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Feature Stories Feature stories are stories of people, places and events. These stories highlight feclings and moods rather than basic facts. They are often biographical stories of some personalities. A feature story is a good way to tell others about something in detail. Local people enjoy learning about the lives of others through feature stories. We can tell stories about community people who are making a difference Characteristics of feature story > the news story stops after presenting the facts and ideas, but a feature story goes further in to depth about that information > it expose the background, birth and growth of ideas and events > it has appeal to the readers imagination > it is more personal with the reader > it can be written by first, second or third person > the writer has the freedom to write a feature story Considerations for writing the feature stories While writing the feature story in the journal, magazine etc., certain things has to be considered > subject must be news > it must be seasonable > subject shouldn't be prepared for the use of a small section of readers or farmers > there should be enough material > subject should be specific > Prepare a plan for writing a feature story after answering the following questions ¥ Which all journals and magazines available? v What the magazine want? ¥ What kind of readers? Instructions for writing feature stories vvvyvy vvvvyvy v voy v v v Contact the person who is the main character of the story Interview the person Prepare open ended questions before the interview If possible record the interview Maintain eye contact Review the answers after the interview Identify the main focus of the story that you are going to write Write an outline first Write the story Start with some interesting facts or events Give descriptions about the persons or events You can include direct codes of the person you interviewed Present information in an interesting way so that your audience keep reading Your conclusion should make some sort of impact on your readers You can put morals or important messages in conclusion Determine where to publish the article e.g. news papers, magazines etc Determine to whom (editor or reporter) to send the article Prepare the article in the format of that news paper or magazine

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