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The history of the use of q-sorts in research is relatively new . It was developed in 1930’s by
a British physicist-psychologist William Stephenson . The idea behind the development of
this method was to inquire into the subjectivity of human mind. The examples of such
subjectivity are limitless and include aesthetic judgement ,appreciation of art ,preference for
music, and experiences of family after tragic events , and attitudes towards political groups.
These were difficult, if not possible, areas that could not be measured and reported
scientifically by the conventional quantitative methods available at that time .
Q Sorts are the powerful tools in which the participants are presented with card
arrangement . In this technique, participants are provided pre written cards with words
,phrases or statements,and are asked to arrange these cards in an order along with a specific bi
-polar dimension. There are approximately 60-100 such cards ,that can be sorted out in 9 -11
piles with few numbers of cards placed in each piles

 A data collection method in which participants sort statements into a number of
piles(usually 9 or 11) according to some bipolar dimension (eg ,most like me/least
like me:most useful/least useful) .
 It present participants with a set of cards on which statements are written .
Participants are asked to sort the cards along a specified dimension ,such as most
helpful/least helpful, never true/always true
1. Provides in depth study of small sample population
2. Facilitates exploratory research
3. A well developed theoretical literature supports and guides its usage
4. Through a persons self reference,it captures subjectively in operation
5. There is no need of the participants to be randomly selected
6. Internet facilitate its administration
7. Rather then superficial study of large number of cases,it concentrates on in-depth
analysis of small number of cases.
1. It takes much time and is an exhaustive procedure
2. It is not very cost effective
3. Only a small sample can be studied
4. Cannot be used to test hypothesis.
5. Population and sample is not rigidly distributed
 Q Sorts can be used in a variety of ways,depending on the interest of the
researchers.As one of the major variables in health science research is often the
subjective viewpoint of individuals ,Q -sorts can be perfect tool in a variety of
setting.With appriopriate modifications, the scope of the research can be explained to
answer many difficult issues. For example ,to analyse the nurse patient relationship in
greater depth ,data derived from the Q-sort can be used to categorise major models of
nurse patient relationship, to determine the physician qualities that are important for
the patients, and to identify the nurses attributes that are associated with poor
evaluation from patients .
 The Q – Sorts can also be applied before and after an intervention to evaluate the
effectiveness of intervention . For example , we can utilize the Q method to evaluate
weather the attitude and perceptions of nurses change following implementation of a
course on nurse patient relationship. Thus the Q methods has the potential to be used
in diverse situations depending upon yhe interest of researchers and the area of study.
In a Q-sort study participants are presented with a set of cards on which words
,statements, or other messages are written . Participants are asked to sort the cards
along a particular dimension ,such as approve/disapprove, most like me/least like
me ,or highest priority of /lost priority. The number of cards is typically between 60
and 100. Usually cards are sorted into 9 or 11 piles , with researchers designating the
number of cards to be placed in each pile . Subjects typically are asked to place fewer
cards at either of the two extremes and more cards toward the middle
Q sorts have many possible applications . Attitudes can be
studied by asking people to sort statements on a agree or disagree continuum.
Researchers can study personality by describing personality characterstics on the
cards eg, friendly, aggressive; people can then be requested to sort the cards on a
“very much like me” to “ not at all like me”continuum .Self concept can be explored
by comparing responses to this like me dimension with peoples responses is elicited
when the instructions are to sort cards according to what they consider ideal
personality traits.
Q-Sorts can be used to study individuals in depth. For example,
participants could be asked to sort traits as they apply to themselves in different roles,
such as employee, parent ,spouse , and friend. The technique can be used to gain
information about how individuals see themselves ,how the perceive others seeing
them ,how how they believe others would like them to be , and so forth. Other
applications include asking patients to rate nursing behaviours on a continuum of
most helpful to least helpful or asking cancer patients to rate aspects of their treatment
on a most distressing to least distressing dimension .
The number of cards in a Q sort varies , but is a best to use at least 50 because it is
difficult to achieve stable and reliable results with a smaller number . On the other
hand, the task is tedious and difficult with more than 100 cards.
Q Sorts have sometimes been used by qualitative researchers(Brown ,1996),but more
often are analysed statistically. The statistical analysis of Q-sorts is somewhat
controversial matter.Options range from the most elementary ,descriptive statistical
procedures, such as rank ordering ,averages , and percentages , to highly complex
procedures , such as factor analysis . Factor analysis is the procedure designed to
revel the underlying dimensions or common elements in a set of items.
Some researchers insist that factor analysis is essential in the analysis of Q-Sort data.
Specific computer software(Q- Method) has been designed for analysing Q-Sort
data(Brown 1996). Q-Sorts can be constructed by researchers and tailored to the
needs of specific studies, but there are also existing Q-Sorts. The advantages of using
a previously developed Q-Sort are that it is time saving , provides opportunities for
comparisons with other studies ,and usually includes established informations about
data quality

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