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Cellular phones

What are the effects of cellular phones on our lives?

The invention of the cell phone has forever changed our way of life, for better or worse.
Before the invention of even the standard non-portable phone, messages and
information would have to be conversed and sent only from the home, and not while on
the go. This was extremely inefficient especially if someone had urgent information. To
fix this problem the cell phone was invented. It allowed people to communicate with
friends and relatives while out and about. People immediately began purchasing and
using them. Since then over 5 billion phones have been bought and are in use (number
based on estimate of increase in previous year's sales). Because of the cell phone,
economies across the world have had a great new consumer product. Also employees of
some large companies and the government are given business smart phones to
communicate and work with. This allows for companies to more efficiently complete
tasks with others no matter the distance.
Yet sadly the cell phone has also cost millions of lives, especially with the addition of
texting. Many people will be watching their cell phones instead of the road while
driving and end up getting killed in an accident. Likewise others may walk straight into
streets and get run over. In fact 25% of all car crashes are caused by people paying
attention to their cell phones instead of the road. Yet overall cell phones are not the
cause of this, it is the people who make unintelligent choices. In the end, cell phones
have had both positive and negative affects on society.

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