Alcaide, Nicolei Chico, Kyle Dallarte, Craig Labangco JR., Teo Ethics in Practice Managing Impressions

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Alcaide, Nicolei

Chico, Kyle

Dallarte, Craig

Labangco Jr., Teo

Ethics in Practice Managing Impressions

1. Do you think “managing impressions” is ethical for political candidates?

Impression management is a common practice that politicians do for the sake of
positive image towards their target audience. For me, this is an unethical act wherein
this political people hide their true identity to deceive others. Hiding one’s identity is
equivalent of lying and this will backfire in the long run. Once a politician distorts their
true selves they must carry that responsibility along the way, however, looking back to
the history, many fails to maintain that personality because their only purpose is to
persuade people that they are good and leave an impression that they can be the
person best fit in a particular position. Many people are hoping for change, trough
impression management by the politicians, this hope that will immediately fade. Also, if
a person is really interested and giving his full heart into public service then he must
then immerse himself to people doing his good deeds even before he run in becoming a
public official
On the other hand, impression management may be unethical, but it also has a
positive impact to people. If they make a particular impression to the voters and created
a particular identity, this will catalyze them to conform to that personality. If we they
positive impression, then they put themselves under pressure that they have to be the
way they are initially perceived. Through this, the act of lying politician’s identity can
actually bring him into a beautiful process of metamorphosis. However, they should still
put in mind that many fails to adapt to its own known identity that may be the reason to
collapse of that impression by others.

Critical Thinking: Candidate Tsongas

1. What do you think of Tsongas’s makeover? The glasses? The voice lessons? What
difference does it make if a candidate has a “funny” voice? What qualities are important
in a president? How does presidential image matter?
Tsongas's makeover was good for his image helping him boost his approval
ratings, though he might have built a good image for himself in the eyes of the others, it
is still not right to change who you are. Managing impressions is somehow like another
way to say lying, though it might be his own will but impressions as we know it can be
easily being manipulated and in a way this manipulation of impression can somehow
turn into manipulation of people. In the real world being a candidate in an election you
should be well spoken and mindful of what you are saying, but having a "funny" voice
for us should not be a hindrance to degrade someone of his will to his credibility to run
for a certain position. Someone’s voice does not change the fact that that individual
could lead us with proper authority. In line with this, having a funny voice is not the
main criteria or it does not give us the right to judge someone. For instance, if the
candidate for president is responsible and gets what the people wants and needs, and
could lead the country or the organization to a better place these very traits or qualities
is something we should look for a president. Not his language or voice but the extent of
his own personality and morality should be the focus on finding or searching for the
eight candidate for president. Being a president you should be an example to your
constituents and as a leader you should lead by example, which shows a person
following the norms and ethics of the world.

2. On MTV’s campaign coverage, young people were asked their impressions of Tsongas.
One responded, “Uh, uh, old.” What difference does age make?
For us, age is not essential in order to be in the Politics. Some people assumed
that older people have a chance to diagnosed or prone to disease like heart disease,
cancer, Alzheimer’s, etc. So general, they based on the age and popularity of the
candidate which is very wrong. We think that the important thing is We should not
assess them by their age. The really matter is their policies and strategies for governing,
he/she shows to the people that he/she mentally and physically enough and have a
competence to be a president. In addition, we should focus on physical and mental
functioning of the candidate instead of age because age is just a number. It is parts of
our lives and connects them in our future but it does not cause them.

3. What is someone weighed around 300 pounds. Could he be elected today? Why or why
not? Is this good or bad?
Yes, in our opinion we think that someone who weighed around 300 pounds can
still be elected today. Physical appearances don’t have anything to do in being a good
president. Being a president of a country means that you have a good resume such as a
good educational background and political experiences. Being a good president also
means that you have a strong vision for the country's future and have an effective
communication skill. Someone who weighs around 300 pounds might have a better
resume and qualities to most of the President today that's why he can easily beat all of
them. We think that it is good because despite of being big or your physical appearances
is not normal doesn't stop you for achieving success and doing what you are good at.
Physical appearance should not overlook one’s abilities to lead it should also not be a
hindrance for the candidates de be degraded.

4. Could Apolinario Mabini – with his looks and mannerisms – be elected if he ran for
president in a television dominated society? Why or why not?
Apolinario Mabini is a hero we know as “Dakilang Lumpo” that pertaining that he
has done a lot of heroic things for the country despite he is a crippled man. However, in
the current world where in we are in a television dominated society, we don’t think that
he will win as a president. People will tend to perceive that becoming crippled man will
hinder him to become a great public servant. Politicians today use a lot of advertising
propagandas and having connections with television networks to promote themselves.
If people typically see the daily struggles by Mabini and its difficulty to do tasks as a
president, then this will result into an idea that he may not do his job to the greatest
extent. Just like Miriam Defensor, a senator who is beyond credible in becoming a
president, a person having an enormous number of credentials, and a popular woman
known to his intellect and humor loses a presidential position. She fails to become a
president because her health is already at risk and might not be able to perform well.
This impression lingers to the people and discredited her for her capabilities. Just like
Mabini, despite him having the most needed capabilities if he is not able to do tasks well
then people will tend not to vote him.

5. What do you think about judging your classmates’ abilities based on the way they
present themselves?
For us judging someone merely based on the way they present themselves is not
a good way of judging someone. An individual’s abilities cannot be measured by just
looking at how one presents himself/herself, but by getting to know them personally
and emotionally. Though how someone presents himself may be an underlying factor to
one’s abilities it is still unethical for someone to judge them without an effort to know
them as a person. Being judged by someone is inevitable though we do not agree about
these actions but making a first impression judgement is one thing that we always do in
our lives, though we may not have a clear basis of what we think we still go with it for
these judgements reflects our own personal life. People judge someone based on
someone’s appearance simply because it is the first thing that is visible to us. But is our
judgements always right? Are we certain of the things we are judging about someone?
The answer is simply no. there is one saying that goes, “don’t judge the book by its
cover” we can apply that statement in these scenario because the best way to know
one’s abilities is to know them personally.

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