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Transport Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers
Development and evaluation of an Paper 1600003
Received 30/12/2015 Accepted 19/04/2017
integrated transportation system: a case
Keywords: developing countries/sustainability/transport planning
study of Delhi
Chalumuri, Nath and Errampalli
ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Development and evaluation of an integrated

transportation system: a case study of Delhi
1 Ravi Sekhar Chalumuri ME, PhD, CEng &
3 Madhu Errampalli MTech, PhD, CEng
Principal Scientist, Transportation Planning Division, CSIR-Central Principal Scientist and Head, Transportation Planning Division,
Road Research Institute, New Delhi, India (corresponding author: CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi, India
2 Rejitha Nath MTech, CEng
Former AcSIR Master’s student, CSIR-Central Road Research Institute,
New Delhi, India

1 2 3

The city of Delhi, India is experiencing rapid urban growth, which is causing a number of transport-related issues such
as congestion, low service levels and pollution. The lack of efficient public transportation is compelling commuters to
shift their travel modes to private and intermediate transport, resulting in unbalanced modal splits. Using the macro-
simulation software Visum, a sequential four-stage travel demand model was developed based on a total of 7098
individual questionnaire responses collected in Delhi. The base year traffic flows for private and public transport trips
were estimated through the developed travel demand model and validated with field data. To encourage transport
sustainability, multi-modal integration of Delhi’s metro rail systems with feeder modes and park-and-ride facilities
was performed and their benefits at the network level were evaluated. The results indicated an increase in metro rail
ridership after devising multi-modal integration. The aim of this work is ultimately to encourage modal shift from
private cars to public transport.

Notation issues such as congestion, low service levels, pollution and dis-
a, b, c calibration parameters calculated in Visum proportionate modal splits. The inability of public transpor-
ai mode-specific constant tation systems efficiently to meet the rise in travel demands has
a0, a1,…,ak coefficients in trip generation model compelled commuters to shift their means of travel to private
bK kth parameter modes and paratransit (a transportation service that sup-
n number of modes plements larger public transit systems by providing individua-
P(i) probability of mode i being chosen lised rides over short distances without fixed routes or
Uij generalised cost of travel (distance or time) from timetables) (Orski, 1975; Verma and Dhingra, 2005). It is
zone i to zone j therefore of the utmost importance to strengthen public trans-
Uj utility of mode j port systems and introduce sustainable solutions to these trans-
V number of model variables portation problems.
Xik kth model variable for mode i
x1 total population According to the 2011 census, about 97·5% of the population
x2 number of households of Delhi lives in urban areas, with the remaining 2·5% living in
x3 number of literates rural areas, making it one of the most urbanised states in India
x4 number of workers (RGI, 2011). Public transport systems in Delhi have not been
x5 total household income able to meet the consistent and rapid increase in demand over
Y trips produced or attracted in a zone the past few decades. Bus service levels in particular have
become worse and their relative productivity has further
1. Introduction depleted, compelling passengers to use personalised modes
Transport problems in India are becoming more complex with and paratransit to complete their journeys.
the growth in population and urban areas. As cities grow, they
tend to have varied and complex travel functions, resulting in Integrated public transport systems involve the combination of
traffic bottlenecks. The city of Delhi is experiencing rapid two or more modes and are widely recognised as a major con-
urban growth, resulting in a number of transport-related tributor to improving public transport operations (Ibrahim,

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Transport Development and evaluation of an
integrated transportation system: a case
study of Delhi
Chalumuri, Nath and Errampalli

2003). The objective of such integrated systems is to provide the NCT of Delhi to encompass towns from neighbouring
travellers with seamless transport opportunities with multiple states. Delhi encompasses three municipal corporations – the
destination choices through a convenient, accessible, safe and Municipal Corporation of Delhi, comprising 272 municipal
affordable public transport system (Luk and Olszewski, 2003; wards, and the Delhi Municipal Council and the Delhi
Ülengin et al., 2007). These systems allow various modes of Cantonment Board, which constitute the remaining 88 wards
transport to complement each other and not compete with (GNCTD, 2015). The present study considered a total of 360
each other. Thus, to contain the explosion of personal vehicle traffic analysis zones belonging to the administrative jurisdic-
movement on the roads of Delhi, the development of inte- tion of Delhi, along with eight external zones surrounding the
grated transport has been identified as a solution. city in order to study external trip trends (Figure 1).

The main objective of this study was to develop and evaluate Public transport modes in Delhi are a strong lifeline to cater to
an integrated public transport system for Delhi. Two main the mobility needs of the mass population. The main public
multi-modal integration techniques were considered to comp- transit facilities available in the region are bus and metro rail.
lement the Delhi metro rail system with additional modes to Delhi metro is emerging as an important means of transpor-
address the lack of last-mile connectivity. These were the inte- tation in the city. It is the thirteenth largest metro system in the
gration of metro systems with (a) feeder modes and (b) park- world in terms of length, consisting of six lines with a total
and-ride (P&R) facilities. A four-stage travel demand model length of 189·63 km and 143 metro stations (GNCTD, 2015).
was initially developed to estimate the base-year (2013) travel Apart from the metro, buses continue to contribute signifi-
demand and the model was validated on statistical grounds. cantly to mass transport in Delhi. Auto-rickshaws and cycle
The alternatives for integration were then assessed and their rickshaws act as paratransit modes and play a huge role in
benefits at the network level were evaluated. commuting people over shorter distances. However, the last
two decades have witnessed a phenomenal increase in the
growth of vehicles and traffic in Delhi. The city is home to
2. Study area and data collection
more than 7% of the total vehicular population in the country,
2.1 Study area and travel characteristics with around 7·45 million registered vehicles in 2012 – a
Delhi, officially known as the National Capital Territory number that is expected to double by 2021. Nearly 1000 more
(NCT) of Delhi, had a population of about 16·8 million in motor vehicles are registered on a daily basis (GNCTD, 2015).
2011 (RGI, 2011), making it the second most populous metro- Rapid growth in trips from external towns has also added to
politan city in India. Urban growth has expanded beyond the existing flow of traffic within Delhi.

Major roads

Traffic analysis zones



0 4 8 12 km

Figure 1. Traffic analysis zones and road network in Delhi

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Transport Development and evaluation of an
integrated transportation system: a case
study of Delhi
Chalumuri, Nath and Errampalli

2.2 Travel data collection private vehicle transportation, with approximately 21%
Travel data were collected through a pre-designed question- choosing to travel by car, 15% by two-wheelers and 12% by
naire. An extensive household travel survey was carried out by bus. The majority (28%) of households fell into the income
researchers from the CSIR-Central Road Research Institute in category 20 000–30 000 Indian Rupees (INR) per month
December 2013 to retrieve travel information in Delhi (CSIR- (≈£250–350/month). The data also revealed that families
CRRI, 2016). In the first stage of sampling, blocks or clusters with household incomes of less than 30 000 INR/month typi-
of colonies were recognised, while particular households were cally used two-wheelers, cycles and walking as their modes
identified in the second stage. Individual responses were col- of travel.
lected through personalised interviews to avoid bias in the
data. The collected raw data were pre-processed and incom- In addition, it was found from the analysis that 73% of
plete responses were eliminated. A pruned data sample of 7098 trips were for work purposes. Single-vehicle ownership was
individual responses was ultimately considered for model notably high (61%), but 19% of households reported
development. no vehicle ownership, implying that they are completely
dependent on public transportation or walking (Figure 2).
As shown in Table 1, the travel behaviour questionnaire The mode choice data revealed a 32% share for cars, a 25%
comprised four sections – household information, personal share for two-wheelers, a 25% share for bus, 4% for metro, 2%
information, trip information and vehicle information. The for auto-rickshaw, 1% for cycling and 11% for walking
household and personal information were used to characterise (Figure 3).
the socio-demographic attributes of the travellers.
4. Development of travel demand model
3. Travel behaviour characteristics Travel demand modelling is an essential tool that involves the
Analysis of the household travel behaviour data revealed prediction of travel decisions that people are likely to make
that the largest commuter share was from people in the age given the generalised travel cost of each travel alternative
group 31–50 years. Commuters in this age group preferred (McNally, 2007). To implement the four-stage model

Table 1. Parameters considered for household survey

Information category Details

Household information Household size, income, number of workers, number of literates and so on
Personal information Age, gender, qualifications, occupation and so on
Trip information Origin–destination data, start and end time, access and egress time, frequency of trips, preferred mode of trip,
cost of travel and so on
Vehicle information Vehicle ownership, types of vehicles

No vehicles

One vehicle
Four vehicles 61%

Three vehicles

Two vehicles

Figure 2. Percentage distribution of number of vehicles in households

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Transport Development and evaluation of an
integrated transportation system: a case
study of Delhi
Chalumuri, Nath and Errampalli

Car-pool 2%

Drive-alone car 30%

Walk 11%
Two-wheeler 25%
Metro 4%

Bus 25%

Auto-rickshaw 2%
Cycle 1%

Figure 3. Observed mode choices

comprising trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice and functional relation of the trip generation model considered in
traffic assignment for the road network in Delhi, the macro- this study
scopic simulation software Visum (PTV, 2011) was used.
1: Y ¼ a0 þ a1 x1 þ a2 x2 þ a3 x3 þ a4 x4 þ a5 x5
The transportation planning and macro-simulation software
Visum enables traffic modelling according to a four-stage in which Y is the number of trips originating or ending in
approach (Häll, 2006). It is a powerful geographic information a zone, x1 is total population, x2 is the number of households,
system (GIS)-enabled tool for private and public traffic ana- x3 is the number of literates, x4 is the number of workers,
lyses, forecasts and GIS-based data management. In this study, x5 is the total household income and a0, a1,…,ak are model
a traditional four-stage travel demand model was developed, coefficients
which consists of a number of mathematical models and algor-
ithms performing the volume computation process. The main Trip generation equations for productions and attractions for
inputs considered in the model development were the study different modes and trip purposes (namely home-based work,
road network and travel characteristics. Secondary network home-based education and home-based other) were developed
data including roadways (links, turns and intersections) and and R 2 values were estimated. The R 2 values (0·955) indicated
metro rail were digitised in the ArcGIS platform (Esri, 2011; that the developed model can explain 95·5% of the variation
Google Corporation, 2013). The development of the four-stage and hence the developed trip generation model can predict
travel demand model is covered in the following sections. with reasonable accuracy.

4.1 Trip generation

Trip generation establishes a relationship between trips pro-
4.2 Trip distribution
duced from and attracted to, between a given set of influencing
Trip distribution was performed in Visum using the most
parameters of zones. The dependent variables in trip gener-
widely used ‘Gravity’ model. Skim matrices were obtained
ation modelling are trip productions and attractions, respect-
based on the shortest path between all origin–destination (OD)
ively starting from and ending in a particular zone. The
pairs. The deterrence function (or the function for spatial
explanatory variables for the current analysis considered were
separation between origin and destination) could be distance,
total population, number of households, number of workers,
travel time or travel cost, and is computed using
number of literates and total household income. All the
independent variables were observed to have a significant
2: FðUij Þ ¼ a  Uijb  eðcUij Þ
correlation with the trips generated. This indicated that all the
selected model parameters influenced trip making. Multiple
linear regression analysis was conducted to determine the func- where Uij is the generalised cost of travel (distance or time)
tional relationship between trip and influencing parameters from zone i to zone j and a, b and c are calibration parameters
separately for each trip purpose. Equation 1 represents the calculated in Visum.

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Transport Development and evaluation of an
integrated transportation system: a case
study of Delhi
Chalumuri, Nath and Errampalli

The calibration of coefficients of trip distribution obtained 4.4 Traffic assignment

from Visum were a = 0·65, b = 0·00 and c = −0·11. The OD The traffic assignment model was developed in Visum using
matrices for distributed trips were calculated based on these the modal OD trip matrices obtained from the previous stage
calibrated values from the Gravity model and were used in of modal split. For private transport assignments, the user
further stages of the travel demand model. The estimated travel equilibrium method was considered. Public transport modes
distance was validated statistically by considering a chi-square were assigned based on an all-or-nothing assignment wherein
test. The chi-square value was estimated to be 34·48 by consid- the passenger chooses the shortest (hence fastest) route in the
ering the observed and estimated frequency of trips. The criti- network without any impedance caused by public transport
cal value of chi-square at the 1% level of significance is 37·56. line routes or timetables. The traffic assignments were carried
From this it can be concluded that there was insignificant out in Visum for the base year and the link flow on each road
variation between observed and estimated trip lengths. link was obtained as the output in terms of vehicle volume per
day for private transport and passenger volume per day for
public transport, as shown in Figure 4.
4.3 Mode choice
How commuters choose their mode of travel plays a key role Metro assignment was carried out using timetable-based
in public transport policymaking. Mode choice analysis con- assignment wherein trips run on a scheduled run time and stop
siders the choice-making behaviour of commuters. Evaluation time. Arrival and departure times, run times and stop times of
of the modal split of different available modes of travel was metro lines were obtained (DMRC, 2015) to input in Visum
carried out using a multinomial logit model. The logit model for macro-simulation. Figure 5 shows the timetable-based
is represented by Equations 3 and 4. assignment performed for metro trips in terms of passengers/d.
At the network level, the total daily metro ridership was found
3: PðiÞ ¼ Pn to be 2·65 million passengers, with an average metro passenger
j¼1 eUj speed of 27·86 km/h.

where P(i) is the probability of mode i being chosen, Uj is the 5. Evaluation of integrated
utility of mode j, n is the number of modes. Utility of mode i, transport systems
Ui, is given by An integrated multi-modal system ensures a higher quality of
services and cost savings for passengers (Fierek and Zak, 2012).
V This section describes the execution and analysis of integrating
4: Ui ¼ ai þ bK  Xki the metro with other modes. Three scenarios at the network
K¼1 level were considered and evaluation of these scenarios was
based on application of the four-stage transport model designed
where ai is a mode-specific constant, bK is the kth parameter, and simulated in Visum. The scenarios considered were
Xik is the kth model variable for mode i and V is the number of
model variables. & the base case: existing transportation systems
& case 1: integration of the metro with a feeder mode
In the present study, eight travel modes were observed and con- & case 2: P&R as an additional mode.
sidered for mode choice analysis. These modes were drive-alone
car, car-pool, two-wheeler, cycle, auto-rickshaw, bus, metro and 5.1 Integration of the metro with a feeder mode
walk. The development of the mode choice model in Visum The influence of paratransit as a feeder mode for mass transit
requires an individual demand stratum for individual transport systems has gained much significance in recent times, especially
modes in a skim matrix, which takes more computational time. in developing countries (Tangphaisankun et al., 2010). These
To overcome this, the Limdep econometric software N-logit services play an important role in the ridership of such mass
(version 5) (Greene, 2012) was used for model building and to transit systems as the Delhi metro. The feeder modes in Delhi
obtain the required mode-wise utility parameters. act as access and egress modes to serve the last-mile connectivity
issues in public transportation (Gupta and Agarwal, 2008). To
A total of 7098 household samples were analysed. The analysis enable integration in the present study, an attempt was made to
revealed that in-vehicle travel time (IVTT) and travel cost were introduce a combination of metro and feeder modes. In this
the most influential parameters that affect the selection of a study, the feeder mode was considered as a metro bus driving to
particular travel mode. The mode choices were then estimated and from a metro stop. Thus, the metro and feeder combination
as 31% modal share of drive-alone cars, 24% of two-wheelers, acts as the ninth mode choice in the analysis. The following
25% of buses and 3·2% by metro. Based on these results assumptions were made in view of this approach.
of modal split between different modes of transport, mode-
specific OD matrices were prepared. These OD matrices were & Feeder transit modes are available at a radius of 500 m
then used in the traffic assignment process. from the metro station.

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Transport Development and evaluation of an
integrated transportation system: a case
study of Delhi
Chalumuri, Nath and Errampalli

Volume private transport:

vehicles (AP)

37 500 75 000 150 000

Volume public transport:
passengers (AP)
5000 10 000 20 000

Road links


0 3 6 9 km

Figure 4. Traffic flow assignment obtained for private and public trips for base year. AP, analysis period

Jahangir Puri

Dilshad Garden
Mundka Kashmere Gate

Rajiv Chowk

Volume: passengers/d (AP)

50 000 100 000

Noida City Centre 0 25 000

Stop points
Passengers boarding (AP)
≤ 10 000
Dwarka Sector 21 ≤ 20 000
≤ 30 000
> 30 000

Badarpur Border

Huda City Centre
0 2 4 6 km

Figure 5. Metro trip assignment for base year 2013. AP, analysis period

& Feeder services operate for a maximum distance of 6 km The existing mode choice was revised using three influential
from the metro station. input variables, namely the IVTT, out-of-vehicle travel time
& Zones falling under a 6 km radius from each metro station (OVTT) and metro travel cost. The utility coefficients corre-
are only considered for integration. sponding to these variables were used further to perform a

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Transport Development and evaluation of an
integrated transportation system: a case
study of Delhi
Chalumuri, Nath and Errampalli

sensitivity analysis with the provision of an additional feeder from 27·35 km/h to 28·48 km/h. Similarly, it increased from
mode. In addition, the following scenario was considered: if a 26·25 km/h to 27·04 km/h on the Yellow line.
passenger uses the metro and feeder combined trip, the IVTT
is bound to increase while the OVTT (access and egress times)
5.2 Integration of the metro with P&R facilities
is intended to decrease due to better connectivity. The trip
This part of the analysis aimed to study the enhancement of
cost is also expected to rise due to the extra mode and the
metro ridership by the provision of P&R facilities for a selected
increase in IVTT. It was thus assumed that the IVTT would
set of zones in Delhi. P&R schemes are car/bike/cycle parks
increase by 25% (a quarter of the total trip time), the OVTT
with public transport connections that allow commuters to
would decrease by 25% (a quarter of the total trip time) and
park their vehicle and transfer to a public transport system
the cost would increase by 33% (a third of the total trip cost)
(bus, metro or commuter rail) for the remainder of the journey.
compared with the base case. Figure 6 shows the modal split
The provision of P&R sites allows travellers from outer urban
obtained after introduction of the feeder mode. It can be seen
areas to reach destinations easily. P&R sites also help commu-
that the modal split for metro increased from 3·2% in the exist-
ters avoid the inconvenience of driving on congested roads and
ing case to 11·4% in case 1, implying that around 8·2% of pas-
searching for scarce, expensive city-centre parking. By assisting
sengers would shift to metro if feeder connectivity were
and encouraging the use of public transport, they therefore
help reduce congestion on urban roads (Manns, 2010; Szarata,
2005). P&R schemes can thus substantially affect travel pat-
The integrated metro system with a feeder mode was evaluated
terns and should be considered in demand models. The model-
at the network level and an overall comparison between cases
ling of a P&R scheme was performed in Visum by
was made, as discussed in the next section.

& defining P&R as an additional mode in Visum

5.1.1 Evaluation of integration of the metro with & defining P&R sites in Visum
feeder mode at the network level & determining the (dis)utility for the P&R mode by splitting
Based on the parameters generated in Visum, a comprehensive P&R trips into private transport and public transport legs.
comparison of cases was carried out. Table 2 shows an evalu-
ation of the metro system by means of ridership change due Use of the P&R mode was distributed among all demand
to the introduction of a feeder mode. The overall metro rider- strata (namely home-based work, home-based education and
ship was found to increase from 2·65 million passengers to home-based other). To represent travel costs more realistically,
8·1 million passengers. This increase in metro ridership would parking charges for P&R trips were taken into account at
result in a noticeable decrease in the shares of the major various decrements when calculating its disutility. This helped
private modes. At the network level, there was a drop of 6·2% in estimating the different levels of modal shift at each decre-
in private mode trips after integration of the metro with a ment of parking charges.
feeder mode. Table 2 also shows that these changes in modal
split have a positive impact on average passenger speeds. The Adding a P&R mode to the mode choice operation requires
average passenger speed on the Blue line was found to increase calculation of the corresponding disutility. For an OD relation,

Car-pool 2%
Drive-alone car 27%

Walk 12%
Two-wheeler 22%

Metro 11%

Bus 24%
Auto-rickshaw 1%

Cycle 1%

Figure 6. Modal split obtained after the introduction of feeder mode scenario

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Transport Development and evaluation of an
integrated transportation system: a case
study of Delhi
Chalumuri, Nath and Errampalli

Table 2. Evaluation of metro ridership change with introduction of a feeder mode

Base case With feeder mode

Average passenger Average passenger

Metro line Passenger-h Passenger-km speed: km/h Passenger-h Passenger-km speed: km/h

Blue 25 210 689 744 27·4 88 590 2 423 755 28·5

Green 14 249 362 701 25·5 49 981 1 272 245 25·5
Orange 3130 170 336 54·4 11 028 599 756 54·4
Red 17 747 494 082 27·8 62 247 1 732 973 27·8
Violet 13 704 388 212 28·3 48 024 1 360 230 28·3
Yellow 35 876 941 935 26·3 125 994 3 307 426 27·0

this value is composed of two parts – namely the (dis)utility of with the provision of P&R facilities with parking charges of 5
travelling by vehicle car from the origin to the P&R site and and 10 INR/h as compared with the existing scenario. The
the (dis)utility of travelling by public transport from the P&R average passenger speed was also found to increase, from
site to the destination. To determine the (dis)utility for P&R, 27·86 km/h in the base case to 29·05 km/h after introducing
the variables for private and public transport were added as P&R at 5 INR/h and 28·69 km/h at 10 INR/h.
6. Conclusions
& IVTT = IVTT of private vehicle + IVTT of metro Four-stage travel demand modelling expresses the transpor-
& OVTT = waiting time at stops + transfer time at stops (no tation needs of passengers from origins to destinations. In this
access and egress times) study, transport models were developed as an efficient tool to
& Travel cost = car travel cost + metro travel cost + parking predict travel patterns within Delhi city by simulating the real-
charges. world scenario as accurately as possible. The major inferences
drawn from an analysis of household survey data indicated
It was assumed that the private trip distances would not that the largest share of commuters came from those aged
exceed 1 km. Hence, taking into account vehicle operating between 31 and 50 years, who largely chose private cars as
costs, the car travel cost was estimated to be 10 INR. In the their mode of transport. Single-vehicle ownership was notably
NCT of Delhi, car parks have been provided at 95 metro high (61%), while 19% of households reported no vehicle own-
stations to facilitate commuters parking two-wheeled and/or ership, implying that these households are wholly dependent
four-wheeled vehicles and then continuing their journey using on public transport or walking.
the metro. The parking charges range from 20 INR/h to
40 INR/h for time limits of 0–6 h to 6–12 h, but can be more This paper further outlined the development of integrated
for different private modes. Taking this into account, the transport systems as travel demand models using macro-
modal shifts of passengers were evaluated for the reduced simulation. Analysing the trip profiles of private and public
parking charges of 5 and 10 INR/h for the same time limits. It modes to identify the probability of modal shift from private
was found that the modal split for the metro increased from vehicles to the metro helped to gain understanding of the
3·2% in the existing case to 16·4% in case 2 with parking potential benefits that could be obtained through the provision
charges fixed at 5 INR/h; this represents an increase of 13·17% of an integrated transport system. A comparative evaluation of
in metro share (Figure 7(a)). Similarly, the modal split for the performances of the existing transportation system against
metro increased to 8·6% for parking charges fixed at two scenarios for integrated transportation systems was also
10 INR/h, an increase of 5·3% in metro share (Figure 7(b)). presented. This analysis revealed that the introduction of
This implies that more passengers could be attracted to use the feeder modes and P&R facilities as separate variances of mode
metro if parking charges were reduced. choice would increase the metro share from 3·2% in the exist-
ing scenario to a maximum share of 16·4%. A quantitative
5.2.1 Evaluation of integration of the metro with P&R comparison of P&R alternatives indicated that providing such
at the network level facilities with parking charges of 5 INR/h (as compared with
During the simulation in Visum, between all zonal centroids 10 INR/h or higher) would yield the maximum benefits at the
and P&R sites, the shortest route for each OD relation was network level of integration.
determined. The weighting factors for private and public trans-
port (namely IVTT, OVTT and mode-specific penalties The major output of this study is a methodological analysis
(i.e. parking charges)) allowed determination of the best P&R to develop and execute transport modelling and network
routes and the corresponding modal shift. Table 3 shows a integration using the macro-simulation software Visum. The
considerable increase in the number of people taking the metro method considers the construction of a set of parameters

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Transport Development and evaluation of an
integrated transportation system: a case
study of Delhi
Chalumuri, Nath and Errampalli

Car-pool 2%
Drive-alone car, 27%

Walk 11%
Two-wheeler 21%

Metro 16%

Bus 22%

Auto-rickshaw 1%

Car-pool 2%
Drive-alone car, 29%

Two-wheeler 23%

Walk 12%

Metro 9%

Bus 24%

Auto-rickshaw 1%


Figure 7. Modal split after the introduction of P&R mode for parking charges of (a) 5 INR/h and (b) 10 INR/h

Table 3. Evaluation of total metro ridership after introducing P&R

Base case With P&R

Average Parking Average

passenger charge: passenger Number of
Passenger-h Passenger-km speed: km/h INR/h Passenger-h Passenger-km speed: km/h passengers

18 325 510 563 27·9 5 92 561 2 688 807 29·1 10 180 914
10 48 652 1 396 279 28·7 7 615 829

that can be applied in evaluating an integrated network and Beyond the reported results, this study also highlighted the
examines its efficiency in terms of passenger benefits. From essential need for data and variables, both in supply and
a practical point of view, the aim of the method is to demand, in order to predict travel patterns and to design effi-
establish opportunities for better connectivity to public cient transportation systems. Although the model results are
transport systems (the metro in this case study) and encoura- satisfactory, further refinement of the model could not only
ging passengers to shift from private modes to public bring more agreeable results but could also lead to the recog-
transport. nition and avoidance of conventional ambiguities in travel

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Transport Development and evaluation of an
integrated transportation system: a case
study of Delhi
Chalumuri, Nath and Errampalli

demand modelling. To this end, the sample size could be Google Corporation, Mountain View, CA, USA. See http://earth.
further increased and an adequate number of uniformly dis- (accessed 02/01/2015).
Greene WH (2012) Econometric Analysis, NLOGIT Version 5, Reference
tributed samples throughout the study area would help in
Guide, 5th edn. Prentice Hall, Plainview, NY, USA.
further improvement of the model. However, despite Gupta S and Agarwal M (2008) Role of cycle rickshaws as a potential
deficiencies in the data, the integral variables used for the feeder mode to Delhi metro. Proceedings of the 23rd ARRB
development of this model were successful in explaining Conference ARRB08 Collaborate: Research – Partnering with
its characteristics and validity. In addition, further study could Practitioners, Adelaide, Australia.
Häll CH (2006) A Framework for Evaluation and Design of an Integrated
be attempted to evaluate the benefits of the integration of
Public Transport System. Doctoral thesis, Linköping University,
transportation system by considering both macroscopic and Linköping, Sweden.
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