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I will probably still be

myself, just older ( about 40

years of age), and
(hopefully) a little wiser.

Right now i think that the

most probable future for me
is one where i have a job in
some form of urban
planning. From my various
internships i know that i
don’t really like to get hung
up in all sorts of regulations
and laws. I like coming up
I would like to stay in the with new ideas and/ or
netherlands, and preferably in maniging project a lot more,
Groningen. This is mainly because so i would like to be doing
i like it here (i grew up here) and something in that vane.
the Netherlands is one of the
best organised counties.

This is meant as an “out of the box” idea,

this is very much not my preferred future.

Even though this

“exothic future” is
not very realistic, it is
fun te “dream” of
what could be.

This could also mean i get to fly in space,

Urban planning on the Moon or on Mars.
however, if you can also “work from home”
than i’d like that better. (less risk involved)

Another interest of mine is “regenerative

agriculture”. This system of producing food is
(almost) climate proof, carbon negative and
(i believe) necessary for feeding the growing
world population. Currently i don’t have plans Made by:
to do something with this topic that has Gert-Jan Wit (373495
intreged me recently, but i felt like sharing this.
April 2nd, 2020

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