is many times greater than that necessary to kill.
The tremendous increase in use of household electric devices, the proliferation of
current operated tools in industry, and the continual introduction of new techniques for
improved hospital care have created, if only statistically, an additional hazard to human
life. During the last two years, the activities of concerned engineers, medical experts, and
even consumer advocates have probably speeded new codification of existing
precautionary standards. United toward an end result of greater safety, groups and
individuals sometimes are in conflict as to the best means. The discussion, very
properly,continues. Never use energized appliances or tools when standing in water or on
a wet floor. Do not grasp water pipes and energized appliances at the same time.

With 120 volts and a skin resistance plus internal resistance totaling 1200 Ohms, we
would have 1/10 ampere electric current, that is 100 milliamperes. If skin contact in the
circuit is maintained while the current flows through the skin, the skin resistance gradually

1.1.1 Step potential

During a ground fault, current flows through the grounding system to a ground
rod or some type of system ground (steel structure, guy wire) seeking a return to its source.
This current flow could possibly exist in, or along the surface of the ground for quite some
distance around the point where the earth becomes energized. The current will follow, as
nearly as possible, the conductors supplying the fault current. Step potential is caused by
the flow of fault current through the earth. The closer a person is to the ground rod or
grounded device, the greater the concentration of current and the higher the voltage. The
current flow creates a voltage drop as it flows through the earth's surface and a person
standing with their feet apart bridges a portion of this drop thus creating a parallel path for
current flow as seen in these two illustrations in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 Step potential
The wider apart a person's legs are, the larger the voltage difference across the body.
Protection from the step potential hazard should be to stay in the zone of equipotential
while working. Simply being alert to this hazard is the best defense. For this reason,
unqualified personnel standing on the ground are cautioned to stay clear of structures.
This means that a person standing near the point where fault current enters the earth
may have a large potential difference from foot-to-foot. The potential difference over the
same span will be less and less as the span is moved away from either the fault current
entry point or the fault current return point at the source.
1.1.2 Touch potential
Touch potential is a problem similar to step potential – see Figure 4. It involves a
fault current flow in the earth establishing a potential difference between the earth contact
point and some nearby conductive structure or hardware.
Protection for step and touch potential is the use of switch operating platforms and
ground grids. The worker must remain upon a local conductive mat as the highest voltage
gradient has been moved to the mat's edges. Sub stations on Site have a ground grid located
under the rocks, but if an individual is located outside this area and while standing on the
earth, touches a ground or a grounded object, a difference in potential may exist during a
ground fault.

Figure 1.2 Touch potential
1.2 Causes of Electrical Accidents
Electrical accidents are common, if not unavoidable, in the manufacturing
environment. They occur for a number of reasons, whether it concerns the management,
equipment, or employees. There’s often no one person to blame; as the old saying goes,
accidents just happen.
The problem is, they happen too frequently, and have far too many dangerous
consequences to be complacent about them. In fact, according to the International
Electrical Safety Foundation, between 2000-2005 the number of deaths caused by electrical
accidents ranged between 150 and 200 a year: in 2000, there were about 253 deaths; in
2005, there were 251.
According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK, who collect and
analyze data on electrical accidents, among other things, there are 12 common causes of
electrical accidents that happen while the equipment is being maintained:
1.Unsafe system of work
2.Inadequate information

3.No training
4.Inadequate isolation
5.Unsafe Rule
6.Poor control of work activities
7.Working Live
8.Unsuitable test equipment
9.Poor maintenance
10.Failure to manage work
11.Person not competent
12.Uninsulated electrical wiring
The True Culprit: Lack of Training
Interestingly, nearly half of these causes are directly related to employees’ training
and level of proficiency on the job. More often than not, electrical workers involved in
accidents are ill-equipped, ill-prepared, or ill-informed to work safely and confidently at
their own jobs.
Let’s take a closer look at five of those causes:
1.No Training: The worker in question has inadequate training to perform the tasks at
Example: In one case, an untrained worker was ordered to work on an electrical
control panel. Because the worker had never been trained, he attempted to work while the
panel was still live, resulting in an electrical short. The worker sustained severe burns to
his face and arms, while the employer was both prosecuted and fined.
With adequate training, this worker would have known to isolate the circuit before
beginning work, avoiding the accident altogether.
2.Person not competent: Despite some training, the worker in question does not have
enough knowledge to adequately perform the tasks at hand.
Example: Though a worker had received some training, the employer did not
realize that he was still not knowledgeable enough to perform the task he was given. He
wired a machine incorrectly, and received a severe electrical shock in the process. Although
competent people were available to perform the task, the employee was assigned and
expected to complete the job, resulting in serious body injuries.All employees should be

proven competent at their jobs, for their own safety and the safety of others.
The Memorandum of Guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations articulates the
minimum standard of worker competency for electrical personnel
3. Inadequately Isolating Circuits: Worker does not properly isolate electrical circuits,
resulting in electrical injuries.
Example: An electrician received a severe electrical shock when working on
building refurbishments. The electrical supply had not been properly isolated and locked
out, causing the accident. Moreover, no management system was in place to monitor the
isolation of said supply. As a result, the company was prosecuted and fined.
Businesses need to have safety systems in place to monitor the isolation
of electrical circuits. In addition, workers should have enough training and
experience to know how to isolate, lockout and test for no voltage potential on
circuits before beginning work.
4. Unsafe Rules and Training: Workers are unsure of the safety regulations and
procedures in their work environment.
Example: One worker received a shock of 33,000 volts when he climbed a live
apparatus in a substation. The company did not have adequate demarcations of safe / unsafe
working zones, leading the worker to believe the apparatus was dead and therefore safe to
climb. Furthermore, the training of the staff concerning safety zones was negligible. The
shock resulted in the amputation of both the worker’s arms and the company receiving a
fine of about $90,000.
Employers should ensure that working methods, materials, and worker training
meet the minimum safety standards. Otherwise, workers move in and out of unsafe
environments all day without knowing the difference. For the minimum safety standards,
view the free HSE leaflet “Controlling the Risks in the Workplace.”
5. Employees, knowingly or unknowingly, working on live electrical equipment.
Example: After receiving a shock, an employee’s heart actually stopped beating
while working live on electrical equipment. The equipment should have been isolated and
locked out before the work began but, due to the worker’s under-training and
incompetency, the equipment was left live. Although his heart was resuscitated, the worker
suffered severe brain damage from the accident.Personnel must be trained sufficiently on

how to isolate, lockout and test for no voltage potential before beginning work in order to
eliminate risks. If even one worker cannot tell the difference between a live and dead
circuit, every worker is in danger.
The Simutech Solution:
Clearly, employee training and proficiency testing is critical to minimizing
accidents at the workplace. Each of the real-life accidents described above could have been
mitigated or prevented had the worker in question been properly trained and had the
employers been aware of the level of their proficiency.
That’s why Simu tech offers our Troubleshooting Skills Training System. Through
our real-life simulations and five step process, users gain hands-on experience
troubleshooting electrical problems. By first encountering concepts in online training and
then working in our real-life simulations, users solve a variety of electrical faults/problems,
from troubleshooting basic electrical circuits to complex industrial controls.
Moreover, users are exposed to a variety of learning tools, such as videos,
flowcharts, and wiring diagrams, ensuring that all kinds of learners can learn quickly and
effectively. In addition, the Simu tech Course Manager tracks each user’s progress
1.3 Power Arc
An electric arc, or arc discharge, is an electrical breakdown of a gas that produces
a prolonged electrical discharge. The current through a normally nonconductive medium
such as air produces a plasma; the plasma may produce visible light. An arc discharge is
characterized by a lower voltage than a glow discharge and relies on thermionic
emission of electrons from the electrodes supporting the arc. An archaic term is voltaic arc,
as used in the phrase "voltaic arc lamp".

1.3.1 Characteristics of an Arc

Electrical workers are frequently in close proximity to energized parts where power
arcs can occur. It is not necessary to touch an energized conductor to receive an electrical
shock. Anyone who has rubbed their feet across a carpeted room and reached for a metal
doorknob can attest to that. High voltage may cause current flow through the air from one
conductive surface to another if the voltage is great enough and conditions are right.
A lightning strike, which might have an electrical potential of millions of volts, is
an electrical arc that could span miles. Similarly, in electrical work, when there is a

difference of potential between two points, an arc can occur under the right set of
conditions. Not only could an electrical arc jump from a conductor to a person and give
them a shock but arcing can result in serious burns and explosive blasts.
Typically, arcing distances are rather small. Safe approach distances should include
a safety factor to the arcing distances in order to account for such things as inadvertent
movement and variable work conditions.
Workers should always be aware of the arcing hazard when handling tools and
equipment near energized electrical conductors. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) may
be required in certain situations depending on the amount of energy available at the source.
The power arc is a discharge of electricity through a combination of ionized air and
vaporized conductor material. The conductive material is vaporized by temperatures in an
arc which can be as high as 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Burns associated with high energy arcs can be fatal even if the victim is several feet
from the arc, and severe burns at distances up to ten feet are common. Clothing may also
be ignited at distances of several feet. This may also be fatal, because the clothing cannot
be removed or extinguished quickly enough to prevent serious burns over much of the
body's skin.
1.3.2 Electrical Arc Blasts:
In addition to an electrical shock and burns, another hazard to employees is the blast
effect that can result from arcing. If the current involved is great enough, these arcs can
cause injury and start fires. Extremely high-energy arcs can damage equipment causing
fragmented metal to fly in all directions. Low-energy arcs can cause violent explosions or
blasts in atmospheres containing explosive gases, vapors or combustible dusts
The hot vaporized metal from the arc blast will combine with oxygen and become
an oxide of the metal of the arc. These molten particles will stick to almost anything
actually melting into many surfaces. Clothing may ignite as a result of contact with this
molten material and a victim may receive serious burns. Also, your body has an instinctive
reaction when you are suddenly startled to breath in heavy or gasp. Inhaling the hot
vaporized particles will cause serious damage to your respiratory system by burning the
lungs, throat and esophagus.

There is no equipment available to completely protect electrical workers from the
effects of blast. However, safe practices, such as standing to the hinged side of a cubicle
door when operating a breaker, and other precautions listed below can be taken to minimize
the effect of a blast. The main protections against arc blasts are listed in the following chart:
Exposure Limitation The amount of time you spend around high
energy equipment; don't loiter
Distance Always stay as far away as possible from
high energy equipment unless you have a
need to be there.

Mass Try to keep some type of sturdy material

between you and a potential blast
Protective Clothing Flash suits may offer some protection to
minimize burns resulting from blasts.
If an arcing fault occurs while a worker is in close proximity, the survivability of
the worker is mostly dependent upon system design aspects, such as characteristics of the
over-current protective device and precautions the worker has taken prior to the event, such
as wearing personal protective equipment appropriate for the hazard.
The effects of an arcing fault, as seen in Figure 3.1 can be devastating to a person.
The intense thermal energy released in a fraction of a second can cause severe burns.
Molten metal is blown out and can burn skin or ignite flammable clothing. One of the major
causes of serious burns and deaths to workers is ignition of flammable clothing due to an
arcing fault. The tremendous pressure blast from the vaporization of conducting materials
and superheating of air can fracture ribs, collapse lungs and knock workers off ladders or
blow them across a room.

10 | P a g e
Figure 1.3 Electric arc model

Figure 1.4 Worker near an arc flash

Figure 1.5 Arc flash

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All Welders who use electrical systems to “Weld, Cut, or Braze” must have a working
knowledge of the electrical hazards that’s an inherent part of their job and take positive
steps to eliminate and/or mitigate those hazards – see Figure 2.1. The following are some
of the safety rules and guidelines that apply to welders and may be used in other disciplines.

Figure 2.1 Welder

Electric shock is a peril associated with electric resistance and electric arc welding.
A shock can happen because the equipment isn't properly grounded, direct contact with
energized leads or from contact with the welding leads via moist gloves or clothing, damp
floors or humid air. The environmental conditions of the welder (such as wet or cramped
spaces) may make the likelihood of a shock greater. Even if the shock itself isn't too serious,
the jolt could throw a welder out of position causing major injuries. Falls and other
accidents can result from even a small shock; brain damage and death can result from a
large shock.
Always wear dry hole-free insulating gloves to protect against or reduce electric
shock. The welder should also wear rubber-soled shoes, and use an insulating layer, such
as a dry board or a rubber mat, for protection on surfaces that can conduct electricity.

12 | P a g e
The insulation on welding electrode holders is sometimes damaged from rough use
and from moving welding equipment through/around tight spaces – see Figure 2.2.Contact
with skin or damp clothing by the bare metal exposed when this occurs can result in a
shock. Similarly, welding leads and cables can become cut or nicked from rough handling
and use, exposing the bare metal of the conductor. Leads, cables and electrode holders
should be inspected prior to work and more frequently in rough use situations. When
working in tight and confined spaces, care should be taken to prevent hot sparks and slag
from falling onto and damaging welding leads.

Figure 2.2 Welding electrodes

Contact with overhead power lines is a major cause of fatalities in the construction
industry. As many as 100 workers are killed each year by inadvertent power line contacts,
most of which occur through the use of high reaching material-handling equipment. A
study of accidents involving power line contacts has indicated that the use of CRANES is
the most common cause of fatalities as seen in Figure 2.3.

13 | P a g e
Figure 2.3 Crane coming in contact with power lines
It's easy to prevent serious accidents involving cranes and power lines. The following
safety tips should be adhered to when operating a crane near overhead power lines.
• Keep a safe distance between yourself and power lines. Ten feet is generally considered
the minimum safe distance. Always consider all power lines as energized and dangerous.
Any contact with a crane boom will probably cause serious injury to operators and workers,
and damage to equipment.
• Look up before you unload or load a crane from a truck or lowboy. Make sure there are
no overhead lines before you start.
• Educate your crew, particularly new employees about the dangers of overhead power
lines. Utility companies have a ten feet(10') minimum approach distance to overhead power

Figure 2.4 Minimum power line approach distance

14 | P a g e
Figure 2.5 Dump truck contacting power line

Figure 2.6 Television media antenna contacting power lines

If your crane boom or mast contacts a power line, the operator should immediately
try to swing the boom into the clear. If it is necessary to leave the equipment, anyone on
the machine should jump entirely clear of the unit. Jump so that both feet hit the ground at
the same time, and keep them close together. Walk away in a small step shuffle because a
lot of power flowing into the ground can create differences in electrical potential around
the problem: enough difference to actually shock anyone whose feet are too far apart. Once
clear of the equipment, do not return for any reason until the power line has been grounded
or determined to be safe by your electric utility or the owner of the line. And keep any
others around from touching or approaching the equipment.

15 | P a g e
Buried power and communication lines are more prevalent today than ever before.
These lines pose a special hazard to operators of equipment used during trenching and
excavation activities. Therefore, operators need to be aware of the hazards penetration of
energized power lines poses and take positive steps to eliminate the hazard before digging.
Figure 4.3.1 illustrates some of these hazards.
▪ Locate underground power lines and other utilities before digging. Utility companies
will assist with location and marking and should be contacted prior to digging.
▪ Workers must ensure that power is removed from the lines and a zero energy state
has been verified.
▪ Workers must ensure that the system is locked and tagged out.
▪ All workers must have a questioning attitude about safety and especially electrical
Remember, penetration of energized underground conductors by workers can result in
shock and even death

Figure 2.7 Underground hazards

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Warehouse workers are exposed to a wide variety of hazards. These may include
chemicals, vehicular traffic, awkward working positions, height, and electrical shock
potential. Of these the least addressed one is electricity. Therefore workers tend to ignore
electrical safety conditions because they simply don’t recognize the hazard. This section
will address some of these hazardous conditions and discuss ways to remove them.
Electricity in warehouses is often encountered during storage and retrieval of parts
that are stored at height and involve the use of some type of lifting device such as a forklift.
Warehouse workers must be aware of the following electrical hazards and implement
positive controls so that they may be avoided.
▪ Use cable guards when running temporary power cords.
▪ Verify that power lifting platforms do not raise high enough to place worker within the
minimum safe approach distance of high energy lighting and equipment conductors.
▪ Ensure that containers used to store explosive/flammable chemicals are properly

Figure 2.8 Forklift crossing cable cord

▪ Verify that the travel paths used to move stock is free from electrical outlets, controls,
and power panels that may be damaged by moving equipment.
▪ Power panels and high voltage switches and disconnects should be guarded if they are
not physically separated from the work area.

17 | P a g e
▪ All workers should know where disconnects, circuit breakers and switches are located in
their area of responsibility

Figure 2.9 Grounded container

Painters are usually injured by electricity when they come in contact with energized
systems through their paint roller or their ladder. These injuries can usually be avoided
simply by being more aware of their surrounding and understanding that you must follow
the basic rule when electrical energy is present.

Figure 2.10 Painting hazard

Painters must recognize voltage carrying conductors and stay outside the 3 ft 6 inch
boundary until a deenergized state is proven as illustrated in Figure 2.10. They must be
able to recognize different types of conductors such as Cables (insulated and un-insulated),

18 | P a g e
buss bars, and power carrying rails in the work place. Figure 2.11 shows some of these

Figure 2.11 Busbars and power rails

Portable generators are used to provide an alternate source of AC power to
equipment. These generators may be diesel or gasoline driven. The units range in size from
being relatively small to furnish power for emergency lighting and/or control circuits or
they may be very large and are capable of generating several megawatts of power. These
generators are to be considered operable at all times, unless locked out because they may
be remotely operated and could be in the standby state or running. Even small portable
generators as seen in Figure 2.12 easily produce enough current and voltage to kill. Also,

19 | P a g e
if the generator has just been turned off the equipment could still be hot and present the
possibility of a burn if touched.

Figure 2.12 Portable generator


DC systems on Site include banks of batteries, motor-generator (MG) sets or battery
chargers, and the necessary system wiring and controls to supply the DC power. The
function of a DC electrical system is to provide power to essential control systems and
equipment, which does not depend on normal AC power.
For safety, it is required that battery rooms have an eyewash station, in case acid
from the batteries is sprayed in the face of the operator. Ventilation fans should always be
operating to prevent hydrogen gas buildup. Due to the possibility of hydrogen gas being
present there will be NO SMOKING in the battery rooms and always make sure the
ventilation fans are operating before entering. Only qualified personnel should enter a
battery room. Only necessary tools should be taken into the battery room. All tools should
be insulated tools. Rubber blankets should be utilized any time when working overhead.
This reduces the likelihood of shorting out the DC system.
Batteries should be covered with suitable insulating materials (i.e., rubber blankets)
when personnel are working overhead with tools or metallic objects. Shorting the DC
system is extremely dangerous because the system may not be protected by an over current

20 | P a g e
Figure 2.13 Battery bank


There are numerous styles of battery operated trucks that range from small,
motorized pallet trucks to much larger high lift trucks. No matter what kind of truck you
have, there are similar hazards associated with their batteries and their chargers. There are
two styles of batteries in industrial trucks today: Lead acid or nickel-iron. Both of these
batteries pose a health threat in several ways:
• Gases emitted during changing can be highly volatile
• Corrosive chemicals within the battery
For these reasons, battery charging stations and the employees that work around them must
be properly equipped and certain safety procedures implemented.
The following procedures must be followed:
1. Eye or face protection must be worn when connecting a charger to a battery.
2. Chargers must be turned off when leads are being connected or disconnected.
3. All leads and cables must be checked and in good condition.
4. When charging batteries and when moving batteries, vent caps must be kept firmly in
place to avoid electrolyte splashing.

21 | P a g e
5. If charging is to be conducted on a battery in a mobile piece of equipment, the battery
compartment cover must be left open to vent heat and explosive gases.
6. There must be adequate ventilation in the charging area.
7. The battery charger must be protected from damage. This usually means a physically
protected area.
8. Facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body must be provided at or
near the charging area (approved emergency eyewash and safety shower).
9. Smoking and other ignition sources must be prohibited in the charging area. “No
Smoking” signs must be posted.

Figure 2.14 Battery charging station

22 | P a g e

Safety can be defined as the control of recognized hazards to achieve an acceptable
level of risk. Safety precautions need to be taken at every stage and should be documented
in the form of Dos and Don’ts. Warning signs must be displayed. Entry should be regulated.
Personnel involved must be trained in electrical safety. Safety inspection must be carried
out periodically. Indian electricity rules and Acts have clauses formulated and enforced to
ensure safety of every user of electrical equipment. This act and relevant rules impose
several safety requirements as electricity supply undertakings/ manufacturers/ contractors/
and users. They are mandatory for every manufacturers, contractors, and users of electrical
installation equipments and electricity supply undertakings.
Why is Electrical Safety so Important?
Electrical hazards have always been recognized, yet serious injuries, deaths, and
property damage occur daily. The earlier mentioned Dangers of electricity, Statistics and
Newspaper articles raise the need for spreading awareness about Electrical Safety.
Organizations like the US Department of Labor and the National Safety Council compile
statistics and facts on a regular basis. The following facts demonstrate the importance of
electrical safety.
1. 97% of all electricians have been shocked or injured on the job.
2. Approximately 30,000 workers receive electrical shocks yearly.
3. Over 3600 disabling electrical contact injuries occur annually.
4. Electrocutions are the 4th leading cause of traumatic occupational fatalities.
5. Over 2000 workers are sent to burn centers each year with severe Arc-Flash burns.
6. 60% of workplace accident deaths are caused by burn injuries.
7. Over 1000 electrical workers die each year from workplace accidents.

Who is exposed?
1. Electric field is invisible and silent. Persons who approach high voltage conductor
encroach into high electric field are exposed to danger of shocks or electrocution.

23 | P a g e
2. Persons touching non-effectively earthed, faulted metal parts in electrical installations
are exposed.
3. Persons working in substation, power stations, transmission lines, cables etc. are
4. Persons who are unaware of presence of electrical power and are carrying out the work
in the vicinity of live parts are exposed.
The legislation involving electrical safety is the “Electricity Ordinance (Chapter
406)” as enforced by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and “Factories
and Industrial Undertakings (Electricity) Regulations (Chapter 59)” enforced by the
Labour Department.
The Ordinance requires that people engaged in electricity work, or with contractors
and electricity generation facilities, must be registered. It also stipulates the safety
requirements of electricity supply, electricity wiring and electrical products, etc.
There are several subsidiary regulations of the Electricity Ordinance, including:
1. Electricity Supply Regulations
2. Electricity Supply (Special Areas) Regulations
3. Electricity (Exemption) Regulations
4. Electricity (Registration) Regulations
5. Electricity (Wiring) Regulations
6. Electrical Products (Safety) Regulation
7. Electricity Supply Lines (Protection) Regulation


These table reviews the industrial accident statistics involving electricity in the past decade.

24 | P a g e
Figure 3.1 Statistics of Industrial Accidents


Reducing and even eliminating exposure to electrical hazards requires continuous
attention. An overall electrical safety program must be implemented that emphasizes
specific areas of concern. The program must be well thought out and based upon solid
principles, resulting in a program which includes an action plan and required tasks. People
who are well-versed in safety standards and procedures must write the program. Program
authors should include safety professionals, technical professionals, and practitioners. And
the program must be published and readily available to all employees.
There are at least three good reasons for practicing electrical safety:
• Personal reasons, which affect us as caring individuals and employers
• Business reasons, because safety makes good business sense
• Regulatory and legal reasons, because violations can result in fines and / or
An essential element in an effective electrical safety program is training. From both
a legal and effective point of view, training records are important. Training should be based
on the program and procedures in place within an organization.
There are five objectives of an electrical safety program:
• To make personnel aware that there are rules, responsibilities and procedures
for working safely in an electrical environment.
• To demonstrate the employer’s intention to fully comply with the federal law.
• To document general requirements and guidelines for providing workplace
facilities free from unauthorized exposure to electrical hazards.
• To document general requirements and guidelines to direct the activities of

25 | P a g e
personnel, who could be deliberately, or accidentally, exposed to electrical
• To encourage, and make it easier for each employee to be responsible for his
or her own electrical safety self-discipline.
All electrical work should be planned before the work begins. For non-hazardous
electrical work, the plan is typically unwritten. Written or not, all plans must consider all
hazards and guard against them. Jobs that are done repeatedly should have a written
procedure, which is followed each time the work is performed. If at any time the plan is
not clear, all work must stop and the plan reviewed.
Procedures typically come in two varieties: plans written specifically for a
particular job, or one that may take the form of a more general procedure which may
include a check list or simply a verbal plan.
Written procedures should be prepared by a person who understands the work to be
done and the hazards involved (qualified person). He, or she, should also be familiar with
the equipment being worked on. Procedures for work performed should be reviewed with
the appropriate individuals responsible.
Written procedures must include a step-by-step outline of the work to be performed
and a one-line diagram or other appropriate drawings to be used to discuss the job.
When planning electrically hazardous tasks, the following documentation may be
• Hazard/Risk Analysis. This will include a review of the available hazards
including a flash hazard analysis.
• Approach Distances to Exposed Energized Electrical Conductors and Circuit Device.
• Requirements Checklist for Electrical Hazardous Tasks:
This should be a checklist developed by the proper authorities, which outlines the
protection requirements, requirements for review and approval, etc. for various work tasks,
voltage levels and approach boundaries, etc.

26 | P a g e

Electrical safety starts with training, planning and education. To reduce

electrical hazards, we need to address each hazard as the work is being assigned
and planned.
4.1Shock and Burn Recommendations:
• Review programs for the inspection and/or repair of portable electrical
equipment for completeness and effectiveness.
• Review policies concerning work permits on “live” circuits with a goal of
reducing the frequency of such work.
• Emphasize electrical worker training in certain areas such as the following:
➢ Lockout/tagout practices
➢ Use of protective equipment
➢ Use of insulated tools.
➢ Minimum approach distances
➢ Meter selection/testing/use
➢ Electrical rescue/CPR
➢ Include a pre-task review of the following for supervision of selected
• electrical work:
• Goals of the task
• Task methodology (live vs. lockout/tagout)
• Qualifications of assigned personnel - proper instrumentation/tools
• Adequate protective equipment and usage
• Methods of preventing a fall should a shock occur
• Perform an inventory of energized electrical circuits with a goal of
• disconnecting unused circuits from the source and removing the
• wiring

27 | P a g e
Employees should be provided training that covers information regarding
electrical risks such as inadequate grounding and reverse polarity and likely electric
shock producing equipment, including extension cords, plugs, and portable power
tools. The dangers of energized and unattended appliances should be stressed in this
training as well as the theory behind lockout and tagout procedures. Employees
working with electricity must also be informed on how to recognize electric shock
victims, safe methods of rescue, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Here are some principles which, when implemented, will help ensure
proper preparation for working on electrical equipment:
Most accidents occur when something unexpected happens. Take time to
prepare a plan that considers all possible eventualities. Before you start the job, think
about each step and try to visualize the potential for a hazard. Conduct a “Flash
Protection Boundary” analysis. NFPA 70E Section 2- has requirements to
define the safe work distance from potential arc hazards.
When thinking about a job, break each task into small steps. Understand that
plans can change, so be ready to modify the plan if necessary. Make sure that
everyone involved in the job is working according to the same plan.
Whenever work is required near an electrical hazard, a written plan is needed
to outline the scope of the job.
Procedures are the best way to help you prepare, execute, and complete the
job. Like any tools, make sure your procedures are maintained.
After your work plan is complete, review each step. Consider that the
equipment might be perfectly safe under normal conditions and very unsafe

28 | P a g e
when systems are not working properly. Also consider potential hazards that
may be unrelated to electrical energy.
Any person assigned to tasks associated with electrical energy must be
qualified and trained for the job at hand. He or she must be able to identify electrical
hazards, avoid exposure to those hazards, and understand the potential results of all
action taken. Don’t forget to include yourself in this analysis. And don’t forget to
establish and maintain training records.
“Electrically Safe Work Condition” is a concept first introduced in a
consensus standard, NFPA 70E. The concept embraces several ideas and suggests
that six different steps must be taken before an electrical circuit is safe to touch
without personal protective equipment. Electricians and other workers tend to
believe that a circuit is safe to touch if it is deenergized. The fact that injuries
continue rather frequently, based upon this belief, proves that additional steps are
It seems people believe that if a lock and tag are placed on a labeled
disconnecting means, the equipment is safe to work on. However, issues need to be
considered. For example, labels can be marked incorrectly, equipment can be
supplied from more than one source, or a temporary conductor could have been
installed. It’s also feasible that an unrelated energized circuit conductor could
contact the conductor leading to the work area.
In still different instances, other workers or complicated systems can affect
the work area. We sometimes take for granted that if the contact point is tested for
absence of voltage, the point is safe for executing the task. But this only proves that
there is no voltage present at the time of the voltage test. Voltage can be absent due
to a process interlock being open, or a second source of energy could simply be
turned off for the moment. Avoiding accidents and injury requires training, planning
and preparation.

29 | P a g e
There are six steps to be executed after which work can be started without
any possible exposure to electrical hazard. The six steps are as follows:
• Determine all possible sources of energy. Review all reliable and up-to-
date drawings, documentation, and identification tags and labels.
Drawings must include ALL energy sources, including temporary and
backup power sources.
• After properly interrupting the load, open all disconnecting devices for
the circuit. At this point, the equipment or circuit is simply de-energized.
• Where possible, visually verify that all disconnecting devices, including
draw out
• circuit breakers are open. Also check that all disconnecting devices meet
proper codes and standards.
• Apply lockout/tagout devices in accordance with documented and
established policy. An established policy is an enforced written procedure
made available to all employees.
• Use adequately rated voltage testers to verify the absence of voltage on
each point where physical contact is expected. Employees are required to
use only voltage testing equipment that is rated by a third party.
• Where the possibility of induced voltage or stored energy exists, ground
the phase conductors before touching them. Where it is reasonable to
expect that the conductors could be re-energized due to accidental contact
with another source of energy, install grounding devices rated for the
available fault current.
Until these six steps have been adequately executed, there exists some
potential of exposure to an electrical hazard.
Here are some additional principles which, when implemented, will help to ensure
a safe work area:

30 | P a g e
1. USE THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB: Use the appropriate tools for the
job at hand, keeping them accessible and in good working condition. Using a
screwdriver for a job that requires a fuse puller is an invitation to an accident.
2. ISOLATE THE EQUIPMENT: The best way to avoid an accident is to reduce
exposure to hazards. Keep doors closed. Keep barricades in place. Install temporary
voltage-rated blankets covering exposed live parts.
3. PROTECT THE PERSON:Use the proper personal protective equipment for
the job. This may include safety glasses or goggles, head protection, voltage-rated
gloves, safety belts and harness, or flame-resistant clothing.
4. MINIMIZE THE HAZARD: If it is impossible to establish an electrically safe
work environment, be sure to shut down every possible energy source. Understand
that sometimes a de-energized circuit can become re-energized and to do something
to lessen the risk.
5. AUDIT THESE PRINCIPLES: A principle is something you believe in enough
to be willing to do. Are you willing to take the steps necessary to avoid injury?
Review these principles often. Add to them when necessary.
Here are some principles which, when added to electrical system and equipment
specifications, will improve safety for workers.
1. ISOLATE THE CIRCUIT: Electrical systems must be designed to support
preventative maintenance, with easy access to the equipment. Designers need to
make it easy to isolate equipment for repair with a disconnecting means that
provides for proper implementation of lockout/tagout procedures.
A sound design provides disconnecting means at all motor loads. This is in
addition to the disconnecting means required at the controller that can be locked in
the open position. Disconnecting means at the motor provide improved isolation and
safety for maintenance and for use in case of an emergency.

31 | P a g e
4.5.1 Fuses
The basic purpose of the fuse is to protect and is composed of an alloy which has a
low melting point. A strip of this fuse is placed in series with the circuit. The working
principle is that if the current is in excess then the strip would melt and break the circuit.
There are different variants of fuse boxes available with different types of circuit breaking.
For instance, in the case of slow blow fuses, a small overload is carried for some period
without the circuit been broken. Other fuse boxes are designed to break the circuit rapidly.
The selection is based upon the kind of device and also the fluctuation level of the current.

Figure 4.1 Fuse

Types The main components of a standard fuse unit consist of the following items:

• Metal fuse element

• Set of contacts
• Support body

The major two categories of fuses include:

• Low Voltage Fuses

• High Voltage Fuses

In order to understand Low voltage fuses better, we can further classify it further into:

• Semi Enclosed or Rewireable Type

32 | P a g e
• Totally enclosed or Cartridge Type

4.5.2 Rewirable fuse

This kind of fuse is most commonly used in the case of domestic wiring and small
scale usage. Another name for this type is the KIT-KAT type fuse. The main composition
is of a porcelain base which holds the wires. The fuse element is located inside a carrier
that is also made out of porcelain. It is possible for you to remove the fuse carrier without
any risk of electrical shock. Normally what happens is that when the fuse blows, you can
replace it without having to change the complete thing. The main metals or alloys used in
making fuse wire include lead, tinned copper, aluminum or tin lead alloy.

Figure 4.2 Rewirable fuse

4.5.3 Circuit breaker(mcb)

Overcurrent and overvoltage faults in power systems can inflict severe damage
upon electrical equipment unless the fault can be isolated quickly. In the general case of
faults of the overcurrent type, over-heating of equipment or damage due to electrodynamic
forces may occur.

In order to achieve the above aim in protecting electrical equipment it is necessary

to have some device or material which is capable of changing its electrical conductivity
from that of a good conductor to that of a good insulator in a very short time interval. It is
perhaps somewhat ironic that the electric arc, which appeared simply as a considerable
obstacle to circuit breaking in early power systems, is the one medium which can best

33 | P a g e
perform the duties outlined above, over the range of voltages and currents needed for
system protection.

To quote Joseph Slepian, a pioneer of circuit-interrupter development: "closer

scrutiny of the fundamentals involved shows that .... far from being all nuisance, the arc
plays a very necessary and useful role in circuit interruption and if the arc did not occur
spontaneously it would have been necessary to invent it or some more expensive and
equivalent device to take over its useful functions. Instead of being malicious, nature has
really been most kind and beneficent in thrusting upon us the electric arc for use in
interrupting high powered circuits”.

Figure 4.3 Miniature Circuit Breaker

Figure 4.4 Batch photo at 11 KV LV Circuit Breaker

34 | P a g e
4.5.4 Earthing
Provision of adequate earthing in a substation and switching stations are very
important for the safety of operating personnel as well a electrical devices do not rise above
tolerable thresholds and that the earth connection is rugged to dissipate the fault to the
earth. The importance of an effective, durable and a dependable earth for ensuring safety
from electrical hazards does not require to be elaborated upon more. By earthing,
connecting the electrical equipment to the general mass of the earth, this has a very low
resistance. Purpose of substation earthing system
The object of an earthing system in a substation is to provide under and around the
substation a surface that shall be at a uniform potential and near zero or absolute earth
potential as possible. The provision of such a surface of uniform potential under and around
the substation to ensure that no human being in the substation subject in shock of injury on
the occurrence of a short circuit or development of other abnormal conditions in the
equipment installed in the yard.
The primary requirements of a good earthing system in a substation are:
a. It is stabilize circuit potentials with respect to ground and limit the overall potential
b. It is protect life and property from over voltage.
c. It is provide low impedance path to fault currents to ensure prompt and consistent
operation of protective devices during ground faults.
d. It is keep the maximum voltage gradient along the surface inside and around the
substation within safe limits during ground fault.
Large power station : 0.5 ohms.
Major sub-station : 1.0 ohms.
Small sub-station : 2.0 ohms.
Distribution Transformer : 5.0 ohms
11KV Line : 10 ohms
33 KV Line : 15 ohms
M+3 Tower : 10 ohms

35 | P a g e
Earth Mat or Grid
The primary requirement of earthing is to have a very low earth resistance. If the
individual electrodes driven in the soil are measured it will have a fairly high resistance.
But if these individual electrodes area inter linked inside the soil, it increases the area in
constant with soil and creates a number or paralleled paths and hence the value of earth
resistance in the interlink state, which is called combined earth resistance, will be much
lower than the individual resistance.

Figure 4.5 Earthing Figure 4.6 CI Earth Pit

Earth Mat in a Sub-Station:
Earth Mat is connected to the Following in a Sub-Station:
· The neutral point of such system through its own independent earth.
· Equipment frame work and other non-current carrying parts of the electrical
equipments in the sub-station.
· All extraneous metallic frame work not associated with equipment.
· Handle of the operating pipe.
· Fence if it is within 2 m from earth mat.


Following are some of the rules formulated by the Government of India to ensure
safe Electric supply and safety of consumers. Here Rule no. 36 and 40 have been

36 | P a g e
mentioned. Based on these rules we surveyed various public places. After going through
our survey and images shown below, you will observe that these rules are not at all
36. Handling of electric supply lines and apparatus:
(1) Every person who is working on an electric supply line or apparatus or both shall be
provided with tools and devices such as gloves, rubber shoes, safety belts, ladders, earthing
devices, helmets, line testers, hand lines and the like for protecting him from mechanical
and electrical injury. Such tools and devices shall always be maintained in sound and
efficient working conditions.
(2) Every telecommunication line on supports carrying a high or extra-high voltage line
shall, for the purpose of working thereon, be deemed to be a high voltage line.
40. Street boxes:
(1) Street boxes shall not contain gas pipes, and precautions shall be taken to prevent, as
far as reasonably possible, any influx of water or gas.
(2) Where electric supply lines forming part of different systems pass through the same
street box, they shall be readily distinguishable from one another and all electric supply
lines at high or extra high. voltage in street boxes shall be adequately supported and
protected to as to prevent risk of damage to or danger from adjacent electric supply lines.
(3) All street boxes shall be regularly inspected for the purpose of detecting the presence
of gas and if any influx or accumulation is discovered, the owner shall give immediate
notice to any authority or company who have gas mains in the neighborhood of the street
box and in cases where a street box is large enough to admit the entrance of a person after
the electric supply lines or apparatus therein have been placed in position, ample provision
shall be made
(a) To ensure that any gas which may by accident have obtained access to the box shall
escape before a person is allowed to enter; and
(b) For the prevention of danger from sparking.
(4) The owners of all street boxes or pillars containing circuits or apparatus shall ensure
that their covers and doors are so provided that they can be opened only by means of a key
or a special appliance

37 | P a g e
The following images proving that these rules are not being obeyed are being displayed.

1.It is mentioned in the above rules that a person working on an electric supply lines
must be provided with tools and devices such as gloves, rubber shoes, safety belts, ladders,
earthing devices, helmets, line testers, hand lines and the like for protecting him from
mechanical and electrical injury. The image shows lack of all these safety gears with
electricians. The electrician is not even using a ladder.

Figure 4.7 Electrician without ladder

2. It displays the electricians without safety gears. The wires carried by them are
also in pathetic condition.

Figure 4.8 Electricians without safety gears

3. It shows a street box with no proper maintenance. The street box is covered
throughout by Advertisements due to which the danger symbols on the street box are not
visible. Also, this street box had been locked using a rope. However, the owners of all street

38 | P a g e
boxes or pillars containing circuits or apparatus must ensure that their covers and doors are
so provided that they can be opened only by means of a key or a special appliance.

Figure 4.9 Street box with no proper maintenance

Before starting work on a building, you need to consider:

• the type of powerlines near the proposed building or structure e.g. aerial,
underground, high or low voltage.
• the amount of swing or sag of overhead powerlines.
• the location of the building or structure in relation to the powerline – allow
enough space for a safe work environment, future structures or scaffolds, and trees.
Scaffolding is considered a structure. When designing a building you should allow
for the width of any scaffold you may need to erect. This is to ensure that the
scaffold can be positioned in a way that legal clearance distances are met.

39 | P a g e
4.7.1 Safe clearance distances

Minimum safe clearance distances between buildings or structures and powerlines

are set out in the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012. These distances are legal
requirements and must be maintained at all times.

If a fence, sign or notice is lower than 2 meters, it may be exempt from minimum
clearance distances. It must not restrict safe access to powerlines for repair and
maintenance. You may need to install gates to allow trucks to access the powerlines.
Always check with Electra Net when considering fencing near transmission lines.

Locating a swimming pool under any powerline is not recommended.

Figure 4.10 Typical power lines in built up areas

40 | P a g e

• Electrical safety is highly important.
• Ratio of fatalities to injuries is higher for electrical accidents compared to other
categories of injury
• Electricity constitutes a hidden danger which cannot be seen.
• Devastating accidents cause due to fire or electrocution.
• Hence, it should be used in construction industry with utmost care.


Electric facilities design must provide:

1.Protection against both direct and indirect contact.

2.Protection against thermal effects in normal service.

3.Protection against both over currents or under currents.

4.Protection against over voltage.

Protection can be effected by means of proper insulation, proper clearance, effective

earthing, sensitive relaying and judicious operation and maintenance.


All cabling and installation must comply with statutory rules and regulations.

Some of the statutory standards which cover the rules and regulations related to electrical
safety are:

1.Indian electricity Act ,1910.

2. Electricity (supply) Act ,1948.

3.Indian electricity Rules,1956.

41 | P a g e
4.National Electric code,1985.

Other relevant rules of generating and supply authorities.


1.BIS Formulated NEC.

2.It provides procedure and guidelines for selection of equipment to meet certain

3.According to Indian Electricity Rules, all installation work should be carried out in
accordance with the National Electrical Code and various codes of practices issued by the

4.The rules establish safety in an organization.


Confederation of Indian Industry has formulated 10 commandments for electrical safety.
They are:

1.Study the network carefully, and formulate the electric safety plan.

2.Check that your diagram book is up-to-date.

3. Do not assume anything related to the things related to network or safety.

4.Before carrying out any work, check with the control room for any last minute

5.Remember, live and dead bars look exactly alike.

6.Do not touch a conductor line unless it is earthed.

7.Do not earth a conductor line unless it is provided to be dead by live line detector or any
other suitable gadgets.

8.Have your own check points.

9.Plug all your feedback points; while working on bus keep it shortened and earthed with
shorting clips

42 | P a g e
10.Check and recheck any activity related to electricity.


1.Temporary electrical cables should be protected from damage by effectively covering.

2.Reinforcing steel bars or metallic parts of structure should not be used for supporting
electrical wires and cables, earthing etc.

3.Buried cables should be protected and de-energised before taking up any excavation

4.Power supply cables other than illumination should be switched off beyond the working

5.While working near circuits, safe distance should be maintained.

6.Before taking up any maintenance works, circuits should be de-energized.

Protection against direct and indirect contact with electricity should be provided by suitable
means such as:



3.Extra low voltage where ever possible isolation

5.Earthing of neutral

6.Earthing of normally dead parts

7.Isulation control devices

8.Isolated neutral

43 | P a g e
If anyone suffers an electric shock, the electricity source should be cut off
immediately. Only conduct the first-aid when the victim is in a safe place. Check the
victim’s breath and pulse. If the person is unconscious but is breathing normally, he or she
should be placed in a recovery position. If the victim is not breathing and has no pulse,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be conducted.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation:
Lift the jaw and tilt the head back to open the airway. Clear any obstacles.

Figure 5.1 Open the airway


• See : See if the chest rises and falls.
• Listen : Listen for breathing.
• Feel : Feel breathing on your cheek.

Figure 5.2 Check the breathe

44 | P a g e
Use your fingers to feel the pulse.

Figure 5.3 Check the pulse


If the casualty is unconscious but is breathing normally, place them in the recovery
position. (as shown in figure below)

Figure 5.4 Recovery position

If the person is not breathing, mouth-to mouth resuscitation should be used to help
the resumption of breathing.

Figure 5.5 Mouth to mouth expired air resuscitation

45 | P a g e
If the casualty has no pulse, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be carried out
(combining the expired air resuscitation and external chest compression)

Figure 5.6 External chest compression
For all premises apply on Factories and Industrial Undertaking Ordinance, the
treatment notice of persons receiving electric shock in Chinese and English shall be
displayed in all parts of the premises where electricity is generated, transformed, or used.
Kit components
Every employer employing not more than five workers in any one shift at a worksite
must provide and maintain a first aid station with a first aid kit containing as a minimum
• first aid manual
• 1 card of safety pins
• dressings consisting of:
➢ 12 adhesive dressings individually wrapped
➢ 4 sterile gauze pads, 3 inches square
➢ 2 rolls of gauze bandage, 2 inches wide
➢ 2 field dressings, 4 inches square, or 2 four-inch sterile bandage
➢ 1 triangular bandage.

46 | P a g e
Figure 5.7(a)

Figure 5.7(b)
Figure 5.7 (a) & (b) Group photo of batch at CPTI ,HYDERABAD

47 | P a g e

As far as we studied we understand that majority of electrical accidents arise as a

result of unawareness of workers and lack of knowledge. Proper training should be
provided for each worker. The accidents in railway and mining industries are also due to
above reasons. ESFI had provided different methods to avoid such accidents by providing
safety rules. Other organizations such as OSHA, NFPA provide guidance for those needing
information on maintenance requirements of electrical power system and components.

Through this report we would like to conclude saying that "WAKE UP

INDIA....JAAGO GRAHAK JAAGO"...follow the safety measures and take active
participation in complaining against the mishandling of electricity. Its never too
late........EACH ONE SAVE ONE......... also the government should consider this issue
a major one and do the needful.


48 | P a g e

1. Electrical Safety Hazards Handbook by Littel Fuse.

2. Electrical Safety Hazards Awareness by EFCOG
3. A Study on Electrical Accidents by IGLTET.
4. A Journal on Control Measures on Electrical Hazards.

49 | P a g e


Roll Number : 16K91A0267
Contact : 8686865535
E-Mail :
Date of Birth : 18-03-1999
Nationality : Indian
SSC Grade : 9.5
Intermediate percentage : 98.2%
B.Tech CGPA : 7.3
Mini Project Title : A Study On Electrical Accidents And Behavioural Safety
Name of Guide : Dr.S.Narasimha

Communication Address:
Town: Hyderabad District: Rangareddy

Permanent Address:
Town: Suryapet District: Suryapet



Father Name : B.SRINIVAS
Roll Number : 16K91A0251
Contact : 7997446335
E-Mail :
Date of Birth : 30-08-1998
Nationality : Indian
SSC Grade : 9.0
Intermediate percentage : 91.2%
B.Tech CGPA : 6.9
Mini Project Title : A Study On Electrical Accidents And Behavioural Safety
Name of Guide : Dr.S.Narasimha

Communication Address:
Town: Hyderabad District: Rangareddy

Permanent Address:
Town: Ponugodu District: Suryapet



Roll Number : 17K95A0226
Contact : 9966275281
E-Mail :
Date of Birth : 18-03-1999
Nationality : Indian
SSC Grade : 9.7
Diploma percentage : 89 %
B.Tech CGPA : 6.8
Mini Project Title : A Study On Electrical Accidents And Behavioural Safety
Name of Guide : Dr.S.Narasimha

Communication Address:
Town: Hyderabad District: Rangareddy

Permanent Address:
Town: Mahabubnagar District: Mahabubnagar


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